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No motorcycles made the entry list of the recent Double Fifty rally in June, although some of the owners were comfortably housed in four-wheelers. But if they had been included, it would have been an enjoyable day out in brilliant conditions.

Our car-pool trip to Auckland on Sunday 30th July suffered a planning hiccup when the host advised that he would not be back from an overseas trip in time to open up for us. However, some fast footwork has found an alternative venue in South Auckland, so the meeting details will remain the same – leave from the café at Hampton Downs at 11.15am for a visit to a bike collection and lunch in the Tuakau area, before returning to pick up any cars which had been parked for the afternoon at the raceway.

The previously planned trip to view Mike Ensor’s collection at Albany will be available at a suitable time again in the future.


Saxon Motor Company

The Saxon Motor Car Company was located in Detroit, Michigan, from 1914 to 1922. In 1917, 28,000 cars were made, making it the seventh largest car maker in the United States. The first Saxon was a 2-seat runabout with 2-speed transmission and a four-cylinder engine made by Ferro and built in the old Demotcar factory. 7,000 were made in the first year of production. The cost of a Saxon in 1913 was $395, equivalent to $11,696 in 2022.

In 1914 a Saxon roadster was driven 135 miles a day for 30 days, for a total of 4,050 miles with an average of 30 mpg. It was among the first cars to christen the new Lincoln Highway.

From 1918 the company got into financial difficulties while expanding, with large quantities of parts and building a larger factory. The 4-cylinder models were dropped from the range and the Sedan went as well in 1919.

In 1920 a new model, the Saxon Duplex, powered by an overhead-valve, fourcylinder engine joined the six-cylinder model and a sedan body rejoined the range. The six-cylinder cars were no longer listed after 1921 and production had fallen to 2,100 cars.

In 1921, Saxon sold off their parts business to settle debts and used the proceeds to move the company to Ypsilanti, Michigan, where the cars were made in the Ace car plant, but this could not save the company and the last cars, probably made in 1922, were sold in 1923.

Cobham Bridge was opened on the 29th of June 1963 by the then Minister of Works, Hon. William Stanley (Stan) Goosman. This photo was taken on that day from the hill at the corner of Sillary Street looking due south.

Cobham Bridge is officially opened on the 29th of June 1963. The ribbon is being cut by Mrs AdamsSchneider, assisted by the then Minister of Works Hon. Stan Goosman. To the left rear is Mr Lance AdamsSchneider, MP for Hamilton.


SPECIAL NOTICE and reminder regarding Programme for next Saturday, June 29th, 1963.


Club Cars and motorcycles assemble at the Hamilton East side of the new bridge across the Waikato River. V &.V. and P.V.T. vehicles ONLY (No moderns, thank you!). Vehicles will form part of the procession of cars etc. crossing the new bridge after its official opening. There should be time between the time of assembly and the start of the procession to rush round your vehicle with a duster - but please don't be late. The Club Captain - Ernie Brown - is parade marshal for our vehicles and he will arrange them in order of dates - the oldest first. The dispersal time of the procession will not be known until the day, but there will be ample time to obtain lunch before the afternoon Gymkhana commences.


For those not lunching in Hamilton, a hot meal (well, the weather might be cold!) can be purchased at the WINNING POST restaurant & tea rooms at TeRapa, just beyond the RNZAF station, and the Gymkhana ground is about 400 yds further along on the Gt. South Road.


Cars should report at the Gymkhana ground - Mr Harwood’s property, just north of the RNZAF station. Club Captain and his merry men in charge. Hall on the ground where during the afternoon hot water can be obtained, but please keep the hall tidy as it is in use that evening by another organisation. Gymkhana finishes 3.30-4.00pm.

The day’s events count in the Points championship

The gymkahana events held on this day included a wiggle-woggle, parking alongside a kerb, sack rack, steering wheel race, backing into a garage and a slow race in reverse gear. Roy Rowe won the parking along the kerb and the sack race. He tells me that for the sack race you had to get out of your car; run 25 yds to pick up your sack; run back to your car in the sack; get in your car with the sack on and drive back the 25 yds. Not only did Roy win two of the events, it turns out he was the overall winner of the day- this in a borrowed Model A from a Mr M. Worthington.

Thanks to Kathryn for delving into our archives.

June Report

Alan and Reece are now well advanced on the very timeconsuming task of re-shaping and correctly mounting the front mudguards. The front springs have now been removed, re-tensioned, rebuilt and reinstalled, using pins with improved greaseways; one of the leaves found to be unsuitable was replaced in the process. The stripped thread in the gearbox has also been repaired in place, with a helicoil, in order to refit the cover. Alterations to the flooring are now completed to allow for easier battery removal, whilst Graham has made progress in fitting the rear trunk cover lock. Reece and Peter have made a paper pattern in order to help them construct a new front skirt and Peter is going to attempt this under instruction to learn a new skill. Piping for the re-located vacuum tank lines is the next task, again with new skills in three-dimensional work to learn.

Plenty of progress, although to the uninitiated it must seem at times that we are rather going backwards. But then some of the practices of fifty years ago when the rebuild was started are no longer permissible, so we need to deal with them as they come to light. Lots of interesting jobs remain, so if you are keen to join in with this club project in any capacity, get in contact with Alan Sharp or Bob Hayton at either: alannzdodge@gmail.com or hayton.rj@gmail.com respectively (alternatively, by phone at 02102553853 or 0274230610) to have your name added to the contact list, together with any special skills you may be able to contribute. Work sessions are currently on the workshop open days on Thursdays, from 9.30am onward and morning tea is always put on, so no excuse really for not becoming involved to help, learn or socialise.

A Big Welcome To Our New Members

We hope that you will enjoy the club and it’s many activities

If you have any queries either big or small please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee and they will be more than willing to assist you in any way possible.

Pamel Howat - 72 Corvette Coupe, 55 Triumph Motorcycle

Joanne Mosen - joint member with Alan Eason

Terry O’Hanlon - 1958 Royal Enfield Motorcycle

Once again, welcome to the club. We hope to see you at the club night on the second Wednesday of each Month.

Sun 02 Venturers Raid to Waiuku (P17) All members welcome to join

Thu 06 Workshop Open 9.30am (Morn. Tea)

Wed 12 Club Night

Thu 13 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Wed 19 Wednesday Wander

Thu 20 & 27 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Sun 30 Motorcycle Visit

Thu 03 Workshop Open 9.30am (Morn. Tea)

Wed 09 Club Night

Thu 10 & 17 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Sun 20 VCC National Day - details P10

Thu 24 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Thu 31 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Thu 07 Workshop Open 9.30am (Morn. Tea)

Wed 13 Club Night

Thu 14 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Wed 20 Wednesday Wander

Thu 21 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Sun 24 Club Run

Thu 28 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Events Ahead Away

Sun 09 Rotorua Swapmeet

July Aug

Sat/Sun 22-23 Hawkes Bay Deco Rally

Sat 26 Sulphur City Rally

Sun 10 Auckland PV-P80 RAlly

Double Fifty Results

Veteran Class

1st Place: Joe Bruntlett & Carey-Ann Ward (Waikato) 1915 Saxon

Vintage Class

1st Place Glenn & Marian Morris (Auckland) 1928 Ford Model A

2nd Place Wayne & Aileen Roberts (Auckland) 1924 Velie Tourer

3rd Place: Bob & Jillian Hayton (Waikato) 1929 Dodge

Post Vintage Class

1st Place Graeme & Raewyn Fenn (BOP) 1937 Graham Crusader

2nd Place Colin Giles & Neil Lucas (Waikato) 1932 Chev Confederate Coupe

3rd Place: Roy & Sue Rowe (Waikato) 1932 Ford V8

Post War Class

1st Place: Paul & Carol Fussey (Waikato) 1954 Morris Minor

2nd Place: Bruce & Janet Pullan (Waikato) 1947 Hunber

3rd Place: John & Ngaire Cheale (Auckland) 1954 Morris Oxford

Post 1960 Class

1st Place: Colin & Pam Bell (Auckland) 1968 Chev Camaro

2nd Place: Gavin & Sophie Welch (Auckland) 1977 Ford Escort

3rd Place: Wayne & Tracey Hayward (Waikato) 1962 Commer Cob

Post 1980 Class

1st Place: Steve & Joy Growden (EBOP) 1982 Ford Cortina

2nd Place: Les & Lesley Webster (Waikato) 1990 Ford Capri

3rd Place: Brian & Gwen Weightman (Waikato) 1993 Rover

1st Waikato - Joe Bruntlett & Carey-Ann Ward

1st Overall - Colin & Pam Bell

Teams Trophy - Auckland

Auckland-Waikato Points Trophy - Auckland

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