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Magazine of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. May 2024 The Otago RoadRunner is the official newsletter of the Vintage Car Clubof New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago BranchInc. Otago Branch attendees at the Lynch-Blosse Memorial Rally

Men and Women

 1920’s - 1970’s era

Private Collection of Vintage Originals

 Accessories, hats, furs and much more

 Larger fittings are a speciality

 Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models

Phone: Sue – (Dunedin)

03 489 4033/021 146 4987

3 CHAIRPERSON Graeme Duthie 027 242 0861 PAST CHAIRPERSON Mark Wilkinson 021 168 6068 TREASURER David Ross 455 8800 SECRETARY Marion McConachie 027 338 7008 CLUB CAPTAIN HOUSE MANAGER Bill Partel 489 4033 PROPERTY OFFICER Bill Veitch 027 201 0565 EDITOR Eleanor Harrison 479 8280 COMMITTEE MEMBER Sabin Perkins 027 923 4902 COMMITTEE MEMBER Andrew Roxburgh 488 3866 COMMITTEE MEMBER Ross McTaggart 02102239696 COMMITTEE MEMBER Trevor Kempton 027 221 5208 LIBRARIAN Tom Hewson 453 4829 TROPHY STEWARD David Ross 455 8800 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bob Woodford 466 7011 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bruce Murray 0274877281 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bill Veitch 489 1626 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Boyd Wilkinson 0212877289 ARCHIVIST Marion McConachie 453 0404 PARTS OFFICERS Bill Partel 489 4033 George Martin 489 3621 David Cunningham 453 5777 Kevin Mason 488 5198 GROUNDS OFFICER Bruce Murray 0274877281 BRANCH SCRIBE Marion McConachie 453 0404 HONORARY SOLICITOR Joe O’Neill 477 6801 THE AUDITOR To be confirmed

CLUBROOMS 125 Forbury Rd., Dunedin , 9012 Phone 455 0586 Postal Address:

ARTICLES FOR NEWSLETTER Can be forwarded to your editor by the 3rd Wednesdayof the month please

VERO INSURANCE APPLICATIONS Please quote Otago “Agent No H0300145 Inspector No 916”

125 Forbury Road, Dunedin, 9012
COMMITTEE MEETS 2nd Monday of month 7.30pm CLUB NIGHT Friday 7.30pm to 11.00pm
NIGHT First Friday
the month
MEETING Last Friday of the
PARTS SHED Friday 7.30pm – 9.30 pm. Wednesday 09.00am – 12.00 noon
ROSTER Library open 8.00 - 9.30 Friday night MAY 3rd Tom Hewson 10th Closed 17th Closed 24th Closed 31st Bryan McConachie JULY 5th Tom Hewson 12th Closed 19th Closed 26th Bryan McConachie JUNE 7th Bill Veitch 14th Closed 21st Closed 28th Kevin Mason Welcome to New Member: The Otago Branch extends a very warm welcome to Adrian Hollamby We look forward to seeing you come along to our branch events and encourage our members to make yourselves known to Adrian. AUGUST 2nd Bill Veitch 9th Closed 16th Closed 23rd Closed 30th Kevin Mason

BRANCH EVENTS (listed in bold)

Please contact your branch secretary if you would like Entry forms for other branch rallies / events


MAY Fri 3rd – Sun 5th Overtnight Run – Ashburton Sat 4th May – Ashburton Swap meet

Fri 3rd Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sun 19th

Ladies Run & Restoration Rally

Sat 25th Garage Raid around Dunedin

Thurs 30th Thursday mid week Run

Fri 31st Club Night – Tech Talk

Jason/Brigit Veitch – Euro trip on Motorcycles 31st -2nd June Irishman Creek Rally

JUNE Fri 7th Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sun 16th

Branch AGM and Pot luck lunch prior

Thur 27th Thursday mid week Lunch time run

Fri 28th Club Night – Tech Talk – DVD’s

JULY Fri 5th Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sat 20th

Branch Annual Dinner and Prizegiving

Thurs 25th Thursday mid week Lunch time run

Fri 26th Club Night – Tech Talk

AUGUST Fri 2nd

Sun 25th

Mon 26th

Motorcycle Group Meeting

National Daffodil Day – Rally for Cancer

Daffodil deliveries for Cancer Society, date to be confirmed

Thur 29th Thursday Midweek Lunch time run

Fri 20th Club Night Tech Talk

SEPT Fri 6th Motorcycle Group Meeting

tbc PWV/P60/P80 run

OCT Sat 5-6th 52nd Dunvegan Rally Fri 11th -12th Canterbury Swapmeet

NOV Sat 2nd 52nd Taieri Tour



August 9 -11th

National AGM – Bay of Plenty branch

October 25-28th 7th National Commercial Rally, Labour Weekend 2024, Oamaru


Jan 25 -27tht National Motorcycle Rally – Manawatu Branch

Tbc National Veteran Rally - Marlborough


March 15th -20th Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring - Nelson

My Vintage - is a new online marketplace devoted to all those people who are passionate and enthusiastic about Old Cars and other old vehicles.


Please remember to WEAR YOUR NAME BADGES when you are attending club events – especially as we have a good number of new members attending our events – and it is a good way to identify people



Check out the Entry Form and details Page 17 in this Roadrunner …………………………………………………


Saturday 25th of May

Meet at the Clubrooms at 10am for morning tea

Bring your own lunch – hot drinks will be available Directions will be given on the day

Midweek Run – Lunch

Thursday 30th May - Waikouaiti Hotel

Meet at the Clubrooms at 11.00 pm

Visit their local museum and other shops while there Numbers for lunch to Kevin Mason or Marion McConachie

Club Night –

Friday 31st May

Tech Talk – Jason/Bridgit Veitch – Euro Trip on Motorcycles

8 pm start

Clubrooms are open every Wednesday

From 9.30 am until 11am

A cuppa is on offer for a gold coin donation This is a good opportunity to meet other members and help out with a few chores that might need attended to


So another month has gone by and I hear some dissatisfaction with the changes that national office is making which will soon come through to us. All the changes are necessary and some are due to complaints from delegates and some, like being able to co opt a treasurer and secretary, are more specialized positions that are hard to get the right person for. I look forward to these coming through to us.

The committee is also wanting more members to come forward and organise runs or we won’t be running so many. It is not the committee’s job to do this and we need some new life in what we do.

The last month has been a quieter month but this month has more activity so get out and join in before winter hits any more. Check what is on and join the group.

The AGM is coming up in June so please consider coming on board as we need some new ideas and fresh blood.

Enjoy the month ahead.

Provided by John Noble

New Branch Secretary and RoadRunner Editor Needed

Marion and Eleanor are stepping down from their roles as Branch Secretary and RoadRunner Editor respectively. Two members are needed to take on these roles as soon as possible after the AGM. If you are interested, or would like further details, please contact Marion.


2024 South Island Easter Rally and after tour to Golden Bay

The Easter Rally this year was hosted by the Nelson Branch over the weekend of the 29th March – 1st April with just over 90 entries. Otago Branch was represented by Gil & Ruth Edmunds in their 1980 Mini Clubman, Bernie & Elaine Horn in their1964 Van Der Plas Princess and Mark & I in our 1973

MGB-GT. If this week was an indication of what to expect at the International Rally in 2026 – I would definitely recommend that you look at entering as there is some amazing countryside and roads up there to explore.

Mark and I chose to travel north a couple of days earlier and spend some time in Westport before heading into Richmond where the rally was based. We decided to drop the ‘S’ from Westport as it rained nearly all the time, however we can recommend the Coal Museum based at the I Site as an interesting place to visit – and stay dry.

Saturday started with morning tea at the clubrooms before we were flagged away by Lord Nelson. We had chosen the long route which took us through the Waimea Forest area and back up to Wakefield before turning off the main road again towards the outskirts of St Arnauds. Heading back towards SH6 we turned off at Kohatu and travelled up the Motueka Valley criss-crossing the river which included a photo on a historic bridge. Lunch was at the Sports Centre in Motueka. The afternoon run included travelling through Mapua and the Moutere Highway back to the clubrooms.

Sunday was based at the show grounds in Richmond where we had the field tests, concours and public display followed with the prize giving dinner at Club Waimea where Gil and Ruth were announced as the winners of not only the P60 prize and recipients of the PGG Trophy as the overall winners.

The Pennzoil Trophy was awarded to Canterbury branch while the Townshend Trophy for the concours went to Shane Backhouse from Canterbury branch in his 1937 Packard 115C. The evening entertainment was a group called Histronics doing a hilarious skit based on the TV show“Allo Allo”. Very clever, although Rene’ looked very similar to Lord Nelson……

The after tour through to Golden Bay was organised by Jim and Kyra Wareing. Starting at the club rooms on the Tuesday, we made our way towards Takaka with the lunch stop at the Ngarua Caves near the top of the Takaka Hill where there was the option to take a tour of the caves. Have a chat to Gil and Ruth if you want to find out more. Wednesday included a visit to Paul Sangster’s Museum in Takaka. Mark and I had been there in 2009 and the collection has certainly grown a lot since then.


2024 South Island Easter Rally and after tour to Golden Bay

You need to spend hours there to take it all in as I walked around the collection at least 3 times and saw something different each time. Our next stop was the Pupu Springs which was a pleasant walk from the car park to the Springs followed by lunch at the Mussel Inn. After lunch included a stop at Anathoth Pottery where a few purchases were made, the Rockville Museum followed by afternoon tea at the Langford Store & PO which is one of the oldest working post offices in New Zealand.

Mark and I had been looking forward to the Thursday run as this was the Farewell Spit Tour to the light house for lunch. This was an interesting tour which included a lot of history of the area plus we got to see lot of bird life plus a playful juvenile Sea Lion. We would definitely recommend this if you go up to Golden Bay.

1,330 miles since leaving Mosgiel, we arrived home after a great 10 days away. Thank you to the Nelson branch and Jim &Kyra for a fantastic rally and after tour – we’ll definitely be back in 2026.

Ruth and Gill Edmunds with National President George Kear and the winning trophy Lord Nelson

Phone numbers and email addresses

If you have cancelled your land line phone and are now only using Cell phone numbers, or changed your email address please ensure that you advise National Office and your branch secretary of your changes. As a branch we can only access your details through a secure portal with updated details on it.

Newsletters from other branches are now posted to the VCC website each month. You will also find their event entry forms there as well. These are available on the Club Website.

Entering a local event - running late with entry forms, - please contact the organizer by phone or email to let them know you are coming. They need to know numbers for printing the instructions, and catering purposes for some events.

Otago Branch - Name Badges - $10 each – order them through David Ross

SPARE PARTS SHED: – Parts shed is usually open every Wednesday morning, and Friday evenings when the clubrooms are open. Reminder – see if you can effectively recycle your parts before scrapping them. NO TYREs by request.

VIC and Lighting Endorsement forms - are now available on the VCC website

Vero Insurance Scheme - Just a reminder, the VCC Vero insurance scheme is set up for those with current VCC membership. If you become unfinancial you will no longer receive discounted insurance premiums

The VCCNZ Facebook page at: If you want to add photos and short write-ups for insertion to Facebook please send to:

AED DEFIBRILATER -There is one on the outside wall of the 4 Square shop on corner of Bayview Road. Please make a point of familiarising yourself of its location – Never know when it might be needed.

Library - we are looking for one or two members who might be able to assist with sorting a new data base for the Library. Please contact a committee member.


Copies of Beaded Wheels for the year 2015 – Please bring along to clubrooms on Wednesday for Marion


Otago Rally

Thank you to our team of two who manned the road blocks on Stage 10 on Taieri Beach Road early on Sunday morning and the six of us who manned the road blocks on Stage 15 on Akatore Road on Sunday 14th of April. We were spoilt with a nice calm autumn day and mostly sunshine. It was gratifying to see the rally teams waving as they passed through the end of the road block on to the way to the next stage. One gentleman who had left Timaru early that morning was hoping to be able to drive down Akatore Road to complete one of his bucket list items. A road he had last been on some 55 years earlier. Sadly, we had to redirect him back through Taieri Mouth and over to Waihola. He indicated that he would be coming back to do this road in the very near future. All in all a well behaved group of motorists at the top of Akatore Road. I got roped into helping with marshalling some years ago when I decided I would like to see some of the terrain our son would be competing ononly watching him one time when travelling over one of the forestry stages with an awful long drop down the side of the track if traction was lost. I still enjoy being able to assist with this and meeting different people along the way.


From David Mills That wasn't your normal sort of pothole...was it?


Ladies Run 2024.

Time to turn the tables!

Ladies, it’s time to wrench the steering wheel away from your ‘significant other’ and assign them to the navigating duties for the 2024 Ladies Run scheduled for Sunday 19 May and kicking off at 1.30pm.

(The entry form is in this edition of Roadrunner - see page 17)

The run is being combined with the restoration rally.We are planning a relaxed run in the west harbour area and are including a mixture of general knowledge and motoring questions relating to the route to answer. Outwitting Dr Google will be the organiser’s challenge! The prize giving and afternoon tea will follow at the Clubrooms.

The Committee are looking to lift the profile of this event on our Rally calendar so if you haven’t driven it before make this your first time! Just to keep you reading I have researched a number of fun facts about women in motorsport

There have been five women in Formula 1. The first was Maria Teresa de Filippis who was a works driver for Maserati in 1958 and 1959.

The most successful woman in Formula 1 was Lela Lombardi, an Italian who scored half a point for 6th in a shortened 1975 Spanish GP.

Arguably the most versatile and successful woman is Danica Patrick, an American who had a very successful career across Indycar and NASCAR racing in the United States. She is now a commentator in Formula 1.

While we have our own Emma Gilmore, Michelle Mouton paved the way for women in modern rallying with her second placing in the WRC in 1982 for Audi. Before her, in the 1950s and 60s, Pat Moss-Carlsson, Stirling’s sister, was a household name in European rallying.

And. The fastest woman on earth is Kitty O’Neil who piloted her jet powered car at 512mph in the Alvord Desert in Oregan in 1976. She also set an outright water ski speed record of 104 mph.

While the Ladies Run is unlikely to get you into the record books, it should be good fun. See you on 19th May. Trevor Kempton



To be held in the VCC Clubrooms 125 Forbury Rd, Dunedin.





Welcome to Members

Notice of meeting

Moment silence

Roll Call

Current membership status: 197 full members 48 Joint members

Apologies uce Murray

Call for further items under General Business.

Minutes of June 2023Annual General Meeting - Will be published in June 24 Roadrunner


Business arising –


Chairperson’s Report

Financial Report and Balance Sheet


Property Manager’s Report

House Manager’s Report

Nomination for Chairperson

Election of Committee -

Appointing of Non Committee

Notices of Motion

General Business

Bar Licencing, Library Magazines

Meeting Closed


Vintage Car Club of NZ Otago Branch Inc


To be held in the VCC Clubrooms Forbury Rd, Dunedin.



NB: POT LUCK LUNCH will precede the AGM from 12.30pm. Please bring a plate to share for lunch


The committee asks you to seriously consider putting your name forward to be an active member of the branch committee – new members mean new ideas!!

25 and 35 year membership badges

You need to contact your Branch Secretary Members who are due their 25 and 35 year membership badges please contact the branch secretary, with proof of membership, (if you are not sure of your start date, don’t hesitate to ask) as soon as possible, so that these can be arranged for presentation during our Annual Dinner and Prizegiving Evening in July

Positions up for Nomination this year are: Chairperson Secretary Club-Captain House Manager


Otago Branch Committee


Written nominations close on 5th of June

For a member of the Otago Branch Committee I wish to nominate:

For the position of:_____________________________ on the Branch committee for the 2024/2025 year:

Signed:_________________________________ Proposer

Membership #____________________________

Signed:_________________________________ Seconder

Membership #____________________________

I hereby accept nomination for the above position.

Signed_________________________________ Candidate

Membership #___________________________



The main function of the event is to encourage all financial Otago Branch members to present their restored, VCC club eligible vehicles, and for all club members to witness and celebrate the occasion, and generally have a fun day.

All entrants will be required to present their vehicle at the venue and provide a restoration resume with the vehicle.

At the completion of the formal procedure, all entrants may join with other members in a non-competitive restoration run.

*This is the only qualifying requirement for the issue of the Restoration Achievement Award, which will be presented later in the day.

Please Contact Branch Secretary for the appropriate paperwork that needs to be completed before the event if you are bringing a vehicle for consideration of the Restoration Trophy. As soon as possible.

Snippet from Bill Veitch…


An unexpected test of stamina of a light British motor-cycle was recently provided by a German pilot. He dropped a bomb along-side a BSA that had been propped up against a wall, and when the owner returned all he could find was a bomb-crater.

The cycle, a 350cc model, was eventually found in a field 120 yards away, having been blown clean over a house. Apparently, it had landed squarely on its wheels, which were badly buckled, but apart from the loss of the gearbox, the machine remained intact and neither the forks nor the frame was broken although the forks themselves were L-shaped.


2024 Restoration Rally and Ladies Run

Sunday 19th May 2024

Judging for Restoration Awards 12.00 midday at the Clubrooms

Rally and Ladies Run

Starts from Clubrooms 1.30pm. Briefing 1.15pm

Please Contact Branch Secretary for the appropriate paperwork that needs to be completed before the event if you are bringing a vehicle for consideration of the Restoration Trophy. As soon as possible.

Open to all VCC eligible vehicles. The rally finishes at the clubrooms for afternoon tea provided by the Club


Entrant’s (Driver’s) Name:…………………………..…….……….

Address: …………………………………………………………….

Vehicle: ……………………………………………………………..

Make:………………………… Year of Manufacture……….….…

Model:……………………….. Type: (car, m/cycle, truck etc)

I am entering (circle or shade)

Restoration awards/rally Ladies Run

ENTRY FEE: ($5.00 per vehicle) – Pay on the day.

Entries Close: Thursday 16 May 2024

To Enter: Post to VCC Otago Branch, 125 Forbury Road, Saint Clair, Dunedin 9012 or scan and email to or: leave entry with Trevor Kempton or Bill Veitch at Wednesday morning cuppa.

The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Otago Branch) Inc

The Restoration awards will be competed for in two sections :

Restoration Achievement Award

This award will be issued to all entrants who have entered a club eligible vehicle for the event, irrespective of whether the vehicle has been restored, or an original vehicle ‘tidied up’.

To qualify for acceptance, vehicles must have been returned to use, warranted, registered and/or licensed, if applicable before the 31st April 2024

There is no judging associated with this award.

The award will be presented to all entrants to acknowledge the commitment and attainment of the member in making a club eligible vehicle roadworthy.

Applications for Restored Vehicles which are not registered to be road worthy – will be considered on application.

Restoration Trophy Award

It will be totally at the discretion of the owner to enter a restored vehicle for judging and to compete for the Restoration Trophy.

To qualify for acceptance for the Restoration Trophy, the vehicle would have undergone a significant restoration, in addition to the requirements in the previous section.

The judging will be carried out by appointed branch members, from 12 midday on day of Rally or a time prearranged by entrant and judges, and would be based on the finish, presentation and accuracy of the vehicle.

The judges will report to the Chief Judge who will adjudicate on any matters arising. The trophy award will be issued to the vehicle judged with the greatest aggregate of points above a ‘bench mark’.

Any vehicle failing to meet these criteria will not be considered for the trophy.

The recipient of the Restoration Trophy will be announced at the Branch Annual Dinner and Prizegiving Evening. No correspondence will be entered into.

All Restoration Trophy entrants will receive a Restoration Achievement Award.

Entry Conditions

The main objective is to have a simple, fair, equitable event with minimal rules, however it has been found necessary to incorporate the following:

The term vehicle is intended to cover all VCC of NZ eligible vehicles..

The Restoration Awards cover the period to 31st April 2024

All entrants will be required to ‘fill in’ and return an entry form, with the historic details of the vehicle, together with before and after restoration photos. These documents will be retained by the Branch to form an informal historic register of our member’s vehicles

The owner of the vehicle must be a financial member of the Branch

All entrants will be required to present their vehicle to the event, and may participate in the restoration run.

All vehicles presented must have a current WOF and registration - non compliance will be considered on application

Once a vehicle has been submitted for either of these awards, it may not be re-submitted for a minimum period of 10 years, unless there are some substantiated reasons ( ie vehicle rebuilt following a major accident or damage).



The vehicle can be rebuilt mechanically leaving desirable original body, frame or paintwork.

The vehicle could be completely rebuilt where necessary in every way including having parts, panels, and running gear renewed.

A vehicle could be restored using parts from vehicles of a similar model and age. A vehicle would not be discounted if the owner had used the services of others to work on parts of the vehicle, because it is not our aim to have the membership completely competent in all skills required for restoration.

A vehicle can be completely rebuilt where necessary in every way, using all the original parts where practical.

A vehicle can also be constructed from parts recovered from other donor vehicles of a similar model and age, bearing in mind the final accuracy.

Replica Vehicles

According to a Club decision a vehicle built entirely or mainly from new parts would be considered a replica and would for Club purposes be dated from the date of manufacture. E.g. New parts of a 1960’s vehicle used in 1999 would constitute a replica dating from 1999. Accordingly this vehicle would not be club eligible until 2029.

NB: It is also the wish of the Branch Committee that all those vehicles presented for the Restoration Award will also be made available for the Otago Branch display at this years Autospectacular on a date yet to be advised Further information will be supplied

LIBRARY NEWS - The library is available to members on Wednesday mornings. Just check that there is a committee member available to assist if needed. Did you know that we get sent copies of ‘The Vintage Sports Car Club” of UK Newsletter on a monthly basis. These are kept in the library and are available for your perusal. Lots of interesting information in them including their events calendar, Sales, Library and information services etc.

Classic Car Magazine is also available for your reading. But it must be returned to the library.


North Otago Branch Lynch- Blosse Memorial Rally 2024

Team Otago comes home empty handed!

Motorcyclists are a supportive lot. 9 bikes headed north to participate in the Lynch Blosse Memorial rally on 13 April. The rain gods have been good to us for a while but could only come up with low cloud and drizzle on the day. Notwithstanding, around 45 bikers braved the elements; the largest entry this event has had. We might be getting older, but we don’t give in easily!

Team Otago included Kevin Mason on his Francis Barnett with it’s new gears , Bruce Murray out again on his BSA twin, Ken Pledger was on his BSA with Bill Veitch switching to his Norton Dominator. Andrew Roxburgh brought his PV80 Yamaha and Trevor Chalmers the trusty ES2 Norton. Ian Norton’s Gold star BSA added some class while Les Shearer rode his well-travelled Bonneville and Trevor Kempton brought his Suzuki GT750.

A sumptuous morning tea greeted us then we headed out on the morning leg of around 55 miles of interesting country around Enfield, Livingstone and Tokarahi. A greasy road, patches of mud and fresh cow manure along with regular little oil slicks ( probably of British origin) kept us on our toes in the winding sections.

Rally organiser, Robert Hutton, did a deal with the Enfield Hotel who dished up a great lunch. The lunchtime yarn is an essential component of any good ride so keep the Enfield pub in mind when you are out and about.

The afternoon leg went south and east through Kakanui returning up the coast road. A slippery bridge deck caught out a couple of riders who were unable to defy gravity on this occasion but fortunately it was at a slow pace and pride was the main casualty.

On our return we were greeted with, you guessed it, a sumptuous afternoon tea! Robert presented the prizes to everyone but the Otago contingent. A rare slump in form we will be looking to redress!


North Otago Branch Lynch- Blosse Memorial Rally 2024

Thunderbirds are Go!

Lovely original Rocket 3 complete with ray gun exhausts

A couple of tiddlers. Francis Barnett and Tiger Cub compare notes.

Thanks, North Otago. A visit to your Branch is always a pleasant one and your hospitality top notch. Thanks to all who worked with Robert to put the day together.


Snippet …. from John

COMING up for auction by Lloyds on January 27 is the ‘unicorn’ of NSW number plates.

It’s NSW 1, described by Lloyds as the nation’s most sought-after heritage plate. It already has a bid for more than $ 10 million – and that’s not a typo.

‘After being tightly held for decades by the current custodians and never been offered for public auction before, this heritage “NSW 1” number plate is a unicorn and is the holy grail must-have for any blue-chip passion investor or the no.1 gift for that person who has ‘everything’ the auctioneers say.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald NSW 1 plates were issued to a vehicle of the state’s first Police Commissioner. Then, in the 1930s they were acquired by Sir Frederick Stewart, the Newcastle railwayman turned bus company owner and founding chairman of Australian National Airways, who before his passing in 1961, had them on his Oldsmobile. In 1988 his widow, Lady Majorie Stewart, is said to have declined an offer of $200,000 for them when they were on her 1981 Ford Fairmont LTD. When Lady Stewart passed away in the year 2000, there was great anticipation and hope that the unique plates would come onto the market, but that never happened. Until now.

It is the first time NSW 1 is being offered via public auction in more than 110 years ‘and will probably be the last,’ the auction house says. ‘It is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity to secure the most desirable and prestigious number plates in Australia. Generally rare heritage plates such as these are passed down through generations within families so the significance of this 1 in 100-year bidding event is record breaking in itself.’

The origins of Australian number plates all began with the number 1 and were manufactured in enamel. Every state had only numbers 1 to 9 in single digit form. From 1910 to 1937, serials on registration plates for cars were all-numeric, running from 1 to 274-000, while serials on plates for lorries consisted of the letter L followed by up to five numbers. All plates from 1910 to 1924 consisted of black characters on a white background, with the state abbreviation added in 1912. In 1924, the colour scheme for car plates was reversed, so that they consisted of white characters on a black background. Rear plates are supplied by the government and motorists had to request front plates to be made. License plates were introduced from 1910, as a direct result of England deciding to also implement a car recognition system. From 1936, it was decided that Australian license plates would become uniform in size and use embossing in standard Australian dies, beginning with New South Wales, FCT (now ACT) and Victoria.

A footnote from Lloyds: Due to the extreme rareness and importance of this amazing piece of history, bidders will need to be pre-approved. Any bids made without prior approval will be removed until confirmed. Phone or text 0498 623 629 to register to your bid. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Current bid, by the way, is $10,010,000.

24 Email: Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin Phone 455 5029

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