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December 2023

The North Otago Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Inc.

Chairman's Comments. The club has had a good year, we have a good committee running things, and the finances are strong, we have good bookings for the use of the club rooms, there are still a few things to do outside, also we have replaced the old cooker in the kitchen with a new one, some would say about time! Towards the end of October I received notice [out of the blue] from Dunedin Hospital that they had out-sourced me to Mercy to have the surgery that I had been waiting some time for, done on the 7th of November, they apologized for such short notice, but I was over the moon, I know that there is quite a lot going on with the club at this time of year and I really enjoy doing things for the club, but I make no apologies for not turning it down, having been on the list for so long, after all one member out of it for a few weeks should not create a problem. I will sorely [no pun intended] miss going out with the Anglia for few weeks. I am now on the mend but I have found that the older you get the longer the mending takes. Rebecca has very kindly volunteered to take over the role of Chairman for the time being, and as we now have a good secretary, No problem! Thanks, you guys. The Bedford has been sold to a chap in Nelson and the Ford Anglia now has a new paint job and a chrome front grill from a Prefect, we recon it is now a Hybrid! Looking forward to going out on a run with it again. I will be back in the driving seat as soon as I am physically able, until then I will have to be content with being a passenger. I wish you all a great Christmas break and look forward to the new year. All the best, Clive, Chairman.

Secretary’s Corner – December Hi Everyone Welcome to new members I am thrilled to welcome more new members this month. Johanna Huntress from South Hill has a Post War vehicle, Allan Holywell also of South Hill has a Post 1960 vehicle, Stephen and wife Denise have a 1965 Jaguar and it is welcome back to John and Pauline Dorking with a 1973 Triumph Stag, previous members who have returned to Oamaru. So, a friendly reminder to wear name badges at club events. While lots of us know each other, not all of us do. Look out for our new members and help them to feel welcome. After all, it is the main reason we exist, to enjoy each others company and share our interest in older vehicles and our motoring history. Easy conversation starters. Motorcycle Members I am aware we currently have a significant group of members with or interested in motorcycles. Should we be setting up a separate email list to send out reminders, notifications of motorcycle rallies and other relative material. Or do members not mind receiving this information regardless? Any comments would be appreciated by phoning me on 027 695 66 44 or emailing Membership Renewals New membership cards for members who paid up to 1st of November were posted out from National Office mid November. If you paid by 1st of November and haven’t received your new membership card, could you please contact Linda at National Office via or ph 03 366 4461. Christmas Wishes I wish all our members a safe and happy Christmas in what ever way suits best. Lee Brehaut

Mid month run Midday, Thursday 16th November, we readied our 1938 DeLuxe FORD V8 (ol smoky), to join in with a group of NOVCC enthusiasts for the Mid month outing. The route instructions were to follow mostly back roads (no gravel), and to eventually meet up at Knottingly park at Waimate. A magnificent setting! Refreshments and tasty treats were consumed, amid much laughter, banter and general chit chat. The weather was great , traffic moderate, all making for easy/ relaxed driving. As new members to the club and only our 2nd outing, it was great to be among a group of friendly, welcoming, likeminded folk with their vintage and special interest cars and motor bike. Looking forward to The Windsor Rally. Make sure you are there, they are accepting 'late' entries. Gordon and Janice Mackay

First Picnic Mid-Month Run for the Summer Season Ten or so vehicles left the Clubrooms to travel to Glenavy via the main road. Turned right into McLean Street, then through the countryside to Morven, into Horsnell Road down to the main road again, the left into Waihao Back Road to Knottingly Park. A lovely venue, Rhodos still blooming, trees and bird song magnificent. A very restful time to have our cuppa and a chat. So calm and peaceful. Folks were slow to leave, approximately 4ish back to the real world. Most made their way home down the main road. After the morning being overcast and cool, the afternoon proved sunny and warm. Well done that Man. Thank you John for a very pleasant afternoon.


TEAPOT RALLY 2023 North Otago and Waimate Branches On Sunday 12th November we made our way to Kurow for the start of the Twin Bridges Rally. We meet at the picnic area where two spans of the old bridge on the Kurow island, which had been made into a lovely picnic area between the two arms of the Waitaki River. As we were enjoying our picnic and chatting the wind suddenly came up and blew dust all around. Lunch was finished and cars started heading out, collecting rally routes on the way. This was a little earlier than planned. The run took cars along SH83 to Duntroon then headed inland to the Elephant Rocks, some entrants stopped to have a look around, then on through Ngapara, Enfield and Weston then to the Clubrooms. Back at the NOVCC clubrooms afternoon tea was shared and the winner Phil Berry was announced. It was a great run and nice to see a good turn out from both Branches. I Look forward to next year when it will be the Waimate Branch turn to host this event. Thankyou to all who came. Ernest George Club Captain

OAMARU GRAND STREET VICTORIAN PARADE 2023 Saturday the 18th November was a bright sunny day. Six members of our branch polished and shined their vehicles to enter the parade. They assembled at the start for 11.30am in front of Scotts Brewery. While we were in line when a modern suv vehicle came in with a float on the back, I was asked if there was a vehicle with a towbar, I said yes our 1935 Plymouth had one. The Totara Estate float was quickly put behind the Plymouth and its occupants seated, including the Wizard and the Mayor. The parade started and our cars were soon following behind the North Otago Pipe Band and the Navy. Everything was a lot of fun with tooting the horn, waving and enjoying ourselves. The Plymouth did not enjoy the walking pace in the heat and while traveling down Harbour street, the fuel vaporised and it stopped. I hopped out and many hands soon helped, including our Mayor Gary Kircher helped to pushed the Plymouth the last 100 meters. This was much to the delight of the crowd who cheered and jested at the sight. It was a great afternoon and very enjoyable time for everyone involved. Thank you to all the people who made the day. This year we managed to get the year of vehicles up to 1939. If you would like to view the parade it's on 45 South Television our local TV Station. John Adamson 1916 Overland Wanda Kent 1932 Hillman Rebecca George 1926 Chrysler Ernest George 1935 Plymouth Ian Bradshaw 1920 Bristow Gordon Pringle 1901 Oldsmobile (replica) I also represented the NOVCC at the Official Opening of the Oamaru Heritage Celebrations on the 16th November at 5.30pm. I meet with people from different groups supporting the Victorian Heritage Celebrations. A very interesting evening. Well done to all who work to make this event a great success. Ernest George Club Captain

2023 Swap Meet An increased number of sites this year with 18 more sellers arriving on the day, bringing the total to 57. The number of people through the gate didn’t seem to be as large as in the past, however, this was likely to have been impacted by the flop last year due to the poor weather. Marking out lines in heavy rain this year, was rather uncomfortable. Surely we wouldn’t have two in a row impacted by weather.

We received good support from Media Works (radio stations Breeze and Magic), who broadcast our message many times over two weeks and often at key advertising points, e.g. before the 8 o’clock and 12 noon news, and during both the afternoon and morning. All free advertising! We missed being able to have the signage at both ends of the town for the last week, so a change was made and the boards were erected on a trailer which was then parked on Wansbeck St and on Thames Highway. They were far more visible and something we need to look at doing again in the future. We are aware of at least one person (from out of town), who saw the signs and came back to town with goodies to sell. Again, the BBQ was busy, generating a good contribution to the coffers. And the Coffee Van was well patronised. A great team of helpers chipped in on Friday with setting up, and Saturday to help with the smooth running of the event and packing down. At 6.30am there were already at least six people waiting for their sites! The day finished with the Spare Parts open at 1pm with further sales made there. Murray Hayes, Bruce Watt and Charlie Walsh relaxing after their stint on the gate. Thanks guys!

Christmas Parade 2023 Another lovely sunny day for the annual Santa Parade, approximately 15 vehicles turned out from our Branch plus our neighbours the Whitestone Rodders. It was a lot of fun and especially appreciated from the huge crowd who attended. Brenda George

Pot Luck Tea Another successful potluck tea was held, Approximately 12 members came with a mouthwatering range of dishes to sample. After dinner and the dishes all cleaned up a DVD was shown of the North Island Highland Fling Rally. This is the equivalent of the South Island Irishman Rally. I am looking forward to the next potluck dinner in March 2024. Brenda George

Entry form available from NOVCC Secretary

Brighton Domain



Registration $20 Pre-register online $10

25 February 2024

ALL FUNDS TO CHARITY Hot food & coffee available

11am - 3pm See our Facebook page for updates and pre-registration

Cars set up from 8.30am

Entry form available from NOVCC Secretary

Expressions of Interest Invited 1941 Dennis Fire Pump for restoration The North Shore Vintage and Classic Car Club is inviting Expressions of Interest from individuals or groups who may wish to take possession of our 1941 Dennis Fire Pump and restore the pump at their own premises. After much deliberation the committee and members of NSVCC have decided that we are unable to devote sufficient resource and time to start the restoration ourselves. The pump is an historic item and NSVCC is keen for it to be restored and treasured as a piece of NZ history. The pump will be made available to the individual or group who best explains how they are qualified/experienced to restore the pump and what their plans are to use/display/demonstrate/store the pump. We have a responsibility to the original donor to ensure a positive future for the pump. The pump will be made available for a token sum of One New Zealand Dollar (1 NZ$). The new owner will be responsible for uploading and transporting the pump to its new home. Further details of the pump may be found on our website by clicking the following link The Dennis Fire Pump | (Note: Some photos are of a restored version of the pump) Please respond to this invitation by email to The Secretary with a few notes explaining your qualifications and plans for the pump. Click on link below for more details

WAIMATE BRANCH OF THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF NEW ZEALAND (INC) KICKSTART RALLY FOR MOTORCYCLES ONLY SAT 20th JANUARY 2024 STARTING AT 9.30AM CLUB ROOMS 3 HARRIS ST WAIMATE The rally will commence at the club rooms at 9.30am for rider registration and morning tea. There will be a rider brief at 10.30 and the ride will commence at 11.00. The ride will cover approximately 80Km and will stop at a local watering hole for lunch. The afternoon ride will start at 2.00pm and will cover approximately 60Km and return to the club rooms at approximately 3.00pm for afternoon tea. There will be a backup vehicle available for both rides. Entrants Name Entrants Address Make of Bike Year and Model Contact Details

Phone No: Email:


VCC Membership Number Number Entry Fee $15.00 Per Motorcycle

Total $

Entry forms can be mail OR Emailed to: Peter Bland 2488 Waimate Hwy RD10 Waimate or Lunch: The lunch stop will be at a local country hotel and there will be a selection of 3 meals at a cost of $30.00 per head. This will also cover 1 drink of either beer, wine, or soft drink. You will pay as you order (do not add this into your rally entry). Terms & Conditions: The final date entry forms will be accepted is Wednesday 11th January - no late entries will be accepted. When paying by Internet Banking please note your Name & Kickstart Rally in the reference boxes. Our Bank account number is: 02-0892-0037123-002

For any further information please contact Peter Bland on 0276443824

Entry form available from NOVCC Secretary

Contact For more information and entry

Entry form available from NOVCC Secretary




Clive Blunden (Jen)

03 439 5207

Immediate past Chairperson

Rebecca George

021 293 7714

Vice Chairman


Club Captain

Ernest George (Brenda)

027 209 0609


Lee Brehaut (Derek)

027 695 6644


John Gale (Jo)

03 437 1112


Athol Caldwell (Patricia)

03 437 0897

Gordon Hay

028 400 7586

John Adamson

03 4347 999

Tony Hales (Jenny)

03 434 7729

Lindsay McLeod (Margaret)

021 871 526

Beaded Wheels Scribe

Clive Blunden (Jen)

03 439 5207


Lee Brehaut (Derek)

027 695 6644


Robert Hutton (Mandy)

03 437 0774


Kathleen Perry

03 434 7226

Newsletter Editor

Graeme Simpson (Wendy)

027 293 1059

Spare Parts

Derek Brehaut (Lee)

021 390 518

James McKenzie (Angele)

029 770 7105

Wayne Croft

027 608 0002

Quentin Barrow (Ange)

027 434 5570

Bruce Watt (Barbara)

03 434 5306

Vehicle Verifiers

Club email address

Committee Meetings 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7.00 pm. Members welcome.

Club Nights 1st Wednesday of the month at 7.30 pm (details in The Distributor)

Teapot Run

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