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Dec 2023/Jan 2024

Vol 65

Venture Est. 1958

65 years young!

Waikato Branch

Newsletter of the Veteran & Vintage Car Club (Waikato) Inc.

2c Brooklyn Rd Claudelands Hamilton (07) 855 2400

Monday to Friday 7.30am to 5pm No Appointments

Manager Joe Bruntlett VCC Member

All makes and models From 1898 to New


24 Commerce St. Cambridge For ALL your tyre needs

Phone 07 827 3875


CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Welcome to December’s edition of the Venture Magazine—it is our last for 2023. Xmas is just around the corner. Recently Alan Sharp offered his 1916 Dodge to Heather and I to do the Veteran Rally in. Wow what a neat experience that was; motoring as it used to be. This is a very important part of our Club and to have the ability to use veteran and vintage vehicles freely on the roads is very unique in the world. A report on this Rally is in this Venture and yes some of us did dress for the occasion. Thanks Alan and Reece for a great run on a lovely spring day. On the 19th of November is our annual Swap Meet. We have volunteers manning Gate 2 at the gate entrance ensuring smooth entry for swappers. Once again, our Parts Shed will be open 9-2pm to sell our wide range of parts to interested people. A huge thank you must go out to all the volunteers for making themselves available to help. After all, this is our major fund-raising event for the year. At November’s Club Night recently, we had guest speakers Gill and Andrea from ASB who spoke on safeguarding oneself from scams and fraud. They gave us an insight into common ploys used by scammers. I hope that all present found this interesting. It has been a busy year with our grounds and buildings looking great thanks to the efforts of some on Thursdays, isn’t it great to see how a lovely morning tea attracts so many members along to work in the workshop, parts shed and gardens.


Finally, I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope you are spending this time with friends and family. Santa will be doing his rounds on the 25th to all of you who have been very good all year! See you all at a Club activity soon. Till next time, be safe and keep left. Bozy

Chairman’s Report 3 Secretary’s Report 5 Club Captain’s Report 6 Motorcycle Report 7 Awards Dinner 8 Studebaker Report 11 Events Page 12 Wednesday Wander 14

Club Nights Library News Veteran Rally Parts Shed For Sale


16 17 18 20 21

Cover Picture The Chairman and Secretary at the Veteran Rally—Alan Sharp (who owns the car in the back seat) and Dave Nordell giggling in the background...

Editor’s Snippet I must first humbly apologise to any members who were dismayed to find political comments in last month’s issue. The editing staff have had a sharp word with themselves and will be much more observant in future. Thank you to all those that contributed to this month’s issue. We are a vibrant club—but only when our members all get stuck in. We all help to provide a glimpse of a world that no longer exists through maintaining veteran, vintage and classic machines and motors. A different time and age—a world that people like to forget but had so much influence on our modern one. Thank you to all members who are passionate about their cars and motorcycles and keep our motoring heritage running (literally). A very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all.


SECRETARY’S REPORT Another month has gone by. Thank you to all our members who helped with the Swap Meet one way or another. Without your help we could not run an event this big, being our major fundraiser for the year. A huge thank you. The Awards Dinner was a great success; members who attended enjoyed themselves immensely. Thank you for supporting your car club. Allen Godfrey, Bozy and myself with our cars promoted the Waikato Vintage Car Club at Thomson’s Timber trade breakfast on Friday 27th October. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t the greatest, Steven Senn was bringing his 1933 Hillman Aerominx but the weather wasn’t the best for an open top. Another time Steven. Please support Thomson’s ITM for all your building materials; they also have a great supply of tools. Thank you Thomson’s ITM for asking the club to come along. There are a lot of NZ VCC rallies on around New Zealand. All entry forms are on the individual Branch web pages. If you would rather I emailed one to you please ring me and I can do this for you. Angel Café will have to put her thinking cap on to what to bake for December 7th morning tea. If you can spare some time we would like some help in the garden, they are looking very good but for some reason the weeds keep growing. We do have a lot of members who put time and effort in keeping the grounds, buildings up to scratch. We can’t wait to see the inside painting all complete and finally the pale orange paint colour no longer. I would also like to thank my friend Anna who has given the club a lot of platters and serving dishes. These dishes were well admired at the Awards Dinner and also to Bronya for donating some colourful coffee cups. Jenny will be pleased to see these. I don’t think I have anything else to say this month. Happy Christmas and will be back in 2024. Heather


CLUB CAPTAIN’S REPORT HO, HO, HO FELLOW MEMBERS, WELCOME TO DECEMBER, “THE FESTIVE SEASON.” Hopefully the spirit will move you to come and attend the last club events for 2023. Firstly, a big thank-you to Ellie Terrill for organizing a display of club vehicles at the Autorama at Mystery Creek. A lovely day and a good amount of interest in our club. Also, Marcia and I really enjoyed the Veteran and Two Wheel Brake Rally organized by Alan Sharp and Reece Burnett, it was great weather and great roads. Thanks guys. By the time you read this our Swap Meet will be history, thanks to Jeremy Brook and all his helpers. Now looking ahead to club events: December: Sunday 3rd: Motorcycle Run, organized by Steve Walter. Saturday 9th: A club run to the new Waikato Artillery Museum. Wednesday 13th: the last club night of the year, members to bring a small salad to share. The branch is supplying sausages and chicken drum sticks. See you there. This is a social evening. B.Y.O. nibbles and refreshments. January 2024 Sunday 7th: Blue Smoke and Pedals, organized by Terry Pidduck and Andy Hammond. Wednesday 17th: Wednesday Wander, start the year off with a picnic at the Horahora Domain at midday. Contact Andy Hammond for more details. February: Wednesday 14th: Club night. The proposed changes to the Management Structure of your Club will be discussed. All the information will be emailed out to members. This is a very important discussion that will set the future of the club, so I urge you all to read the information and come along to the meeting. Sunday 16th: A club run, we need some ideas and an organizer. Please contact me. Wednesday 21st: Wednesday Wander, details to come. Friday 25th to Sunday 27th: Motorcycle Tour Weekend. So fellow members, there is plenty to finish the year with and plenty to look forward to in the new year. Marcia and I would like to wish all our members a very MERRY CHRISTMAS AND AN EXTREMELY HAPPY NEW YEAR. Enjoy time with friends and family and please remember the people on their own at this time of the year. Graham Pate.


MOTORCYCLE REPORT The motorcycle run on 3rd December is planned to visit David Leask's collection at Walton after a lunch in Morrinsville. Details have been emailed to motorcyclists. The motorcycle weekend tour on February 9-11th (changed from 23/25th) to be based at Holdens Bay in Rotorua with a scenic ride to Eastern Bay and visit to a workshop near Edgecumbe. Details and entry form have been emailed to motorcyclists.—Bob Hayton

The Chairman acting rather flamboyantly at the Veteran Rally—full report on pp. 18 & 19.


AWARDS DINNER On Saturday the 25th of October a compact crowd assembled at the Clubrooms to celebrate the club’s 65th birthday and to recognise some important milestones of some of our members, more than just “an award for paying your subs for x years” in the words of Greg Terrill. The awards were presented by VCCNZ Immediate Past President, Diane Quarrie. The list of awardees were as follows: 25 years: Jacquie Mitchell Aileen and David Barnes Faye and Ken Douglas Neil and Margaret Grubb Brin Gwyther & Lesley Pevreal Trevor and Kay Skilton 35 years: Peter Spiller Jeremy Brook Joe Bruntlett 60 years Robert Johnson 50 years Les Webster Loraine Patterson with son Kevin on behalf of Colin (deceased) Greg Terrill A big thanks to Heather and the helpers for all their work in organising the evening, especially to Bronya for the edible posies, Maddie for cutting the cake and Bozy for being MC.



WORKSHOP REPORT Another month has passed and it will soon be Xmas – again. Last month we had a demonstration of the correct procedure in how to operate the Tyre Removing Machine thanks to Don Wise ex Tyre Traders. I’m pretty sure the hoist has been in operation every Thursday which is good to see it being used not only for classics but moderns as well. We sorted out some spanners that we had more than double ups to put towards our parts department sales at the swap meet. Thanks got out to Glyn Doughty for the loan of his wood Chipper in helping the destruction of the over grown entranceway garden. For booking the hoist give:Graham Holmes (07) 827 7341 or Andy Hammond (07) 823 5712 or 022 0415 356 a call whether it be for a Thursday or in the weekend if that’s more suitable as I’m sure a Person In Charge (PIC) can be arranged. This will be my last report for a few months as Lorraine and I are heading to a Early Ford V8 meet up in Kaitaia and a tour of Northland at the same time is well over due. Remember the Workshop and the Parts shed are open every Thursday 9.30 - 2 / 2.30pm. Please note: The last day that the Workshop is open for 2023 is the 14th of December and it will reopen on the 1st of February.

Workshop Sub Committee:Jeremy Brook 021 1520 922 Bryan Cossey 0274 10 7772 Graham Holmes (07) 827 7341 Terry Pidduck 027 272 6319 Cossey


Our team have mostly returned and progress is again being made. Reece and Alan have spent a lot of effort in levelling the radiator, enabling work to proceed on the hinge assembly and aligning the bonnet. Bob has been getting the workshop alarm installed with the help of Jim and Les, so that is now included into the overall system and functional – don’t enter the workshop without first cancelling the alarm system. Effort has also gone into preparing various old wounds for remedial work. Once this is behind us, consideration can go into the electrical work needed to replace the less than adequate current wiring. An especially detailed job will be setting up the twin filament headlamp bulb holders so that the lights can be correctly focused. Is anyone good at this type of work and happy to give a hand? Lots of other interesting jobs remain, so if you are keen to join in with this club project in any capacity, get in contact with Alan Sharp or Bob Hayton at either: or respectively (alternatively, by phone at 02102553853 or 0274230610) to have your name added to the contact list, together with any special skills you may be able to contribute. Work sessions are currently on the workshop open days on Thursday mornings, from 9.30am onward and morning tea is always put on, so no excuse really for not becoming involved to help, learn or socialise.


We hope that you will enjoy the club and it’s many activities If you have any queries either big or small please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee and they will be more than willing to assist you in any way possible. Dennis Running—1936 & 37 Chev sedans, 1947 Studebaker, 1947 Commercial under restoration Kent Weston-Arnold—1927 Douglas MC under restoration Keven Mosen—BMW 967 1600-2 sedan under restoration Andrew Rea—1936 Morris 12/2 Series 2 Angela Lewis—husband Roy joined in Sept Mark Sylvester—1941 Indian 741 MC under restoration Once again, welcome to the club. We hope to see you at the club night on the second Wednesday of each month.


Events Ahead

Home Workshop open every Thursday at 9.30am

Dec Jan Feb



Motorcycle Run



Car Run to Waikato Artillery Museum Tauhei



Club Night (Picnic at the club!)



Workshop—last day open for 2023



Wednesday Wander (cancelled)



Blue Smoke and Pedals



Club Run



Wednesday Wander—Picnic



Workshop reopens for 2024



Motorcycle weekend



Club Night



Club Run



Wednesday Wander


Events Ahead Dec




North Otago Windsor Rally



Rotorua 11th Lake Front Car Show


25-29 National Veteran Rally Dunedin


29-31 Founders Price Henry Southern Scenic Tour


Photos from the recent Thomsons ITM breakfast—see Secretary’s report for more info.


WEDNESDAY WANDER: NOV EDITION We started out with coffee and chat at Leamington Cafe 9. Next we headed down the road to Oakdale Rest Home where they had cleared their staff carpark for us. The residents were delighted to run their hands over cars and check under the bonnets. It is really lovely to see the smiles and watch memories come flooding back. One gentleman who had Parkinson's and had trouble with speech managed to tell me his family's first car was a Ford. When I asked him if he liked motorbikes the words fell out with full clarity, "shit no!" We finished up at The Lily Pad for a delicious lunch and more chat. Thanks Andy and Terry for a lovely relaxing day. Graeme & Julie Rickard





PICNIC! Come and celebrate the end to a great year! Club will provide sausages & chicken drumsticks & dessert BYO nibbles & refreshments



We have added something extra in the way of a short road run for legal mopeds, scooters and two stroke motor cycles. We will be have the traditional BSP activities for those that don’t wish to go on the run, those that do will join in the fun when they return.—Peter, Terry and Andy.



Our archivist, Kathryn Parsons, has very kindly donated a small collection of motoring books from the estate of her late father. Now we can all enjoy reading of his interests.

Still on the archive topic, an interesting donation came in the other day from Erryn Cross, one of the Cambridge auto electricians. He brought along the records of the now defunct Cambridge Motor Club which operated in the town from May 1954 until November 1966. Erryn’s late father, who passed away last year, was the club secretary it seems and had held on to these records all these years. Rather than see them dumped, Committee has agreed that they should be held in our archives as a record of local motoring from the period. Our most recent surplus books are to be taken along to the Karapiro Swapmeet, the better condition ones will be offered for sale at a nominal price and the rest will be free to take away rather than see them dumped.


2023 VETERAN RALLY There were eleven cars on the rally (1906 to 1926) and at least double that for the number of participants on the day. A big thanks to the hosts at Kihikihi, Penny and Dean Goff. We all took the long route with a start at 10am south towards Mangakino. I struggled to keep up with Cossey. Maybe Lorraine was egging him on. The cars were impressive, including Phil and Caroline’s single cylinder Caddy from Auckland being an ex Te Awamutu car. It knew its way around so Caroline just enjoyed the magnificent King Country scenery. There were the famous Model T’s, especially Monty & Pauline’s pick up along with Rayne’s Triumph and Alan Sharp’s Dodge tourer. The morning run consisted of 50 miles towards Arapuni and 30kms from Mangakino, Owairaka Valley, Wharepapa, Maihiihi, Otewa and into Otorohanga for the lunch stop. We had 35 instructions, so we knew where we were going. After lunch we moved on to Peter Still Motors to look at a collection. His collection of fire engines boggles the mind, and his half a dozen military vehicles must have taken thousands of hours of work and dedication. Congratulations Peter and thank you for letting us look at the collection. Back in the chariots and north we went along Kakamutu, Pokuru and Kakapuku roads. I’m pleased I didn’t live there when I started school. We travelled along Te Mawhai Road past the old Tokonui Hospital. My sister nursed there back in the 80s. Then it was back into Kihikihi to the end of the rally for afternoon tea and formalities at the Goffs’. Some took advantage to see our host Dean’s collection of cars which included a single seat Formula Ford car to a Sierra Cosworth, XD Ford, Model A pedal car to a huge display of vintage go carts that can over 200kms per hour. This a family sport involving Dad, Mum, and kids. 1st Waikato: Mark Smith & Paul Clark—Model T 1st Overall: Bryan & Lorraine Cossey—1924 Model T C Cab Truck Best Dressed in the Worst Car: Bozy & Heather Boswell—1916 Dodge (Alan sat in the back) A huge thanks to the organisers, Alan Sharp, Reece Burnett and team. Your enthusiasm is infectious. Thanks to the Goff family and Peter Still. A particular thanks to Tom at the Classics Museum. Your support is appreciated and valuable to us. We look forward to seeing the Bugatti on the road soon. With over 270,000 historic or classic cars in NZ, worth over 11 billion dollars, with our restoring and using them and with people like Tom Andrews preserving them, it gives us cause to be proud and confident in the future of vintage and veteran cars. Graham McKenzie



Open one hour before club nights Now open Thursday mornings 10am—12pm Lots of parts including: wiper blades steering columns lights gauges generators carburettors light bulbs wheel rims gaskets bumpers armatures alternators axles distributor caps —————————————————————————————— Recent additions: Mk 2 Escort radiator Mk 3 Cortina bumpers Valiant VE rear bumper XY Falcon tail light 1931 Morris Minor Radiator and surround —————————————————————————————— Parts Shed Committee Alan Sharp 021 02553853 Les King 021 1909506 Clive Plumtree 07 8275973 Terry Pidduck 027 2726319 Graham Holmes 027 6277341

CLUB BADGES FOR SALE These are available to view and buy at Club Nights Lapel or Cap Badges - enamelled Car Bumper Badges - cast in brass Windscreen Transfers Windscreen Vinyl Stickers Club Emblem Jacket Patches Number Plate Surrounds Rally Number Holders


$10.00 each $35.00 each $2.00 each $2.00 each $5.00 each $5.00 pair $15.00 each

DO YOU HAVE A CAR, CARS, MOTORBIKES OR PARTS THAT YOU WISH TO SELL? 1927 Chrysler H60 6 cyl Tourer 7 bearing engine Rego on hold, Needs tyres for WOF, Very tidy older restoration, Motor very good, Low ownership, Hood and curtains excellent condition, $25,000.00 ono Contact or 022 410 2455

1989 Mazda MX5 Euros Roadster Rego and Warrant expire in March 2024, 159.713 km, 1597cc 5 speed manual, 2 owners, Engine bay brace, Lowered suspension, After market exhaust, Flyin Miata link ECU custom intake $9,800 ono 1951 (approx) Ford Prefect E493 A Partly restored, tidy body, runs. Not Regd. Offers over $2500 to Mariah ph 0223611667

The information in this newsletter and on the club’s web site, is supplied as a service to club members. Articles and other copy of interest are always welcome and encouraged. The opinions expressed in this newsletter and on the club’s website are those of the author alone. Neither the club nor any of its officers accepts responsibility for the accuracy of any statements or opinions. Notice We are getting non members ask about putting an advert in the For Sale or Wanted section of the Venture. After a discussion with the committee it has been decided that an advert from a non Waikato VCC member will incur a $15.00 charge. This will cover a three (3) month insertion. After the three (3) months it will be automatically withdrawn.




Graham Boswell Graham Pate Dave Nordell Heather Boswell Jillian Hayton Aaron Kearney Lorraine Cossey Les King Heather Boswell Sue King Brent Terrill Jeremy Brook Bob Hayton Bryan Cossey Alan Sharp


Dave Nordell Peter Spiller Paul Clark Kathryn Parsons Elle Terrill Heather Boswell Elle Terrill Steve Walter Paul Clark

* * * * *

07 856 7238

021 2900985 021 2801586 021 502390 021 684938 027 4230608 021 1472827

07 827 7710 *

021 1909506 021 684938 07 823 7948

* * * * *

07 824 1641 07 856 7238 07 827 7710

07 823 0944 07 855 6774 *

07 827 8484

021 445496 021 1520922 027 4230610 027 4107772 021 02553853 021 502390 027 4913387 021 324911 022 0246820 027 3687957 021 684938 027 3687957 0274 920095 021 324911

* Committee Positions

POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 924, Hamilton, 3240 Club Night Library and Parts Shed Hours

CLUB ROOMS ADDRESS MacLean St, Cambridge 2nd Wednesday of month at 7.30pm 2nd Wednesday of month from 6.30pm over Summer, 7.00pm over Winter. Every Thursday 9.30am - 2pm

Workshop Hours Website: Email addresses: Chairman: Secretary: Editor: CLOSING DATE FOR VENTURE COPY: 20th of each month Contributions should be emailed to Editor -


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7a Princes Street, Hamilton Phone 07 838-3385 Fax 07 838-3381

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Waikato Vintage Car Club Clubrooms For Hire

15 Commerce St Frankton Hamilton Tel: 07 847 5500

Contact Secretary 021 684938


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