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Chairmans Chatter for Topical Torque

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Hello Folks

Gee whiskers, it’s hard to believe we are now into August and the shortest day is well behind us and the longest day is coming up fast and hot summer days of glorious motoring for our vehicles. And just like that we are halfway through the year. It’s been and eventful year filled with ups and downs for many people. The financial challenge that many of our members and others are facing in the wake of the increasing interest bank rates and local Council rates and the huge increase in petrol prices and all the other increases from Government are putting the pressure on our people and we are all feeling the pinch. Despite all these challengers and changers we must all remain focused and determined to ensure we get the best out of our club activities and enjoy the kindred spirit of our club membership. .

We have been advised by the National Office that VCC Registrar will be visiting our branch on the 21st of September at 4.00pm to explain changes to the VCC-VIN form.

Our July Guest speaker was Paul (Gundy) Gunderson who spoke to a very full clubrooms of members about when he was deployed for a six-month stint to Antarctica at Scott Base. It was a very interesting talk by Paul with quite a few questions asked and answered. Without doubt it was one of the most interesting talks given and certainly held our members attention. I am still in awe of his explanation of driving those huge tractors and forklifts over a 5km cracked iced roadway with very cold sea water spouting up through the cracks to unload ships and planes.

There was a very good turnout of members and their cars for the Brick Run held after a threeyear absence mainly because of the Covid situation. Many thanks to John Muter for heading the call to help out and organise this event instead of the same members arra nging runs. Please give some thought to helping organise an event as it can be very rewarding to see members enjoying using their vehicles. The next event that has been brought back into our calendar is the Breakfast Run being organised by Jim Logan and Ian Wilford in September. The popular Garden Festival Run is being looked into again this year for the 29th of October and a great event to look forward to is the Potters Paddock gymkhana event to be held at the Inglewood Dudley Hall in November. Keep a lookout for these events with times and dates in your newsletter.

The entries are slowly coming in for the Rubber Duckie Motorcycle Rally to be held in September organised by Bruce Davidson and Robert Gudopp. We all look forward to this popular rally.

Hope to see you all at our club events. Its very pleasing to see our new members participating in our club nights and club events. Please make these new members most welcome,

So that's it from me for this month .........Keep the Passion.........Get out and about there are swap meets and rallies also in other branch areas,,,,,,,,Keep to the Left... Have Fun.

Cheers .......... Chairman Colin

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