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Newsletter of:


We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.

3 CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Cover Photo ANZAC Run 2024 - 1910 STANLEY 71 Chairman’s Report 6 Secretary’s Report 8 Club Captain’s Report 11 Veteran Report 12 Vintage Report 16 Commercial Report 17 Motorcycle Report 18 Swap Meet Report 22 OCBC Report 24 9-90s Report 27 VOG Report 29 New Members 32 The Mart 33 Officers and Reps 36/37 Copy for the July Hub closes on Wednesday 26th June 20 Nicholas Drive, Linwood 027 848 7775 Or preferably email The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club. CONTENTS

Canterbury Branch Activities and Events


Thurs 6th

Sat 1st-Sun 2nd

Sun 2nd

Noggin and Natter

The Irishman Rally

Grounds Maintenance Morning

Wed 12th 9-90s

Sun 9th

Wed 12th

Sun 16th

Tues 18th

Wed 19th

Wed 26th


Sun 7th

Thurs 4th

Restoration of the Year

Motorcycle AGM

Branch AGM

Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee

Mid Winter Run

Grounds Maintenance Morning

Commercial Noggin

North Canterbury Noggin

Grounds Maintenance Morning

Noggin and Natter

Wed 10th 9-90s

Motorcycle Noggin

Sun 21st

Tues 16th

Wed 17h

Sun 21t

Wed 25th


Grounds Maintenance morning

Commercial Noggin

Winter Run

North Canterbury Noggin

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.


Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme

Noggin Night

1st Thursday of the month


1st Wednesday after noggin

Motorcycle Noggin

2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin

3rd Wednesday of the month

North Canterbury Noggin

4th Wednesday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee

3rd Sunday of the month

Grounds Maintenance Morning

1st Sunday and third Tuesday of the month

Parts Department Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9-12pm Refer Pages 36 and 37 for Branch Officers, Representatives and Co-ordinators

COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission.



The end of another month has come around quickly along with the deadline for another Hub report, and although things are starting to quieten down heading into the colder months there’s always something on the calendar.

We were fortunate to have a fine day for the Rural Run which enabled getting out in a very open car, thanks to Brodie for a successful first effort organising a branch run with some great roads off the beaten track, and including somewhere warm for lunch with the bonus of a very good pie shop nearby.

It wasn’t quite so warm for OCBC which might explain the attendance being a bit reduced, but the coffee was still warm and there were some interesting vehicles to have a look over. A bit of dampness on the ground probably added to the entertainment for the Grasskhana, with quite a range of vehicles participating in the event very ably organised once again by the motorcycle section.

This month we have the Branch AGM which as for the last couple of years is in the afternoon following OCBC, all members are welcome (and encouraged) to come along for the morning, stay for lunch in the hall and contribute you thoughts on the running of the branch.


Of course you don’t need to save your thoughts for the AGM as anyone is welcome to get in touch with the committee any time throughout the year, we’ve volunteered to do our best to keep things running and our members happy (some of the people, some of the time etc) so are always willing to listen to any concerns or suggestions and don’t bite unless provoked, the only way we find out how we’re doing and what our members want is if someone tells us.

With that in mind it’s time for a last check of the calendar of events before the AGM, make sure the legalities of the branch are all in order for another year, and keep an eye on the weather for Irishman’s weekend.

Grasskhana Results

1st Fraser Kear received Ross Butler Cup

2nd Michael Pidgeon

3rd Vaughn Morrison

Best ModelA- Ben Morrison

Youngest Driver - Lara Pinney



Branch AGM Sunday 16th June 2024 1pm after OCBC ,in the Branch Main Hall.

Come one come all. Well silly thing to say what with 1320+ members now, might be a bit of a squeeze, be alright on a cold day. Well I don’t think that’s going to happen as last year was the lowest number attending that I can remember since becoming secretary. This in a lot of ways is a shame as the present committee work extremely hard to provide a varied programme though out the year in the confines of our past programming. It is at times frustrating when we come up with new ideas for rallys/socials etc but end up with the negative comments because we never did it like that in our time or I’m not interested in all this TECH STUFF.

We continue to maintain our buildings and grounds to the highest standard confirmed by the positive feedback at the last two Executive meeting held at Canterbury Branch. We are still looking for a leader of our hard working maintenance team, Mike having retired a year ago but is still holding and hoping for a willing and able member to step up and look after this fine team of workers, see Mike for a job description. “YOUR BRANCH NEEDS YOU”

Well on a happier note our new Editor Brodie is settling in well and is full of fresh invigorating idea’s going forward, if not at times a bit dusty or modern. Well it’s great to get out there and breathe the fresh Rural air, cough, cough.


Advance Notice – National Daffodil Day Rally on Sunday 25th August

Please note this date on your calendar and in your diary now, and if you are also involved in any One-Make or other motoring club please ensure your club committee is aware of this date as well.

Just like last year, it will be an open event suitable for any veteran, vintage, classic (old or new), hot rod or collectible vehicle or motorcycle.

This year the event will once again start by meeting in 4 locations at 10.00am:

Rangiora at the Southbrook Park in South Belt

New Brighton Club in Marine Parade

Cashmere Club in Colombo Street

Rolleston Park’n’Ride car park opposite the Selwyn District Council offices in Norman Kirk Drive

All runs will have short and long routes, once again with slight variations on previous year’s routes. All of the runs will converge at Cutler Park by 12.00 noon, where all of the vehicles will be on public display for the early part of the afternoon. A donation (suggested as at least $10 per car) will be collected on arrival at Cutler Park. All proceeds will be passed on directly to the Canterbury/West Coast branch of the Cancer Society. Prizes for Best American, British, European, Japanese, Australian, motorcycle, Best Dressed, and Cancer Society personality’s choice.

If you would like to help with the organisation – especially at any of the start venues, please contact Colin Hey on 021 883 807 or email:



Well winter is setting in slightly earlier this year. With the harsh frost of -6 degrees recorded at Christchurch airport on Friday 10th May causing a pipe to burst and make a lovely fountain spouting out behind the Toi Toi bush. Luckily we spotted it and Mike and Bryce were able to fix it without too much trouble.

Ken and Jean Grimwood joined our club earlier this year and have got involved with many club events. Jean has taken over the kitchen on Noggin nights whipping up a storm with some of her baking. This month she intends to make homemade vegetable soup as well as some ginger fudge! Ken is going to make up a price list, with pretty much everything around $2 or $1. Please say hello to her when you see her and to the other team of volunteers that are helping.

Brodie had a very successful Rural Run on 11th May. A good crowd gathered for cake and coffee at Cutler Park before setting off. There were plenty of roads that many had not been on. But as Brodie stated it was the Rural Run. Some newer members of the club won the rally. Congratulations to Russell Dowdle!

Take care and enjoy your motoring this month.



Veteran motoring for this season has now pretty much ended, but there are still opportunities to get the cars out and use them, as a few of us found out earlier in May.

Just prior to our monthly Veteran Coffee Morning at Thirsty Acres in Kirwee, Allan Familton gave me a call and suggested that if the weather looked OK, would it be possible to make a bit of a day out of it involving steam cars? Too right it would!

The idea was that he would assemble them at his place in Rolleston, we’d have our coffee morning as usual on the second Tuesday of the month at Kirwee, then go back to his place and have a run from there to Two Fat Possums in West Melton – the distance from Allan’s and back being about right for the smaller steam cars. This sounded like a great idea, so it was left at that until the day before to see what the weather was going to be like. On Monday 10th May the forecast for Tuesday 11th was for clear and frosty weather, so it was all on. I got our 1909 Wolseley out late in the afternoon and checked it over, as it had been two months since it had been used. Just a quick check of the oil & water levels, tyre pressures, dose the clutch with neat’s-foot oil, and then a quick wipe over and polish and it was ready to go.

I got up the next morning and the weather forecast had been spot -on – frost on the ground, but a clear sky and no wind. Aiming to be at Kirwee by 10am meant leaving home at 9.15, allowing a few minutes for a fuel stop at the West Melton BP, and then about a 30 minute run up Halkett Rd, Old West Coast Road and into Courtenay Road to Kirwee.

Once up to speed on Halkett Road, it was a delight to be out on the car again. I was dressed up warm, the car was running well and I was happy cruising along at a heady 45km/h! Best of all, I had a fully enclosed sheepskin leather hat on, with ear flaps that effectively not only kept the wind out but also meant I almost couldn’t hear a thing! I resigned myself to the fact that I wasn’t going to hear any noises of impending doom in the event of a mechanical failure, so just had to trust that everything was going to


hang together just fine, which of course it did. The good thing about travelling to Kirwee that way (rather than straight up SH73) is that there is very little traffic. I was overtaken once on Halkett Road, by 3 cars and a truck on the 4km of Old West Coast Road, and then by one more car on Courtenay Road. I’d seen them all coming in the rear-view mirror and was as safe as houses. Malcolm & Anita McGibbon arrived at Thirsty Acres in their Model T at the same time I did, Allan and Lesley a short time later, and already there were Mike Glenday, Peter Gatehouse, Terry McQuinn and their friend Murray Lind. We enjoyed a good coffee and chat there, and at 10.45 we decided it was time to head to Allan and Leslie’s in Rolleston to meet up with Bruce and Shirley Shadbolt and Greg Harris to get the steam cars fired up. Malcolm and I drove our cars down to Rolleston – a longish but easy and very straight run down to the southern end of Courtenay Road, and then Wards Road to the Western side of Rolleston. By the time we arrived, Allan’s Stanley and Bruce & Shirley’s Locomobile were being warmed up, but Greg’s small 1903 Stanley wasn’t keen on getting going properly so it was decided to leave it at Allan’s to be sorted later and Greg would ride with Allan & Lesley. They were also joined by Ian Cullimore (who is currently building a replica Stanley from scratch which is going to be a two-seater more or less the same size as Allan’s 4-seater car). We motored to West Melton by another couple of back roads with hardly any traffic, and arrived at Two Fat Possums in the West Melton shopping centre about 20 minutes later, where we enjoyed a very pleasant lunch together. The four cars looked great parked together in the car park there and attracted a lot of spectators, especially when it came to getting them going again to head home at 3pm. So, a very enjoyable 50km of motoring for me for the day, following a spur of the moment idea – just shows that we can enjoy our cars at short notice with a few friends, as well as on organised club outings. That night Lesley posted a brilliant video on the Veteran Facebook page taken from the Stanley as it followed and then overtook the Locomobile. Steam everywhere!

Glorious Autumn: Malcolm and Anita McGibbon’s 1914 Renault with Colin and Jenny’s 1909 Wolseley.


Despite the ‘season’ as such being over now that it’s winter, there are still events coming up that we could consider planning to attend if the weather is OK. The Restoration of the Year run in June is only a short run (or you could just go to Cutler Park for a look and to have lunch) and the Daffodil Day run is another possibility in August - for the latter there is a route leaving from Rolleston that would be perfect for veterans. And on top of them don’t forget Old Cars, Bikes and Coffee (OCBC) every month. For those with veteran Renaults or Peugeots or other French cars or bikes next month’s is one you shouldn’t miss (see OCBC report later in the Hub).

Work is now progressing on the 2024/25 Branch Calendar of Events, and this year we’ve made the Annual Veteran Rally two months later to hopefully get better weather. We’ve also scheduled the Brooklands to Brighton run once again for March, and there’s also still the Highland Games display and the Malvern Anzac Day run plus another couple of new events thrown in on the calendar, so watch this space for more information. In the meantime, I hope we’ll see a good turnout for the AGM (which is also OCBD day). No doubt too there will be the usual R&M going on after a good veteran motoring season – I know a couple of members who have got projects underway to rectify issues that have shown up during the summer/autumn period. I’ve already heard of a few members who are planning to attend the National Veteran Rally in Blenheim next February, and it does sound like it’s going to be a very good event, tailored specifically for our cars. I’d imagine it won’t be long before the registration forms come out, but in the meantime it’s advised that it would be a good idea to book accommodation soon, as there is another large event that same weekend in Marlborough as well. And very importantly, don’t forget anyone is welcome to attend the Veteran Coffee Mornings at Thirsty Acres in Kirwee, on the second Tuesday morning of every month. For the coming month it’s the on the 11th June – scones come out of the oven at 10am. Who knows what might happen afterwards?




Greetings all,

Winter is well and truly upon us now with those grey skies and abundant leaves falling. So glad we had the Commercial Rally when we did while it was still slightly warm and sunny!

The May noggin was held at the Papanui Club. Nice to see the regulars there. I didn't stay long as I had my daughter fly in so I was on Airport pickup duty.

For the June noggin we have been invited to Dave Cooper's workshop at 466 South Eyre Road. I'm sure Dave will have the pot belly stove stoked up and it will be toasty and warm. Thanks Dave for your kind invitation. Mark your calendar as June 19th for this one.

In July we have been invited to Bruce and Liz McCormick's housedetails will be in the July Hub.

The photo in my report this month was kindly given to me by Russell Barnard who is a long time member of the VCC Canterbury. The truck is an AEC dump truck that was assembled by Russell's dad Spencer Barnard and John White in the Christchurch Tramway Workshop in approximately 1959. John then drove it to Takaka for the Golden Bay cement factory. The dialogue on the back of the photos states they had to let the tyres down to get it under Hawks Crag in the Buller Gorge! The car in the background is a 1939 Singer 10.

If anyone has any old photos that could be of interest to the group please le me know. Thanks Russel for giving me this photo.

Stay warm and dry!




We are in the depths of Winter; cold, wet, miserable – and it has hardly started!!

Past Events

27th April – Fish & Chip Run. This was a run out to the farm of Mr Donald Wright, Sheffield.About 35 riders (including a couple of prospective members) took in the hospitality of the Wright farm, Mountain View Farm Ltd, run by Donald and his two sons Paul & Stephen.After viewing agricultural machinery then some farm activity, then Donald’s collection of cars and tractors we were treated to a BBQ lunch complete with beers and afters… Thank you Mr Wright, we certainly appreciate your hospitality, also many thanks to Mrs Wright for the beautifully baked scones with cream and jam, plus other baked goodies. Well received, I assure you!!

15th May – Motorcycle Noggin. This was a week later, due to being hosted by Pratt & Whitney Engine Services, Chch Airport whose schedule only permitted a visit on this date.Approximately 40 people turned out for this visit, and after being kitted out in safety footwear and glasses we were broken up into 6 or so groups for a solid 2 hour guided tour of the facilities. We were warned that we would see more, hear more; get greater levels of explanation than most other groups that they have hosted. Judging by the number of questions being fired back to the guides it appeared that everyone appreciated the depth of the visit being offered! Many thanks to the staff of P&W ES; this would be one of the best noggins I have been to!!

15th May – Old Codger’s Run. Cancelled untilAugust.


19th May – Branch Grass Gymkhana – Run by the Motorcycle Section. Overcast misty sort of day, it was quite cold with wet under-tyre conditions. Twenty drivers and three motorcyclists took part, and that included a number from the ModelAClub who were invited along.Agood day’s fun; thanks to the organisers and those who officiated on the day.

25th May – Fish & Chip Run. This will be reported next month as it is after the close day for these notes.

Future Events.

12th June – Noggin and SectionAGM. Time to get reelected, or to elbow your way onto the committee.As a further inducement after the proceedings have been completed it is not unknown for some bribery supper to be put on by the section. Come along with YOUR ideas on the running of the section, YOUR input is vital to the ongoing success. Balloon goes up at 7.30pm.

19th June – Old Codger’s Run – Cancelled this month.

29th June – Fish & Chip Run. Nothing sorted yet, look out for the email advising of event reminders.

10th July – Noggin. Noggin night, Dinner at the Richmond Working Men’s Club. Meet there at 6.00 pm for a 7.00 dinner. Need to advise numbers etc., so PLEASE indicate your interest to Royce Baker by the 28th June . Ph 322 5529 Mob (021)323571 or email,Also, you NEED to pay for your meal INADVANCE, so please pay your $30 per person to the section bank account 03 0802 0099727 00


17th July – Old Codger’s Run – Cancelled this month.

27th July – Mid Winter’s Run. Planned to have an overnight run to Hanmer, look out for an event reminder email with full details. Entry form will be in the July Hub.

27th July – Fish & Chip Run. Nothing organised yet, but there is an opportunity for those who do NOT want to go on the (over night) Mid Winter Run. You can join in on the run north to Hanmer, but peel off wherever you like to return to Chch. We would be going throughAmberley and Culverden (lunch break Culverden, I am guessing…) so you can return from either – Just a suggestion.

14th August – Motorcycle Noggin.

21st August – Old Codger’s Run. Yes, back into this event for the spring and summer times, look out for more info later.

24th or 31st August – Fish & Chip Run.

That’s it for this month, keep warm… Cheers, CML



(for continuous membership of the VCC)

Applications are now closed for this year’s presentations. The applications that have been received for these awards will be brought to the Branch Committee to their June meeting for their approval.

(These applications must be approved by the Branch Committee before being forwarded to National Office for ratification by the Management Committee (at least 3 months before presentation.)



Only five Noggins to go (counting the June one)!

The committee has gone through the election process, and remains much the same, but we are missing 3 persons for what are important roles and I’m keen to get those positions filled. We need someone to deputise for the treasurer’s role this year so next year they can take over fully from Jim Miles who has done an outstanding job over many years. Full back-up is available from our Branch Treasurer Robyn Cox so it’s not going to be a difficult job, but we need someone who can liaise with her and the bank and most importantly be on site during Swap Meet weekend itself. We also need someone to look after our camping bookings, and another person to look after the volunteer rosters for the various jobs that are required over the weekend. If anyone can assist with those positions, please give me a call or have a chat to me at noggin or OCBC.

This year we will repeat a display of club-eligible Japanese cars on the tennis court area, and Tony Gooding would be pleased to hear from anyone who can offer their car for the weekend to be part of that. Please contact him on 021 359 208 or by email at if you can help. His aim is to grow this display to at least 100 cars over the next few swap meets, with a focus on younger members in particular. I understand too that the Motorcycle Section will also be organising a another special display this year following on from the very successful fourcylinder motorcycles display last year. No doubt Paul Ainsworth will be getting some information out about that in due course. As of last month, 80% of site bookings were confirmed, so now is the time to get in and book one if you haven’t already done it, especially if you want one in a specific area.

We also need a couple of new prominent locations to put the large signs we have up, so if you know of anywhere that is in a safe but busy location please let me know. The roster board will be up at the AGM and Noggins from June until Swap Meet – please remember that the committee cannot run this event by itself – we need every branch member to do what they can by helping us out for some task or another over the


weekend. As has often mentioned in the past, the Swap Meet is our one big annual fundraising opportunity for the Club and ensures we don’t have to partake in any other fundraisers during the year, so the more people who offer to help, the easier it is on everyone.


The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions.

Contact Rod Thrower on 03 338 2320



Special FRENCH Display for 16th June!

Two weeks ago we received a request from the Citroen Car Club, who have asked it would be possible to put on a display of Traction Avant Cars (Light 15’s) at the next OCBC. It is 90 years since the first model was manufactured and they would like to celebrate this milestone. The answer was definitely – YES! This is exactly one reason we run OCBC. And to take it one step further, and following on from the great display of Italian cars in April, we’re going to especially welcome FRENCH vehicles to June’s OCBC.

So, here’s the chance to bring out your Citroen, Renault, Peugeot, Simca, or maybe you even have a Bugatti or Delage tucked away? And don’t forget all of those Velo Solex’s we have in the branch – I’m sure Royce can organise a lap or two around the grounds at some point during the morning?

June Old Cars Bikes and Coffee is of course also combined with the AGM on Sunday 18th June, so do come out in your club car if you can, and bring some lunch with you and stay on for the meeting at 1.00pm. Any time from 9.00am we’ll be there. The outside courtyard area will be open with access into the hall from there, so we can be warm inside if the weather is cool.

May’s OCBC was a good one with a few competition-type cars turning up, plenty of others to look at too, and lots of people to talk to. It did of course morph into the Annual Grasskhana event which looked like a lot of fun.



We were once again very lucky to have a beautiful sunny if cool day for the second run organised by Tony Becker this year with 46 cars attending.

Leaving from the Belfast hotel car park we were directed across to Kianga and east along sparsely populated roads and streets to Spencerville and on into the very modern suburb of Prestons with its lovely landscaped areas then into some of the very rural parts of Marshlands. It’s great that these rural properties exist so close to 0ur city. Long may it remain that way.

Then a short drive into Merivale and through some lovely autumn tree lined streets, on through a big loop out to Harewood, across the bypass and onto Mcleans island Rd to finish up at the Machinery club’s immaculately neat and tidy grounds with their wonderful big sheds full of interesting old machines, tools and artefacts all beautifully displayed.Along with trailer rides behind a vintage tractor around the grounds provided.


Anice sunny calm spot for our picnic lunch and the usual fun of the raffle finished off an interesting and very enjoyable run.

Thanks again to Tony and to Lindsay of the machinery club.

Grant Lomax has Kindly volunteered to organise the 12th of June run.

Meeting at the Halswell New world car park (in the southwest corner please) leaving at 10 am. Thanks Grant.

Looking forward to seeing you all again then.

Happy motoring. Ken



May Run – The end of VOG’s “summer wine”

Yes – oh how good those weather gods were to us once again for our final “rev up” for this season.

Atrip to Sumner Beach was the order of the day for the “gang” this time with a start off at the Valley Inn Tavern in Heathcote.Akeen group of 15 riders were under starters orders on the morning of May 14th all eagerly waiting for the action to start. Yours truly “VOG 1” still being incapacitated was banned from riding once again but was able to do the important job of navigator for Ray Oakes our “backup” on the day.

The ride this time was organised byAlastair Wright and this took us from the Valley Inn through Ferrymead Park and out onto Bridle Path Rd to Ferrymead Bridge and then followed the newish walkway” all the way out to Scarborough. This is a fantastic trail both for walkers and cyclists alike (and Velosolex riders)


and wowee were they all out there getting their daily exercise. Fortunately no break downs occurred so Ray and I had an easy job apart from working our way around road cones and re-calculating our route around a detour on Beachville Rd, good navigational skills on behalf of the navigator came into force for this manoeuvre.

All went well for “man and machine” with everyone arriving back safely to the Valley Inn for a scrumptious lunch and fellowship amongst the troops.

Its that man again! Philip Jeeves on an earlier restoration of his. 1924 Triumph Model P

Signing off until Spring when once again I’ll hopefully be back in the saddle.

Royce VOG 1

Remember: First Sunday and third Tuesday mornings.

Important notice for Xtra email users Spark will start charging users $5.95 monthly for its Xtra email service from 16 May. Consumer NZ explain how to switch your Xtra email account to a free Gmail or Outlook service. Read more on the Consumer NZ website.

Name Badges

$12.00 each

Available by ordering at the bar or by contacting the Secretary.

Grounds Maintenance Group
We are
on Instagram
now or


A warm welcome is extended to the following new members. We look forward to seeing you at our events.

Mr Scott & Alfred Nixon

1955 Morris Minor

Mr Randell Read

1928 Ford Model A

Mr Colin Thorpe

Mr Gordon Legge

1959 Morris Traveller

Mr Walter Whittleston

Mr Nicholas Tubman

Mr Peter & Marie Hodges

1968 Triumph TR5

Mr Peter Iremonger

1926 Dodge Tourer & 1929 Grahampa 612

Mr Gerry Lake

1930 Ford Model A & 1931 Ford Model A



Bender and folder for manufacture of rally number holders including jigs and stainless pre-cuts etc. Price reduced to $300

Heavy duty extension cord green/white long $10.

Two 'Shooting Sticks' rest your legs while tyre kicking $20 and $30 .

Black and Decker 2400W electric vacuum and leaf blower $30 .

Heavy duty 'Carter' 4" bench vice Australian made $40.

Ryobi 10" saw bench on wheels ,rise and fall $50.

Selection of brass wood screws (poss. 1000 plus) all slot headed ,countersunk ,round head ,metal thread $45 .

One Ton 'Elephant' chain hoist $50.

3 rolls window channel felt ,different thickness' small roll of 'Widney' strip $40

Those who have seen me at the Island on my electric scooter ,I have upgraded to another even smaller one and the brand new (almost) Venture is up for sale .phone for details .

Alan Wills

021 08700692



See Notice board posters for more information.


2022-2023 Representatives

Motorcycle Convenor

Paul Ainsworth (Joss) ains- 027 432 1391

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice) 03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep.

Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

Ken James 03 980 0547

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy) 03 385 6333


Mike Foster 03 359 8260 022 359 8260

Barn Bookings/Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

03 312 7255

027 407 5344

Bar Manager

Andrea Dallow (Gilbert)

03 388 2838


Ted and Jill Hockley

027403 4511

Swap Meet

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737

021 883 807

Swap Meet Sites

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802 027 289 6201

North Canty Noggin

Alan Hill (Barbara)

03 313 6008

021 161 5866

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737

021 883 807

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison

Jack Porter (Dorothy)

03 352 6672

027 432 2041

Branch Vehicle Custodian

Mark Drury

03 342 9297

Hub Editor And Web Site

Brodie Williams

027 848 7775



2022-2023 Main Committee

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201

Imm. Past Chairman

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320 021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric) 021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce) 021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor

Graham Evans ( Anne)

03 351 5919 027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Commercial Convenor

Michael Hedgman (Claire)

03 745 9240

027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572 027 355 8387

Asst Club Captain

Henry Little (Michelle)

03 327 5471

027 288 8277

39 Insurance VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.


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