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30th May 2024 AGM

12th October 2024 PV & PW Rally

2nd November 2024 Commercial Rally

9th November 2024 Arrowtown Motorcycle Rally


Southland Vintage Car Club

Chairman’s Report

More details on page 3

Wednesday Run: May 2024 Meeting:

Lodge 30th May

Its that time of year again as the next meeting is our AGM, that doesn’t mean that you don’t attend the meeting in case you get a job. The club doesn’t run itself and requires many volunteers to keep the beer cold and clubrooms warm. You don’t have to join a committee, volunteering to clean the clubrooms, helping the club captain with rallies or the bar staff when they get busy, will all help.

It was my privilege to present Roger Dickson with his 60-year service badge and certificate. I spent an enjoyable couple of hours with Roger and his family, had a very nice afternoon tea. Roger was reminiscing about the people and their vehicles involved in the early days of our club. I was lucky enough to be able to see Rogers immaculate Daimler, a very pleasant afternoon.

The management board have decided to make next years Southland Rally a special event to celebrate the branches 70th anniversary. Some suggestions have already been made, do you have any ideas how we can celebrate this important event?

The Waimea Motor Cycle Run went well, helped by the weather gods playing their part. Good to see new riders on the run, after all it’s a good excuse to ride our bikes on good roads with great company.

The Post 60 and Post 80 Rally also went off well, the promised bad weather held off and the new format and timing worked well.

There has been an important change to renewing the Vehicle Identity Cards, photos of engine and chassis numbers are now required - see page 3.

See you at the AGM.

AGM Come Along and Make a

Wednesday Run - 1st May

About 15 cars and 33 people turned up for the run. The day was cold and overcast at the start. We travelled out through Drummond to Otautau. Once you reached Fairfax you had to decide whether you would be going through the Pourakino Valley, which had around 9 kms of loose wet gravel, or the other more direct route on tar sealed road to Riverton.Lunch was at the Aparima Tavern where we had Chicken Parmy, with salad and big fat chips, and were served by joyful patrons.

Next run is Wednesday 5th June

Start from Racecourse at 10.30 am. Cost is $21 for Roast Lamb and $24 for Beef Schnitzel. Please choose and have the right change available on the day. Ring Barry and Viv at 021949531 or 03 2163639 by Sunday evening 2nd June

Bar Roster

1/06/2024 Russell Jenkins

8/06/2024 Wayne Calderwood

15/06/2024 Peter Pryde

22/06/2024 Tony Warren

29/06/2024 Ken Officer

Office Bearers 2023/2024

Patron Wayne Nicoll 215 7136

Chairman Donald Ward 027 294 7692

Secretary Carol McGarry 027 277 6878....

Treasurer Sheryn Warren 021 712 198

Club Captain Gerry Pethick 0210 298 5620

Howard Kingsford-Smith 027 232 3464

Bulletin Editor Stuart Francis 03 213 0529

Welfare Officer Barry Hayman 03 216 3639

Southland VCC website VCC website VCC forum

46 Ariki Avenue, Otatara, Postal: PO Box 1240, Invercargill 9840

Parts Shed

The parts shed will be open the afternoon of meeting nights between 1 & 4 p.m. The following people can be contacted at anytime if requiring parts or information on parts in our Parts Shed.

John Burke 217 8177 & 027 226 0067 or Ray McCulloch 03 217 9667


The library will be open on general meeting nights between 7&9 p.m. Other times by appointment - phone 021 159 8319

Rumour Notices

Copyright of the contents of the “Rumour” magazine rests with the VCC of NZ (Southland Branch) unless otherwise stated. The Rumour is available by e-mail as a PDF file, contact the secretary if you wish to receive it this way. Pictures are usually in colour! It also comes earlier. Views and opinions expressed in the Rumour are those of the authors of the articles and are not necessarily those of the Southland Branch of the VCC of NZ, the Branch Executive or the Editor. Mistakes will be corrected if possible if they are pointed out to the Editor.

Forthcoming Events

AGM - 30th May 2024

Post Vintage & Post War - 12 October 2024

Christchurch Swap-meet - 12 October 2024

Commercial Rally - 2nd November 2024

Arrowtown Motorcycle Rally – 9th November 2024

VICs Important changes - Note from HQ

The ID Card renewal process involves advising National Office of the current mileage of the vehicle, and if there have been any changes to the vehicle, such as colour, engine, chassis, or other key mechanical component.

National Office also require photos of the engine no, chassis no, body no (if applicable), any other identification plates, VIN (if applicable). These photos are required as part of our relationship with NZTA and the Club's recognised status as "The Historic Vehicle Authority of New Zealand".

A photo is also required of the vehicle in its present form - for a car or commercial vehicle a 3/4 view with the licence plate clearly visible and readable. For a motorcycle, a side view photo from either side. If there have been no changes to the vehicle appearance and the existing photo on the old ID Card conforms to the required specification, then National Office can re-use that photo.

We do put in bold that we require ID photos on all renewal emails, (sent two months in advance of expiry date) and it is very clearly stated in bold and in red on the renewal form however this seems to be missed constantly. “IMPORTANT - PLEASE attach photographs of available identifying serial numbers of chassis/frame, engine, body, and VIN.”


There are a couple obvious issues this month, the AGM and the revised rally format. It can get a bit disheartening when the “usual suspects” are voted onto the committee, usually unopposed, as the club clearly needs some young (younger!) blood coming through willing to take on the future direction of the club. It has been a problem for some time to encourage members to put themselves forward, its not clear to me whether it is perceived to be a lot of work (it is not) or just plain apathy. Surely out of a membership of 350+ we can find a couple of new committee members. We particularly need people to back up the roles of Secretary and Treasurer - vital roles for the club which have to be covered when people are sick or go on holiday. To misquote JF Kennedy: “Ask not what your club can do for you – ask what you can do for your club.”

I must admit I like the changes Howard and Gerry have made to the rally formats, they have worked hard to make the runs more interesting and I think they have succeeded. I particularly liked this month’s Post 60 and Post 80 rally, the later start time solved the usual problem of a run being over by mid-afternoon and trying to decide whether to hang around or pop home for an hour or two. The only area that need to be looked at is the awards and cups which are out of sync with the new age group pairings.

The committee have decided to celebrate the branches 70th anniversary at the Southland Rally next February, we want to turn this into a gala event so we are looking for suggestions. We are looking at forming a committee to take on the organisation - would you like to volunteer?

The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride - 19th

The Distinguish Gentleman's Ride, is a worldwide event, that raises money for men's health through sponsored motorcycle rides. The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride (DGR) started in Australia in 2012 when a Sydney based rider saw an iconic picture of Actor Jon Ham who played the character Don Draper in the TV Series "Mad Men" astride a Matchless motorcycle. He had the idea to start an event aimed solely at raising funds for men's health initiatives.

Since then, this has sparked a World Wide Event that involved 106,000 riders in 893 Rides in 107 countries. The event is held on the 19th May Worldwide. Entrants are expected to take part in suits or other posh clothing. In Auckland this is such a desirable event to attend they have had to restrict it to 400 attendees.

Sunday’s inaugural Invercargill run was organised by Mac McGarry who had attended a number of DGRs in Auckland where he used to live. The run started off at Eleven with four riders, picking four more on the ride, finishing back at Feldwick Gates. It was certainly the world’s southernmost DGR, and probably the earliest. It was also possibly the coldest as is was freezing overnight and barely above freezing when they set off.

Mac already has some pledges but could do with more, go to - . Funds raised in New Zealand will be spent in New Zealand.


For Sale

1937 Austin 10 parts for sale Nos crown and pinion,4 rims, steering box, wind screen, 2 doors, 2 running boards Please contact Peter Shanks 032165684

52 Plymouth, 2doors,bootlid and bumpers $300 the lot. Bradford engine $400. Vanguard g/ box, diff, susp, engine, gauges etc,etc. enquire 83 Corolla engine and manual g/box.$50. Bruce Edginton ph 032140426

Surplus 1956 to 1960s Chev pickup parts, windscreen, brake parts, trim, etc. Some new some used. Howard 0272323464.

DA Dodge De-Lux ex Milton car Very original in concours condition with original upholstery twin wire spare wheels $28000 dollars phone Russell McIvor 2178481

Post 60 and Post 80 Rally

In the run up to the rally the weather forecast was pretty grim with high winds, heavy rain and low temperatures predicted. At five in the morning the forecast seemed correct with torrential rain and winds but it cleared up in the morning, with just a couple of showers on the run.

As part of the Club Captain’s experiments with the rally format to attract more entries, they introduced a couple of innovations; a late start and it was a poker run (more of this later). There were 22 vehicles on the run, with a larger number of Post 60s, supported by a good number of navigators and passengers.

The first vehicle was away at one o clock, the route initially took us to South Invercargill, then up past the Ball Street Holiday Park then on to Kennington followed by Ryal Bush. The was a short section of gravel road to liven things up. We then followed a route around to the west of Winton before reaching the end of the timed section at the “Old Substation” on Substation Rd. Stopping we were handed our second playing card, the first was in the rally pack. The next part of the run was a large loop to the north west before finishing back at the “Old Substation” on Substation Rd where we handed another playing card.

The route back was via Waianiwa then along the Riverton Highway, there was a hidden stop where Dave Birss gave out the fourth playing card, the final card was handed out when we arrived back at the clubrooms. There was a prize for the best poker hand, besides being a bit of fun it encouraged entrants to follow the full route.

On arrival at the clubrooms there was a field test involving accurate parking, followed by a quiz. The quiz was about notable places on the run and identifying a whole series of unusual tools and strange objects, including a Japanese Parking Ticket!.

Margaret Pethick, Kenny Officer and the team of ladies put on an excellent pie, chip and vegetable meal, followed by dessert, . The bar team were also working hard

Overall winner was Wayne Calderwood in his 1971 Jaguar XJ6.

Yet again Howard and Gerry produced an excellent rally - well done.

Wayne Calderwood - overall winner - receiving his certificate and Willis Trophy Good to see four generations of the Warren Family in their Daimler - Arthur Warren, Debra Russell, Kirstin Russell and the youngest Evie & Isla Russell

Above - Donald holding up one of the quiz mystery objects

Below left - Ann-Marie Francis - 1st Post 80 Field Test

Below right - Hamish Allan - Poker Hand

Waimea Run

Well that’s another Waimea rally done. Fifteen bikes set off from the crescent of on a damp cool morning, up the main road to Makarewa works turn off and on to the Oreti river crossing, then on up to Dipton west then left and on to Lunsden for a short break and fuel for some. Then on to Balfour for lunch and a much needed warm up. The meal at the pub was very nice with a choice of blue-cod, chicken schnitzel, or sausages excellent. Then on to Gore for a small break, then over to Waimumu and Hedgehope then back to the club rooms for the prize giving an excellent day had by all.

The only incident was Tony Warrens BSA it decided to stop with mag problems. The publican’s choice was Dale Symonds on his 197 Francis Barnett and the overall winner was Dave Sycamore, well done Dave.

Yamazuma 9 12

Golden Times Rally 2024

On a wet Friday morning Ray and I left Invercargill in our ’78 Triumph 2.5 S heading for Arrowtown to attend the Golden Times Rally. At Halfway Bay on the Devils Staircase the rain stopped and we enjoyed sunny but cool weather for the rest of the weekend. We arrived in Cromwell where we spent the night with fellow club members.

Getting up early Saturday morning we packed up and headed to Arrowtown for the start of the run. Upon arriving in Arrowtown we parked up in the main street along with 51 other cars and 1 motorcycle. While walking around looking at the vehicles we came across fellow Southland members Olly Olsson and Raewyn Murphy. After a lovely morning tea and gathering of our rally packs we headed back to our vehicles for the start off. Vehicles left in order of age and we headed off doing a tour of the Arrowtown basin covering some great roads especially with the lovely autumn colours before we got to the lunch stop which was at John Taylors, where we had to identify some tools placed on a board.

On leaving the lunch stop we headed back to the Chinese Village where the vehicles were parked up for display. This was a good time to wonder around looking at all the stalls and also watch the annual parade which as per usual was a wonderful sight with all the colours, music, children, animals and of course some of the cars from the run. The vehicles parked up on display

This could be your colour advert Car WOF testing Full Workshop Repairs Trailer Hire Tyre Sales and Repair

certainly attracted a crowd with lots of photos being taken of the vehicles and also of family/ friends beside the vehicles.

Prize-giving was held down in the Chinese Village with all entrants being acknowledged. Each entrant was presented with a small handmade trophy in place of a plaque prior to giving out the certificates. While there was no competitive side with this run there were still lots of certificates given out.With each certificate you were given a model of either a biplane or race car which were made by the organiser of the run.

In all it was good to catch up with fellow vehicle enthusiasts. Many thanks to Alan Sutton who on behalf of the Central Otago branch organised this run, he and his team did a bloody good job.


Best New Restoration

Trevor Tosach - 1938 Lincoln V12

Best New Restoration – highly commended Nevelle Ridd - 1971 Triumph

Best Commercial

Murray Jenkinson - 1928 Ford

Best Commercial – highly commended Bruce Walker - 1937 Chev

People’s Choice

Concours D’Elegance

Preservation Class

Age Mileage

Best Dressed to Era

Best Motorcycle

Hard Luck

Participation Prize & Club Trophy

Kylie Duncan - 1934 Ford Roadster

Michael Wyatt - 1968 Maserati

John Duncan - 1931 Packard Victoria Coupe

Rob Ross - 1930 Chrysler

Alex & Deb Benge - 1973 Corvette Mora

Andrew Roxburgh - 1910 Triumph

Callum Pollard – Mustang

Bert Turnbull – 1973 Rover

Tony van Gool – 1926 Chrysler

Ant Hanning ( ’47 Jailbar), Kerry Hanning ( ’66 Ford), Sarah Pollard (’57 T Bird), Callum Pollard ( ’67 Mustang), Ross Fiveash (’71 Ford), Liz & Steve Parker ( ’64 Mustang) all from Christchurch

This could be your colour advert

Roger Dickinson 60 Year Certificate

The club chairman visited Roger Dickinson, at his home, to present him with his 60th year certificate

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