20th of the month (late contributions are accepted if time allows, please phone to check if this is ok)
Editor: Kay Elmsly 06 845 0577 or 027 286 6480 during work hours 9am - 5pm Monday-Friday
11 Claridge Place, Taradale, Napier 4112
Please label well, THE MAG HBVCC
Designer: Liv Coleske Ladybug Design 021 474427 during work hours 9am - 4pm Monday-Thursday
The views expressed here in are those of the authors and do not necessarily express the policy or views of the Editor, the Hawke’s Bay Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc), the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc) or other publishers. The editor/committee reserves the right to accept, edit, publish, abridge or decline contributions submitted for publication. All names, dates and times published are checked against the material supplied and the editor/committee can have no responsibilty for mistakes in the copy supplied. Some material may be held over until there is sufficient space to publish it.
Chairman: Esther Smith (Graham)
c. 027 464 7314
Past Chairman: Ian Elmsly (Kay)
p. 06 845 0577
c. 0274 790 682
Secretary: Sandra Marsh (Kevin)
p. 06 8700493
c. 021 2334476
Treasurer: Paul Eager (Carol)
p. 06 845 4779
c. 027231 4304
Committee: Malcolm Blair (Lesley)
p. 06 843 7664
c. 021 576 360
Alastair Chalmers (Jean)
c. 020 4088 4523
Steve Donovan (Pam)
p. 06 835 9956
c. 027 217 7730
Craig Manning (Beth)
c. 021 954 958
Larry Morgan (Cindy)
c. 021 401 092
Librarian: Larry Morgan (Cindy)
c. 021 401 092
Club Custodian & Room Hire: Steve Donovan
p. 06 835 9956
c. 027 217 7730
Wednesday Run: Barrie Browne (Lyndsay)
c. 027 270 1238
Cruise ship Co-Ordinator: Colin Barnes
c. 027 695 7075
Mag Editor: Kay Elmsly
p. 06 845 0577
c. 027 2866 480
Spares Manager: Brian Taylor (Margaret)
p. 06 844 5982
c. 027 443 6009
Spares Assistant Manager: John Durry (Jenny)
p. 06 843 5798
c. 022 676 9401
Groundsman: Trevor Charman (Lyn)
p. 06 844 5140
c. 027 292 6068
HB Branch Life Members
Allan Harris life member
Trevor Charman life member
POSTAL: PO Box 3406, Napier 4142
Clubrooms: 67 Sandy Road, Meeanee, Napier Phone: (06) 835 1483
(This number is only available on Tuesday mornings or Club nights and Events, or refer to our website) email:
By Esther SmithJust a brief wrap-up of the June events as my report for the 2022/23 year is also included in this MAG.
I certainly don’t want to go on about the weather, but it has had a huge effect on our ability to run planned events which is disappointing for everyone and particularly frustrating for the organisers. However as I am sitting writing this, I am looking out on a lovely sunny day and long may it continue.
Winter Deco- We have space at events ie the Saturday Night Catered Dinner with Entertainment and the Sunday morning tea, after which we will be visiting two collections of vehicles and memorabilia, the branch have never visited either venue before.
Refer to the Ad elsewhere in the MAG on how to purchase tickets for these events.
Vero Rally 2026-Hawke’s Bay Branch bid to host this event. The national selection panel where in HB for two days in mid June to meet with the Vero Committee along with representatives from CHB branch and thank goodness the sun shone. My thoughts are the visit went well. We showed them the proposed venue which is the Pettigrew Green
Arena, discussed timing, and presented information on accommodation options, proposed rally routes and generally a concept of how we would host the event. On the second day we met with representatives from the Napier and Hastings Councils as their support is crucial to running an event of this scale. The Committee received thanks from our National VCC President Diane Quarrie for the professionalism of our presentations, we will be informed in late July which branch is the successful bidder so fingers crossed it would be amazing for the branch to host such an event .
AGM- Thanks to all those members who attended this event it was a really good show of support, and having the aforementioned selection panel present added to the drama of the evening. A notice of motion to increase the branch levy component of the VCC membership from $40 to $50 was passed, this will appear as part of your next VCC annual subscription invoice.
A vital part of the AGM is electing the new Committee, we welcome Craig Manning and Larry Morgan on to the committee but have yet to appoint a new Club Captain.
I look forward to catching up with you all at our various upcoming events.
By Esther Smith (HBVCC Chairman)CHAIRMAN’S REPORT 2023
Greetings to you all. This is my first report as Chairman of this branch.
Looking back on the year it didn’t quite go as planned and this is in particular reference to our Summer Art Deco Rallies, after two years of cancellation due to Covid no one could have foreseen that with only a few days to go until the 2023 event that Cyclone Gabrielle would arrive and wreck such devastation on the Hawke’s Bay region. We even had all the Rally packs ready ???. So with no power on in most areas and limited cellular connectivity our enterprising Treasurer Paul Eager and Rally Director Steve Donovan managed to get an internet connection through finding a Hot spot and were able to inform our 179 rally entrants that yet again AD was cancelled. Meanwhile even though we live just 10 minutes out of town, we were completely cut off and were busy dealing with people who had lost so much and in some cases were fortunate to escape with their lives. I still can’t believe the nearby Puketapu Bridge has just completely disappeared. Some of our members were among those who were seriously affected by the flood waters, thanks to members who gave immediate assistance and who also have been able to provide ongoing support as it will be quite some time before the people and the land are healed.
On a different note I want to thank all the members of the branch who in so many ways contribute to the running and operations of this branch. Without your contributions the branch would indeed be a poorer place. Our outgoing Club Captain Paul Anderson has done a sterling job in organizing runs, our annual safari and speakers for club nights. Not to mention the recent amazing evening when 5 of our members were presented with their 50 year membership awards.
Mix and Mingle nights on the last Friday of each month have continued to be a great drawcard for members with attendance of between 60>70 people each time, great fellowship and great meals. Thanks to Lesley and Malcolm Blair for organizing the evenings and keeping the kitchen crew under control.
Library-Larry Morgan has taken over as Librarian watch this space as some exciting developments are in the offing
Cruise Ships- The cruise ships started arriving in late October. I was initially concerned about the short lead time the Port of Napier gave us to get organized which could have been problematic in getting suitable cars and drivers involved but also the Port passes etc sorted, but with Colin Barnes coming on board as Cruise Ship Cocoordinator we were soon back into it with a
Vengeance. (thanks to Judy) Colin got stuck straight in, he liaised with the Port authority to get all the paperwork done and also set up and managed the cruise ship roster often having to make daily changes as ship schedules changed. Allowing for weather cancellations and a break due to the cyclone, the Club benefited to the tune of $4381.00 from this season. That excludes the payment of $65 that the port makes for each car that attends each ship.
Membership. Our membership remains at just over the 300 mark, some drop off but we are continuing to welcome new members to the branch I see it as everyone’s responsibility to acknowledge these new members and ensure that they feel welcome at our various events and hopefully become an integral part of the branch .
We had to say a final goodbye this year to some of our past and present members, I would particularly like to acknowledge Alan Twort as Librarian, Peter Ball as past Secretary and Mark Jenkinson as past Chairman and the project manager whose one eyed determination meant that we got these clubrooms built and at a reasonable cost, as I recall Mark called in every favour he could and twisted a lot of arms along the way.
Heritage awards: The branch was entered into the regional Heritage awards under the category of “a group supporting our heritage” this was as much as anything an opportunity to promote the club. We entered using the “Driving Our History “ byline and I was thrilled to accept a Highly Commended award on behalf of the branch
Personally it has been an interesting year as Chairman, I volunteered to fill the vacancy when Ian Elmsly decided not to stand again. It’s been a learning curve, thanks to the committee and members for their support and to those who from whom I have sought advice along the way.
I have also enjoyed the opportunity to attend the National AGM and Executive meetings, They are so worthwhile in providing an opportunity to understand the workings of the VCC at a national level and the wider picture of what the club does to make sure our voice is heard in the corridors of power and ensure we can keep on “driving our history”.
These meetings are also a great way to meet and compare notes with the other VCC Branch representatives.
SUNDAY 18 JUNE 2023//
By Paul AndersonThe day dawned sunny and fine…….. Wrong !
The weather was dreadful, as it had been for the last couple of days and there was a decision to be made regarding the route for the day. The initial plan was to follow Raukawa Road, turning onto the Burma Road and navigating down the Burma Hill to State Highway 2. Janine and I drove this route on Saturday and the hill road was sodden, with water lying in the drainage channels and it was obvious the road had not been maintained to it’s usual high standard after ‘’Gabriel’’. After consultation it was decided that the conditions were not really suitable and could possibly be daunting for some so, we reverted to plan B.
A number of brave souls had ventured out under these threatening skies to meet outside the school in Bridge Pa at 1.30 pm. In spite of the weather there was a good turnout of 15 cars, with a good smattering of “moderns” among them.
Plan B involved continuing down Raukawa Road and turning into Te Onepu Road which joins State Highway 2 just before Pukehou. This was a road that I had never travelled before and a break in the weather revealed some great views to the East. I understand that the Hawkes Bay Car Club use this road for their Hill Trials
We proceeded through to Otane and made our way to our Afternoon Tea stop at the Patangata Tavern.
We did lose one car along the way, last seen heading back to Otane and there were a few stragglers who got confused at the “Road Closed Ahead” sign (which referred to a side road) on leaving Otane.
At Patangata we enjoyed a convivial afternoon with coffee and tea with Carrot Cake (or a stronger Beveridge for some) and hot chips.
As it turned out, we were lucky with the weather with just a few showers during the run but it really felt like a mid winter run through a very wintery landscape.
The return trip was left up to members and a number of options were suggested for the home run.
Sadly no Sunday run photos were provided by club members on this day!!
Wednesday 5th July
ALWAYS 1st Wednesday of the Month.
• Where: Meet at HB Vintage Club Rooms
• Time: 10.00am
Wednesday 12th July
Come along and catch up with other members and after our meeting enjoy a cuppa together.
Fri 21/Sat 22/Sun 23 July
Friday 28th July
Please contact Malcolm & Lesley Blair on 06 843 7664 or email or add your name to the list at the club no later THAN TUESDAY 25TH JULY.
Only days to go until entries close. If you haven’t already entered then here is the entry form again. Go to our branch website. Or Facebook page ‘Hawkes Bay Vintage and Classic Car Club
Members are most welcome to come along to just the Saturday Night Dinner or the Sunday Morning Tea
Saturday Night Dinner –Catered Meal and Entertainment
This event is open to all members not just Winter Deco Entrants
Contact Larry Morgan. to register. HBVCC Bank account details are on the entry form
Sunday Morning Tea and Shed Visits.
Two local Sheds that we have not visited previously. This is open to all members not just Winter Deco Entrants. $7.50pp
Contact Larry Morgan. to register. HBVCC Bank account details are on the entry form
By Barrie BrowneJune Wednesday Run 2023 “Don’t bring your lunch” Bring your EFTPOS Card and “All Hail The King”
Winter has arrived and along with it miserable overcast cold days but that did not stop a great turnout of 14 cars for this Wednesday Run.
Clearly the thought of a hot pie and Tomato sauce was attractive and popular, along with good coffee at the end of the run.
Leaving the Club Rooms the teams were taken through Jervois Town where it is requested you “Slow Down in Jervois Town” as it is a very nice part of town and clearly the residents look after what they have.
Our run would take the teams through some of the cyclone damaged areas, therefore caution and road courteous driving was necessary.This part in particular down Omarunui Road where the slash and other trees are now just piles of chips.
The run then went on down Swamp Road through Fernhill and into Flaxmere.
From there the teams were taken through parts of Hastings all in search of street names with some form of Royal meaning like Louie St, Windsor Ave, Albert St, Victoria St and prior to that they had driven down King St in Taradale.
After around 80 minutes of driving the first to arrive were Treasurer Paul and Carol who were surprised to see no one before them as they were one of the last cars to leave the club rooms. Wasn’t long before the others started to arrive showing a lot of interest in what was in the food cabinets, smiles and greetings and shoving the local workers out of the way as our lot gate crashed the Que.
Our finishing Café was the Fire Station Café in Whakatu and if you have been to this delightful café you will know how popular it is with the workers around this large industrial area.
By Barrie BrowneTo follow on from Peter and Helen Ball and all other Wednesday run organisers for that matter, was, in the first place a bit of a challenge.
But you know this club is made up of so many supportive people, as our National President Dianne Quarrie puts it, “not so much about the cars its more about the people, the club members”.
Our year did not get off to a very good start at all, in fact, the July run had so few turn up we cancelled the day. Now that to a new chum was a bit of a wake up.
Where to from here I thought? Was it due to very little gaining mention in the club Mag from various other people? Can’t be that bad can it? So let’s just get on with it. Get a plan going, what do the members need to get the gang going? From that better forward info to the Mag, and email out the week before the run as reminders was a good start, it worked.
AUGUST. We had a late Art Deco run, one that I had left over from July, it was said by some of the gang that month that they were taken down some streets in their own city that they had never been down before, and even past a house where they used to live, plus a visit to the monument at the Park Island grave site of those who lost their lives in the 1931 Earthquake.
SEPTEMBER. Jim and Barb Speers step up with what was labelled “Good as Gold” that took us to Marty’s Red Barn and finished at the Speers place where we had to count the daffodils.
OCTOBER. This time John Cocking QSM and Lee Ann Freeman have our attention, they were to take us on a Monumental run, well it took us past many monuments that we often drive past and pay little attention to, such as the old gun emplacements on the shore line, the Beacons, the Solders Club on the Marine Parade, the Drill Hall in Coote Rd and finishing at the lookout, great stuff team.
NOVEMBER. A very interesting drive way out west in the beautiful country side and over less travelled roads than before, finishing at the Patangata Tavern, Ivan and Joan Fisher came up with this one, what a cracker and due to be repeated in February next year.
DECEMBER. Peter and Helen Ball step up and present a Christmas run with cars decorated in festive style and everyone in the Christmas spirit. We were away for this so clearly missed something special.
FEBRUARY. We’re off again this time to visit the Norton Road Railway Station or at least a carriage that Colin and Trish Beswick had refurbished, boy did that raise a lot of interest, from there it was off to River Road in Havelock North for lunch at Akarangi wines and Morton Orsborn, sadly the winery is now closed but Martin enjoyed talking us through his cellar door the old Church from Clive.
MARCH. This was to be a trip to the beach but we all know what happened in mid February don’t we.
APRIL. “There’s no stopping us now” as the song goes, it’s time for our annual DIY,BYO,BBQ, a trip around some streets new and old gets us to that area previously known as “Perfume Point” and again a good number make the day.
MAY. We were in Aussie catching up with old Taradale mates, perhaps for one last time, so Club Chair Esther and hubby Graham step up and did something a little different so I’m told, something about collecting items and Peggy Squares.
JUNE. Where has the year gone? This time yours truly makes up a run just to test the water, it will be known as the Leave your lunch at home and bring your EFTPOS card. 70 km around Taradale and Hastings noting streets with a Royal connection and we finish at the Fire Station Café in Whakatu. From what Lyndsay overheard at the AGM this could become a bit more regular the ladies say.
So that’s the wrap for our Wednesday gang. A group of sturdy folk who know how to enjoy the day and are not afraid to step up and say, Barrie I’ll do that month, and to them I thank you on behalf of these very people who make it all worthwhile.
The Wednesday Run is alive and well and we are delighted to let the committee know, and can assure them that the coming year will offer up more interesting and exciting MidWeek Runs, It’ll be in the Mag just watch for it and come along for the ride.
Laid Back Martinborough Safari Registration
Postal Address…………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
VCC Number………………………………………………………………………………. .
Car Make………………………………Model…………………………………………….
Year……………………………………… Rego …………………………………………..
Mobile Number…………………………………………………………………………….
Entry Fee
$155.00 (per Car / 2 people) includes registration and dinner for two on the Sunday night, payable to Hawkes Bay Vintage Car Club.
A/c No. 06-0701-0389864-00 Please enter name and Safari as a reference
Please e-mail completed registrations to:
Organisers Are: Malcom & Lesley Blair & Kay & Ian Elmsly
Malcolm & Lesley ph. 021 576 360 email (
Ian & Kay Elmsly ph. 0274 790 682 email ( )
Laidback Martinborough
Safari 2023
3-6 November 2023
Welcome to the “2023 Safari” registration process. To those who have already expressed an interest in attending, you are now asked to commit to what we hope will be a “Laidback Weekend in Martinborough”. We have managed to secure two motels, that are relatively close to each other, and you are asked to make your own booking direct. Please note, we need to utilise the units at the Claremont first and once all these units are all taken, additional units are available at the Margrain.
The Claremont Motel - 38 Regent St Martinborough, ph.06 3069162 email
7/ 1 bedroom units @ $175a night per unit (queen on Mezzanine –living downstairs)
7/ executive studios @ $175 per night per unit (super king all on ground floor)
3/ 2bedroom apartments @ $310 per night per unit
Booking reference: Hawkes Bay Vintage Car Club.
Margrain Vineyard Villas - Cnr Ponatahi & Huangarua Roads
Martinborough, ph. 06 3069292 email
Rates; $665.00 3 nights per Villa, two people.
Booking Reference: LH23052431083156 Hawkes Bay Vintage Car Club
Please ensure that you have completed your registration form and forwarded to a copy to the organisers by 8th July in order that we can secure additional accommodation if required. We cannot guarantee additional units will be available over and above those already reserved but will do our best.
Further details will be forwarded once registrations are completed.
By John Durry Hi all,Derrick & myself made a trip to the scrappy a couple of weeks ago, taking all our brass, copper, ally, lead & copper wire that we had painfully saved & separated from our steel scrap, we got $260 for this effort. Our next trip will be the battery run, so if you have any batteries lying around we are keen for you to bring them to the club.
Top right are two pictures of measuring calipers which we have found, but not sure what they are used for, if you can help please let me know.
About 4 years ago we cleared out a property of Garth McVickers on the Napier Taupo highway, there were two vehicles there that they did not want to sell, but now have changed there mind, one being a C Cab Chev truck & the other a mid 70’s Rover P6V8 (photos on the right), so if anyone is interested please phone B.T.
We also have 3 big bins of firewood all chopped up ready for next season, $50 a bin, again please ring Brian Taylor, mobile 027 443 6009.
Until next time.
For any enquiries phone Brian Taylor on 027 443 6009 or John Durry 022 676 9401 on Tuesday mornings between 9am & 11am on 06 835 1483.
*Refers to 136LiL & 136LiHD45
Graham Dutton & Diane Burke - 1967 Ford Mustang coupe
David Barnard 1951 - MG TD Roadster
Vic & Theresa Hutchins 1929 Hudson super six Sedan / 1950 Ford Prefect sedan
FOR SALE: CLOTHING TAPE Mend your furs in time for Winter Art Deco Festival 2023. $4 per metre. Phone Carolyn on 06 844 3323 or email
THE COOL & COLLECTABLE UPMARKET RECYCLERS. 206 Southland Road Hastings. For all your Deco needs and more. Open 4 days a week Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday/ Sunday from 10am to 4pm. Ph: 027 404 2930. Email:
WANTED: 1 PINION SEAL FOR 1946 DODGE. Outside diameter 3 9/64” or 3 3/16”, Inside diameter 1 7/8”, Width ½” or 9/16”. Please phone Lance on 027 464 2018.
WANTED: Road wheel for Standard Vanguard car. Early to mid 1950s. Geoff Johnston 879 9700 or 0273421 696.
WANTED: Model ‘A’ Ford gear cluster in good condition. No repro gears please. Contact Les Pearson 027 2245 045 or
Ads for Wanted or For Sale that have been in the Club Mag for 4 months or more will be removed if the editor has not been notified that you wish to continue with advertising your item.