Taranaki Branch Committee
COLIN JOHNSTON. 63 BROADWAY, WAITARA. 021 131 6699 / 06 754 6216. cajohnstoncollections@xtra.co.nz
ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: ROB THOMSON. 7 LEATHAM AVE, STRANDON, NEW PLYMOUTH, 4312. 027 701 2485 vcc.taranaki@gmail.com
TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: JOHN MUTER. 06 751 5554 megandjohnny@xtra.co.nz
JIM LOGAN. 027 604 4821 / 06 751 0316. logandj49@gmail.com
BRANCH COMMITTEE:( ( ( ( KEVIN FABISH: 06 756 7665 kev.fabish@gmail.com
LES BOGNUDA: 06 755 2810 021 084 82323 bognuda63@xtra.co.nz
DANNY PATTINSON: 06 756 7735 pattinson-family@farmside.co.nz
BRIAN EVANS: 027 956 0441 brian.julie@outlook.com
JOHN MUTER: 06 751 5554
CES BUDD: 06 241 0454
NEIL ROOK: 06 758 6737
COMPLIANCE / VIN’S / VIC’S: MIKE WILLIAMS: 06 765 4419 annmike21@hotmail.co.nz
LES BOGNUDA: 06 755 2810 021 084 82323 bognuda63@xtra.co.nz
COLIN JOHNSTON: 021 131 6699 cajohnstoncollections@xtra.co.nz
ROSE COX: 027 353 9968 roselcox7@gmail.com
KEVIN FABISH: 06 756 7665
JOHN MUTER: 06 751 5554
ROSE COX: 027 353 9968
LES BOGNUDA: 06 755 2810
DANNY PATTINSON: 06 756 7735
On The Cover: Some of the Branch and Morris Minor Club members at King Edward Park, Stratford, Fringe Festival Garden Run.
Chairmans Chatter for Topical Torque
Hello Folks
AS we get nearer to the Christmas holiday season our branch activities are gearing up with our Club Captains John and Brian organizing a varied range of branch activities over the next six months. In between all this is our annual Maunga Moana Rally celebrating 60 years, Inglewoods Community celebrating 150 years, The Motor Show at Hawera raising funds for the Cancer Soc. The Waitara Mini Vin Tour rally, Xmas parades and other club runs. So please check out the activity reports either in the newsletters or on the email tree.
We have now completed the Taranaki Branch membership/ownership form that has been sent via email or posted to all members. The committee is trying to put together an up -to-date listing of membership and vehicles owned for members’ benefit. We have spoken about this list at the Noggin and Natters with positive comments from members. I would encourage you all to participate by filling in the form so we can collate the list. If you have any concerns about this form, please contact me or any member of the commi ttee. We have fixed the back-door entrance to the club rooms that were sticking and hard to open and had the cracked glass replaced but a long-term fix may need to happen in the near future as the doors are warped and are getting to the stage that a replacement will be needed.
Our November Noggin and Natter will be of interest as we will be able to see how a modification has been done on a Jaguar car for a Disabled owner.
So keep the Passion……….. Get out and about…………. Summer is here….. and Xmas is getting Closer……. Safe travels ……..
Chairman Colin.
Hello Folks, busy month November with two Branch outings and a Club night in the mix. Check out Club Captains report page for all the details. In December, Brian and Julie Evans have booked us into Fern Lodge again for a midday lunch outing following on from last year ’s successful event, don’t miss this one!
As mentioned in John ’s report, a lovely day was enjoyed on the 3rd of this month by some of us and we were joined by some Morris Minor Club members, King Edward Park in Stratford was a great spot for lunch and a revelation for me , first time for everything.
It will be a big help to the committee if you can get your ownership details into Secretary Rob asap so that we can progress the list of members and their vehicles that we are putting together.
Firstly, many thanks to Brian and Alie Bolland for organizing this year’s Garden Festival run. This was well attended by the Branch members along with members from the Morris Minor Club. The choice of gardens couldn’t have been better, starting in Stratford and with all enjoying lunch at King Edward Park before heading to Inglewood for three more gardens. I am sure that everyone would have enjoyed the run as much as Meg and I did.
We have received a report regarding the motor show fund raiser supporting the Cancer Society next February. Planning is going well with an excellent subcommittee of South Taranaki Branch members working towards this important event. We will need good support from all our Branch to bring their vehicles for this display.
We are still requiring details of restoration projects that have been completed by members since 2021. Please contact me to have those details recorded on our Restoration board , hopefully by early in the new year.
Christmas Parade locations and Dates.
New Plymouth November 30 at 1pm Bell Block December 7 at 3pm
Okato December 8 at 5.30pm Waitara December 14 at 10am Inglewood December 14 at 12pm Stratford December 6 at 5pm Hawera December 14 at 12pm
Our November Club Night guest speaker is Graeme Blackstock who will be showing us the MK 7 Jaguar which, with the help of panel beater Kevin Austin, he has modified to enable its use by a wheelchair user. He will also be showing a video presentation of the rebuild.
24 November We will be completing a 60Km run around Taranaki to recognise the 60 men that suicide takes globally every hour. We will meet at Waitara Town and Country club car park at 10am with first car away at 10.30. At the end of the run we will arrive back at the Club rooms. Please bring along a plate for a shared lunch.
27 November Bryan Morris has put together a Midweek Run to the Pihama area, where we will learn about some local history, including the wreck of the Lizzie Bell. We are to meet at the Matapu Hall on Skeet Rd, leaving at 1 pm for Pihama, see you there.
15 December 'The Christmas run plans are well underway and will be on Sunday 15 th December 2024. This year we will have an earlier start and a Christmas Buffet lunch at the Fern Lodge in Inglewood. This will allow time for those that would also like to attend Christmas at the Bowl. We will be starting at The Christmas Village on Egmont Road. Parking will be reserved for our vehicles up to 9.30am. After that the Village will be busy with customers. We will start getting cars away at 10am, so please enjoy a visit to the Christmas Village shop beforehand. They will be open for us. There will also be a coffee cart available for refreshments.
Due to the large number of attendees last year, we will need to confirm numbers and pre- pay for the meal this year by 10th December. Please confirm your attendance with Brian Evans 027 956 0441 or John Muter 06 751 5554 and make payment into the VCC Taranaki account with your name and Xmas as the reference. The Fern Lodge is opening at lunch time especially for us this year. The Christmas Buffet lunch includes Garlic Bread starter, Champagne Ham, Chicken Breast, roast potatoes, vegetables, salad, roll and apple crumble and ice cream dessert all for $58.00 pe r person. We hope that you will come and join us to celebrate Christmas with your VCC family'
Thanks Brian
I recently found an old advertising brochure for the Butler Auto Sweep.
These were manufactured by the Butler brothers in Inglewood who operated a hedge cutting business. Some of our senior members will remember seeing them travelling in convoy with their army 4x4 V8 ’s and modified bren gun carrier-based machines, led by Lou in his 1948 Ford V8 pickup.
All of their hedge cutting equipment was V8 powered, and they often carried a spare motor in case of a failure and would often changeover motors on the job at the farm. They cut hedges all over Taranaki and were honest and well respected by their customers. Two of their machines are on display at Tawhiti Museum,
I hope you find this Brochure interesting. John Muter
The Butler Auto Sweep is built entirely of steel and hardwood easily attached to car, lorry, or tractor, and it takes only a few minutes to put on and take off, once the brackets are on the vehicle.
There are now over 300 of these sweeps operating in New Zealand. Attached to cars, lorries, and tractors they are doing very satisfactory work both in ENSILAGE AND HAYMAKING.
The general experience of users is that with motor power and a butler auto sweep more than the work of any two two -horse sweeps can be done and a cleaner job made.
Sweeping pay or ensilage
in good crops of ENSILAGE it is possible to sweep to the stack or pit from a reasonable distance, at the rate of 1 acre/hour with a car and up to 1 1/2 acre/hour with a lorry. In hay up to 3 acre/hour can be swept.
The benzene consumption, in ENSILAGE MAKING averages about 1 gallon to the acre and in HAY about 1 gallon to 3 acres. ENSILAGE can be swept directly from the mowing machine and a clean job made, if raked a little time may be saved in sweeping.
In HAY-MAKING, to save time in sweeping, it is advisable to rake into rows first, this does away with the necessity to rake afterwards.
When going out for a load this week usually picks up some hay or grass, and after turning it is advisable to back clear of what is gathered on the sweep tines, to enable them to get underneath the grass when proceeding forward. If at any time the sweep should begin to ride over immediately back clear, and then go forward again.
Attaching to vehicle
the main beam to which the tines are connected, must be attached to the vehicle by two strong brackets, 15 1/2 inches to 16 inches centre of
main beam from ground level, and the gate are to be connected by two stays from the front mudguard bracket.
The Butler Auto Sweep can be worked by any geared car, lorry or tractor, without any fear of damaging the vehicle providing reasonable care is taken.
For efficient work, and to avoid heating it is necessary to have valves in good order, then belt tight, clean oil and water, and a pair of chains on rear wheels, the latter is absolutely necessary when handling ensilage, and about 2 hundredweight in the ba ck will also help TESTIMONIALS
Inglewood January 7, 1931
Mr L Butler
this is now the third season that I have had the "Butler Auto Sweep' on my paddocks, being used both in Ensilage and Haymaking.
I am quite satisfied that anyone having motor power and ever seen one of these machines in action would not be without one.
We are using the Sweep on a Chevrolet truck, and we are able to bring in green stuff faster than it can be handled by the stacker.
I can with confidence recommend this Sweep to any farmer.
Wishing you success, yours etc R B SUTTON
NOVEMBER 1-3 Far North Tour, Northland – 2 Annual Rally and Dinner, Wellington – 3 Waterfront Car Display, Wellington – 9 Veteran and Two Wheel Brake Rally, Waikato – 10 100 Year Old Car Celebration, Auckland – 10 Tararua Trundle, Horowhenua – 10 Gold Medal M/C Trial - 17 Swap Meet, Waikato – 21-26 Inter-Branch visit to Gisborne and Mahia, E B of Plenty - 22-23 Annual Motor Cycle Rally, Auckland - 23- 24 Branch 60th, Hawkes Bay – 24 Mangatainoka Vintage and Classic Car day. Wairarapa.
NATIONAL EVENTS 25 – 28 October National Commercial Rally , North Otago Branch. 25 – 27 January 2025 National Motorcycle Rally, Manawatu Branch. 5-7 February National Veteran Rally, Marlborough Branch.
Events Calendar
Facebook Report and Update
Our Branch Facebook page continues to generate considerable interest, Contact Alexander
That any members are welcome to visit our parts shed by contacting a committee member to organise a suitable time for a visit. There is a wealth of parts within and there is not always time on Club night to rummage through them all.
• Ford T 21-inch wheel and rim, 4 stud bolt on type, ph John 7515554(mem)
• 1934 BSA 10 hp. Rare as hens’ teeth. Almost complete mechanically. Wheels mudguards. Scuttle, radiator, plus other bits. $1000. Text Jim Watson. 0274573200.
• 150mm Bench grinder, double – ended, $50, Chev gearbox -1937 -39 $100, piston ring sets many and individual sizes from 1920’s to 1990’s, ph Joh n on 7515554
• Yakima brand roof rack. Excellent condition. New price $495, will sell for $200 cash.
The S16Y Aero ThruBar silver pair, fits around 1,000 makes and models. Visit www.yakima.co.nz to see if it fits your vehicle (Neil also has a list). Contact Neil Rook, 06 7586737.
• Kent driving lights , chrome, as new $40.00 pr. Electric cooling fan, as new, $25.00 Metal Velocette sign, approx 400mm x 300mm new $20.0. Sunroof, suit 80’s on. NOS Vanguard rocker panels [sills] NOS, light surface rust, $50. Mazda B1600 ute tail gate skin, NOS, $5. Luggage carrier, rusty but will clean up, $50.00. Audi 5-cylinder engine, $200.00. Contact Taranaki Branch - Parts Dept.
• Morris 1300, twin engined, unique, road legal and drives well, asking $9,000, ph Albert 0278588072)mem).
Anyone wanting one or more of these stylish decals to go on your vehicle’s windows, please see Kevin Fabish, size 5cm x 12cm