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March 2024

Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—5:00pm

We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.

3 CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Cover Photo Branch Annual Rally Overall Winners: Kevin and Shona Clarkson (1972 Rover 3500). Chairman’s Report 6 Secretary’s Report 8 Club Captain’s Report 9 Vintage Report 10 Veteran Report 11/12/13/14/15 Commercial Report 16/17 9-90s Report 21 P Group Report 22 Motorcycle Report 26/27 VOG Report 32/33 OCBC 35 New Members 38 The Mart 39/40/41/42 Officers and Reps 44/45 NOTE (early) Copy for the April Hub closes on Sunday 24th March 34A Harrowdale Drive, Avonhead, 8042 Phone 03 342 9110 / 027 772 8660 Or preferably email The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club. CONTENTS

Canterbury Branch Activities and Events




Thurs 7th Noggin and Natter

Sat 9th Moped Run

Sun 10th Rear Wheel Brake Rally

Wed 13th 9-90s / Motorcycle Noggin

Fri– Sun 15/16/17th Jim Toohey Run

Sun 17th OCBC

Tues 19th Grounds Maintenance

Wed 20th Commercial Noggin

Sat 23rd Commercial Annual rally

Wed 27th North Canterbury Noggin

Thurs 4th Noggin and Natter

Sun 7th P Rally / Grounds Maintenance

Wed 10th 9-90s / Motorcycle Noggin

Sat 13th Scooter Run

Tues 16th Grounds Maintenance

Wed 17th Commercial Noggin

Sun 21st Autumn Run / OCBC

Wed 24th North Canterbury Noggin

Thurs 25th Malvern ANZAC Run

Thurs 2nd Noggin and Natter

Sun 5th Grounds Maintenance

Weds 8th 9-90s / Motorcycle Noggin

Sat 11th Rural Run

Wed 15th Commercial Noggin

Sun 19th Ross Butler Grasskhana / OCBC

Tues 21st Grounds Maintenance

Wed 22nd North Canterbury Noggin

Fri 31-Sun 2nd Irishman Creek Rally For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.


Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme

Noggin Night

1st Thursday of the month


1st Wednesday after noggin

Motorcycle Noggin

2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin

3rd Wednesday of the month

North Canterbury Noggin 4th Wednesday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee

3rd Sunday of the month

Grounds Maintenance Morning

1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month

Parts Department

Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9-12pm

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.
Refer Pages 44 and 45 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators


Another month has slipped by, with the usual busyness of summer to keep the weekends occupied.

It was good to see fine weather for the branch Annual Rally, although I wasn’t able to make it along due to other aspects of life requiring my time, but many thanks to Katryna and her many helpers for putting this together. The weather forecast is looking promising for the inaugural Brooklands to Brighton run, it’s not often there’s an opportunity to be involved in the first running of an event, so looking forward to putting the rally badge on the wall as hopefully the first of many.

We are still looking for people to take over some of the important aspects of our branch activities, so if you are able to find some time to help with one of these please talk to one of the committee.

A replacement is needed for Tony Craythorne as Hub editor when he retires from the job in a few months, if we can’t find a volunteer we’ll need to look at what the options are for the future. This is an important and long standing part of our branch, and while we have previously paid for the services of an editor it is much more connected if it’s someone involved with branch activities, and the several thousand dollars this costs could be put to much better use.

Mike Foster is standing down as maintenance coordinator after many years of looking after the grounds and buildings, which is essential to keeping everything working and looking as it should. Any skill and experience of maintenance tasks would be helpful, but really the main purpose of the job is to coordinate the volunteers and any external help we need to take care of maintenance.

After many years our Noggin night kitchen team of Amanda and Liz are hanging up their aprons after this month, so we urgently need someone to take this over, particularly as it is a condition


of having a bar licence that food is available. We certainly wouldn’t want to get to the position where we weren’t able to operate the bar on Noggin night.

Finally, a reminder that if anyone has thoughts on the discussion about the future constitution and management of the national club, please pass them on to Rod or myself before the executive meeting in March, so we can represent the thoughts of our members in any decision.

Will see you out and about.

Please note the early closing date for the April Hub - it’s Easter Rally time!


After three years and 33 Hubs, I will be retiring as editor at the AGM.

If you or someone you know would be interested in this position please get in touch and I can fill you in on the details. It’s simple stuff really and the editor is not expected to write anything (a few captions perhaps) and all the copy comes from the office holders and convenors.

The branch supplies a good laptop computer with all required programs installed, plus a 24” and 26” screen, printer, mouse and keyboard.

An understanding of Microsoft Publisher would be handy but anybody can pick it up. An alternative publishing program may be used it’s up to the editor.

Please give it a thought. It’s an essential part of our Branch.


342 9110 or 027 772 8660



Hi Folks, from sunny Nelson. Into our 1st week and by the time you read this I should be home, but only for 3 days then off for a week in Tauranga, (Rally) back in time for National Executive meeting being held again this year at Canterbury 16/17th March.

Some volunteers for Kitchen and maybe a airport pick up still required. (Contact Rod 021 126 3529)

Don’t forget your input into the discussion paper sent to you early this year on the changes to be made to the management structure of The Parent Body of the Club coming up at this meeting and our Delegate Neil Shaskey and Branch Observer Katryna Shaw (Club Captain) need to know your views before our March Committee meeting on the 4th March. If you have any thoughts please put them in writing and get them to the Chairman or Secretary by the 1st March. Direct questions to Neil on any thing you don’t understand, as I’m on holiday, and have enough to do keeping up with the day to day running of our Branch.

I have had a request from a VCC member of Bay of Plenty Branch who intends to move to Christchurch in the very near future and is looking for a property on the west side of our beautiful city. Would prefer something with plenty of shed space or space to build same.

Also if anybody knows of a storage facility for maybe two cars and tandem trailer to tide them over till they are settled in (Contact myself 021 126 3529) or Mr Erwyn Fail 027 444 0148. directly.

Well that’s all for now, see you mid March.




The Annual Rally was held last weekend, which was enjoyed by all who participated. Saturday we headed out to a private collection of Ford Falcons in Eyreton then onto the Oxford Art Gallery. The Gallery provided an artisan market, music and the wonderful museum (which didn’t disappoint). If you get the chance, do go and see it. They have an extremely good collection that is well set out.

Henry Little organised the Rally Routes and came up with some roads that even the experienced rally goer had not come across. Sunday we had the field tests at Cutler Park, with some music from an eclectic mix of band members. They were brilliant and belted out some classics, reggae and rock n roll. Feet were tapping and a few dance moves came out.

As always there are drama’s. Robyn and Eric Cox had a breakdown at the Ford property in their Dodge Straight Eight. It was suggested by some that perhaps they could upgrade to a Ford type car or use some of the Ford parts to enhance what they have! Cheeky!

Also a car came off the road and went into a ditch! Luckily some kind passerby pulled them out and they continued their journey no doubt at a more sedate pace, I imagine! They obviously didn’t listen to the briefing - to be aware of your surroundings and speed, particularly in a fire danger season. No names ha ha ha ha. At least they are safe and we all laughed. The winners certificates will be available at the next noggin with the Trophies the following noggin.

The Rear Wheel Brake Rally is coming up on the 10th March. Details in this hub. The entry form will be on the Website shortly.

We are looking for two people within the club that have current tickets in plumbing and/or electrician. These roles would need to cover on-call maintenance and Swap Meet Weekend. If you have these and are interested please let me know. We would like to keep things within the club, rather than outsourcing.


Coming Events:

Saturday 9th March 2024

Motorcycle Moped Run

Sunday 10th March 2024

Rear Wheel Brake Rally

Sunday 17th March 2024

OCBC (Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee)

15/16th/17th March 2024

Motorcycle Jim Toohey

Saturday 23rd March 2024 Annual Commercial Rally

Sunday 7th April 2024

P Group Rally

Happy March!



Noggin this month caught a few regular patrons unawares as it occurred on 1st February. The Annual Vintage Rally winners along with an interesting BMW were on display.

The Annual Rally was held on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th February with 74 cars in attendance. Good weather and a pleasant lunch stop at Oxford with an easy listening musician. The field tests were held at Cutler Park on Sunday morning. Music was on the cards with our own John Forster on the microphone and the piano accordion. This was very enjoyable day with an excellent BBQ lunch which ended with the Prize giving.

A big thankyou to Katryna and her team for an excellent event.




There’s been a lot happening on the Veteran scene over the last month, and both of our Wolseleys have covered many miles, fortunately trouble-free except for routine maintenance and one puncture.

A number of members from our branch attended the National Veteran Rally in Dunedin during the last weekend of January, which was combined with the 70th anniversary of the Dunedin to Brighton Run. The weekend began with a get-together at the Edgar Centre – the usual catching up with friends from other parts of the country and handing out of rally packs, and very enjoyable. The rally itself started on the Friday morning near Abbotsford at the Sunnyvale Sports Centre, and with something like 70 cars and 10 motorcycles gathered it was quite a spectacle. The weather was near perfect too – bright and sunny with little or no wind, and getting warmer. We set off at 10am,

National Veteran Rally

and travelled through Fairfield on the old SH1 route, down Morris Road and into Mosgiel. From there we motored out to the lunch stop at Outram, passing the Taieri airfield and travelling through two retirement villages on the way. Field tests were conducted in the Outram Reserve before settling down to a picnic lunch. Another short run in the afternoon took us to a delightful


homestead and garden with a display of ornate and beautifully restored gigs and carriages, then it was time to head back over the hill to Dunedin – a challenge for some with the temperature now upward of 30 degrees. That night there was a dinner back in the Edgar Centre – a very relaxed affair with good food and lots of friendly chat. Next day of course was the running of the 70th Anniversary Dunedin to Brighton Run, an event everyone was probably looking forward to more than the official veteran rally the day before. We were starting to doubt the weather early in the morning, as there was a thunderstorm and heavy rain right up until about 7.30am, but the sky cleared by 8am and we enjoyed another sunny and warm day. The Otago Branch members did a splendid job of assembling and getting everyone in the right order before we all drove into the Octagon, where the vehicles were put on display for an hour before the actual run started. We were flagged off at 10.30 by the Mayor of Dunedin (Jules Radich) and headed off to Brighton, with the official route using the motorway over the Lookout hill whilst some chose an easier route up Sidey Street, re-joining the official route in Green Island. From there it was a splendid run out to Brighton, with most doing the full run along the coast right down to the Taieri Mouth (veteran motoring at its very best) and then returning to the Brighton Domain for field tests and lunch. Many members of the public were out along the route to watch and wave as the cars and motorcycles went past. By 3pm it looked like another thunderstorm was looming (didn’t eventuate though) so we headed back to town over the hill again to relax before the prizegiving dinner that evening. Another good function with great food, and lots of talk about cars and bikes and all things veteran around the tables. All the awards were handed out for both events, with the motorcyclists taking a good portion of the prizes.

Bruce Shadbolt (1910 Hupmobile) and John Martin (Cromwell). Dunedin to Brighton Run.

Unfortunately no Canterbury Branch members featured in the awards, but it didn’t matter as we’d all had such a good couple of days motoring. The following day there was a barbeque lunch out at Mosgiel as the final event for the Veteran Rally, however a few went to the traditional D2B after-match lunch at the Careys Bay Hotel out at Port Chalmers to cap off a great weekend. If you’re interested, here’s a link for some photos and video from the Rally and run:

Three weeks later on 17th and 18th February we took part in the Veteran Car Club’s Mid-Summer Adventure in Geraldine, with some great motoring around the Rangitata Island area on the Saturday, and then some slightly more challenging motoring on the Sunday in the rolling country to the west of Geraldine. It was another stunning weekend weather-wise, and a thoroughly enjoyable weekend of motoring, visiting properties and museums around the district and socialising, probably covering around 100 miles in total over the two days. Shock and horror, there was even quite a bit of gravel, but worth it to see the countryside we visited and to stay on quiet roads.

I’m pleased to say that our monthly Veteran Coffee Mornings at the Kirwee Thirsty Acres Café are continuing. Held on the second Tuesday morning of every month and starting at 10am,

Coffee morning, outside Thirsty Acres,

The café opens at 10am and has freshly baked scones on hand if you want to supplement your coffee. There’s no problem if you bring your modern or another club-eligible vehicle, in fact it’s probably a good idea if the weather is wet. We want to see people, not just veteran machinery – the latter is a bonus for you, the car and everyone else! The next one is on March 12th – just turn up!

Later on we’ll have one on the other side of the Waimak, but that will be announced here first.

In the shed at home I’ve been continuing work on a 1919 Wolseley 16/20 Tourer, which I’ve now got running and driven a short distance. If I hadn’t been out enjoying motoring so much already in the other cars I might have got it finished in time for some of the summer runs, but I’m really pleased with the way it’s cleaning up so I’m happy not to rush it and then find an issue on an event that turns out to cause major problems. It’s such a big car that trailering it long distances is not really an option, so it needs to be reliable from the get-go and capable and comfortable to be able to handle longer-distance motoring. I’m always envious of some of our members with faster veteran and vintage cars who are happy to travel between main centres or even drive inter-island to take part in events, and hope to do a bit of that myself in the coming years.

Brooklands to Brighton Run

There has been considerable effort put into organising the Brooklands to Brighton Run, which is happening on Saturday 2nd March, just after the hub deadline and before you read this. We have 43 confirmed entries, the weather forecast looks promising, and there has been media interest in it as well, so we should be in for a good day. As the organising has unfolded, I’m already aware of things that can be done better for next year, so I’m hoping there will be enough positive feedback to improve it, and enthusiasm to make it another annual outing our 100-year-plus vehicles can be used on. It’s also another great opportunity for the public to see them on the roads and to promote the VCC.


Rear-Wheel Brake Rally – Sunday 10th March

We’ll just get the B2B over and done with, and it will then be time to sort out the final details for the Rear-Wheel Brake Rally, which I must admit has snuck up on us a bit as I should really have had a notice in the February Hub about it. Anyway, by the time you get the hub electronically entries will be required very promptly, as it is on Sunday 10th March. All the information can be found on Page 19, but in summary this is a great opportunity for a very enjoyable club outing combined with a great public event, and best of all another fantastic chance to promote our club and show off our cars and bikes. I do hope that everyone with a Veteran vehicle or early two-wheel braked vintage will take the opportunity to be involved. The online entry form can be found HERE Please do your very best to get there, and sorry again about the short notice.

Malvern Anzac Day Rally – Thursday 25th April

Following in April we have our Annual Malvern Anzac Day Run on Anzac Day, Thursday 25th April.

This is a great day out and not only is looked forward to by residents throughout the Malvern area, it is also a meaningful way to remember those who paid the Ultimate Sacrifice in the First and Second World Wars. The run is especially appropriate and focussed on Veteran and Vintage and Pre-1945 vehicles which would have been around in the Anzac era, but all club eligible vehicles are welcome and invited to attend. It visits the War Memorials throughout the Malvern area, many of which have significance for some of our club members. You can find all the information you need on this event on Page 36 and the entry form is on Page 37.

So, here’s our list of events for the next couple of months:

Sunday 10th March – Rear Wheel Brake Rally – see details on Page18/19

Sunday 17th March – OCBC, also known as Old Cars Bike and Coffee, in the club grounds (Cutler Park).

Sunday 21st April – OCBC, where we will have an additional display of anything Italian.

Anzac Day Thursday 25th April – Annual Malvern Run. Details on Page 36 and entry form on Page 37.

Happy motoring everyone,



Greetings All,

Since I wrote the last report I have returned from my North Island car relocation journey. My daughter's Yaris was swapped out for my Son's latest purchase of a 1999 Jeep Cherokee Ltd Facelift 4.0l Petrol. While it's not old as far as we VCC members are concerned it is 6 years older than him! It was a bit of a change from the nippy Toyota Yaris but lumbers along OK. We were delayed leaving by a day due to the front brakes seized partially on so after that was fixed we headed south.

Our plan was to stop by Horopito Motors on the way to catch the ferry. Wow what an eye opener! Adam found a couple of bits that suited his Jeep so he was happy. There was an unbelievable amount of "stuff" there. Amazing amount of sheds and shelves full of old bits so it's a great source of parts. The outside was a mix of old and newer but it was semi organized. I spotted an old truck there that was rather interesting - It's obviously been there a while as the plate isn't recognized in Carjam. Does anyone know what it is?

The Jeep made it home OK but 2 weeks ago it started making a loud ticking noise. After us serving a google mechanic's apprenticeship it was narrowed down to a couple of things but turned out to be one of the worst - it has dropped a piston skirt so now requires an engine rebuild. The fun of owning old cars! I have now been advised the acronym for JEEP is Just Empty Every Pocket!

The February noggin was held at Dave Inwood's property. Thanks to Dave and Linda for hosting us. Linda put on a fine supperthank you for your efforts - it was much appreciated! For those who aren't regulars at the Commercial noggins - there is a donation box at the noggin for the group to put some cash into to hopefully cover the cost of the supper.

For the March noggin we have been invited to one of our very regular attendee's Don Bennett's shed in 468 Cranford Street.


Thanks Don for coming forward with that invitation. I am told the best way to find it is to look for the Tent display on the northern end of Cranford Street up near Supercheap Auto. Mark this in your diary for Wednesday March 20th

Don't forget to enter the Commercial Rally which is coming up on the 23rd of March. I will need your entries in by Sunday the 10th to be guaranteed a rally plaque. Late entries will be accepted but no plaque. Entry form was in last month's hub.

Any questions please give me a shout.

Keep on trucking!


18 Rear Wheel Brake Rally, 10th March 2024 Entries Close Friday 8th March Organiser Colin Hey Ph 021 883 807 Entrant’s Name …………………………………………………. Vehicle Make, Model and Year ……………………………………………………………………... Contact Phone number(s)…………………………………….. Email ……………………………………………………………… Rally Entry Fee @ $20.00 Entries close 8th March 2024 Don’t forget to make payment of your entry fee. You can do this by direct credit to our account 03 1594 0096832 00. Please put the name of the rally entrant in the particulars field and the name of the Rear Wheel Brake Rally in the reference field. Enter on line HERE …………………………………………………………………………….
20 2024 Annual Commercial Rally Saturday 23rd March Entries close 10th March (Start: Cutler Park 10am) Entrant’s Name: …………………………………………. Address: …………………………………………. …………………………………………. Membership Number: ……………………………………. Phone no: …………………………………………. Email address: …………………………………………. Vehicle year: …………………………………………. Vehicle Make/Model: ……………………………………. Route (circle one) Short Long Average Speed For Timed Section: ……………………. Entry fee $20 (including rally badge) Payment directly to Commercial Convenor, or by internet banking to branch account 03 1594 0096832 00 with your name in the particulars field and "Commercial Rally" in the reference field. Online Entry Form HERE


WOW! What a great start to 2024 9-90s. A large crowd gathered outside PMH for a good chat and catch up after our Christmas /New Year break then Tony B took us on a shortish run around the southern side of the city and out through our lovely country side to an amazing collection of cars and 50s-60s memorabilia. Tony has written his own report on that with lots of photos so I will leave you to enjoy his story. Thanks very much for a great day Tony.

Thanks to Fred C and my son Andy we no longer have to strain to hear if we have won a prize in the raffle so Thanks very much guys. Thanks very much also to Barbara and Wendy who ably filled in for Annette M buying the raffle prizes and selling the tickets.

I’m sure we all wish Tony M a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing him and Annette on next month’s run. Next month.

John Winchester says we will need a full tank and empty bladder when we gather at the Rolleston community centre for a 10.00 am sharp departure heading south to enjoy learning a little of our local history.

Coming months.

There will be NO 9-90s if we don’t get some volunteers to organise a run!

It is not that hard and there is help available if you are unsure of how to go about it.

Please! Give me a call. 021 222 5086.

Cheers. Ken.



P-Group Rally - Sunday 7th of April

It is time again for the annual P-Group Rally. Any vehicle from 1934 to 1994 is eligible to enter.

Of course if you want to come along in another vehicle that isn’t eligible, we would be glad to see you. We love to see club members out showcasing our hobby/obsession. Obviously, only eligible vehicles can win a trophy but I think most people are more interested in enjoying their vehicles than trophies.

Meet at Cutler Park for departure at 10 am. We will drive to a local museum. We have been offered half price entry for the behind the scenes tour. The cost is $2.50 per person. Please pay this on the day. If you don’t wish to do the background tour, entry to the museum is free. Food and drinks will be available there. Once we have completed the tour we will return to Cutler Park for lunch and field trials.

A concours d'elegance will also be held, so please consider being part of that. I personally enjoy seeing the result of many years of hard work.

Please register by 29th of March as we need to let the museum know numbers for the tour. We also need time to have the rally plaques produced. The entry fee is $10. Rally plaques are $10 each I need some help to run the rally, and also need some people to run the field trials.

If you could spare some time to help I would greatly appreciate it.

If you have any questions or concerns , you can contact me either via email or by phone on 027 439 6572

Happy motoring everyone


Entrant’s Name

Membership Number………………………………………………….

Vehicle make and Model…………………………………………….

Vehicle Year……………………………………………………………

Email Address………………………………………………………….

Phone Number(s)………………………………………………………

Are You Entering The Concours? Yes No (circle one)

Average Speed For Time Trial……... Mph km/h (circle one)

Rally Entry Fee: $10.00

Rally plaque @ $10.00 Required Not required (circle one)

Send this form to: P Rally Organiser Foresters Crescent Parklands 8083

Don’t forget to make payment of your entry fee. You can do this by direct credit to our account 03 1594 0096832 00. Please put the name of the rally entrant in the particulars field and P Rally in the reference field.

Any questions please contact John Enright via email or phone 027 439 6572

23 “P” GROUP ANNUAL RALLY 9am, Sunday 7th April 2024

Saturday pictures

Canterbury Branch 2024

Annual Rally

None received for Sunday.

25 Branch
2024 pictures only.


As we move from Summer into Autumn the sun still beats down creating great motorcycling weather…

Past Events

27th January 2024 – Fish and Chip Run. The first for the New Year! About 6 or 8 met for a visit to a collection then onto Southbridge for contemplations.

2nd February – Brooklands to Brighton, 100 Year old Vehicle Run. I am aware of one motorcyclist; Ian McKinlay rode his 1923 A.J.S. and side chair combination, were there any others? (Yes 8 in total! Ed)

14th February – Motorcycle Noggin. This was a BBQ evening; the committee supplied a huge selection of salads etc. for the 10 or 11 that came. Thanks very much to Royce and Jan Baker for making up the salads, they were superb!

17th February – Clip On Run. Well! That was a bit of a dead loss! After the 15 or so that fronted up last year, only 3 made it this year – and that number included the organiser! That aside, Noel Nevin – Cuccioli won the “performance” cup – he didn’t have to pedal much… Hard Luck Trophy, John Benn – he ripped the throttle cable out getting his bike off the trailer so was a non-starter. Due to lack of numbers, the run was shortened to 10 k’s or so, in brilliant sunny conditions..

21st February – Old Codger’s Run. Morning coffee at The Post, Tai Tapu for the 11 riders, then onto the newly refurbished Little River Arms for lunch. Excellent food! There was a van load of people from the Wigram Retirement Village enjoying the newly done up facility, they had a number of photos taken using the bikes as back or foreground adornments! All good fun!

24th February – Fish and Chip Run. This was cancelled as that day was the Branch Annual Rally.

24th February – Canterbury Branch Annual Rally. I think only one motorcyclist entered the premier event for the branch The rest of us took our cars for a run; I hear it was a motorcyclist who, while driving his club eligible car, won his P60V class, won the navigation timed section and was first overall for the whole rally!!


Future Events

9th March – Moped Run. Graham Barnett – is the organiser of this event; it will start from the New World supermarket in Halswell at 10.30

13th March – Motorcycle Noggin. We have a couple of likely destinations within the city limits; we’ll advise by the email mail-out after the m/c committee meeting.

15th – 17th March – Jim Toohey Run. This will run to Westport on the Friday, ride to Karamea Saturday, home Sunday. Most likely over Lewis Pass, home via Arthurs Pass. Entries are still being accepted…

20th March – Old Codger’s Run. Still working on this one. Will advise destination via email mail out prior.

23rd March – Fish and Chip Run. Bringing forward one week as 30th is Easter Saturday. Starts at the Bunnings carpark, Russley Road, by the airport, 9.30am for a 9.45 am departure. We have the offer of an excellent destination for this

F and C run, to Andy Fox’s place, Foxdown Road (off the Scargill Valley Road). Andy (a VCC Management Committee member) has a very interesting collection of cars, bikes, and farming memorabilia. Some of us have seen it before; it is the sort of place you never get tired of going too, there is always something interesting to see! We are starting earlier so we can get to Andy’s place early as he is putting on a lunch for all riders. This will be free to enjoy, and to this end we need to know numbers for catering purposes. Please advise your likely attendance to Paul Ainsworth, cell 027 432 1391 or . We do need to be away from Andy’s by 2.00 pm as Andy has another appointment at this time. Look out for a reminder mail out on this.

6th April – Working Bee. There are a few little jobs that need doing around the Social Corner – painting, toilet block has a couple of issues, and tree roots need dealt to. More information after the M/C committee meeting.

10th April – Noggin. Going to Pratt and Whitney Engine Centre, Chch airport. Once again, we will need to know numbers attending for health and safety reasons, so be prepared to make a commitment. More details next month.

13th April – Scooter and 250cc Motorcycle Run.

17th April – Old Codger’s Run.

27th April – Fish and Chip Run.

That is about it for this month, enjoy the fine weather and keep the rubber to the road!

Cheers, CML


A Visit to Harley City Collection

The lure of the Australian Open Tennis and a family visit took your reporters Paul and Chris to Melbourne during the latter part of January 2024.

While there, an opportunity arose to take the 120 km drive to Castlemaine to visit David Reidie’s Harley City Collection.

Amassed over 40 years, this collection of 80+ bikes offers an excellent insight into the psych of HD as they sought to obtain and maintain dominance in the US motorcycling industry. Not only just about Harley Davidson, but also Crocker, Indian, Vincent, Brough Superior, and Triumph feature. Also, not only motorcycles, but a few cars as well – including a late 1920’s Bugatti Type 35, 1953 Fiat V8 Zagato (a runner in the Mille Meglia 1953 and 1954), Lancia Aurelia B20 GT from about 1955, and an early Ford Mustang. The Harleys are mostly from the 1915 – 1930, a collection of knuckleheads 1930 to about 1950’s; all well displayed in his specially constructed show rooms. The quirky are represented as well – there is an all-electric HD only about 7 – 8 years old in the collection!

The large very open facility housing the collection features the main show area plus a large assembly area where David works on the bikes as required. Most/all bikes are in full running condition; they are started and run from time to time. All around the walls of the display room are huge reproduction photos of HD bikes in action, especially in the 1920’s and 1930’s, and all being ridden by HD works riders. The point is; the bikes shown in the reproduction photos are all in David’s collection!

It was a surprise to see a number of the bikes and one or two cars were still sporting their New Zealand number plates – David actually grew up in Invercargill and still makes a pilgrimage to his birth country 4+ times a year – staying in his house he maintains in Christchurch.


The collection features some extremely rare HD factory racers, some of which only one, two or possibly three examples were ever created. David does have the only flat tracker side chair racer from 1926 in existence – much to HD’s disgust… David was a most hospitable host during our 2 ½ hour visit. His philosophy is not to “open to the general public” but to open to interested groups who he can educate and foster an interest in obtaining motorcycles from a past era.

When you next visit Melbourne and have some spare time up your sleeve give David a call, he would welcome your visit.

Check it out at, you will not be disappointed.

The train only costs $10.20 one way!

David did feature at a motorcycle noggin held May 2023 in The Barn; he spoke at length about his experiences in the motorcycle industry in Victoria, Australia.

Thanks very much, David, for your hospitality, we’ll be back!



Entrants Surname:

First Name:

No. of Crew _____ (Entrants must be financial VCC members)

Address: ______________________________________

Home Phone _____________ Cell: _____________

Email Address: _______________________________

Vehicle & Year: ______________________________________

Registration No: _ ________________________

VCC Member Number: ___________________

Entry Fee per vehicle $115.00 (3 days) $______

Friday only fee per vehicle $50.00 $______

No of Irishman 2024 Plaques @ $10 each $______

No of Extra Friday lunches at $23 each $______

Total: $______

Entries to:

Dave Inwood, 126 South Eyre Road, Kaiapoi 7692, Christchurch.

Make payments to VCC Canterbury Branch by direct credit to a/c 03-1594-0096832-00. Please put the name of the rally entrant in the particulars field and Irishman Rally in the reference field.

Any queries to Dave Inwood on 03-3274156. or email:

Entries close: Thursday, 9th May 2024.



Irishman Creek Rally 2024 - 31st May to 3rd June

This year’s rally will start in Rangiora at Daniel Smiths future museum site on the corner of Flaxton and Fernside Roads on Friday, 31st May. Be early for an 8am start.

Rally Packs should be collected from Canterbury Branch Clubrooms (Cutler Park) on Thursday, 30th May from 4pm . The bar will be open from 7pm-9pm and out of town visitors are welcome to join us. We encourage early collection to enable a smooth departure on the Friday morning.

All entrants will be required to “Read and Sign” a Health and Safety programme to receive the Rally Pack. Consequently Rally Packs will be able to be collected by the entrant only.

The local “Lions” will provide lunches on Friday, 31st May. You will need to take your own hot or cold drinks . The cost of the driver’s lunch is included in the Rally Entry Fee. All crew and passengers will need to order extra lunches at a cost of $23 each (on the entry form).

The “Lions” have been extremely helpful in organising the day so we expect everyone to support them with lunch purchases.

As per last year, lunches will be the responsibility of each entrant for the Saturday and Sunday.

We have also booked the Community Hall for Saturday night this year and food will be available for purchase from local vendors (BYO drinks).

Prize Giving and Supper will be in the Community Hall on Sunday, open at 6.30pm for a 7.30pm presentation.

While back up vehicles are provided all vehicles must be self sufficient and carry tow ropes and chains for mud or snow– and be adequately prepared to cover some distance on back country roads with river crossings. As we will be crossing private farms strictly NO DOGS are allowed. Fire extinguishers will be compulsory in all vehicles–including Back Ups.

The Irishman Rally is open to Vintage Car Club Members only and for Vintage and Veteran aged vehicles. The winner and runner up will be drawn as per tradition from the entrants participating. Rally Nos and Extinguishers will be checked as you enter private property.

All entrants are eligible without exception. The winner and runner up will be joined by a small team to assist with the task of organising the following year’s event. This is what makes the rally special and provides the variety we see each year as a new person gets to put their mark on this event. While this is a challenge there is a team behind you.

Donald Wright, John Gregan and Dave

The entry form is in this month’s Hub or on line HERE



February Run

Well our numbers have swelled yet again. VCC grounds maintenance member Colin Hider has seen the light and bought a mighty Velosolex but unfortunately the little “tart” just won’t run properly for him.

Tuesday Feb 10th saw us rendezvous at the Mandeville Tavern carpark in Kaiapoi for our run of the month and the wealth of knowledge Colin gleaned from our “team” was amazing so I am sure Colin will be up and running for the March ride of excitement.

Our ride this month was organized by Noel Nevin and even though it wasn’t a great distance it sure was very enjoyable on a brilliant day with the sun beaming down upon us and very little wind. The journey encompassed the cycleway in Kaiapoi that leads onto the newish clip on cycleway over the Waimak River alongside the “Northern Arterial Route” – great for cyclists, walkers and Velosolex riders. There were even some “hills” involved as we rode up the track that runs parallel with the Tram Rd motorway entry, I think most of us made it up this part without any pedalling involved and believe me that is quite an achievement with 90kg’s of bodyweight astride a little moped with less than 1 horsepower of grunt.

Backup service this time was provided by my wife Jan who took time out from attending her Halswell Garden Club Meeting – she must have enjoyed herself as she was full of smiles. Fortunately her backup service wasn’t required so I was faced with a bit of a dilemma who am I going to award the famous trophy to? Well after a lot of discussion with myself I decided on George Schwass (a recent VCC new member with Morrie 8’s and several Velosolex’s) who arrived in a 2 piece suit and a collar


and tie – we thought he was trying to show us VOG sloths up wearing our jeans and T shirts. George unfortunately had to work on the day and not wanting to miss out on the fun decided to join us at our lunch break. That’s dedication for ya’.

Nothing more to report from the desk of VOG 1. So until next time it’s “

Andrew Buist displayed his historic BMW race car

Some of the Vintage Rally winners: Bryan Hayman’s Graham Paige, Steve William’s Chev and Philip Jeeves Hupmobile.

Group Remember: First Sunday and third Tuesday mornings. All VERY welcome. Noggin

February s OCBC was very well supported, with our usual coffee vendor back after some necessary engine work on her van. Regretfully I couldn’t be there as we were away taking part in the Veteran Club Mid-Summer Adventure in Geraldine. I did have a coffee that morning though, and thought of those who would be at Cutler Park at the same time……I hear it went well.

The date for the March OCBC is of course Sunday 17th March, so bring your car or motorcycle (unless you’re off on the Jim Toohey motorcycle run to the West Coast) out and have a coffee and a chat to fellow club members and visitors. Any vehicle of interest is welcome – even if it’s just something you like yourself (I’m sure other people will point out some good features!).

In April we’re going to have a special area set aside for Italian vehicles – so if you have a Bambina or other Fiat, Ferrari, Maserati, Nazzaro, Lamborghini or maybe a Benelli motorcycle in your collection, that will be the month to bring it out to OCBC.



Entrants name ________________________________

Membership number ____________


email ______________________________________________

Vehicle Make/Model ______________________________

Year ________________

No. ordered

Lunch choice, numbers required (see below) A ( ) B ( )

Entry fee $25.00, lunches $20 each

Total Paid

Lunch options: Please indicate A or B and number required on your entry or you will default to A

A. Ham and Salad filled roll, muffin, piece of seasonal fruit, 750ml water

B. Vegetarian filled roll, muffin, piece of seasonal fruit, 750ml water

Assemble at the Darfield Recreation Centre, North Terrace from 10:00am to collect the days rally pack. Please park in the designated areas as the vehicles will be on public display from 10:30am to 11:30am when the first vehicles will depart.

Entries close 12th April 2024

Enter on line HERE


A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events.

Bronwyn Hayward

1937 Austin 10 Cambridge Sedan\

Barrymore Ricketts

1963 Austin Healey B17 1962 Austin Healey BJ7 1972 Triumph TR6 Roadster, 1973 Triumph Stag, 1995 Subaru WRX

Dave Booker

1954 Matchless G9 M/C, 1954 Royal Enfield J2 Bullet M/C

Mark Barron

1928 Essex Super Six Coach Sedan

Terry Timms

1959 BSA DBD 34 (Gold Star) . 1961 BSA RGS A10 (Rocket Star) . 1970 BSA A65F (Fire Bird) . 1968 BSA Seeley/ BSA DBD 34 (Race Bike) .1972 Kawasaki H1R (Race Bike)

Andrew Mustoe

1984 Jaguar XJS Coupe

Peter Bayler

1928 Ford Model A Coupe

Peter Merrifield

1951 Morris SV Morris Minor Coupe, 1974 Datsun 1200 Sedan

James Ross

1934 Riley Special Lynx,Coupe. 1934 Riley Mentone Sedan

Paul Peryman

1981 Alfa Romeo Giuletta Sedan

Peter McDonald

1988 Nissan Sentra Hatchback.

1951 Excelsior Roadmaster Motorcycle.

Matthew Ohs

1977 Mitsubishi Lancer (pictured)



1954 MG TF 1250

Chassis up restoration by present owner in 2001.Photos available.

16,000 miles since. In excellent condition with a few stone chips. Matching numbers. $45,000.Phone Kevin 027 365 1938.

1960 Hansa

1000 miles, restored in 2016. Running short of space.

Russell Barnard 349 8869

1935 Austin 10 Lichfield

Registration on-hold. Roadworthy but not Warranted. Repainted. Brakes Renewed. Original interior. Driven a few years ago. Garage stored.

Car belonged to my late father Patrick Waite. Open to offers.

Ph 027 2747 007


Barn Find (45 Years ago)

My barn find for sale. A late 1929 Model A four door with five new Firestone tyres

Martin Rooney

03 312 4090

1938 Singer 10

This car has recently arrived at our Parts Shed. The bodywork is in remarkable condition due to it been dry garaged for the last 40 years. The engine has been reconditioned and is inside the car wrapped in greasy paper. Many other parts have been reconditioned as well. There is also a spare parts car which has been stripped down but I think is complete. If any of our branch members could be interested in this easy restoration I urge you to contact a Parts Shed member as soon as possible as cars in this condition only turn up very rarely. Wayne Stocks spare parts co-ordinator. Phone 383 1380

1993 Suzuki Bandit GSF250

Club eligible, tidy bike for its age, light weight so easy to handle and no issues travelling at open road speed

250cc water cooled 4 cylinder, electric start, six speed gearbox. New chain, sprockets and rear tyre when purchased around 2 years ago, new battery end of last year. Will be sold with new WOF and rego to 7/24 Advertising on behalf of family, please contact Neil on: 027 289 6201 for more details.


BMW-R100s Motorcycle, 1981

49,000 Miles, ex UK, have owned the bike since 1984, comes with all original fittings, e.g. Fairing, gauges, H/Bars. Has WOF & Rego, Ready to ride away. asking price $11,000. For more info Ph 022-131-7235, Email - . Canty Mem, Jeff Rogers


Brake tools, bleeder spanners (open/ring) Spring removal tool, Square profile adjusting spanners. $35

Patience and Nicholson counter top drill dispenser, with divisions from 1/16" to 1/2" including approx 100 drills. $50

Stocks and dies. Little Giant USA. BS Pipe 1/2" 3/4" 1.1/4" Taps

3/4" and 1.1/4" $20

Hundreds of solid rivets, flat, c/s, round head with rivet setting tools 1/8" to 5/16" $20

New unopened Repco Dot 4 brake fluid, Three 1L bottles (retail $40) $15 each

Mititoyo Micrometer 0 to 25mm $30

Alan Wills

021 087 00692

312 4090

1913 Sunbeam

Elegant design capturing the essence of a bygone era

Powerful 4.0L 4-cylinder engine for a thrilling driving experience

Open-air motoring for enjoying the wind in your hair and the beauty of the open road

Meticulously maintained condition ensuring longevity and enjoyment

We are offering this rare collectible at $39,000.


1951 A40 Devon

I'm selling my Austin A40 Devon project car. I was wondering if anyone in the Vintage Car Club of Canterbury might be interested in purchasing it. (Car is located in Leeston) You can see photos of it through this link

42 BARN HIRE The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255 WANTED
LAST CHANCE TO ENTER! The Rear Wheel Brake rally is NEXT Sunday


The Jaguar Drivers’ Club of Christchurch is hosting the National Rally for Jaguar drivers of New Zealand at Easter this year. There will be a display of all the Jaguars (nearly 200) in attendance from 9am to 1pm on Saturday 30th March at the Airforce Museum, 45 Harvard Avenue, Wigram.

This free event is open to the public. Donations boxes will be available for our chosen charity Hato Hone St John.

43 Rotary Club of Ashburton Plains Classic Car Run 28th April 2024 For any further information please contact: Allan Lill
See Notice board posters for more information.

2022-2023 Representatives

Motorcycle Convenor

Paul Ainsworth (Joss)

027 432 1391

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice)

03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep.

Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

Ken James

03 980 0547

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

03 385 6333


Mike Foster

03 359 8260

022 359 8260

Barn Bookings/Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

03 312 7255

027 407 5344

Bar Manager

Andrea Dallow (Gilbert)

03 388 2838


Ted and Jill Hockley


Swap Meet

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737

021 883 807

Swap Meet Sites

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201

North Canty Noggin

Alan Hill (Barbara)

03 313 6008

021 161 5866

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737

021 883 807

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison

Jack Porter (Dorothy)

03 352 6672

027 432 2041

Branch Vehicle


Mark Drury

03 342 9297

Hub Editor And Web Site

Tony Craythorne (Leigh)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660


2022-2023 Main Committee


Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320

021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric)

021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce)

021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor

Graham Evans ( Anne)

03 351 5919

027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737

021 883 807

Commercial Convenor

Michael Hedgman (Claire)

03 745 9240

027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie)

027 439 6572

Asst Club Captain

Henry Little (Michelle)

03 327 5471

027 288 8277



VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411

Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130

This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.


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