of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Inc.
Chairman’s chat
For personal reasons I am unable to attend the Executive Meeting next month, but all is not lost Wanda Kent will be taking my place, she will also be tabling a motion for North Otago to hold a national commercial rally. a brilliant idea for our club. good on her.
March club night will be important as we will be deciding how our branch will be voting in the March executive meeting, so if you want a say in how the club is run come along.
I would like to thank all those who supported Ernest with the organisation of All British Day, it was a great success.
We are having a little trouble finding things to do on Club Night, when I joined the VCC eleven years ago Club Night was well attended as there wasn't much else on, now we have five social gatherings per month as well as Club Night, Monday mornings are well attended, plus John Gales mid month runs, so we could do with some suggestions, we aim to please.
Have a safe month, All the best, Clive, Chairman.
Secretary’s Corner – March
Hi Everyone
Welcome to new members
A warm welcome to Lyall Tuffley, Murray Bain and Ross Barlow as new members to our branch. Lyall has a 1958 Cadillac Eldarado Brougham. Murray has a 65 Norton Desert Racer, a 74 Triumph TR5v MX Scrambler and a 1973 BSA B50MX Scrambler. And Ross has 1939 Deluxe Ford Coupe, and a 1965 Sunbeam Tiger.
Since October last year, sixteen new members have joined our Branch. So, a friendly reminder to wear name badges at club events. While lots of us know each other, not all of us do. Look out for our new members and help them to feel welcome. After all, it is the main reason we exist, to enjoy each other’s company and share our interest in older vehicles and our motoring history. Easy conversation starters.
BSA Newsletter
We have quite a group of motorcyclists these days so I have attached the latest BSA Newsletter we have received. Too big to insert into Distributor but seems an interesting read.
Wolseley Car Rally
On the 12th March Derek and I are heading to Tauranga and Gisborne areas on the annual Wolseley Car Club Rally. There will be an Out of Office reminder on the Club laptop for email responses while we are away, and contact details for Ernest George and Clive Blunden should the matter be urgent. Back home on the 25th March.
Lee BrehautA wide range of lubricants avaible instore and to order made by Morris lubricants formulated for older cars.
Low detergent oils for cars with no oil filter.
Low EP oils for diffs and gearboxes with bronze components.
Hydralastic suspension fluid (and loan pump) for BL cars
Chassis grease
Petrol and Diesel fuel conditioner
Roses General store, 5 Tyne street, next to Criterion Hotel
Mid Month Run
Once again a very pleasant run organized by the absentee John. Taking direction from Derek, we travelled down the coast road to Waianakarua, to our destination Trotter Gorge. 10 or so vehicles with a good mix of modern and classics. A relaxing afternoon passed, so peaceful there, only one orange pup tent in sight. The last of us left after 4pm. We came home main road and a delay at Maheno for 15 odd minutes due to on going road works. [warning if you want to dodge this, go Coast Rd, works on going until June I believe]' Thank you John & Derek.
Mary Walsh
28th North Otago All British Day
On Saturday the 17th of February we held our annual All British Day. The weather was great with beautiful sunshine.
This year’s featured make was Ford and the mark was the Zephyr and Zephyr Zodiac. The cars started arriving around 9.30 am and were arranged in two rows in the park.
One side for the Zephyrs and Zodiacs and the other side for all other British cars
We had 17 Zephyrs and Zodiacs, and 26 All British makes, including some commercial vehicles with one Nuffield Farm Tractor and a handful of motor bikes.
There were two runs, 50 miles and 30 Miles out through the beautiful Waitaki country side returning to Weston Hall for afternoon tea which was supplied by the North Otago Branch. It was a delicious spread enjoyed by all.
Before tea we had the prize giving as follows---
Best of British……….1935 Morris 8 Tourer ………….. John Lester
Best feature Car……..1955 Mk 1 Zephyr Zodiac………Peter Reid.
Best Motor Bike……..Velocette LE…………………….Gordon Pringle
Best Commercial…….1964 Land Rover 4WD UTE…...Bob White.
Best Original Vehicle...1961 Vanguard 6………………..Gay Crawford.
Peoples Choice……….1960 Mk2 Zodiac Convertible ….Lindsay& Beb Purvis
A big thank you for all those who made this year’s event possible.
The North Otago VCC Branch had a good representation at the Rally and enjoyed the day which had not shown promising weather on the journey to the event being a little foggy and rather dark clouds. After a cup of tea and briefing we set off on the long run of approximately 50 miles or short run of 30 miles. The weather improving as we travelled along.
Not following the old story of “don’t follow the car in front” one club member got lost within seconds of leaving the Club Rooms. There is a difference between Point Bush Road and Parkers Bush Road. Thank goodness it was easy to retrace back on track.
The long run took us past the Waihao Forks Hotel (no time to stop as it was a time trial). Serpentine Valley Road lived up to its name but was fun to drive up on gravel.
Thank goodness there was not a lot of cars grouped together. Looking at the instructions as I write this it is amusing to see all the named ‘back’ roads in this area, e.g. Elephant Hill Road and also same name Back Road, Waihaorunga Back Road. The run took us up into the hills so that we were able to look over a large area of South Canterbury and ocean in the distance. Brilliant in the sunshine. Lunch was at a newly refurbished McCulloch’s Bridge Reserve. The area was very sheltered and sun protection was appreciated.
After lunch enjoyed with visiting members from other areas, we returned to the Club Rooms to visit the parts shed and have afternoon tea and prize giving where North Otago Branch members Brian and Dawn Perkins took out the overall prize and John Adamson with Wanda were runners up.
The journey home was in the rain with one vintage vehicle’s windscreen wipers requiring adjustment to cope with the rain. Maybe they need a little “Rain X” treatment to help. Altogether a most enjoyable event Thank you Waimate.
On the Hunt
Hi, my father, Neil Rook is a member (and parts person) of the Taranaki Branch of the Vintage Car Club and owns a 1929 Nash Std 6. He needs one exhaust valve to complete repairs to the car. The local engine rebuilders have informed him that the valve that needs replacing is bent.
Measurements are: Stem 8 mm Head 37 mm
Length 135 mm (5 ¼ inch)
Neil can be contacted in New Plymouth – 06 758 6737 or text my mobile (Julie) 027 2768 395 or email me planetclaire17@gmail.com. Neil would be most grateful for any assistance. We are aware that he can advertise in Beaded Wheels however thought this email may speed things up a bit – hopefully.
Thank you.
Julie LanderWee Willie Wander NOVCC Moped Rally.
A fleet of vintage vehicles took to the roads of North otago on Saturday. Seventeen riders brought out their pride and joy mopeds for the ride. The only mishap was three people went “sightseeing” before being ushered back into the group.
The ride began at the vintage car club rooms and they travelled 50 km over country roads, to Fort Enfield for lunch.
Along the way they stopped at the waterwheel in Old Mill Road for a photoshoot, and then travelled past the wetlands in Airedale.
The roads were pretty quiet, with no state highways travelled, so it was a nice wee ride.
The riders loved the event, some of them said it was the best ride they'd ever been on.
Hayden Tasker of Ashburton, won the Publican's choice Award with his 1958 Puch.
Coming Events .
6th Wednesday Club Night 7.30pm. Special Meeting to discuss the articles on Management and Wellington papers. All are welcome to come along and have your say about them. South Island Club Captain Mark Wilkinson will be attending. Bring a plate for Supper.
10th Sunday 1.15pm meet at Clubrooms We are visiting Brookfield Gardens. Cost is $10.00 per person which is to be paid before we leave the clubrooms.I will ring the owner before we leave the clubrooms so the gates can be unlocked The money is being donated to the Guide Dogs for the Blind Bring your afternoon tea and hot water,chair. Thanks.
14th Thursday Mid Month Run Meet Clubrooms 1pm Start 1.30pm Contact John Gale 0276554296
20th Wednesday Committee Meeting 7pm
27th Wednesday Motorcycle Run Meet 1pm Start 1.30pm Contact John Gale 0276554296.
29th March - 1st April. National South Island Easter Rally in Nelson. Contact Rally Secretary. Information in Beaded Wheels.
Ford Capri Adverts 1970's and 80's
The Ford Capri Story
Items for the Newsletter can be posted or dropped off to 6 Waiareka lane, off Saleyards Road Or emailed to gsimpsonyyy@gmail.com
Newsletter submissions. Preferred formats are Open-office, Libre-office or MS Word as an attached document. Plain emails create extra work. Please, no “enter” key at the end of every line. Contact me for advice if not sure.
Thanks, Graeme