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THE VOICE OF THE VINTAGE CAR—NOVEMBER 2023 A Newsletter from the Bay of Plenty Vintage Car Club for Classic Vehicle Enthusiasts.


- Swap Meet 5th November

- New Members “Meet & Greet” Evening

- 11th Annual Rotorua Lakefront Car Show

- Racing Tauranga 150 Years Celebration

- Some of our BOP VCC Members in Years

gone by! A very young-looking Donn White at Wings and Wheels Whenuapai 1985


Editor—Bryce Strong. PLEASE -All emails to: WEB SITE:

And both BOPVCC & NZVCC are on Facebook.



This chairman’s chatter includes part of what I read out at the Special General Meeting, after being elected as your new chairman. Firstly, I would like to say that the committee is back up and running again as it was before all these problems presented themselves. We have had our first committee meeting, and all went well (see te Committee meeting blog) in this issue of the Klaxon

Notes from the Special General Meeting Tonight, you have elected me as your chairman and although it is not a role that I sought, I along, with Don’s help, will do the best that I can. We have booked to go to the South Island mid -January, so Don will take over while we are away. So, who am I? I was born in 1945 and raised in Palmerston North, left school at 16 and did a building apprenticeship. My passion in my teenage years was motor bikes and I rode in what we called scrambles, or today known as motor cross. At age 24 I married Jill and went into the Fire Service, reaching the rank of senior fireman – driver. Unfortunately, after only 8 years was medi-

cally retired with heart problems, which still exists today. But life has been good, and we live in the best country in the world I won’t go into what we have done since leaving the fire service and shifting to The Mount / Tauranga - just to say that it has been many and varied things. In the last 10 years I have restored

7 barn-find motor bikes. However, when it comes to talking to you about the intricacies of cars I will smile and nod and hopefully you will think that I know what you are talking about! Now I must also point out that Jill will take over from Keith as Treasurer [Keith has done the job impeccably for the last 14 years, and we owe him a huge thank you at the end of his term at the next AGM] So, it would not be appropriate for me to remain as Chairman, which would mean that the club would have two key roles in one family. Therefore, all members must look for someone to take my place, preferably having spent some of this year on the committee.

So lastly, I must again thank the committee for their steadfastness in resolving a difficult problem. Put the 10th of December aside for the clubs Christmas lunch. A booking has been made with an outside caterer for this event. The day will also include the restoration judging and awards.

Lastly a thank you to the guys who have been painting windows etc at the clubrooms Regards Chairman John 2

Upcoming Events Calendar, November - December NOVEMBER 3 – 4 – Northland Branch – ‘Far North Tour’ 4 – VCC Waikato Branch – Veteran Run 4 – VCC BOP – Swap Meet Working Bee – Organisers – Bruce Tait/BOP Committee

4 – BOP Racing Club 150 Year Celebrations – BOP VCC Contact – Donn White 5 – BOP VCC ANNUAL SWAP MEET & CAR SHOW – Organiser Bruce Tait 9 – New Members ‘Meet & Greet’ Evening 13 – 10am – ‘Café Cliff’ 13 – Club Night- Speakers – Trevor & Raewyn Hughes – ‘Living the Dream ‘ 18 – Waikato Swap Meet 20 – 10am – ‘Café Cliff’

26 – End of Month Run – Organiser – Donn White – ‘Off to the Waikato’ 27 – 10am ‘Café Cliff’ 27 – Committee Meeting 28 – Nog & Natter – Tauranga Citz Club DECEMBER 1 – Annual Toy Run – Contact – Donn White 7 – Ladies Christmas Luncheon – (note change of date) Organiser – Kaaren Smylie 10 – Club Christmas Party 11 – 10am – ‘Café Cliff’ 11 – Club Night & Restoration Award 13 – Annual Christmas Retirement Run organisers– Brian Pratt/Kaaren Smylie 15 – Christmas Pot-luck Dinner & Meeting- Committee Members & Other Elected Officers & Partners – Organiser – Kaaren Smylie PLEASE NOTE - EVENTS LISTED MAY OCCASIONALLY BE CANCELLED oR POSTPONED DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND THE COMMITTEE’S CONTROL


BOP VCC working Bee

Date Saturday the 4th November

8:30 am At the club rooms Please bring gardening tools, weeding tools, buckets and equipment to clean windows, outside brooms to clean exterior of the building Hedge trimmers, spades, rakes. Someone with a weed eater to tidy up the grass edges etc Morning tea will be provided, tea, coffee, scones and biscuits. 4


SWAP MEET 2023 VOLUTEERS INFORMATION For all those who have volunteered for the 2023 Swap meet on the 5 th No-

vember here is all the info for you Please come to the club rooms after 7.15am to collect your Hi Viz jacket ( this is a must for Health and Safety regulations) and your volunteer badges (to be worn at all times during the event) Some members will be there early to park those coming to set up stalls for their buy sell and exchange tables ( these members have been contacted for this job)

The parts shed will be open from 7am Members who are bringing your cars you need to be in the gate and parked up NO LATER THAN 7.45am Please come in the club entrance gate and you will be parked by the parking attendants The club does have some but if you have your own that would be a help.

WHAT IS AVALIABLE We will have the sausage barbecue on again. Local coffee vendor coming for you so you can indulge in your favourite coffee.

Kitchen will be open for Sandwiches, bread rolls, Savouries, cakes and biscuits Tea and coffee. We will have a great raffle running.

The kids cars will also be running so bring the Children and Grand Children Inside the club rooms an area for kids to sit down and do some colouring in or some drawings


WANTED FOR THE SWAP MEET KITCHEN Again we asking from the members for their kind donation of food items for the kitchen to sell on our Swap Meet day. Items that would be appreciated are—

Cakes, biscuits, slices, savouries, and sandwiches. Please label all your containers and or plates if you want them back Also I am still in need of volunteers for the kitchen starting from 8am

Especially someone who is good with handling money. Please ring ot txt Jill on 027 552 4201. ————————————————————————————————————

NOTE: If you have any questions relating to the Swap Meet please contact the Organiser, Bruce Tait directly on 07 570 3480, or if it is to do with the kitchen, please give Jill Whitcombe a shout on 027 552 4201


INVITATION to - New Members “Meet & Greet” Evening If you have joined the BOP VCC Branch in the past two years, Chairman John Whitcombe and the committee would like to invite you to come along to our branch New Members evening.

DATE – Thursday 9th NOVEMBER (note the new date) TIME – 7pm – 8.30pm

VENUE – The BOP VCC Clubrooms INVITED GUESTS – BOP VCC Members, and Partners that have joined in the past two years, and the Committee members. REFRESHMENTS & NIBBLES – A glass of wine, beer, or fruit juice, will be served upon arrival. At the conclusion of the “Meet & Greet”, tea & coffee, and a light supper will be provided.


RRSVP – 6th November to Kaaren. Email – Phone – 021 66 43 41 or 07 576 4180 We are looking forward to seeing you all there! 8

End of Month Run - Sunday November 27th, 2023 Run Coordinator - Donn White Please read these notes carefully - this Run is a little different. The starting venue will be from the TOP CARPARK AT FRASER COVE SHOPPING CENTRE. There are two reasons for this - firstly the very disruptive roadworks taking place in the Tauranga CBD and secondly the Run Coordinator is duplicating a Run that he organised for The Tauranga

Mini Owners Club just one week earlier which always starts from that venue. Consequently new route instructions for VCCBOP people will not be needed. Assembly time - 8.15am Departure Time - 8.30am This Run will take in historic hillclimb venues in the South Waikato region plus some great Targa Rally Special Stage roads. All are sealed with great scenery. We will travel via the Okoroire/ Putaruru regions and end up with a smoko and toilet break on the shores of Lake Karapiro before driving on to the Ross Bros. Museum in Cambridge. After looking at a magnificent array of vehicles which are often rotated for display purposes we will then drive on to the Historic Okoroire Hotel for a quality buffet lunch - no later than 1.00pm arrival. After that people can drive back home at their own pace. What you need to bring. Morning Tea and Picnic Chairs. $5.00 per head for the Ross Bros. Museum entry $32.50 per head for the quality Buffet Lunch - this includes all you can eat plus desert!

A full tank of gas - return trip mileage around 235 kms all up Please txt Donn White on 0274 764465 as he needs to advise the Museum and the Pub regarding numbers. Looking forward to seeing you all on our last decent Run for 2023 Donn


A REPORT FROM A WISCONSIN STATE TROOPER, MARCH 2023 The following experience just cements my distaste for EVs, especially Teslas.

I got sent to a motorist assist the other day, at the start of our snowstorm. Tesla on the side of the interstate, dead battery. So, I arrive on scene and the occupants have the right-front door open. They tell me that they can't open any other doors, because the battery is dead. Sure enough. Can't open the doors from inside or outside. The driver also can't get her license out of the glove box where she put it during their trip. Because the glovebox opens electronically... and the battery is dead. You actually have to use the computer in the center of the dash to open the glovebox.

They said they had 10% battery left, should've been plenty to get from that location to the charging station nearby. Then all of a sudden, the whole car shut off and they coasted to the shoulder. So now I have to find them a tow. No one wants to tow EVs. Finally found one company to do it. 8-mile trip to the charging station in Tomah. $1,000! Normal vehicle on the flatbed would've been $150. So now we're at the Tesla superchargers. Guess what. Can't open the f'n charging port because the battery is dead!!! The ports open, you guessed it, electronically!!! . And we also can't open the doors now (had to close the one open door when it was loaded onto the wrecker). The owner's manual is in the on-board computer, but the battery is dead. I got the occupants to a store where they'd be warm while calling the rental company to figure out how to charge this POS, so I'm not sure of the outcome. I had to leave for a crash report. EVs may be the way, someday, but certainly not today!! I'll stick with my dinosaur burner. Sent in by Peter Butler— thanks Peter!



Racing Tauranga 150 Years Celebration - Sat 04 November. Its going to be a big day for Racing Tauranga as they have lots planned as well as the horse racing, and your vintage cars/ minis The events planned include Kids entertainment with Circus in a Flash Live Music Fashion competitions Market stalls Pony Races and competitions And so on and so on Free entry to the course Race start time around midday (yet to be confirmed) Finish around 5pm We would ask VCC Members and their cars to arrive around 11:00am, as that is when other people start to arrive. Please bring your Grandchildren as there is going to be plenty to amuse them! Note that entry is free, and all people with a classic or vintage car in the display will have access to food and drink vouchers. Parking for BOP VCC and Mini Club members is on the lawn reserved beside the main grand stand. (See photo). There's an excellent view to be had from there. Our Members involved with the Swap Meet and Car Show clean up at the clubrooms will have to start work there and finish on the early side. We usually seem to be done and dusted with that job by around 11.00ish anyway. Please text Donn White on 0274 764465 of your attendance so as we can have an idea of numbers. X marks the spot (attached map) where we would like you based, not only a great view of the track, but very visual for everyone when they arrive


Mid Month Lunch Run - Wednesday 11th of October to Otanewainuku Wednesday 11th at 9.30am and we had 12 cars assembled with owners happily chatting away awaiting instructions and departure time. Numbers were a bit on the low side I thought, considering it was a fine day with the promise of a lovely run in the countryside. Organizers George and Lynn Howard duly handed out instruction sheets, which detailed our route and contained 12 items to look out for along the way. This added a little bit of extra interest and competitiveness to the drive. We headed off and the route took us along Devonport Rd, Fraser St (a bit of publicity) 15th Ave and the roundabouts at Maungatapu and Welcome Bay where we (Staffords) made a mistake going straight ahead instead of turning left and right onto Ohauiti Rd. Realizing our mistake and having some local knowledge we turned up Poike Rd and then on to Ohauiti Rd, Oropi Rd, Mountain Rd. Along Mountain Rd we came to our morning tea destination the Otanewainuku Scenic Reserve where we settled down in our chairs and had a nice break and catch up with some of our fellow members. Presently George gave us a bit of detail regarding Otanewainuku Reserve. The reserve covers 1220 hectares of virgin native bush rising to 640 metres above sea level and providing fantastic panoramic views over a vast area of the country. The reserve itself sits around the 400 metre mark and has several walking tracks starting there. The forest is a fantastic preserve of native

trees and bird life, Kiwi included, a great place to come back to and explore when more time is available. From there it was a lovely downhill trip through the forest, with a little bit of good gravel road, to our Te Puke lunch stop at a lovely rustic café in Commerce Lane called “The Daily Charitable

Trust” where all the profit goes into providing school lunches for local schools. There we thoroughly enjoyed good food, great company and a lovely, relaxed atmosphere. Plus, the Stafford’s had the satisfaction of providing all the correct answers. Hooray. For all the entrants it was a most enjoyable day out, vintage motoring, great company, good food

and a well organized run by George and Lynn Howard in providing us with an interesting informative great day out. Many thanks George and Lynn. David and Val Stafford, designated Run Reporter. Thanks for the report guys!




These photos are from the Wednesday 11th of October run

to Otanewainuku and then on to Te Puke for lunch The run was organised by George Howard.


The Annual Christmas Luncheon is to be held at the Club Rooms on

SUNDAY 10TH DECEMBER Can arrive from 11.30 am. Meal starts at 12.30pm

We will be having a catered 2 course meal followed by light entertainment and the Restoration Awards The club will be subsidizing this meal to all members coming to the meal

BYO drinks Children under 12 free Menu

Roast pork, roast beef and fillet of salmon Baby potatoes, Pumpkin Bake with cinnamon,

Green medley of beans, Broccoli, Courgettes with bacon Tossed green salad, Roast vegie salad, Prawn and Avocado salad

Dessert Fresh berry platter, Mini Christmas Puds with Brandy sauce, Mini pavs, Brandy snaps.

The price is $30.00 per person RSVP to by the 1st DECEMBER Please note very important NO BOOKINGS after the 1st December this is the cut off date because we are having the meal catered. You may go on a wait list in case of

any cancellations Payment to the BOP Vintage Car Club Account Number 03 0435 0492753 00

On the bank slip your Name and the Reference “Christmas luncheon” For any enquiries phone. Phone John or Jill on 027 552 4201.


RESTORATION AWARDS 2023 For those who have a vehicle that they wish to enter into the restoration awards for 2023 please bring your vehicle to the Club rooms from 12 noon onwards to be judged. This will be held in conjunction with the Christmas Luncheon on the 10th December. All makes of vehicles welcome to enter. Presentation of the restoration of the year will be made at the conclusion of the Christmas Luncheon at 3.30pm Please contact Ron Elton for further information Phone 07 579 9621

Raewyn and Trevor Hughes being thanked for organising the Daffodil Day activities by Club Captain Kaaren Smylie, at the October Club Night


HAMURANA SRINGS LUNCH RUN I can’t say the day started off all that well, as many Kiwis felt slightly jilted, watching the final of the World Cup Rugby and the decision that was made by Wayne Barnes to issue Sam Cane a red card, and then trying to deal with the aftermath of the TMO’s decision…. enough said huh. On a lighter note, we had a ‘great muster’ of our members, (especially new members) arrive at the clubrooms after the conclusion of the rugby to do the planned Lunch Run, and Walk, at Hamurana Springs in Rotorua. An excellent little jaunt that was organised by Brian Pratt, and enjoyed and appreciated by all, thanks Brian. One of the highlights of the day was the great lunch that was served up by the ladies at the Golf Club. Their service was so efficient, and the cuisine was excellent I would encourage members to go back there again on another Run in the future! The girls in the kitchen are out to please, and the bonus of the afternoon was, we were entertained by live music. Before departing Rotorua for home, several members made a visit to the ‘Rotorua Settlers and Steam Museum’. The highlight of this Museum is they have eight working stationary steam engines powered by steam from a woodfired 8hp boiler. KAAREN SMYLIE


Unconfirmed COMMITTEE MEETING BLOG FOR THE MEETING ON THE 10 TH OCTOBER 2023 Chairman welcome all the committee back again and looked forward to us having a productive few month ‘s ahead. Thanks, and recognition to Ron Elton for Chairing the SGM and to Deidre for being the secretary both did a great job. Jill Whitcombe was Acting Secretary for this meeting as Michael our regular secretary was away. There was no inwards and outwards correspondence for this month with Michael being away Treasurer’s report Keith ran through his report and most items on the report were running on budget Westpac term deposit was turned over for another 12 months @ 5.95% September statement of capital Cheque account $9805.14 Hall Account $2655.48 Building fund WPC $139,653.24 Building Fund Heartland $144.857.69 Klaxon advertising accounts for the next 12 months have been sent out. We have one advertiser withdraw from advertising in the Klaxon. It was reported that between the 65th and the North Shore Tour Dinner’s that we made quite a contribution to the club funds Club Captains report Kaaren presents her report with the following 1 Suggestion for a New Members Meet and Greet, all agreed Kaaren to action this. 2 Hanarama Springs end Month Run Brian reported all organised and underway 3 Toy Run Donn gave run down on this more info to come 4 Retirement Village run. Still a work in progress members will be informed via the Klaxon and The Buzz later 5 Ladies Christmas run more to come on this. Swap Meet Jill informed the committee that all in hand. Signs now been given out posters distributed to members, Donn doing an article for the Sun Media and Bruce Tait organising a photo shoot with the paper at the club rooms. List of volunteers collected at the last meeting. Matters arising and General Business As there was a lot to discuss re matter arising form the last minutes it was put into and agenda format and each item dealt with. This is a list of what was discussed/actions taken. Kitchen and Sanitation supplies Jill to be purchase when it is needed Look for another venue for the Christmas luncheon, as the original venue had been cancelled by the previous Chairman; two suggestions - go out to restaurant, or get caterers. Jill already had two suggestions for outdoor caterers. Brian would like us to look at other types of dining. Jill and Brian to action researching both their options and presenting to the committee via emails, for approval. Purchase of new batteries for the defibrillator, Brian and Keith to action this. Sound system and use of the projector, Keith to look into this and report back next meeting Setting up a tech team to use the sound system and the projector especially through a laptop for meetings and Movie nights. Discussion on minutes going into the Klaxon decided that a smaller version be sent to the Klaxon each month to keep members up to date with committee matters.

Meeting finished at 8.50pm 18



BOP RADIATOR SPECIALISTS LIMITED Contact—Julian Parbery Telephone—07 573 9109 Fax—07 5738915 259 Jellicoe Street, Te Puke, 3119, Bay of Plenty Email—

Cleaning with out chemicals or abrasives, it is eco friendly and cost effective way compared to other methods such as media blasting or paint stripping.

It can remove light rust off delicate car/engine parts. It will easily clean a metal head gasket— previously impossible with conventional cleaning methods.

Benefits are - no harsh chemicals, no

abrasives, no expensive set up cost (as with media blasting), no loud noises during the process, no hazards as with high pressure equipment, very precise cleaning and no clean up cost! This cleaning can be done in your garage if re19


Some of our BOPVCC Members in Years Gone - by Donn White Bert Dove in his Triumph TR3A - Baypark 1993

Donn White - Wings and Wheels Whenuapai 1985

Roly Levis (former Patron BOPVCC) - on right of photo. Pukekohe 1969

Bob Hyslop gassing up his Mazda RX2 Athenree Forest 1983

Maurice O'Reilly working on his Ralt RT4 - Tauranga 1994



SUMMIT TYRE SERVICES LTD Come to 200 Waihi Road next to the BP Summit Talk to TONCI BARCOT about tire's. We provide a fast friendly service at a very competitive price. We supply and provide Tires, new & old, Wheel Balancing,

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We extend a warm welcome to the following new Members— Nick and Stephanie Flegg


376, Kauri Point Road, Katikati, 3170, PO Box 126, Katikati Nick and Stephanie have -

Phone – 07 549 328

1948 Bristol 400 2 Door Coupe 1948 Bristol 400 2 Door Coupe 1950 Bristol 401 2 door coupe 1953 Bristol 403 2 Door Coupe

If you would like to obtain a BOP VCC name badge, please contact our retary Michael Thorman on 07 5444291 Regretfully we have had the following recent resignations from the club:28632

Merv Hazelton


Pauline Hazelton


Roderick Galbraith


Patricia Galbraith

The reason for resignation is the increase in the subscription cost






CLASSIC TYRES For all your tyre needs

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ANYTHING THAT NEEDS COOLING Call in for an obligation free quote 86B BIRCH AVENUE, TGA Ph: 07 5779883

PANEL BEATERS Bob Hyslop Proprietor ——————————————● QUALITY WORKMANSHIP

● ALL REPAIRS ● COMPETITIVE PRICES 74 Courtney Road Tauranga

Phone 07 578 2654 28

BOP VCC—Operational Information

The Club Rooms are 29 Cliff Road. P O Box 660, Tauranga, 3144. Key contacts are: Chairman– John Whitcombe 027 552 4203 Email: Secretary– Michael Thorman 07 5444291 Email: Club Captain Kaaren Smylie 07 576 4180 Email: Monthly events— Club night (except January) - 2nd Monday, start time 7.30pm

Mid week run —

Wednesday following the club night

End of the month run —

Held on the last Sunday of the month.

Committee Meeting —

Last Monday of the month

Noggin ‘n’ Natter —

4th Tuesday at 6pm

Location Sequence of Noggin ‘n’ Natter 1, Tauranga- Tauranga Citizens Club, Cameron Road. Contact is Kaaren Smylie phone 021 664341 or 07 576 4180 2. Papamoa/Te Puke– The Pap Tavern phone 020 4042 7624.

Contact is - Lynn Howard. Phone 020 4042 7624 3. Tauranga- Tauranga Citizens Club, Cameron Road. 4. Katikati- Forta Leza Café, SH 2, Katikati. Contact is Marion Hall phone 07 548 2383 If your birthday falls in this month please remember it is your turn to provide a plate for supper. Thanks to last months birthday people for their food. Please remember to wear your name badges to all events. BADGES ARE FREE TO NEW MEMBERS if they need one.

LIBRARY HOURS— The library is open on club nights from 7pm. Members are welcome to call in to search for or return books. We are accepting good clean car service manuals or books that relate to automobile history or travel for our club library

PARTS SHED—Clean out your sheds and bring those surplus parts down. They may be just what someone else needs Parts shed open most Monday morning. Contacts are Jack 07 5766346 or Colin 027 2629161





027 552 4203



0274 764465



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KLAXON EMAIL: CLUB WEBSITE: SECRETARY EMAIL: FACEBOOK bay of plenty vintage car club (Public page)


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