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The official magazine of the Gisborne Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Inc.



Clubrooms open Wednesdays and Sundays, 9am to 12 noon

Club night is held third Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm (except January) Main Road, Makaraka (use Showgrounds Gate 3)

The only known photo of the Carlton car taken circa 1929







Secretary VACANT............................................021161-0455

Treasurer ANITAHALL......................................027223-6781

































Vero Agent # HO 0300134

BRANCH ADDRESS —P.O.Box307,Gisborne4040. EMAIL

CLUB NIGHT isheldthirdWednesdayofeverymonthat7.30pm(exceptJanuary)

CLUBROOMS OPEN WednesdaysandSundays,9amto12noon MainRoad,Makaraka(useShowgroundsGate3)



From Your Editor

Herewith is your first copy of the emailed edition of the Carlton magazine. It hasn’t been an easy task for me, so I trust that it will meet with your approval. I’m still an advocate of the written word, but have bowed to pressure to make the change to electronic reading due to the high cost of printing the newsletter using colour on the photocopier. I spent 56 years at the Gisborne Herald initially as a machine typographer (Linotype operator), until around 1986 when we started on Desktop Publishing using computer keyboards which were totally different from the Linotype keyboards. All operators had to learn to type on typewriter keyboards, not an easy task, however we still managed to get a paper out each day. I am saddened at the recent demise of the company after 150 years producing newspapers.

You will notice that the layout is a bit higgledy-piggledy and that I have continued to use my regular columns, but I give special thanks to Kent Wilkinson for providing his story which became the impetus for me to make a start. I have also repeated a story from the March 2009 newsletter about my father learning of a body of a Model T Ford being buried out at Ormond, but have added an update covering the intervening years.

For umpteen years I have asked, especially at annual general meetings, for members to provide me with copy, but that request, with a few exceptions, has often fallen on deaf ears. I now make a plea for more copy from you, the members and readers, for stories about your vehicles, your trips to outside rallies etc. I would like to do articles such as “What’s In My Shed” where we get your story of your vehicle and its restoration including photos with captions. I’ll continue doing my bit, but come on guys and gals, how about you giving me a hand to make the newsletter more interesting by doing your bit.

We will still print newsletters for those who do not have internet, however I will need the names of those people so that they can get a printed copy. I welcome comments and suggestions on the new layout. Rod


We extend our sympathies to the family of Doug Curtis, who passed away on the eve of Anzac Day this year. Doug joined our branch in 1999 and was due to receive his 25-year badge in October, however, he resigned from the club in March, due possibly to ill health. He had transferred ownership of the Chevrolet pickup to his son a few months before his passing. He was well known for his drawings, providing the Gisborne Herald with weekly pics for a number of years to place in the Motoring Guide that was run in the Herald some years back. He wrote a book containing his drawings which he sold, but trouble with the printers prevented a reprint being published. The picture shows a series of drawings on a “Christmas Card” that I believe he sent to the branch one year. Although a member of our branch, he lived at Wainuiomata, but had spent much of his younger days in Gisborne. He was a regular contributor to Facebook, with many followers, and his presence will be sorely missed by all.

We also extend our sympathies to following on the passing of their loved ones: Ray Squires, whose son passed away on April 18 in Australia; Alan Torrie, who lost his wife Fran recently; and to Russell Gregg, whose wife Joyce passed away on April 25. Russell joined the branch in 1986 with a 1928 De Soto, a Mk.3 Zephyr and a Mk. I Zephyr Convertible, and Joyce joined in 1992, serving as secretary of the branch for a period. They resigned from the club in 2007. Joyce’s last ride was in Greg’s Mk.3 Zodiac Station Wagon


BEST WISHES to Gavin Lecker as he endeavours to overcome some problems with his health, and to any other members who are unwell at the moment.

CLUB RALLY ACCOUNT: This account has now been closed and any monies remaining in it have been transferred to the general account. Treasurer Anita Hall’s computer system allows her to set up various “offshoots” within the system which will allow any rally proceeds to be directed to one of those “off-shoots”.

FACEBOOK PAGE: Phill Dodds has set up a Facebook page called “Gisborne Vintage Car Club” — check your Facebook groups or do a Facebook search on the above and you should find it. Phill will add bits to it as and when the need arises.



Meet at the carpark on the Childers Road/Roebuck Road at 1.30pm for a shed visit followed by a display of vehicles and afternoon tea at an indoors venue. More details by email later.


Coming Events


June 8 WAIKATO DOUBLE FIFTY RUN. Entry form available. (See below).

June 9 CLUB RUN. Meet at the carpark on the corner of Childers and Roebuck roads at 1.30pm for a run which will take in a shed visit and conclude with a vehicle display and afternoon tea at a rest home. More details as they come to hand.


June 19





August 4 CLUB RUN


August 21 CLUB NIGHT


October 26-28 7TH NATIONAL COMMERCIAL RALLY, Oamaru. (See back page)



Note: In a survey sent to all branches 1400 people registered to attend this rally, and at the March Executive Meeting 1270 had confirmed their interest. There will be rallying days (short and long), a Wednesday street party, and Saturday/Sunday will consist of a competitive challenge similar to the 24-hour ‘Around Renwick’ challenge in 1972 where all entrants were required to do at least one lap and no more than three laps of a circuit around Renwick streets. As in 1972, the venue will be the Richmond A&P Showgrounds with the headquarters based in Trafalgar Square. Vero have again sponsored the rally. More information can be found on the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand group Facebook page.

April Monthly Run

A list of the participants in the April Monthly run, which was dubbed as 'There Now, Gone Tomorrow'. appear on page 11.

The run was a non-trophy event with an optional competitive element.

The route took the participants through the CBD, around to Kaiti Beach, around inner Kaiti, Whataupoko and Mangapapa, before venturing out to Riverdale, then back into town via Nelson Road and Stout Street

After this optional competitive section, the run had a touring section out Riverside Road to finish at the Longbush Public Reserve for afternoon tea and a chat. Several participants, especially those with young children, explored the nearest walking track in the reserve.

The only mishap of the day was a motoring incident near the endpoint, which involved Phill Dodds being forced off the road and into the ditch by a passing motorist. Luckily Phill and his motorbike survived unscathed apart from some muddying of both, it appeared. At the commencement of the run, Tony had requested that the participants on the run take particular care on Riverside Road because it is narrow in parts, especially after suffering slips and dropouts caused by Cyclone Gabrielle. Phill was proceeding with caution as requested and was not responsible for his "short-term-off into the water-table".

Andy Stevenson and Eileen expressed their appreciation and enjoyment of the event — their first — and said others would have been equally satisfied.

Thank you to the members and friends that joined the run.

The results for the competitive entrants were:

Lynsey Bartlett and Colleen Williams............... .....................1 point lost

Josh Whye and Kayla Newman......................... ...............11 points lost

Gordon and Luke O'Neill...............................14 points lost (the navigator napped for some of the time!)

Barry and Pam Hilton............................... .........................16 points lost

Gavin and Deanne Bartlett.......................... ......................19 points lost

The next two monthly runs are Gavin Bartlett's Chairman's Trophy Run in early May and Rodney Clague's run in early June. Tony Bartlett, Branch Captain

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday

“Truck Wanted for Wedding”

Editor’s note: At the end of January I received the following email:

I am trying to find someone who will be willing to drive a bridal party for a wedding on the 2nd March 2024 in Gisborne. We are after a vintage ute or farm truck. The vehicle would be used to transport the bridal party and then stay for a few photos afterwards so around three hours total.

I have been in contact with other vendors to no avail. Just wondering if you know of anyone who would be willing to drive for the wedding? Or is it possible to send an email out to locals? Or even point me in the right direction would be hugely appreciated. I have attached a photo of similar vehicles to what we are after.

Included was a photo of a dual-wheel stakeside truck. I gave thought to the Model A Pickups, Graeme’s Chevrolet, but none were capable of having stakeside (higher) sides for the carrying of people. I did consider the Morris Commercial, but it was unregistered and unwarranted at the time, and it would take a month of Sundays to get to the venue. Only one other thing to do, give Kent Wilkinson a call — his 1941 Ford 1-tonner had a long wellside deck, and it had the necessary stake sides. What could be better? I gave him the inquirer’s number, he sent some pics of his truck, and his offer was gratefully received.

Kent has graciously supplied the following story and pics, for which I thank him.

Good evening Rodney, I trust that this email sees you well.

I thought I'd drop you a wee note following your email for the request for a Farm Truck to attend a wedding.

It was an occasion that was "meant to be".

Following some email correspondence from Sommer Stansbury I decided to accept the invitation so on the 2nd March I scrubbed up and put my "Glad Rags" on complete with Aussie Acubra hat to complete the "Role Play" and hooned off to an address down Darwin Road to rendezvous with the "Bride-to-be" and her entourage of bridesmaids.

Unbeknown to me I was actually taking her to the wedding out at "Gowerville Station" where a congregation was waiting in a paddock. I was very privileged to be involved with this young couple's new adventure together so I passed up the offer for payment (koha) for the course.

I asked Sommer who her "husband-to-be" was and she responded "Hori Maaka". As it turns out, I have a close connection to the Maaka whanau whom are Legends on the coast, and I met a few more legendary Maaka's that day.

It was an amazing afternoon amongst the country folk, the country backdrop, the horses and not to mention, horse shit everywhere (even on my truck). Loved it!!!

Here are a few photos that Sommer and Hori have passed to me to share with their blessing to the members of the club. They both said a big thank you to me and also extend that thanks to the club for passing on my details to them. She said "the truck was the icing on the cake and it was meant to be".

Regards, Kent.

The bride and her entourage aboard the truck The bride and groom pose with Kent and the truck Love embraces all things

A Body Stirs . . .

Editor’s Note: The first part of this story was printed in the March 2018 issue of Carlton, concluding with “Watch this space!” The second part is a follow-up to that story covering the years 2018 to 2024.


Many moons ago my late father Tom heard of a Model T body buried in a hole out Ormond way. A visit to the property and a chat to the owner confirmed that it did exist, and Dad was shown just where it was buried by a large tree. And so began a few weekends of digging in the area to locate it.

After lots of rubbish and fencing wire were unearthed, we could finally see the underside of the body. Much more digging ensued until the whole base of the body could be seen. Then it was a matter of freeing it from the earth around it until it was at last above ground using a strop around a branch attached to a chain and an old fence strainer. We could then see it was a New Beauty Ford T roadster body, rusty in places but with good parts as well, especially around the curves of the body at the back.

It was loaded on to Tom’s trailer and taken to his home in Nelson Road, although I can’t recall where it was stored on the property. I know it ended up at a storage shed at Ormond for some years until moved closer to town about 10 years ago.

In the meantime Dad had collected Model T stuff as it came to hand, including a complete motor which he stored under a bench in his shed — the crank handle was still attached to the motor and Dad would often give the motor a turn or half a turn to keep it free.

When it came time to sell my parents’ property in 2014 all the Model T parts were passed on to Mark Dunn, together with parts I had collected plus some parts which the late Alan Wilson had passed on to me. Interestingly, all parts were for the New Beauty (1926-27) model. Mark

The underside of the body is finally unearthed. Above: The right and left sides of the body on the trailer. Above left: The rear of the body as dug up. Note the rear of Tom’s1962 Mark 2 Zephyr. Above right: The body is raised from its slumber and placed on Mark’s 1941 Ford 2-tonner for further evaluation. Photo taken by Chris Bamford “Well, that’s where he said it is buried, so let’s start digging!” Mum Isa, Dad Tom and Rod ready the site.

has since assembled the chassis, front and rear axles together with the above-mentioned engine and gearbox which had been in Dad’s shed for about forty years. He dismantled the motor and checked everything over before reassembling it — the engine was in good condition and required no work. At a “start-up day” last year the motor refused to fire, but after lapping in the valves it burst into life after all that time under the bench.

While our Canadian friends Chris Bamford and Michelle Belanger were here in early 2018 it was decided to move the body from the storage shed and take it out to Mark’s with a view to repairing it and placing it on the assembled chassis.


Over the past four years Mark, while managing his orchard and working on his own vehicles, and with occasional assistance from his son, has repaired, replaced, or made new panels for the body, including creating a “dickey seat” boot lid. Many of the replacement parts came from Mark’s shelves including a swag of parts from Greg Pawson who owned the 1926 Model T previously restored by Gordon McDonald and later purchased by the late Michael Miller before being returned to the Gordon’s original family.

Over the intervening years I have left Mark to his own devices, not wishing to interfere with his daily chores, so it was with some delight earlier this year when he sent me an email suggesting I go out and take a look at the finished project. So I popped out one day and was pleasurably surprised at the sight before my eyes.

Mark made the doors, the valances and created the windscreen from the spares file. It runs and drives, although I have yet to attempt driving it. The purists will note the Model A guards and the Model A wheels. They may scorn, but at least another Model T Ford has arisen out of the ashes to see another day.

Here’s another tale: Way back in the 50s Dad would take my sister and I to visit his mother in Lyndhurst Street every Sunday. Every now and again we would walk around the house and he would point out an area where he said he had buried a Model T radiator many years earlier (possibly for use as an earth for electricity).

As the collection of Model T parts grew he decided that he would dig the radiator up and add it to the collection. It was then that we discovered that it had a 1931-32 registration plate 55-062 attached to it. Mark thinks that the radiator was from a circa 1922-23 Model T which suggests that the car could have been less than 10 years old when it was last registered.

Mark removed the plate off the radiator some while back because of some deterioration, cleaned it up, and placed it back on the radiator where it sits today.

Rod A strop and chain was attached to the body and raised from the hole using a fence strainer

In The “Carlton” 35 Years Ago

APRIL 1974: The ongoing saga of purchasing the Council reservoir in Lytton Road for clubrooms took a backward step when the Town Planning Officer’s recommendation for our application for a Specified departure was not in our favour. The committee sent submissions back to the Council, but hopes of purchasing the reservoir were now fading.

A report on the Chairman’s Night Run (John Dwight was chairman then) left me amazed at what we had to do that night — fill in a crossword (some of the answers were to be found as we travelled around town), followed by a few easy instructions, then some straight line navigation, followed by 13 tulip diagrams, and then back to straight line navigation — and this was a night run! Vintage winners were Colin and Lucy Smith and I (Austin 16/6), 47 points lost, 1: Eric Ninness and son (Model A Ford), 157, 2. Modern winners were J and M Webber 46, 1: M and D Haskins, 100, 2; B and A Hall, 116, 3; A and Y Wilson, 211; I and I English and G Laskey 301; M and M Odell, 315; K Brunton and G Kirkpatrick, 453. (Eric Ninness’ Model A was a flatdeck at the time, and he later put a tourer body on it — it is now owned and occasionally used by David Scott). The Smiths and their collection of Austins moved to Hawke’s Bay shortly afterwards.

Barry Hilton’s “Twistgrip” article featured a weekend visit by six Hawke’s Bay bikies — Dave Mather (350 Matchless), Richard Anderson (another Mather bike), Rick Morris (Velocette), Bruce Carrad (500 Ariel), Barry Lay and Barry Anderson. After settling into their motel the visitors first visited Barry’s collection (Harley, Sunbeam, Velo and other bits and pieces), then on to Tom Clague (Norton and BSA C10 and a welcome cuppa, plus the 1927 Chev), Ivan English where they viewed the new paint job on Ivan’s Overland, then to the Webbers and David Crone, with Joe ‘convalescing’ the drinkers while the Velocette enthusiasts perused the Crone collection. Finally to Eric Ninness to look at his AJS.

Mac Odell reported on the run to Mahia, which coincided with the return to Hawke’s Bay of the motorcycling fraternity and with the return to Christchurch of National Club Captain Alan Storer with a load of Winton bits on his Falcon ute. First job on arrival at Mahia was to attend to a sad knock emanating from Les Lucas’ Nash. The ‘wise men’ from Hawke’s Bay pronounced the trouble to be a shot big end. “Tow it home” said one. “No need for that, just take the plug out” said the next. “Better to disconnect the big end and remove the rod and piston altogether” said another, whose advice prevailed.

A ramp was built and the front of the Nash pushed up on it, and the sump removed. However, all the bearings were good and tight, with no metal flakes in the sump. The thoughts then turned to the timing gears, which had caused a problem at Wairoa earlier and had just been repaired. The bonnet, radiator, crankshaft pulley and timing cover were removed in about 10 minutes, and sure enough the nut holding the camshaft gear had come loose. This was quickly fixed and the car put back together again, much to the relief of Les and his passengers.

Meanwhile Alan Storer had prevailed upon George Hibdige ’not to be a girl’ and drive his Model T wooden-sided wellside truck home (he had trailered it down as it was its first outing apart from the Christmas parade). It took some arm-twisting, but eventually George set forth with some misgivings; however Lizzie behaved herself and he arrived back home quite delighted. Rod

MAY 1974: At the previous club night the Chairman’s Run trophies were presented to Colin and Lucy Smith (vintage section) and Joe and Merle Webber (modern section), while Kerry Brunton received the Tail End Charlie Trophy. The Smiths were also presented with a farewell gift as they were about to move to Hawke’s Bay. Eric Ninness and Robin Cameron showed a variety of slides, the topics covering Waitangi Day, the restoration of a Model A, the Wairoa IHC trip, the South Island Tour, Wairoa celebrations and the Christmas parade.

Lynne and Robin Cameron continued their report on the South Island Tour, which they completed in their Austin Mini in deference to taking the Whippet when the petrol situation at that time was critical. In Christchurch they were able to attend the veteran rally.

Joe and Merle Webber attended a shed raid at the Rotorua branch followed by a run which included an Austin 7, 1929 Chevrolet, 1923 Chevrolet, Austin 12/4, Triumph, 1926 Humber, Ford Tourer and a 1925 Ford T Woody Station Wagon. Viewed vehicles included 1937 Chevrolet, 1930 Ford A, 1926 Rugby, 1929 De Soto, 1937 Riley, 1937 Vauxhalls, 1927 Essex, 1947 and 1956 Hudsons, 1926 Ford T and 1951 Jaguar (both ex Gisborne). At another venue were three Armstrong Siddeleys, a 1926 Chrysler, 1937-38 Packard, 1922 Maxwell, 1930 Ford A, 1929 Buick Marquette, plus Harley Davidson, Indian and Royal Enfield motorcycles. Another shed had a 1928 Vauxhall, New Beauty Ford T, 1934 Ford 8, 1936 Vauxhall, 1934 Chrysler Airflow, 1932 Big 4 Ford and a 1936 Plymouth. One has to wionder what became of those vehicles 35 years on.

Barry Hilton’s “Twistgrip” article included something of a surprise for me . . . “Made one call last month. Tom Clague’s enthusiasm for an oldish single deserves just reward and with it a bit of luck, a post-war Ariel, with a chair for Mum, is soon to take shape from the remnants of remains of this fine marque”. I remember he had a Red Hunter Ariel which ran very nicely (and on hindsight should have bought off him), and in the early days had several sidecar combinations, but the one Barry referred to never came to fruition. Barry also admitted to doing a bit of importing-exporting, with a new addition due in three to six month’s time — a Vincent Black Shadow no less. About time we saw it out on a club run again Barry! Rod

• Editor’s note: These articles are copied from the April and May 2009 issues of Carlton. There was only the Vintage class in those days . . . Post Vintage, Post War, Post 60 and Post 80 were to come a lot later.


Wolseley Club Visit, March 21, 2024

This visit was part of a tour of a National Rally being organised by the Wolseley Car Club. Seven of those vehicles were from the South Island. Twenty-two cars containing 40 persons entered the run, which arrived in Gisborne on Thursday, March 21.

Our branch provided a barbecue with salad dinner at the clubrooms on the Thursday night. Friday would be a free day for the group, with possible places of interest to visit including the East Coast Museum of Technology, Tairawhiti Air Museum and the Gisborne City Vintage Railway. A photo opportunity of the vehicles with Young Nicks Head in the background was planned on the Centennial Marine Drive near the turnoff to Pacific Street.

Around fifty people enjoyed the barbecue, for which we thank Ray and Prim Stevenson, Gavin and Helen Leckner, Anita and Brian Hall, Gordon O’Neill, Phillip Cook and Ron and Dorothy Hopps for their assistance, and to Graeme Revell who acted as MC in the absence of our chairman and also monitored the parts department.

Your editor was unable to be there due to the onset of a heavy cold, and I understand that several of our members were laid down with Covid following the dinner. On learning of that news when in Hamilton three days later, I had a covid test done by my family which tested negative, and again another test when entering the hospital for surgery, which also proved negative.

The Wolseley group concluded their visit to Gisborne on the Saturday when the participants returned to their homes throughout both islands. Rod



Registered AUA220. Registration on hold 500cc 4-cylinder. Five wheels sand blasted and painted with new tyres fitted. PHONE 027 249 5994 — $15,000 ono

95 Potae Avenue, Gisborne — Member 06/01491


4-litre V8, 132,471km Colour Platinum Registered and warranted Good condition

PHONE 027 249 5994 — $10,000 ono

95 Potae Avenue, Gisborne — Member 06/01491

The group of Wolseleys lined up along the beachfront with Young Nicks Head in the background Picture Graeme Revell Picture Graeme Revell


Congratulations to GRAEME REVELL and ANNA HALOG on their wedding on April 20, 2024.

Phillip Cook’s 1959 Thunderbird was called upon as the wedding car, which was decorated by Lorraine under Anna’s guidance.

The wing mirrors and the bonnet scoop were decorated for the occasion by Lorraine.

The bride and chief bridesmaid arrive at the venue for the wedding Even the bootlid was decorated

Revell’s Ramblings


Wolseley Club Tour Barbecue, March 21, 2024

Ray and Prim Stevenson..............................................................Set-up

Gavin and Helen Lecker...............................................................Kitchen

Anita and Brian Hall......................................................................Kitchen and barbecue

Gordon O’Neill..............................................................................Barbecue

Graeme Revell..............................................................................Master of Ceremonies and Parts

Phillip Cook...................................................................................Kitchen

Ron and Dorothy Hopps ..............................................................Assistants

Around 50 people enjoyed the barbecue tea.

Commercials on the Quay, April 7, 2014

Trevor Jukes.................................................................................1937 Ford V8 Pickup

Andy Stevenson............................................................................1949 Ford V8 Pickup

Andrew Teesdale..........................................................................1956 Ford F100 Pickup

Phill Dodds....................................................................................1940 BSA Motorcycle

Probably the first time there were no branch cars on display, just three generations of Ford V8 Pick-ups

‘There Now, Gone Tomorrow’ Run, April 7, 2024

Josh Whye and Kayla Newman....................................................1929 Ford Flatdeck Pickup

Gavin and Deanne Bartlett...........................................................1930 Ford Town Sedan

Phill Dodds....................................................................................1940 BSA WM20 Motorcycle

Andy Stevenson and Eileen Williams...........................................1948 Ford Bonus

Ray Squires..................................................................................1988 Toyota Corona

Gordon and Luke O'Neill..............................................................1995 Toyota Carib

Lynsey Bartlett and Colleen Williams...........................................2004 Mercedes SL350

Tony Bartlett.................................................................................2005 Toyota FunCargo (Route Setter)

Barry and Pam Hilton....................................................................2014 Kia Rio

Graeme and Anna’s Wedding, April 20, 2024

Phillip Cook...................................................................................1959 Thunderbird

Many thanks to Phillip for the use of his car and to Lorraine for dressing the car up with flowers, and Brian Williams for being my Best Man. Very much appreciated. (See also page 10)

Funeral for Joyce Gregg, May 5, 2024

Ron and Dorothy Hopps

Graeme Revell

Joyce’s last ride was in Russell’s Mark 3 Zodiac Station Wagon (see page also page 3)

Gas Guzzlers on Reads Quay, May 6, 2024

Roger Gillingham..........................................................................1926 Chrysler

Ray and Prim Stevenson..............................................................1936 Morris 8

Andy Stevenson............................................................................1948 Ford V8 Club Coupe

Andrew Teesdale..........................................................................1956 Ford Mainline Utility

Dave McLean................................................................................1961 Wolseley 1500

Napier Marine Parade Car Show and Hawke’s Bay Vintage Car Club ‘Back to Basics’ Swap Meet at Meanee Speedway, May 6, 2024

Phillip Cook

Chairman’s Trophy Run, May 6, 2024

Josh, Kayla and kids.....................................................................1930 Ford A

Darren Cox and Margaret.............................................................1956 Buick

Ray Squires..................................................................................1969 Valiant

Gordon O’Neill, Cindy and Luke...................................................1234 Nissan Pulsar

Graeme Revell..............................................................................2006 Chrysler PT Cruiser

Barry and Pam Hilton....................................................................2014 Kia

Brian and Anita Hall......................................................................2018 Mazda


I wonder what my parents did to fight boredom before the internet? I asked my 18 siblings and they don't know either.

Disclaimer: The opinions or views expressed in this publication are those of the editor and/or any contributors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the branch committee or its members. The designations employed in this publication and the presentation of material therein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Gisborne branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Incorporated.


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