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Official Publication of the Hawke’s Bay Branch of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) THE MAG Hawkes Bay Branch Newsletter JUNE 2024

Volume Number 106 / Number 05 / June 2024

HB Branch Contacts

Send in Your Contributions

Chairman’s Report Calendar of Events

Mid-Week Run May Report

The Sunday Run Your Branch Photos

An Austin Healy Auto-biography Up and Coming Events

Notice Board Spare News

Swap Meet May 2024 Classifieds

Address: PO Box 3406, Napier 4142 Clubrooms: 67 Sandy Road, Meeanee, Napier

Phone: Please note that the landline number has been disconnected, please refer to our website



Club night is the 2nd Wednesday of the month @ 7.30pm at the Clubrooms - Supper provided. Clubrooms, Library & Spares Department Open: Tuesday morning’s @ 9am -11am. Morning Tea available.

The clubs Facebook page is HAWKES BAY VINTAGE & CLASSIC CAR CLUB 3 4 6-7 8 10-11 13-15 16-18 19-22 24 25 26 28 29-30 CONTENTS 2

Hawkes Bay Branch Contacts

Non Committee Roles Committee Roles


Esther Smith (Graham)

C. 027 464 7314


Past Chairman:

Ian Elmsly (Kay) C. 027 479 0682 E.

Secretary: Sandra Marsh (Kevin) C. 021 233 4476


Treasurer: Paul Eager (Carol) C. 027 231 4304 E.


Malcolm Blair (Lesley)

C. 021 576 360 E.

Alastair Chalmers (Jean) C. 020 4088 4523 E.

Steve Donovan (Pam) C. 027 217 7730 E.

Craig Manning (Beth) C. 021 954 958 E.


Larry Morgan (Cindy) C. 021 401 092 E.

Mercia Paaymans (Hans) C. 027 325 0112 E.

HB Branch Life Members: AllanHarris TrevorCharman

Librarian: LarryMorgan(Cindy) C.021401092 E.

ClubCustodian: SteveDonovan(Pam) C.0212177730

WednesdayRun: BarrieBrowne(Lyndsay) C:0272701238

CruiseShipCo-Ordinator: ColinBarnes(Judy) C.0276957075

MagEditor: KayElmsly C.0272866480

SparesManager: BrianTaylor(Margaret) C.0274436009

SparesAssistantManger: JohnDurry(Jenny) C.0226769401

Groundsman: TrevorCharman(Lyn) C.0272926068

Mix&Mingle: Malcolm&LesleyBlair C.021576360


Send In Your Contributions

Articles, Photos, Reminiscenes, Mechanical Tips, Notices, Funnies

Please submit your contributions by: 20thoftheMonth

Late contributions are accepted only if time allows, pleasephonetocheckifthisisok. Editor:KayElmsly,Mobile0272866480

Contactableduringworkhours9am-5pm Monday-Friday To

Theviewsexpressedhereinarethoseoftheauthorsanddonotnecessarilyexpressthepolicyor views of the Editor, the Hawke’s Bay Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc), the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc) or other publishers. The editor/committee reserves the right to accept, edit, publish, abridge or decline contributions submitted for publication. All names, dates and times published are checked against the material supplied and the editor/committee can have no responsibilty for mistakes in the copy supplied. Some material maybeheldoveruntilthereissufficientspacetopublishit.

view this magazine in full colour online at: WWW.HBVCC.ORG.NZ

Chairman’s Report

This is my annual report as we will be having the AGM in June, it’s a state of the nation, and review of the past year so to speak.

My first observation is that Branch membership numbers remain steady, for various reasons people move on but then others come in to fill their place. One thing that is changing rapidly is the age of the cars we are driving, first it became uncommon to see Vintage cars out on runs, but now if you have a look at the vehicles who come out, it has become uncommon to see a 1930’s vehicle represented in the lineup. But that’s all OK as even a 1970 car would be 54 years old. I am sure there are various reasons this change is taking place, I think the comfort factor of a “newer car”, but also the speed and amount of traffic on the roads, means we want a more agile car that can keep up.

Our Branch Finances are in a healthy state, which means that the Committee have decided that our Branch levy will not need to increase this year, but the reason we are doing ok financially is thanks to a group of people who donate a huge amount of their effort and time to the branch, for instance the Car Rides at Art Deco earnt $4400.00, The Cruise Ships $6600.00, Swap meet (2023) $4600.00 this is added to by income received from spares, from the scrap bin and of course from various social functions throughout the year. So even with an insurance bill of $8500.00 for the Clubrooms building, thanks to the aforementioned people we are able to maintain the status quo in regard to our levy.


Chairman’s Report

Leading on from my comment about the finances, my thanks go to all the branch members who volunteer their time and contribute to the running of our club in so many ways. We have a clubrooms to be proud of, a range of events that includes four monthly events, the Wednesday runs, Club night, Club Run plus a Mix and Mingle and in addition there is the ever popular Tuesday mornings with spares and the Library open for business and of course the monthly MAG.

Now I am going to add an addendum to these comments and that is that we need more volunteers from among our membership. I get hugely disappointed when I ask for assistance and get turned down, we are all busy people and my thoughts are that if you want to be a member of the branch then at some stage you need to be prepared to take your turn at contributing, because if the work of running the branch is not shared then it just becomes a burden to those who have put their hands up.

That’s all from me folks, see you at the AGM.


Calendar of Events for

MID-WEEK RUNWednesday 5th June

ALWAYS the 1st Wednesday of the Month.

Meeting Time: 10.00am for 10.30am


Location : Start of this run will be at Roys Hill SH50

CLUB NIGHT and AGM MEETING - Wednesday 12th June


This will be an afternoon run. Information for this date will be advised nearer the time.

MIX & MINGLE NIGHTFriday 28th June

To all members - It is important to attend the AGM if you can, to hear how your club is progressing now and for the next year Tea/Coffee/Supper will be provided after the meeting

From 6pm at the club rooms. BYO

Please contact Malcolm & Lesley on Ph 06 843 7664 or Malcolm on mobile 021 576 360 or email on OR Put your name on the list at the club - NO LATER THAN 25th JUNE

Every Tuesday morning the Club and the Spares Department are open between 9am & 11am. A cuppa is made around 10am for those that would like to have a sit down and have a natter.


Attention Members!

Club Room Hire

Our clubrooms are available to members to hire for special events!

Costs are: $150 Hire fee

Refund of $50 providing the club rooms are left in a clean and orderly manner.

The booking club member must be present for the full duration of the booking hire and is responsible for the premises including the locking up and securing of the building and site.

ForfurtherenquiriespleasecontactSteveDonovan-ClubCustodian onmobilenumber0212177730


HBVCC Mid-Week Wednesday ReportMay 2024

May Mid-Week or May Madness and Off to the Movies.

Prior to us leaving the club Rooms good sports Jim and Barb have something to offer for the Swap Meet.

A moment of respect was observed with the passing of Harley Cadwallader.

The first day of May and again we are blessed by the sun. This run took the drivers and navigators up to Puketapu where the next set of instructions were handed out.

Now this may have been a challenge to some but two drivers were on their own, John Cocking and his racy Austin 7 and on their 1932 Panther motor bike and side car Colin and Judy Barnes.

The next series of instructions were tulip directional arrows guiding to where to turn next, will say that everyone gave this a good crack, no arguments were had, some managed to take the wrong turn but that’s the fun of it.

Following that is was simply out to Bay view over Hill Rd and back to Waghorne St for lunch at the little picnic area behind the globe Picture Theatre.


In amongst all of that were some questions that participants had to answer. Following lunch those who and purchased tickets were off to see the movie Wicked little letters, pretty sure it was enjoyed in the manor it was written.

A1920sEnglishseasidetownbearswitness to a scandal in this riotous mystery comedy.

Basedonastrangerthanfictiontruestory. The anonymous letters prompt a national uproar.

However,asthetown’swomenbeginto investigate the crime themselves, they suspect that Rose may not be the culprit afterall.

Our lunch stop and questions answered with Chris and Brenda Heron getting all but one right which is excellent going followed closely by John Cocking.

Next month June 5th it’s the turn of Mike Green who has arranged a visit to a Deer Farm followed by lunch at Sawyers Arms in Tikokino.

Please note the start for this run will be at:

Roys Hill SH50 usual time gather at 10am depart 10.30am.




For committee and officers to be voted on at the Annual General Meeting to be held on:


At the club rooms: 67 Sandy Road, Meeanee, Napier at 7.30pm

POSITION: ............................................................................................

NOMINEE NAME: ..................................................................................



PROPOSER NAME:………………………………………........................



SECONDER NAME:………………………………………….....................



All must be FINANCIAL MEMBERS OF THE BRANCH and nominations must be in the hands of the Secretary at least 7 clear days prior to the meeting as per rule 9.6 of the 2018 club rules.


Horsepower on the HomesteadThe Sunday Run

Hi Folks,

Ana Brock-Jest here, some of you might remember me from the good old days of ‘Hooters Vintage and Classic Vehicle Hire Napier’ and I even used to write about our Hooters activities in the mag for a while. Steve Donovan thought you might be interested in what we were up to these days so he called Phil and asked if you could come and visit on your Sunday run and thought you might be interested in our new adventure. Phil of course agreed and also offered me up to do a speech which somehow also ended up with me being offered up again to give you all a write-up of the events. A huge thanks to Steve and Phil for their combined efforts ;-)

Firstly, What a turnout! A huge thank you to everyone who attended. It far exceeded our expectations and it was lovely to catch up with so many of you and to meet some lovely new members too.

It was a crisp start to the morning and we did worry that the weather might put a few of you off but we were amazed to see so many cars. I believe the cars all met up at Omahu and got the minimalist of directions to arrive on the Homestead, a beautiful drive up the Taihape road.

Steve arrived first with the signage and I sat by the gate welcoming the troops, I lost count but there were definitely over 20 classic and vintage plus a few moderns, so we were totally shocked when we then faced over 50 people! What a site it was to see so many beautiful cars all nicely lined up together, Phil had taken control of the parking and had banished the moderns to the bottom paddock and lined the


After a painfully nervous speech by myself, the troops unpacked their cars and had a picnic on the lawn. I wandered off to get Tiggy the rescue goat to meet everyone and give the kids a safe animal to pet, I am super impressed at how Tiggy reacted. It was his first time on a lead and he wandered round and entertained the crowd. He did manage to steal a banana peel but other than that he was on his best behaviour. It was great timing because the pigs and their piglets were certainly a highlight too. Of course, Clarkson's Farm came up a few times (No spoilers) and Phil walked around proudly with his Diddly Squat thermos I had picked up on my travels when I visited last year.

Turns out it was a great day, the rain held off, the animals behaved and we had some really enthusiastic chats with people that honestly seemed very interested and supportive in our Homestead journey. We also found out we had a bay leaf tree! I did not know that and am very impressed with the new find!

A huge thanks to our former top mechanic and great friend Steve Donovan for arranging this tour. A lot of work goes into planning these fun runs and I hope we did you proud


So what did they find on their visit to The Homestead you ask?

Tom and Barbara from the Good Life! I’m sure you’ve all seen the show: It opens with the mid-life crisis of Tom and his wife Barbara and continues with the trials and tribulations of getting out the ‘rat race’ and becoming totally self-sufficient in their suburban home. Sadly modern urban rules don’t allow such antics, so we moved further out and now live ‘the good life’ with our menagerie of animals, veggie patch and fruit gardens.

For now we are busy renovating and rejuvenating our slice of paradise and we share our adventures along the way on our social media pages, which you are most welcome to join:

We have both a Facebook page and Instagram account if you would like to follow our adventures…… @Talesfromthehomestead


Your Branch Photos

May Sunday Club RunPhil & Anna's Sherenden Property


Your Branch Photos


Your Branch Photos


An Austin Healey auto-autobiography

Alastair Chalmers

Hastings Hawkes Bay 2021

Part 3

In discussion with John over the next few days we realised that we had made a rather fundamental error in our build programme with the rush to fit the engine and get to the circuit. The car had been built in the air with stands supporting the body and the suspension had not been fully tightened to allow it to settle once it was fully built and on the ground meaning that the rear end of the car definitely had a mind of its own, a full nut and bolt check soon sorted that out followed by a complete alignment and bump steer adjustment. We then took all 3 cars to Silverstone for a test day where I discovered that I quite liked this racing lark and I had a sweet handling and quick little car, I was the quickest of our 3 on the day because I only knew one way to drive even though again I didn’t know the circuit when I got there. Rallying, where you normally only see a corner once in the night, had taught me that you take every corner faster than you think you should and if it tightens you have a car set up so that the handling makes it feel a little bit loose which allows you to sort it out part way through. Oh and Dunlop CR65 racing tyres are really predictable, very forgivingandjustTHEBUSINESS.

I then embarked on a full season of racing in the Austin Healey ChampionshipandtheHistoricSportsCarClubseriesvisitingmost of the major circuits in the UK learning the circuits and gaining enough confidence as we went along to start challenging John for theclassleadonoccasions.


My preparation for events included videoing (you remember those?) all the British Touring Car Races and watching them repeatedly – no games consoles in those days, trying to memorise the circuits but no matter how much I thought I knew them television flattens elevation changes and at some of the circuits, especially at Donnington, corners are just over the crest of a rise so in some cases it took me some time to actually get to grips with the best lines, however, the rallying technique came in handy and I had a reputation for having a driving style that was a bit exuberant,readsidewaysforthat.

All too soon the 1991 season came to an end and I couldn’t wait for the 1992 season to restart, usually at the end of March or early April with a plan to do a repeat of 1991 doing the AHC championship and the HSCC championship when they could be fitted in. To add to this, however, the MG Car Club held an annual event called the Trophee des Ardennes which was a British Sports car race organised by a guy called Barry Sidery-Smith held annually at Spa in Belgium, in 1992 it was going to be on the 16/17th of May. John, Graham and I decided that we would take the cars over and participate in this event with 65 entries ranging frombigenginedACCobrasdowntoourlittle1000ccSprites.


During the winter season with nothing much going on one of my navigators from my rally driving days persuaded me to take part in a night road rally down in Wales in my fairly new, absolutely standard Mitsubishi Lancer GTi which I couldn’t really afford to be throwing at dry stone walls if I got it wrong so with the intention of going for a steady run and equipped with high output headlamp bulbs and new wiper blades but no sump guard, no roll cage, no full harness belts and standard road tyres knowing that we would be using some rather rough unsurfaced roads we had a great night’s sport and when we reached the end of the event with an undamaged car, 5th overall out of 116 entrants and first production car the seed was sownforafewmoreeventstofillthelongwintermonths.

As the year progressed into the race season I was now competing in night road rallies in the front wheel drive Mitsubishi and circuit racing in the rear wheel drive Sprite, interesting combination. After the opening rounds of the race series in the UK, on the 15th of May we left Manchester early Friday afternoon and arrived at Spa about 6.00am in time for a quick continental breakfast then down to the circuit to unload followed by documentation and scrutineering, a much more casual affair than in Britain and I made sure that, as I had never seen the place before, I was first in the queue for a combined practiceandqualifyingsession.

Spa is a long, fast and challenging circuit with the climb from Eau Rouge to Les Coombes being much steeper than it ever looks on the TV, so steep that the Sprites did not accelerate up it and it paid to have a novel in the door pocket to have a read on the way up the hill. The upside was that the downhill bits were equally as steep and the speed to be gained through taking the corners as fast as you dared, or faster, was huge if you were braveenough.


At the end of the session we all gathered to discuss our impressions of the circuit and I found my son’s times on my pitboard being challenged by the wife of one of the other 1000cc Sprite competitors who we raced against in England, Roger Chamberlain had a very quick car as he worked in the engine test facility for Jaguar and they happened to have a test rig for a BMC A series engine, mmm strangethat!!!

Now Ric, my son, had a habit of putting either very slow or very fast times on my board depending on how well or badly I was going to entice me to go faster or to wind other people up, hanging the board out in such a way that I couldn’t read it with a very fast time butleavingitfacingintothepitlanesoothercrewscouldreaditand in this case Roger’s wife said very loudly “there’s no way you’re 8 seconds a lap faster than Roger”, when the times came out it appeared that I was actually 8.5 seconds a lap faster than Roger, oh thejoyofgoingtoacircuitthatnoneofushadbeentobefore.

I started the 10 lap race around 40th on the grid out of a full field of 65 with some much faster machinery behind me but as it was a rolling start I managed to retain my position, got my head down and pushed as hard as I could, the only instruction to Ric for the pitboard was the time difference to the next 1000cc car. The Cobra who had streaked off into the distance from pole position lapped me on lap 8 meaning I would only get 9 laps but as I passed my pit to start the 9th lap my board read + 49, I had a large lead in the class and that lap was the longest I have ever driven, every squeak, every rattle, every strange noise and wondering if I had enough fuel had my brain at fever pitch but finally I saw the chequered flag. Definitely a day to remember, sweetened by the fact that the organisers had, at the last minute, combined the 1000cc cars with the up to 1300cc class cars and I had still won the class. I think Spa isstillmyfavouritecircuitbutwheretonext??


Calendar of Up and Coming


June 2024

5th June

Midweek Run and Committee Meeting

July 2024 Future Events

3rd July

Midweek Run and Committee Meeting

25th August National VCC Daffodil Day

12th June Club Night and AGM

16th June Sunday Club Run

10th July Club Night

20th - 21st July

Winter Art Deco

18th-21st October Safari Run

28th June

Mix and Mingle Night

26th July

Mix and Mingle Night

23rd and 24th November

60th Anniversary of the Hawkes Bay VCC


Welcome to the Club!

Larry Gale


We are looking for a volunteer to become the New “Branch News” scribe for Beaded Wheels.

Wecome to the Club!!

Something you can do in the comfort of your own home, even while sitting in front of your computer in your dressing gown.

Articles are written bi-monthly and are about 250 words long.

No specialist skills required.

Contact: Esther Smith

Email: Mobile: 027 464 7314

Notice Board 25

Spares News - June 2024


The talk of the month was of course the swap meet, what a great success with good weather, good turnout of sellers & a great turnout of buyers. We set up the trailer on the Friday morning & got in as much as we could, all set ready to go for the 7am start on the Sunday, got a great spot just inside the entrance & by 9am we had a swam of buyers, some came back again. at 10.30 BT & WW opened the spares at the club rooms, they also had a successful day.

AttachedPicture1isof thetrailer&allour goodies, Picture2,ourfavourite customertookaway theBonMarshmanikins.

At the swap meet we had a gentleman who had a truck load of goodies to sell, but asked if they didn't sell could he bring them to the club, and on the Tuesday morning Neil Saywell from Taradale turned up with cartons of sparkplugs, 3 big boxed of car manuals & brakeparts,thanksNeil..

Rollon2025, CheersJohnDurry


For any enquiries phone: Brian Taylor on 027 443 6009 or John Durry 022 676 9401 on Tuesday mornings between 9am & 11am.


Swap Meet - May 2024

A Big Big shout out to members of the Hawkes Bay Vintage Car club who attended the Swap Meet on Sunday

To volunteers you did a marvellous service to your Club. Swappers who bought along your treasures to sell, I hope you sold lots.

To the public who made purchases I hope you enjoyed the day. Thanks to you all for making it an outstanding day. Although we have not received the final costing it looks to be a great financial result and would appear to be better than last time. Waiting for final costings.

Special thanks must go to the following for their commercial support.

Gala Catteries’ who gave the Volunteers Coffee and Chips at minimal cost to us. Approx. 28 people.

Meeanne Speedway Club for the use of the Pits area and amenities.

RDA thanks for the use of there leased land we used as our car park.

Thanks to Wade Taylor for the loan of radios. Thanks to Napier Signs for supplying signs Free of Charge. Marineland Street Rod and Custom for the loan of their equipment.

It felt like a great day with many people buying and selling. It was also a chance to catch up for a natter.

So keep 4th May 2025 free and we will do it all again.


Steve Donovan. Swap Meet 2024 Coordinator.


ClassifiedsFor Sale/Wanted


Jaeger or Smiths Tachometer or parts to match the speedo and clock in these photos.


It is 4 1/16 inches or 1004 mm across the bezel.

I would consider any condition if I can get the parts I need from it to repair the one I have.

Contact: Bruce Mobile: 027 246 9899 or 06 876 6161


6 Volt ‘oogah’ Vintage Horn

In good working condition

Contact Graham Smith Ph 027 2290158




For Sale:

Clothing Tape: Mend your furs in time for winter Art Deco Festival 2024.

$4 per metre.

Phone: Carolyn on 06 844 3323 or Email:

6.70” x 15” Cross-Ply Tyres.


These are unused Motordrome retreads that have been stored out of the light. Set of 5 $200

Contact Graham Smith, Ph: 027 2290158

1938 Chrysler P6 Sedan: We have owned this car for some 11 years and had some amazing trips throughout the country, including two Vero International Rally’s (Dunedin and New Plymouth) together with many VCC runs though our local branch and with friends. The reliability of the car has been great having always got us home, and while not a “concourse” vehicle, it has always attracted attention and performed well. Has a current WOF, rego and a Vintage Car Club VIC.

Powered by a 3.3 ltr flat 6 engine, it starts first kick, cruises at 55 -60 mph so keeps pace with modern traffic, is as economical as you would expect, uses very little oil and does not overheat. Has a 3 speed gearbox with syncro 2-3, hydraulic brakes and well upholstered seats.

Would welcome inspections from genuine buyers and would like it to go to a good home! Contact: Malcolm on 021 576 360 or Email: for more details.


Vintage Car Club Vehicle Classifications

Veteran: Motor Vehicles constructed prior to 31st December 1918

Vintage: Motor Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1919 and 31st December 1931

Post Vintage: Motor Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1932 and 31st December 1945

Postwar: Motor Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1946 and 31st December 1960

Post 1960: Motor Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1961 and 31st December 1980

Post 1980: Motor Vehicles constructed after 1st January 1981 provided that no vehicle is deemed eligible for this category until the day immediately following the 30th anniversary of its original date of construction as determined in accordance with Section 2 of the Club Vehicle Technical Code. (refer to the Club By-laws)

Authentic Reproduction Vehicles: Motor Vehicles newly constructed to the exact specification of an original factory production vehicle. (as described in the Club By-laws)

Factory Built and Historic Racing Vehicles: (as described in the Club By-laws).

Period Specials: (as described in the Club By-laws).


Thank you from Canada!

The sender went to a lot of trouble to get an address to thank us for the great display of cars at the port during the cruise season


Mix and Mingle Catering Team


A New Team to do the catering for our Monthly Mix and Mingle Evenings

As the current “Catering Corp” led by Lesley and Malcolm Blair wish to hand on their golden aprons, we are looking for a new team to take up the challenge.

Outline of What is Involved

Catering Numbers: 60>70 people per month. The team, plan the menu, buy the food, then cook and serve the meal.



Currently the charge is $10.00 per person, however this is due for review. The Clubrooms kitchen is equipped with everything required to prepare, cook and serve the meal.

The Catering crew works best if it has 5 or 6 members.

The Crew leader needs to have a general interest in food, and have time to purchase the food (usually the Thursday prior) . Preparation, and cooking usually takes the Friday afternoon.

Backup and Support

Now Where To

The Catering crew like all our volunteers report back to the Branch Committee and are given the Committee’s full support to do their job. The current crew are there to give back up and assistance with planning also to share all the tips and tricks that they have learnt over the past 6 years.

The catering crew is a volunteer group. Contact Lesley Blair on 027 2207 096 to find out more about what's involved in doing the catering.

We really hope that someone will put up their hand to take this on as should a new catering crew not be found, then the options are that the Mix and Mingle evenings cease to happen, or we bring in outside caterers.

Contact Esther Smith 027 464 7314 or


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