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FIAT 500’s racing at Ruapuna 25th May 2024

The North Otago Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Inc.

Chairman's Comments

I have just returned from the inaugural "Chairman's Run". It was a most enjoyable afternoon spent in good company, everybody enjoyed the run and the afternoon tea at Fort Enfield, well worth the effort in putting it together.

I have enjoyed my time as Chairman of the North Otago branch of the VCC - it's surprising what you can stuff up if you really try! I took the position as no one else stepped forward, since I understood that the club cannot operate without a Chairman, so I hope that this encourages some one to step up this time. Other commitments mean that I am unable to stand for another year.

I could not have done it without the huge support of Lee, who became secretary, and Ernest who helped me organize the runs etc. The team work of this branch is what makes it great.

I joined the VCC North Otago branch in 2013 and have been an active member ever since. I was treasurer for two years and scribe and committee member for many years. I worked with Derek taking out the old wood work and putting up the new wall to the new Library. The up-grade of the club rooms has encouraged other clubs to use our facilities, which brings in more revenue. We are also hosting a commercial rally in October for which a sub committee has been formed to organize it I wish them well in their endeavours. It is good to see the branch trying new ideas.

I will still be around to help out from time to time, if you can drag me away from my new project, a 1975 Land Rover flat deck! All the best,

Clive, [Chairman]

Secretary’s Corner – June

New member

This month we welcome Gerry Slessenger to our membership list with his 1974 Citroen. And Noel Bain with an on the road 1955 Ford Consul, and a 1939 Morris Series E and 1937 Series 1 both under restoration.

Send/Receive Emails

Many of you will be aware of issues experienced by some of our members with either not being able to open attachments or not having attachments included in emails when sent by our Branch. Of over twenty responses received to my request for confirmation of what you have received, most responded that you had received and were able to open attachments. Wheew! However, seven reported otherwise and as we have 87 email addresses, there are likely to be more.

I have spoken with Linda at our National Office as they have had similar problems when doing bulk mailouts. She has advised that they are aware of a problem with respect to the Windows platform, but don’t have a way to resolve this. It may require an update from Windows itself. (I assume you have all got your updates actually up to date??) Don’t ignore messages to update your devices. Changes are being made frequently these days to try and counteract spam and the other fraudulent activities some use the internet for. Keep an eye on your email Spam or Junk folders. Delete anything you see is obviously suspicious, however, there may be some that have landed there that are pertinent to you. Just take care with what you are opening or links you feel you need to click on. Reading the email contents should alert you as to whether it is safe to continue. Not sure? DELETE, DELETE, DELETE!

If there are no attachments when obviously there should be, Linda has commented that it may be due to the device you are using. For example, one response back was that they couldn’t open the attachments on their iPad but were able to do so on their home computer. So try opening on something else if possible or contact the Branch Secretary for another way to resolve getting your information.

Our Newsletter Editor Graeme Simpson has also commented:Received and all opened fine on my Linux computer, my Android phone and Windows computer at work. Anyone having trouble opening them needs to update their PDF reader eg Adobe PDF reader. The easiest reader now is just to use the Browser eg Edge, Google Chrome or Firefox. Right click on file and select Open With .......

If they are not receiving emails they need to check their Spam folder and indicate that it is not Spam.

Conversation at our May Committee Meeting uncovered other issues being experienced. As a result, Distributor will now be sent on its own and other documents will be sent as PDFs. Reminders will be just email content. If you hear of people having trouble opening docs or not receiving attachments, please get them to talk to someone as there may be other important material they should be receiving from other sources.

Please don’t hesitate to seek help if you feel you need to make any alterations on your devices. Communication with members is so very important.

This is my last Secretary’s Corner. I hope it has been a useful contribution to our newsletter. Remember, anyone can contribute a photo, article, video link, or any other item you think may be of interest to our members. Items can be posted or dropped off to 6 Waiareka Lane, off Saleyards Road, or emailed to Deadline is usually around the third Sunday of the month, but Graeme is happy to receive material any time to pop in his ‘Distributor’ folder.


Was a great day for a ride

, we were all slightly

overdressed for the 20 degree day, as soon as we got away, air con by nature sorted the issue. Not so many bikes this month, members taking advantage of the mild April weather to take wives and families away. “Happy Wife, No Strife “. There were bikes with parallel 4 cylinder , V4 cylinder, parallel twin cylinder and I am not sure what Mikes 400 cc Suzuki had, engine configuration wise, but it can do 140 kph and can fit a case of beer and 2 bottles of wine under the seat!

We rode locally I reckon, I remember Lark St, Parsons Rd, Weston Ngapara and Kia Ora Roads, but after that my rock like sense of direction kicked in. Didn’t matter where we were, the riding was great!

A huge variety of roads, wide , narrow, elevated, gravel. Played dodgems with pine cones on one road ,others lined with trees in full Autumn colour, went through a number of fords [ dry ], Mikes bike seemed to disappear into one ford, at the bottom of a particularly steep hill, had me wondering what the bump at the bottom would be like, all good. Did this cool detour around a rail bridge and down underneath it, 2.35m height restriction, over a dry creek bed, up the other side and we were at some quiet part of Maheno. Then a blast down a bit of highway, left onto Happy Valley Road and down to the amazing Kakanui Coast Road. Can’t beat that feeling of the wind coming off the sea as your powering along, motor snarling at 3500 rpm, just wanting to give it more, but have to act my age and not my shoe size. Ended up at the iron cafe at Friendly Bay, with a strong coffee and talked about everything from yacht mast replacement, to the pros and cons of D.I.Y. home handymen changing neutral and earth wires around in household appliances, humm!

Thankful to Derek, who, like Barry knows the roads like the back of their hands, a really good ride. I tried to explain where we went, to my better half, when I got home, but couldn’t, she was on Google Maps immediately, I am wondering if she is going to bundle me into the car, after a few beers, blindfolded and take me out there and do a dump and run.

Well May is just around the corner and I will have no idea where we will be/are riding, all I know is it will be fun and I am looking forward to it.

Commando Kid.

Coming Events


5th Wednesday No Club Meeting due to the AGM on Sunday

9th Sunday AGM at Clubrooms 1.30pm. Bring a plate for afternoon tea. Thanks.

13th Thursday Mid Month Run. Clubrooms 1.30pm Start. John Gale 0276554296

19th Wednesday Committee Meeting 7pm Clubrooms

23th Sunday Lunch and Ten Pin Bowling with Waimate Branch. Meet at Midday for lunch, followed by Ten Pin bowling. If you only want to come to the meal or ten pin bowling you are welcome to come to either event or both. Contact Lindsay or Margaret McLeod. Ph. 021871526

Cost $30 for Meal. $13 for Ten Pin Bowling.

26th Wednesday Motorcycle Run Clubroom 1.30 pm Start John Gale 0276554296


3rd Wednesday 7.30pm Club Night.

13th Saturday Garage Raid. Clive Blunden 0211842435 and Derek Brehaut 021390518

August 25th Sunday Daffodil Day Gordon and Joy Hay 0284007586

September 4th Wednesday Club Night 7.30pm Auction. Get your things out that you would like to donate for sale and bring along to auction them . Money raised goes to St John. Need a auctioneer and team to organizer this event

October 19th Teapot Rally with Waimate.

25th- 28th National Commercial Rally Oamaru.Wandy Kent 0274401621

November 16th Saturday Swap Meet Oamaru. Derek Brehaut.021390518

16th Saturday 12 noon start Victoria Parade

Christmas Parade waiting for date

December 4th Wednesday Club Night Xmas Party. Everyone is invited to come up with something to celebrate Xmas. Any ideas?

7th Saturday Windsor Rally. Ernest.0272090609

All British Day February 2025

Moped Rally 2025

Trip to Invercargill. 2025. Truck and Motor bikes Museums. I need someone to organize this event.

If you would be able to help with any of the events above contact the person beside the event. If there is an event with no name beside it. Think about becoming the organizer. If there is anything coming up and I have missed it, let me know. This is for our Branch only. Thanks.

Other Branches Events can be found in Beaded Wheels or in their club magazines. If you would like to read other branches' magazines, You can look on Google Search. The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand site. Then go to Branch Newsletters. If you see an event on facebook that other members might want to. Send the information to Graeme Simpson, our newsletter editor.

Our May club night was a visit to Waitaki Boys High School. Our host was Stephen Hinds. The 18 members meet in the hall of Memories, Stephen told us about the history of this wonderful building and treated us to an organ recital.

We were well entertained Thank you Stephen Gordon Hay ROSCO TRIALS 2024 REEFTON

23rd June 2024 8.30am – 3pm(ish)

For full details, rules, entry and indemnity forms contact Nick Harrison, 34 Cavell Street, Reefton 7830

Ph 03 732 8819 or 027 541 9296


Captain’s Run

Chairman Clive and wife Jen did a sterling job of putting together a run as Clive’s Last Hurrah before stepping down at the AGM.

Unfortunately, it unwittingly collided with a meeting of the National Commercial Rally sub-committee meaning some of our regulars where unable to join us. None the less and despite a rather chilly afternoon, it was lovely to drive out into the country and to see the autumn colours now more at ground level as carpets of fallen leaves, and to enjoy a hot drink at our Enfield destination.

From friendly banter to having more serious conversations, it was well worth the effort to go. And we were home in good time to stoke the fire and hunker down for the night.


This year I have completed the second original Photograph Album and filing is completed up to the year 2000. I continue to place newspaper cuttings and other information, into the large black folder.

If any members have unwanted photographs of Branch Events, Windsor Rallies, All British Days & Motorcycle Rallies I will be very pleased to accept them and add them to the Photograph Folders.

For now, I am happy to remain as Branch Archivist. However, if another member would like to be Branch Archivist, I will be happy to retire.


To members needing to renew the ID status on vehicles. Renewal emails are sent two months prior to expiry dates and include the need for ID photos. These photos are required as part of the VCC relationship with NZTA and the Club's recognised status as "The Historic Vehicle Authority of New Zealand". However, they are often not included by members as part of the renewal process.

The renewal process involves advising National Office of the current mileage of the vehicle, and if there have been any changes to the vehicle, such as colour, engine, chassis, or other key mechanical component. Also required are photos of the engine no, chassis no, body no (if applicable), any other identification plates, VIN (if applicable).

A photo is also required of the vehicle in its present form - for a car or commercial vehicle a 3/4 view with the licence plate clearly visible and readable. For a motorcycle, a side view photo from either side. If there have been no changes to the vehicle appearance and the existing photo on the old ID Card conforms to the required specification, then National Office can re-use that photo.

So, this is a gentle reminder to members looking to participate in a National Rally to ensure their VICs are current and if needing to be updated, the process may have changed.

Annual Reports April 2023 – March 24 period

Chairman’s Report

Nationally, discussion about the restructure of National Body continued into the beginning of 2024.

This branch stayed with its initial decision to support the Option One Restructure model. We continue to have a presence in Beaded Wheels with reports on our Branch activities. The February committee meeting agreed to support a suggestion from Wanda Kent to offer the North Otago Branch as host to run a National Commercial Rally in October 2024 or 2025. The March Executive meeting approved the submission and for the rally to be run in 2024.

The club has been able to continue with its investment account and is in a satisfactory financial position as things stand at present. A bequest of $500 from the estate of Ivan Main has resulted in the Ivan Main Memorial Plaque. Thanks to Steve McDonald and John Gale for their efforts to make this plaque, now positioned between the windows on the (sea side) wall.

Gordon Hay and John Adamson joined the committee to fill vacancies in October. And Lee Brehaut was reinstated as Secretary having resigned in May, as no replacement had been found. Member Geoff Ellis and wife Daphane transferred to Invercargill in October and on leaving donated a book to the Library and a First Aid kit now located in the kitchen. The Otago Branch used the clubrooms in September as a lunch venue during a run. Many positive comments were received from the group about the clubrooms and welcome. Membership continues to grow with the overall number sitting at 120 individual members at the end of March 2024.

The upgrade of the clubrooms has continued to be a pleasant meeting place for events and social interaction. It has generated some extra funding through hiring. Regular user, The Rose Society returned again to hold its public annual show as a result of positive feedback they had received from the previous year. The Tai Chi group run by Geoff Neill has increased its sessions with the clubrooms proving to be a very suitable venue. Several other one-off events have also expressed their appreciation of the clubrooms. The kitchen has had one of the stoves upgraded and a replacement tree has been planted along the fence line. The lawns are being well taken care of, thanks in part to the continued availability of a ride on mower on loan from member John Law and the club’s own push mower. The section behind the clubrooms is monitored and kept as tidy as possible amongst the parts being stored.

Lastly but by no means least I would like to thank the committee and the members behind the scenes who are the ones that really keep the branch alive.

Chairperson Club Captains Report 2024

It has been a busy year with a lot of events happening including Daffodil Day and everything from runs, meals, swap meet, Windsor Rally and displays plus the Homestead Run also the Chairman’s Run and participating in the Victorian Parade and Santa Parade. There is also the mid-month run held during the week. Not to forget the motorcycles and monthly meetings.

The idea of the weekend runs is to let those who are unable to a end the mid-month run or other events during the week to participate and enjoy gettng to know other members plus getting their car out of the garage.

I have a long list of thanks to everyone who have generously given their me and support over the last year. To begin with there has been a mid-month and motorcycle runs, thanks to John and Jo Gale for looking after and running these events. The Gerald Lync Blosse and Motorcycle Rally were very successfully run by Rob and Mandy. They are stepping down from this role for this coming year.

Thank you to both of you for organising these rallies. To Bruce and Barbara Watts for organising the moped and small motorcycle run. Organisers for next year Rallies are needed so let me know if you can do it.

The Swap meet is in the hands of Derek Brehaut and his team, thank you for all your hard work.

Derek and Clive Blundel are looking after the Garage Raid, if you can give them a hand please contact them. Windsor Rally, thanks to all those of you who helped Rebecca and I with this rally, I need help with organizing this event on Saturday 7th December 2024, please contact me if you can help with this event.

The All-British Day, thank you to all of you who made this a successful event. We need people to organise next year’s event, I will be away in February. Please think about helping or organising this event and let me know if you can help.

Thanks to Graeme Simpson and Lee Brehaut for getting the information out to members and for their support.

I have created a list of coming events for next year, which will be out soon in the Distributor, there may be a name beside each event and if you would like to help, please get in touch with that person.

If there is no name it means an Organiser is needed, please think about this and let me know. To everyone who has helped me in anyway a big Thank you. Without your support a lot of runs or events would not happen.

To those Members who we have not seen for a while, you are most welcome to come along to an event we are holding. If you would like to come and need a ride, then give me a ring.

Lastly, I would like to thank Brenda and Rebecca for all off their support and help during this past year, without it I would not have managed.


The last year has been very quiet as far as lending books are concerned with very few books being borrowed. A new book on Ford NZ has been bought and it is a good one. I am grateful for the books that have been donated to the library from members for the rest of the VCC members to enjoy. I am thinking of vacating the job of Librarian and wish the new person all the best.


Last year parts started with a float carried over from 2022/23 of $46.70, we had an income of $1605.00, of that $227.70 was spent on misc costs, $970 was banked to club funds leaving a float of $454:00 carried over to 2024/25 financial year.

Monday morning cuppa in conjunction with spares shed opening is continuing to be a draw card for members with an average turnout of fifteen to twenty members and prospective members regularly attending.

The purchase of another container for spares storage has stalled mainly due to my procrastinating.

As we need to roof the existing container the thought was to find a double garage for removal which when used to cover the existing container would also provide extra storage to one side.

Unfortunately, we have been unable to secure a reasonably priced garage. This along with concerns over a probable need for council consents for such a project means we are back to acquiring another container while still needing to roof both.

James has completed sorting loose caskets onto rear wall which is a huge improvement on having them loose in draws. It is now a relatively easy exercise to scan the caskets for what you need. We have also been through the huge selection of horns, disposing of anything that did not work and of which we had duplicates. There is also an effort being made to label any new parts donated to the club. The intent is to continue this throughout the spares collection where possible.

North Otago

Garage Raid 2024

North Otago, Waimate, Timaru and Ashburton

VCC Garage raid is to be held in Oamaru Saturday 13th July 2024

Assemble at the NOVCC club rooms 2 Stoke St (off Eden) St by 10am for morning tea and directions. First Cars away by 10.30am

Lunch is the normal fare for this event- Pea, pie and spud $10 each.

Complementary tea and coffee

Hope to see as many as possible there.

Any enquiries; Contact Derek Brehaut 021 390 518




Chairman Clive Blunden (Jen) 03 439 5207

Immediate past Chairperson

Rebecca George 021 293 7714

Vice Chairman Vacant

Club Captain Ernest George (Brenda) 027 209 0609




Beaded Wheels Scribe




Newsletter Editor

Spare Parts

Vehicle Verifiers

Lee Brehaut (Derek) 027 695 6644

John Gale (Jo) 03 437 1112

Athol Caldwell (Patricia) 03 437 0897

Gordon Hay 028 400 7586

John Adamson 03 4347 999

Tony Hales (Jenny) 03 434 7729

Lindsay McLeod (Margaret) 021 871 526

Clive Blunden (Jen) 03 439 5207

Lee Brehaut (Derek) 027 695 6644

Robert Hutton (Mandy) 03 437 0774

Kathleen Perry 03 434 7226

Graeme Simpson (Wendy) 027 293 1059

Derek Brehaut (Lee) 021 390 518

James McKenzie (Angele) 029 770 7105

Wayne Croft 027 608 0002

Quentin Barrow (Ange) 027 434 5570

Bruce Watt (Barbara) 03 434 5306

Club email address

Committee Meetings 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7.00 pm. Members welcome. Club Nights 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm (details in The Distributor)

FIAT track day at Ruapuna

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