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2c Brooklyn Rd Claudelands Hamilton (07) 855 2400 Monday to Friday 7.30am to 5pm No Appointments Manager Joe Bruntlett VCC Member All makes and models From 1898 to New Venture
2 TYRE TRADERS 24 Commerce St. Cambridge For ALL your tyre needs Phone 07 827 3875

It is a warm welcome to all.

At July’s Club Night we had a very interesting address from Kevin Porteous on solar power and the options for set up and running a system on your home. Kevin has recently purchased an Electrical business based in Raglan. The business has been involved with solar installation which was what drew Kevin’s interest to purchase the business and grow the solar aspect. I am sure that this was of interest to many present. Thanks to Ian P and Graham P for getting Kevin along to Club. A big thank you to Kevin for coming along and continuing to support Waikato VCC.

In August we will again be hosting our VCC Open Day and Daffodil Day. Every family has been impacted by cancer at some time, this run and display will be our chance to showcase our Club and to give the Waikato Cancer Society a substantial donation for use in our community from the Car fraternity. I urge you all to get involved with one of the “Hub Runs” to our clubrooms in Cambridge. Please check out the flyer in this issue of the Venture or Waikato VCC web page and on Facebook. So get the car running or your modern warmed up and take part in a run near you on the day. Save the date Sunday 20th August.

August sees the Annual National AGM which I shall be attending. At our July Club meeting discussion was held to give direction on Waikato’s feeling on proposed fee increase. The majority present wanted a minimal fee increase ($3.00) plus consideration given to a three monthly edition of Beaded Wheels.

Don Wise has “retired” from the Parts shed subcommittee. He has been involved with the Parts shed for many years and has a wealth of industry knowledge and experience. Thank you Don for your services over this period.

Hope to see you at an event soon, meanwhile keep warm and dry. Till next time, be safe and keep left.

3 CONTENTS Chairman’s Report 3 Secretary’s Report 5 Club Captain’s Report6 Motorcycle Report 7 Branch Committee 8 Studebaker Report 11 Events Page 12 Alan Roberts article 14 Club Nights 16 Venturers Report 17 Library News 17 Knight & Dickey 18 Workshop Report 19 Parts Shed 20 For Sale 21
of July
Some of the display from the Knight and
run—Sunday 2nd

Editors Snippet

Welcome to your latest issue of your branch magazine.

For those who don't know who I am (I was profiled in this very publication last year sometime) my name is Aaron Kearney. I drive a two tone maroon and silver 1955 Daimler Conquest saloon. I hail from Whangarei and was originally a member of the Northland branch before transferring to Waikato when I moved the car down here in 2016.

This is my first issue as your editor. It is a fairly packed issue which should provide some stimulating reading.


Colin Patterson– Member for 50 years and Past Chairman

Our condolences to family and friends.



Another month gone. Where is the time flying? When family are booking you in for July 2024 it does make you wonder are the years going faster or are we getting older.

I hear the Angel Café was busy last week. Unfortunately we are away this week as well due to a funeral in Taupo. Cossey won’t be happy but I am sure he will get over it. I am sure Angel Café will make up for it Thursday 27th July.

You would have received the AGM minutes by now. I am working on the Awards for our members 25, 50 and 60 years. October 28th we are planning a car run in the afternoon, back to club rooms for refreshments, dinner and presentation of awards. If you are interested in coming along to dinner there will be more information in the September Venture. I would suggest you let me know if you are interested in coming, there are 18 members receiving awards.

Not much more from me, enjoy reading your Venture.



We are now past the shortest day so that means the sunshine and warmth are on the way, so that also means better motorcycling and driving weather.

The August Club night on the 9th is a Pot Luck Dinner, followed by one of our early members, Roy Rowe, giving us an insight of the early history of our branch.

On the 20th August the VCC is again holding a National Promotion Day which is again linked to the Cancer Society. I am certain that every member of our branch has been affected or knows someone who has been affected by the big “C” {Cancer}. The first aim is to promote our branch and the National Organization of the VCC of NZ. There will be five Hub Rallies starting at different towns and venues.

1 Hamilton: The Classic Car Museum, organizer Brent Terrill.

2 Cambridge: Leamington Primary School, organizer, Hugh Mc Inally.

3 Te Awamutu. Bunnings old building, organizer Dave Nordell.

4 Morrinsville. Countdown Car Park, organizer Sharman Orr.

5 Matamata. The R.S.A Carpark, organizer Graham Pate.

Arrival time is 9.30am at each venue with cars leaving from 10am. There will be an hours run finishing at the Club rooms. All facilities will be open, Clubrooms, Library, Parts shed and the Workshop. Devonshire Teas, Sausage Sizzle, and a Coffee Cart will also be available. The cost is $10 per car and all the money raised will be going to the Cancer Society. Make sure you tell all your friends and family to come along. Any type of vehicle, including motorcycles are welcome. There will be a display of club eligible vehicles for visitors to look at and all the information for potential members to sign up. So, let’s all get behind this National Day and the Daffodil Rally so we can raise money for the Cancer Society and gain some new members.

The September Club night on the 13th is a Dusk Run, followed by Fish and Chips. The run is being plotted by Brent Terrill. Our September club run is being organized by Dave Nordell and Bryan Cossey. This run is on the 24th of September and will cater for the Post Vintage range of vehicles.

There is plenty on to keep us busy, so we will see you around like a Vintage Wheel. Graham Pate.



Thanks to Bob for persevering with a replacement venue for the next ride on 30th July, after 2 previous places became unavailable. Replaced by a visit to the home of Dave Alexander near Mangatawhiri. Dave has under construction an open-wheel streamliner with which he plans an attempt on a class world speed record in excess of 300mph at Lake Gairdner in Australia, to complement his earlier success with V8 powered ‘Spirit of New Zealand’ at Bonneville.

The meeting point has been changed to the ‘Breaking Bread Café’ (opens 9.00am) in central Ngaruawahia, corner of Newcastle Street, leaving there at 11.00am for a back roads ride to Pokeno and a one hour lunch break there. Several cafes, fuel and a regular market day too are available in Pokeno. There is quite limited parking available at the destination, so car pooling is encouraged if you intend coming along on four wheels.

Last weekend I did a long ride on my BSA in company with Pete on a ’61 Triumph Trophy and Mark on a ’71 T350 Suzuki. There was some rain but the trick is to wear 2 raincoats! A plastic raincoat over your riding jacket. Mark wears a Scott rain jacket, designed for this purpose, purchased from Boyds, over his riding jacket.

Happy winter riding.

A plea from your Secretary Heather

If you buy, sell or change a vehicle please let me know for the Waikato Club Register. When I get asked if any one has a particular make, model and year of vehicle I can search and find it. Unless I know, I am unable to keep it updated. Let me know if you no longer have a land line, changed your physical address, have a mobile or changed email address - please this is important for the branch membership and also VCCNZ.


Some years ago it was foreseen that there would likely be more special interest groups and sub-committees formed within the Branch which would need to be represented to the Branch Committee, without the need for members at large to have to elect large numbers of group or subcommittee representatives. In anticipation, our Branch Constitution was amended in 2012 to change the way in which sub-committees were to be formed and represented, but unfortunately the amended procedure has not been fully followed over the intervening years. This oversight came to the notice of Committee recently, so when it came to electing a single representative from the Parts Shed Sub-Committee at the Annual General Meeting, some confusion amongst members resulted.

The current procedure is currently identified within the Constitution such that members elect a representative for a sub-committee to sit on the Branch Committee (specifically only at this time, for the Parts Shed), and then Branch Committee appoint the remainder of the sub-committee from amongst willing members, not limited in number. There is now no longer any requirement for these appointees to submit themselves for election at an AGM. Although currently only the Parts Shed is dealt with in this way, in fact any of the Club functions could be expanded into sub-committees to assist with spreading a work-load, eg, Magazine, Publicity, Social Activities, Workshop, etc.

The relevant clauses can be found in the Branch Constitution (available on our website) at:

11.1 Management (Branch Committee)

14.1 Sub-Committees (Appointment)

14.2 Sub-Committees (Duties)

14.3 Sub-Committees (Responsibilities)

In order to clarify the process by which the Parts Shed sub-committee is represented, it is proposed that the following process be followed:

In May annually the Branch Secretary shall call for ‘Expressions of Interest’ for the Parts Shed and Workshop sub-committees for the following year beginning after the AGM in June, advising how many members are proposed. Once names are received, Branch Committee shall select and approve the members of the sub-committee. They in turn shall choose their representative to be nominated for approval by branch members at the Annual General Meeting.



If you own a 1933 or 1934 Ford, you’ll want to be a part of the Model 40 Convention to be held March 8-10 next year. Celebrating 90 years of this beautiful model Ford, the event is open to both original & modified examples, but is limited to 100 entries. Having hosted past vintage and hot rod events, including Deuce Days for the 1932 Fords, the venue at Solway Park at Masterton is perfect for this sort of event. Trust House & JRI Insurance have come on board as major sponsors, and registration is open now. For more information follow the event on the 1933/34 Ford New Zealand Facebook page. Expressions of interest and requests for registration form to Enquiries to the convenor; Lloyd Wilson 021 -436-432

PS: Whether or not they can attend we would still be interested in hearing from owners, as we have established a register of 33/34 Fords in New Zealand. Also, we will be producing special anniversary plaques which will be available to Model 40 owners.



With the recent accident suffered by Reece, the task of re-shaping and correctly mounting the front mudguards has been put on hold for a while, but he and Peter are proceeding with making a new front skirt after producing a second cardboard pattern. The three replacement copper fuel and vacuum lines for the re-located vacuum tank have now been run and fitted, with new skills in three-dimensional work mastered. Installing the replacement cam gear after having it cleaned turned into one of those ‘two steps forward followed by one back’ episodes. Difficult to remove nuts and bolts, a broken water jacket fitting requiring extraction and replacement, as well as the need for valve timing to be done correctly has slowed this job, but it’s almost there now. Alan has machined a suitable fitting in insulating Tufnol to locate the high-tension connection to the exterior distributor plate for conversion of the magneto to a ‘points & coil’ system, so that can now be rebuilt. The workshop sand-blaster is now working properly, so we can get on and clean those rusty small parts in-house now, which will be a great help. First to go through this process will be the two dozen replacement wheel lugs found at the Canterbury swap-meet last spring.

Lots of interesting jobs remain, so if you are keen to join in with this club project in any capacity, get in contact with Alan Sharp or Bob Hayton at either: or

respectively (alternatively, by phone at 02102553853 or 0274230610) to have your name added to the contact list, together with any special skills you may be able to contribute. Work sessions are currently on the workshop open days on Thursday mornings, from 9.30am onward and morning tea is always put on, so no excuse really for not becoming involved to help, learn or socialise.


We hope that you will enjoy the club and it’s many activities

If you have any queries either big or small please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee and they will be more than willing to assist you in any way possible.

Mark Thompson Chevrolet 1946 ½ Ton pickup

Warren (Wazza) Flay NZETA 1964 502 Supreme Sunbeam 1951 S7 Deluxe MC

Once again, welcome to the club. We hope to see you at the club night on the second Wednesday of each month.


Events Ahead Home

Wed 19 Wednesday Wander

Thu 20 & 27 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Sun 30 Motorcycle Visit

Thu 03 Workshop Open 9.30am (Morn. Tea)

Wed 09 Club Night

Thu 10 & 17 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Fri 11-13 National Executive & AGM in Nelson

Wed 16 Wednesday Wander

Sun 20 VCC National Day - details P10

Thu 24 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Thu 31 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Thu 07 Workshop Open 9.30am (Morn. Tea)

Wed 13 Club Night

Thu 14 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Wed 20 Wednesday Wander

Thu 21 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Sun 24 Club Run

Thu 28 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Sat 7 Motorcycle Run

Wed 18 Wednesday Wander

Sat 28 Club Run & Awards Dinner

July August Sept Oct

Events Ahead Away


Sat/Sun 22-23 Hawkes Bay Deco Rally

Sat 26 Sulphur City Rally

Sun 10 Auckland PV-P80 Rally

Sat 16 Taranaki Rubber Duckie MC Rally

Fri 20-23 6th Annual National Commercial Rally

Aug Sep Oct


News of the recent passing of past Branch member and long-time friend of the Branch, Auckland’s Alan Roberts, was quickly followed by the appearance of Alan’s wife Eileen and son Wayne driving the family’s 1924 Velie Tourer in the recent Double Fifty. This brought back memories of Alan telling me all about his club membership and the history of his Velie car while they were attending the 2002 Double Fifty, based that year at the then Quality Hotel in Te Rapa. Alan was introduced to vintage motoring by Roy Hicks, a member of the fledgling Veteran & Vintage Car Club (Waikato) Inc. when encouraged by him to help out as a marshal at the very first Morrinsville Vintage Rally held in that town in early 1959. Within a few months Alan had become a member of the club; at that time he is recorded as the owner of a 1929 Austin Swallow sedan which he rallied in Branch events. These early events, forerunners of the Club’s Double Fifty, were held in various towns around the Waikato including Huntly, Te Awamutu, Tokoroa or Taumarunui. At the same time, in 1959, George Giltrap was in the process of transferring the exhibits from his wellknown Rotorua Car Museum over to the Gold Coast. In fact, he only wanted to take the older veteran vehicles over with him and in order to encourage the local Waikato club members, he gave the Club a two-owner 1924 Velie Tourer in quite original and sound condition. The Velie Motor Co, incorporated in 1908 at Moline, Illinois grew out of the Velie Carriage Company founded by Willard Velie, grandson of John Deere, producing motor cars until 1928 when Willard died. The Roberts car, a Model 58, is the only known Velie running in New Zealand from a world-wide total of around 230 known to exist by Velie Owners Club.


In need of funds, after registering the vehicle the Club put the car up for tender and it went to a Syd Jackson of Hamilton for £65 ($130), who kept it only a short time before trading it in. Very quickly it went north to Auckland, the next owner being Ivan Melville of Mt. Eden. Quickly again then, it went on through the hands of Alf Morris in Epsom and Peter Makeef of Glen Eden, before coming into the possession of Alan Roberts in May 1964 (Alan having left for Auckland in 1962 and living in Blockhouse Bay), for the sum of £140 ($280).

It is a quite advanced car, with six-cylinder overhead valve engine of 3.3 litres, capable of cruising steadily at 80 kph. With four-wheel hydraulic brakes, a mahogany dashboard and a stylish finish in polished aluminium (now painted over due to a declining appearance in later years), it would have been a quite prestigious vehicle in its time. Seventy of the cars were originally imported into New Zealand and the local agents were GL Winger in Mt. Eden Road, Auckland. The Velie has been used extensively by the Roberts family, attending very nearly all Branch annual events and Double Fifties, as well as the local Auckland Branch events and national rallies. It has never been restored, merely refurbished by Alan over the years, and is still a thoroughly reliable vehicle. The first Waikato V&VCC event to be attended in the Velie was at Thames in 1966 and the Double Fifty Rally at Queens Birthday each year then became an event never to be missed by the Roberts family ever since. Bob Hayton

Car adverts really were classy back then… - Ed.


Wednesday 09 August - Starting 6.30pm Note the earlier time

This month we will have a mid-winter potluck dinner. Come along and enjoy your fellow member’s company whilst enjoying dinner. Bring along some food to add to the pot luck as well as nibbles and beverages.

We will have the clubrooms warm and cosy and the tea and coffee on tap. It was suggested that members might like to have a look at EV, so come along, you might find it parked under the canopy.

Wednesday 12 September

This night on the 15th is a Dusk Run

Followed by Fish and Chips.

The run is being plotted byBrentTerrill.

Orders to Heather on the night.


Venturers Report August

Catering for the requirements of vehicles produced in the early days of motoring, and their enthusiasts

A well-attended event in early July was our mid-winter Venturers Raid to a large vehicle and general interest collection put together by Knight & Dickey Ltd. in Waiuku. Accompanied by many members from the broader realms of the club, we set off from Gordonton with a marginal forecast weatherwise. However, rain held off for most until approaching Waiuku, so the scenic rural journey was enjoyable. Most cafe destinations in the town would have received some VCC trade that lunchtime and the Knight & Dickey collection venue surely did alright. They certainly have a very eclectic collection with something to stimulate just about every interest.

You will have read that our committee has decided to terminate motoring sections and have all club runs combined. Following representations, some events have still appeared on the new calendar for the coming year marked as suitable for Venturers’ vehicles, of course as well as November’s Veteran competitive class rally.

With now no regular group activities to report on, we have decided to terminate these Venturers Group monthly reports, so this will be the final one. Thank you to all those who have supported group activities over the past years in our attempt to keep historic motors and motoring at the forefront of club life.

Regards, Bob, Alan and Terry, Your Venturers Co-ordinators.


Donations are continuing to arrive in the library for which we are very grateful, keeping us busy entering them into the system and onto the shelves. Of course, with such a large collection already, sometimes there are duplicates of what we already have. The better condition ones are put to one side to be available at a suitable time for sale to members first and then suitably disposed of. The next opportunity to check these will be at the Daffodil Day event later in August, in the Library.

Some previously borrowed books have not been returned to the library as they should have been – we consider two months to be appropriate, so if you have a guilty conscience, please get onto returning what you borrowed.




The day started with the forecast of cold showers sometimes heavy but clearing in the afternoon which made it easy what vehicle to take, and with the ute having a heater (keep the old girl happy) and window demisters (to keep me happy) it was a no brainer. (Compared to the 54)

1st stop was us catching up fellow club members at the Willow Glen Café at Gordonton before hitting SH1B onto Taupiri then using some interesting back roads, some I had never been on way out the back of Huntly and Rangiriri, then on through Pukekawa (which I hadn’t been to since my stomping days, some 50 years ago). On through Tuakau into Ray White Road or was that Ray Wright Road –different road signs at different ends!

Upon reaching Waiuku it was time to have a cuppa and a bite to eat before we (that is most of us) were able to enter the building out of the chilly wind and a passing squally shower. Once inside it was not until I had reached the end of the short room and turned right, that I then became obvious how large this venue is.

Not only tractors (I lost count @ 65) including 1 made in Romania but also included in this private collection there was a 1930 Dennis Fire Engine, a 38 Buick, an Austin 7, a 42 Chev & a 46 V8 Pick up. Amongst the various Military Vehicles which included a Bren Gun Carrier there was a couple of Knight and Dickey fully restored 6 wheeler Trucks. There was Motor Bikes, Bull Dozers, old Hay Balers, Lawn Mowers, Chainsaws, Rotary Hoes, Outboard Motors, old Valve Radios, Car Jacks, Sewing and various old Washing Machines including an old 1920 Betty Machine, also the old sponsored Ash Trays compliments from various Tyre Companies of the day. 1000s and 1000s of Tonka Toys, even Salt and Pepper Shakers, Teaspoons, as well as a lot of Memorabilia hanging on the walls. Everything was in a clean and tidy environment. I didn’t even notice any oil or drip trays throughout the entire ex Super Market building.

By the time we departed and arrived back in Cambridge it was getting dark which made for a full day and was well worth the trip even though the price of fuel and RUC went up the day before.

Thanks Bob and your team for a great day out. Very enjoyable and well worth the trip – even Lorrie enjoyed it – only dozed off once, on the way home.




Hi once again.

The past month has seen the drill press bolted to the cut down steel bench (Short people can even operate it now). The Sand Blaster is now up and running and it looks like the Studebaker is now a little better off as some parts were sand blasted in anticipation for painting.

Also there looks like a new Steel Workbench has been manufactured. (Thanks Cos). This will become a home for the sand blaster as well as a general work bench for any steel fabrication work etc.

Thursday opening hours are from 9.30am to at least 2pm - 2.30pm or weekends by arrangement.

We are going to open the workshop on the 1st Sunday of the month for a 3 month trial, starting 6th August for those that cannot make it during the week.

My thanks must go to Graham Pate for his past input as he has now resigned from the Sub Committee due to taking on the Club Captains Position. To book the hoist contact either:-

Graham Holmes (07) 827 7341

Andy Hammond (07) 823 5712) or 022 0415 356

Remember we have the Thursday opening hours from 9.30am to at least 2 -2.30pm and if anyone wishes to make use of the workshop in the weekend, give myself a call (0274 10 7772) or Graham Pate (021 280 1586)

Workshop Committee:- Jeremy Brook 021 1452 0922

Bryan Cossey 0274 10 7772

Graham Holmes (07) 827 7341 - Hoist Booking

Graham Pate 021 280 1586 (Andy Hammond has also made himself available for any hoist bookings. Ph 022 0415 356 or (07) 823 5712)

WANTED:- I’m still after some Part Boxes, prefer plastic but cardboard will still be handy - any size. Any Memorabilia:- eg. Flags, Signs, Placards, Posters etc.


Need a new WOF? Need new wiper blades, need new light bulbs, generators or alternators? We have lots of new armatures and parts to keep your car rolling.

See the Parts Rep—Les King (021 190 9506) or Parts Committee members Clive Plumtree (07 827 5973) and Alan Sharp (021 025 53853)


Recent additions to the Shed include;

 New radiator/heater hoses

 Exterior rear view mirrors

 Good selection of hard to find small light bulbs

 New 12 volt horns

The Parts Shed is always open before each club night, so please come along and have a browse you might just find that elusive part you need.


Model ‘A’ Ford gear cluster in good condition. No repro gears please. Contact Les Pearson 027 2245 045 or


These are available to view and buy at Club Nights

Lapel or Cap Badges - enamelled $10.00 each

Car Bumper Badges - cast in brass $35.00 each

Windscreen Transfers $2.00 each

Windscreen Vinyl Stickers $2.00 each

Club Emblem Jacket Patches $5.00 each

Number Plate Surrounds $5.00 pair

Rally Number Holders $15.00 each




1952 Plymouth Carnbrook

Excellent all round condition

Power steering, high ratio diff, recent engine overhaul, Reg and WOF.

Price: $34,000 ono

Contact Don 07-8704115

Parts to fit Austin 7 Ruby; pair front mudguards excellent condition $75, bonnet with rad surround $15; new unused pair running board rubbers cost $180 asking $95. Ph Ron - 07 8848285 .

1993 Holden Commodore VP Calais, V6 3.8 Auto. Dark blue. 117,300km. Very good condition. No dents or rust. Has an issue with the right front door window winder. WOF has expired and registration is on hold. $10,000 ono Any questions or to arrange to view contact Lesley on 021 943289 or email

The information in this newsletter and on the club’s web site, is supplied as a service to club members. Articles and other copy of interest are always welcome and encouraged. The opinions expressed in this newsletter and on the club’s website are those of the author alone. Neither the club nor any of its officers accepts responsibility for the accuracy of any statements or opinions.


We are getting non members ask about putting an advert in the For Sale or Wanted section of the Venture. After a discussion with the committee it has been decided that an advert from a non Waikato VCC member will incur a $15.00 charge. This will cover a three (3) month insertion. After the three (3) months it will be automatically withdrawn.


Veteran & Vintage Car Club (Waikato) Inc.



22 POSTAL ADDRESS CLUB ROOMS ADDRESS PO Box 924, Hamilton, 3240 MacLean St, Cambridge Club Night 2nd Wednesday of month at 7.30pm Library and Parts Shed Hours 2nd Wednesday of month from 6.30pm over Summer, 7.00pm over Winter. Workshop Hours Every Thursday 9.30am - 2pm
CLOSING DATE FOR VENTURE COPY: 15th of each month Contributions should be emailed to Editor -
Secretary: Editor:
CHAIRMAN Graham Boswell * 021 2900985 CLUB CAPTAIN Graham Pate * 021 2801586 VICE CHAIRMAN Dave Nordell * 021 502390 SECRETARY Heather Boswell * 021 684938 TREASURER Jillian Hayton * 07 856 7238 027 4230608 VENTURE EDITOR Aaron Kearney 021 147 2827 SOCIAL CONVENOR Lorraine Cossey 07 827 7710 CUSTODIAN Les King * 021 1909506 CLUBROOMS BOOKINGS Heather Boswell 021 684938 LIBRARIAN Sue King 07 823 7948 COMMITTEE Brent Terrill * 021 445496 Jeremy Brook * 07 824 1641 021 1520922 Bob Hayton * 07 856 7238 027 4230610 Bryan Cossey * 07 827 7710 027 4107 772 PARTS COMMITTEE (Rep) Les King * 021 1909506 VIC Co-Ordinator Cars Dave Nordell 021 502390 VIC Co-Ordinator M/Cycles Peter Spiller 07 823 0944 027 4913387 VALUATIONS Paul Clark 021 324911 ARCHIVIST Kathryn Parsons 07 855 6774 022 0246820 PUBICITY OFFICER Elle Terrill * 027 3687957 MEMBERSHIP Heather Boswell 021 684938 FACEBOOK OFFICER Elle Terrill 027 3687957 MOTORCYCLE REP. Steve Walter 07 827 8484 0274 920095 SOLICITOR (HON) Paul Clark 021 324911 * Committee Positions
Branch Officers
23 WBS Waikato Bonding Services 6 Belfast Place Hamilton For all your brake & clutch re-lining services. Specialising in re-bonding of all veteran, vintage and classic brake shoes, pads and drive lines. Steven Hunter - Manager Phone: 0800-BOND-007 0800-2663-007 For New Work and Repairs Domestic and Commercial F.B. HALL & Co. Ltd EST 1923 07-847 4780 Conveyancing, Commercial Wills, Estates, Trusts Immigration and Family 7a Princes Street, Hamilton Phone 07 838-3385 Fax 07 838-3381 15 Commerce St Frankton Hamilton Tel: 07 847 5500 Waikato Vintage Car Club Clubrooms For Hire Contact Secretary 021 684938
24 Open 7 days a week - 9am-4pm 11 Railside Place, Frankton Ph: 07 957 2230 We are here Automotive, Trailer & Tractor Spares, Accessories & Tools 3 EMPIRE ST. HAMILTON PH 07 847 8908 Shock absorbers. Suspension components. CV joints Aerials. Hand Tools. Trailer Components. Disc pads Water Pumps. Timing /Fan/Micro Belts. Gauges. SPECIALISING IN PROPERT TRANSACTIONS Octagon House,1 Seddon Rd. Hamilton PH 07 839-1258 FA 07 839-1259 Clark and Brown PROPERT LAW ERS For all your legal Requirements

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