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On The Cover: Chairman Colin presen�ng some of the prize winners at the Rubber Duckie Dinner.

Taranaki Branch Committee


PAST CHAIR - COLIN JOHNSTON E: Ph: 06 754 6216 M: 021 131 6699 SECRETARY - ROB THOMSON Ph: 06 758 4881 CLUB CAPTAIN - VACANT TREASURER - ROB THOMSON E: Ph: 06 758 4881 LIBRARIAN - ROSE COX EDITOR – JIM LOGAN E: Ph: 06 751 0316 COMMITTEE M: 027 604 4821 MARK MASTERS E: Ph: 06 765 7544 KEVIN FABISH E: Ph:06 756 7665 IAN WILLFORD Ph: 067533691 GRANT BISHOP Ph: 0272958492 HISTORIAN/CUSTODIAN – ROSE COX E: Ph: 06 752 2525 M: 027 353 9968 NAME TAGS/BADGES – KEVIN FABISH E: Ph: 06 756 7665 BEADED WHEELS - Ph: 06 754 6216 GROUND & VEHICLE VIN’S/VIC’S - Ph: 06 755 2810 PARTS COMMITTEENEIL ROOK Ph: 06 758 6737 JOHN MUTER E: Ph: 06 751 5554 PAT STIELLER Ph: 06 754 6096 CES BUDD Ph: 06 2410454 VEHICLE VIN’S/VIC’S - Ph: 06 765 4419 MID – WEEK COORDINATOR - BRYAN MORRIS Ph: 06 272 8027 HOT ROD SHOW – HAWERA 30 SEPT – 1 OCT AT THE HUB COLIN JOHNSTON LES BOGNUDA MIKE WILLIAMS

Chairmans Chatter for Topical Torque

Hello Folks

Our Rubber Duckie Motor Cycle Rally has been held and another very successful �me for all forty three entrants was organised by Bruce Davidson and Robert Gudopp. Very many thanks to all, including all Marshall's, tail end Charlie, and the members who helped with the catering at the rally headquarters in Fitzroy and helped in any way over this weekend. By the comments from the entrants, it seemed that rally circuit was very much enjoyed with the undula�ng terrain through the back country roads and views of Mount Taranaki that was showing through the clouds that closed in as the day proceeded were spectacular. Special Thanks to Peter Croot who had the computerized results all done by 1.15pm. The Rally dinner and prize giving that was held at the Beach Street Hall was well atended and the catering was superb. The overall winner for this year’s Rally was Robert Young on his 1948 Ariel KH Motorcycle Congratula�ons. 2nd Place went to John Poole on his 1973 Norton Commando and #rd placing was Mar�n Salter 1961 AJS 31.

Aten�on All Members.

Our Noggin and Nater this Thursday will start at 4.00pm as we are having a visit from Registrar, Mr Neil Beckenham who is a member of The Execu�ve leadership Team to talk to us about the changers and update of the Vehicle Iden�fica�on Cer�ficate (VIC) as they have reduced the amount of ques�ons and informa�on on the forms that you are required to fill out making it a lot easier. For those of you who know or have a cer�ficate for their car and those who don't and want to know all about this importa nt cer�ficate I urge you to atend. This is a cer�ficate that is a requirement for atending a Na�onal or Interna�onal Vintage car Club event in your vehicle. All of my vehicles have had the cer�ficates and windscreen s�ckers completed and it’s a great way of having your vehicle dated correctly.

Because this visit coincides with our Noggin and Nater night those of you who atend may like to stay on un�l the official Noggin and Nater start at 7.30pm and we will do a Fish and Chip run to the local Inglewood Fish and Chip shop for tea at approx 5.30pm and bring them back to the clubrooms.

We will offer one piece of Gurnard with chips cost $13.00 or two pieces of Gurnard with chips,cost $20.50 Hope we have a good atendance for this visit of the Clubs Registrar.

Did You Know that One hundred and seventeen years ago on Friday the 8th of September in 1906 Janet Meikie became the first person in New Zealand to be killed in a crash caused directly by a car when her 8hp De Dion Bouton went over a bank on the family farm 5km for Timaru.

that's it from me for this month.......... Keep the passion...... Drive safely and keep to the Le�....Get out and about and enjoy your vehicles. Cheers, Chairman Colin.



I have planned to present a VIC Officers awareness/training session on our club’s revamped/new format VIC applica�on.

This session is scheduled for you on Thursday 21st September at your club rooms at 4 p.m.

Some branches have advised that they will use this excellent opportunity to perhaps introduce more members to the important VIC Officer’s role at your branch. This presenta�on should take approximately 2 hours, allowing �me for ques�ons.

Looking forward to your atendance, Regards, Neil Beckenham

Branch members note

We are hoping that those attending this training session will stay on following its completion and enjoy a shared fish n chips meal before our usual Club night. Just turn up on the day.

Polo shirts with our Branch logo are still available, $36 each in various colours and can be ordered from Michael Kruse on club nights.


SEPTEMBER 15-17 Spring Tour B of P, North Shore. 23 Vintage Only Rally, C Hawkes Bay. 30 – Swap Meet, Manawatu.

OCTOBER 7 Scenic Tour, King Country. 14-15 Motorcycle Rally, Manawatu. 21-22 Hunua 100, Auckland.

NOVEMBER 3-4 Far North Tour, Northland. 4 - Veteran Rally, Waikato. 19 – Swap Meet, Waikato.

20-23 October National Commercial Rally, Whanganui. Taranaki VCC Garden Festival Run Sunday 29th October.

This is an advance no�ce for Taranaki VCC Members of the Taranaki Garden Fes�val run on the 29th October.

Raewynn and Michael Kruse will be organising this run this year and would like to invite all members to take part. Start saving those $2 pieces.

The run is in the early stages of being organised but please keep this day open for a great day, we will be in touch.

Annual Subscrip�on

There was plenty of discussion at the Execu�ve Mee�ng regarding the revised 2023/2024 budget previously circulated to Branches and the major shor�all faced due to the significant increase in the costs of producing and pos�ng Beaded Wheels.

The op�ons discussed and considered were: (1) Increase the annual primary members subs by $18 to $73 (excl GST); (2) Increase the annual primary members subs by $25 to $80 (excl GST); (3) Reduce Beaded Wheels to 4 �mes a year from 6; (4) No subs increase and use invested funds to cover the loss.

There was discussion around the need to retain the Club's invested funds to purchase a new building to house Na�onal Office due to current building being earthquake damaged. One of the sugges�ons that came up at the mee�ng was to move Na�onal Office to the Canterbury Branch Clubrooms. However, under the terms of their Lease, the Branch is not allowed to sub-lease so that op�on is not available.

Beaded Wheels is allocated an amount out of each annual subscrip�on. Last year it was increased to $19 to cover the an�cipated increase in Beaded Wheels costs and it was proposed to increase that to $21 in the next financial year and to fund that increase, cuts in expenditure in other areas were planned. However, we came to the realisa�on that the huge jump in produc�on, prin�ng and postage costs meant that the current annual subscrip�on wouldn't cover what is now required.

The Execu�ve voted to increase the annual subscrip�on for full members by $25 to $80 plus GST with joint and junior members subs remaining the same, that is $10 (excl GST) for joint members and 50% of the net full subscrip�on for junior members.

Message from President George

A big thank you from me goes to Diane for con�nuing to chair the AGM a�er I was not able to atend due to tes�ng posi�ve with Covid a few days before.

While I was not present, I did Zoom into the AGM for the presenta�on by Steven Moe from Parry Field Law. By way of background Steven and his team have writen very helpful 'Guide to the Incorporated Socie�es Act 2022" together with ar�cles around amending incorporated socie�es cons�tu�ons so they meet the requirements set out in the new Act and have been helping socie�es amend their rules for the new Act.

Being led by the first legal opinion we had received regarding our current cons�tu�on, at the 2023 March Execu�ve mee�ng we had workshopped a new single commitee structure to get the best branch representa�on. It was made clear at that mee�ng by the Delegates present that the majority were in favour of a single commitee structure to govern the club moving forward and while we had to re-register our cons�tu�on due to the changes in the

FROM THE National Office

Incorporated Socie�es Act, we should take advantage to update it into something that works beter due to the VCC's current size.

A�er the March Execu�ve mee�ng, Wellington and Canterbury Branches requested we seek a second legal opinion as to whether we could con�nue with our current two commitee structure.

Steven Moe presented his opinion to us at the AGM and while he confirmed we could con�nue with our two-commitee structure, he pointed out that it was not really working as it was originally intended and that with an execu�ve of 46 members, mee�ng only twice a year it would never be able to perform a governance role.

Based on this, we will return to the outcomes from the first workshop held in March and focus on crea�ng a new single commitee structure resul�ng from the feedback we received from branches a�er this mee�ng.

Moving forward from here, we will create a working document to be circulated to all Branches for discussion prior to the March Execu�ve mee�ng next year which will set out clearly the structure that the majority agreed to. This will explain how branch representa�on will be made up and how these representa�ves will be voted into these posi�ons by members. It will also set out what posi�ons are appointed and which are elected and also which posi�ons have vo�ng rights. The idea here is to get the structure approved at the mee�ng so we can then engage Parry Field Law to write new clauses to cover this in our new cons�tu�on.

Our task a�er this will be to work through our current cons�tu�on highligh�ng the clauses that work for us and don't need to be changed as well as iden�fying the sec�ons that will need amending to meet the new structure and the Incorporated Socie�es Act. These can be carried forward into the new cons�tu�on that will be dra�ed.

This is going to be a long process but with the Execu�ve only mee�ng twice a year it is impera�ve that we get the basic working structure agreed to in March to allow us �me to create a dra� cons�tu�on for further discussion, workshopping, and final vo�ng on.


Well, another Rubber Duckie Rally run and 43 entries had a good day enjoying the Taranaki countryside. After attending the Saturday night Dinner and prizegiving I can report that Bruce and helpers did the Branch proud, excellent food and lots of friendly banter. Next up for our Branch, the Breakfast run, Sunday September 24, let me know if attending for Autolodge catering, see you there, details on the Events Calendar page.

This October, Mike and Raewyn Kruse have kindly offered to organise a Garden Festival tour, more details next month. Thats all from me. Jim Logan



7.30pm 19 Club Night
7.30pm 29
Festival Run Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Events Calendar 7 Committee meet at 7.30pm 15-16 RUBBER DUCKIE M/CYCLE RALLY 21 Club Night at 7.30pm 24 Breakfast Run, from Merrilands car park, meet at 7.30, first car away at 8. Please contact Jim, 0276044821 with numbers attending 5 Committee meet at


• 1955 Matchless, model G9, kickstart lever plus shaft and possibly internal parts to fit B 52 gearbox. Ph John 067587834(mem)


• #14 Holden 138 powered midget – last ran 2013 , has spare wheels and engine –complete but will need refresh $5,000, #4 VW powered LTC midget - last ran 2021, complete with spare engine and numerous spares – freshly rebuilt Autocraft engine by the VW shoppe - that has not been run. fresh repaint. $20,000, Both cars are extremely tidy and are being offered to club members before going on Trade me. Contact Philip on 021-275-8096

• 1986 Subaru Justy. One Owner, Rego on hold, goes well, offers wanted. A great little car to preserve. Contact member Steve on Ph 027 5286032

• Clutch pressure plates for Ford Cortina 2000, Vauxhall 3.3, Triumph 2000.

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