Next Meeting
Tuesday 29th October 2024
7.30 p.m.
Clutha Rally Saturday 9th November 2024
Chairman Robin McCall 027 41594
Secretary Gary Beaumont 03 415 9169
Treasurer Sue Beaumont 03 415 9169
Newsletter Noeline Milne
Club Captain Branch Email
Vintage Car Club of NZ – South Otago Branch, Account number: 031734 0005630 00
October 2024
The flood event has caused some significant damage throughout the district with water coming into low lying properties, road damage and slippages. The O.D.T. reports of vehicles and motors being damaged – Stu Campion in Dunedin who often attends our Clutha Rally being one of them. Thoughts are with those who are unable to return to their homes also through damage from slips etc. Hopefully with the improvement to sunny days the pastures will have a chance to recover.
Gordon Duthie came along to the meeting with his Gizmo Hero bike to tell of his adventures for the Cancer fundraiser which was reported on previously. It was good to be able to ask Gordon questions of the experience and have a look at the bike in question. I hear that he also went along to the local Women’s Institute gathering in Balclutha where he was well received. The Autospectacular was another place Gordon has had his toys on display being one of 5 Wolseleys with a wedding theme this year. He also displayed his Gizmo and a Velo Solex bike too. Good to get our vehicles out on display.
Several members went off to Waimumu for the Auction of the late Robin Dickson’s collection. Paul McNabb reported he went along in the Model A. There were 27 lots offered with a range of $100 to $55,000.
Neville King organised the Wednesday Run this month with 21 people taking part. The route included Pillans Road, Hillend, Coe Road, and Station Road at Lovells Flat then on to Lakeside Road to finish at the Kaitangata Tavern for the welcome refreshment stop.
Chairman Robin reports he has been to the Canterbury Branch Swap Meet event with Graeme Moffat. Had a great look around and found all the walking telling on the knees and legs. They met people they knew from South Otago and other branches and enjoyed the experience. Some more past motoring history in South Otago.
2 Feb 1909. Another agent buys a motor car
Another resident of this town, keeping pace with the times, has invested in a motor car, Mr J. W. Shaw, the local agent for Nimmo and Blair. The car is a Calliac [sic], and American make, a single seater capable of carrying two or three in a pinch. It is 10 horse power, weighs about 12 cwt, and has a great reputation as a hill climber.
8 Mar 1909 First use of motor car for a wedding
The Wiffen-Shand wedding in Balclutha was the first reported to use a motor car to convey the happy couple after the ceremony.
Run – 6th November
Gaynor Falconer and Julie Nicol have set out a run to culminate at the Greenfield Tavern for the usual refreshments and social time. Meet at Clarksville Junction on Highway 8 at 1.30 p.m.
Lawrence Heritage Day 3rd November
A lot of activities will be happening in Lawrence for their Heritage Day. The Vintage Club will be open with many displays. Steve Robertson’s Belleview Wetlands will have activities such as eel feeding, wee boat races and much to see. A Traction Engine will be in town and small pony cart rides too.
Clutha Rally 9th November – remember to get your Entry Form in to Gary to support our branch event.
Coming Events:
October 29th Monthly Meeting
November 6th Wednesday Run 1.30 p.m. at Clarksville Junction
2nd Taieri Tour
Lawrence Heritage Day
9th Clutha Rally
30th South Otago A & P Show Vehicle display & Show Queens
December 4th Wednesday Run