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February 2024

Vol 61

Venture Est. 1958

Waikato Branch

Newsletter of the Veteran & Vintage Car Club (Waikato) Inc.

2c Brooklyn Rd Claudelands Hamilton (07) 855 2400

Monday to Friday 7.30am to 5pm No Appointments

Manager Joe Bruntlett VCC Member

All makes and models From 1898 to New


24 Commerce St. Cambridge For ALL your tyre needs

Phone 07 827 3875


CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Wow we are in 2024 already. I hope you all had a great Xmas with friends and family. Hopefully you managed to get away to your favourite place and enjoy a cold beer or wine or fruit juice, it has been particularly warm with some record day temperatures around the country, not to mention hot nights. After last Xmas’s weather fiasco Heather and I headed for our place at Cooks Beach, we were certainly rewarded with fine warm days with great fishing and boating conditions. It was very good and it is not finished yet.

Our Calendar of Events sees planning for the year has been pretty much programmed with some events well underway with their organisation. The Double 50 is one such event which will be held in June. June’s AGM will be coming around very quickly. As usual all positions will be up for nomination. I will be standing down as Chairman at this year’s AGM. We need a strong committee to steer our Branch into the future. Please consider putting your name forward for the AGM. I have been amazed at the number of projects that our branch members have been busy working on. I await their unveiling at a club event soon. See you all at a Club activity soon.


Till next time, be safe and keep left. Bozy

Chairman’s Report 3 Secretary’s Report 5 Club Captain’s Report 6 Motorcycle Report 7 Blue Smoke & Pedals 8 Studebaker Report 11 Events Page 12 East Coast Repairs 14

Club Nights Library News Roy’s Model F Parts Shed For Sale


16 17 18 20 21

Cover Picture An action shot from the Blue Smoke and Pedals with Joe Bruntlett having a go and Jeremy Brook as marshal.

Editor’s Snippet A new year is upon us, ladies and gents. The heat is still upon us but that has not stopped the hardy souls that have already turned out this summer for the Blue Smoke and Pedals and the Wed Wander picnic. Thank you to everyone who has continued to send in content for this magazine. It does make my job easier. I never underestimate the power these cars and motorcycles have over people, the memories they unlock and the reminders they contain of earlier times. They are very special machines.

Wednesday Wander Picnic—17th January—More than 20 people ignored the weather forecast to turn up for the annual January Wednesday Wander picnic at Hora Hora Domain on Lake Karapiro. And the weather was just right! Not too hot, a nice breeze and only one jet ski to annoy us, and he went home early! Eight VCC cars (and some newer ones) including two Model T Fords were lined up in the shade under the trees. A very satisfactory start to 2024! Andy Hammond & Terry Pidduck Photos of this event are scattered through this month’s issue… - Ed.


SECRETARY’S REPORT Where has the last 2 months gone. We have all had lovely sunny weather. I was lucky to catch a 610mm snapper out from Great Mercury Island. Very pleased with myself I was. The water was so clear over at the island that it was like swimming at a tropical island somewhere. Nice to see a good turn out of members at the last club night in December. Thank you to Lori who baked a Christmas cake and everyone else for bringing along some very tasty salads and helping as usual

I wrote a report earlier tonight and forgot to save it and went to find to send to the Editor and couldn’t find it so now I am trying to rewrite report. I have spent a lot of time ringing members who either lost their 2023-2024 membership subscription invoice when posted or filed it in the junk email in box. Thank you to the members who have paid and received their new membership card for 2024 year. If you haven’t received your new membership card please email me on or ring 021 694 938 and I will follow up. We have members who have resigned for different reasons with new members coming on board. You will be pleased to know I will be away from 23rd February to end of April with Graham who will be towing the caravan touring the South Island with our bikes safe in the back of Toyota Cruiser. We have a ferry crossing date and a house booked in Stewart Island with friends and the rest will just happen as we go along. I will have my computer and only a phone call away if you need to know something. Enough from me now enjoy the rest of the month. Heather


CLUB CAPTAIN’S REPORT Welcome to a New Year full of promise and expectations. It is a leap year so watch out! Next month we have an extra day to enjoy our lives. I hope you are all like me and enjoying the summer weather. I have caught up with family and friends, and nearly ticked off every job on my holiday list. Let us all start the year off by attending our club nights, club runs, and workshop day. There is quite a lot in the calendar for the coming year. FEBRUARY: 9th – 11th Motorcycle weekend 14th Club Night. A discussion on the proposed changes to the Management Structure of your club. 18th A Club Run (see the advert on the next page) 21st Wednesday Wander. MARCH: 13th 24th 20th

Club night Club Run Wednesday Wander.

APRIL: 6th 10th 17th 21st

Mooloo Meander Club Night Wednesday Wander Club Run.

So, lots of activities to whet your appetite. Hope to see most of you at some event in the future. Graham P.


MOTORCYCLE REPORT Pre Christmas Ride 3rd December—with the Daffodil Run, South Waikato Ride and trips, for me, with 2 other clubs this makes the 5th wet ride recently. Not that riding wet roads isn’t fun and challenging for sharpening your skills and feeling for your bike, but it stops people from turning up. We can’t complain really, at least our homes haven’t been flooded or livelihood affected. 9 bikes, 2 cars and 13 people started the plotted route, which was about 60km each way, to visit a collection of very nice Japanese bikes and an excellent host. David Leask also has many new old stock parts he has bought for Yamaha and Kawasakis. Lunch was at the Top Pub in Morrinsville. By contrast the Blue Smoke and Pedals event on Jan 7 th had perfect weather. Not having a suitable vehicle we went on bicycles. There were many people there and about 20 bikes/mopeds/scooters of various ages and it was a very enjoyable social occasion. Thanks to hosts Graham and Pat Holmes and the sausage cooks. Steve W

CLUB RUN SUNDAY 18th FEBRUARY 2024 Meet at the club rooms 9.30am for coffee and biscuits. Leave at 10am to travel to Te Aroha and visit a private car collection. The owner, John Rayner, has specifically asked if some Model As could come along. After visiting this collection, we will visit the Old Forge Café in Te Aroha West for lunch. Any queries contact Graham Pate 0212801586


BLUE SMOKE & PEDALS 2024 This year’s Blue Smoke & Pedals was held at Graham & Pat Holmes’s place on Zig Zag Road. This was a new site and what a great place it was; plenty of shade and good grass paddocks for the 5 events. With Andy’s short run for road legal machinery including electric push bikes; there was some thing for every one. We had 20 entries and as many spectators. After every one had completed the 5 events it was time for a simple BBQ. The last event on the day was the teams slalom race. So the only thing left to do was to hand out the chocolate fish to the winners. 1 st with 2 wins was Terry O’Hanlan with Bob Hayton and Paul Kippner tying for 2 nd with a win and a second. The slalom race was won by Wayne Hayward’s team. Thanks to Graham & Pat for the allowing us to use their place, Terry and Andy for arranging the events and all the others that helped, also to The Honda Shop our sponsors for the day. See you all along next year. Peter Spiller


Another shot from the Wed Wander picnic... 9


The bonnet and radiator alignment worked on by Reece and Alan for some time now looks the part and is held properly in place thanks to the refurbished bonnet catches and the replica mounting plates made by Nigel. A special tool had to be made to press in the centre of these catch plates, so thanks Nigel for the skill and effort put in to completing these. With the re-aligned front mudguards back in place, the front of the car now needs to have the headlights fitted to give it a more completed appearance, but we are still looking for someone who would like to get involved in setting up the twin filament headlamp bulb holders so that the lights can be correctly focused. Are you any good at this type of work and happy to give a hand?

After the long Christmas and New Year break, workshop sessions start again on Thursday 1st February, so come along and offer your assistance, enjoy the morning tea and social engagement with other members. Lots of other interesting jobs remain, so if you are keen to join in with this club project in any capacity, get in contact with Alan Sharp or Bob Hayton at either: or respectively (alternatively, by phone at 02102553853 or 0274230610) to have your name added to the contact list, together with any special skills you may be able to contribute. Work sessions are on the workshop open days on Thursday mornings, from 9.30am onward and morning tea is always put on, so no excuse really for not becoming involved to help, learn or socialise.


Events Ahead

Home Workshop open every Thursday at 9.30am

Feb Mar




Workshop reopens for 2024



Motorcycle weekend



Club Night



Club Run



Wednesday Wander



Club Night



Club Run



Wednesday Wander



Mooloo Meander



Club Night



Wednesday Wander


Events Ahead Feb



15-18 Art Deco



Ford Convention



North Island Club Captains Tour



South Island National Easter Rally Nelson—see advert below


2024 National VCC South Island Easter Rally th 29 March – 1st April – Nelson This is just a friendly reminder to members to get their entry forms in for this Rally. This event also celebrates the 60th Anniversary of the Nelson Branch. Also please note that the Golden Bay Tour, (2 nd to 5th of April), is proving popular, and with the exciting programme planned, will be well worth entering while in the Nelson area. Please contact: John Barker : driving or 027 911 0763 Rally Secretary


EAST COAST FLOOD DAMAGED REPAIRS To most of us in the Waikato, the flooding brought about by Cyclone Gabrielle and other similar storms in Auckland and the East Coast in recent times has had little impact on our lives. Not so for our member Nigel Weber in Cambridge, who most of you will know located in WA and having imported it, then beautifully rebuilt the very early Stanley steam car and later built a stunning replica of the 1896 Roper steam motorcycle, followed by three more! Being very skilled at what he does, Nigel has been retained to bring back to preflood condition some of the vehicles damaged in recent events on the East Coast. In particular, the motorcycles from the private collection of Kelvin Taylor, owner of the largest pack-house in Hawkes Bay.

Kelvin’s collection of around forty vehicles includes half a dozen vintage bikes as well as the 1897 Stanley steam car and the original of the 1896 Roper steam bike built by Nigel some years ago. The contract to repair all the damage resulting from flooding by silt laden water up to the car axles (and by later careless transport), was secured by Motor Panel Works of Morrinsville, but the two-wheelers were outside their scope of interest, so the insurance company approached Nigel to carry out this section of the repair work. In between all his other work for the steam fraternity, including for several owners of veteran Locomobile steamers, already the Stanley Steamer has come from Hawkes Bay and gone through his workshop, while a 1941 Indian 741B ex-military motorcycle and a remarkably complete 1914 Douglas ‘barn find’ bike are ready to go back to the collection. Currently the rather unique Roper is being returned to health, including for the transport damage to the wooden walled firebox which will require replacement of both this and several missing parts. Fortunately, having later made three further replicas of the Roper for owners with limited knowledge on how they function, Nigel gets regular requests to help out with these so is still quite familiar with their workings. The repair work has involved not only cleaning and replacement of parts such as wheel bearings, brake components, exhaust and oiling systems or engine stripping and flushing, but also transport damage to the woodwork of the steam vehicles and much of the paintwork everywhere. Judging by the finished results, the bike collection is going to be in an almost better condition than prior to its inundation. We are indeed fortunate to have a local skilled steam enthusiast of such ability nearby on whom we can call when the occasion arises. The new year will bring more flood damaged bikes into Nigel’s workshop, as those returned to health are returned from whence they came – hopefully with a little more care taken in their transport! Bob Hayton




Wednesday 14th February:

Discussion on the future Management Structure of VCC

All members have been emailed what is going to be discussed.

Wednesday 13th March

To be confirmed...


Something in a lighter vein... A drover from a huge cattle station in outback Australia appeared before St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. "Have you ever done anything of particular merit?" St. Peter asked. "Well, I can think of one thing," the drover offered. "Once, on a trip to the back blocks of Broken Hill out in New South Wales , I came across a gang of bikers who were threatening a young sheila. I told them to leave her alone, but they wouldn't listen. So I approached the largest and most heavily tattooed bikie and smacked him in his face, kicked his bike over, ripped out his nose ring, and threw it on the ground. I yelled, "Now, back off!! Or I'll kick the heck out of the lot of ya!" St. Peter was impressed, "When did this happen?" "A couple of minutes ago”

The club library has always been willing to loan out books from the collection to members on the understanding that they are returned in good time LIBRARY NEWS and condition. Unfortunately, some borrowers seem to overlook returning their books after use, even after several years. If by chance you are one of these, please get onto the job so that other members can benefit. We consider a couple of months is a reasonable time to glean new knowledge unless arranged otherwise. The library does of course have B&W photo-copiers for your use when required. New private donations continue to come in for which we are grateful and offers from public libraries also enable us to keep adding to the collection. Our library is considered to be the pre-eminent motoring archive in the Waikato and Central North Island region, so members can be proud of what we have been able to achieve over the past twenty or so years. Despite the unsuitable weather for book sales at the Karapiro Swapmeet, a few of our surplus volumes did find new owners there. A few others in good order are still available at modest price in the library, whilst some have even found homes with members from the glory box in the clubrooms. The balance of less desirable items are now disposed of. 17


Waikato Veteran Rally November 1988, first intrepid rally. DNF.

Thank you to Roy Rowe for these pictures, article and the trip down memory lane. 19

Open one hour before club nights Now open Thursday mornings 10am—12pm Lots of parts including: wiper blades steering columns lights gauges generators carburettors light bulbs wheel rims gaskets bumpers armatures alternators axles distributor caps —————————————————————————————— Recent additions: Mk 2 Escort radiator Mk 3 Cortina bumpers Valiant VE rear bumper XY Falcon tail light 1931 Morris Minor Radiator and surround —————————————————————————————— Parts Shed Committee Alan Sharp 021 02553853 Les King 021 1909506 Clive Plumtree 07 8275973 Terry Pidduck 027 2726319 Graham Holmes 027 6277341

CLUB BADGES FOR SALE These are available to view and buy at Club Nights Lapel or Cap Badges - enamelled Car Bumper Badges - cast in brass Windscreen Transfers Windscreen Vinyl Stickers Club Emblem Jacket Patches Number Plate Surrounds Rally Number Holders


$10.00 each $35.00 each $2.00 each $2.00 each $5.00 each $5.00 pair $15.00 each

DO YOU HAVE A CAR, CARS, MOTORBIKES OR PARTS THAT YOU WISH TO SELL? 1991 Ford TX5 Ghia Auto. Air con. Moonroof .Power steer .new tyres. 120,000 kms. Deceased owner. Rego and Wof up to date . serviced by South Auckland Ford. Drives like new . $ 8200.00 ono—021 474 894— 1928 Chevrolet Tourer Has had rebore & new aluminum O/S pistons, valves, cam gear, radiator core, brake linings. Has WOF& REGO & VIC $22500—Ring Colin 0276596669 1927 Chrysler H60 6 cyl Tourer 7 bearing engine Rego on hold, Needs tyres for WOF, Very tidy older restoration, Motor very good, Low ownership, Hood and curtains excellent condition, $25,000.00 ono 022 410 2455 1989 Mazda MX5 Euros Roadster Rego and Warrant expire in March 2024, 159.713 km, 1597cc 5 speed manual, 2 owners, Engine bay brace, Lowered suspension, After market exhaust, Flying Miata link ECU custom intake—$9,800 ono 022 165 4772 1951 (approx) Ford Prefect E493 A Partly restored, tidy body, runs. Not Regd. Offers over $2500 to Mariah ph 0223611667

The information in this newsletter and on the club’s web site, is supplied as a service to club members. Articles and other copy of interest are always welcome and encouraged. The opinions expressed in this newsletter and on the club’s website are those of the author alone. Neither the club nor any of its officers accepts responsibility for the accuracy of any statements or opinions. Notice We are getting non members ask about putting an advert in the For Sale or Wanted section of the Venture. After a discussion with the committee it has been decided that an advert from a non Waikato VCC member will incur a $15.00 charge. This will cover a three (3) month insertion. After the three (3) months it will be automatically withdrawn.




Graham Boswell Graham Pate Dave Nordell Heather Boswell Jillian Hayton Aaron Kearney Lorraine Cossey Les King Heather Boswell Sue King Brent Terrill Jeremy Brook Bob Hayton Bryan Cossey Alan Sharp


Dave Nordell Peter Spiller Paul Clark Kathryn Parsons Elle Terrill Heather Boswell Elle Terrill Steve Walter Paul Clark

* * * * *

07 856 7238

021 2900985 021 2801586 021 502390 021 684938 027 4230608 021 1472827

07 827 7710 *

021 1909506 021 684938 07 823 7948

* * * * *

07 824 1641 07 856 7238 07 827 7710

07 823 0944 07 855 6774 *

07 827 8484

021 445496 021 1520922 027 4230610 027 4107772 021 02553853 021 502390 027 4913387 021 324911 022 0246820 027 3687957 021 684938 027 3687957 0274 920095 021 324911

* Committee Positions

POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 924, Hamilton, 3240 Club Night Library and Parts Shed Hours

CLUB ROOMS ADDRESS MacLean St, Cambridge 2nd Wednesday of month at 7.30pm 2nd Wednesday of month from 6.30pm over Summer, 7.00pm over Winter. Every Thursday 9.30am - 2pm

Workshop Hours Website: Email addresses: Chairman: Secretary: Editor: CLOSING DATE FOR VENTURE COPY: 20th of each month Contributions should be emailed to Editor -


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and Repairs Domestic and Commercial

7a Princes Street, Hamilton Phone 07 838-3385 Fax 07 838-3381

07-847 4780

Waikato Vintage Car Club Clubrooms For Hire

15 Commerce St Frankton Hamilton Tel: 07 847 5500

Contact Secretary 021 684938


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For all your brake & clutch re-lining services. Specialising in re-bonding of all veteran, vintage and classic brake shoes, pads and drive lines. Steven Hunter - Manager Phone: 0800-BOND-007 0800-2663-007 23

Open 7 days a week - 9am-4pm 11 Railside Place, Frankton Ph: 07 957 2230

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Shock absorbers. Suspension components. CV joints Aerials. Hand Tools. Trailer Components. Disc pads Water Pumps. Timing /Fan/Micro Belts. Gauges. 24

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