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Canterbury Branch Activities and Events


Thurs 1st Noggin and Natter

Sun 4th Around Town Rally

Tues 6th

Grounds Maintenance

Wed 7th 9-90s, Motorcycle Noggin

Tues 20th

Grounds maintenance

Wed 21st Commercial Noggin

Sun 25th OCBC and VCC National Day

Sat 31st ‘Round the Bays M/C Run


Tues 3rd

Grounds Maintenance

Thurs 5th Noggin and Natter

Sun 8th Women and Young Driver’s Run

Wed 11th 9-90s,Motorcycle Noggin

Sat 14th Awards Dinner

Sun 15th OCBC

Tues 17th

Grounds Maintenance

Wed 18th Commercial Noggin

Sun 15th Motorcycle Trial, Veteran Rally

Sun 29th Vintage Annual Rally

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.

Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme

Noggin Night

1st Thursday of the month


1st Wednesday after noggin

Motorcycle Noggin

2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin

3rd Wednesday of the month

North Canterbury Noggin

4th Wednesday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee

3rd Sunday of the month

Grounds Maintenance Morning

1st Tuesday and third Tuesday of the month

Parts Department

Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9-12pm



It’s been a quieter month for events, meaning a bit more free time in the weekends to catch up on the long list of things waiting attention in the garage, and of course there’s always something to do to keep the branch running along as it should.

Of course that doesn’t mean there’s nothing happening, with the maintenance and parts shed teams carrying on their work, keeping the grounds looking great and sorting out the spares. Many thanks to those who have volunteered to take on the grounds and building maintenance with Mike Foster passing on responsibility for this, although Mike can still be found working away in the Parts Shed.

There was a good turnout for OCBC this month despite the cold and foggy morning, with the sun eventually appearing later on to warm things up a bit, and it seems that every month there’s something different to take a look at.

The Midwinter run was an entertaining afternoon/evening of driving around the hills trying to spot answers to questions along the way, thanks to Colin & Jenny for organising, it’s good to something a bit different and starting later in the day and ending with dinner was a very enjoyable way to finish the weekend.

There’s plenty coming up to occupy your spare time, so looking forward to seeing you out and about.

From The Editors Desk

Start of a new month already and the days are starting to get lighter and longer meaning more time for afternoon runs and warmer weather to come.

Not much from me this month, We now have a Grounds report on page 34.

We have a new hub email if you haven't yet done so please save received the hub in the future and for any contact info for The Hub or website.

In a few months we are looking at getting Senior Net to come to a Noggin to help anyone that needs any help accessing The Hub or any other problems you may have when it comes to accessing all our information online.

The National Annual General Meeting is coming up in August. There is a few good report to have a read over. Remember anything that happens at a national level comes back down to use being a branch of the club. To view click here

Our draft minutes from the AGM can be found Here if you would like a printed copy please contact Rod.



Please don't forget to get your Awards Dinner Tickets for the Sat 14th September (From Bar or Committee) $40per head

For a quiet time of the year (winter) I seem to be just as busy with lots of new member applications and I must thank Jack Porter for all the work and time he puts in following up with these people for me.

There is a lot going to be happening around the branch in the next Six months or so with our enthusiastic grounds maintenance team. If you want to be part of this team please hunt out Peter Blacklock (021 181 3491) I’m sure he would love to have you on board.

For those who have Building, Plumbing, Electrical Skills please contact Peter Merrifield (021 435 118) Building Maintenance team.

As per last year I will not be delegate at the Club AGM in Tauranga this year but I am sure Canterbury Branch will be well represented by our Chairman Neil and Club Captain Katryna who represented us at the March Executive meeting.

I have very strong views that this representation should be experienced by as many of the committee and members as we can convince to go. A weekend of great fellowship and knowledge gathering on the workings of this great club of ours.

Looking forward to some warmer weather in coming months. Stay off ladders, slippery paths, and be careful under those cars.

Regards Rod


Welcome to winter. Yes there has not been much sunshine and the days are grey, but some of us are still getting out and about.

I had the opportunity last month to attend the 9-90’s Mid Winter Christmas lunch. Dad asked me if I would be his date, so I slipped out of work for a couple of hours to attend. We got out there at about 11.45 and the hall was already bustling with many members. I was surprised to see so many faces I knew……. Oh to be retired!

It was a potluck lunch with lots of treats to try. The tea and coffee flowed from the kitchen servery. Ken put on one of his black and white silent movies and of course there were the usual raffles to be won. There were plenty of laughs to be had, especially at my expense! But remember I don’t get mad I get even!

The Winter Run this year was very different. Using your mobile phone to read the instructions, take photos and text answers. A wide range of ages attended and all of us made it to the final destination. It was great fun. The dinner at the Tai Tapu Hotel finished off the afternoon just nicely. Thanks Colin Hey for organising it - it wasn’t really that hard.

I was talking to Fraser, my nephew, he and fellow friends (all part of the car club) decided to do a run up to Hanmer for the weekend. Here is a photo of the cars. The younger generation getting out and about. Good to see.

Have a great month.



Another quiet month for the Veteran section, but only of course due to the time of the year. July’s Kirwee coffee morning was really well attended, with several new faces from the Malvern area and elsewhere turning up to say hello, most of them in vintage cars too, which was great to see. There was lots to talk about, including some discussion about events coming up this season and where we could go and what we could do.

Many of our branch members were also at the Veteran Car Club AGM on Sunday 20th July, which attracted members from all over the South Island and a couple from the North too. It was a very positive meeting and everyone left feeling that the future is still bright for our era of cars and bikes and knowing there are some good events on the horizon next season. There is much excitement about the forthcoming auction in Gore on 21st September where many veteran project cars and parts will go under the hammer, and it seems as though it’s going to attract a good crowd and maybe some spirited bidding. VCC Gore Branch member Paul Herron (who is also now the scribe for what will be the new “Polishing the Brass” section in Beaded Wheels) has spent countless hours over at least two years assembling the collection of the late Robin Dickson into saleable lots, and some offer the opportunity to purchase relatively complete viable cars which can be restored without the need to spend years in time and a fortune in funds to get back on the road. Paul has set up a Facebook page where everything is listed – search on Facebook under “The Late Robin Dickson Auction” if you want to check it out.

Bruce and Shirley Shadbolt have been busy over the last month or so planning out the next Pioneer Motoring Group Rally in Clyde (Central Otago) for one and two-cylinder veteran cars and motorcycles, and the date for that has been set for the weekend of 30th November and 1st December. If you haven’t had an email from them yet, and you have a one or two-cylinder veteran and are in-

terested, then do contact them. It is a great event, easy on the vehicles, very social, and I can’t recommend it highly enough. Because of accommodation constraints in Clyde the planned date is a bit later that it normally has been run, but it does mean that it clashes with the proposed date for our branch’s Annual Veteran Rally. For a number of our branch members with eligible vehicles (including myself and Jenny) the Clyde event is simply a must-do weekend, so I’m planning on rescheduling the branch Annual Veteran Rally, bringing it forward from Sunday 1 December to (wait for it) Tuesday 12th November. This is mid-week, which is a bit radical I realise, but as probably 95% of our veteran vehicle owners are retired it would seem to be the best option rather than trying to squeeze it into another weekend in what is an extremely full calendar of events already. Hopefully those who are not retired may be able to take a day off work if they want to come on it. It’s not set in concrete yet, so if anyone has any views on it then please let me know. Incidentally, Tuesday 12th November is our normal veteran coffee morning day. The run will start and finish at Cutler Park, and will include a coffee stop in the morning – perhaps not at Kirwee though. More on that later in the year.

On the home front, most of my shed time has been spent working on our PV Wolseleys, catching up with WoF’s and taking the time to do a few other more cosmetic jobs on them as well. I’ve also been giving Malcolm McGibbon a hand with the engine rebuild on his 1915 Swift, and it’s pleasing to be able to report that the car is all back together again and running nicely.

Coming up:

Apart from August’s coffee morning (Tuesday 13th August) and OCBC on 18th August, the other event worth considering for veteran motoring/motorcycling is the Daffodil Rally on 25th August. If you have a veteran and are keen on using it on the rally, choose a starting location close to home and just do the short route, or perhaps even trailer your car to Cutler Park and then drive it to Rolleston for the start there at 10.00am. That way when you get back to Cutler Park you can pop it back in the trailer at the end of the day – job done!

The rebuilt engine in Malcolm McGibbon's 1915 Swift.


Swap Meet Report.

The remaining swap meet vendor sites are selling well, and we’re now nudging 90% sold so if you want one, get in and book a site if you haven’t already done it, especially if you want one in a specific area. Neil Shaskey is the person to contact. As I mentioned last month, our large advertising signs are now starting to go up, but we could really do with a few new locations to put them, so if you know of anywhere that is in a safe but busy location please let me know. The smaller advertising signs are now available at the monthly noggins or can be collected from the parts shed on Wednesdays, so if you have a front fence or a good spot where you can put one up, please collect one (or more if you can use them) and take it home and put it to good use. From now until Swap Meet there will have to be a big push to get enough volunteers to take care of tasks like display security, looking after the entry gates, and car parking. At this stage we are alarmingly short of volunteers!

The roster board will be on hand at Noggins from this month until Swap Meet so you can pick a time slot and a job to suit you. If you can’t make it to noggins, please just give me a call or drop me an email and I can note you down for whatever time and job you want. Please remember that the committee cannot run this event by itself – we need every branch member to do what they can by helping us out for some task or another over the weekend. As has often mentioned in the past, the Swap Meet is our one big annual fundraising opportunity and we need a hand from as many members as possible to make it work and to make it easier on everyone.

Thanks everyone.


July monthly meeting with the new committee gave us some new thoughts on the activities to be looked at for future activities in the club grounds, and future rallies.

July has been a miserable month with the weather temperatures not suitable for vintage motoring or carrying out too much maintenance.

I have been carrying out maintenance on my Model A following the completion of the Irishman’s Rally and have it ready now for the next rally.

I have not heard of any response to my questions on why the Irishman’s Rally attracts the large number of entries. Here are some of my thoughts why Irishman’s Rally is so well supported:

has many challenges, enjoy the comradery enjoy the remoteness is varied, is attractive to all ages, is non-competitive, is always run on the same long weekend each year, requires overnight accommodation, is open to all VCC members throughout the country has adventure, has good scenery, has back country not often not assessable to normal rallies, has good backup support both from organiser’s and participants


Greetings all,

I hope you are staying warm and getting a few jobs done in the garage while the weather is cooler. Not too much to report from me this month. I have been to Karamea with my son for a quick break to visit my dad and while I was there, I made two new bases for the Commercial trophies. Cutting mahogany into a six-sided shape that wasn’t an exact hexagon was a bit tricky – but they look good now they have been stained and varnished to match the existing bases. They now just need new brass plates for the engraving, and they should see us through for another 30 years at least! The July Commercial noggin was held at Bruce and Liz McCormick’s house – thanks for hosting the group – it is much appreciated.

I haven’t had any offers or suggestions for the August Noggin despite me trying a few places so I will resort to the Papanui WMC again – mark Wednesday 21st August in your calendars for this one.

Remember the Nation Commercial rally is coming up in October –Labour weekend – see last month’s hub for those details.

The Daffodil Day rally is in August and the Vintage Rally in Sept –so you can bring your Commercials on those rallies if they are eligible.

Take care and stay warm


Hi everyone. Many thanks to Rod Thrower for his help in getting to the hall nice and early to turn on the heatpumps and helping me set up the tables and projector. Also to Annette, Lindsay & Tess for helping Jill in the kitchen and others who helped arranging food etc.

Many Thanks also to Brodie for his tuition on the VCC tech equipment, and to Graeme Sword for his very nice report on the event. Next month Bruce Miles will be hosting the run starting at PMH at 10am. I’m told that there may be a bit of hill work involved. We will finish at yet another interesting collection most of you wont have visited before, roughly 15km south of the city centre. Happy motoring. Ken.

Once again a good turnout of around 60x people for the 9/90s midwinter Christmas lunch, this year being held in the main VCC Club Rooms organised by the co-ordinator Ken James with his helpers. I arrived just after eleven o’clock to find the hall already set up with seating for 65x people, the hot water ready for tea & coffee and all the work that needed to be done already done. Around twelve o’clock with everyone there we had our lunch with the usual amount of very nice food to choose from, mains then the sweets. While we had lunch Ken put on a very good locally produced silent comedy movie on the 30s prohibition which he and a group he belonged to had produced which must have taken many hours of work with some of it filmed at Ferrymead. The vehicles in the film were the Ferrymead Tram an early Veteran Model T which was then owned by Austin Hadler and a 1935 Chevrolet coupe which was owned by Ken, the film was very well done and we all enjoyed it, (something different as often happens at the 9/90s). While this was happening we had the usual raffle with some of our members lucky enough to take a prize home. On behalf of all the members who were there I would like to thank Ken & Jill and Anette Painter and all their helpers for all the work they put into this very successful event


It may be the last month of winter, but it certainly isn’t getting warmer!!

Past Events.

28th June – Fish & Chip Run. This was run on the Friday to celebrate Matariki Day, the Maori New Year. About 6 motorcyclists and a few cars visited Paddy Snowden’s motorcycle display at The Pump House, and then rode via Lyttleton and Gebbes Pass to the Famous Grouse in Lincoln for lunch.

10th July – Noggin. Noggin night, Dinner at the Richmond Working Men’s Club. Some 25 or so members and partners met in the warmth for a 2 course set menu that offered plenty of choice. A most relaxing evening in good company enjoying good food. Thanks to Royce for organising!

Future Events.

27th – 28th July – Mid Winter’s Run. Being run after the deadline date for The Hub so will be reported on next month. This will be an overnight run to Hanmer, staying at the Kakapo Lodge 27th July – Fish & Chip Run. Also run after the close-off, so will be reported on next month. 14th August – Motorcycle Noggin. This month’s Noggin takes the form of a visit to Design Line Ltd, a bus manufacturing company based in Rolleston. Address is 63 Detroit Drive, Rolleston; in the I-Zone area. Meet at 7.00 pm there; plenty of parking at the front of the building with entry through the main office doors. As the visit will be outside normal factory operating hours there will not be any additional safety requirements. Meet at 7.00 pm; many thanks to Les Alsop for organising. 21st August – Old Codger’s Run. Yes, back into this event for the spring and summer times; first cab off the rank will be a run out to the Darfield Bakery & Cafe for 10.30 am, then onto rider’s choice for lunch etc. Darfield Bakery is on the right, a red corrugated iron place, at # 60 South Terrace. It appears to have an

enclosed rear courtyard with plenty of space for us.

31st August – Round the Bays Run / Fish & Chip Run. Committee meeting didn’t come to a conclusion on this, so look out for the email informing you of the information of the day.

11th September – Motorcycle Noggin Night.

15th September – OCBC and Motorcycle Trials. The trials WERE supposed to be 22nd September, but the trials club invited cannot make it that date. OCBC day will hook in more “observers” anyway. We’ll be joined by the Classic Trials Club, who have attended in past years as well. We need MORE VCC members to enter this event!! This event is suitable for ANY type of bike!! Last time we had different courses to suit different bikes!! Have a go! You do not have to be a VCC member to have a go! All prospective members also welcome! Joseph McClintock is the organiser. 10.00 start.

18th September – Old Codger’s Run.

28th September – Fish & Chip Run.

9th October – Motorcycle Noggin

4th October – Dunvegan Rally, Otago.

11th-13th October – Swap Meet. Motorcycle Display in the Barn.

16th October – Old Codger’s Run

19th-20th October – Girder Fork Rally. Some changes being discussed for this event, more information next month. 26th October – Fish & Chip Run.

Photo from Royce Baker

There are a few events with not much in the way of information attached; look out for more information emailed to those on the motorcycle emailing data-base. If YOU want to be included on this list please send a message to me, Chris, at 021 2177140 or

That’s it for this month, keep warm… Cheers, CML




Bar opens 6.00 pm

Please be seated for dinner by 6.30 pm

The dinner is held annually to present branch members 25, 35, 50 and 60-year membership awards.

This year, the dinner will again be catered by Country Feasts. The buffet meal will have a choice of 3 meats, 6 salads and/or vegetables, gourmet potatoes and a variety of breads. This will be followed by tea, coffee and slices.

Tickets ($40 single) are available from branch committee members and at the bar at the August noggin.

If there are any special dietary requirements, contact Leigh –342 9110 or as soon as possible please.

Come along and support your fellow members on their special night. During the evening, you will hear citations highlighting the 50-year awardees’ involvement in the club; always interesting.

25-year presentations: Pam Dacombe, David Dacombe, Marietta Jeeves, Andrew Morison, Julie Sword

35-year presentations: Anthony Blackler, Kenneth Boucher, Jens Christensen, Leigh Craythorne, Warwick Fyfe, Colin Hey, Barry Jones, John LeBrun, Margaret Seaton

50-yer presentation: Barrie Blackler. (To be presented at alater date - Paul Ainsworth)

60-year presentations: Barry Townshend, John Wallis. (To be presented at a later date – Russell Barnard)

(Please note – members of the management committee have not given their final approval for these applications at the closing date of the Hub.)

Winter Run 2024

Winter Run and High Tea. Well, this run was a bit too ‘left field’ it seems for some of our members, and it was interesting to see the comments on the Facebook page when we announced the format about 3 months ago. Some thought it was a silly idea, and a few waded into the argument (even from outside our branch!) saying it was worth a try. For those who missed the chat, this run was a run with no paper instructions and instead those who entered had to bring a phone, tablet or iPad with them, and a navigator was essential. Instead of giving out the rally route in hard copy, the instructions would be emailed to each entrant immediately before the start time, and also made available on the branch website where they could also be downloaded to a device if need be. As the run progressed, participants would be given a couple of landmarks to stop at, and there would also be questions to answer along the way, with the answers and photos of the landmarks sent by text to the organiser. A step too far you ask? Well, what a surprise we had, as everyone really, really enjoyed it – even a couple of the entrants who were by no means what they themselves would describe as ‘tech-savy’.

The run was held on Sunday 21st July, and we all met at the Mitre 10 Mega car park in Ferrymead. There were 12 entries (we were hoping for 20 or 30), ranging in age from early 20’s right through to those who have held Gold Cards for a number of years! Everyone turned up early, and as they arrived we checked that they could upload the instructions (nobody had any problem), and off they went. The first few instructions took them to the first landmark, the Scarborough clock tower, where they were required to take a selfie of both

the driver and the navigator with the clock tower in the background and text it to me. One couple had never taken a selfie before, but they managed to work it out and the result was just fine. The run then went up Evans Pass and into Sumner, back through the Lyttelton Tunnel, around the base of the hills to Cashmere, and then up to the top of Dyers Pass Road. A very easy and straightforward route. There were 4 questions to answer along the way, at least one of which required help from Mr Google to get the right answer. Everybody aced that one! Another selfie was required at the Sign of the Kiwi, and then the run continued through Governors Bay, and up and over Gebbies Pass to Motukarara with a couple of more questions to answer. Once clear of Motukarara on the back road (Ridge Road), there were instructions on which letters to pick out of the previous answers to make up the words of the destination for the High Tea, which by then was fairly obvious anyway, being the Tai Tapu Hotel If anyone had got lost earlier or given up along the way, there was an “OMG!” envelope that could be ripped open with the final destination inside it. ALL of the envelopes came back unopened! And guess what, everyone arrived at the Tap in good time, nobody was frazzled and everyone reported they really enjoyed the run.

For me as the score-taker, collating the results was a breeze. Texts were coming in flat out, but because they were all coming from different cell phone numbers they were automatically sorted against each number individually, so I knew who had sent them because I had their selfie photos with each set of answers. I also knew roughly where everyone was on the route, because the questions were about various signs and landmarks along the way, so when they texted the answer in, I knew they had got to that location. I could also collate the scoring as the run progressed rather than trying to do it from finished written answers on instruction sheets handed in on arrival. By 6pm we were settling in for a very nice dinner, and everyone was chatting away. Oh, and did I mention the dress-up competition? It was absolutely great, and most people had a go and dressed in gear to match the age of their car. With cars from the late20’s to the 1970’s there was a great variety of colours and styles.

Overall winner Pat O’Connell with officials Paul, Royce and Joseph.

After mains had been consumed, some small prizes were given out as follows:

 Highest Score on the run – Denis O’Rourke and Steve James –Jaguar Mk 5.

 Best Selfie – Robyn and Eric Cox – Morris Minor

 Best dressed couple – Heather and Tim Harris – Holden EK.

Well done to all of you, especially Denis and Steve, who got all of the answers exactly right.

The evening was finished off with nice desserts, and by then we were amongst the last to leave the restaurant for the night.

So, the final verdict is that the run was a great success, and as I said earlier, really enjoyed by everyone. Would we do it again – yes definitely, the same again next year please! The other choice is perhaps straight line navigation which might please a few, but I’ve personally witnessed some huge arguments between drivers and navigators where this has been used in the past, and I guarantee the mood at the High Tea at the end definitely wouldn’t be as good. A special thanks to all who took part and added to the enjoyment of the event.


I got up on the Sunday morning of OCBC day for July, looked outside at the dim light, cold and fog and wondered just how many we’d get along to OCBC that day. I shouldn’t have worried though. I needed to make a quick trip out to Darfield before I got this month’s Wolseley of choice out of the shed, so I didn’t get out to Cutler Park until about 9.10, and by then the coffee van was already well into dispensing mode, with about 20 cars already there and people already in the queue for a hot drink to warm their hands up. Everyone seemed well wrapped for the cold, and as the morning progressed more and more cars turned up, and when I left to go off to an AGM for another club I belong to at 10.30, there were still cars coming in through the gate! It’s always good to see different cars there, and two stand-outs for me this month were a lovely 1922 Buick sedan (my apologies for not getting the name of the owner) with a beautiful deep blue paint job and wearing a fresh set of white-wall tyres, and Phillip Jeeves’ 1921 Fiat 510S Tourer, which Phil reports is now running well after finally getting to grips with the carburettor. Keen to get some miles on it now, Phil commented that OCBC was perfect for just that, and just a great opportunity to catch up with other members at the same time. I later heard that a 1934 Wolseley saloon turned up which I missed seeing, so I hope the owner of that car returns next month so I can see it in the metal – I’ve only seen photos of it to date when it was owned by the previous owner.

For the August OCBC, we are having another ‘themed’ day which will be for German cars and bikes. So if you have a BMW, Audi, Mercedes Benz, Porsche or VW that is roadworthy, or even one that needs a bit of work to get out, start to get it ready! Perhaps you have a DKW or Opel tucked away somewhere too?

As usual though, any vehicle special to you is more than welcome as well.

Sparking Buick sedan at July's OCBC

2024 Show Weekend Tour

15,16 & 17 November 2024 Entries close 1st November (Start: Cutler Park 10am)

Entrant’s Name:

Vehicle year:

Vehicle Make/Model: …………………………………….

Entry fee $30 Per person Payment directly to internet banking to branch account 03 1594 0096832 00 with your name in the particulars field and "Show weekend" in the reference field.

National Daffodil Day Rally for Cancer

Sunday 25th August

If you haven’t done so already, please add this event to your list of things to do during August, and if you are also involved in any OneMake or other motoring club please ensure your fellow club members are aware of this date as well.

Just like last year, it will be an open event suitable for any veteran, vintage, classic (old or new), hot rod or collectible vehicle or motorcycle. This year the event will start by meeting in 5 locations at 10.00am, the last one (Amberley/Liethfied) being a new one for this year. They are: Rangiora at the Southbrook Park in South Belt

 New Brighton Club in Marine Parade

 Cashmere Club in Colombo Street

 Rolleston Park’n’Ride car park opposite the Selwyn District Council offices in Norman Kirk Drive

 Amberley/Leithfield at the Better Half Café, 14 Ashworths Beach Road.

All runs will have short and long routes, once again with slight variations on previous year’s routes. For those who have been on the event before, you can choose a different starting point if you want to see totally different country. All of the runs will converge at Cutler Park by 12.00 noon, where all of the vehicles will be on public display for the early part of the afternoon. A donation (suggested as at least $10 per car) will be collected on arrival at Cutler Park. All proceeds will be passed on directly to the Lower South Island division of the Cancer Society. Once we arrive back at the club grounds, the Avonhead Rotary group will once again be on hand with BBQ food you can purchase for lunch, and Sue-Anne and Deb our OCBC barristers will be on hand with their coffee cart. Phil Chapman and his band of amazing volunteer musicians will also be jamming it up to keep everyone entertained. We will also be running a meat raffle, and an amazing new Smoker BBQ has been donated by Fires and Things (Rolleston) and Malcolm & Anita McGibbon which will also be raffled.

Around 1.30pm there will be a short prize-giving, where prizes will be

awarded for the best American, British, European, Japanese, and Australian vehicles, the best motorcycle, Best Dressed participants, and Cancer Society personality’s choice.

If you would like to help with the organisation – especially at any of the start venues, please contact Colin Hey on 021 883 807 or email:


A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events.

Mr Terry Sandford 1994 Mazda Lantis

Mr Mike Flynn 1965 Ford Cortina

Mr Alan Blackie

1974 Morris Marina, 1980 Leyland Mini, 1978 Triumph TR7

Mr Scott Copper

Mr Anthony Williams

Mr Murry Topp 1935 Ford Pickup

Miss Grace Rollo 1939 Chrysler Plymouth, 1979 Ford Escort

Womens and Young Drivers Run 2024

8th September 2024

Entries close 30th August (Start: Cutler Park 10am)

Entrant’s Name: ………………………………………….

Co-Driver Name: ………………………………………….

Email address:

Vehicle Make/Model: …………………………………….

Entry fee $10 Per Car

Payment directly to internet banking to branch account 03 1594 0096832 00 with your name in the particulars field and "Women and Young Driver " in the reference field.

Park Going Forward

Ground volunteers have completed some large projects this month

1. Tidy up kids playground and re bark the area

2. Road front fence, loose wires re stapled, pickets straightened

3. Water blast area behind headquarters for moss and lichen

4. Sprayed beer garden area to control moss and lichen growth “30 second and walked away ‘

5. Ex swap meet storage we removed the lean to and roof off the Container, placed old roofing iron in the container, the Container left Cutler Park for the scrap dealers.

6. Park rolling in progress

7. Vintage Car Club Sign, road frontage, replaced posts, raised sign to the same height as the other side, we will stain both signs when the weather warms up

Thank you to all volunteers who turn up for ground maintenance.

We would not get this work done without you.

We are looking for more volunteers for this go forward team, if you think you could be part of this team contact Pete Blacklock coordinator 021 181 3491

Maintenance Days have changed to the first and third Tuesdays of the month

Calendar of Events 2024/ 2025

July 2024

Sun 21st Midwinter Run

Sat/Sun 27/28 Motorcycle Midwinter Run

Sat 30th Motorcycle Annual Rally

August 2024

Sun 4th Around Town Rally

Sun 25th VCC NZ National day

Sat 31st Motorcycle Around the Bays

September 2024

Sun 8th Women and Young Drivers Rally

Sat 14th Awards Dinner

Sun 15th Motorcycle trial

Sun 29th Vintage Annual Rally

October 2024

Fri-Sun 11-13 Swap Meet

Sat/Sun 19/20 Girder Fork Rally

November 2024

Sun 3rd All British day

Sat 9th Veteran/Vintage Highland Games display

Sun 10th Homestead Run

Fri-Sun 15-17 Show Weekend Tour

December 2024

Sun 1st Veteran Annual Rally

Sat 7th Christmas Social

Sun 15th Christmas Picnic

Thu 26th Boxing Day Run

January 2025

Thu 2nd Motorcycle New Years Run

Sun 5th Picnic Run

Sat 25th Fish & Chip Run

February 2025

Sat 1st Commercial Annual Rally

Sat 8th Boot sale

Sat 15th Clip-on Run

Sat/Sun 22/23 Annual Rally

March 2025

Sat 1st Brooklands to Brighton for 100 year old vehicles

Sat 8th Moped Run

Sun 9th Twin Rivers VCC display

Sat/Sun 15/16 Jim Toohey Run

Sun 30th Rear Wheel Brake & Veteran Rally

April 2025

Sun 6th P Group Annual Rally

Sat 12th Scooter and Small Motorcycle Rally

Fri-Mon 18-21 South Island Easter Rally

Fri 25th Malvern Anzac Day Run

May 2025

Sun 4th Autumn Run

Sat 10th Rural Run

Sun 18th Ross Butler Memorial Grasskhana

Sat-Sun 31/1st Irishman’s

June 2025

Sun 8th Restoration of the Year

Wed 11th Motorcycle AGM

Sun 15th Branch AGM

July 2025

Sun 20th Midwinter Run

Sat/Sun 26/27 Motorcycle Midwinter Run

Sat 30th Motorcycle Around the Bays

August 2025

Sun 3rd Around Town Rally

Sun 24th VCCNZ National Day

September 2025

Sun 7th Women and Young Drivers Rally

Sat 13th Awards Dinner

Sun 21st Motorcycle Trial

Sun 28th Vintage Annual Rally

October 2025

Fri-Sun 10-12 Swap Meet

Sat/Sun 18/19 Girder Fork Rally

November 2025

Sun 2nd All British Day

Sat 8th Veteran/Vintage Highland Games display

Sun 9th Homestead Run

Fri-Sun 14-16 Show Weekend Tour

Sat 22nd Motorcycle Annual Rally

Sun 30th Veteran Annual Rally

December 2025

Sat 6th Christmas Social

Sun 14th Christmas Picnic

Fri 26th Boxing Day Run

1929 Chrysler Sedan 65 Partly restored $12000 Duncan 03 389 0948

1926 Chevrolet tourer soft top

The car has been in the family from new ,It has been garaged all of this time, replaced the engine with a 1928 truck motor. We still have the original motor that has a cracked piston, as well as another front axle with spoked wheels, It still has the original number plates, but has been de-registered. If you need anymore information please let me know. We are after offers.

Dave Jack 0211467540

VINTAGE & CLASSIC TYRES – Variety of sizes. Cross-ply Lester, Excelsior, Universal, Firestone, etc. Radials 19”and 21” American Classic. Limited stocks. Phone Jack 03 352 6672, or 0274 322 041 Christchurch.

Rally Holders are now available through Henry Little.

1988 Ford Cabriolet convertible

This compact touring car is now for sale ,powered by the unbreakable Mazda 323 DOHC 1600 it drives like a charm as could be expected from the low 117K mileage .Four seater with brand new American soft top ,new rear shocks ,new exhaust ,power steering ,aircon. all the conveniences but club eligible .Original White Pearl colour ,It has proved to be a little cramped for both luggage and mobility scooter so has been replaced by a larger vehicle . Alan Wills 021 08700692


Front cross member for a 1974 or 1975 power steer Triumph 2.5. Phone Jim on 0272097426.


See Notice board posters for more information.

Register Online:

2022-2023 Representatives

Motorcycle Convenor

Jens Christensen (Karen) 027 433 4179

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice) 03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep.

Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

Ken James 03 980 0547

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy) 03 385 6333


Peter Blacklock (Chrisy)

021 181 3491

Barn Bookings/Camping

Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320

021 126 3529

Bar Manager

Andrea Dallow (Gilbert)

03 388 2838


Ted and Jill Hockley

03 323 7183

Swap Meet

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Swap Meet Sites

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802 027 289 6201

North Canty Noggin

Alan Hill (Barbara)

03 313 6008 021 161 5866

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison

Jack Porter (Dorothy)

03 352 6672

027 432 2041

Branch Vehicle Custodian

Mark Drury

03 342 9297

Hub Editor And Web Site

Brodie Williams thehub@vcccanterbury.or

027 848 7775


2022-2023 Main Committee

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320 021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric) 021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce) 021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor

Graham Evans ( Anne)

03 351 5919 027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Commercial Convenor

Michael Hedgman (Claire)

03 745 9240

027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572

027 355 8387

Asst Club Captain

Henry Little (Michelle)

03 327 5471

027 288 8277


VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411

Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130

This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.

Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—

We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.

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