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Newsletter of:


Canterbury Branch Activities and Events


Tues 3rd

Grounds Maintenance

Thurs 5th Noggin and Natter

Sun 8th Women and Young Driver’s Run

Wed 11th 9-90s,Motorcycle Noggin & Commercial Noggin

Sat 14th Awards Dinner

Sun 15th OCBC

Tues 17th

Grounds Maintenance

Sun 15th Motorcycle Trial


Tues 1st

Grounds Maintenance

Thurs 3rd Noggin and Natter

Wed 9th 9-90s, Motorcycle Noggin

Fri-Sun 11-13

Tues 15th


Grounds maintenance

Wed 16th Commercial Noggin

Sun 20th OCBC

Sat/ Sun 19/20th Grider Fork Rally

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.

Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme

Noggin Night

1st Thursday of the month


1st Wednesday after noggin

Motorcycle Noggin

2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin

3rd Wednesday of the month

North Canterbury Noggin

4th Wednesday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee

3rd Sunday of the month

Grounds Maintenance Morning

1st Tuesday and third Tuesday of the month

Parts Department

Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9-12pm



After some cold and rainy weather it’s nice to see the sun again and a bit more daylight in the evenings, it certainly makes it easier to get some things done on the vehicles needing attention. From the reports that I’ve had the inaugural Around Town run was enjoyed by those who attended, so thanks to Brodie for the effort to organise the event, it’s good to try something different so I’m sure any thoughts on what went well or suggestions for improvement would be welcomed to further refine the idea.

Unfortunately there hasn’t been a lot of time for getting out and about myself. Early in the month the national executive meeting in Tauranga took care of one weekend, report from the meeting elsewhere in The Hub, and some time afterwards going through the ‘homework’ that came back from the meeting.

A fair bit of the remaining spare time has been spent trying to get various old machinery into properly functioning condition, somewhat prolonged by the search for what turned out to be a rather hard to obtain part, and made more difficult when the car has to go back to places where it’s had work done to have things corrected that the WOF inspector wasn’t happy with. While it does seem to be two steps forward one back sorting things out, at least it’s been a bit warmer for working outside, and I’ve managed to achieve a functional car and a motorcycle that’s no longer leaking petrol all over the garage floor.

The annual Daffodil Rally was once again a great success, with fine weather and a good turnout of both club members and other vehicle enthusiasts. There was a huge range of vehicles attending, with some cars particularly well represented, particularly notable was the turnout from the Mini, Mustang, MX5 and Mercedes clubs. It makes you wonder if there’s something about cars starting with M that inspires extra enthusiasm from their owners. The day was once again organised by Colin Hey, many thanks to Colin for a superbly run event, along with the large number of people who volunteered their time at the various start points and at the grounds to make it all happen. Looking forward the calendar is starting to get busier as we head towards Spring, so there’s plenty of opportunities coming up to get out enjoying your vehicles, or if you’re not putting in an entry to get involved helping out with an event.

From The Editors Desk

Wow, already spring, that means that Christmas is just around the corner!

Not much to report from me this month.

Next month I am jetting off to Thailand and Singapore, it will be good to see what kind of classics they drive over there.

Over Daffodil day I set up a livestream of the event on our Instagram which was a good success. I have also just made a new Facebook page for our branch, just search Club Canterbury” on Facebook and you will find details of all of our events.

Some members have been asking why the close off date for The Hub submissions is a week before the end of each month.

This is because a few members have gotten reports in late and the one week cutoff means I have a chance to make this newsletter look great while managing my own business as well.

Speaking of, if anyone is ever in need of mobile car cleaning we offer a 15% discount to all club members.

Enjoy this issue!

Brodie We have a new Hub email, if you haven't yet done so please save into your contacts. This address will allow you to contact me for Hub related inquiries.


Daffodil Day: Well what a beautiful day it turned out to be, another successful event. Raffle results: BBQ & Smoker Donated by “Malcolm & Anita McGibbon” and “Fires and Things” Rolleston.

Winning Number: 131 Carol Williams.

Meat Raffle One: 1st No 39 Justine Marshall. 2nd No 62 Don McLelland. 3rd No 90 Lee Dunnago. 4th No 117 Dennis Smythe. 5th No 95 Mike Green. 6th No Joanne Boulton.

Meat Raffle Two: 1st No 177 Kevin Stevenson. 2nd No 197 Jens Christensen. 3rd No Ant Williams.

4th No 262 Keith Upston. 5th No 82 Marilyn T. 6th No152. Erwyn Fail.

Meat raffles prizes supplied by Fresh Meats Barrington

On that note I would like to thank Henry and Michelle for all the help they gave me on the day and all of you that came and supported the day and we will see you next year.



What a great day out at the park for the VCC NZ National Day raising money for the cancer society, with the grounds full of cars and people. Rod, Michelle and I doing the raffles. The band donating their time playing some great music and the Rotary cooking up a great BBQ. All in all The day was a great success. Thanks to Colin Hey and his many helpers.

Sunday the 4th around town rally to Mona vale, where we had a reasonably price lunch. Thank you to Brodie for enjoyable day.

Old car/bikes and coffee was wash out, but a hardy few braved the elements and turned up for a coffee. Where the coffee cart was parked in the hall. But I still didn't get home till 11.45.

Next Event is Sunday 8th Womans and young drivers Rally. Hopefully you have done your entry, the more the merrier.

Saturday 14th Is the awards night. It would be good to see you there to support your fellow members.

Sunday 15th Old cars/bikes and coffee & Motor cycle trial.

Saturday 21st Hororata swap meet, which is always a great day. That reminds me to dust off my car parts for our swap meet 11th to 13th October, but as what happens every year its suddenly the day before and its panic stations.

Lastly Show weekend Tour 15th to 17th November. $30.00 per person and it's based in Methven with a day trip on Saturday and dinner in Methven Saturday night at your expense. If you haven't booked your accommodation, you better get on to it. Details and entry form in the hub or on the web site, so why not come and have a fun filled weekend.

Happy motoring Henry Little.

Notice for clubrooms key holders.

There are keys for the clubrooms whose whereabouts are unknown and need to be located.

There are also changes to be made to the building alarm which will include a reset of alarm codes, therefore contact details are needed to advise key holders when this happens.

If the location of all keys cannot be identified a change of locks and replacement keys may be required, it would be preferable to avoid this unnecessary expenditure of branch funds.

Can all members holding keys for the clubrooms please contact myself and advise the number of your key.

Thank you


Everything is on track for Swap Meet, except for one critical element, VOLUNTEERS. In particular we need people to help on the entry gates, to look after the display vehicles, and to help with car parking. All we need is a couple of hours of your time at some stage over the 3 days of Swap Meet. Manpower will also be needed to help set up the grounds before Swap Meet, and to pack away and tidy up everything on the Monday after it. The rosters will be at the September Noggin so if you are there could you please give this your special attention, or if not there and you can help, please call me and I’ll allocate a time and duty to suit your needs.

Thank you

Colin Hey

Ph 021 883 807 (If I don’t answer please leave a message and I’ll call you back).

Chairman Swap Meet Committee.

We are sad to announce the passing of these members in August.

Ken Boucher 05/05408

Gary Cook 05/05704

Our Thoughts are with those families during these hard times.

VCC National Executive meeting 9th & 10th August 2024

The Executive meeting began on Friday night with a welcome from the hosts, a summary of delegate responsibilities, and a minutes silence for member no longer with us.

This was followed by discussion of the minutes of the March meeting, with several queries on the accuracy of the minutes regarding the motion from Wellington Branch, and in particular the list of issues referred to in the minutes. After some discussion it was established that this list was attached to the draft minutes, but omitted from the revised minutes circulated to delegates.

Matters arising from the minutes - the example branch accounts being developed by Murray Trounson are still in progress, with some further work to be done to comply with the requirements of the new Incorporated Societies Act requirements. The Branch Manual has been reviewed by Diane Quarrie and will be published online in the near future, this will also be able to be downloaded from the website.

Inwards correspondence was a letter from Wellington Branch regarding the motion put to the March meeting which has also been circulated to branches, which was accepted, it was then proposed by the Wellington branch delegate that it be discussed under correspondence, however it was decided that the discussion should take place under general business.

The budget for the coming year prepared by Murray Trounson was approved.

Don Muller was once again appointed as Club archivist.

The remit previously circulated with a change of wording to the club bylaws regarding historic racing vehicles was put to the meeting and discussed, with some confusion over the correct wording of the amendment, further discussion was deferred to Saturday to establish which of versions in circulation was correct.

The national calendar of events was discussed, with branches having the opportunity to add events as appropriate. There was a reminder to respect neighbouring branch events, and to avoid arranging casual events on the same day as a published event, and where possible to publicise neighbouring branch events in branch newsletters. It was requested that entry forms for events be made available other than online for those members who are unable to enter online or prefer a paper entry form.

The Club financial performance report was passed, it was noted that in the absence of a Secretary/Treasurer he accounts are being prepared by National Office, with thanks to Linda for her work preparing the report.

Expressions of interest are still being sought for hosting the 2026 and 2028 Annual General Meetings.

Presentation of 50 year awards by the Club president was discussed, and the requirement for citations. As the 50 year award is a Club award it is accordingly to normally be presented by the Club president, and the citation is a requirement for the

award. Although it is expected that the awards are presented at a branch event once a year, if there are unusual circumstances that require alternatives these will be accommodated where possible when requested. The meeting was asked if they wished to vote on any changes to the 50 year awards, as only one delegate wanted a vote on the subject there was no vote taken and the status quo retained.

The possibility of a ‘sabbatical’ was raised for members unable to continue their membership during absence for occupational reasons, it was agreed by the meeting that the award recognises continuous membership and the dedication to the Club to continue this, and not years of membership if not continuous.

The Wellington Branch delegate once again raised concern that there would be insufficient time to discuss the issues raised regarding the management structure change decision process from the March meeting, it was decided by the Chair that any discussion could take place on Saturday and the meeting was adjourned.

The meeting reconvened following the Club AGM on Saturday, with the first item of business being the remit held over from Friday. Wording of the remit was confirmed, with an amendment to clarify the role of the Vehicle Technical Committee in the process, the motion was then passed.

Concerns raised by Wellington Branch under Inwards Correspondence regarding the changes to the process of Club constitution and management structure at the March meeting were read to the meeting. There was some discussion on the points raised and clarification from the Chair on some points raised and timeline of previous discussions. It was then suggested to move on to the agenda item submitted by Marlborough Branch seeking clarification of the list of issues referred to in the March meeting minutes, with input from several delegates and observers on whether the previous motion was adequately addressed. It was suggested that sub committee be formed to investigate options for options for future management structure, at which point it was

moved by Andy Fox that the issue be discussed at the meeting rather than delayed further, this motion was passed by a majority.

The Chair then read the list of issues presented to the March meeting, for discussion and to establish a list for publication of issues with the current management structure;

Meeting frequency

Difficulty following discussion at meetings

Lack of participation

Consistency of delegates attending meetings

Management vs Governance

Lack of understanding of current management structure

Member representation with regard to branch membership numbers

Archaic processes and timeframes

Following this discussion a draft of the revised Club constitution was presented, prepared in consultation with Parry Field lawyers. Changes from the current constitution have been commented, and identified where they are required by the new Incorporated Societies Act. This draft will be circulated to branches for review and comment, to be finalised for the March 2025 Executive meeting, to enable it to be circulated to members for a vote requiring 75% in favour for adoption.

A draft Branch Constitution was also presented, to assist branches with review, amendment and adoption of a new constitution to comply with the new Act.

There being no further business, the meeting was then closed.


Our August coffee morning at Thirsty Acres, Kirwee was really well attended, with about 15 members coming out to enjoy some veteran company, many of them in (or on) club-eligible cars. One even came out on a motorcycle! An added attraction (for those who wished) was the ability to meet Selwyn’s MP for National, Nicola Grigg, who happened to be using the café at the same time for a formal opportunity for a ‘meet and greet’ with the public in the Selwyn electorate. A couple of our members used this as an opportunity to talk to her about moving WoF’s to 12 months for our older cars, and other topics such as speed limit changes. To her absolute credit, she also came up to our table at the end of her session to chat to us all about the same topics – she had no idea that the FoMC had been trying to progress 12 month WoF’s for at least three years and was very keen to understand what it was all about. Most of us stayed on for the ‘Gold Card’ lunch – I really enjoy these opportunities to catch up with other members and chat about what’s going on in our sheds and other places.

Top of mind for many in the veteran section at the moment is the forthcoming auction in Gore on 21st September of the substantial collection of project cars and parts amassed by the late Robin Dickson. Preparing a large shed-load of parts into saleable lots has been a huge undertaking by Gore Branch member Paul Herron who has taken about 3 years to get the job done, but it’s all set to go now and it will be an interesting auction to attend. I know a number of our branch members are going down to Gore for it, so it’s going to be a good opportunity to catch up with many people even if nothing is purchased. For me – well, luckily there are no Wolseleys or parts thereof on offer!

Coming Veteran Events

In November we will be running two of our Veteran events, so I ask that you take special notice of the details on Pages 28 and 29 for the following:

• Hororata Highland Games Veteran and Vintage Run and Display on Saturday 9th November, and then 3 days later:

• Our branch Annual Veteran Rally on Tuesday 12th November.

Also don’t forget our monthly coffee morning will be held on Tuesday 10th September at Thirsty Acres, Kirwee, and you are also welcome to bring your veteran car or motorcycle out to OCBC on the morning of the 3rd Sunday of every month at the clubrooms, from 9.00am.



Fifteen Hardy Souls including backup headed off on our first run of the season on a chilly morning Tuesday 13th August. Athough we hadn’t been sitting idle since May as a gathering of the clans took place in June when 20+ of us had a visit to “Auto Haven” in Woolston to view an amazing display of classic cars and motorcycles in a temperature controlled showroom. What a line up there was to feast our eyes upon. For example not only one of each marque but in some cases up to six from various decades. Some of these vehicles were displayed with delivery mileages only and the same with the motorcycles. Well worth a visit. Many thanks to Barrie Walker for arranging this.

Also in June the OCBC at Cutler Park was of a French Theme and this saw a representation of 5 of the Gang with their bikes on display. “Viva la Françoise”

July it was a sociable get together at the “Elmwood Trading Co” great food and great company.

And now it’s back to riding our fabulous machines with a short run on the day of August 13 titled “Marshlands to Spencer Park” and return where we set off from Marshlands Domain on Prestons Rd and wound our way through the Prestons Subdivision to eventually end up on Lower Styx Rd and on to Spencer Park with a brief stop at the picnic area where some attended to a bit of fine tuning to their mounts includ-

ing VOG 1 (not like my trusty stead to let me down!!) So it’s into the workshop over the next month to rectify the problem. This maybe beyond me but I have plenty of help available to come to my rescue. What a great team. We all made it back to our lunch break at The Rowdy Kitchen including Dave Backhouse on son Shayne’s “hotted” up Solex. Man can that beast move along with a new barrel and piston and a better carburettor all set for peak performance. Dave was a bit annoyed when he was asked to be “Tail End Charlie” so he couldn’t ride the bike to it’s full potential until we finally hit the long straight of Lower Styx Rd on our return journey.

Lots of smiling faces and happy riders had another great day out with thanks to this month’s organiser Paul Bailey.

Royce VOG 1


I have only been able to attend the Noggin Night this month with two of the Restoration of the Year Winners.

I have been trying to obtain brass plaques for two trophies, we need 12 brass blank plaques 80 x 30mm thickness 1.2mm. If any one knows of a sheet metal business that could full fill this request please contact Graham a call on 0273207948.

I have been carrying out training of my Grandson Jack and he is looking forward to the young drivers rally.

I didn’t attend last Sundays OCBC, as the weather didn’t oblige.

Looking towards the Daffodil Rally this Sunday another good reason to show our support for the National Daffodil Day Rally for Cancer Sunday 25th August


Greetings all,

I hope you have taken the opportunity during these winter months to get some jobs done on your commercials or other projects you are working on. I’m certainly looking forward to spring. Longer days and rally’s! Remember the Vintage Rally is on Sept 29th this year – so if your commercial fits into the “Vintage” era you can enter the rally.

The August Commercial noggin was held at the Papanui club. 7 regulars turned up which was great.

The Motorcycle section have arranged their Sept noggin to be at the Autohaven – private car collection. They have kindly extended an invitation to the Commercial section to join them. Interestingly I had it on my list of places to visit for one of our noggins as suggested by one of our group. I have accepted the invitation and propose that we treat the evening as our Sept noggin instead of holding it the following week.

Jens tells me there are around 45 Cars and 45 Motorcycles on display. This is a very high-class, high value collection and a mindblowing experience I am told.

Entry is $35.00 per person and payable via Eftpos or cash on the night.

So – The Commercial noggin for Sept is on Wednesday 730pm on Sept 11 Sept 2024, Building E, 9 Francella Street, Bromley.

If you would like to continue with your 3rd Wednesday you are welcome to arrange that yourselves. October will be back to the 3rd Wednesday which is the 16th. If anyone has any suggestions for a venue please let me know. Not long now until the swap meet. If anyone can spare some time to assist the Swap meet committee doing some of the jobs that need doing, please contact Colin Hey. Last I heard they needed some volunteers to look after the gates, and I’m sure they won’t turn you down for looking after the displays or setting up and tidying up afterwards. They need you!

See you out and about!



Mother nature smiled on us once again for the August run with 44 hardy car loads turning up at Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) after a -3 frost for the start of Bruce’s run a which took us out to Sumner and over Evans pass, through some beautiful surroundings around the harbour and up and over Gebbies pass to turn right just before the Akaroa highway into Ahuriri Rd. A beautiful little slice of New Zealand back country road. Then left for a short stretch of Highway to Duckpond road to weave through The Greenpark / Ellesmere area to take what may be a last look at Greenpark huts.

We continued along Hudsons Rd past a house with an aeroplane on a stand and a helicopter in the backyard then west to end up at Ian Armstrong, better known as Kermit’s place to enjoy our usual very social picnic and raffle before having a wander through his collection of stationary engines, model As, other cars and interesting items in his sheds.

Although Bruce and I both forgot to give it to him on the day we have given him a little gift for letting us use his property and nosy around his sheds.

Please note: Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) car park is now privately owned and if we wish to use it in future we need to phone Lolina Avia on 021 729 175 or email at There will not be a charge. We are welcome to use it. It is just to let them know we are going to be there.

Next months run will be organised by Ray & Linda Macginness and will start from Dunsandel Sports ground carpark. Left off the main Rd over the railway line and straight ahead. Leaving at 10am on 11th September heading south and west to view another wonderful collection.

Looking forward to seeing You there. Happy motoring. Ken.

PS. We still have a Stainless steel casserole dish left at the potluck lunch.

Call Ken or Jill 021 222 5086 or (03) 9800547.


Spring!!! September is the first month of Spring!! Still bloody cold, though…

Past Events.

27th – 28th July – Mid Winter’s Run. Nineteen registered for this event, run in near perfect conditions. Both days dawned fine and sunny – the 8.00 am temp in Hanmer Springs a balmy 10 deg!!! Many thanks to Phil Jeeves for organising. See elsewhere for a report on this event.

27th July – Fish & Chip Run. Two day riders joined the run to Hanmer Springs; they peeled off after the lunch break at the Greta Valley Tavern to return to Chch via the Scargill Valley and Waikari..

10th August – Tree Felling Working Bee. A tree was felled Wednesday 7th, so a group of motorcyclist committee members and others of the Friday and Sunday meeting group worked 8th and 10th to deal to the slash and trim the trunk ready for some serious cutting into rings for splitting. Many thanks to the team that assisted, and especially to the “Loaves & Fishes” team in terms of food quality and quantity that was provided for morning tea and lunch!

14th August – Motorcycle Noggin. This month’s Noggin destination was Global Bus Ventures Ltd, a bus manufacturing company based in Rolleston. About 15 members were treated to an excellent tour of the plant and full commentary from the organiser, Les Alsop. We were able to view every stage in the manufacture of a bus. The highlight of the tour was to see a GBV road train tractor unit being converted from Diesel ICE engine to Hydrogen fuel cell electric propulsion. A most impressive conversion! Many thanks to Les for organising.

21st August – Old Codger’s Run. The first run of the season met at Yaldhurst for a run out to the Darfield Bakery & Cafe for 10.30 am, then onto Cust (via Oxford) for lunch etc. After the usual frost early on, the day turned into one of clear sunny skies with hardly a breath of wind. Eleven intrepid soles enjoyed a great day in the saddle – as it were… The Darfield Bakery & Cafe would have to be one of the best we have encountered,

would happily go there again!!

Future Events

31st August – Round the Bays Run / Fish & Chip Run. Meet at PMH so as to leave there 10.30 am. A route is to be selected by Mike Glenday, and Royce Baker will be the back-up for the run.

11th September – Motorcycle Noggin Night. We have a confirmed visit to Autohaven Museum, 9B Francella Street, Bromley, Chch 8062. This is a private museum (not open for general public admission) offering one of the most stunning collections of high class high value vehicles you will see anywhere. In addition to a stunning collection of American luxury cars (Cord, Packard etc.) and European (Jaguar, Aston Martin, Ferrari etc.) they also boast a collection of motorcycles (Honda, MV Augusta, BMW, Aprilia, Ducati etc.) There is a cost to attend; $35 per head – cash or EFTPOS available on site. We have been booked in for 7.30 pm. Check it out on-line at https:// Other VCC groups - Commercial Section in particular – are welcome to come along as well.

15th September – OCBC and Motorcycle Trials. The trials WERE supposed to be 22nd September, but the trials club invited cannot make it that date. OCBC day will hook in more “observers” anyway. We’ll be joined by the Classic Trials Club, who has attended in past years. We need MORE VCC members to enter this event!! This event is suitable for ANY type of bike!! Last time we had different courses to suit different bikes!! Have a go! You do not have to be a VCC member to have a go! All prospective members also welcome! Joseph McClintock is the organiser. 10.00 start. Check out the advert elsewhere for more info!

18th September – Old Codger’s Run. Meet at The Peg, Belfast pub, 10.15 am, 10.30 am departure. Riding to Greta Valley pub for lunch via Ashley, Balcairn, Broomfield, Glasnevan, Waikari, Scargill Valley.

28th September – Fish & Chip Run. Start at Bunnings car park by the airport, 10.15 am for a 10.30 am departure on hopefully will be a ride to view a shearing collection in Waikari. There may be a small cost so please bring some cash with

you… Lunch will be either in Waikari, or possibly Hawerden. Brian Hayman and Mike Glenday are looking into this for us.

4th October – Dunvegan Rally, Otago. Organised by Bill Veitch, Otago VCC. This year’s Dunvegan will finish at the Alexandra Motor Camp, so the run back to Chch Sunday will be a long one. I will send out entry forms etc. to all motorcyclists on my database early September so you can enter or get yourselves organised. The $100 entry fee includes all direct rally costs – Friday night supper, Saturday evening BBQ meal, Sunday breakfast, back-up, and rally plaque. Enquiries to Bill at 027 2010565 – there does not appear to be a closing date for entries either…

9th October – Motorcycle Noggin. TBA, look out for email notice…

11th -13th October – Swap Meet. Motorcycle Display in the Barn, older competition bikes. Better lighting this year will enhance the display…

16th October – Old Codger’s Run. TBA, look out for email notice…

19th -20th October – Girder Fork Rally. This year the run will take a different format. The destination is Wainui Park, which is the old YMCA at Wainui, on the other side of the harbour from Akaroa. This is a Girder Fork Rally, so all participants are encouraged strongly to ride a suitable pre-war or girder bike. If you do not have one, then ride your other club eligible bike in the knowledge you do not qualify for the trophies, and you do not qualify for the event memorial plaque. For more information refer to the blurb and entry form elsewhere. You can also enter via the on-line portal at the Branch VCC Site. Even if you do not plan entering on a Girder Bike you are still required to complete an entry form so that beds and food can be properly catered for. The fee, $90, is the same for all entrants, qualifying or not.

26th October – Fish & Chip Run. More info next month.

That’s it for this month, CML

Motorcycle Fun Day / Trial

Cutler Park 15th September 2025 10 am start.

The Motorcycle Section will be running a fun day / trial. Any type of motorcycle welcome. Motorcycles/mopeds do not have to be Club eligible, registered or have a WOF, so get that bike out of the back of the shed and have some fun!

This is NOT a speed event – the aim is to produce two runs of the same time – at the same speed.

The Classic Trials Club will set up their own courses to demonstrate low speed motorcycle handling. The other courses will be suitable

Royce Backer on his 1979 Velo Solex competing in 2023…

See, ANYONE can have a go!

Hororata Highland Games Veteran and Vintage Run

& Display

Saturday 9th November 2024

The Hororata Highland Games are a fantastic day out and are regarded by many as the best Highland Games outside of Scotland. If you haven’t been before and you can get there in a Veteran or Vintage car, then now’s your chance. This year there is going to also be a traction engine display alongside ours, so we have been asked to restrict entries to only veteran and vintage vehicles (up to 31 December 1931)

Where you start your run is up to you, but all cars will be required to arrive at the Cenotaph about 1km north of at Hororata on the Coalgate to Hororata Road at 10.00am. Once there the cars and motorcycles will be lined up for the drive down the road to the showgrounds and make a grand parade entrance at 10.30am. Once there, all vehicles will do a parade lap and then be parked up for display. You will then be free to participate in and enjoy a fantastic day out.

Entertainment includes the various Highlands events, great music for all tastes and various vendors of food and beverages including whiskey tasting. Bring your picnic lunch or patronise the food stall holders

A special entrance price has been arranged and venue entrance wrist bands will be part of the rally pack. The special entry price of $15.00 pp is only available to rally entrants and their passengers. These wrist bands will not be accepted at any of the entrance gates (public entry is $30.00pp). Also your entry means your commitment to remain on display until 4:00pm. Sorry, there are no exceptions to this requirement as the event finishes at 4.00pm and they want everyone there until then.

Feel free to wear Scottish regalia and to dress your vehicle up for the occasion. It’s a wonderful opportunity for the club and our members to display our vehicles to the large number of spectators that attend the games.

Get your entry in early because the numbers will be limited. Anyone requiring further information please contact Colin Hey on 021 883 807. Hope to see you there.

The display at the 2022 Highland Games

Entry Form is on page 36 or on-line HERE


Veteran Rally Tuesday 12th November

This year’s Annual Veteran Rally will be a mid-week event, on the same day we would otherwise run our Veteran Coffee Morning at Thirsty Acres in Kirwee.

The run will begin at Cutler Park at 10am. We will be stopping at a café early into the run (not Thirsty Acres), and continuing to a private vehicle collection where we will have lunch (BYO). In the afternoon we will motor back to Cutler Park where field tests will take place and afternoon tea will be provided, followed by presentation of the trophies for the various categories including concours, best field tests (car and motorcycle), time trial and overall winners.

Overall run length to Cutler Park and return will be approximately 50km.

Please enter on-line HERE, or if you would prefer to enter by hard copy, please call me and I’ll do an entry form for you.

More details will be provided in the October Hub.

Colin Hey

Ph 021 883 807

Mid-Winter Run

There is an axiom that one should set low expectations and then exceed them. Such was the case with the name of our Run and that it took place at the end of July. Contrary to early expectations the weather, while crisp at the start of each day, was fine and sunny with no wind. Philip Jeeves, our organiser, was accompanied by his assistants Chris Leith and Royce Baker, and journeyed in his 1923 Hupmobile, ostensibly to carry or Sunday morning’s breakfast. Given that the three of them were well rugged up one might have thought they had opted for a warmer journey.

Unfortunately one rider had to withdraw prior to the start due to a misbehaving Norton. Another rider arrived pushing his machine. Our back up driver, Alan McLeod, took him to collect another bike from the rider’s collection, but alas that failed due to a flat tyre whose valve spun on the rim. Not to worry the rider said, and selected yet another machine, a 1937 Scott, from his collection and finally got underway. This is, of course, why we have to have more than one motorcycle, a useful justification me thinks. We won’t say anything about running out of petrol.

So 18 riders set off to Greta Valley via Sefton, Balcairn and Bromfield. After a late breakfast, early lunch, liquid refreshment or cup of coffee, we travelled north to Parnassas. The Leader Valley road was a joyful albeit somewhat cautious ride avoiding the odd patch of grit from winter frosts. Onwards we travelled through Waiau and Rotherham and re-joined the main road to Hanmer Springs. The roads were delightfully empty during our trip north, affording riders an opportunity to take in the scenery.

Our accommodation at Kakapo Lodge was warm and comfortable. A group headed off to the Five Stags hotel but soon relocated to another establishment, something to do with insufficient

bang for their buck. An evening of good company and shared stories ensued.

After a good breakfast at the lodge we departed to ride home, mostly via the main roads. Travelling along with the sun on our backs was such a pleasure, a feeling that often is experienced during winter rides. The countryside was visually beautiful, crystal clear blue waters of the Waiau River, pastures just starting to grow, and the limestone sentinels guarding Weka Pass.

If you have not done so in the past, do consider experiencing this run as pre-cursor to a summer season of fun on two wheels.


Daffodil Rally 2024

What another great day to have a run to support the Cancer Society and their Daffodil Day appeal! After a few months of planning and a bit of time to re-plot last year’s routes and plan one new one, a few phone calls and a bit more time making trophies and setting up the grounds for the big day, everything fell into place nicely. Even the weather gods delivered a near perfect day, and all that remained was to watch the cars and motorcycles stream into Cutler Park, hopefully with their owners and passengers having enjoyed their run, and to provide their donation to the Cancer Society on the way up the driveway.

This year we used the same start points as last year (the Cashmere and New Brighton Clubs, Rolleston, and the Southbrook Park in Rangiora. With assistance from Trevor Stanley-Joblin, and we also included a new start point at the Better Half Café in the Leithfield, Amberley area – a morning coffee gathering point for North Canterbury car enthusiasts on the third Sunday of every month. The Amberley and Rangiora routes crossed over in the Sefton area, and the New Brighton and Cashmere routes both headed over to Lyttelton in opposite directions before heading to Cutler Park. All to add to the interest (I hope) and keep navigators referring back to the first instruction –“Do not follow the car in front – it may be on a different route”. There were also long and short routes from each start point, and the Rolleston one even had a shortcut to make the Short Route even shorter for very slow cars. As far as I’m aware nobody got lost, but even if they did, it was clear where the finish point was.

At Cutler Park some one-make clubs had requested an area to be set aside for their marque, and all of those areas were soon pretty full. Everyone else soon found somewhere to park – we are lucky to have plenty of room. By the time people began arriving, the Avonhead Rotary Club had hot food ready, the coffee van was cranking out plenty of hot coffee and chocolates, and Phil Chapman and his volunteer band members were belting out live music in front of the hall to keep the masses entertained. It’s not possi-

ble to know exactly how many people took part, but our estimate is around 500 cars and about 10 motorcycles turned up – just what we had hoped for.

The donation buckets soon filled up, with many, many people happily donating significantly more than the requested $10 per car. This was extremely gratifying, and we cannot say thank-you enough to everybody for their support. With a short wait until the afternoon prize-giving, people were more than happy to wander around the grounds chatting to other participants, checking out the huge variety of cars and bikes there, or simply relaxing with friends and family over a picnic lunch.

The prize-giving began spot on time at 1.30pm. First task was to announce the winners of the 12 meat raffles and then the ‘Smoking Joe’ Smoker/BBQ – a great prize donated jointly by branch members Malcolm and Anita McGibbon and FiresNThings, Rolleston. A special thanks too to Rod Thrower and Henry and Michelle Little for organising and selling the meat raffle.

The Cancer Society staff (Tiff Wafer and Heather Locke) then thanked everyone for supporting the event, and explained how much the donations mean to the Society and what it enables them to do. Small trophies were then handed out as follows:

 Best British Car - Terry Richards, 1936 Morris 8 Sports

 Best European Car - Simon & Sophie Robb, 1970 VW Combi

 Best USA Car - Murray Sinclair, 1929 Packard Roadster

 Best Australian Car - Toby Dimmock, 1972 Holden Monaro

 Best Japanese Car - Peter Cook, 1917 Maxda MX5 Roadster

 Best Motorcycle - Syd Martin, Norton Commando 750 Fastback

 Best Dressed Couple - Bruce and Shirley Shadbolt, driving a 1929 REO

 Cancer Society's Choice - Jeremy Wise, 1924 Cadillac Tourer

These vehicles and people were chosen by the organisers without detailed inspection - simply decided as excellent examples and very appealing vehicles, very much in keeping with the spirit of the event.

A huge thanks to everyone who supported the event and once again made it so successful. As I write this the Hub deadline has passed and I haven’t yet heard the results of the $ count from the Cancer Society, but it is a significant amount. Also, a special thanks to everyone who gave up time to help before and on the day, including our grounds staff, marshals at the start points for the runs, marshals who took the donations in the grounds and helped with parking, and the many members who helped with and organised the music and the pack-up after the event. Well done and thanks to you all –it was very much appreciated.

Colin Hey

You can still donate by visiting Daffodil day website or scan the QR code.

Overall winner Pat O’Connell with officials Paul, Royce and Joseph.


August’s OCBC can go down in the records as being the wettest OCBC yet, with very heavy rain falling overnight and right through the morning of 18 September. Bit of a shame really, as it was the day intended to showcase German manufactured vehicles, so it could have been a really good turnout.

I arrived at Cutler Park about 8.30 to open the clubrooms and turn the heaters on. Quite frankly I wasn’t really expecting anyone to turn up, but a few hardy souls did actually venture out, including our intrepid barista Sue-Anne, who had said she was coming regardless of the weather. We opened up the big doors to the hall and parked the coffee van inside, and simply had our catch-up inside the hall rather than out in the pouring rain. It was excellent!

In the end we had about 20 cars arrive, including about 8 members from the Mercedes Benz club who didn’t mind their cars getting wet. We made a decision to re-run the German theme, probably early in 2025. It was all over by about 11am, and I retreated home to dry off the Wolseley and put it back in the shed for a better day.

The September OCBC will be on Sunday 15th September– no particular theme, just come out and give your car a run and catch up with friends and fellow enthusiasts over a good coffee. Start time will be 9.00am.

2024 Show Weekend Tour

15,16 & 17 November 2024 Entries close 1st November (Start: Cutler Park 10am)

Entrant’s Name:

Vehicle year:

Vehicle Make/Model: …………………………………….

Entry fee $30 Per person Payment directly to internet banking to branch account 03 1594 0096832 00 with your name in the particulars field and "Show weekend" in the reference field. Online Entry Form HERE

Womens and Young Drivers Run 2024

8th September 2024

Entries close 30th August (Start: Cutler Park 10am)

Entrant’s Name: ………………………………………….

Co-Driver Name: ………………………………………….

Email address:

Vehicle Make/Model: …………………………………….

Entry fee $10 Per Car

Payment directly to internet banking to branch account 03 1594 0096832 00 with your name in the particulars field and "Women and Young Driver " in the reference field.


19 - 20 OCTOBER 2024

The Girder Rally is for bikes pre 1945 or fitted with Girder Forks.

START VENUE- The rally will leave from Auto Restorations, Kennedy Place, Hillsborough. Meet 9am onwards for a 9.45am start. Back up trailer available, if staying overnight, try & carry your luggage but there will be room for luggage if required. The morning run will finish with a lunch stop at Duvauchelle Hotel. Lunch payment is up to the individual rider. After lunch there will be a short trip to the accommodation or by riding via Akaroa and return to the accommodation via Summit Road.

Accommodation this year we are going for a change. We have booked the old YMCA camp know as Wainui Park at Wainui. There has been enough support shown to the organizers that people are interested. The successful Dunedin based Dunvagan Run have organised this type of run and accommodation for many years. The thought is that having people stay at Wainui Park then it keeps the rally together in the evening after a days riding.

Cabins are provided, sleeping bags/towel to be provided by each entrant. There are enough bottom beds that top bunks will not need to be used. There are some rooms that allow individuals to have their own cabin if indicated to the organisers. Communal shower and toilets a short walk away from accommodation. A group organized evening BBQ meal provided, the cost is included in your entry fee along with a continental type breakfast. Refreshments will be available at a small cost but anything specialized will be the responsibility of the entrant.

RIDERS NAME:_____________________________


MAKE OF MOTORCYCLE:_____________________ YEAR:______________ cc RATING:____________

ENTRY FEE (covers plaque, bed & meals)


There will be a short and a long route available.

Make payment via internet banking- 03 0802 0099727 00, please ensure you put your name and name of the rally with the payment & email organiser with your entry if you’re not using the electronic entry form via The Hub or the clubs web site.

ENTRIES CLOSE – Tuesday 15 October 2024

Organiser – Paul Ainsworth 0274 321391 M Glenday, 021 1920581 -


Saturday 14 September 2024 Clubrooms, Cutler Park

Please be seated for dinner by 6.30 pm

3 Retirement Villages in One Day!

VCC Canterbury Branch on 30th August. Organised by Rod Thrower. First was Arvida Ilam, then Kevin Hickman Retirement Village and then Lady Diana Isaac Retirement Village with the 2 Great Dane dogs as therapy animals. A good early Father’s Day present for the Dads.

1926 Chevrolet Model 70

For Sale to a good home, a 1926 Chrysler Model 70, an older restoration. Currently registered, parts must go too. Phone Murray 0275948008.


VINTAGE & CLASSIC TYRES – Variety of sizes. Cross-ply Lester, Excelsior, Universal, Firestone, etc. Radials 19”and 21” American Classic. Limited stocks. Phone Jack 03 352 6672, or 0274 322 041 Christchurch.

Ford Laser cabriolet 1988 , This rare and extremely motorable little automatic convertible is now surplus to my requirements and needs a new home. Overdrive model

Powered by the unbreakable 323 engine this car has only travelled 117thousand kms and has a brand new hood ,new shocks ,new exhaust and is ready for summer .$10500 ono

Also one of my MX5 roadsters is on the market ,the 2006 NC model 2000cc six speed tiptronic auto ,a superb touring car which has a professionally fitted continental kit rear mounted spare

wheel .These models had no spare ,only a compressor and tyre sealant which ruined the tyre .This could be removed without trace if needed .Travelled only 100 thousand kms and serviced at Garage 5 .


Phone Alan Wills 021 08700692

Rally Holders are now available through Henry Little.


See Notice board posters for more information.

Rally Email:

Register Online:

2022-2023 Representatives

Motorcycle Convenor

Jens Christensen (Karen) 027 433 4179

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice) 03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep.

Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

Ken James 03 980 0547

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy) 03 385 6333


Peter Blacklock (Chrisy)

021 181 3491

Barn Bookings/Camping

Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320

021 126 3529

Bar Manager

Andrea Dallow (Gilbert)

03 388 2838


Ted and Jill Hockley

03 323 7183

Swap Meet

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Swap Meet Sites

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802 027 289 6201

North Canty Noggin

Alan Hill (Barbara)

03 313 6008 021 161 5866

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison

Jack Porter (Dorothy)

03 352 6672

027 432 2041

Branch Vehicle Custodian

Mark Drury

03 342 9297

Hub Editor And Web Site

Brodie Williams thehub@vcccanterbury.or

027 848 7775


2022-2023 Main Committee

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320 021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric) 021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce) 021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor

Graham Evans ( Anne)

03 351 5919 027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Commercial Convenor

Michael Hedgman (Claire)

03 745 9240

027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572

027 355 8387

Asst Club Captain

Henry Little (Michelle)

03 327 5471

027 288 8277


VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411

Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130

This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.

Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—

We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.

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