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The North Otago Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Inc.

Chairman's Report.

I am sitting at my desk in my office [aka spare bedroom] wondering how to write my report. Looking out of the window, it must have been cold last night as there are a multitude of Wax-eyes squabbling over the seeds that we put out for them.

I think there might also be a lot some squabbling within the club if we have to put the subs up to pay for a secretary. However, at the moment we are very grateful to Wanda Kent for volunteering to take the minutes at the committee meetings and type them up afterwards but this is only temporary. Meanwhile I am going to try to do the rest of the secretary's work until we can find a club member to take over the post of secretary. At present we are barely breaking even on day to day finances, so there is no way we will be able to absorb the cost of a secretary if we cannot find a volunteer.

I would like to thank Ernest George for taking on the job of Club Captain, he has organized quite a few things for the coming months, all will be revealed in the Distributor. Watch this space.

I am pleased that we have filled all the non committee roles that are very important to the club,

The members looking after the Parts dept are; Ernest George, James McKenzie, Dereck Brehaut and Wayne Croft.

Librarian is Rob Hutton, Archivist is Kathleen Perry, Custodian is Lee Brehaut, News Letter editor is Graeme Simpson, thank you to all for volunteering.

I think that is all for now, enjoy your safe motoring, All the best, Clive, Chairman.

The Passing Lane

Lindsay Schaffer passed away on 16 June 2023.

Lindsay became a member of the club when he purchased a 1973 Rover PB6 V8 Rover. His father bought it new. After his father died it was bought by a chap for his wife but she didn't like it so it sat in the shed until he died.

Lindsay bought it about 5 years ago with 19,000 miles on the clock.

Lindsay was also interested in farm machines, mainly D4 caterpillars and anything that was a bit different e.g. a selflevelling header, one of 4 brought into the country. A baler that used wire rather than twine to tie the bales.

Lindsay was a fairly sober character so probably won't notice there are no speed cameras in heaven.

Coming Events.

August- September.


Wednesday 2nd - Clubnight 7.30pm.Clubrooms Games Night. Bring your favoured board games. A plate for supper.

Thursday 17th - Mid month run. Meet 11am at Clubrooms Start 11.30am.

For lunch. Contact John Gale 0276554296 by 13th if you are going.

Wednesday 16th - Committee Meeting 7pm Clubrooms.

Sunday 20th - Daffodil Day -see flyer in magazine.

Friday 25th Clubrooms 6pm Takeway meals night, bring your own food and drink. Also DVD to be shown.

Wednesday 30th Motorcycle run, meet 1pm Clubrooms with 1.30pm start.

Other branches

August 12th - garage raid Ashburton cost $10 per person for lunch, meet 9am Clubrooms Ashburton.


Wednesday 6th - Clubnight 7.30pm - Auction of bits and pieces, anything to a raise a dollar.A plate for supper please.

Thursday 14 - mid month run - meet 1.00pm at Clubrooms start 1.30pm.

Wednesday 20th - Committee Meeting 7pm start.

Wednesday 27th - Motorcycle run, 1pm Clubrooms, 1.30pm start.

Other Branches

2nd September - Swapmeet Waimate.

Saturday 23rd - Alexandra Blossom Festival, Central Otago

Daffodil Day 20th.August.

I have a list of jobs to be done for this event

I will bring the list to clubnight. The program follows like this.

Vehicle Display 1pm--2pm

This is open to any vehicle, old to new.

Car Run 2pm start.

3pm Sausage Sizzle,Hot and Cold Drinks at Clubrooms.

List of Jobs

Welcome,Advertising, Flyers, Display, Marshalls, Back-up, Car Run, Sausage

Sizzle, Hot and Cold Drinks and anything else thats missing from the list.

If you can help, contact me. Ernest 0272090609.

Brenda and I will not be there.

1962 Bathurst 6 Hour Classic On Board with Mike Hawthorn at Le Mans 1956 | D-type Jaguar

Visit to Te Pakihi O Maru School during May

Gordon Hay

Geoff Omnet


1915 Studebaker Tourer

1929 Ford Model A Tourer

1929 Ford Model A Coupe

Ernest George 1935 Plymouth Sedan

James MacKenzie 1988 Hyundai Stellar

I was asked to help with providing vehicles for displaying to the school children as part of their history lesson about early motoring and the motor vehicle. Each driver gave a talk about their vehicle and answered questions from the children, they also allowed children to sit in the cars and toot the horn. The teachers also took many photos of the group. Thankyou to everyone for giving their time and vehicles to the children, so that they could learn and experience the joy of vintage motoring.

Parts Shed Report

Since the weather has got much colder, the men decided it was too cold to work outside so we enjoyed a DVD on old motorcycles after our morning cuppa. We appreciate those who bring something to eat, it makes a very enjoyable morning. You never know what we get to eat.

Thankyou to James and Elliot MacKenzie who organised the gaskets on the new boards, it is much easier to find the gasket that is needed.

Thankyou to Neil, Steve and Wayne who finished stripping the old Vauxhall ready for selling parts.

For Sale

54 Vauxhall Velox gearbox, head, block (seized) what offers.

Items for the Newsletter can be posted or dropped off to 6 Waiareka lane, off Saleyards Road

Or emailed to

Newsletter submissions. Preferred formats are Open-office, Libre-office or MS Word as an attached document or Share to Google document. Plain emails create extra work. Please, no “enter” key at the end of every line. Contact me for advice if not sure.

Thanks, Graeme


Committee Meetings 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7.00 pm. Members welcome.

Nights 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm

(details in The Distributor)

OTAGO BRANCH OFFICE BEARERS 2023-24 Chairman Clive Blunden (Jen) 03 439 5207 Immediate past Chairperson Rebecca George 021 293 7714 Vice Chairman Vacant Club Captain Ernest George (Brenda) 027 209 0609 Secretary Vacant Treasurer John Gale (Jo) 03 437 1112 Committee Athol Caldwell (Patricia) 03 437 0897 Geoff Ellis (Daphne 021 115 8044 Tony Hales (Jenny) 03 434 7729 Lindsay McLeod (Margaret) 021 871 526 Beaded Wheels Scribe Clive Blunden (Jen) 03 439 5207 Custodian Lee Brehaut (Derek) 027 695 6644 Librarian Robert Hutton (Mandy) 03 437 0774 Archivist Kathleen Perry 03 434 7226 Newsletter Editor Graeme Simpson (Wendy) 027 293 1059 Spare Parts Ernest George (Brenda) 027 209 0609 Derek Brehaut (Lee) 021 390 518 James McKenzie (Angele) 029 770 7105 Wayne Croft 027 608 0002 Vehicle Verifiers Quentin Barrow (Ange) 027 434 5570 Bruce Watt (Barbara) 03 434 5306
Club email address

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