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April 2024


Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—5:00pm

We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.

3 CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Cover Photo Graeme and his Baby Branch stalwart Graeme Sword and his 1914 Triumph Junior have done hundreds if not thousands of miles together. Seen here on the Brooklands to Brighton Run Photo Shane Whitaker Chairman’s Report 6 Secretary’s Report 8 Club Captain’s Report 9 Veteran Report 10/11/14 Commercial Report 16 Vintage Report 17 OCBC Report 20/21 Swap meet Report 22 9-90s Report 23/24 Exec. Meeting Summary 26/27 Motorcycle Report 28/29 Jim Toohey Run Report 30/31 VOG Report 36 New Members 40 The Mart 41/42 Officers and Reps 44/45 Copy for the May Hub closes on Wednesday 27th April 20 Nicholas Drive, Linwood 027 848 7775 Or preferably email The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club. CONTENTS

Canterbury Branch Activities and Events


Thurs 4th Noggin and Natter

Sun 7th P Rally / Grounds Maintenance

Wed 10th 9-90s / Motorcycle Noggin

Sat 13th Scooter Run

Tues 16th Grounds Maintenance

Wed 17th Commercial Noggin

Sun 21st Autumn Run / OCBC

Wed 24th North Canterbury Noggin

Thurs 25th Malvern ANZAC Run



Thurs 2nd Noggin and Natter

Sun 5th Grounds Maintenance

Wed 8th 9-90s / Motorcycle Noggin

Sat 11th Rural Run

Wed 15th Commercial Noggin

Sun 19th Ross Butler Grasskhana / OCBC

Tues 21st Grounds Maintenance

Wed 22nd North Canterbury Noggin

Fri 31-Sun 2nd Irishman Creek Rally

Sun 2nd Grounds Maintenance

Thurs 6th Noggin and Natter

Sun 9th Restoration of the Year

Wed 12th 9-90s, Motorcycle AGM

Sun 16th Branch AGM and OCBC

Tues 18th Grounds maintenance

Wed 19th Commercial Noggin

Wed 26th North Canterbury Noggin For

latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.

Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme

Noggin Night

1st Thursday of the month


1st Wednesday after noggin

Motorcycle Noggin

2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin

3rd Wednesday of the month

North Canterbury Noggin 4th Wednesday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee

3rd Sunday of the month

Grounds Maintenance Morning

1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month

Parts Department

Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9-12pm

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.
Refer Pages 44 and 45 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators


Well another busy month has gone by, with plenty to occupy the weekends.

The weather played its part in making the first Brooklands to Brighton run a success, it was very pleasing to see the number of 100 year old cars turning out, many of which I don’t remember seeing for a long time, if ever. Motorcycles were also well represented, which had a lot of interest from the public while on display at Brighton, and even more so observing the process of starting and getting under way to head home.

The club executive meeting was once again hosted by our branch in March, with many favourable comments from those visiting from other branches on our facilities, the organisation of the weekend, and of course the catering provided. Many thanks to Rod Thrower for overseeing the arrangements, and also to all of the branch members who assisted with getting the visiting delegates to where they needed to be, and keeping them fed and watered. It was something of a busy weekend, with the Jim Toohey rally also on the same weekend, and good attendance at OCBC on Sunday along with the Rover club national rally vehicles on display.

The Annual Commercial Rally was an enjoyable day out in fine weather, unfortunately some of the usual entrants weren’t in attendance as once again the Scenicland rally was held the same weekend, so we’ll have to look at moving this earlier in the year as it has previously been to avoid this in the future. The branch International truck performing well, other than enjoying its day out so much it didn’t want to go home again, and it turns out that just following along behind the car in front is an effective strategy for getting the timed section right!

A summary of the executive meeting from the national president is elsewhere in this issue of The Hub, which summarises the presentations and main topics discussed at the meeting. At the meeting the offer from our branch to host the 2025 South Island Easter rally was approved, so a subcommittee will be assembled to


look after organising this event, if you think you may be able to help with this, details will be forthcoming in the near future.

Although the days are getting a bit shorter, and the first frost on the windscreen for the year has already appeared, there’s still plenty coming up on the calendar to get a bit more use out of the latest WOF on your vehicle.

Looking forward to seeing you out and about.

At the March Noggin, a presentation was made to Liz Parris and Amanda Franklin who have retired after many years of outstanding service in the kitchen during noggin nights.

Chairman Neil welcomes everybody to the National Executive meeting


This year Neil and Katryna represented the Branch at the National Executive Meeting held again at our Branch Grounds.

Neil as delegate will cover this further in his report I’m sure and a brief summary of the meeting should be included in this month’s Hub.

I would like to thank Gay Goodman, Marlene Muller, Colin Rae and all others who helped in the Kitchen during the weekend.

Wayne Stocks , Michelle Little and John and Debbie Enright for preparing breakfast on Sunday Morning. Henry Little for helping me with the Mini Buses and those who came when needed for all those unforeseen events that seem to crop up. A very successful event again. Thank you all.

Regards Rod


The Branch extends its sympathy to Barry and Pauline Croucher and family on the passing of their beloved son Richard Croucher at the age of 46 years. He has been described by his friends as a lovely young man.

Grounds Maintenance Group

Remember: First Sunday and third Tuesday mornings. All VERY welcome.



Well it is starting to feel very autumnal. I was driving out to the Executive meeting and the snow was very low on those mountains! It did bring a beautiful day for Cantabrians and those who were visiting us though.

Executive meeting was interesting for me and I got a lot out of it. Learning the rules and regulations of how a meeting is run. Who can speak and who can’t. (Hmm that was difficult for me, as you can imagine, not to speak).

I made some new friends from around the country and some decisions were made to help the club move forward into the future. Henry has been busy making up a Tail End Charlie - Kit. This kit will be available to members who are doing the job at rallies. The kit will contain a tow rope, extra petrol etc.

Thanks Henry, I am sure this will be appreciated if someone breaks down.

The Irishman Creek Rally is coming up and this year I am going to attend the coveted “boy’s only trip” according to my father, brother, husband and nephews! Whilst I am unable to stay with them, I am allowed to share in the fun things I hear about this trip. So look out everyone I am doing a Girls Roady!

Keep safe, travel well and enjoy the coming months events.



Well, the Brooklands to Brighton Run happened as planned on Saturday 2nd March, and what a great event it turned out to be. It sort of developed a momentum of its own leading up to the weekend, as the Christchurch Star contacted me after I sent an item drafted to go in the Pegasus Post. Their editorial staff decided it was worthy of an item of its own in The Star newspaper the Thursday before the event, and made a full-page article of it, featuring George and Sue Lee’s 1904 Alldays and Onions which was the oldest vehicle entered for the event. They also gave us a very cut rate space for a half- page colour advertisement to go into the Pegasus Post, so by the time the day of the run came along, it was widely publicised. This was great, as it meant that a large number of people were out along the route to watch the run go past, and many people came to the finish point in the New Brighton shopping precinct car park to see the the cars and bikes on display after the run.

The run itself was open to all vehicles 100 years or more old, so anything that was 1924 or earlier was eligible. We ended up with 43 registered entrants (34 cars, one truck, and 8 motorcycles –two of which had side-chairs) and two more arrivals on the day which we could easily accommodate.

left hand turns or roundabouts, so there was seldom a need to stop along the way. People were out waving along the route, including a large number through the Preston’s subdivision after one of the residents there had got busy on their neighbourhood Facebook page a few days earlier. There were also some of our other club members in later cars who came to have a look as the cars and bikes went past. The weather too was playing its part –the sun was out by then and even New Brighton’s infamous easterly wind seemed very supressed.

Nearly everyone completed the longer run of 30km, which took everyone all the way along Marine Parade to the end of Rocking Horse Road before returning to the New Brighton precinct about an hour out from the start at Brooklands. An area of the car park had been set aside for us by the business association, and once everyone was parked, people filled the area.

Those on the run had a great chance to catch up with each other, and best of all see a number of cars and bikes and some owners that hadn’t been out on a run for years. There was even one car (a 1912 American Austin) that was on its very first VCC run ever after a restoration/recommissioning project that its owner Kelvin Finlay has meticulously undertaken over the last few years. With its unusual body styling and massive V12 engine, this was one car that attracted a lot of attention. There were many other beautiful cars and bikes from Model T Fords, to Rolls Royce’s, to the pretty yellow Aldays and Onions mentioned above, and some truly gorgeous veteran motorcycles that attracted many onlookers when they were started and run.

Rob and Eileen Worsfold. Two of our best event supporters for many years.

Most people on the run had a wander around what is left of the old New Brighton shopping mall, and had lunch with their cars or bikes, or made use of the nearby cafés. At 1.30pm we had a simple and short prizegiving, awarding a prize for People’s Choice to George and Sue Lee’s Aldays and Onions, and another for the young driver/oldest vehicle combination which went to John Foster (Photo) who rode a 1911 Humber motorcycle.

There were only two vehicles that didn t complete the full run under their own power – a 1913 BSA motorcycle ridden by Jason Roberts which developed an unfixable puncture on the way to the start at Brooklands, and a newly purchased 1914 Model T Ford roadster owned by Rod and Anne Corbett which wasn’t road legal yet and was bought to the start of the run on a trailer and unloaded at the finish to go on display.

In conclusion, a very good event which was enjoyed by those on the run and members of the public alike. One thing that was requested by everyone present was that the run becomes an annual event, so we’ll hold that time slot again for forward years and hopefully watch it grow in popularity – not only with the owners of eligible vehicles, but also with the public who hopefully will turn out again next year to see an even wider variety of vehicles. The best thing is that as the years progress, so will the numbers of vehicles that will tick over the 100-year milestone and be eligible to take part. So, if you own a club eligible vehicle that’s 1925 or earlier, you now have 11 months to get it ready!

There are numerous photos from the run on the club website now, and also a very good video that was uploaded to Youtube by the Christchurch Star, which can be found at:

Colin (Photos: Shane Whitaker)
This photo collage by Brodie Williams Joe Grose’s 1919 Nash breakdown truck. (No customers) Old bikes—old bikers. Tom and Jenny Stephens. Ford Model T. Graeme Shaskey 1920 Essex 4 (Front) Neil Shaskey 1920 Essex 4 (Behind)

The Rear Wheel Brake Rally

The other event of interest to our approximately 100-year-orolder vehicles was the Rear Wheel Brake Rally, which was held on Sunday 10th March. This attracted 17 entries – a good mixture of veterans and early vintage vehicles. The run started at our very own Cutler Park on a warm and sunny morning, and skirted the Templeton and Hornby areas before heading from Yaldhurst through to the Canterbury Park Agricultural Showgrounds. There, the Twin Rivers Motoring Extravaganza was in full swing, and the cars and one bike were lined up in a prominent position with around 750 other classic and collectible vehicles on display to a large and appreciative public audience. This was a huge event, and there were some fabulous vehicles on display. There wasn’t really enough time to have a good look at everything! One thing that stood out was just how many vehicles there are out there that are club eligible yet the owners probably don’t know that they are VCC eligible and can join in on our activities. As everyone was leaving, one of the organisers from the Avonhead. Rotary approached me and said how much he appreciated us being there, which was very nice. Perhaps next year we should consider having a special VCC display covering a good selection of all our club-eligible vehicles as a promotion for our club, and make the Rear Wheel Brake Rally a standalone event as it was in the past?

A big thanks to everyone that took part in these two events and made them so successful – it is a pleasure organising these events and seeing those who take part enjoying their day out, and seeing their vehicles being appreciated and in use and out on the road too.


Malvern Anzac Day Rally – Thursday 25th


Coming up in April we have our Annual Malvern Anzac Day Run on Anzac Day, Thursday 25th April. As mentioned last month, this is a great day out and not only is looked forward to by residents throughout the Malvern area, it is also a meaningful way to remember those who gave their lives in service during the First and Second World Wars. The run is especially appropriate and focussed on Veteran and Vintage and Pre-1945 vehicles which would have been around in the Anzac era, but all club eligible vehicles are welcome and invited to attend. It visits the War Memorials throughout the Malvern area, many of which have significance for some of our club members. You can find all the information you need on this event and a link to the entry form on Page 39, but if you have any problem with the on-line entry, please just email or call me and I’ll sort it for you.

Sunday 21st April – OCBC, where we will have an additional display of anything Italian.

Anzac Day Thursday 25th April – Annual Malvern Anzac Day Run. Details as mentioned above Happy motoring everyone,



Greetings all.

By the time this is published the Commercial rally will have been run.

We opened with 16 entries and ended up with 16 on the day. Unfortunately it clashed with the Scenicland rally again this year, although when we set the date it didn't! We have discussed moving the Commercial rally back to early Feb for next year which may mean a few more could attend. The weather was spot on and I have had some really positive feedback which is great.

The results and report will be posted in next month's edition as we have an early cut off time this month.

The March noggin was held in Don Bennetts’ very smart shed. Thanks Don for hosting us - much appreciated. Quite a big turnout as well which was great. David had his Chevrolet pickup truck spread across two vehicle bays so I hope that's finished being restored soon so Don can have some floorspace back. Although David did tell me he's owned it since he was 14 so it hasn't been a fast paced restoration. Will be smart when it's finished though.

(Photo Page 20)

Thanks also to Graham - another shed owner on the site who shared his collection of street vehicles with us along with his collection of military vehicles and memorabilia. Most of the vehicles in the collection had quite a long standing family history and have been in the family since new - or almost new. The 1922 Willys Truck was a most beautiful example with a stunning timber cab and huge wire wheels. Pity we won't be seeing that on a Commercial Rally but it was lovely to look at.

The April Commercial noggin will be at Lyndsey Saunders’ home, 1 Glen Arrife Place, Broken Run, Wigram, Christchurch 8025 on Wednesday 17th April.

Remember the P Group rally is on Sunday the 7th of April and many of the commercials can also enter the P rally. Keep on trucking!



Noggin this month displayed some of the Annual Rally winners. There was some discussion over the branch Annual Rally Overall Winners: Kevin and Shona Clarkson (1972 Rover 3500) having their influence on the Hub cover page.

The Rear Wheel Brake Rally: This was the first opportunity to give my Ford A Delivery its first official run. We attempted to have the first run on the Annual Rally only to arrive at the park with a water leak, this required a return home to retrieve the MG from the garage to participate. The leak turned out to be a thrown rivet on the top tank hose connection which I had repaired and refitted on the Saturday prior to the Rear Brake Rally. Even though we had forward and rear brakes we enjoyed the company and coffee break at the Gatehouse Café on route to the A & P Showgrounds to display our cars along with the Twin Rivers participants. A great fund raiser for the Avonhead Rotary.

A big thankyou to Colin for an excellent event.

Graham Studebaker 1936 on display after Twin Rivers Run


I manned the end of the time trial on the Annual Rally and found some faults that I feel the competitors need to know.

1. Please make sure your rally number is visible. With it lying flat on the dash means it cannot be seen.

2. You need to slow down so your number can be picked up. 30 – 40 kph makes it impossible to see.

3. Please leave a decent gap from the car in front. 4 – 5 cars arriving together means somebody is going to miss out being recorded.

4. The branch needs a sign that can be placed 100 m saying check point ahead, please slow down.

5. You need two people to man the check point.

6. Tail End Charlie needs to come though the check to notify the people manning the check point that all cars have gone though. Going from the start to the lunch stop is a complete waste of time. How does a vehicle in trouble get found and helped?

Hope this is of some help for future rallies.

Chairman Neil responds as follows:

Thanks for providing feedback for both participants and organisers, it will be useful to add to guidance for future rallies.

19 Driver Name ……………………………………………….. Contact phone ……………………………………………. Vehicle Year and Make …………………………………... Vehicle Model ……………………………………………… Routes (Circle chosen route.) Morning: 1. 75 miles some unsealed roads 2. 75 miles all sealed roads 3. 55 miles all sealed roads Afternoon: 1. 28 miles some unsealed 2. 26 miles all sealed roads Entry fee payable in cash, or to branch bank account 03-1594-0096832-00 reference Name & Autumn run Enter on line HERE

Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee (OCBC)

The March OCBC was very well supported, with the added bonus of a huge display of Landrovers and Rover Cars as they gathered for their National Rally events with a day of driving tests and lunch in The Barn at Cutler Park. On top of that, the National Executive meeting was in full swing in the clubrooms, so there were lots of people, cars and a few motorcycles floating around and enjoying a rather nice day outside. It’s great to see everyone chatting and checking out what cars and bikes turn up – a great introduction to the club or just to check in with friends.

April OCBC to be Italian themed………..

The April OCBC is on Sunday 21 st of April. As well as our usual array of diverse vehicles, there will be a special area set aside for Italian vehicles – so if you have an Alfa Romeo, Ansaldo, Bambina or other Fiat, Ferrari, Maserati, Nazzaro, Lamborghini or maybe a Benelli motorcycle in your collection, that will be the month to bring it out to OCBC. If you don’t have an Italian vehicle, here’s a great opportunity to see why their owners seem to love them so much….

Commercial Group’s Noggin at Don Bennetts’ well equipped Shed.

Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee (OCBC)

Ian McKinlay discusses his and Marilyn’s 1920 AJS combination

Rovers everywhere. It was a Viking invasion!

Above: It’s a Rover. Really?

More Rovers



Planning for the 2024 Swap Meet is to formally get underway during April, and our first committee meeting is to be held on Thursday 11th April. We do have some vacancies on the committee, so if you are interested in being involved in helping then please contact myself or our Secretary, Katryna Shaw, either at the April Noggin or by telephone (see rear pages of this Hub for contact details) for further information. If you don’t mind a bit of background work and enjoy the social aspect of the club then this is a great way to get to know people and help out at the same time. The best thing is it only needs minimal involvement for six months of the year, a bit of commitment during the month of Swap Meet itself, and then it’s all over and you can have six months off. There is no way we will give anyone a job that they are not skilled or comfortable to do – there are many jobs both small and large, easy or slightly complex, so we will find something that suits you.

And just to confirm the date too – it will be held on Friday 11th , Saturday 12th , and Sunday 13th October.

Now is the time to start getting ready for it, as the autumn and winter months will roll around very quickly.

2024 P Group Annual Rally Entries closing—get in touch with John and he may be able to squeeze you in. 027 439 6572

Well the weather gods finally frowned on us a little bit for this month’s run but 33 hearty car loads gathered for the usual pre run chat at Rolleston until John Winchester called us all together for the instructions and urged us on our way. We headed off west under a light drizzle through Hororata and Rakaia gorge. One car had an electrical problem and a number of concerned drivers stopped to help out. A temporary fix was soon made and we carried on out through Staveley and Mt Somers to Kondyke passing onto a shingle road which took us alongside the Rangitata diversion race and became rougher as we progressed.

As we dropped toward the river the race seemed to flow uphill beside us and we passed some interesting looking installations that were difficult explain. Having tagged along behind the car which had broken down just in case of a repeat we were a little late arriving and missed some of John’s talk about where we were but in time for a young man called Andrew who worked on site to explain the unusual installations we had passed. It turned out they are a fish screen installed to divert fish from the race and back into the river. It sounds simple but it is far from it as the flow rate of the river and the race are very different. In order to slow the flow of water into the race without the fish and weed being forced up against the screen, the flow is controlled by rotating screens with a 2mm slot which have variable speeds to allow for changing river flow. As the excess water with fish travels back toward the river, further flat screens mounted side by side can be moved to achieve the same result in a confined space. This is an over simplification of the


process but hopefully gives an idea of some of the complex issues involved in providing irrigation to over 100,000 hectares of Canterbury plains thanks to a scheme devised in 1933. It was a longish run and the car needed a good clean when we got home but it was well worth it to see first hand the issues overcome by very clever people to provide food for our country to consume and export.

We had our usual picnic lunch in rather different surroundings but we were dry and able to enjoy the usual chatter and raffle among like minded folk. Many thanks to John Winchester and his helpers for another great day out.

Jill and myself will organise the April run starting at the Peg (Belfast Pub) 10th of April at 9.55am.

Tony Becker has offered to come to our rescue and organise the May run and Ray Magginess the September one so we are just left with June to find an organiser for.

Please help out!

Happy motoring. Ken.

P Group Annual Rally (PV, PWV, P60V, P80V)

Meet at Cutler Park for departure at 10 am. We will drive to a local museum. We have been offered half price entry for the behind the scenes tour. The cost is $2.50 per person. Please pay this on the day. If you don’t wish to do the background tour, entry to the museum is free. Food and drinks will be available there. Once we have completed the tour we will return to Cutler Park for lunch and field trials. A concours d'elegance will also be held, so please consider being part of that. I personally enjoy seeing the result of many years of hard work. Please register by 29th of March as we need to let the museum know numbers for the tour. We also need time to have the rally plaques produced.


Entrant’s Name

Membership Number………………………………………………….

Vehicle make and Model…………………………………………….

Vehicle Year……………………………………………………………

Email Address………………………………………………………….

Phone Number(s)………………………………………………………

Are You Entering The Concours? Yes No (circle one)

Average Speed For Time Trial……... Mph km/h (circle one)

Rally Entry Fee: $10.00

Rally plaque @ $10.00 Required Not required (circle one)

Send this form to: P Rally Organiser 22 Foresters Crescent Parklands 8083

Don’t forget to make payment of your entry fee. You can do this by direct credit to our account 03 1594 0096832 00. Please put the name of the rally entrant in the particulars field and P Rally in the reference field.

Any questions please contact John Enright via email or phone 027 439 6572

25 “P” GROUP ANNUAL RALLY 9am, Sunday 7th April 2024

MARCH 2024 Executive Meeting Summary

I wish to report that we had a very successful Executive meeting in Christchurch over the weekend of 16/17 March. The meeting was attended by 29 of our 36 branches and many observers were present. The written reports from the various management roles were received with a few additions added along the way before we moved on to General Business. Gareth Wishart, MD of Innovation for the HW Richardson Group gave a very interesting presentation on steps they are taking to transition their truck fleet across to a Hybrid diesel/ Hydrogen fuel system. The impact on emissions for this country are significant and they are making a huge investment personally to achieve this. One truck converted removes carbon emissions equal to that which 17 electric vehicles do when replacing petrol/diesel cars. This is where the government should be placing its efforts rather than targeting just petrol personal vehicles. We can see that when it comes to fuel emissions there is more than one way to achieve the goal. As well as locking in 25 August this year for our National Daffodil Day, Kaaren Smylie reiterated the importance of all branches having the event on the same day so that we all convey the same message throughout the country. A new national poster is also being produced. The main focus should be about creating exposure for our club. We were also brought up to date on changes to the Club Procedures Manual (CPM), previously the Branch Manual then renamed the Club Manual. Diane Quarrie gave a presentation on the new format and how it will work with an index that will allow a simple click of the mouse to take you to the relevant section required. Past President Diane has been focussed on this mammoth task over the last six months and her efforts will make life easier for those who access the CPM from time to time. Our expectation is that this will be loaded on to the website over April. The main topic that was discussed and workshopped over the two days was changes to our constitution. Wellington Branch had requested that we take time to understand what the issues with our current constitution were and Alan Thompson, Wellington’s delegate, used a power point presentation to deliver a very well put together


discussion paper. Their motion to allow for more discussion around this was passed which then opened the floor for each branch to raise concerns. A summary of the issues raised at last year’s meeting was read as part of this. The end result was an overwhelming majority voting to change away from our current 46-member committee being responsible for the governance of the club. A vote was then held to determine the makeup of a new 12-member National Committee using results of workshopped questions from the previous year. As the new structure will have six new Regional Representative positions on the committee, each representing a group of branches, we went on to determine suitable boundaries for those representatives covering the branches. Each Island was discussed individually to create boundaries that were considered best for the branches, and also taking into consideration that a new Representative needed to be able get around the branches as required. We then broke up into groups of six to further discuss and answer questions, focussing on the finer points and what was important for each branch. These findings were recorded and will be considered in creating the new document. We also welcomed Garry Jackson, President of The Federation of Motoring Clubs, to bring us up to date on the final wrap up on the survey completed last year. He also advised that now that the final results from the survey are in, lobbying within government circles has commenced. The total dollar spend from the recreational vehicle sector has now come up to $16 billion annually so it is expected that FOMC should get a good hearing. It was a busy two days, and with the dinner on Saturday night and breakfast on Sunday morning being catered at the Canterbury Branch premises, the conference type meeting over the weekend allowed for plenty of catching up between delegates and members.



Autumn… Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness… Daylight Savings, clocks go back on April 7th …

Past Events.

9th March – Moped Run. Brilliant fine, sunny conditions awaited the 10 or so entries. After a run from Halswell to the sea, up Marine Parade, Brooklands, Kaiapoi then to the Pine Acres Hotel where the trophy was awarded to Mike Glenday riding his Gorich moped. Thanks to Graham Barnett for the organisation, etc.

13th March – Motorcycle Noggin. This month’s noggin was a visit to Paddy Snowden’s collection of Indian motorcycles. We were not disappointed!! What a collection! Probably 25 – 30 people turned up…

15th – 17th March – Jim Toohey Run. The motorcycle section’s premier overnight event.

Approximately 23 riders enjoyed the 2 night/3 day weekend in Westport via Lewis Pass and ride through to Karamea, then back home via Arthur’s Pass. See elsewhere for a write-up.

20th March – Old Codger’s Run. About 20 riders met at Lincoln for a coffee in brilliant fine and sunny conditions. A ride to Diamond Harbour with a few doing the back road detour to Purau for lunch at the Diamond Harbour Eatery and Bar. Great day; some took the long way home…..

23rd March – Fish and Chip Run. This was a run to Andy Fox’s farm – Foxdown Farms, Scargill, to view his sheds full of cars and farming memorabilia. Andy, a VCC Management Committee member, is a 4th generation custodian of the farm began 146 years ago by his great-grandfather, Charles Fox. Great day’s riding; 30 riders and a few in cars availed themselves of Andy’s BBQ lunch of farm fresh bangers, meat patties (from Foxdown Farms) and salads. Thanks to Andy for being the perfect host, and to the organisers for putting it all together. The hat was passed around and a good sum was raised for the local volunteer fire brigade.


Future Events.

10th April – Noggin. This is being sorted out after the planned outing had to be postponed. You will be informed by email of what’s happening.

13th April – Scooter and light 250cc Motorcycle Run. See elsewhere for the advert promoting this event.

17th April – Old Codger’s Run. Nothing dreamed up yet; will send out a note via the e-mail list when something pop’s up.

27 th April – Fish and Chip Run. This will be a run out to Sheffield area, to another farm that has been in the one family for 120+ years. This also sports an interesting collection of cars and farming equipment and memorabilia. Meet at PMH, 10.00am for a 10.15 am departure.

8 th May – Motorcycle Noggin.

15 th May – Old Codger’s Run.

25 th May – Fish and Chip Run. See next month’s Hub for more info on the events with no details; or also look out for the emails reminding you of upcoming events.

That’s it for this month, with winter knocking on the door very shortly wrap up and keep warm… CML.


Jim Toohey Motorcycle Run 2024

ChCh – Westport- Karamea- ChCh

Many years ago Jim Toohey, a club member, organized a run for the motorcycle group of our club. On the Friday night of the weekend. Jim was killed in a crash in Christchurch. After speaking with his family it was decided to keep on with the run starting on the Saturday morning. Since then it has been known as The Jim Toohey Run. Traditionally the run is an overnight run Saturday and home on the Sunday. For the past couple of years we have been having a three day event and this year it was decided to ride to Westport Friday, a day trip to Karamea on Saturday and home Sunday. 23 riders entered for 2024. I rode the 1956 Triumph Thunderbird, a 650cc machine. This has been on the road since 1996. There were at least 6 Triumphs on the run this year, there were other makes of motorcycles but not being Triumph they didn’t register. I must have been round the late Ron Battersby too long as nothing else mattered except Triumph.

I had been watching the weather reports for the past few days, it didn’t look to bad but we all knew there was a bit of rain about. Rain made it felt about Windy Point in the Lewis Pass right through to Reefton but it didn’t matter as it’s a beaut ride through the Rahu Saddle towards Reefton.

I have a pair of riding pants named Dryrider. I wanted to test out the effectiveness of these pants in the wet, everyone knows what I found out. They should be name Wetrider, by the time I rode into Reefton for a late lunch I had that wet feeling in the crotch. The jacket was the same brand but I must say that even though the outside was soaking I was well dry underneath. Everyone was doing fine, hot pies and coffee were the order of the day. Only one on the trailer and that was off that night after a quick fix in the top of the gearbox.

The ride to Westport is great, once you get into the hills north west of Hanmer its great riding and I hadn’t been out for a number of months on the Triumph and life in the world was all good. The world was all sorted by the time Westport came into view.


The evening was spent at The Quarry Bar in the usual way by motorcyclists all around the world.

Karamea was the destination for Saturday. We stopped at a café at Gentle Annie, a camping ground, the café is in an old cow shed which has been in operating for a number of years but quite a few had not been there. An open fire pit was welcome heat along side coffee, pies and scones. The hill over to Karamea is not too bad on a bike except for some light rock which appeared in front of some on a corner, it appeared from the hillside in between riders so some didn’t have to ride the slalom it offered on the road. The sun was out, a beaut day for a 100km ride in the morning to lunch at the Last Resort.

Whitebait patties seemed to be the order of the day before returning home. I went visiting and was shown through a home built in the bush with expansive views over the Tasman Sea above Little Wanganui. A lot of the big trees were dying and this happened when a cyclone came through and damaged the bark on the trees, most have died with a few going to survive though. Some went to view the Denniston Mine area north of Westport. The Workingmens Club claimed our money that evening, two members had wins in the raffle which was a money raffle, pretty hard to carry meat raffle prizes on a motorcycle.

On the Sunday we rode down the coast to Moana where we had the prize giving, stories about riders and the usual trophy awarded. By this time we had swapped bikes on the trailer and Sharon Ebretch had company on the trip home. The wet road claimed one


bike on the way down the coast but the rider with his damaged pride and bike was fine and continued on. Nothing that a bit of panel beating and paint can’t repair.

The trophy for 2024 went to me and then the usual sentence –‘you’ve got the trophy which means the weekend’s write up needs to completed’. Thanks to Paul Ainsworth for the weekend away, I’m glad I went, a marvellous ride and great company. The Triumph went extremely well and a credit to Mr Edward Turner who developed the twin cylinder Triumph.

Mike Glenday.

Photos: Tim Elley


Camping with dogs at Cutler Park.

Following a number of requests and several discussions on the subject, in the interest of providing further opportunity for families to make use of the grounds, the committee has decided to trial allowing members and their families to camp with their dogs at Cutler Park.

For a trial period, dogs will be allowed while camping on the grounds, under the following conditions;

Dogs are to be physically restrained at all times.

Dog owners are responsible for cleaning up after their dogs, nothing is to be left on the grounds or in rubbish bins.

Any dogs causing annoyance to other members will be required to be removed immediately.

Dogs are not permitted on the grounds during organised branch events, even if camping on site.

This only applies when camping overnight on the grounds, dogs are still not permitted when visiting the grounds or at branch events, and not on organised branch rallies as often there are venues visited which do not allow dogs.

Members are welcome to provide feedback, and/or notify the committee if there are issues or conditions not being complied with, this is on a trial basis only so may be ended at the discretion of the committee if found to not be practical.



Entrants Surname:

First Name:

No. of Crew _____ (Entrants must be financial VCC members)

Address: ______________________________________

Home Phone _____________ Cell: _____________

Email Address: _______________________________

Vehicle & Year: ______________________________________

Registration No: _ ________________________

VCC Member Number: ___________________

Entry Fee per vehicle $115.00 (3 days) $______

Friday only fee per vehicle $50.00 $______

No of Irishman 2024 Plaques @ $10 each $______

No of Extra Friday lunches at $23 each $______

Total: $______

Entries to:

Dave Inwood, 126 South Eyre Road, Kaiapoi 7692, Christchurch.

Make payments to VCC Canterbury Branch by direct credit to a/c 03-1594-0096832-00. Please put the name of the rally entrant in the particulars field and Irishman Rally in the reference field.

Any queries to Dave Inwood on 03-3274156. or email:

Entries close: Thursday, 9th May 2024.


********NO LATE ENTRIES*********


Irishman Creek Rally 2024 - 31st May to 3rd June

This year’s rally will start in Rangiora at Daniel Smiths future museum site on the corner of Flaxton and Fernside Roads on Friday, 31st May. Be early for an 8am start.

Rally Packs should be collected from Canterbury Branch Clubrooms (Cutler Park) on Thursday, 30th May from 4pm . The bar will be open from 7pm-9pm and out of town visitors are welcome to join us. We encourage early collection to enable a smooth departure on the Friday morning.

All entrants will be required to “Read and Sign” a Health and Safety programme to receive the Rally Pack. Consequently Rally Packs will be able to be collected by the entrant only.

The local “Lions” will provide lunches on Friday, 31st May. You will need to take your own hot or cold drinks . The cost of the driver’s lunch is included in the Rally Entry Fee. All crew and passengers will need to order extra lunches at a cost of $23 each (on the entry form).

The “Lions” have been extremely helpful in organising the day so we expect everyone to support them with lunch purchases.

As per last year, lunches will be the responsibility of each entrant for the Saturday and Sunday.

We have also booked the Community Hall for Saturday night this year and food will be available for purchase from local vendors (BYO drinks).

Prize Giving and Supper will be in the Community Hall on Sunday, open at 6.30pm for a 7.30pm presentation.

While back up vehicles are provided all vehicles must be self sufficient and carry tow ropes and chains for mud or snow– and be adequately prepared to cover some distance on back country roads with river crossings. As we will be crossing private farms strictly NO DOGS are allowed. Fire extinguishers will be compulsory in all vehicles–including Back Ups.

The Irishman Rally is open to Vintage Car Club Members only and for Vintage and Veteran aged vehicles. The winner and runner up will be drawn as per tradition from the entrants participating. Rally Nos and Extinguishers will be checked as you enter private property.

All entrants are eligible without exception. The winner and runner up will be joined by a small team to assist with the task of organising the following year’s event. This is what makes the rally special and provides the variety we see each year as a new person gets to put their mark on this event. While this is a challenge there is a team behind you.

Donald Wright, John Gregan and Dave

The entry form is in this month’s Hub or on line HERE



(The VOG’s) March Run

We weren’t so lucky this time with the weather –woke up to a dull overcast drizzly morning

Tuesday 12th March so the “management” decided to can the ride and do the visit that Barrie Walker had organized for us to Elestomer Products in Woolston. What an interesting place that is and what they do there is just incredible. As their website says “Innovating Thingamajigs for 50 years” it’s well worth a look at their website “” to see the huge list of products they produce and what they are involved in.

The visit was well organized but due to the “Worksafe, Health & Safety” laws we were limited to a maximum of 15 people so it was a first in first served basis and wow did the “RSVP” replies come in quickly with everyone keen to see this company. We were broken up into groups of 5 people with a company employee doing the guided tour. They were all very passionate about the company and gave us a very descriptive talk on all their activities.

An example of some of the products produced by the EPL Group are the blue hoses you see being used to sluice down dairy sheds. A clever process has been developed to make these hoses stand up to 100psi. The inside of the hose is a black high pressure but flexible product with a blue outer. The silicone gasket that you see in your oven door, seals for aluminium windows, silicone seals around your shower cabinets, products used in the building trade etc etc etc. The list is far too big to list. Look on the website. You can tell I was impressed with this visit .

Even though there wasn’t a terrible amount of moisture on the pavements the “gang” were very pleased the decision had been made not to ride on the day.

A leisurely lunch at the Woolston Club was a relaxing way to end this doubtful “Autumnal day”

A big thanks to Barrie for organizing this day out. Royce



Some winners from the Annual Rally Hard to get a good photo last month but foreground is lain McDonald’s 1972 Volvo P1800ES Shooting Brake.

Graham Barnett’s 1961 Royal Enfield and overall winners

Kevin and Shona

Clarkson’s Rover P6

Noggin Display March


Entrants name ________________________________

Membership number ____________


email ______________________________________________

Vehicle Make/Model ______________________________

Year ________________

No. ordered

Lunch choice, numbers required (see below) A ( ) B ( )

Entry fee $25.00, lunches $20 each

Total Paid

Lunch options: Please indicate A or B and number required on your entry or you will default to A

A. Ham and Salad filled roll, muffin, piece of seasonal fruit, 750ml water

B. Vegetarian filled roll, muffin, piece of seasonal fruit, 750ml water

Assemble at the Darfield Recreation Centre, North Terrace from 10:00am to collect the days rally pack. Please park in the designated areas as the vehicles will be on public display from 10:30am to 11:30am when the first vehicles will depart.

Entries close 12th April 2024

Enter on line HERE


A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events.

Barry Davidson

1976 Honda GL1000 Motorcycle

Barbara and Paul L’Huillier

1922 Morris Cowley Roadster

Adrian Crequer (Rejoining)

Jackson Clark

1976 Triumph 2500 TC Saloon

Blake Kingsford-Smith

1959 Pontiac Catalina Sedan

Jonas Crellin

1987 Toyota Starlet, Hatchback .

Tom Delamore.


1960 Hansa

1000 miles, restored in 2016.

Running short of space.

Russell Barnard

349 8869

1935 Austin 10 Lichfield

Registration on-hold.

Roadworthy but not Warranted. Repainted. Brakes Renewed. Original interior. Driven a few years ago. Garage stored.

Car belonged to my late father Patrick Waite.

Open to offers.

Ph 027 2747 007


1913 Sunbeam


Elegant design capturing the essence of a bygone era

Powerful 4.0L 4-cylinder engine for a thrilling driving experience

Open-air motoring for enjoying the wind in your hair and the beauty of the open road.

Meticulously maintained condition ensuring longevity and enjoyment.

We are offering this rare collectible at $39,000.


1951 A40 Devon

I'm selling my Austin A40 Devon project car. I was wondering if anyone in the Vintage Car Club of Canterbury might be interested in purchasing it. (Car is located in Leeston) You can see photos of it through this link

Baby Triumph 1914—24

Triumph Junior any parts

Phone Tony 027 772 8660 / 342 9110

Triumph Tiger Cub

Preferably complete and 1963 or later but would consider Anything

Phone 021 105 5836 (Christchurch)

BSA Bantam 125cc

D1 or D2

Crankshaft wanted. Anything considered

Phone 021 105 5836 (Christchurch)


The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions.

Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255


Incoming editor Brodie Williams with Terry McQuinn’s outstanding model T. Please make yourselves known to Brodie. He’s a good keen man and has already taken over the website He will edit the Hub from May.

Thank you Brodie.

And with that I’ll breathe a sigh of relief and be off

43 Rotary Club of Ashburton Plains Classic Car Run 28th April 2024 For any further information please contact: Allan Lill 0274328328 OTHER BRANCH and ORGANISATIONS EVENTS See Notice board posters for more information.

2022-2023 Representatives

Motorcycle Convenor

Paul Ainsworth (Joss)

027 432 1391

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice)

03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep.

Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

Ken James

03 980 0547

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

03 385 6333


Mike Foster

03 359 8260

022 359 8260

Barn Bookings/Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

03 312 7255

027 407 5344

Bar Manager

Andrea Dallow (Gilbert)

03 388 2838


Ted and Jill Hockley

027403 4511

Swap Meet

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737

021 883 807

Swap Meet Sites

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201

North Canty Noggin

Alan Hill (Barbara)

03 313 6008

021 161 5866

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737

021 883 807

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison

Jack Porter (Dorothy)

03 352 6672

027 432 2041

Branch Vehicle


Mark Drury

03 342 9297

Hub Editor And Web Site

Brodie Williams



2022-2023 Main Committee

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320

021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric)

021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce)

021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor

Graham Evans ( Anne)

03 351 5919

027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737

021 883 807

Commercial Convenor

Michael Hedgman (Claire)

03 745 9240

027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie)

027 439 6572

Asst Club Captain

Henry Little (Michelle)

03 327 5471

027 288 8277



VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411

Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130

This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.


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