Volume Number 105 / Number 04 / May 2024
HB Branch Contacts
Send in Your Contributions
Chairman’s Report
Calendar of Events
Sunday April Autumn Run
Mid-Week Run April Report
Your Branch Photos
An Austin Healy Auto-biography Up and Coming Events
Notice Board
Spare News
Address: PO Box 3406, Napier 4142
Clubrooms: 67 Sandy Road, Meeanee, Napier
Phone: (06) 835 1483
(This number is only available on Tuesday mornings or Club nights and Events, or refer to our website)
Email: hawkesbay@vcc.org.nz
Website: www.hbvcc.org.nz
Clubrooms, Library & Spares Department Open: Tuesday morning’s @ 9am -11am. Morning Tea available. The
Club night is the 2nd Wednesday of the month @ 7.30pm at the Clubrooms - Supper provided.
Hawkes Bay Branch Contacts
Non Committee Roles Committee Roles
Esther Smith (Graham)
C. 027 464 7314
E. Humber@xtra.co.nz
Past Chairman:
Ian Elmsly (Kay) C. 027 479 0682 E. ian.elmsly@xtra.co.nz
Secretary: Sandra Marsh (Kevin) C. 021 233 4476
E. hawkesbay@vcc.org.nz
Treasurer: Paul Eager (Carol) C. 027 231 4304 E. hbtreasurer@vcc.org.nz
Malcolm Blair (Lesley)
C. 021 576 360 E. malcolmblair52@gmail.com
Alastair Chalmers (Jean) C. 020 4088 4523 E. alastairchalmers@hotmail.co.uk
Steve Donovan (Pam) C. 027 217 7730 E. stevedon@xtra.co.nz
Craig Manning (Beth) C. 021 954 958 E. cmanning@inspire.net.nz
Larry Morgan (Cindy) C. 021 401 092 E. lazzer56@gmail.com
Mercia Paaymans (Hans) C. 027 325 0112 E. hapmap@xtra.co.nz
HB Branch Life Members: AllanHarris TrevorCharman
Librarian: LarryMorgan(Cindy) C.021401092 E. lazzer56@gmail.com
ClubCustodian: SteveDonovan(Pam) C.0212177730
WednesdayRun: BarrieBrowne(Lyndsay) C:0272701238
CruiseShipCo-Ordinator: ColinBarnes(Judy) C.0276957075
MagEditor: KayElmsly C.0272866480
SparesManager: BrianTaylor(Margaret) C.0274436009
SparesAssistantManger: JohnDurry(Jenny) C.0226769401
Groundsman: TrevorCharman(Lyn) C.0272926068
Mix&Mingle: Malcolm&LesleyBlair C.021576360
Send In Your Contributions
Articles, Photos, Reminiscenes, Mechanical Tips, Notices, Funnies
Please submit your contributions by: 20thoftheMonth
Late contributions are accepted only if time allows, pleasephonetocheckifthisisok.
Emailto:hbvccmag@gmail.com Editor:KayElmsly,Mobile0272866480
Contactableduringworkhours9am-5pm Monday-Friday To
Theviewsexpressedhereinarethoseoftheauthorsanddonotnecessarilyexpressthepolicyor views of the Editor, the Hawke’s Bay Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc), the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc) or other publishers. The editor/committee reserves the right to accept, edit, publish, abridge or decline contributions submitted for publication. All names, dates and times published are checked against the material supplied and the editor/committee can have no responsibilty for mistakes in the copy supplied. Some material maybeheldoveruntilthereissufficientspacetopublishit.
Chairman’s Report
By Esther SmithIt’s just about that time again as the date for the AGM looms. (Wednesday 12th June) there is quite a lot of preparation for the Committee and the MAG editor to do to get organised for the big day.
Annual accounts-Our Treasurer Paul Eager is busy getting these ready for their annual review.
Secretary: Sandra ensures we have the minutes from last years (2023) AGM Committee Members: make the decision as to whether they want to stand again for another year and assist in encouraging members to put their hands up for officer and committee positions.
MAG Editor-Kay’s role is to ensure that notice of the meeting etc plus financial reports and all the required information is sent out to members at least 14 days prior to the meeting as required by our constitution.
However, before then we still have a good few events to fit in and plan for.
Great to have a Mix and Mingle evening again, thanks to Lesley, Malcolm and their team for putting this on for us, then we have our May events. Midweek run, Swap Meet, Club night and Club Run and a Mix and Mingle. Note the Club run is not until the 19th of May, this is so we avoid having an event on Mother’s Day. A bit further down the track there is Winter Art Deco on the 19>21st July followed by the VCC National Day on the 25th August, this is when we have a rally or event in support of the Cancer Society.
Chairman’s Report
By Esther SmithBoth events require assistance from our members to make them a success.
For Winter Art Deco, it would be amazing if someone had some great ideas of how we could add a bit of Pizzaz . We can have our usual rally and afternoon tea on the Sunday, but it would be great to add something else into the mix.
For the National Day which as I said is a fundraiser for the Cancer Society, we have talked about this in Committee, one idea is to have a brunch with an invited speaker, the speaker would need to be well known enough to be drawcard so we can sell tickets to others outside the club. Surely someone out there must have a contact that would fit the bill, the speaker could be from the Motor Industry or any similar field, if so let me know.
Cruise Ships- It’s the end of another Cruise ship season, a big thanks to the cohort of drivers and their vehicles who have been part of the group displaying their cars at the Port of Napier and thanks to Colin Barnes for been our “Chef de Mission”. The word is out that the car displays are something you expect to see when in Napier and are a real attraction for those cruise passengers with a petrol head bent.
That’s all from me folks.
Calendar of Events for May 2024
MID-WEEK RUNWednesday 1st May
ALWAYS the 1st Wednesday of the Month.
Where: Meet at HB Vintage Club
Rooms Time: 10.00am
RUN - Sunday 19th May
Information for this date will be advised nearer the time
MIX & MINGLE NIGHTFriday 31st May
From 6pm at the club rooms. BYO
CLUB NIGHTWednesday 8th May
Information for this date will be advised nearer the time
Please contact Malcolm & Lesley on Ph 06 843 7664 or Malcolm on mobile 021 576 360 or email on malcolmblair52@gmail.com OR Put your name on the list at the club - NO LATER THAN 28th MAY
Every Tuesday morning the Club and the Spares Department are open between 9am & 11am. A cuppa is made around 10am for those that would like to have a sit down and have a natter.
Sunday April Autumn Run
The morning started with 22 odd cars gathering at the Hastings Farmers Market, providing an opportunity for some to indulge with the country fare (or just plain cream donuts!!) before being given instructions from Chairman Esther prior to departing to enjoy the autumn colours of the Bay.
Our run took us out through Tukituki Road and back up past Craggy Range before taking a left to head towards Havelock North. Great colours with the trees shedding their leaves as they overhung the road providing a lovely setting through which to drive. Through Havelock and onto Middle Road we were directed across to Te Aute Rd, then a right turn to link across to Maraekakaho Rd, through Bridge Pa and onto Rakawa Rd for a further 15 km of country motoring to our destination.
Sunday April Autumn Run
Then, what a treat!! Phil & Garry welcomed us to their country property with a “health & Safety” briefing before giving us a tour of their home currently under construction (hence the health & safety briefing) followed by the very impressive “opening” of the eight garage doors, in sync to reveal an equally impressive display of American cars. The reaction of members standing with their mouths open as the doors rolled up was a sight to be seen!! Priceless!!
The sheer size of the cars made being up close & personal to them something to now be etched in the memory banks.
A beautiful collection of 50’s to 80’s vehicles assembled in order and obviously well maintained.
An absolute credit to you guys.
The afternoon continued as we rolled out our tables and chairs for lunch with tea and coffee laid by our hosts. An absolute cracker of a way to spend a few hours on a Sunday, a lovely setting with the massive bonus of the “American Collection”.
A big thank you to Phil and Garry for their hospitality, and I can’t wait to go back and see the final result when the house is completed! (no pressure guys!)
Cheers Autumn Driver!!!!
Back to Basics Swap Meet
Proudly Presented by the Hawkes Bay Vintage & Classic Car Club
When: Sunday 5th May 2024
Where: Vintage & Classic Car Club
Meeanee Speedway Pit Area, 67 Sandy Road, Meeanee
Cost: Per Site $20 (Includes One Person) At the Meeanee Speedway Pits
Public Entry at 9.00am - Entry Fee $10 Per Person
New and Used Automotive Parts, Automotive Memorabilia + Collectables Models, Books + Brochures, Car Corral for the Sale of Cars
Enquiries: Call Steve Donovan on 027 217 7730 or Visit our Website: HBVCC.ORG.NZ
HBVCC Mid-Week Wednesday ReportApril 2024
Tea and Scones at the Whites.
Our thanks to Helen and Tom for giving us such a well arranged and pleasant day. Leaving the club rooms a little later than normal we were directed out to the new roundabout at Awatoto, after that to School Rd in Clive, on through Haumoana and out the Te Awanga and lunch stop at the playground by the beach.
What an absolute cracker of a day and nice to have Doug and Barbara Bixley along for the trip, here relaxing in the sun. Given that we were early for lunch, it gave us time to wander around, have a little chat, admire the view and then get out the Thermos and sandwiches.
Got to say that we certainly live in a lovely part of the country and sometimes we just drive right past these spots instead of doing exactly what we did on this day.
Following a long relaxed lunch we were given the next set of instructions. Leaving Te Awanga the route took us out to the turnaround near the Clifton Café, after that it was up Parkhill Rd onto Raymond Rd and down the Tukituki Rd which is always a favorite.
On into Havelock North to the Whites residence at Percy Berry Place.
Toms very nice 1915 Model T Roadster and his 1928 Model A, no room in here for the modern!!
While the guys were admiring the cars the ladies, out the back, were already setting up the Best Cup Saucer and Plate competition that Helen had requested
The winning china was awarded to Margaret Workman who was given as a prize a beautiful Throw Over and matching serviette holder.
Helen had gone to no end with table decorations such as these little beauties dressed over a simple wire frame with handbags to match.
Margaret and Ian also were recognised for the best dressed on the day.
Thank goodness we had our lunch early, Helen and her helper Jo presented the group with these delicious homemade scones, not just a few but plates of them.
What a treat, thank you Helen and Tom for what was a very special day, made special by the effort you went to for others to enjoy.
For committee and officers to be voted on at the Annual General Meeting to be held on:
At the club rooms: 67 Sandy Road, Meeanee, Napier at 7.30pm
POSITION: ............................................................................................
NOMINEE NAME: ..................................................................................
PROPOSER NAME:………………………………………........................
SECONDER NAME:………………………………………….....................
All must be FINANCIAL MEMBERS OF THE BRANCH and nominations must be in the hands of the Secretary at least 7 clear days prior to the meeting as per rule 9.6 of the 2018 club rules.
Your Branch Photos
April Autumn Sunday Club Run - From the Farmers market Hastings to Phil Stickney & Garry Cullen's property in Raukawa
Your Branch Photos
Your Branch Photos
An Austin Healey auto-autobiography
Alastair Chalmers
Hastings Hawkes Bay 2021
Part 2
In the first few months of 1990, John Hopwood, a very good friend who circuit raced very successfully and prepared his own cars to a very high standard, phoned me at work one day and asked if I could find him some rear wheel cylinders for a Riley 1.5. As these had been out of production for rather a long time and the cars were never the most sporty of things my next question was along the lines of “what the hell do you want them for?” It turned out that John and Graham Bloor had each completed full restorations of Austin Healey frogeye Sprites to original spec and in road trim, given John’s attention to mechanical detail and Graham’s body repair and painting skills they were 2 immaculate cars, both white with red upholstery, but, and there’s always a but, they had enough parts left over along with a couple of bodyshells that were fit for scrap and had decided to build a matching pair of Sebring Sprite race replicas, John had realised that the Historic period papers of the time had left a bit of scope for interpretation allowing a better brake balance to be achieved by using the Riley cylindersontheback.
I arrived at John’s house on a Monday evening with his wheel cylinders to find him beavering away in his garage on a race car that was far from being nearly ready to go racing which he was hoping to do on the Saturday, I borrowed his spare overalls and got stuck in and with us both working on it until about 11.30 every night and until 2.30 a.m. on the Saturday morning when it was completedandwefireditup.
ImetJohnandGrahamatOultonParkat8.00a.m.toseewhatthis racing lark was all about to be met with 2 immaculate cars, beautifully presented for scrutineering and ready to go out for qualifying. John had a carburettor issue in qualifying which was dealt with before the race but recurred part way through it causing his retirement but given that it had only fired up on Saturdaymorningitwasaheroiceffort.
As Graham and I had only been in touch sporadically over the years since we rallied together in the late 1970s we were having a good catch up after the race when the inevitable question was asked, “Alastair, why don’t you build one as well and we can have a 3 car team out, now that would look really good in race paddocks”. As I had recently grown my business by acquiring another company I had no money and no time but I went along to most of their race meetings that year to help out and thought that as they were racing Historic cars and there was little you could do to change them as they had to comply with the specification papers that were filed when the cars were originally built then the annual costs would be acceptable and there would be no pressure to modify the cars during the closed season if they were built to the original papers. I was now into my early forties and thought that if I didn’t get back into motorsport of some sort then, Iwouldneverdoitagain.
In late December 1990 I bought a car with an MOT (warrant) from a renowned Austin Healey Sprite dealer in East Anglia and trailered it home, I think he had been a horse trader in an earlier life. On unloading it at home a rear spring punched its way through the floor complete with lumps of rotten spring hanger and chassis, not the best start. I was forbidden from starting work on it until after Xmas Day so on Boxing Day the work started on a strip down to a completely bare chassis, all the rotten bits were cut out, aren’t plasma cutters awesome, and new metal welded in,therewasalotofit.
AfullrollcagewasfittedandthewholethingwenttoGraham’sfor painting. Meanwhile I was busy doing all the mechanical and electrical bits, John rebuilt the gearbox, straight cut, close ratios into a smooth case box and Phil Hepworth, who had previously worked for Howley Racing who specialised in BMC A series engines, was building the 1000cc engine with all the bells and whistles that were allowed, anticipated power was about 110bhp. revvingto8000rpm.
As February coldly (winter in the Northern Hemisphere) slid into March our target was the first Austin Healey club season opener on the Good Friday of Easter weekend at Cadwell Park in Lincolnshire and in the run up to that weekend we finally got the car on the floor, did the systems checks and bled the brakes, everything else was in place apart from the engine. We were meant to leave for Cadwell at lunchtime on the Thursday which time saw John pacing upanddownmydriveinhisoveralls,spannersinhand,theengine arrived about 2.00pm, the final assembly into the car taking about an hour with us all working on it, a test fire up, it worked and onto the trailer and the team of 3 Sebring Sprites headed off to Cadwell Park to take part in MY FIRST EVER CIRCUIT RACE. Now those amongst you who have competed in any kind of sport know the phrase; saddle time, it doesn’t just relate to horses, lack of any saddle time in a car I had never driven at all, on a circuit I didn’t know was a slightly daunting prospect, understatement. Well, how did it go on the day? A field of about 30 Healeys from our little FIA spec frogeyes to heavily modified sprites and immaculate, very fast 100s to well known Healeyistas (Dennis Welch etc.) in very modified 3000s almost all of them having raced with and against each other for a few years at least. Documentation and scrutineering I was familiar with from rallying and all went well and then suited, booted and belted in, down to the holding area for qualifying, I started slowly to get a feel for the car but as cars kept whizzing past, there was no time for that and I upped the paceonlytodiscoverthatIhadbuiltanevillittlebitchofacar.
I like cars that are pointy and turn in well with a touch of oversteer, the oversteer on this was uncontrollable, every time I turned into a corner it wanted to swap ends and suddenly there was the chequered flag for the end of the session, but, but, but I needed time to get my head around this and time to learn the track but nope, time was up and the next time I would be on the track again wasintherace.IsupposeitwasapluspointthatIhadqualifiedlast so it would be a few laps before I got in other people’s way, mirror use was going to be essential, you didn’t need them much in rallying.
Between qualifying and the race we did basic checks and adjusted the tyre pressures a little to see if that would help but I was pretty much out of my depth as Dunlop CR65 crossply racing tyres were as new to me as the car and the circuit but at least John and Graham had experience of them and could advise on running pressures. Come the race later in the day I was very apprehensive, almost to the point of putting it back on the trailer but hey, I was there so get on with it. Start procedure was warm-up lap, onto the grid, red lights on, wait for them to go out and the green light to come on and then go, hang on a second, everyone started moving as soon as the red went out, oh well lesson learnt for the next race. The learning curve was a vertical line as every corner was a straight fight between my reactions and the back end of the car, however, all too soon it was all over, we had survived intact and not finished last as someone else had spun and finished behind me. Load it all up and on the 4 hour drive home I had time to reflect on the day’s events, was this racing lark really for me, should I have driven John or Graham’s car before going ahead and building one of these, surelytheircarsdidn’thandleasbadlyasminehad,WHY?
Calendar of Up and Coming Events
May 2024 June 2024 Future Events
1st May
Midweek run and Committee Meeting
5th June
Midweek Run and Committee Meeting 21st July Winter Art Deco
5th May The Swap Meet
12th June
Club Night and AGM 25th August National VCC Daffodil Day
19th May Sunday Club Run
16th June Sunday Club Run
18th-21st October Safari Run
31st May Mix and Mingle Night
28th June Mix and Mingle Night
23rd and 24th November
60th Anniversary of the Hawkes Bay VCC
Notice Board
Welcome to the Club!
John Wilson
BSA 1968 Motorcycle
1941 Indian Motorcycle
Chris Nuttall
1952 & 1955 Ferguson TE20
We are looking for a volunteer to become the New “Branch News” writer for Beaded Wheels.
Wecome to the Club!!
Something you can do in the comfort of your own home, even while sitting in front of your computer in your dressing gown if you so choose.
Articles are written bimonthly and are about 250 words long.
No specialist skills required, however you do need to have an interest in and be able to tell a story about what is happening within the branch.
Contact Esther Smith, Email: humber@xtra.co.nz. Mobile: 027 464 7314
Spares News - May 2024
By John DurryHi All,
The main focus this month has been getting things ready for the annual swap meet on Sunday 5th May 2024. If you have a spare 1/2 hour on that morning and you would like to come & help, please contact B.T. to work at the club rooms starting at 10.30am.
B.T. opened up the spares the other day for a person from Timaru, the customer gave him a great complement for how the spares was setup & how tidy it was, think the person was just after a discount, but that was pleasing to hear.
The FOMC has been an interesting read, especially the owners age chart. The 70 to 79 age group was the largest, followed by the 80plus, which was only 1/4 of the previous, and also the amount spent, but when you look back at our club easy to see how it stacks up, with some of our members like Lyn G a stag engine recon, Steve D a V8 gearbox, Neal P a morris minor fix up, plus many more working on stuff.
Until next time
Cheers, John Durry.
For any enquiries phone:
Brian Taylor on 027 443 6009 or John Durry 022 676 9401 on Tuesday mornings between 9am & 11am on 06 835 1483.
For Sale:
Clothing Tape: Mend your furs in time for winter Art Deco
Festival 2024.
$4 per metre.
Phone: Carolyn on 06 844 3323 or Email: carolynasian-seed.co.nz
Chrysler 1938 Runs well.
Contact: Malcolm on 021 576 360 or Email: malcolmblair52@gmail.com for more details.
Jaeger or Smiths Tachometer or parts to match the speedo and clock in these photos.
It is 4 1/16 inches or 1004 mm across the bezel. I would consider any condition if I can get the parts I need from it to repair the one I have.
Ph. Bruce 027 246 9899 or 06 876 6161
email: bmck@xtra.co.nz
Vintage Car Club Vehicle Classifications
Veteran: Motor Vehicles constructed prior to 31st December 1918
Vintage: Motor Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1919 and 31st December 1931
Post Vintage: Motor Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1932 and 31st December 1945
Postwar: Motor Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1946 and 31st December 1960
Post 1960: Motor Vehicles constructed between 1st January 1961 and 31st December 1980
Post 1980: Motor Vehicles constructed after 1st January 1981 provided that no vehicle is deemed eligible for this category until the day immediately following the 30th anniversary of its original date of construction as determined in accordance with Section 2 of the Club Vehicle Technical Code. (refer to the Club By-laws)
Authentic Reproduction Vehicles: Motor Vehicles newly constructed to the exact specification of an original factory production vehicle. (as described in the Club By-laws)
Factory Built and Historic Racing Vehicles: (as described in the Club By-laws).
Period Specials: (as described in the Club By-laws).
Attention Members!
We have a new Email Address!
From the 1st March 2024 all correspondence for for the club magazine will need to be sent to:
From this date onwards the old gmail account will no longer be in use, so please forward any correspondence to the new email address for anything regarding the Club Magazine moving forward.
Club Room Hire
Our clubrooms are available to members to hire for special events!
Costs are: $150 Hire fee Refund of $50 providing the club rooms are left in a clean and orderly manner.
The booking club member must be present for the full duration of the booking hire and is responsible for the premises including the locking up and securing of the building and site.
For further enquiries please contact Steve Donovan - Club Custodian on mobile number 021 217 7730