Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models
Phone: Sue – (Dunedin) 03 489 4033/021 146 4987
Professional recolouring of all leather car seats, interior panels etc. Protect and enhance the look of your car interior with our unique quality service
look forward to seeing you at local and neighbouring events
BRANCH EVENTS (listed in bold)
Contact Branch secretary for entry forms from other branches 2024
NOV Fri 1st Motorcycle Group Meeting
Sat 2nd 52nd Taieri Tour Sat 9th – Clutha Rally – South Otago
Sat 9th –Arrowtown M/C Rally
Sat 16th NO Swapmeet
Thurs 28th Thursday mid week Lunch time run
Fri 29th Club Night – Tech Talk John Lister Auto Glass
Sat 30th Moped Rally
DEC Fri 6th Motorcycle Group Meeting
Sat 7th Windsor Rally – North Otago
Sun 15th Branch Christmas BBQ
Wed 18th Last Wednesday morning for the year
JAN Wed 15th First Wednesday back open
Sun 19th Jackson RallyThurs
Sat 25th-26th 71st Dunedin to Brighton Run
Thurs29th Midweek Lunch Run
Fri 30th Club Night & meeting
FEB Fri 7th Motorcycle Group Meeting
TBA Vin/Ladies Run 22nd Gore Festival Rally
Thurs 27th Midweek Lunch Run
Fri 28th Club Night & Meeting
MAR 22-23rd Southern Backroad Adventure
Sun 30th PV Run with Classic Motoring Club
APR TBA Otago Rally
12-18th South Club Captains Tour 18-20th Easter Rally Christchurch
MAY 2-4th Overnight Run to Ashburton
Sun 18th Ladies / Restoration Rally
Sat 25th Garage Raid
JUNE Sun 19th AGM & Pot Luck Lunch
2025 Jan 25 -27tht National Motorcycle Rally – Manawatu Branch
February 5th – 7th
National Veteran Rally - Marlborough
National AGM - Invercargill
2026 March 15th -21st Vero International Festival of Historic MotoringNelson
Midweek Run – Lunch
Thursday 28th November picnic or café – weather dependant
Numbers for lunch to Kevin Mason or Marion McConachie
Club Night – Friday 29th November
7.30 pm start Speaker is John Lister onAuto glass With
Hi, at the time of writing this, not a lot has happened this month so far but there is plenty to come. Please help out where possible at the rallies ahead and if you are entering please do it as soon as you can or you may get fish and chips instead of a meal.
I spent the last weekend in Christchurch and attended the Swap Meet which proved very good for me, did a lot of walking and found a few treasures.
At this time, we are wanting more members to put their hand up to organise rallies as the committee has been doing them too long and new blood is needed bringing new ideas.
I am taking my truck to Oamaru at labour weekend to do the National Commercial Rally so hope it all goes well. The local Commercial and Veteran rally has been cancelled due to no organiser, but there is still time if you are quick.
Enjoy the coming events and help where you can
Friday 11 April – Friday 18 Apri –Friday 2025
Friday 11th: Arrive Dunedin
Saturday 12th: Dunedin to Gore
Sunday 13th: Gore to Te Anau, or Gore to Te Anau via the George Begg Festival at Teretonga Park (as an option)
Monday 14th: Te Anau – Tourist attractions and run to Milford for those that wish
Tuesday 15th: Te Anau to Alexandra
Wednesday 16th: Alexandra to Twizel
Thursday 17th: Twizel to Methven
Friday 18th: Methven to Christchurch (This is registration day for the South Island Easter Rally based in Christchurch)All touring routes will be sealed with alternative gravel sections for those that would like to use them. For Entry Form and accommodation details please contact Mark Wilkinson via email
From your Branch Secretary
I hope everyone came through the recent floods relatively unscathed –I know that some members sustained damage so hopefully it won’t be too long before you can get this sorted. The committee made a call on the day to open the club rooms so the public could have somewhere dry to sit and have a cuppa. While it was a decision made at the last minute, we received good publicity via social media and even made it into the NZ Herald. This was good PR for the branch so we are looking to see if we can register with the local Civil Defence so should the need arise again, we are there ready to assist.
Thank you also to the members who supplied vehicles and/or marshalled at the Autospectacular. By all accounts it was great day with a lot of interesting displays.
At this year’s AGM it was suggested that we look into varying our resource consent. The committee has contacted our honorary solicitor and are now doing research to gauge if it would be worthwhile financially to proceed further. We will update you further in due course.
The committee has read through the initial draft of the National Constitution and forwarded our comments to the National Management committee to review and collate with the other branches submissions at their October meeting. Following on from this we will receive the second draft to review and discuss with members.
2024 -2025 Membership renewals – hopefully by now you have all received and more importantly paid your membership renewals for the current year as after the 31st October members will be deemed as unfinancial if the invoice is unpaid. I know some members have had some issues with not receiving their invoices via email so please contact me urgently if you have not received it so I can follow up with National Office.
Grounds – thank you to Bryan who has been helping with mowing the lawns however we are still on the lookout for more members to help. Please contact Bill Veitch if you are able to help– many hands make light work and ideally, we would love to set up a roster so it’s not left to the same member all the time. Phone numbers and emails – I have had some emails bounce back so please remember to let both me and National Office know if you have changed your contact details so we can keep you up to date with what it happening. Along with the RoadRunner – the newsletter editor will be sending out an email each month with local events happening over the next month so having your email address will ensure you don’t miss out.
Newsletters from other branches -remember to check the VCC website each month to read what is happening in other branches around the country. You will also find their event entry forms there as well. continued pg 14
ENTRIES CLOSE 15th January 2025
The Otago Branch invites you to take part in the 71st Dunedin –Brighton Veteran Car Run. Vehicles will be flagged away from the Octagon We will then drive to Brighton for lunch and field tests
The event is open to all Veteran Vehicles built prior to 1st January 1919.
You are welcome at our clubrooms Friday Night. For a Noggin and Natter and Supper and Entry packs will also be available from 7.30pm
The event will start from the First Church Carpark –Enter the Carpark off Lower Moray Place and follow Marshalls directions.
Rally packs will be available at 8.45am. and the briefing will be at 9.15am sharp.
The cars will leave in order for the short journey to the Octagon, with the Official Opening of the DCC Festival programme. We need to be in the Octagon by 9.45am
Entrants will depart the Octagon from 11.00a.m. for Brighton, which includes the timed section.
Field Tests will be held at Brighton Domain.
Concours Judging will take place at First Church, and at Brighton Domain.
The Concours is a separate competition and is not taken into account in the rally results.
Dinner and Prizegiving will be at The Edgar Centre, Portsmouth Drive, Dunedin
SUNDAY we intend to have a leisurely amble to Careys Bay for natter and lunch, at your own cost.
ENTRIES CLOSE : 15th January 2025
Enquiries regarding the Rally should be made to Colin Winter Phone (03) 456-4382, (021) 232 1993 email
Please credit: VCC of NZ Otago Branch Inc
Internet banking: 03-0903-0390951-00 with Brighton and name as Ref.
Send entries to: Nevin Gough email: or 125 Forbury Road, Saint Clair Dunedin, 9012
I wish to enter the following vehicle in the 2025 Dunedin – Brighton Run.
In consideration of the acceptance of this Entry, I agree to be bound by the regulations of the event.
Sat Night Buffet Meal & Prizegiving No ___@ $50.00 pp $
Please advise in advance of any special dietary requirements.
NB: Please advise bank acc no – should a refund be required
Please complete the following:
How many previous Dunedin – Brighton Runs has your vehicle completed? …………….
Please write a brief History of your Vehicle for Octagon commentary.[2 or 3 lines]
The stewards of the Rally may exclude from the event any driver or passenger who, by his or her behavior, costume, or general approach to the event is in their opinion, likely to bring discredit on the event.
No Electronic Navigational Aids allowed.
Late Entries may be accepted at the discretion of the organisers. NB: Late orders for meals will not be accepted after closing date
The event is open to all Veteran Vehicles built prior to 1st January 1919
Secretary Report coninuted from page 9
The website address is Other branch events & National Rallies - please let me know if you would like an entry form for one or more of the following events:
Josephville Hillclimb – 1st December 2024
National Motorcycle Rally - Palmerston North 25th – 27th January 2025
National Veteran Rally based in Marlborough 5th-8th February 2025
Art Deco Rally based in Napier 14/15 February 2025
Irish Woman’s Rally based in South Waikato 8th-9th March 2025
South Island Club Captains Tour 12th-18th April 2025 (this will finish in Christchurch in time for the South Island Easter Rally so why not combine the 2 events)
South Island Easter Rally 18th – 21st April 2025 based in Christchurch –online entries National Easter Rally | VCC Canterbury (
Wheels at Wanaka 19th-20th April 2025
Branch Facebook page
Did you know that along with the main club Facebook page, Otago branch also has its own page – search for Otago Vintage Car Club. I set it up a few years ago and have been doing my best to look after it however would love to add another administrator who can help with content etc. Please contact me if you are interested.
Branch Activities
We all know the success of the Wednesday morning noggin and natter plus the Monthly Thursday run however - what can we offer members that are not able to attend due to work or other commitments and that may also attract new members. Some suggestions are Fish & Chip nights, Breakfast at Emerson’s (or similar). Please let me know if these appeal to you so we can organise.
VIC and Lighting Endorsement Forms
These are available via the website Vero Insurance
The VCC Vero scheme is solely for financial members and the discount we enjoy ceases when your membership is cancelled either through nonpayment of subs, resignation or death. National Office can arrange for it to be transferred to a joint member, so the simplest way to continue receiving the discount is to add your spouse to your membership. This means that in the unfortunate event of the main member passing, the surviving spouse has time to decide what to do without worrying about the insurance. Please contact me if you want more details.
From the Editor
Thank you to Trevor Kempton for his articles in this months Roadrunner. It is always good to hear another person’s perspective on events. Bryan and I decided to attend the Night Rally which was held on Saturday 19th after the Autospectacular. A very small turn out was disappointing for Cory who organised this. But for those of us who did attend it was another interesting run especially when you are trying to find information in the dark. Now we over thought this event, especially with not being familiar with the route plotters style of instructions. We should have sat back and read the complete instructions before setting out as we did go off track several times. At about 9.30 we decided to go back to the clubrooms – not completing the final stages. Yes we were last back and gained the lowest score. Murray Randall and Robert McAuliffe were presented with an award, and the winners are already planning for next years event. Thank you to David Mills and David Roff for holding the fort at the clubrooms while the rest of us explored the city streets. Marion
Cook Strait Ferries
VCC exclusive Discounted Fares - T&C’s apply
Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferries- from 1st November 2024 until 31st October 2025- Promo Code: ANTIQUECAR
Interislander Cook Strait Ferries – from 1st February 2025 –15th December 2025-Discount Code – WH5465
Further details ree available from your branch secretary: Nicola Wilkinson:
LIBRARY NEWS - Some work has been happening within the library and a data base has been set up in order for us to transfer details of all the items we have in the library. This will take some time – but slow and steady should see it completed. There are some double ups with the books and magazines that we have. Some of these have been put out into the hall for members to take if they would like to have a look.
Otago Branch - Name Badges - $10 each – order them through David Ross – Branch Treasurer
2024Auto Spectacular
After a slightly ‘off again on again’ lead up which required us to thin down our display 7 exhibitors graced our stand this year. In particular they showed the diversity of vehicles which are club eligible and of interest to VCC club members.
The wedding theme was well covered by Neil Hodgkin’s 1955 Humber Super Snipe in full regalia including drinks, cheese and crackers which is normally made available for the happy couple. Nevin Gough brought along his 1915 Model T ‘people mover’ while Barry Dewer’s 1928 Buick represented the prohibition years in the US but without bullet holes in the doors. Bruce Murray’s 1970 Honda coupe attracted a good deal of attention with its very interesting air cooled and dry sumped motor while Neil Steele’s 1990 Toyota Ute raised more than a few eyebrows. The motorcycles were represented by Bill Veitch’s 1953 ‘coronation blue’ Ariel (not to be confused with Harley Davidson!) with it’s rare all alloy motor and Paddy William’s stunning Motoguzzi Airone which he has recently restored.
Trevor Kempton
Thanks to all the exhibitors who were also rostered on to look after the stand during the day and also to those who had started polishing vehicles but who gracefully stood aside because of the space constraints. We will catch up with you next year!
52nd Dunvegan Report
With all the planning done, 39 entries in the bag, the route plotted and Rally packs complete, the organisers of the 52nd Dunvegan run counted down the sleeps until the rain started.
As Dunedin streets flooding, slips coming down and roads around the region closing the contingents from Nelson and Christchurch were stranded in Oamaru and were unable to make the start. Likewise, the group from Central Otago stayed home and so it was just the locals who were at the Chinese Gardens for the start.
Road closures played havoc with the planned route and the timed section was abandoned. Dunvegan 52 became a quiet runup SH8 to Millers Flat for a lunch stop then up the left bank of the Clutha past Roxburgh, over the dam and on to Alexandra. The Sunday leg from Kyeburn to Middlemarch was abandoned with the ride home taking in the Pigroot.
Neville Ridd and Ken Roberts on Ace Henderson and AJS respectively joined us at Millers Flat and the northern contingent arrived in Alexandra via the Lindis Pass. But for a moisture laden mist through to Milton on the outward leg riding conditions on Saturday and Sunday were ideal. Just a couple of patches with surface water but these only served to neutralise the cleaning and polishing of the previous few days.
Dunvegan always attracts a wide range of bikes. USA was represented by some beautiful post-war Harley and Indian mounts, the silky smooth Ace Henderson and the crowd favourite, Robert Hutton’s 1924 Harley celebrating it’s 100th birthday. There was plenty of British iron from 1930 to 1970, Moto Guzzi and BMW, a brace of Hondas and just one two stroke this year, a Suzuki GT750 waterbus. Bruce Murray had an interesting time with some power going AWOL on his BSA. He dismantled the float chamber at Millers Flat and had a brass union bolt play hide and seek as well. It was only found when the bike was lifted vertically and it dropped out of it’s hiding place at Bruce’s feet. He later found the missing horsepower hiding behind the points cover.
Unfortunately, Ken Roberts had to deal with a slipping clutch on the afternoon run and his AJS finished the run on the trailer.
As always a convivial BBQ meal in Alexandra and a well patronised
bar made for a noisy ‘lies and laughter’ session which is always a Dunvegan highlight. The prize giving was a bit shorter than usual as some were reliant on the time trial as part of their criteria. However, the list looked like this.
Rider’s choice, oldest bike and combined age winner – Robert Hutton Furthest Ridden – Bill Urwin from Nelson “Spirit of Dunvegan” – David Topliss from Nelson too but according to David he rode about 3 metres less than Bill Nut Strangler Award – Bruce Murray. Thanks as always to the organisers and helpers. Bill Veitch, Dave Hastings, Andrew and Donna Roxburgh, Bruce Murray and Max Dewar who was tail end Charlie Trevor Kempton
Riders’s Choice Robert Hutton’s 24 Harley
Robert Hutton Big winner on the night Bruce Murray— Nutcrackers award
Sunday 15th December 2024
Vintage Car Club Rooms, 125 Forbury Road
Doors open from 3.30pm
With BBQ ready to be served at approx. 5.30pm
Cost: $15.00 per person
$5.00 child under 10 Children under 5 free Drinks will be available to purchase from the bar
For Catering purposes, numbers are required by 12th December to: David Ross 4558800 or email: