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Newsletter of:


Canterbury Branch Activities and Events


Tues 1st

Grounds Maintenance

Thurs 3rd Noggin and Natter

Wed 9th 9-90s, Motorcycle Noggin

Fri-Sun 11-13

Tues 15th


Grounds maintenance

Wed 16th Commercial Noggin

Sun 20th OCBC

Sat/ Sun 19/20th Grider Fork Rally


Sun 3rd

Tues 5th

All British Day

Grounds Maintenance

Thurs 7th Noggin and Natter

Sat 9th

Hororata Highland Games

Wed 13th 9-90s

Wed 13th

Sun 10th

Fri 15th - 17th

Sun 17th

Tues 19th

Motorcycle Noggin

Homestead Run

Show Weekend Tour


Grounds Maintenance

Wed 20th Commercial Noggin

Wed 27th North Canterbury Noggin

Sat 23rd

Motorcycle Annual Rally

For the latest status of our events check our website. Online readers click here.

Canterbury Branch Monthly Programme

Noggin Night

1st Thursday of the month


1st Wednesday after noggin

Motorcycle Noggin

2nd Wednesday of the month

Commercial Noggin

3rd Wednesday of the month

North Canterbury Noggin

4th Wednesday of the month

Old cars, bikes and coffee

3rd Sunday of the month

Grounds Maintenance Morning

1st Tuesday and third Tuesday of the month

Parts Department

Wednesdays 12.30-5pm, noggin night and every 3rd and 4th Sunday 9-12pm



Yet another busy month has gone by, and things are only getting busier as we head towards summer and daylight saving gives us a bit more daylight in the evenings.

While there have been other aspects of life getting in the way of attending some branch events, it was entertaining to be able to join in with a good number of others braving the grey drizzly morning for OCBC and the motorcycle trial, and while the objective may have been consistency of time for each run, with road tyres on wet grass it was more a case of completing two runs staying upright. Once again it was entertaining watching the trials club demonstrating how it’s supposed to be done, thanks to all involved in organising.

Things have been getting busy around the grounds with the weather improving, with a number of projects on the go tidying things up as is particularly noticeable when arriving at the gates, and preparation is under way for the Swap Meet. The volunteers who help out with the various aspects of keeping everything ticking along do a great job for the branch, but of course anyone with a bit of spare time is welcome to join in, and there is also still help needed for the Swap Meet, so if you are able can find a bit of spare time to help with maintenance or the Swap Meet please get in touch with the relevant person.

The draft constitution for the club is currently being reviewed, with feedback to be submitted by the end of October, so if anyone has an interest in what’s being proposed they are welcome to get in touch and find out first hand. At the same time the branch constitution is being reviewed as this also needs to be finalised within the same legislative timeframe, so there’s plenty to keep any spare time occupied.

From The Editors Desk

Hi All

Not much to report from me this month.

This week I am jetting off to Thailand and Singapore for October. If you require anything I am reachable via my club email.

Andrea Dallow has told me “A new name is required for the Bar area, all ideas considered and the winner gets a bottle of wine.

Peter Blacklock and his team have been working hard around the grounds. A few weeks back I went to hang out with Peter he got me on the tractor rolling the ground where the burn off was. Then last week I popped out to sort a few things and gave him a hand finishing the new tree planting next to the hall. This is giving the ground a big upgrade ahead of our National Easter Rally.

With me being away I am sad I can’t be at the Swap Meet but if you are going remember to send in some photos to the below email to go on our Facebook and Instagram.

Enjoy this issue!


We have a new Hub email, if you haven't yet done so please save into your contacts. This address will allow you to contact me for Hub related inquiries.


Hi folks, been out of touch for a couple of weeks, behind eye stroke, hospital over night lots of scans etc, followed by Covid for Lynda and I. Back to hospital week later for surgery on blocked artery in Neck, home, back to hospital for day visits, the start of 4 weeks radiation. Not allowed to drive for a month. Please be patient if I am not quite up to speed replying to your requests". Owe isn't it fun to get older.

Please give your attention to the below reports.

Member subscriptions due end of this month, so if you have provided an email address your invoice would have been sent beginning of September. If you still have not received it by email or post contact National office urgently on 03 366 4461. 9-30 to 1.30pm or email < As a last resort you could try posting but don't hold your breath. Be very careful you pay your subscription to VCC National Office account (12-3151-0184322-00). Include membership number/Name. DO NOT PAY TO CANTERBURY BRANCH ACCOUNT.

Well in approximately two weeks we are around to the busiest full week of activities preparing the grounds an infrastructure for the big weekend 11/12/13 Oct 2024. VOLUNTEERS are still required over the weekend a couple of hrs is all we require come on folks give it a go. Contact Colin Hey 021 883 807.

Please be patient in the traffic and around the grounds, abide by the directions given and obey the rules. NO DOGS (companion dog owners must carry the certificate of entitlement)Make this the friendly, fun atmosphere it always is. Please be sure to clean up your site when you depart on Sunday. Fine Weather is on order.


I have been working as part of the Swap Meet team to get ready for the big event in a couple of weeks.

We are still looking for volunteers. If you can help please let me know? Or Colin Hey. Just for a couple of hours, it's all we ask to help us get this thing off the ground.

Thank you to those who have volunteered already, your help is much appreciated and supports this club to be able to be enjoyed by many.

In August I went to the National AGM with Neil. Once again it was an opportunity to gather knowledge and network. The Canterbury Branch is hosting the National South Island Easter Rally next year. You will see the entry form in this Hub and on the website. Because this event is a National Event, the National Club captains are involved in approving information, giving support when required but most importantly they are able to promote our rally throughout other branches. I also met with Chairpersons and observers from the other branches and we were able to share ideas about how we as a club can attract younger members to keep our club strong in the future.

Thank you to Jonte and Deb for putting together the Women’s and Young Drivers run last month. It was a great day out with 25 entries, even one from Otago who took out Karen from the National Office.

Henry and I have been doing some work on the Homestead Run with Michael Hedgman and Dave Inwood. This will be something we can look forward to. We have also been working on the Show Weekend Tour with Colin.

Thank you to Henry for stepping in for me whilst I have been out

of action.

Enjoy the photos from the Women’s and Young Drivers run.*

Have a great month.

Katryna *Photos on Facebook & Instagram

Notice for clubrooms key holders.

There are keys for the clubrooms whose whereabouts are unknown and need to be located.

There are also changes to be made to the building alarm which will include a reset of alarm codes, therefore contact details are needed to advise key holders when this happens.

If the location of all keys cannot be identified a change of locks and replacement keys may be required, it would be preferable to avoid this unnecessary expenditure of branch funds.

Can all members holding keys for the clubrooms please contact myself and advise the number of your key.

Thank you


Everything is on track for Swap Meet, and by the time you read this it will be just around the corner. We are still short of some VOLUNTEERS, and we’ll have the roster at the Noggin on 3rd October and will be looking at filling any gaps. I cannot stress strongly enough that we need people to help on the entry gates, to look after the display vehicles, and to help with car parking. All we need is a couple of hours of your time at some stage over the 3 days of Swap Meet. If you’re not able to get to Noggin and you can help, please ring me (number below) and I’ll find a place for you.

Manpower will also be needed to help set up the grounds before Swap Meet, and to pack away and tidy up everything on the Monday after it. For those who come on the Monday to clean up, morning tea will be provided. Now, just a couple of finer points especially to those of you who have a selling site.

1) Selling curfew

You can come and set up your site on Thursday 10th October, but there is strictly NO SELLING until Swap Meet opens on Friday morning. Anyone found breaching this rule will not have their site automatically renewed for 2025.

2) Wrist Bands and Entry Fees

Everyone must wear a yellow wrist band for the whole time they are on the grounds. Everyone pays $10 for this, and this will allow you entry into the grounds for any or all of the 3 days of the event. If you turn up earlier than Friday to set up, you will be required to pay the $10 entry fee per person, and put your wrist band on then. There will be NO EXCUSE for not wearing it. If it causes you a skin rash (the often-used excuse despite them being a nonallergy product), then please just wear something under it. The wrist bands will be available to purchase at the October Noggin, and we strongly recommend you get yours then as this will speed up entry into the grounds. This is even more important if you are a site-holder. No, you didn’t pay for it when you renewed

your site, and yes, everyone needs to pay an entry fee. Remember, this is the one and only fundraising activity specifically for our branch, so please be fair and make it easy for everyone, especially our volunteers on the gates who need to ensure that everyone pays.

3) Rubbish and Leftover Items

Also a special note regarding rubbish and left-overs from your site. You must take home everything you do not sell, including cartons, household items you no longer want, general rubbish, and especially old tyres! The club must pay for removing any rubbish left behind, and we want it kept to a minimum. The only things you can leave behind are car parts (not tyres) that you wish to donate to the Spares section, and if dong that please make sure HQ and/or the spares team are told so they can arrange for them to be collected.

The rubbish bins around the grounds are for food and drink wrappings and litter only – they are not there for site holders to dispose of things from their sites.

And finally, I’m aware that Swap Meet is as much a social occasion as it is a chance to buy, sell and swap car parts, so on behalf of the organising committee I wish you a successful and fun weekend. Do enjoy it!

Colin Hey

Ph 021 883 807 (If I don’t answer please leave a message and I’ll call you back).

Chairman Swap Meet Committee.

We are sad to announce the passing of these members in .

Our Thoughts are with those families during these hard times.


Straight after the Daffodil Rally last month I had a short (ten day) break in Australia to join the Wolseley Hornet Special Club of Australia AGM and national rally in the Sunshine Coast. I flew into Melbourne and was picked up by a good mate of mine at the airport, and we immediately set out on a 3 day 1800km road-trip to Maroochydore to join with the group there for the following weekend. Three days of open-top motoring around the Sunshine Coast in 30+ degree temperatures was the perfect way to unwind after the busyness of the Daffodil Rally the weekend before. Despite being well away from home, I did make time to keep tabs on the outcome of Daffodil Day and was delighted to find out that the total raised was around the $10,000 mark–a great effort from our branch and all of the volunteers who were actively involved in the organisation of the day. Thank-you to you all!

Now what has the Wolseley Hornet Special Club in Australia got to do with my veteran report you might ask? Well, of the 15 owners that attended the rally, 3 of them are also very active in the veteran scene in Australia, and individually own an early De Dion, Renault AX and a veteran Buick as well as motorcycles (some also veteran) and vintage and PV classics as well. I had some great conversations with them about what’s happening in the Veteran scene in Australia and at home here in NZ, but a couple of them had also recently been to the UK and had interesting stories about the events they attended there. One of them even shared a long-held ambition to motor the length of the West Coast of the South Island in an open veteran, starting in Christchurch and returning there through Central Otago. Definitely doable, I’d say. Despite there being a general perception that veteran cars are not coming out much nowadays, all three of them were of the opinion that a new wave of younger owners is starting to emerge. Indeed, one of the three is in his twenties and has just taken over his late grandfather’s car and is busy getting it back on the road again after his grandfather started but never finished an engine rebuild. He’s also just bought the Wolseley Hornet Special so is now well

and truly into old-car motoring! All three were also confident that there’s still plenty of really good veteran and vintage motoring to be had in Australia, although nowadays it’s often generally well away from the main cities and tends to be more themed towards ‘away’ rallies in some of the more rural centres where the roads and pace of life are quieter and people are much friendlier and generally more appreciative of historical vehicles.

As is the norm on national rallies, visits to private collections were part of the itinerary for the weekend, one we visited had a veteran car I’d never seen before, a Sears – circa 1908. Found somewhere in the outback, it was a car that was delivered new by train, complete with a small crew who then assembled it at the railway station so the new owner could then drive it home! The collection also included about a dozen other vehicles, including Jaguars, Studebakers, a very nice Lagonda and several other makes. We also visited a Rolls Royce collection at the Sir Henry Royce Foundation premises at Coolum – a spotless display of cars and RR powered military vehicles and aero engines – well worth going to if you’re ever near the Sunshine Coast.

All too soon the weekend was over, and we headed back to Melbourne – another easy 3-day drive mainly on freeways. When we were ready for a break we’d often divert into a small town off the freeway to find a bakery or coffee shop for some food and drink, often chatting to the locals sitting near to us. In one town we asked a woman where the best bakery was, only to be told she didn’t know, she had only been in the town for an hour and was from “Kaiapoi, near Christchurch in New Zealand.” I’m sure she’d know someone I did, but I didn’t ask! In one town we sat at a table with an Aussie truck driver who told joke after joke. He was complaining of a stiff neck, saying he had taken a Viagra tablet that morning that had got stuck in his throat! That was one of the cleaner ones……..!

Anyway, I got home about 3 hours before Noggin, so back to thinking about the rapidly approaching Swap Meet and the things that need doing before then.

On 21st September the large disposal of the collection amassed by the late Robin Dickson will be taking place in Gore, and I’m aware of many of our members who are going down there for the auction. It will have happened by the time you read this, so I’ll try

and give some time to the highlights of the auction in next month’s report if Brodie can’t fit it in after the official Hub deadline. For those who don’t go to that, your day may well be spent at the Hororata Swap Meet – I’m sure it will be another good one. September’s Veteran coffee morning at Kirwee was another good one. The weather was good enough for me to motor there in our 1912 Wolseley, although running into a very strong NW wind on the way there was a challenge not only for me but for 3 of us who took veterans. This was however more than made up for by a very easy run back home after lunch. The next one there is on Tuesday 8th October – immediately before Swap Meet. I might need a coffee then to settle my nerves as it all really starts to kick off on the Wednesday.

Coming Veteran Events

In case you missed it last month, in November there will be two Veteran events, so I ask that you take special notice of the details on Pages 34 and 35 for the following:

Hororata Highland Games Veteran and Vintage Run and Display on Saturday 9th November, and then 3 days later:

Our branch Annual Veteran Rally on Tuesday 12th November.

Also don’t forget our monthly coffee morning will be held on Tuesday 8th October at Thirsty Acres, Kirwee, and you are also welcome to bring your veteran car or motorcycle out to OCBC on the morning of the 3rd Sunday of every month at the clubrooms, from 9.00am.

Sunday December 1st 2024

Lunch stop will be south of the city in a country Domain

plaque cost of $12 optional and entries close 24th Nov



Grounds Log

“ Park Going Forward “

Nice to see the sun shineing , longer days and warmer. Blossom and flowers are coming out, the park is looking nice and green, not long before the mowing starts.

“ Tunnel Barn Happenings “

Tractors and Rideon Mowers have had their annual oil and filter changed, and a service, thank to Mike and Don for getting this done.

We have had a tidy up in the tunnel barn, thanks to some of the older members for advise and guidance. Just trying to make it a bit more user friendly for everyone. Thank you to all volunteers for your support


We have waterblasted 7 picnic tables in time for the swap meet, these will be placed around the grounds for public seating. Thanks Paul for getting this done.

“Annual Burn Park Slash”

We had a couple of set backs for this job “ clean air emissions “ . Cutler Park is in the clean air zone for Christchurch, we cannot burn between the 1st of may and the 1st September, also there was a temporary fire ban for Canterbury because of the large fire in North Canterbury , and the Nor West Winds. This was a bit frustrating, the swap meet was looming. Good news finally got this done last week. Thanks Mike and visitor Derek from Levin for your help on the day.

“ Main Gateway “

The maintenance team has started the upgrade of the main gates area ie. New rails on fences, gates and fences stained, and garden both sides of the entrance gates to be tidied up. This is a 3 stage project. Stage 1 is completed, stages 2 and 3 will be addressed in the New Year. Thanks to Dave , Eric and Tom for your help with this project.

“ The Barn “

We are having a tidy up with the gardens, new planting around the barn, playground and headquarters. Thanks Shona for your help and support.

“ Pine Trees “

Transpower arrived with a job number to cut a pine down for safety reasons to clear their transmission lines. They have left the wood and mulch for the park, nice tidy job lads.

“ Motorbike Boys in Action ”

A large Pine was cut down behind the motorbike corner for safety reasons and firewood. Great effort by all volunteers who put their bodies and heart into it, and also our neighbours, Custom Car Club for their input into this project. Well Done to you all.

Thanks to all volunteers for all your help, I personally feel the park is looking really good for our annual swap meet weekend. Here’s to a great weekend.

Ground Maintenance Coordinator

Pete Blacklock 021 181 3491


The National Daffodil Rally on 25th August was well attended with over 800 cars heading towards McLeans Island from the 4 starting venues. This is a great cause raising funds for Cancer research.

I missed the Noggin night, OCBC and this month.

I completed the Young Drivers Rally with of my Grandson Jack, and he enjoyed driving the manual MG, leaving from McLeans Island through Templeton, Lincoln, Tai Tupu, Springston then onto Rolleston for lunch. An enjoyable run that tested his driving skills, driving on a narrow single road behind a tractor and trailing loaded with hay for several miles, I think had the same rally instructions as us.

I didn’t attend last Sundays OCBC, as I was on the annual International Ford weekend in Kaikoura.

The rally in Kaikoura saw 34 Model A’s travel on Friday arriving from Geraldine, West Coast, Nelson Blenheim and Christchurch joining in for an excellent weekend. Most of the team stayed at Donegal House where our hosts feed us on Friday and Saturday evening. The Saturday run took us up the Puhi Puhi Valley lunching at Puhi Puhi DOC Reserve. We returned to Kaikoura to visit Fyffe House for an interesting talk on it’s history before a walk through the house.


Greetings all,

Nice to see some warmer weather and signs of spring growth!

Our September noggin was held a week earlier than usual as we joined with the Motorcycle section to visit Autohaven Museum in Bromley. Certainly, some high there that were grand in their day and even more spectacular now! Among the car marques on display were Packard, Cord, Rolls Royce, and Duesenberg. Some of these cars had the most amazing history and a real story behind them. There were also lots of motorcycles but not being a motorcycle enthusiast myself I didn’t pay quite as much attention to these. We were also shown through the restoration workshop that was spotlessly clean like a surgical theatre! Thanks to the Motorcycle section for inviting us to join in. For the October noggin I have arranged another visit to Protranz Earthmoving. It’s been two years since we saw them last. They have moved from their old site this year and are now in a brandnew site. I hear the ground works have just started for the Truck Museum – so I’m hoping we’ll have an opportunity to visit that once it’s competed.

Save the date: Wednesday 16th October at 730pm. 81 Leggett Road, Templeton. This runs off Hasketts Road and is next to Ruapuna Park speedway.

I am looking for a suggestion for the November Noggin please or someone who can take this on? December will be the Christmas one.

Apologies if I put you wrong for the dates of the vintage rally this year. I thought I was going mad, but it appears I wasn’t the only one! It was on the website in the coming events but had been loaded in error. So, it is now as per the red calendar of events pocket planner.


On a cool but sunny September morning 44 cars gathered at the Dunsandel community centre car park for a bit of social chit chat as Ray & Linda handed out the instructions for the days run. After a few words from Ray off we went south over the Rakaia bridge to turn right and up the Methven road, at Barr hill a left took us to Lauriston village where we turned right again toward Methven. Soon after this we came to a Canterbury rural traffic jam. A short wait for it to clear and a little further along line Rd we came to a VCC sign directing us into a very tidy farm yard past several large sheds and into a nice sheltered area between a row of large silos and another long shed with a nice display of older Dodge cars a Fargo pickup, some McCormack –Deering tractors and a 1930s Dodge tip truck. As I climbed out of the Vitesse a lovely lady’s voice behind me called out “ do you have any photos of your rear end?” Once she showed me what she was talking about I just had to share it with you. (photo attached)

The Farm we were visiting belonged to Ian & Nola members of the Ashburton branch

Who along with their two sons have three properties in the area growing mainly grain and seed.

We formed our usual very large circle between their eleven Silos, five Dodge cars, the tractors the Fargo, the truck and the shed for more chit chat, then Ian & Nola showed some of us the workings of a large silo built in the early 70s and still in excellent condition and doing its job today. After a some lunch, a short talk from Ian and the raffle. It was time to wend our way home again. Many Thanks to Ray and Linda for organising another great day

out for 9-90s friends.

October’s 9 to 90s organised by George Nimo will leave from the Peg hotel (Belfast) at 9.55 am for a spring country run. To encourage you to bring out your club eligible vehicles there will be a prize for a club eligible vehicle selected by our lunchtime hosts.

Please bring a $5.00 dollar note per car for entry to our lunch venue (usually $15.00per person) payable on picking up the instructions for the day.

Looking forward to seeing you all then. Happy motoring. Ken.


The Spring Equinox is past, the sun is in the southern hemisphere, Summer is on its way!

Past Events.

31st August – Round the Bays Run / Fish & Chip Run. Twenty one riders took part in this annual event, finishing up at the Southbridge Hotel for lunch. Thanks to Royce Baker for being back-up.

11th September – Motorcycle Noggin Night. A pretty cold and blustery night failed to deter about 38 from turning out to view the collection that is Autohaven in Bromley. A very eclectic collection of cars and motorcycles, all with one thing in common – Speed, Power and Rarity: they had to be the best. Amongst the many cars on display were four or five V12 Packards of the 1930’s, a couple of Cords, Rolls Royce, Aston Martin DB4, as well as many motorcycles including Aprilia, Ducati, Harley Davidson and Yamaha packed into a warehouse for the discerning viewer to see. Quite a collection; some of the vehicles on display were at the extreme end of rarity world-wide. We were also shown through the Autohaven’s restoration workshops as well… Thanks to the management for organising the visit.

15th September – OCBC and Motorcycle Trials. A drizzly day ensured the grass tracks demanded respect as 26 riders from the VCC and the Canterbury Classic Trials Group met to engage in competition. Thanks to the organisers; see elsewhere for a report.

18th September – Old Codger’s Run. The second post-winter

Old Codger’s Run met at The Peg for a run to the Greta Valley Tavern via Woodend, Balcairn, Broomfield, Glasvegin, Waikari and the Scargill Valley. Fine and sunny, and a light northerly breeze made for a pleasant day’s riding for the 14 or so bikers that made it to the lunch stop. Most made their way back to Chch soon afterwards…

Future Events.

28th September – Fish & Chip Run. Start at Bunnings car park by the airport, 10.15 am for a 10.30 am departure to a shed raid

at # 20 Princes Street, Waikari. Princes Street is the first on the left after the shops, the garage is on the corner. The destination is a Shearing Equipment Museum; no entry fee but you may be asked for a donation to support a local charity, so bring some cash…. Lunch will be either in Waikari, or possibly Hawarden. Brian Hayman and Mike Glenday are looking into this for us.

4th October – Dunvegan Rally, Otago. Organised by Bill Veitch, Otago VCC. This year’s Dunvegan will finish at the Alexandra Motor Camp, so the run back to Chch Sunday will be a long one. The entry forms have been emailed out, but if you missed your copy come back to me – and I’ll resend yours. The $100 entry fee includes all direct rally costs – Friday night supper, Saturday evening BBQ meal, Sunday breakfast, back-up, and rally plaque. Enquiries to Bill at 027 2010565 – there does not appear to be a closing date for entries either…

9th October – Motorcycle Noggin. This will be at the Social Corner, Cutler Park, commencing 7.30 pm. The fire will be lit, and there will be people about for the Swap Meet that commences 2 days later…

11th -13th October – Swap Meet. Motorcycle Display in the Barn, older competition bikes. Better lighting this year will enhance the display… We do need volunteers to be on a roster to act as supervisors overseeing the display, for security purposes. If you can help get in touch with Paul Ainsworth, 0274 321 391.

16th October – Old Codger’s Run. TBA, look out for email notice…

19th -20th October – Girder Fork Rally. This year the run will take a different format. The destination is Wainui Park, which is the old YMCA at Wainui, on the other side of the harbour from Akaroa. This is a Girder Fork Rally, so all participants are encouraged strongly to ride a suitable pre-war or girder bike. If you do not have one, then ride your other club eligible bike in the knowledge you do not qualify for the trophies, and you do not qualify for the event memorial plaque. For more information refer to the blurb and entry form elsewhere. You can also enter via the on-line portal at the Branch VCC Site. Even if you do not plan entering on a Girder Bike you are still required to com-

plete an entry form so that beds and food can be properly catered for. The fee, $90, is the same for all entrants, qualifying or not. 26th October – Fish & Chip Run. More info next month.

A good start to the season of many motorcycle runs, so get your bikes WOF’d and rego’d and ENJOY the fine weather!!

Cheers, CML

Motorcycle Regularity Trial

The motorcycle section of the Vintage Car Club ran their Regularity Trial and again invited the Canterbury Classic Trials group to join them for the day. A simple idea to complete a winding course twice in ideally the same time. The day started with some drizzle so the wet grass needed some respect, then after a shared BBQ lunch, and an improvement in the weather, we moved to the second course which had two options: a flat but winding course for the road bikes and scooters, and some hilly options for the trials bikes. It didn’t matter which you rode as the sole aim was to try and complete two runs in the same time. Great to see the vintage bikes trying a few of the obstacles we had. 26 riders took part in a relaxed event that allowed the two clubs to mix. Prize giving finished the day with Brian Chambers on the 1951 Royal Enfield taking the award for the most consistent time over the two runs of the two courses. Thanks to the VCC for the invite.

To view the photos, use the following link and select the album you want:

Enjoy viewing the photos.

If you want a copy to put on your computer, just click on the image so it opens, click again if a "+" shows when you hover your mouse over the picture, then right click and save as. If you want to print the photo for the bedroom wall, then email us, and we can send the full size files (Large 30 MB each)) for you to get printed. As always there is no cost for this.

Please note the photos are copyright and remain in our ownership. Copies are provided free for your own personal use including posting on your Facebook page, and use in club newsletters. Inclusion in any other publications or websites should be confirmed with us before use.

Peter Barnett.


We are missing three of our branch tablecloths (made especially for us by Sylvia Bartlett to fit our table layout).

If you have stored them away from where they are kept, or know where they are, please let me know or bring them back and place them on the stage near the Secretary’s table.

At our Award Dinner, we had to make do with others and for a special night like that one, it was a pity.

I hope they can be located.

Leigh Craythorne

342 9110

Hororata Highland Games Veteran and Vintage Run & Display

Saturday 9th November 2024

The Hororata Highland Games are a fantastic day out and are regarded by many as the best Highland Games outside of Scotland. If you haven’t been before and you can get there in a Veteran or Vintage car, then now’s your chance. This year there is going to also be a traction engine display alongside ours, so we have been asked to restrict entries to only veteran and vintage vehicles (up to 31 December 1931)

Where you start your run is up to you, but all cars will be required to arrive at the Cenotaph about 1km north of at Hororata on the Coalgate to Hororata Road at 10.00am. Once there the cars and motorcycles will be lined up for the drive down the road to the showgrounds and make a grand parade entrance at 10.30am. Once there, all vehicles will do a parade lap and then be parked up for display. You will then be free to participate in and enjoy a fantastic day out.

Entertainment includes the various Highlands events, great music for all tastes and various vendors of food and beverages including whiskey tasting. Bring your picnic lunch or patronise the food stall holders

A special entrance price has been arranged and venue entrance wrist bands will be part of the rally pack. The special entry price of $15.00 pp is only available to rally entrants and their passengers. These wrist bands will not be accepted at any of the entrance gates (public entry is $30.00pp). Also your entry means your commitment to remain on display until 4:00pm. Sorry, there are no exceptions to this requirement as the event finishes at 4.00pm and they want everyone there until then.

Feel free to wear Scottish regalia and to dress your vehicle up for the occasion. It’s a wonderful opportunity for the club and our members to display our vehicles to the large number of spectators that attend the games.

Get your entry in early because the numbers will be limited. Anyone requiring further information please contact Colin Hey on 021 883 807. Hope to see you there.

The display at the 2022 Highland Games

Entry Form is on page 36 or on-line HERE

Annual Veteran Rally Tuesday 12th November

This year’s Annual Veteran Rally will be a mid-week event, on the same day we would otherwise run our Veteran Coffee Morning at Thirsty Acres in Kirwee.

The run will begin at Cutler Park at 10am. We will be stopping at a café early into the run (not Thirsty Acres), and continuing to a private vehicle collection where we will have lunch (BYO). In the afternoon we will motor back to Cutler Park where field tests will take place and afternoon tea will be provided, followed by presentation of the trophies for the various categories including concours, best field tests (car and motorcycle), time trial and overall winners.

Overall run length to Cutler Park and return will be approximately 50km.

Please enter on-line HERE, or if you would prefer to enter by hard copy, please call me and I’ll do an entry form for you.

More details will be provided in the Nov Hub.

Colin Hey

Ph 021 883 807

Motorcycle Section Round the Bays ride 2024….

Review From The Backup Drivers Seat.

Saturday August 31st saw 21 keen motorcyclists line up outside the Princess Margaret Hospital on a fabulous morning. A range of bikes and riders turned up for an amble around some quieter country roads in the Greenpark / Ellesmere area. There was a “slight error” in the instruction sheets which had us turning left at the Sign of The Kiwi and heading along the Summit Rd to turn right at Evans Pass and head down to Lyttelton but thank goodness

some of our riders were awake to the fact that the Summit Road was closed part way along and there was no way we could proceed along this route so a quick decision was made that we just carry on up and over Dyers Pass Rd down to Governors Bay and follow the route from there. A wise decision.

Jan & I were doing backup for the team on the day which was quite an easy job the bikes took off around 10:30am after a short Health & Safety briefing and that was the last we saw of them until we arrived at the White Rabbit Café at the end of Gebbies Pass

where all had stopped for the “Compulsory” coffee and scones (and I must admit they were very nice). Only one hold up on this part of the journey, Brad Govern on his trusty old Scott Motorbike had stopped at the summit of Gebbies Pass to do a piece of “roadside maintenance” no problem said Brad in his usual casual manner . Smelt like she was getting a bit hot on the climb up the hill so I’ve changed a plug and topped up the oil and balanced the carby tuning so all is now “sweet’ and it was. So down the hill Brad proceeded. He was still able to enjoy his coffee and what’s more we never saw him again until the lunch stop at the Southbridge Hotel. Fortunately he didn’t have another breakdown as somehow he missed out a few of the instructions on the route sheet and of course wasn’t on the route that we were on.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the day and as a bonus nobody ended up on the trailer which is always a good sign. No long hours in the workshop sorting out problems.

Homestead Rally 2024

Spend the day travelling around Canterbury and some time at local homesteads and gardens. We have three homesteads of interest and a little side attraction.

Sunday 10th November 2024

Picnic Lunch required.

Starting at Cutler Park: 9.30 for a 10.00am departure.

Registration: $20 per car.

We look forward to seeing you at one of the most popular events on the calendar. Please get your entries in early.

Contact Henry Little 027 288 8277


Overall winner Pat O’Connell with officials Paul, Royce and Joseph.


Unfortunately September’s OCBC was another wet one, with a persistent drizzle making it just that bit too unpleasant to be outside for most. Consequently once again we opened up the hall and put the coffee cart inside so everyone could stay dry if they wanted to, although there were many who still were happy to stroll around outside and take in the cars and bikes that arrived. Despite the weather there was a really good turnout – some mentioned that the weather was good when they left home, so good on you all for carrying on regardless. One new arrival worthy of mention was Rex Walker who rode his recently purchased Triumph 500 to OCBC all the way from Waddington - his very first outing on the bike. He came to watch all of the action from the trials event which was run in the grounds on the same day (no doubt there will be a report about this in the Motorcycle section news). Condsidering Rex’s age, the weather on the day and the fact that it was the first outing for the bike in many years and the very first under his ownership, this was some achievement.

The October OCBC will be on Sunday 20th October – the weekend after Swap Meet! No particular theme, just come out and give your car or motorcycle a run and catch up with friends and fellow enthusiasts over a good coffee. Start time will be 9.00am, and hopefully we’ll get good weather this time!

2024 Show Weekend Tour

15,16 & 17 November 2024 Entries close 1st November (Start: Cutler Park 10am)

Entrant’s Name:

Vehicle year:

Vehicle Make/Model: …………………………………….

Entry fee $30 Per person Payment directly to internet banking to branch account 03 1594 0096832 00 with your name in the particulars field and "Show weekend" in the reference field. Online Entry Form HERE


19 - 20 OCTOBER 2024

The Girder Rally is for bikes pre 1945 or fitted with Girder Forks.

START VENUE- The rally will leave from Auto Restorations, Kennedy Place, Hillsborough. Meet 9am onwards for a 9.45am start. Back up trailer available, if staying overnight, try & carry your luggage but there will be room for luggage if required. The morning run will finish with a lunch stop at Duvauchelle Hotel. Lunch payment is up to the individual rider. After lunch there will be a short trip to the accommodation or by riding via Akaroa and return to the accommodation via Summit Road.

Accommodation this year we are going for a change. We have booked the old YMCA camp know as Wainui Park at Wainui. There has been enough support shown to the organizers that people are interested. The successful Dunedin based Dunvagan Run have organised this type of run and accommodation for many years. The thought is that having people stay at Wainui Park then it keeps the rally together in the evening after a days riding.

Cabins are provided, sleeping bags/towel to be provided by each entrant. There are enough bottom beds that top bunks will not need to be used. There are some rooms that allow individuals to have their own cabin if indicated to the organisers. Communal shower and toilets a short walk away from accommodation. A group organized evening BBQ meal provided, the cost is included in your entry fee along with a continental type breakfast. Refreshments will be available at a small cost but anything specialized will be the responsibility of the entrant.

RIDERS NAME:_____________________________


ENTRY FEE (covers plaque, bed & meals)


There will be a short and a long route available.

Make payment via internet banking- 03 0802 0099727 00, please ensure you put your name and name of the rally with the payment & email organiser with your entry if you’re not using the electronic entry form via The Hub or the clubs web site.

ENTRIES CLOSE – Tuesday 15 October 2024

Organiser – Paul Ainsworth 0274 321391 M Glenday, 021 1920581 -


Canterbury Branch had much pleasure in hosting Barrie Blackler (50-year award) and Barry Townshend and John Wallis (60 -year awards), along with Mary Blackler and Margaret Wallis, on Saturday 14 September at the clubrooms at the 2024 Awards’ Dinner.

They were presented with their badges and certificates by the Club’s National President, our very own George Kear. We also welcomed George’s wife Jorden as well as families, friends and fellow members who supported and joined the recipients on their special night. It was especially special for the Blackler family, as Anthony (Barrie and Mary’s son) was also presented his 35-year badge.

Canterbury Branch was fortunate to be able to welcome Canterbury Branch members on the Management Committee - Andy Fox (and Kath) Kevin Clarkson – Beaded Wheels Chairman (and Shona) and Don Muller – Club Archivist (and Marlene.)

Three 25-year badges and seven 35-year badges were also presented by George. (See photographs on page XXXXXXX.) Those awardees unable to be at the evening will be presented their badges/awards by National President, George at the October Noggin.

Gold was the theme for the night and the hall was warm and welcoming. Gold bunting was hung on the stage as well as our big gold 50 sign. The tables were decorated with candles in their gold holders and gold serviettes. A gold runner was placed on the top table as well as a beautiful floral arrangement made by Esme Humm who also made the pretty posies of flowers presented to the 50/60 -year awardees’ wives and to Jorden Kear. Thank you, Esme.

County Feasts catered for us again this year and they didn’t disappoint – there was plenty of delicious food for all. Coffee/Tea,

cake and doughnuts were served following the presentations.

My thanks go to Henry Little, Mark Drury and Michael Hedgman who helped set up the tables in the morning and to Judy and Don Bennetts for their help serving the supper.

Thanks are also recorded to wine waiter Mark Drury, who looked after our special guests in the “snug” and also to the bar staff –Andrea Dallow and Philip Jeeves who competently served us all. My thanks also go to Tony for taking the photographs, his numerous other tasks for this event and for his ongoing support.

We look forward to another Awards’ Dinner in 2025.

*Photos Available on Instagram & Facebook

1926 CHRYSLER Model 70

For Sale to a good home, a 1926 Chrysler Model 70, an older restoration. Currently registered, parts must go too. Phone Murray 0275948008.


VINTAGE & CLASSIC TYRES – Variety of sizes. Cross-ply Lester, Excelsior, Universal, Firestone, etc. Radials 19”and 21” American Classic. Limited stocks. Phone Jack 03 352 6672, or 0274 322 041 Christchurch.

Ford Laser cabriolet 1988 , This rare and extremely motorable little automatic convertible is now surplus to my requirements and needs a new home. Overdrive model

Powered by the unbreakable 323 engine this car has only travelled 117thousand kms and has a brand new hood ,new shocks ,new exhaust and is ready for summer .$10500 ono

Also one of my MX5 roadsters is on the market ,the 2006 NC model 2000cc six speed tiptronic auto ,a superb touring car which has a professionally fitted continental kit rear mounted spare

wheel .These models had no spare ,only a compressor and tyre sealant which ruined the tyre .This could be removed without trace if needed .Travelled only 100 thousand kms and serviced at Garage 5 .


Phone Alan Wills 021 08700692

Rally Holders are now available through Henry Little.

Hi I have a 16m x 12m shed available to rent for car storage in Waikuku, up to 12 cars. Would any of your members be interested? Dry, lockable, any day access, concrete floor, lights. Please text me on 0224 202 404 Stuart

FOR SALE 1954 MGTF 1250

In excellent condition .Current owner 25 years .Full restoration to high standard in 2001

travelled 16500 miles since all over NZ.Has a few stone chips. Will be on display at Swap meet .

further details Phone Kevin 0273651938

Some years ago my late father in law in Blenheim, Graeme Edwards, sold his red 1930ish Chrysler (attached picture) to someone in Christchurch.

Now we find two wheel rims in the garage for this vehicle and we'd like to get these to whoever might own it. Maybe this classic motor rings a bell in Canterbury vintage circles?



021 0412962


Front cross member for a 1974 or 1975 power steer Triumph 2.5. Phone Jim on 0272097426

Radio Blank for a 57 Vauxhall

Phone Tony 03 327 7111


See Notice board posters for more information.

Register Online:

2024-2025 Representatives

Motorcycle Convenor

Jens Christensen (Karen) 027 433 4179

Velosolex Group

Royce Baker (Janice) 03 322 5529

Parts Dept. Rep.

Wayne Stocks

03 383 1380

9—90’s Co-ordinator

Ken James 03 980 0547

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy) 03 385 6333


Peter Blacklock (Chrisy)

021 181 3491

Barn Bookings/Camping

Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320

021 126 3529

Bar Manager

Andrea Dallow (Gilbert)

027 224 1465


Ted and Jill Hockley

03 323 7183

Swap Meet

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Swap Meet Sites

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802 027 289 6201

North Canty Noggin

Alan Hill (Barbara)

03 313 6008 021 161 5866

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)

03 342 9110

027 772 8660

New Members’ Liaison

Jack Porter (Dorothy)

03 352 6672

027 432 2041

Branch Vehicle Custodian

Mark Drury

03 342 9297

Hub Editor And Web Site

Brodie Williams thehub@vcccanterbury.or

027 848 7775


2024-2025 Main Committee

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

03 352 8802

027 289 6201


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

03 338 2320 021 126 3529


Robyn Cox (Eric) 021 237 6777

Club Captain

Katryna Shaw (Bryce) 021 0277 2375


Vintage Convenor

Graham Evans ( Anne)

03 351 5919 027 320 7948

Veteran Convenor

Colin Hey (Jenny)

03 359 8737 021 883 807

Commercial Convenor

Michael Hedgman (Claire)

03 745 9240

027 516 0029

‘P’ Group Convenor

John Enright (Debbie) 027 439 6572

027 355 8387

Asst Club Captain

Henry Little (Michelle)

03 327 5471

027 288 8277

VERO CIS—telephone 0800658411

Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130

This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance for Canterbury Branch to benefit.

Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00am—

We now stock cloth tape for vintage vehicles. Several widths.

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