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2c Brooklyn Rd Claudelands Hamilton (07) 855 2400 Monday to Friday 7.30am to 5pm No Appointments Manager Joe Bruntlett VCC Member All makes and models From 1898 to New Venture Est. 1958 65 years young!
2 TYRE TRADERS 24 Commerce St. Cambridge For ALL your tyre needs Phone 07 827 3875


At the weekend we attended the National AGM on our members’ behalf, it was a lively affair with great exchanges from most present. Diane Quarrie chaired the meeting being her last official duty of her reign as President. George Kear who is President elect was not present owing to Covid but did zoom in on some subjects. To Diane (and Geoff) we wish you well and hope you enjoy taking it a little bit easier.

Waikato’s bid for the 2026 Vero International Festival of Motoring Rally was unsuccessful with Nelson getting the successful bid. They have proposed March/April 2026 for this to be scheduled. We wish Nelson Branch well for this event.

Unfortunately, an increase of $25 for membership was agreed to by a majority vote. The main reason for this increase was the cost increases associated with printing, postage and paper for the Beaded Wheels. Look at it this way, it is only 4 coffees a year.

Steve and Sue Keys were awarded the John L Goddard Trophy for the exceptional restoration of the 1938 Diamond T Texaco Tanker. This is on display at the Classic Museum in Hamilton. It is “well worth” a visit if you haven’t already viewed this.

Several Executive Members were not seeking re-election.

Kaaren Smylie NICC

Alon Mayhew- SICC

Tony Haycock- Speed Steward

Thank you to all above for their help with some of our branch activities.

Several National Events have been awarded.

2024 National Commercial Rally-held at Labour Weekend, hosted by Central Otago

2025 National Motorcycle Rally hosted by Manawatu with the date to be confirmed.

2027 National Motorcycle Rally hosted by South Canterbury with the date to be confirmed.

I hope that by the time you read this we will have had another successful Daffodil Day / Open Day, time to hope the weather gods are on our side. Hope to see you at an event soon, meanwhile keep warm and dry, and remember summer is on the way!

Till next time, be safe and keep left.

Cover Picture

3 CONTENTS Chairman’s Report 3 Secretary’s Report 5 Club Captain’s Report6 Motorcycle Report 7 Awards Dinner 9 Workshop Report 10 Studebaker Report 11 Events Page 12 Angel Café opens! 14 Club Nights 16 Library News 17 Essex Tourer 18 Workshop Report 19 Parts Shed 20 For Sale 21 Our intrepid
Day rally
the 20th at the clubrooms
on Sunday
one of our marshals that day, poster boy Mr. Graham Holmes Report next month!

Editor’s Snippet

Wow – I’ve been in the job over a month already! Time flies when you are having fun. Thank you all for your support, comments and feedback.

The club is celebrating its 65th birthday this year. It is an unusual thought to get your head around that a branch of a “vintage” car club is getting older in that it makes you wonder what was considered “vintage” or “old” back in 1958 when the branch was established. I’m not going to devote any more column inches to semantics, hence the parentheses.

Enjoy the issue. Support your Committee. Support those active members who work really hard to make events happen.

It’s coming up quickly!!! - this is our club’s biggest fundraiser and members assistance is vital. Entry costs: $10 car/trailer & driver $25 larger vehicle/trailer We will need lots of helpers Contact: Jeremy 07-8241641
Waikato Swapmeet -Sunday 19 November


August club night, Pot Luck Dinner, Roy Rowe showed a small movie on the early days of the Club. The music on the movie brought memories back of what music back then was like. Good turn out which is always great to see. Plenty of food and a lot of chatter amongst all. Our new members Mark Thompson came along and drew the first number of 3 draws for the raffle. Raffles were won by Steve Walters, Kathyrn Parsons and Mark who actually won one. Comments on raffles were very positive, thank you. Workshop men were asking for some plywood to put up around the Workshop walls to show companies Sponsorship and display some Memorabilia. Thomson’s Timber ITM were very kind to donate this Plywood to the Waikato Vintage Car club. Please support Thomsons when you are requiring timber, posts etc. Sponsorship is always a huge saving in lots of ways. Let’s support our sponsors where ever possible.

Huge thank you to our members who have baked and helped for the Daffodil Devonshire Tea at the club rooms. Organizing this event we require a lot of help from members which the club always appreciates. All funds raised go to the Waikato Branch of the Cancer Society.

Ringing members for the Daffodil Day there were some members who had cancelled their landlines, changed mobile numbers and email addresses. I update the branch master spreadsheet when given information to do so. This is very important to keep records correct. NZVCC National office will be emailing a form out to all members for information on their vehicles, physical addresses and contact phone numbers.


Waikato Veteran and Vintage Car Club would like to thank Thomsons ITM for gifting plywood sheets which have been used to complete 3 walls around the Workshop. VCC workshop sub-committee were delighted when they were informed of the 12 sheets arriving to secure club memorabilia on. Huge thank you to our members who installed the plywood on Saturday 22nd July.

Locally owned and servicing the Waikato region for over 30-years, Thomsons ITM are proud to support our club and are thrilled to see this plywood go to great use. If you have a DIY project in mind, head on into the Hamilton or Whatawhata Thomsons ITM stores where you will find the right advice, tools, and supplies to help you bring your project to life. From fencing to decking, planter boxes to pole sheds to put your vintage car in, the team at Thomsons ITM will have what you need to get the job done.



By the time you read this magazine our National Day and the Daffodil Run will have been done and dusted. So, thanks in advance to all the entrants and helpers. Spring is now arriving, the daylight is slowly getting longer and the Daffodils are blooming, so lets all spring forward to the coming events.

The Club Night on the13th September is a Dusk run, plotted by Brent Terrill, followed by Fish and Chips at the Club Rooms. Heather Boswell will be taking the orders on the night. The September Club run is on the 24th and is being organized by Dave Nordell and Bryan Cossey. This run is suitable for Post Vintage Vehicles. Read the Advert in the Magazine and come along for a nice spring day of motoring.

The Club night on October 11th will be another fun Housie night. The last one we had was a great success, so come out again for another fun night and the chance to win some cash. On Saturday October 28th we have our branches Long Service Awards Dinner. Members will be presented with their 25, 35, 50, and 60-year service badges. The cost of the dinner is only $10 per person. So, get your glad rags on and come out and help celebrate your fellow club members long service awards.

The Veteran and Two Wheel Brake Rally is being held on November 4th. Alan Sharpe and Reece Burnett are organizing this event so you can look forward to another opportunity to see the old timers out, I mean the vehicles as well as drivers. Then on November 19th it is our annual Swap meet. This is the main fundraiser for the branch, so your assistance will be required to make sure it is a success. Jeremy Brook is the go-to man for this event. Keep the date free, your assistance will be required to carry out lots of different jobs during the day.

As Club Captain I would like to give all our new members a very warm Waikato Welcome. Please remember to wear your name badge as the older we get the harder it is to remember names of people.

Hope to see you all out and about at a club night or a club run.

A plea from your Secretary Heather

If you buy, sell or change a vehicle please let me know for the Waikato Club Register. When I get asked if any one has a particular make, model and year of vehicle I can search and find it. Unless I know, I am unable to keep it updated. Let me know if you no longer have a land line, changed your physical address, have a mobile or changed email address - please this is important for the branch membership and also VCCNZ.



First of all a big thank you, from all the motorcyclists, to Peter Spiller who has done a good job for the last 17 years, and isn’t finished yet. Peter has created a friendly atmosphere inviting everyone to join in. He is the reason I joined the VCC, having been invited on runs for many years with never any conditions.

Motorcycle Ride July 30th

I left from Cambridge in sunshine but it quickly turned cold and foggy, and hard to see with fog on the visor, to the start at a café in Ngaruawahia, and more fog up the west side of Huntly. There were 10 bikes, including a trike, and 11 people in cars. A couple of bikes of note. Paul Hanes Indian Chief which certainly isn’t slow and sounds marvellous. And Steve DeGroot’s plunger framed BSA which he has spent 18 months sorting out, keeping up with more modern bikes and didn’t leak a drop of oil all day! We met 4 more bikes in Pokeno for lunch. Some went to the market next to the café. Mark had a puncture on his Bimota YB8 (hard to believe it’s 32 years old). Luckily Geoff had a tubeless, dog turd, repair kit so it was quickly fixed. Anyone with tubeless tyres should carry one.

Less than 10km up SH2 to see Dave Alexander, arranged by Bob, who is building a land speed record car. This for the under 3 litre Lakester class, which allows a streamlined body but unfaired wheels. Interestingly weight is an advantage for stability so it is built of mild steel tube with ports to add lead shot in the frame tubes to change the centre of gravity compared with the centre of pressure and a large ice tank for the intercooler. He is aiming for 300MPH.

“The Spirit of New Zealand Bonneville Lakester” on Facebook. He has broken records at Bonneville in another car and is planning to run this one at Lake Gairdner, in Australia, next March. So we will keep an eye on his progress.

On the way home 8 bikes stopped at the Muddy Waters bar and had a great ride east of the main road and south around Lake Waikare until the tubeless repair failed. I think the hole was too big, made by a stone rather than a nail or similar. Another Steve continued home to get his ute. I heard later that when the sun went down Mark had to start the bike and cuddle it to keep warm.

Next ride is October 7th. The South Waikato run. Entry forms will be emailed soon. The planned motorcycle tour scheduled for February 23/25th has been moved to February 9/11th in the Rotorua, Whakatane area.



Come along and join us to celebrate with our long term members. Enjoy a hearty dinner followed by dessert. BYO refreshments and nibbles.

Clubrooms open at 6pm with dinner at 7pm.

Cost $10 pp

Must be pre-booked and paid by 16 October to: Bank account: 03-1568-0015832-03 with name/dinner as reference

Details to Heather:

9 50
25 35


August saw a quieter than usual month as far as the use of the hoist is concerned. Maybe everyone has changed the oil and already greased their vehicles in readiness for the summer season ahead.

Special thanks must go to Thomsons ITM who donated the plywood which has been installed and is now awaiting sponsor boards, memorabilia etc to be attached. Well Daffodil Day has been and gone and unfortunately the weather wasn’t the best on the day which meant our planned TV recording didn’t go ahead. Hopefully next year. (Check out Face TV - Channel 83 every Tues 7.30pm) It was good to see on the day plenty of interest in the workshop facility and lots of good comments. Don’t forget if you wish to use the hoist give Graham Holmes or Andy Hammond a call whether it be a Thursday or a Sunday, I’m sure we can arrange a ‘Person in Charge’ to open up.

Thursday opening hours are from 9.30am to at least 2pm - 2.30pm or weekends by arrangement.

To book the hoist contact either:-

Graham Holmes (07) 827 7341

Andy Hammond (07) 823 5712 or 022 0415 356

I’m still looking for any Memorabilia, Flags, Signs, Placards, Posters etc. Give me a call 0274 10 7772 Cossey.


Sunday 24th Sept 2023

Suitable for all types of Motoring Classes. (Total 86 miles)

All Scenic Country Sealed Roads. - No Metal Roads. Visiting a place of Interest.

Children welcome. (Prizes to be won)

BYO Lunch. (Tea / Coffee / Milk / Hot Water supplied)

Start & Finish @ the Clubrooms. – 1st car away 10am

Morning and afternoon Cuppa @ ‘Angels Café’ (Clubrooms)

Cost $7.50 Per Adult. (includes entry to place of interest)

Children Free. (Prizes available)

Period Dress. – Optional.

Entry on the day. Non Competitive.

Any Queries contact

Cossey:- 0274 10 7772 (

Dave Nordell:- 021 502 390



With the broken cam gear now replaced and water pump reinstalled, as well as new cooling water circuit fittings made to replace corroded ones, we were able to do a trial run of the starter and spin the motor recently, which was reassuring.

It was now time to work on installing the correct Dixie 4-cylinder magneto housing obtained at the Canterbury Swapmeet last October. This has now been modified to become a ‘points and coil’ arrangement with Alan machining a suitable fitting in insulating Tufnol to locate the high-tension connection to the exterior distributor plate. The magneto platform required some machining to obtain the correct shaft alignment and the drive dog too had to be machined to fit correctly with the new magneto shaft. Now the coil circuit and changed low tension wiring is being completed. Understanding the complex wiring arrangement through the regulator connection panel without a circuit diagram is taking time, but all is coming together slowly. We are looking forward to being able to do a trial start on the motor before too long.

Bob has been off helping the Parts Shed guys get better lighting installed and the Workshop team get their donated equipment running, whilst Reece’s recent accident and Peter’s domestic considerations are slowing progress in the panel beating department, but they are both keen to see this work pick up again soon. Lots of interesting jobs remain, so if you are keen to join in with this club project in any capacity, get in contact with Alan Sharp or Bob Hayton at either: or respectively (alternatively, by phone at 02102553853 or 0274230610) to have your name added to the contact list, together with any special skills you may be able to contribute. Work sessions are currently on the workshop open days on Thursday mornings, from 9.30am onward and morning tea is always put on, so no excuse really for not becoming


We hope that you will enjoy the club and it’s many activities

If you have any queries either big or small please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee and they will be more than willing to assist you in any way possible.

Once again, welcome to the club. We hope to see you at the club night on the second Wednesday of each month.


Events Ahead Home

Thu 7 Workshop Open 9.30am

Wed 13 Club Night—Dusk Run—fish and chips orders to Heather before 1/9/23

Thu 14 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Wed 20 Wednesday Wander

Thu 21 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Sun 24 Club Run (notice on page 10)

Thu 28 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Thu 5 Workshop Open 9.30am

Sat 7 Motorcycle Run

Thu 12 Workshop Open 9.30am

Wed 18 Wednesday Wander

Thu 26 Workshop Open 9.30am

Sat 28 Awards Dinner (no Club Run)

Thu 2 Workshop Open 9.30am

Sat 4 Veteran Rally (notice on page 17)

Thu 9 Workshop Open 9.30am

Sat-Sun 11-12 Tour Weekend (postponed at this stage)

Wed 15 Wednesday Wander

Thu 16 Workshop Open 9.30am

Sat 19 SWAP MEET - Karapiro

Wed 23 Workshop Open 9.30am

Sept Oct Nov

Events Ahead Away

Sun 10 Mustang Owners Club Display and Swap Meet

Sat 16 Taranaki Rubber Duckie MC Rally

Sun 24 Auckland Post Era Rally

Sat 7 King Country Vintage Car Club

Sat 14 Manawatu MC Rally

STOP PRESS: Committee have cancelled the Club run in October as members are unlikely to want old cars on the road at night if they stay for Awards Dinner.

Sep Oct

The Angel Café Opens! - Thurs 6th July

Angel Café supplied members Date and Orange Scones, Cheese and Onion Scones and Cheese Rolls just like the South Island cheese rolls, a hot morning tea on a very chilly morning. Not all members were sitting down, 18 turned up on Thursday 6th July this is great to see. Nice to see John Bayly from Matamata come along to enjoy the conversation that was had by all. John has been a member with the Waikato VCC for 65 Years. John is sitting beside Jillian. Two of our grandsons enjoy coming along to help back an explore the Parts shed and do any jobs that are going.


Friday 22nd September

Training on the new VIC forms -12.30pm

Neil Beckenham— National Registrar is running these training runs around the branches. Anyone is welcome to come along and bring your packed lunch.



Club Night - Wed. 13 September

Twilight run starting at 6.30 from the clubrooms followed by Orders must be emailed to Heather before the 1st September.

Fresh snapper $10.10 ** Gurnard $8.80 **

Tarakihi $8.80 ** Sausage plain or battered $3.50

Scoop of chips $5.40

Bring the right cash to pay on The night


Club Night 11 Oct

Come on out for a night of fun

$10.00 = 10 games (2 cards) or $15.00 = 10 games (3 cards)

$ Prizes for 1st line and Full House/Bingo

Clubrooms/Parts shed will open at 6pm, Bingo 7pm

Bring along nibbles and refreshments


Veteran Rally

Saturday 04 November

Calling all owners of Veteran and ‘Rear Wheel braked Vintage’ vehicles, its time to get them polished up and ready to go!! Details to follow in next mag.


The next opportunity to pick up a bargain in the way of motoring books will be at the Daffodil Day event on 20th August, in the Branch Library. There will be three options, with reasonable condition surplus books and manuals available at $2 or $5 each and for those in rather battered condition, a number will be free of charge. Come in and check them out – the fancy new Library shingle will point you in the right direction.

Re-labelling of the shelves with clearer to read black-on-white labels is continuing, but the big task of sorting and freeing up the technical reference collection is still ahead of us.

N.B. This report was received before the Daffodil Day Rally. Ed.



Essex cars were designed to be moderately priced vehicles which would be affordable to the average family. The Essex was a product of the ‘Essex Motor Company’, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Hudson Motor Co. and enjoyed immediate popularity following its 1919 introduction; they went so far as to lease the Studebaker factory in Detroit for their production. More than 1.13 million Essex automobiles were sold by the time the Essex name was retired in 1932 and replaced by Terraplane. Hudson later became part of American Motors Corp.

Essex motor vehicles were either exported as complete cars or locally built from knock-down kits in many countries, making the Essex marque well known internationally as well as domestically in the US. Essex vehicles were locally built in Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

In a special Essex race car, Glen Shultz won the 1923 Pikes Peak Hill Climb, while the Australian ‘Wizard’ Smith used a modified and lightened tourer to break many city to city record times in the early 1920’s.

My car is a 1922 Right Hand Drive Tourer with a Briggs body, built in North America and sold new in November 1922 by Essex agents L.V.Corpe & Co. located in Motor Block, Queen Street, Hamilton to an Alan L. Masters who lived in Kaitaia, Northland. The agents delivered the car to Alan in Kaitaia and there it stayed, passing to a William Bullock in 1950 (a serviceman returned from the Second World War). It was returned to the Waikato in 1952, there traded-in to Wright Stevenson who quickly sold it to a Terry Waters in Cook Street, Hamilton East. In the mid-Fifties it went through the hands of Sam Soffe, James Campbell and John Wright before coming to Lew Roberts Motors in Frankton at the end of the decade. Lew and his wife Janet were Waikato VCC members back then and Lew corresponded regularly with John Conde, at that time Director of Public Relations for American Motors Corp., the pair exchanging collectable postage stamps for Essex car information over a long period.


Lew and Janet, then club secretary, took part with the car in the Third National V&V Car Rally (at Morrinsville) in April 1960, whilst Lew with his son Graeme entered the Essex Four in the later 1961/1962 Morrinsville Rallies, where they were entrant number 26 and 30 respectively; the Essex appears in photos to be in quite respectable condition at that time. When I procured the wreck from the Roberts’ estate in 1997, it was just that - a wreck - having been left out in the weather on their property at Ohaupo for many years, parked under a macrocarpa tree. Once it was later put into an open lean-to at Lyon Street in Hamilton, rust had really got to work and rats had eaten away at all the wooden wheel spokes! The 24” wheels had been replaced at some time in the past by the later 20” type, possibly due to tyre shortage during the war – this would have reduced the gearing somewhat! The photos will give an idea of the general condition when obtained, so it is easy to see what a job restoration was going to be.

Tune in next month for the rest of this fascinating story from Bob Hayton!


Need a new WOF? Need new wiper blades, need new light bulbs, generators or alternators? We have lots of new armatures and parts to keep your car rolling.

See the Parts Rep—Les King (021 190 9506) or Parts Committee members Clive Plumtree (07 827 5973) and Alan Sharp (021 025 53853)


Recent additions to the Shed include;

 New radiator/heater hoses

 Exterior rear view mirrors

 Good selection of hard to find small light bulbs

 New 12 volt horns

The Parts Shed is always open before each club night, so please come along and have a browse you might just find that elusive part you need.


Model ‘A’ Ford gear cluster in good condition. No repro gears please. Contact Les Pearson 027 2245 045 or


These are available to view and buy at Club Nights

Lapel or Cap Badges - enamelled $10.00 each

Car Bumper Badges - cast in brass $35.00 each

Windscreen Transfers $2.00 each

Windscreen Vinyl Stickers $2.00 each

Club Emblem Jacket Patches $5.00 each

Number Plate Surrounds $5.00 pair

Rally Number Holders $15.00 each




1952 Plymouth Carnbrook

Excellent all round condition

Power steering, high ratio diff, recent engine overhaul, Reg and WOF.

Price: $34,000 ono

Contact Don 07-8704115

Parts to fit Austin 7 Ruby; pair front mudguards excellent condition $75, bonnet with rad surround $15; new unused pair running board rubbers cost $180 asking $95. Ph Ron - 07 8848285 .

1993 Holden Commodore VP Calais, V6 3.8 Auto. Dark blue. 117,300km. Very good condition. No dents or rust. Has an issue with the right front door window winder. WOF has expired and registration is on hold. $10,000 ono Any questions or to arrange to view contact Lesley on 021 943289 or email

The information in this newsletter and on the club’s web site, is supplied as a service to club members. Articles and other copy of interest are always welcome and encouraged. The opinions expressed in this newsletter and on the club’s website are those of the author alone. Neither the club nor any of its officers accepts responsibility for the accuracy of any statements or opinions.


We are getting non members ask about putting an advert in the For Sale or Wanted section of the Venture. After a discussion with the committee it has been decided that an advert from a non Waikato VCC member will incur a $15.00 charge. This will cover a three (3) month insertion. After the three (3) months it will be automatically withdrawn.


Veteran & Vintage Car Club (Waikato) Inc.



22 POSTAL ADDRESS CLUB ROOMS ADDRESS PO Box 924, Hamilton, 3240 MacLean St, Cambridge Club Night 2nd Wednesday of month at 7.30pm Library and Parts Shed Hours 2nd Wednesday of month from 6.30pm over Summer, 7.00pm over Winter. Workshop Hours Every Thursday 9.30am - 2pm
CLOSING DATE FOR VENTURE COPY: 15th of each month Contributions should be emailed to Editor -
Secretary: Editor:
CHAIRMAN Graham Boswell * 021 2900985 CLUB CAPTAIN Graham Pate * 021 2801586 VICE CHAIRMAN Dave Nordell * 021 502390 SECRETARY Heather Boswell * 021 684938 TREASURER Jillian Hayton * 07 856 7238 027 4230608 VENTURE EDITOR Aaron Kearney 021 147 2827 SOCIAL CONVENOR Lorraine Cossey 07 827 7710 CUSTODIAN Les King * 021 1909506 CLUBROOMS BOOKINGS Heather Boswell 021 684938 LIBRARIAN Sue King 07 823 7948 COMMITTEE Brent Terrill * 021 445496 Jeremy Brook * 07 824 1641 021 1520922 Bob Hayton * 07 856 7238 027 4230610 Bryan Cossey * 07 827 7710 027 4107 772 PARTS COMMITTEE (Rep) Les King * 021 1909506 VIC Co-Ordinator Cars Dave Nordell 021 502390 VIC Co-Ordinator M/Cycles Peter Spiller 07 823 0944 027 4913387 VALUATIONS Paul Clark 021 324911 ARCHIVIST Kathryn Parsons 07 855 6774 022 0246820 PUBICITY OFFICER Elle Terrill * 027 3687957 MEMBERSHIP Heather Boswell 021 684938 FACEBOOK OFFICER Elle Terrill 027 3687957 MOTORCYCLE REP. Steve Walter 07 827 8484 0274 920095 SOLICITOR (HON) Paul Clark 021 324911 * Committee Positions
Branch Officers
23 WBS Waikato Bonding Services 6 Belfast Place Hamilton For all your brake & clutch re-lining services. Specialising in re-bonding of all veteran, vintage and classic brake shoes, pads and drive lines. Steven Hunter - Manager Phone: 0800-BOND-007 0800-2663-007 For New Work and Repairs Domestic and Commercial F.B. HALL & Co. Ltd EST 1923 07-847 4780 Conveyancing, Commercial Wills, Estates, Trusts Immigration and Family 7a Princes Street, Hamilton Phone 07 838-3385 Fax 07 838-3381 15 Commerce St Frankton Hamilton Tel: 07 847 5500 Waikato Vintage Car Club Clubrooms For Hire Contact Secretary 021 684938
24 Open 7 days a week - 9am-4pm 11 Railside Place, Frankton Ph: 07 957 2230 We are here Automotive, Trailer & Tractor Spares, Accessories & Tools 3 EMPIRE ST. HAMILTON PH 07 847 8908 Shock absorbers. Suspension components. CV joints Aerials. Hand Tools. Trailer Components. Disc pads Water Pumps. Timing /Fan/Micro Belts. Gauges. SPEC AL S NG N PROPERT TRANSACT ONS Octagon House,1 Seddon Rd. Hamilton PH 07 839-1258 FA 07 839-1259 Clark and Brown PROPERT LAW ERS For all your legal Requirements

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