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Otago RoadRunner
Vintage Car Clubof New Zealand Otago Branch Inc.

 Men and Women

Private Collection of Vintage Originals

 1920’s - 1970’s era

 Accessories, hats, furs and much more

 Larger fittings are a speciality

 Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models

Phone: Sue – (Dunedin) 03 489 4033/021 146 4987

Professional recolouring of all leather car seats, interior panels etc. Protect and enhance the look of your car interior with our unique quality service

Ring Rodger for a No Obligation appraisal now

Phone 455 4065


Leather Dyers

Over 50 years serving Otago

Branch Committee 2024-2025


125 Forbury Rd., Dunedin , 9012

Phone 455 0586



Postal Address: 125 Forbury Road, Dunedin, 9012

2nd Monday of month 7.30pm

CLUB NIGHT Friday 7.30pm to 11.00pm



First Friday of the month

Last Friday of the month 8.30pm

PARTS SHED Friday 7.30pm – 9.30 pm. Wednesday 09.00am – 12.00 noon


Can be forwarded to your editor by the 3rd Wednesdayof the month please

VERO INSURANCE APPLICATIONS Please quote Otago “Agent No H0300145— Inspector No 916”



5th Tom Hewson

12th Closed 19th Closed

26th Bryan McConachie


6th Bryan McConachie

13th Closed

20th Closed

27th Bruce Murray


Library open 8.00 - 9.30 Friday night


2nd Bill Veitch

9th Closed 16th Closed

23rd Closed

30th Kevin Mason


4th Tom Hewson

11th Closed

18th Closed

25th Bill Veitch

We are currently endeavouring to record all the contents of the branch library and archives onto a data base. This will make it easier to search for items and will give us the understanding of what is there. It has been fun discovering Some real treasurers already. All assistance is welcome.


BRANCH EVENTS (listed in bold)

Contact Branch secretary for entry forms from other branches


JULY Fri 5th Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sat 20th Branch Annual Dinner POSTPONED

Thurs 25th Thursday mid week Lunch time run

Fri 26th Club Night – Tech Talk - DVD

AUGUST Fri 2nd Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sat 3rd Branch Annual Dinner and Prizegiving and Quizz

Sun 25th National Daffodil Day – Rally for Cancer

Mon 26th Daffodil deliveries for Ca Society

Thur 29th Thursday Midweek Lunch time run

Fri 20th Club Night Tech Talk

SEPT Fri 6th Motorcycle Group Meeting tbc PWV/P60/P80 run

Thurs 26th Thursday mid week Lunch time run

Fri 27th Club Night – Tech Talk

OCT Sat 5-6th 52nd Dunvegan Fri 11th -12th Canterbury Swapmeet Sat 19th Autospectacular - wedding theme

Fri 25th Club Night – Tech Talk

Thurs 31st Thursday mid week Lunch time run

NOV Fri 1st Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sat 2nd 52nd Taieri Tour

Thurs 28th Thursday mid week Lunch time run

Fri 29th Club Night – Tech Talk

VCC National Events


August 9 -11th

National AGM – Bay of Plenty branch

October 25-28th 7th National Commercial Rally – Labour Weekend 2024 - Oamaru


Jan 25 -27tht National Motorcycle Rally – Manawatu Branch

February 5th – 7th

National Veteran Rally - Marlborough 2026 March 15th -21st Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring

Please WEAR YOUR NAME BADGES when you are attending club events,

Annual Dinner on 20th July has been postponed until the 3rd ofAugust

Midweek Run – LunchThursday 25th July

Meet at the Clubrooms at 11.00 pm or head directly to venue (tba)

Numbers for lunch to Kevin Mason or Marion McConachie

Club Night – Friday 26th July

7.30 for DVD screening at 8.0pm

Clubrooms are open every Wednesday

From 9.30 am until 11am

Acuppa is on offer for a gold coin donation

This is a good opportunity to meet other members and help out with a few chores that might need attended to

Entry forms available to copy at the clubrooms:

7th National Commercial Rally 25-28th October 24 Oamaru

29th VCC National Motorcycle Rally – 25-27 Jan 2025 Manawatu

As I was not on the committee when I was nomi- nated for chairman I had a lot of catching up to do as there were a number of projects in progress.

The National Veteran Rally in conjunction with the Brighton run was the biggest run. Thanks to those who organised, helped and joined in on the days of the rally. Through the year we have the Daffodil run and deliveries, the Taieri Tour, and the Jackson Rally along with many other runs. A thank you must go out to all who organised or helped with these. It would be good if more members could get involved with runs as help can be given. We have had the occasional new person do a rally and it makes a difference from the same old. When a project arises to raise some funds for our branch we often do not get support. What we do is easy money so please give it more thought.

A big thank you to all the committee members for their work and time in doing their job as without them nothing would happen. We also need new blood on the committee as many of us are ageing and without a committee we have no club, it just involves a little time. Thank you to the members that come along to the events that are organised, the more the merrier.

Please enjoy your club and make the most of what we have and talk to me or any other committee member if you need, I am always available.


Well the AGM is over and we move into another year. It is good to see all the positions filled, although not on the day

For a lot of you it has been a quieter month but for the committee is has been quite busy sorting out what we have to do

It was very good to have such a great turn out to the talk on Friday night by the Veitch family and to see so many members that do not usually attend Friday nights, The talk was really good.

Mid week outing last month was at Palmerston and was very good with a very good turn out of members

The Annual dinner is coming up this month and I will be away for most of the month unfortunately, but that is the way it is.

So have a good month and keep warm. GRAEME




Sun 25th National Day rally for cancer

September Sun 15/22 ? PWV /P60 /P80 ? B Wilkinson and N. Steel


Tba – Night Rally

Sat 5th -6th Dunvegan M/C Rally

Sat 19th Aurospectacular - manning brranch display

26-28th Labour Weekend Nat Com Rally - Oamaru

November Sat 2nd 52nd Taieri Tour 7th Clutha Rally

Sun 24th Commercial Veteran Rally




1st Saturday - Windsor Rally - Oamaru 2nd Moped Rally - SO Organising

Tba Christmas BBQ

Sun 19th ? Jackson Rally

Sat 25th – 26th ? 71st Brighton Run

25th - 27th - National Motorcycle Rally - Manawatu

Feb 5-7th Feb National Veteran Rally - Malborough

tbc Vin /PV/ Ladies Run ? Nevin Gough

March tbc Garage Raid

April SI Clubcaptains Tour

18-20th - April Easter - Christchurch

May 2-4th Overnight run to Ashburton incorporating Sun 18th Ladies / Restoration Rally

June Sun 19th AGM & Pot luck Lunch

July 3rd Sat night Annual Dinner

August tba Daffodil Rally for Cancer – National Day

September 21st ? PWV/P60/P80

October 4-5th Dunvegan Motorcycle Rally

November 1st 53rd Taieri Tour

Sun 16th Commercial Veteran Rally

December 7th Moped Rally Otago Branch

Mid week runs are held the last Thursday of each month

Club nights – with speaker / other – last Friday of each month

This is the draft calendar of events for the next 18 months. Your branch committee is asking for you as members to offer to help Organise some of these runs. This is a good way of seeing how these events work. A committee member will work with you to set the scene.

From your new Branch Secretary…

Welcome to my first column as Branch Secretary and I would like to start by thanking Marion for everything she has done for the branch as secretary over the past 25 years – it is going to be a hard task to follow however thankfully for me, she is still on committee as Newsletter Editor and also available at the end of the phone. During the AGM – Marion was presented with an honorary life membership in recognition of everything she has done for the branch over the past 25 years which was well deserved.

As I work full time, I may not be able to answer phone calls during the day so the best option for contacting me would be in the evenings (after 7pm), via email or text and I will get back to you.

Marion and I are still in the process of transferring the secretary files, email access etc. over to me so please bear with us while we sort this out.

This is not my first stint as Branch Secretary as like Marion, I was cajoled into taking on the secretary role when I first joined the branch in 1988 however, I am confident that the role has evolved since then and is not just about taking minutes and processing new applications. Along with previously being branch secretary I have also been the P60 rep and more recently Chairman, so have a good knowledge of the branch, club governance and also the proposed changes due to the updated Incorporated Societies Act. I believe that this also makes it the 4th time I have been on the branch committee……………

As mentioned at the AGM, Marion looked after a lot more than was in the job description and due to my work commitments, I am not in the same position so will be relying on branch members to help out especially with organising branch events, rallies etc. These tasks are not onerous and are a great way to support the branch. The first task we need help with is getting organisers for the various rallies that are being held during the year. There is a list at the club rooms and also in the Road Runner so have a look and let me know if you are able to help out.

My thanks to past committee members Bill Partel, Eleanor Harrison and Andrew Roxburgh for everything they have done for the branch while on committee and welcome Nevin Gough as the newest member onto the team.

Unfortunately, not all positions were filled at the AGM so we are looking for members willing to take on the position of House Manager and also Club Captain. Please contact either myself or Graeme if you are interested or would like more information.


Phone numbers and email addresses

If you have cancelled your land line phone and are now only using Cell phone numbers, or changed your email address please ensure that you advise National Office and your branch secretary of your changes. As a branch we can only access your details through a secure portal with updated details on it.

Newsletters from other branches are now posted to the VCC website each month. You will also find their event entry forms there as well. These are available on the Club Website.

Entering a local event - running late with entry forms, - please contact the organiser by phone or email to let them know you are coming. They need to know numbers for printing the instructions, and catering purposes for some events.

SPARE PARTS SHED: – Parts shed is usually open every Wednesday morning, and Friday evenings when the clubrooms are open. Reminder – see if you can effectively recycle your parts before scrapping them. NO TYREs by request.

VIC and Lighting Endorsement forms - are now available on the VCC website

Vero Insurance Scheme - Just a reminder, the VCC Vero insurance scheme is set up for those with current VCC membership. If you become unfinancial you will no longer receive discounted insurance premiums

The VCCNZ Facebook page at: If you want to add photos and short write-ups for insertion to Facebook please send to:

AED DEFIBRILATER -There is one on the outside wall of the 4 Square shop on corner of Bayview Road. Please make a point of familiarising yourself of its location – Never know when it might be needed.



Note—Change of Date


6.00 pm drinks 6.30 dinner

To be held at the clubrooms

$30 per personinternet banking or cash on the night

‘Organise your team for the Quizz following dinner’

Please advise David Ross or Marion McConachie with numbers

(list also available in the clubrooms)

Due to a number of committee members being unavailable on the 20th of August—the date has been changed for this event


On the 25th June, a Saturday colder than a penguin's private parts, we gathered at the clubrooms, at ten o'clock, before heading to Brent Willem's place at Ocean Grove, to see his fantastic new workshop, with every man's dream, a hoist.

Brent has a dozen cars in all, a 1927 Studebaker Erskine, 1929 Chevrolet, Falcons: FG, VA, John Bell VF2 Special, 3 x XF Utes, XK and XY and Fairmonts: XD V8 wagon and XR. He certainly has a lot of projects ahead of him.

After lunch, back at the clubrooms, we traveled to Stuart Cooper's place in Chain Hills Road, to see a nicely restored line-up in front of his garage, consisting of a Lotus Elan, a Reliant Scimitar, which he has owned from new and has the claim to fame of having traveled more miles on sea than land in several countries, a Lotus Europa, a recently restored Citroen 2CV, purchased in pieces, from Alistair Gilmour, a Fiat 500, which is next on the list for restoration, and a couple of donkeys.

From there it was a short drive to Graeme Duthie's shed in Old Brighton Rd, which houses his collection of five Ford Model Ts, including two trucks, a 1948 Chrysler and a 1954 Daimler Conquest. It was interesting to see the changes in the Model T range over the years.

Thanks to Kevin Mason for organizing yet another interesting garage raid and our hosts, Brent, Stuart and Graeme, for welcoming us to their garages.

David Ross

Otago Branch - Name Badges

- $10 each –

order them through David Ross



The ID Card renewal process involves advising National Office of the currnt mileage of the vehicle, and if there have been any changes to the vehicle, such as colour, engine, chassis, or other key mechanical component.

National Office also require photos of the engine no, chassis no, body no (if applicable), any other identification plates, VIN (if applicable). These photos are required as part of our relationship with NZTA and the Club's recognised status as "The Historic Vehicle Authority of New Zealand".

A photo is also required of the vehicle in its present form - for a car or commercial vehicle a 3/4 view with the licence plate clearly visible and eadable. For a motorcycle, a side view photo from either side. If there have been no changes to the vehicle appearance e and the existing photo on the old ID Card conforms to the required specification, then National Office can re-use that photo. We do put in bold that we require ID photos on all renewal emails, (sent two months in advance of expiry date) and it is very clearly stated in bold and in red on the renewal form however this seems to be missed constantly.


attach photographs of available identifying serial numbers of chassis/frame, engine, body, and VIN.



We have been invited to assist with delivering pre purchased daffodils to business’ and private homes around Dunedin again this year. This is happening on Monday 26th of August

We are needing approximately 12 drivers and or runners for the afternoon. Please allow a good two to three hours for this.

In the past we have encouraged members to bring their VCC eligible vehicles—but we need to be aware of some areas where access is not easy with the older cars. So feel free to bring your every day car for this,

A list will be available at the clubrooms for you to add your name in the appropriate time slot.

Please let Marion McConachie 0273387008 know as soon as possible if you are willing to volunteer a few hours in the afternoon to assist with this.

I will then be in touch to confirm arrival times for you all. Thanks Marion

Obituary – Winston Wingfield

On behalf of the VCC we extend our condolences to Kay and family on the recent passing of Winston. Winston Joined the club in 1966 and had received his 50 Year Award for service to the club in 2016. He had bought his Model T from a farmer at Washdyke, which had been sitting unused in a barn for several years but was still in working order. He completely restored this in time for the 1972 International Rally in Nelson. He had attended several other International rallies over the years. Locally he helped with securing advertising for the Road Race Programmes. He and Kay were avid supporters of our local branch events using either his Daimler, Jaguar, Triumph or Model T Vehicles. You would often see him out with his white coat while on marshalling duties come rain, hail or shine. In 2012 he received the Restoration of the Year award for his 1969 Daimler 25v8. He was a true gentleman who would always take an interest in what others were restoring or driving. Rest in peace Winston - you will be missed.

From the Editor

Firstly I would like to thank everyone for the beautiful flowers that I was presented with at the AGM, as I stood down from the Secretary role. I would like to welcome Nicola Wilkinson into this role and look forward to working with her.

Now that I have changed hats you will have to bear with me as I adjust to the role of Editor until someone else is willing to take on this role.

This is your newsletter so it is up to you to contribute to it. It would be great to see your stories and photos from events that you attend all over the country.

Welcome to New Members

The Otago Branch extends a very warm welcome to Raymond Smith

Who owns a 1980 Holden

The branch welcome you to the Club.

Otago Branch - Meet at 1pm at the Victoria Road Ice Stadium Car Park for Instructions to take you to Wingatui Race course for Public Display. BBQ Sausages and Coffee cart available. Dress up yourselves and your cars to the Daffodil Day theme. Donation of $10 per car goes to your local Cancer Society.

WANTED Archive Material - for Otago BranchArchives

Copies of any past events/rallies that you have organised in the past. These are needed to ensure that the branch Archives are kept up to date.

Please deliver to the clubrooms – with my name on it – thanks Marion


Medium sized SingleAxle Car Trailer

Has been used to tow a Ford Model T – tows well

Hydraulic disc brakes. Tyres hardly worn. Comes with 2 spares (one on trailer plus one more)

Hand winch.

Rego on hold. Will come with a new Warrant of Fitness

Total length 5.035m. Total width 2.340m.

Deck length 3.500m. Deck width 1.740m.

Deck height off ground


Contact Marion 0273387008 for further details


Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin

Phone 455 5029

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