(listed in bold)
Contact Branch secretary for entry forms from other branches 2024
SEPT Sun 1st Coffee and Show at Mossbrae ResthomeCANCELLED
Fri 6th Motorcycle Group Meeting
Sun 22nd PWV/P60/P80 run
Thurs 26th Thursday mid week Lunch time run
Fri 27th Club Night – Tech Talk 28th Blossom Festival – CO
OCT Sat 5-6th 52nd Dunvegan Rally
Fri 11th -12th Canterbury Swapmeet
Sat 19th Night Rally 19th Autospectacular
Fri 25th Club Night – Tech Talk
Thurs 31st Thursday mid week Lunch time run
NOV Fri 1st Motorcycle Group Meeting
Sat 2nd 52nd Taieri Tour
Sat 9th – Clutha Rally – South Otago
Sun 16th Commercial & Veteran Rally
Thurs 28th Thursday mid week Lunch time run
Fri 29th Club Night – Tech Talk
DEC Fri 6th Motorcycle Group Meeting
Sat 7th Windsor Rally – North Otago
Sun 15th Branch Christmas BBQ 2025
JAN Sun 19th Jackson Rally
Sat 25th-26th Dunedin to Brighton Run
VCC National Events
October 25-28th 7th National Commercial Rally – Labour Weekend 2024 - Oamaru 2025
Jan 25 -27tht
February 5th – 7th
National Motorcycle Rally – Manawatu Branch
National Veteran Rally - Marlborough 2026 March 15th -21st Vero International Festival of Historic MotoringNelson
Please WEAR YOUR NAME BADGES when you are attending club events,
COFFEE & CAR DISPLAY at Mossbrae Home 1ST September - CANCELLED
PWV/P60/P80 Rally Sunday 22nd September Entry form elsewhere in this Roadrunner
Motorcycles 5th - 6th October Contact Bill Veitch for Entry Form
Midweek Run – Lunch
Thursday 26th September 2024
Meet at the Clubrooms at 10.45 am or head directly to Millers Flat Tavern Numbers for lunch to Kevin Mason or Marion McConachie
Club Night – Friday 27th September 7.30 pm—DVD screening Clubrooms are open every Wednesday
From 9.30 am until 11am Acuppa is on offer for a gold coin donation This is a good opportunity to meet other members and help out with a few chores that might need attended to
Well it is Daffodil time and everything is looking brighter, except me. Never mind that will come.
The AGM in Tauranga was very good and I believe we are moving forward in the correct direction. I now have a lot of reading to do. The branch annual dinner was well attended and a very good quiz night had by all, also the awards were presented to their recipients, or those who were present.
It is nice to see the changes at our branch with our changes of the committee. After the dinner I asked several members what they thought and the response was positive.
We are trying to make our Friday night meeting more social with David serving up a cuppa and biscuit to everybody, he is also trying the coffee machine that was in the kitchen so you can get a better coffee also. So, if there is anything that comes to mind please tell somebody so that we can possibly implement more. Unfortunately, I had a fall at home that has set me back a couple of weeks and am on a morphine tablet for the pain.
I am hoping to attend the upcoming events and see you all there
Best attendance at rally’s Nevin Gough NON SPEED EVENT:
Best performance of all events Andrew Roxburgh
Best attendance at local events Kevin Mason FLETCHER/HEAPS TROPHY
Most meritorious performance of a Veteran Vehicle Colin and Joan Pearce
Motorcycle Restoration Not presented
Car Restoration - Bruce Murran
Most determined effort on a Vet/Vin Motorcycle – Ken Pledger
Greatest effort in vintage motoring Brian Walker
For unfailing commitment as Bar Manager Alistair Drummond
From your Branch Secretary
Graeme and I are just back from the National AGM and Exec meeting hosted by the Tauranga branch. The weekend included a very robust discussion on the proposed restructure and new constitutions. More information will follow once we have had time to go over these with the branch committee. There is a lot of work required between now and the next Executive meeting in March.
I hope that you all enjoyed the Annual Dinner held at the beginning of August. The room was warm and inviting with the new set up and format for the dinner and was also the first time that we trialled including the annual awards with the dinner. Unfortunately, not many awardees were able to attend so we will be looking at ways of ensuring that awardees are there in the future.
Another new initiative is that we are now supplying supper on club nights. Come and join us for tea or “perk” coffee plus a bikkie. We hope to continue with having guest speakers each month so please contact me if you are interested or know someone who would be interesting.
Items raised at the Executive /National AGM in August
All members will be sent an email with a form to complete to update membership and vehicle details to ensure we are complying with the Privacy Act 2020. It will be self-explanatory however please contact Nicola if you have any questions. Forms will be posted to members who don't have an email address.
- 12-month warrants are still a work in progress however we are getting closer.
- Discussion was held re clashing events with neighbouring branches and all branches were asked to be more proactive in ensuring that this can be avoided.
The branch committee now has the first draft of the proposed new Club Constitution & Bylaws along with a template for updating the branch constitution and will come out to members in due course.
2024/2025 Subscriptions
Invoices for the 2024/2025 financial year are due at end of August. If you have not received yours by the 15th of September, please urgently contact National Office.
Branch Facebook page
Did you know that along with the main club Facebook page, Otago branch also has its own page – search for Otago Vintage Car Club. I set it up a few years ago and have been doing my best to look after it however would love to add another administrator who can help with content etc. Pleasecontact me if you are interested. Continued on pg 14
The VCC of NZ Otago Branch Inc invites members to join us for our major event of the year, the Annual Taieri Tour.
Get prepared for some good vintage motoring in the Taieri area with a picnic lunch stop. Bring your own lunch and hot drinks. Hot Water will be available at lunch venue. We welcome you to take part in this friendly, informal, family event.
9.30 am Assemble at VCC Clubrooms 125 Forbury Road, Dunedin - Collect Rally Packs and Morning tea
10.00 am Driver briefing
10.15 am First car away
12.30–2 approx Lunch - Hot water available
BBQ Sausages for sale from Mosgiel Scout Group
2.00 approx after field tests - You are free to motor back to your accommodation / Vintage Car Club rooms.
4.30 pm Drinks available at the bar
5.30 pm Dinner and Prizegiving will be held at VCC clubrooms 125 Forbury Road Dunedin.
The Tour is open to all VCC of NZ eligible vehicles and will be divided into the following classes: Veteran, Vintage, PV, PW, P60, P80 Motorcycles. Includes commercials and motorcycles over all classes. All entrants must be financial members of the VCC of NZ.
A Trophy cup will be presented to the overall winner of the Tour. Trophies and Certificates will be awarded in each class.
All participants are invited to join the regular Friday evening club night Friday 1ST November, at the clubrooms, 125 Forbury Road from 8.00 p.m. onwards.
We ask that you indicate your intentions to attend the Dinner for Saturday - Two weeks prior for catering purposes.
ENTRIES CLOSE: Friday 25TH October 2024
Post your entries to: 125 Forbury Road, Saint Clair, Dunedin ,9012
Email your entries to: Internet banking: 030903039095100 Surname and Taieri Tour as Ref
The Vintage Car Club of NZ Otago Branch Inc
PWV / P60 / P80 RALLY
Assemble at Village Green Car Park
Sunnyvale - 326 Main South Road, Green Island
For 10.30am start
All classes of vehicles including modern welcome PWV/P60/P80 Classes only eligible for Trophies
Please complete and return to: Boyd Wilkinson or Neil Steel at Clubrooms on Wednesday mornings or Post to: To Vintage Car Club of NZ Otago Branch Inc 125 Forbury Road, St Clair, Dunedin 9012
Secretary’s Report continued:-
Branch Activities
We all know the success of the Wednesday morning noggin and natter plus the Monthly Thursday run however - what can we offer members that are not able to attend due to work or other commitments and that may also attract new members. Some suggestions are Fish & Chip nights, Breakfast at Emerson’s (or similar). Please let me know if these appeal to you so we can organise.
Other branch events
Please let me know if you would like an entry form for one or more of the following events;
Rubber Duckie Motorcycle Rally – New Plymouth 21st September 2024
Blossom Festival Rally – Alexandra 28th September 2024
King Country Branch Rally 12th October 2024
National Commercial Rally – Oamaru 25th 28th October 2024
Far North Tour 1st – 2nd November 2024
National Motorcycle Rally - Palmerston North 25th – 27th January 2025
South Island Club Captains Tour 12th-18th April 2025 (this will finish in Christchurch in time for the South Island Easter Rally so why not combine the 2 events)
Phone numbers and emails
Reminder to let both me and National Office know if you have changed your contact details so we can keep you up to date with what it happening. Along with the Road Runner – the newsletter editor will be sending out an email each month with local events happening over the next month so having your email address will ensure you don’t miss out.
VIC and Lighting Endorsement Forms
These are available via the website Newsletters from other branches
Remember to check the VCC website each month to read what is happening in other branches around the country. You will also find their event entry forms there as well. The website address is -our-branches/ Vero Insurance
The VCC Vero scheme is solely for financial members and the discount we enjoy ceases when your membership is cancelled either through nonpayment of subs, resignation or death. National Office can arrange for it to be transferred to a joint member, so the simplest way to continuereceiving the discount is to add your spouse to your membership.
This means that in the unfortunate event of the main member passing, the surviving spouse has time to decide what to do without worrying about the insurance. Please contact me if you want more details.
Annual Dinner and Prizegiving
This year our committee opted to incorporate our Annual Prizegiving with our Annual Dinner and Quiz evening. It was great to see a turnout of almost 50 people. The room was nicely presented again with tablecloths, cutlery, glasses and vases of flowers – thank you for the compliment for the flowers. Everyone was welcome to take a bunch home with them after the event.
Barbara and her team from St Barnabas Home put on another excellent two course meal for us. There was plenty of food and some went back for seconds. After dinner the prize giving took place – a shame that most of the recipients were not present to receive their awards -Congratulations to all of you. And to Merv Thomson who was presented with his 35 year Award. Merv continues to be an active member and takes an interest in what is going within the branch. Then it was down to business - all the tables had up to 6 people around them. So a good number to create a team for the quiz. David Ross our MC put on another fun event with having us in fits of laughter with his little bits of wisdom and jokes throughout the evening. Some of us just couldn’t keep up with him. Having a retired teacher in our group helped tremendously with some of the challenging maths questions – which I am sure helped us win this years quiz. Thanks David, Travis, and Margaret for joining Bryan and I. How many of you could have come up with the countries and years where the Olympics have been held since the 1960? As for trying to identify 10 people with a black and white photo of their face only. Thank you to David Mills and the team of helpers for hosting a great evening and to David and Beverley Ross for another successful quiz.
Merv Thomson 35 yr Award
Quiz Master in Action
From the Editor
With all the hype around the Daffodil Rally for Cancer and Daffodil Deliveries recently we managed to get a story about one of our members, Ray Wilson and his 1937 Morris 8 Series 1 in The Star. A great story with a neat history. Thank you, Ray, for agreeing to do this. This is the type of stories your members would like to read about in our Roadrunner. I know all of you will have stories about how you came to be the owner of your VCC eligible vehicles. Lets hear about them!!
Thank you to all those who helped with the National Rally for Cancer. Despite the weather we were thrilled with the approximate 70 cars and bikes that attended. Interestingly, about two thirds of these entrants were not VCC members. We raised $1,125.00 for the Otago Southland Division of the Cancer Society. There will be a report in the October Roadrunner.
Our branch member and Veteran and Vintage car owner Nevin Gough has proposed to run a two day tour for Vintage and capable Veteran cars. To be held over the weekend of 22nd – 23rd of March 2025. It will be covering back roads and some gravel roads to be able to encompass some of our regions spectacular scenery.
This December the South Otago Branch will NOT be running their biannual Moped Rally. Perhaps our boys could do a run on the first Sunday of December as the norm here on the Dn. Outskirts
Klinky from Wānaka is running his 13th Scooter Hooter Moped Rally , this time on Saturday 28th September atArrowrown. If we can get a group to go he would like approximate numbers, let me know your interest, Bill V.
Vehicles and manpower needed
Branch members vehicles wanted for our Branch display. If you have a vehicle which you would like to put on display at the Autospectacular this year please let a committee member know as soon as possible.
This year the theme is ‘Weddings’ - But this is not a requirement. An information board with your vehicle always proves popular with the public. Members to set up and man our stand on a roster - Please let us know if you will have an hour or so to man our stand. Therefore enabling everyone to have the chance to view the event as well.
Thanks Marion
90 minutes of night time navigation and observation.
Start and Finish at the Otago Branch of the VCC clubrooms 125 Forbury Road, Dunedin from 7.00 pm
Rally to start at 7.30 pm
All makes of vehicles are welcome, especially GM Vehicles (even trucks and Japanese cars!)
Entry per Vehicle $5.00
Please bring a small plate to share for supper
Bring a good torch or two and sense of humor
(Organised by the Otago Vauxhall Owners Club)
Please review each month as details could change 2024
October Sat 5th -6th Dunvegan M/C Rally Sat 19th Autospectacular and GM Night Rally
26-28th Labour Weekend Nat Com Rally - Oamaru
November Sat 2nd 52nd Taieri Tour 7th Clutha Rally
Sun 24th Commercial Veteran Rally
December Satt 7th - Windsor Rally - Oamaru
2nd Moped RallyTba Christmas BBQ 2025
Jan Sun 19th Jackson Rally Sat 25th 71st Brighton Run
25th - 27th - National Motorcycle Rally - Manawatu
Feb 5-7th Feb National Veteran Rally - Malborough tbc Vin /PV/ Ladies Run
March 22nd -23rd March Southern Backroad Adventure –Nevin Gough
April tbc Otago Rally
12-18th April SI Clubcaptains Tour
18-20th - April Easter - Christchurch
May 2-4th Overnight run to Ashburton incorporating Ashburton Swapmeet
Sun 18th Ladies / Restoration Rally
Sun 25th Garage Raid - Kevin Mason
June Sun 19th AGM & Pot luck Lunch
July 3rd Sat night Annual Dinner
August tba Daffodil Rally for Cancer – National Day
September 21st ? PWV/P60/P80
October 4-5th Dunvegan Motorcycle Rally
November 1st 53rd Taieri Tour
Sun 16th Commercial Veteran Rally
December 7th Moped Rally Otago Branch
Mid week runs are held the last Thursday of each month Club nights – with speaker / other – last Friday of each month
***Volunteers needed to help with organising some of these events** Don’t leave it to the same people all the time. Get one or two of your motoring friends and help to provide an interesting run for our club members.
Postal: 406 Hillside Road, Dunedin
Phone 455 5029