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Magazine of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. September 2023 The Otago RoadRunner is the official newsletter of the Vintage Car Clubof New Zealand Otago Branch Inc. Views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Otago BranchInc. Rally for Cancer & Daffodil Deliveries

Private Collection of Vintage Originals

Men and Women

 1920’s - 1970’s era

 Accessories, hats, furs and much more

 Larger fittings are a speciality

 Personalised vintage fashion shows for events/occasions/functions presented by an experienced team of models

Phone: Sue – (Dunedin)

03 489 4033/021 146 4987

3 CHAIRPERSON Graeme Duthie 488 5242 PAST CHAIRPERSON Mark Wilkinson 476 4004 TREASURER David Ross 455 8800 SECRETARY Marion McConachie 453 0404 CLUB CAPTAIN HOUSE MANAGER Bill Partel 489 4033 PROPERTY OFFICER Bill Veitch 489 1626 EDITOR Eleanor Harrison 479 8280 COMMITTEE MEMBER Sabin Perkins 474 5101 COMMITTEE MEMBER Andrew Roxburgh 488 3866 COMMITTEE MEMBER Ross McTaggart 476 4005 COMMITTEE MEMBER Trevor Kempton 027 221 5208 LIBRARIAN Tom Hewson 453 4829 TROPHY STEWARD David Ross 455 8800 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bob Woodford 466 7011 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bruce Murray 487 7281 VEHICLE REGISTRAR & VIC Bill Veitch 489 1626 ARCHIVIST Marion McConachie 453 0404 PARTS OFFICERS Bill Partel 489 4033 George Martin 489 3621 David Cunningham 453 5777 Kevin Mason 488 5198 GROUNDS OFFICER Bruce Murray 487 7281 BRANCH SCRIBE Marion McConachie 453 0404 HONORARY SOLICITOR Joe O’Neill 477 6801 THE AUDITOR To be confirmed

CLUBROOMS 125 Forbury Rd., Dunedin , 9012 Phone 455 0586



Postal Address: 125 Forbury Road, Dunedin, 9012

2nd Monday of month 7.30pm

CLUB NIGHT Friday 7.30pm to 11.00pm

MOTORCYCLE NIGHT First Friday of the month

MONTHLY MEETING Last Friday of the month 8.30pm


Friday 7.30pm – 9.30 pm. Wednesday 09.00am – 12.00 noon

ARTICLES FOR NEWSLETTER Can be forwarded to your editor by the 3rd Wednesdayof the month please


H0300145 Inspector No 916”

LIBRARY ROSTER Library open 8.00 - 9.30 Friday night SEPT




If you have attended an event and feel moved to put pen to paper for a report – please do so and email it to our Editor.

1st Kevin Mason 8th Closed 15th Closed 22nd Closed NOV 3rd Bill Veitch 10th Closed 17th Closed 24th Bruce Murray
6th Tom Hewson 13th Closed 20th Closed 27th Bryan McConachie
It would be nice to read other people’s stories. 1st Kevin Mason 8th Closed 15th Closed 22nd Closed 29th Closed

BRANCH EVENTS (listed in bold)

Please contact your branch secretary if you would like Entry forms for other branch rallies / events


SEPT Fri 1st Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sat 16th Night Rally

Sun 17th PWV/P60/P80 Run Sat 23rd Blossom Festival Rally –Central Otago

Thurs 28th Midweek Run

Fri 29th Clubnight - Dunvegan Rally Registration

Fri 30th - Oct 1st 51st Dunvegan Rally

OCT Fri 6th Motorcycle Group Meeting 7-8th Canterbury Swapmeet Sat 14th Autospectacular

Thurs 26th Midweek Run 20-23rd 6th National Commercial Rally

Fri 27th Clubnight Wanganui

NOV Fri 3rd Motorcycle Group Meeting

Sat 4th 51st Taieri Tour Sat 11th South Otago Annual Rally

TBA Commercial / Veteran Rally

Fri 24th Club night

Thur 30th Midweek Run

DEC Sun 3rd Moped Rally Sat 2nd Windsor Rally – North Otago

Sun 10th Branch Christmas BBQ

Wed Last day for the year


JAN Sun 21st Jackson Rally

Fri 26-28th National Veteran Rally incorporating the 70th Dunedin

Brighton Run

Mon 29th – 31st Prince Henry Tour – for veteran vehicles

FEB tbc Vin/PV/ladies Run

MAR tbc Overnight Run

April tbc Garage Raid



January 26 -28th National Veteran Rally / Dunedin Brighton Run - Otago Branch

2025 Bid to hold National Motorcycle Rally - Wairarapa

My Vintage - is a new online marketplace devoted to all those people who are passionate and enthusiastic about Old Cars and other old vehicles.


Please remember to WEAR YOUR NAME BADGES when you are attending club events – especially as we have a good number of new members attending our events – and it is a good way to identify people


Saturday 16th September - 7pm at the clubrooms …………………………………………….

PWV/P60/P80 Rally

Sunday 17th September

Entry form on page 22 in this Roadrunner …………………………………………………..

Midweek Run - Lunch time run

Thursday 28th September

Meet at the Clubrooms at 11.00 am. A destination for lunch will be advised via email

Please let Kevin Mason or Marion McConachie know if you intend to come

Last Friday of the Month Club Night

Friday 29th September - 8.00pm

This will be registration night for Dunvegan Motorcycle Rally

Clubrooms are open every Wednesday

From 9.30 am until 11am

A cuppa is on offer for a gold coin donation

This is a good opportunity to meet other members and help out with a few chores that might need attended to


Another month has flown by and it is not even summer. Emma Gilmour came and talked about her later years of racing both here and overseas which was very interesting, as was the talk given by her charity group K9 Medical Detection NZ who train dogs to detect cancer.

The day out to Moeraki was a good day out and was well attended. Unfortunately, midweek runs are not good for the working members. Wednesday at the club is usually well attended which is good. The Cancer Society run will be over by the time you read this.

We went to the National AGM in Nelson which had its ups and downs. We went up the coast because the pass was closed with snow, so we came back over the pass. Had really good weather in Nelson. Enjoy the month ahead - they are getting busier. Looking forward to when we get yearly WOF's as they are always running out. I go to get a car and the WOFs have run out however I have one out of five now with a WOF that I can use. Good luck and happy motoring.



90 minutes of night time navigation and observation –GOOD CHANCE TO GET THE KIDS AND GRAND KIDS OUT FOR A BIT OF FUN.


Start and Finish at the Otago Branch of the VCC Clubrooms

125 Forbury Road, Dunedin from 6.30 pm

Rally to start at 7.00 pm

Please bring a plate for Supper - served following the run

All makes of vehicles are welcome, especially GM Vehicles (even trucks and Japanese cars!)

Entry per Vehicle $5.00


National Exec Meeting &AGM – 11/12 August 2023

This was held in Nelson and we would like to thank the Nelson branch for their hospitality over the weekend. On the Sunday members had the option of having a look around the Nelson Car Museum before departing. This was an interesting visit and highly recommended.

All the individual reports have already been sent to the branch so please contact Marion if you would like a copy.

Revised Budget:

The main discussion on Friday was on the revised Budget. The budget that was set in 2021 for the 2022/2023 year is out of touch with the actual costs primarily due increases in the costs producing, printing and posting Beaded Wheels which is $65,000 more than budgeted. Taking the costs of Beaded Wheels out of the equation the club is financially sound however add back in these costs there will be a major deficit which the Management Committee is not comfortable with.

The majority of the funds invested are earmarked for a new National Office which needs to be replaced by 2033 so once these funds are used this will reduce the income from interest.

There was a suggestion of looking at a digital copy of Beaded Wheels however this recommendation needs to come from the members – not the Management Committee

The majority of the Beaded Wheels Committee are voluntary – apart from Rosalie who is a paid contractor and helps with the technical aspect of the magazine. They are constantly looking at printing costs etc. to help reduce the costs.

The magazine is a valuable tool for promoting the club and there was agreement by the National Exec committee to continue with the current format and continue with producing 6 editions per year.

The Management committee recommended increasing the annual fees for full members by $25.00 to a net $80 plus GST per year which will cover the deficit. This can be paid in instalments if required however need to discuss this with National Office. This recommendation was approved by the National Executive by a majority vote with some branches including Otago voting against.

National Events:

2024 – National Vintage Only Rally – 5-7 February in Marlborough.

2024 – North Island Club Captains Tour - 2nd – 11th March.

2024 – National South Island Easter Rally – 29 March – 1 April.

2024 – National AGM – 9th – 11th August in Tauranga.

2024 – National Monte Carlo Rally – 14th – 15th September.

2025 – National Motorcycle Rally will be held in Manawatu – 25th - 31st January.

2027 – National Motorcycle Rally will be held in South Canterbury.

South Canterbury were also hoping to hold a combined National Veteran / Vintage Rally in 2026 in conjunction with the 125th Mount Cook Rally however as this will clash with the International Rally a date is still to be decided, however it may not proceed.

Central Otago are tentatively looking at holding a National Commercial Rally in 2024 however this is still be finalised.

2026 International Festival of Historic Motoring will be held in Nelson – looking at March /April 2026.


Branch Financial Reports:

Murray from the Management Committee has been reviewing these to make sure that they will comply with the requirements under the new Incorporated Societies Act. Only a couple of branches are complying so the rest will have some work to do. A copy of the report is being sent to branches along with a template which will help branches meet the requirement as per the Act.

National Day:

There has been a QR code produced for each branch to help collate donations from those who do not have cash on the day. Each QR code is unique to the branch so all funds collected this way will remain in their respective area. There will also be a link sent which we can upload onto the Otago branch Facebook page.

Membership Awards:

Agreed to continue with the Status Quo with 25, 35, 60-year awards are being vetted by National Office and presented by the Branch Chairman with 50- year awards being presented by the Management Committee.

VIC applications:

Neil Beckenham (National Registrar) is completing a training and awareness programme for all signatories and will be holding a session in Dunedin for Otago and neighbouring branches. Date still to be confirmed however looking towards the end of October 2023.

12 Month Warrants:

This is still a work in progress mainly due to a change in personnel at the NZTA FOMC Survey:

The results of this survey should be available in a couple of weeks

Strategic Plan:

The plan has recently been reviewed with a copy given to delegates. Along with training for VIC signatories, the Management Committee is also looking at training sessions for branch secretaries on the new online processes/ branch portal and also speed stewards.

Changes to the Incorporated Societies Act:

During the AGM there was a zoom meeting with Steven Moe from Parry Field Lawyers who had given a legal opinion / advice on the committee structure for the VCCNZ under the new act. The law firm is based in Christchurch and are the leading law firm on this topic and are helping a number of incorporated societies on the new act. Steven’s father used to own a classic car so he has an understanding of our hobby. Steven mentioned that we have a unique set up. He gave a comparison between Management and Governance. Management is looking after the day to day running of the club while Governance is a select group of people looking forward towards the future of the club. Steven’s opinion is that under the current structure the Management committee is doing both.

We have no option – all incorporated societies need to re-register so now is the ideal time to review the structure. His written opinion which has been sent to all branch secretaries sets out 4 options for the club to look at. He also felt that the ideal committee size is around 6-7 members. There was a lot of discussion on this later in the afternoon. The second opinion was sort on the request of a couple of branches who requested further information following the March 2023 Exec meeting. Branches are now requested to discuss the options as outlined in his opinion prior to the March 2024 Exec meeting so hopefully a recommendation can be put forward at the August 2024 AGM.

National Exec Meeting & AGM – 11/12 August 2023 continued

John L Goddard Trophy: This was awarded to Steve and Sue Keys for their 5-year restoration of a 1938 Diamond T Texaco Tanker.

Notice of Motion:

There were 1158 votes received and required 75% pass to be successful. The vote was 89.6% for and 10.3% against so the vote was passed and the current constitution will be updated.

Internet voting:

This is currently being looked at to allow for online voting for changes under the new incorporated societies act.

Mark getting his badge as incoming club captain. It seems he was worried about where the pin from the badge was going!

10 National Exec Meeting & AGM – 11/12 August 2023 continued
Nicola Wilkinson Outgoing Club Captain Alon plus Tracy getting thanked by the members. Mark and the incoming North Island club captain Glyn Clements from Manawatu branch.







The VCC of NZ Otago Branch Inc invites members to join us for our major event of the year, the Annual Taieri Tour.

Get prepared for some good vintage motoring in the Taieri area with a picnic lunch stop. Bring your own lunch and hot drinks.

Hot Water will be available at lunch venue. We welcome you to take part in this friendly, informal, family event.


9.30 am Assemble at Wingatui Hall – Gladstone Road, Mosgiel

- Collect Rally Packs and Morning tea

10.00 am Driver briefing

10.15 am First car away

12.30–2 approx Lunch - Hot water available

2.00 approx after field tests - You are free to motor back to your accommodation / Vintage Car Club rooms.

4.30 pm Drinks available at the bar

5.30 pm Dinner and Prizegiving will be held at VCC clubrooms 125 Forbury Road Dunedin.


The Tour is open to all VCC of NZ eligible vehicles and will be divided into the following classes: Veteran, Vintage, PV, PW, P60, P80 Motorcycles. Includes commercials and motorcycles over all classes. All entrants must be financial members of the VCC of NZ.


A Trophy cup will be presented to the overall winner of the Tour. Trophies and Certificates will be awarded in each class.


All participants are invited to join the regular Friday evening club night Friday 3rd November, at the clubrooms, 125 Forbury Road from 8.00 p.m. onwards.

We ask that you indicate your intentions to attend the Dinner for Saturday - two weeks prior for catering purposes.



51st Annual Taieri Tour

Saturday 4th November 2023


ADDRESS _______________________________________________________

EMAIL /PH:_______________________________________________________

BANK ACC # (for refunds if required)_________________________________

DRIVERS NAME ________________________________________________

VEHICLE MAKE Year __________________

ROUTE Medium Approx 50 miles Long Approx 70 miles

Nominated Speed 24 30 35 miles per hour

ENTRY FEE: $20.00

RALLY BADGE (Please indicate if not required) $10.00

PRIZE GIVING DINNER: (VCC Clubrooms) Adult $30.00 No: _____ $______

Dietary requirements please indicate



Post your entries to: 125 Forbury Road, Saint Clair, Dunedin ,9012

Email your entries to:

Internet banking: 030903039095100

Surname and Taieri Tour as Ref


Marion McConachie 4530304

Kevin Mason 4885198 027 2286431

Email entries to:

For More Information on the Taieri Tour contact:


Linley Hammer

Our branch wish to express their deepest sympathy to Ron and his family on the recent passing of his dear wife Linley. Ron and Linley were members of our branch before moving to Timaru. They would still come down and support our events, especially the annual Taieri Tour at which Ron has always had the privilege of presenting the Ron Hammer trophy to the winner.

John Sime

We wish to express our deepest sympathy to Jim’s family on his recent passing. He was an active member of our branch over the years.

Weekday group for ladies of the branch

I have had a request or two from the ladies in our branch asking it there could perhaps be a monthly get-together at the clubrooms or wherever, for a cuppa, crafts, or whatever thoughts you ladies come up with. Let’s talk about this and come up with a plan.


51st Taieri Tour – 4th November - Last year’s Tour was a great success. Let’s make this year’s one successful as well. The committee needs some willing helpers to assist with planning this year’s tour. Committee members will be involved but we would like you to come and help with setting the route, time trials and field tests. Many hands make light work. Please contact a committee member if you are available to assist.

Changed Address/phone number/email address -Contact National Office directly to advise these changes!

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS – are to be emailed or posted out to all members by the end of August. These are due by 31st October. Please let National Office know as soon as possible if you have not received your notice.


All branch newsletters are available on the Club Website. scroll to News from our Branches

Entry forms to individual branch events should be accessible and printable via this forum. Or there should be a copy in the clubrooms or contact me for a copy. Entries usually close within two weeks of the event.

NNB: Please if you are planning to enter a local event, and running late with entry forms, please contact the organizer by phone or email to let them know you are coming. They need to know numbers for printing the instructions, and catering purposes for some events.

Otago Branch - Name Badges - $10 each – order them from David Ross

Tech Talks – Last Friday of the Month Club Nights We are always looking for additional interesting speakers. Please get in touch with a committee member if you have any contacts.

SPARE PARTS SHED: – Parts shed is usually open every Wednesday morning, and Friday evenings when the clubrooms are open. Reminder – see if you can effectively recycle your parts before scrapping them. NO TYREs by request.

AED DEFIBRILATER -There is one on the outside wall of the 4 Square shop on corner of Bayview Road. Please make a point of familiarising yourself of its location

– Never know when it might be needed.

Library - we are looking for one or two members who might be able to assist with sorting a new data base for the Library. Please contact a committee member.

Vero Insurance Scheme - Just a reminder, the VCC Vero insurance scheme is set up for those with current VCC membership. If you become unfinancial you will no longer receive discounted insurance premiums.


VIC Applications / Authenticity Statements

Please Make sure of the following:

Please write clearly – capitals preferred: ensure that the application forms are completed fully, especially in regards to mileage, engine manufacturer, some history of the vehicle (even if it is only “purchased from Trade Me in April 1999”)

Get 3 identical photographs of the vehicle, correct size as indicated on application form. Photos of Chassis/frame number and/or engine numbers.

PLEASE CHECK THAT ALL PAPERWORK/(PHOTOS - CORRECT SIZE!!!) ARE PRESENT BEFORE FORWARDING TO YOUR BRANCH VEHICLE REGISTRAR –It gets very time consuming when we need to contact you time and again to ensure everything is sorted.





– There is a form that needs to be completed for this (available from Branch Secretary or on the VCC website

VIC information is the property of the National Club – this is their way of keeping records of Vehicle ownership etc.





This is being hosted by the Otago Branch of the Vintage Car Club at the end of January 2024.

The registration information and entry forms can be accessed simply by going to the VCC NZ website, clicking on 'National Events' and scrolling down to our event.

The entry form is designed for completion onlinebut if you want to print it off simply hit the option.

Please let myself or the Rally secretary Trevor Kempton know if you have any issues with this format.


The recent evening with Emma Gilmour, international rally driver and local icon

Emma Gilmour is at the cutting edge of world motorsport. No, she isn’t working towards a seat in Formula 1 and isn’t expecting to become World Rally Champion in the next wee while, but she is a McLaren works driver; the first woman and only the 4th New Zealander to have that on their CV. McLaren understand that motorsport’s long-term future will rely on its ability to adapt if it is to have a place in a low carbon future and an age of gender equality and inclusion. They have signed up as an enthusiastic participant in the new and innovative Extreme E series and in turn have signed up Emma Gilmour, a widely experienced and versatile driver and a natural ambassador for the future of motorsport.

We had 60 odd members, friends and partners at the July club night to hear Emma tell us a little of what she has been getting up to. She is particularly busy with her commitment to her business in Dunedin, the National rally Championship and Extreme E. We were fortunate she was able to fit us in. And it wasn’t all about Emma as she brought with her a team from the K9 detection dog charity which she actively supports. We learnt that Extreme E is much more than just another car race series. It is a 5 round international series with rounds held in unlikely spots such as Sardinia and Chile. The cars are fully electric cross- country vehicles designed to produce spectacular and close racing. Each car has a male and a female driver who share the driving and swap over part way through the race. The series is only 5 rounds, practice sessions and race distances are relatively short, and the vehicles and associated plant are carried between rounds by small ship; all to minimise the carbon footprint . And at each round the drivers undertake local environmental projects.

Emma has found the cars exciting to drive especially when you couldn’t see where you were going and were very quick off the mark with huge torque available from standstill. Video we saw made it clear that these were no electric milk carts! Being a McLaren works driver can be hard work. Emma was required to work overtime recently piloting a McLaren M8F Canam car and one of the latest McLaren supercars at the Goodwood Festival of speed which featured the McLaren marque this year. This involved her working late on the Saturday to attend the Goodwood festival ball and hob-nob with Zak Brown, Mikka

Haakinen, Emerson

Fittipaldi, Oscar Piastri and other notables. Well, I guess someone had to do it!


Emma happily took a wide range of questions including a number about the place of women in motorsport. She noted that “going places quickly” was second nature to her and she has always gravitated to opportunities to do just that. Gender just never came into it. Listening to Emma talk about her experiences, that becomes increasingly clear.

Emma handed the floor over to Pauline Blomfield, founder of K9 Medical Detection NZ who gave us a very informative run-down on the work of her organisation and the strides being made in their use in diagnosing a range of human ailments. Emma is an ambassador for K9 who received the takings for the evening.

Thanks to Bill Veitch for putting the evening together and for the vote of thanks and presentation to Emma.

Photos supplied by Nicola Wilkinson Kempton Pauline from the K9 Medical Detection Centre

Rally for Cancer and Daffodil Deliveries

Thank you to all those members who helped with Marshalling for the Rally for Cancer. It was a nice relaxed afternoon with over 100 vehicles attending the event. We figure that about 50% of them were non members of the club.

A great selection of vehicles from the 1920'2 through to the 2020's toured from Victoria Road Carpark to Wingatui Racecourse where people were able to relax with a hot drink and / or a BBQ'd sausage and wander around the vehicles that were on display for a couple of hours.

Karen and Emma from the Cancer Society joined in and helped at the start and enjoyed having a chat to people and admiring the vehicles.

The collection for the Cancer Society raised $1,536.00 which was a fantastic effort. Thank you all for your support.

On Monday we had 12 members in their VCC eligible or modern vehicles delivering 100's of pre-sold daffodils to businesses and individuals around the Dunedin area. This was also a great effort and thanks to those who came and helped. It was great to see some of our newer members getting involved.

Thanks again. Marion


Rally for Cancer and Daffodil Deliveries


The Vintage Car Club of NZ Otago Branch Inc

PWV / P60 / P80 RALLY


Assemble at Otago Branch Clubrooms, 125 Forbury Road At 10.30 am

All classes of vehicles including modern welcome P60/P80 Classes only eligible for Trophies


Please complete and return to: Kevin Mason or Mark Wilkinson Clubrooms on Wednesday mornings or Post to: To Vintage Car Club of NZ Otago Branch Inc 125 Forbury Road, St Clair, Dunedin 9012



Entrant’s (Driver’s Name




Make…………………….... Year of Manufacture……...…

ENTRY FEE: - $5.00 per vehicle




Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin

Phone 455 5029


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