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August 2024

25th August 2024

Daffodil Day Run

30th August 2024

Daffodil Delivery Run

7th September Night Trial

28th September 2024 Blossom Festival Rally

12th October 2024 PV & PW Rally

25-28th October 2024 National Commercial Rally

2nd November 2024 Commercial Rally

9th November 2024 Arrowtown Motorcycle Rally

details on page 4

Southland Vintage Car Club

Chairman’s Report

Myself and Carol McGarry attended our National AGM in Tauranga on the 10th August. Carol came along to see how to run an AGM as we are hosting the 2025 National AGM in Invercargill.

The Executive meeting was held on Friday night starting at 7.30 pm where we cleaned up all the bits and bobs and left the big item, the new constitution to Saturday afternoon. After a strong and robust discussion (which I had, my doubts would get sorted) all the branch delegates vote YES. I am not going to bore you will all the details but the guts of the matter that there are a lot of changes that MUST be made to conform to the new Incorporated Societies Act. We were then given a template so we can update the Southland Branch of the VCC Constitution. The Executive will work through this and get back to you with a proposal of what it will look like. If you would like to be involved with this process do not hesitate to get in contact with me. Just a bit of background there are 21,000 Incorporated Societies in NZ and ALL must conform by April 2026. There are only 3 branches of the VCC whose financial reports would meet the requirements of the new act, one of those branches is Southland, so thank you to Sheryn for doing such a good job.

National office will be sending out letters or email about changes to the membership list brought on by the privacy act, please read carefully and return. Any question after the information has been received just ask and help will be given.

Due to the privacy act only the branch secretaries are able to access the branch membership list.

If you are thinking about attending the National Commercial Rally in Oamaru please do so soon as only nine people so far have entered.

I wrote this report during my 5 hour wait at the Christchurch airport because of flight delays due to fog.

Full report from Carol in this Rumour.

Next run is Wednesday - 4th September

Start from Racecourse at 10.30am - $25 per person

Phone Gerry on 2165496 or Phone/ Text 0210 298 5620 Sunday night prior.

Wednesday Run - 7th August

Approximately 30 participants this week in a mixture of modern and vintage eligible vehicles. Great to see some first timers as well. We travelled through Myross Bush then Lorneville, Waimatuku Flat, Otahuti and Calcium, coming out above Otautau. Through to Scotts Gap and along the Hundred line, eventually reaching the Travellers Rest Hotel at Drummond for a lovely 2 course buffet meal. Thankyou once again to Elaine and Angus. How to annoy a concrete mixer truck driver? Follow the vehicle in front, even when it makes the wrong turn!!

Bar Roster

31/8 Peter Pryde

7/9 Tony Warren

14/9 Ken Officer

21/9 David Birss

28/9 Tommo

Office Bearers 2023/2024

Patron Wayne Nicoll 215 7136

Chairman Donald Ward 027 294 7692

Secretary Carol McGarry 027 277 6878 ....

Treasurer Sheryn Warren 021 712 198

Club Captain Gerry Pethick 0210 298 5620

Howard Kingsford-Smith 027 232 3464

Bulletin Editor Stuart Francis 03 213 0529….

Welfare Officer Barry Hayman 03 216 3639

Southland VCC website

VCC website

VCC forum

46 Ariki Avenue, Otatara, Postal: PO Box 1240, Invercargill 9840

Parts Shed

The parts shed will be open the afternoon of meeting nights between 1 & 4 p.m. The following people can be contacted at anytime if requiring parts or information on parts in our Parts Shed.

John Burke 217 8177 & 027 226 0067 or Ray McCulloch 03 217 9667


The library will be open on general meeting nights between 7&9 p.m. Other times by appointment - phone 021 159 8319

Rumour Notices

Copyright of the contents of the “Rumour” magazine rests with the VCC of NZ (Southland Branch) unless otherwise stated. The Rumour is available by e-mail as a PDF file, contact the secretary if you wish to receive it this way. Pictures are usually in colour! It also comes earlier. Views and opinions expressed in the Rumour are those of the authors of the articles and are not necessarily those of the Southland Branch of the VCC of NZ, the Branch Executive or the Editor. Mistakes will be corrected if possible if they are pointed out to the Editor.

25th August 2024 - Daffodil Day Run

Starts at Club Southland (Leet Street) at One thirty (13:30) - $10 donation and a packet of biscuits for afternoon tea back at the clubrooms. Please support this worthy cause as most of us have been affected in some way by this horrible complaint. Treatments and life expectancies are improving, but it is a slow and expensive path, so please give generously.

30th August 2024 - Daffodil Delivery Run

Six or more vehicles are required to deliver the Daffodils on 30th August if you can help please contact Gerry .

We need your help

70th Rally Committee

The management board have decided to make next years Southland Rally a special event to celebrate the branch’s 70th anniversary. A rally committee is being established to organise the event, if you can contribute or have some ideas for this important event contact Gerry Pethick.

Aparima College 25th and 26th January 2025.

Aparima College at Riverton is celebrating its 50th Anniversary Reunion, since changing the name from The Riverton District High School, on Saturday and Sunday 25th and 26th January 2025.

The main activity and event is on the Saturday, and they are holding an open picnic at the rugby club grounds for the entire community on the Sunday. They are asking if the Southland VCC would be interested in showing their cars off, say from noon till 3pm on the Sunday. If you are able to help, we are looking for a member/s to co-ordinate this event. It is two weeks prior to our 70th Anniversary Rally and therefore our Executive Committee are not able to organise this.

Contact club Secretary – Carol McGarry on 027 277 6878 or email

Cleaning Roster

The cleaning roster is on the noticeboard. Please add your name to the list and assist in the running of your club. We need all members to keep our club running.

Forthcoming Events

Daffodil Day Run - 25th August 2024

Daffodil Delivery Run - 30th August 2024

Night Trial - September 7th 2024

47th Annual “RUBBER DUCKIE” Motorcycle Rally - 21st September 2024

Blossom Festival Rally - 28th September 2024

Dunvegan Motorcycle Rally - 5th - 6th October 2024

Entry Forms at Clubrooms or contact Carol

Post Vintage & Post War - 12th October 2024

Entry form in this Rumour

Christchurch Swap-meet - 12th October 2024

National Commercial Rally - 25 - 28th October 2024 Entries Close 27th September 2024

Commercial Rally - 2nd November 2024

3rd Annual Te Anau Motorama - 9th November 2024

Arrowtown Motorcycle Rally - 9th November 2024

29th National Motorcycle Rally - 25 - 27th January 2025 & After Rally Tour - 27th - 31st January

70th Southland Anniversary Rally - 8th February 2025

Veteran and Vintage Rally - 1st March 2025

Waimea Motorcycle Rally - 10th May 2025

P60/P80 Rally - 17th May

Vintage Car Club of Vintage Car Club of Vintage Car Club of Vintage Car Club of New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand New Zealand

Southland Branch Inc.

Southland Branch Inc. Branch Inc. Branch Inc.

Celebrates 70 years. Celebrates 70 years. Celebrates 70 Celebrates 70

Vintage Car Club 8 February 2025 in Invercargill 8 2025 Invercargill Email interest to

Southland Vintage Car Club 70th Anniversary Rally

Brendon Sparks - Jewellery Manufacture & Raffle

Brendon gave an excellent presentation about his work as a jobbing jeweller, from the casting and manipulation of the precious metals to the completion of the finished jewellery. He showed several pieces he had made and the challenges he faced making them, particularly impressed with his mounting semi-precious stones.

Peter Hunt won the draw for the Burt Munro ring. The draw raised a large sum of money for the club, for which we are very grateful.

Father and Son Receive Long Service awards

Doug McLeod received the 60 year award and Brad received the 25 year award

Best Competitor

Wayne Calderwood receives the cup and certificate

Best Restoration
John Burke
Waimea Run Velo Cup (publicans choice)
Dale Simmons
Waimea Run Winner
David Sycamore

National Executive of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Incorporated Meeting

9th & 10th August

Electronic Branch Manual – expected in 6 to 8 weeks.

Branch calendar – please check neighbouring events so there are no clashes.

Financial reporting- Southland is one of only four branches whose accounts are acceptable, most branch reports would not pass the new Incorporated Societies Act.

Vero 2026 currently has 1,500 members receiving updates. Legislation coming into effect in July next year is requiring the Nelson branch when looking for sponsorship to show climate outcomes, public input/activities to offset carbon omissions.

50-year award is a ‘National Award’ and requires a citation. If the member is unable to write this, it can be written on their behalf.

Archivist - Don Muller was reappointed.

Remit relating to ‘Factory built and historic racing vehicles’ and ‘Period Specials’ was carried.

New constitution - The ongoing discussion had been held up due to a list of issues of the current structure that had not been discussed. The meeting discussed and voted on each issue. Following the voting – The meeting resolved: That the summary of issues of the current structure be adopted as a driver for change. Carried

A copy of the new draft VCC constitution and Bylaws was provided. Clubs have until the end of October 2024 to provide their feedback. Further feedback can be provided on the second draft over Christmas, with the third draft to be adopted at the March 2025 Executive meeting.

Note: some changes are legislative and cannot be changed through feedback.


Car Club of New Zealand Incorporated Annual General Meeting

12-month Warrant of Fitness application has been resubmitted to NZTA Waka Kotahi and is progressing. VCC is close to receiving an announcement.

VCC is not pushing for the VIC ‘Vehicle Identity Card’ to be used to keep our vehicles on the road. If, as in other countries, some form of identity card was required, NZTA would use the VIC.

John L Goddard Trophy – was presented to Robert Bains who has organized the Gumboot rally event outside of Taihape for the past 40 years.

Election of Officers – no election required; current committee all re-elected.

Southland 2025 AGM Chairman, asked for interest in those attending the 2025 AGM in Invercargill to have an additional day at delegate’s expense. All in favour.

30-year rule was discussed, the P80V class currently open ended. Suggested close at 2000 and look at a new class to cater for the next class of vehicles.

Membership lists were discussed - Members current vehicle information is out of date. Members who joined prior to 1993 have not given their approval for their details to be provided on VCC lists. Head office will soon be contacting all members for updates and requesting approvals for sharing of data, e.g. member data and optional vehicle data. Currently membership lists must not be shared. Risk of scammers is huge.

Carol McGarry – Secretary

For Sale

Surplus 1956 to 1960s Chev pickup parts, windscreen, brake parts, trim, etc. Some new some used. Howard 0272323464.

DA Dodge De-Lux ex Milton car Very original in concours condition with original upholstery twin wire spare wheels $28,000 phone Russell McIvor 2178481

VCC early edition surplus library books for the sales table

1969 Triumph Herald Convertible in good condition but is not on the road (no WOF and registration is on hold, in Auckland(!)) contact

1913 Sunbeam Fully restored - From Dave McIvor’s estate. $35,000 ONO. Contact Amy Jansen Phone 03 955 3779 or 027 463 4906 or email

Peugeot 404 windows Windscreen, back & side windows, Contact Ray McCulloch. Wanted

Suitable old vintage era objects for the sale table (sold $40 of items last month)

Car Trial and Social Night Night

Where: Vintage Car Club ‘Ariki Lodge’ 46 Ariki Ave, Otatara

When: Saturday 7th September 4pm at the Vintage Car Club

Southland Sports Car Club members and crew have been invited to join in with us on the first of our joint socials. Get a car and crew together and join in on a low key fun car trial followed by some social banter and refreshments afterwards at the VCC club rooms. Meet at Ariki Lodge at 4pm, you will be given instructions from there for the car trial that will have you ending up back at the VCC around 7pm. Stay on at the club rooms for a drink and a chin wag afterwards!

Olly Olsson’s “Scenic Rally” Trip - March 2024

– Part2

Monday 25th March

Up with the larks as we had a tight schedule to meet, travelling to Matthew Williams shed to view his Mini collection in Darfield. Oh boy what an array of miniature engines and a lot of car jacks, telephones etc. etc., the shed was stuffed full. This was followed by a trip to Waiohi to view Richard Pearse’s plane monument on the main Waitohi Road, before heading to Alex Copeland’s junk yard and workshop in Temuka. Alex has heaps of Jaguars, from runners to rusted-out hulks. He also had a Mini car parked on the top shelf. Alex restores cars by starting from the bare metal chassis/shell and doing a ground up rebuild. After lunch at the Temuka café, we made our way to Timaru to view Johnny’s tractor seats and signs at Timaru, he also had Rudge motorcycle. Johnny is a young guy who goes to all the clearing sales around the countryside and collects things. Then it was back to the cars to travel to Glenavy Riverstone Shop and Castle.

Neil and Dot Smith have a stunning Castle, surrounded by a lake and set on the Smith’s dairy farm. They bought the property after moving from Northland in 1983. It’s built from local Oamaru stone, with a number of lounges downstairs and about four bedrooms upstairs with on-suites. The furniture was purchased on a number of trips to China. Dot’s vision was accomplished with the help of a Wanaka architect, Sarah Scott, and an Oamaru builder, Mike Speers, and her ever supportive husband. I wouldn’t like to do all the dusting with the china etc. We all stayed the night in Oamaru, either at the Colonial Lodge Motel, or at the North Star Motel.

Tuesday, 26th March

Another sunny day, all packed ready to take the coast road through Kakanui, where we met up in Palmerston for lunch and a look at the shops. Back to the cars where we headed to Macrae’s Gold Mining look out. They had a monster loader with an enormous bucket. We took our photos in front of the monster loader, dump trucks and excavator. It was very cool outside but it was nice and cosy in the lookout cabins, looking over the mine. Back in the cars, travelling to Ranfurly, where we stayed for two nights. That day we travelled 150 kilometres. We all dined well at the pub in Waipiata.

Wednesday, 27th March

A bit cooler this morning as we travelled to the TB Sanatorium in remote Central Otago (David and I had been there before on a car rally). Olly had a friend who worked there so he showed us through the place. The hospital was that big it had it’s own fire station, very interesting. We met the couple who own the Sanatorium, David and Margaret Bradfield. Margaret has written two books about the Sanatorium, I purchased one of them. The Sanatorium is now used as a camp and conference centre. Then it was back to the cars, travelling past Hamiltons about one hours drive to an old historic cemetery. We then drove back to Ranfurly for lunch and on to look at the Curiosity Shop. We then travelled to Naseby to try our hand at Curling. Arranged into teams and we had four goes each. My name is “Marilyn the Crusher” as a few times I took out the guys (more than one report spoke of Marilyn’s skill with the stones)! Then it was back to Waipiata Hotel for tea and an early night at the accommodation.

Thursday, 28th March

A good trip home, travelling 284 km, stopped in Alexandra for a cuppa and food and arrived home about 2 o’clock. Thank you Olly and Raewyn for all the organising of the trip. We enjoyed the trip. Thank you to the tour leader for their time invested prior, resulting in a pleasurable trip, good comradeship etc. (Correction - the Sycamores were diving their Triumph 2..5TC)

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