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July 2023 Vol 60
VCC Member All makes and models From 1898 to New
Waikato Branch
2 TYRE TRADERS 24 Commerce St. Cambridge For ALL your tyre needs Phone 07 827 3875


Greetings as we head to the mid-year Xmas season, maybe a few mulled wines to celebrate the occasion would be in order.

Thank you to all those who came along to the Waikato VCC AGM recently. Most of the Committee were seeking re-election, which was duly ratified at the AGM. We welcome Aaron Kearney back to the committee this time as Editor, Graham Pate as Club Captain and Bob Hayton (general committee). Thank you to Greg Terrill and Peter Taylor who did not seek re-election. Your input was hugely welcomed.

Our Double 50 was a great day, starting with breakfast and then a trip thru some of the prettiest countryside New Zealand has to offer. The weather was an absolute picture, cool, sunny but clear. A huge “Thank you” must go to those who helped make this event the success it was. For results and a report please see later in this edition of the Venture.

In August we will again be hosting the VCC Open Day and Daffodil Day. Every family has been impacted by Cancer at some time. This run and display will be our chance to showcase our Club and to give the Waikato Cancer Society a substantial donation from the Car fraternity for use in our community . I urge you all to get involved with one of the “Hub Runs” to our clubrooms in Cambridge. Please check out the flyer in this issue of the Venture.

Our Custodian Les has been trying to stay on top of any maintenance issues. Three new WC suites have been fitted in the Ladies Toilets. The toilet walls are to be painted soon which will give these facilities a face lift. Thanks to Les and his willing helpers mainly on a Thursday who continue to progress our Clubrooms.

Well that’s my lot, it is winter, time to hibernate maybe. Hope to see you at an event soon, meanwhile keep warm and dry.

Till next time, be safe and keep left. Bozy

First cars away on 50-50. Joe and Carey-Ann in the Saxon, followed by Robert Johnson & Jackie Mulqueen in the 1928 Crossley.

3 CONTENTS Chairman’s Report 3 Secretary’s Report 5 Club Captain’s Report6 Motorcycle Report 7 Cobham Bridge 8 Studebaker Report 11 Events Page 12 Double 50 Report 14 Club Nights 16 Venturers Report 17 Library News 17 PV Rally 20yrs ago 18 Workshop Report 19 Parts Shed 20 For Sale 21
Cover Picture

Editors Snippet

Phew!! We finally have an editor – many thanks to Aaron Kearney who stepped up at the AGM and agreed to take over the job. Please make sure you support him with articles and photos. Thank you to everyone who has helped over the last year to make sure that you all got the Venture, especially to Heather for collecting the magazines from the printer each month and, along with Bozy, for doing the labels and putting the mags in the envelopes.

Tracey Hayward was the recipient of the “Best Venture Contributor”, a book token will be winging her way shortly.

Attendance at the AGM was quite disappointing considering the size of our club, but we did just make a quorum. That must mean that you are happy with the way things are being run. Members that did attend voted for an increase in the branch subscription of $1 per member - there was discussion as to whether this was a bit light but it was agreed we would see how this financial year pans out .

Hamilton Plumbing Ltd

Magic Fresh

Coupland’s Bakery TeRapa Hamilton 07 850 2317

Country Cottage Chocolates

Mainly Nostalgic Tin Signs

Wayne Hayward (engraving plaques)

Fosters Construction - for the use of their outdoor bbq trailer



A very successful month had by all. Thank you to everyone who has helped in more ways than one over the 2022-2023 year. Members present at the AGM voted myself as the Clubman of the Year. I enjoy being your Secretary for the Waikato branch and best of all achieving all aspects of the position.

Now we have a Club Captain this will help reduce the work load. I decided to accept the position of Secretary again for another year and then let someone else take over 2024-2025. Someone has 12 months to think about this as it is a very interesting position and enjoyable.

Please remember your committee is there to run the Club as best they can and also bring our members together and enjoy the social part of belonging to the Waikato Branch of the VCC.

We are very pleased to have an Editor for the Venture magazine. Aaron will look forward to receiving articles for the monthly Venture. If you have anything you would like to write about and provide photos if available, please email Aaron on

Welcome back to Graham Pate as Club Captain, I know he will appreciate all the support our members can give him in organising Club Runs, Ralliescontact details for Graham are at the back of the Venture magazine.

I will be posting out application forms to our members who have been continuous financial members of the Waikato VCC for 25, 35, 50 and 60 years. For these people, please fill in and return as soon as you can so that we can get them processed in time. There will be an Awards Dinner on Saturday 28th October so please mark this on the Calendar. Dinner will be in the Club Rooms.

Those who came along to the after rally dinner on the 50-50 enjoyed a great meal. This dinner was catered by Classique Caterers – what a lovely dinner with plenty for everyone.



The AGM is over for another 12 months and you guys and gals are stuck with me as Club Captain for another year. As Club Captain I do not intend to organise every event but I am there to assist and promote branch events.

As a branch we are doing less competitive and more social and cruising runs. These are either destination runs to somewhere interesting or different, or a scenic run to cover new and interesting areas. In my opinion all runs must include at least one cup of coffee.

There are some interesting events coming up. On the 2nd of July the Venturers group is having a run to end up in Waiuku at the premises of Knight and Dickey. They have a very interesting collection of vehicles; entry is $10 P.P all members are welcome in any vehicle. On the 30th of July the Motorcycle group are visiting a very large collection of Motorcycles. As this is a winter run car pooling is encouraged, so once again all members are invited to come along in their cars.

In August the VCC is again holding a National Promotion Day and again will be linked to the Cancer Society of NZ. So, the National Day is the 20th of August with two aims; firstly to promote the Vintage Car Club of NZ and the Branches; secondly to raise funds for the Cancer Society of NZ. This year will be a similar format to last year. There will be five hub rallies starting from, Hamilton, Cambridge, Te Awamutu, Morrinsville and Matamata. Each rally will finish at the club rooms for our open day. The cost is $10 per car. All one make clubs have been invited and all vehicles are welcome. So, make sure you tell your friends, family, and work mates. At the open day all the club facilities will be open. Food will be available and a coffee cart will be there. So, let’s all get behind this promotional day and help the Cancer Society.

If you have a run you would like to organise or have an idea for a run, please contact me or any Committee Member.

Keep Left and Keep Smiling.

A plea from your Secretary Heather

If you buy, sell or change a vehicle please let me know for the Waikato Club Register. When I get asked if any one has a particular make, model and year of vehicle I can search and find it. Unless I know, I am unable to keep it updated. Let me know if you no longer have a land line, changed your physical address, have a mobile or changed email address - please this is important for the branch membership and also VCCNZ.



No motorcycles made the entry list of the recent Double Fifty rally in June, although some of the owners were comfortably housed in four-wheelers. But if they had been included, it would have been an enjoyable day out in brilliant conditions.

Our car-pool trip to Auckland on Sunday 30th July suffered a planning hiccup when the host advised that he would not be back from an overseas trip in time to open up for us. However, some fast footwork has found an alternative venue in South Auckland, so the meeting details will remain the same – leave from the café at Hampton Downs at 11.15am for a visit to a bike collection and lunch in the Tuakau area, before returning to pick up any cars which had been parked for the afternoon at the raceway.

The previously planned trip to view Mike Ensor’s collection at Albany will be available at a suitable time again in the future.

Saxon Motor Company

The Saxon Motor Car Company was located in Detroit, Michigan, from 1914 to 1922. In 1917, 28,000 cars were made, making it the seventh largest car maker in the United States. The first Saxon was a 2-seat runabout with 2-speed transmission and a four-cylinder engine made by Ferro and built in the old Demotcar factory. 7,000 were made in the first year of production. The cost of a Saxon in 1913 was $395, equivalent to $11,696 in 2022.

In 1914 a Saxon roadster was driven 135 miles a day for 30 days, for a total of 4,050 miles with an average of 30 mpg. It was among the first cars to christen the new Lincoln Highway.

From 1918 the company got into financial difficulties while expanding, with large quantities of parts and building a larger factory. The 4-cylinder models were dropped from the range and the Sedan went as well in 1919.

In 1920 a new model, the Saxon Duplex, powered by an overhead-valve, fourcylinder engine joined the six-cylinder model and a sedan body rejoined the range. The six-cylinder cars were no longer listed after 1921 and production had fallen to 2,100 cars.

In 1921, Saxon sold off their parts business to settle debts and used the proceeds to move the company to Ypsilanti, Michigan, where the cars were made in the Ace car plant, but this could not save the company and the last cars, probably made in 1922, were sold in 1923.


Cobham Bridge was opened on the 29th of June 1963 by the then Minister of Works, Hon. William Stanley (Stan) Goosman. This photo was taken on that day from the hill at the corner of Sillary Street looking due south.

Cobham Bridge is officially opened on the 29th of June 1963. The ribbon is being cut by Mrs AdamsSchneider, assisted by the then Minister of Works Hon. Stan Goosman. To the left rear is Mr Lance AdamsSchneider, MP for Hamilton.

Cobham Bridge Opening - 1963


SPECIAL NOTICE and reminder regarding Programme for next Saturday, June 29th, 1963.


Club Cars and motorcycles assemble at the Hamilton East side of the new bridge across the Waikato River. V &.V. and P.V.T. vehicles ONLY (No moderns, thank you!). Vehicles will form part of the procession of cars etc. crossing the new bridge after its official opening. There should be time between the time of assembly and the start of the procession to rush round your vehicle with a duster - but please don't be late. The Club Captain - Ernie Brown - is parade marshal for our vehicles and he will arrange them in order of dates - the oldest first. The dispersal time of the procession will not be known until the day, but there will be ample time to obtain lunch before the afternoon Gymkhana commences.


For those not lunching in Hamilton, a hot meal (well, the weather might be cold!) can be purchased at the WINNING POST restaurant & tea rooms at TeRapa, just beyond the RNZAF station, and the Gymkhana ground is about 400 yds further along on the Gt. South Road.


Cars should report at the Gymkhana ground - Mr Harwood’s property, just north of the RNZAF station. Club Captain and his merry men in charge. Hall on the ground where during the afternoon hot water can be obtained, but please keep the hall tidy as it is in use that evening by another organisation. Gymkhana finishes 3.30-4.00pm.

The day’s events count in the Points championship

The gymkahana events held on this day included a wiggle-woggle, parking alongside a kerb, sack rack, steering wheel race, backing into a garage and a slow race in reverse gear. Roy Rowe won the parking along the kerb and the sack race. He tells me that for the sack race you had to get out of your car; run 25 yds to pick up your sack; run back to your car in the sack; get in your car with the sack on and drive back the 25 yds. Not only did Roy win two of the events, it turns out he was the overall winner of the day- this in a borrowed Model A from a Mr M. Worthington.

Thanks to Kathryn for delving into our archives.



Alan and Reece are now well advanced on the very timeconsuming task of re-shaping and correctly mounting the front mudguards. The front springs have now been removed, re-tensioned, rebuilt and reinstalled, using pins with improved greaseways; one of the leaves found to be unsuitable was replaced in the process. The stripped thread in the gearbox has also been repaired in place, with a helicoil, in order to refit the cover. Alterations to the flooring are now completed to allow for easier battery removal, whilst Graham has made progress in fitting the rear trunk cover lock. Reece and Peter have made a paper pattern in order to help them construct a new front skirt and Peter is going to attempt this under instruction to learn a new skill. Piping for the re-located vacuum tank lines is the next task, again with new skills in three-dimensional work to learn.

Plenty of progress, although to the uninitiated it must seem at times that we are rather going backwards. But then some of the practices of fifty years ago when the rebuild was started are no longer permissible, so we need to deal with them as they come to light. Lots of interesting jobs remain, so if you are keen to join in with this club project in any capacity, get in contact with Alan Sharp or Bob Hayton at either: or respectively (alternatively, by phone at 02102553853 or 0274230610) to have your name added to the contact list, together with any special skills you may be able to contribute. Work sessions are currently on the workshop open days on Thursdays, from 9.30am onward and morning tea is always put on, so no excuse really for not becoming involved to help, learn or socialise.


We hope that you will enjoy the club and it’s many activities

If you have any queries either big or small please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee and they will be more than willing to assist you in any way possible.

Pamel Howat - 72 Corvette Coupe, 55 Triumph Motorcycle

Joanne Mosen - joint member with Alan Eason

Terry O’Hanlon - 1958 Royal Enfield Motorcycle

Once again, welcome to the club. We hope to see you at the club night on the second Wednesday of each Month.


Sun 02 Venturers Raid to Waiuku (P17) All members welcome to join

Thu 06 Workshop Open 9.30am (Morn. Tea)

Wed 12 Club Night

Thu 13 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Wed 19 Wednesday Wander

Thu 20 & 27 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Sun 30 Motorcycle Visit

Thu 03 Workshop Open 9.30am (Morn. Tea)

Wed 09 Club Night

Thu 10 & 17 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Sun 20 VCC National Day - details P10

Thu 24 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Thu 31 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Thu 07 Workshop Open 9.30am (Morn. Tea)

Wed 13 Club Night

Thu 14 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Wed 20 Wednesday Wander

Thu 21 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Sun 24 Club Run

Thu 28 Workshop Open 9.30 am

Events Ahead Home
July August Sept

Events Ahead Away

Sun 09 Rotorua Swapmeet

July Aug

Sat/Sun 22-23 Hawkes Bay Deco Rally

Sat 26 Sulphur City Rally

Sun 10 Auckland PV-P80 RAlly

Double Fifty Results

Veteran Class

1st Place: Joe Bruntlett & Carey-Ann Ward (Waikato) 1915 Saxon

Vintage Class

1st Place Glenn & Marian Morris (Auckland) 1928 Ford Model A

2nd Place Wayne & Aileen Roberts (Auckland) 1924 Velie Tourer

3rd Place: Bob & Jillian Hayton (Waikato) 1929 Dodge

Post Vintage Class

1st Place Graeme & Raewyn Fenn (BOP) 1937 Graham Crusader

2nd Place Colin Giles & Neil Lucas (Waikato) 1932 Chev Confederate Coupe

3rd Place: Roy & Sue Rowe (Waikato) 1932 Ford V8

Post War Class

1st Place: Paul & Carol Fussey (Waikato) 1954 Morris Minor

2nd Place: Bruce & Janet Pullan (Waikato) 1947 Hunber

3rd Place: John & Ngaire Cheale (Auckland) 1954 Morris Oxford

Post 1960 Class

1st Place: Colin & Pam Bell (Auckland) 1968 Chev Camaro

2nd Place: Gavin & Sophie Welch (Auckland) 1977 Ford Escort

3rd Place: Wayne & Tracey Hayward (Waikato) 1962 Commer Cob

Post 1980 Class

1st Place: Steve & Joy Growden (EBOP) 1982 Ford Cortina

2nd Place: Les & Lesley Webster (Waikato) 1990 Ford Capri

3rd Place: Brian & Gwen Weightman (Waikato) 1993 Rover

1st Waikato - Joe Bruntlett & Carey-Ann Ward

1st Overall - Colin & Pam Bell

Teams Trophy - Auckland

Auckland-Waikato Points Trophy - Auckland



50 miles in the morning and 50 miles in the afternoon. 61 cars from six branches. A cold, crisp and clear day which was a surprise given how awful the weather has been so far this year. All the ingredients for a magnificent Double 50 rally for 2023. The last time I did it in my Daimler Conquest I ended up with the Hard Luck award for getting a flat tyre so I was a bit wary of doing it again. I was fortunate in the long experience of my erstwhile offsider and navigator this time, Andy Hammond.

I was voluntold by our Branch Secretary to write this report and help with parking. So I was able to turn up early to the clubrooms and see the broad range of cars that turned up to take part. I was lucky to see everything from a Veteran to P80s arrive and park in the carpark and the frosty field next to it. The frost was rather thick on my shoes and cold enough for me to feel my toes go numb.

We were lucky enough to have a cooked breakfast provided as part of our registration fee which staved off the cold. This rally was a well oiled machine (pun intended). Briefing was held and we all trooped off to get ready to go for our timed start. Heading in the direction of Leamington, we quickly realised that the straight line navigation section was upon us in the back streets of this settlement. Most people have a love/hate relationship with straight line navigation. It separates the purists from the less competitive tourers. In an experience I like to call, ‘Lost in Leamington’, the less said about it the better. After that, heading towards Maungatautari, the timed section mercifully ended outside the hall.

The weather could not have been more perfect for a rally; a chance for us to marvel at the beautiful countryside that the Waikato is known for. Missing Arapuni, our lunch stop was the Ngaroma War Memorial Hall via Arohena. This is a cosy little spot which felt like a step back in time as there were official photos of HM The Queen and Prince Philip still on the walls. Some of this countryside was new to me as I realised how far we had come with Maungatautari Mountain on the horizon.


The Dame decided to pack a sad and have a flat battery after lunch (I had only unhooked it off the tick charger that morning) so the delightful Colin Giles saved my bacon again by giving me a jump start with his 32 Chev (he was the same one who had a jack to save me with the flat tyre last time). It was a bit strange to have my jumper leads going from my battery under the back seat to his battery in the floorboards under the pedals. Such are the idiosyncrasies of old cars. With that we were off for the 2nd half of the rally which was heading for home via Wharepuhunga, Wharepapa South, Owairaka rangi, Leamington and back to the clubrooms; making for

Ann in his legendary 1915 Saxon. That little car did the whole rally. After stopping a couple of times to check things; I realised Joe was in front of us as we made to roar back up ”, the poor Dame had to crawl up behind him but we all whooped and clapped when the little Saxon made it. I left the Dame running when I dropped Andy back to the clubrooms as I knew it wouldn’t start again under its own power and took it home. Living locally made it easy to come back in the evening in my own car for the prizegiving and dinner. Mr Graham Pate entertained us in his usual style (I was glad someone gave him a box to stand on). The results are elsewhere in this issue so I don’t have to list them here. Knowing how many questions and silent checks we missed, I know we didn’t come last so I count that as a win. Some of the results were incredibly well deserved given how difficult some of the checks and questions can be. It was great to host that many branches for our club’s legendary Double 50. Well done to the organisers and the plotters on a great day out. We were lucky with the weather which topped it off. A hard act to follow for whoever gets the lucky job of organising it next year.



Our speaker for this clubnight will be Kevin Porteous (Diane and the late Howard’s son). Kevin now owns an electrical contracting company and is becoming very involved in solar panels for generating electricity.

Come along and listen and watch his presentation which should be very informative.

Wednesday 09 August - Starting 6.30pm

Note the earlier time

This month we will have a mid-winter pot-luck dinner. Come along and enjoy your fellow member’s company whilst enjoying dinner. Bring along some food to add to the pot luck as well as nibbles and beverages.

We will have the clubrooms warm and cosy and the tea and coffee on tap. It was suggested that members might like to have a look at EV, so come along, you might find it parked under the canopy.


Venturers Report - July

Catering for the requirements of vehicles produced in the early days of motoring, and their enthusiasts

Well, wasn’t that 50/50 enjoyable! A good entry (even a good dozen V&V entries amongst the 60 odd cars), good weather and good instructions for a great route through some really glorious countryside, followed by a very pleasant and cosy prizegiving dinner in the evening. So, congratulations and thanks are due to our plotters and organisers.

An event of interest to Venturers (and all Branch members) is our mid-winter Venturers Raid on Sunday 2nd July. We will be leaving from Willow Glen Café far car park, at 934 Gordonton Road on the south side of Gordonton at 11.00am, so get along there earlier to enjoy a good coffee and a chat with fellow members. As it will be mid-winter, you might be more comfortable if you use a more modern vehicle for this run. The distance to the venue is 100kms via mainly country roads with a short stretch of good gravel included. Petrol is available near the beginning of the route and if you would like to car-pool with friends, a suitable place to leave a vehicle might be the car park in front of the church in Gordonton. Our destination visit in the early afternoon is to a large vehicle and general interest collection put together by Knight & Dickey Ltd. in Waiuku, after you have had the chance to enjoy a lunch break in the town. Entry to this collection is $10 per person, so please come prepared. There are several suitable lunch outlets nearby, or bring a packed lunch if the weather is kindly to enjoy down by the nearby waterside.

You will have read that our committee has decided to terminate motoring sections and have all club runs combined, but some events will still appear on the calendar each year marked as suitable for Venturers’ vehicles, of course as well as the competitive class rallies. Suitable is considered to mean not too hilly, not run on main or busy roads and of more manageable speed and distance.


Bob: or ph: (07) 856 7238, Alan and Terry, Your Venturers co-ordinators.


Magazine collection boxes have now been repacked to overcome crowding, and relabelling of the boxes is underway. Beaded Wheels and Branch Venture records are to be combined on the back wall, in the first bay.

All ‘Cars by Marque’ sections have now been reorganised to minimise crowding, with space left on the lower shelf for future expansion of each bay. Bays are in the process of being re-labelled with clearer to read black on white magnetic labels. The large number of recently donated books have been sorted, entered into the computer record system and shelved. The Reference Section awaits our attention.

The Library is now trying to catch up on a number of borrowed books which have not been returned on time. Two months is considered a reasonable time, so if you have something on your mind, please get it back to us. Follow-up contact has been made from records of the last two or three years, but after that it is most likely a lost cause, which is a shame for our very comprehensive collection.


This year’s PV rally was an early start for Jon Wenham and myself. Our clocks had been put forward one hour, but when we arrived at club-rooms almost everyone else was there already. So we weren’t early after all! The annual PV rally has been running now for 28 years. The first one was in 1975. Today’s rally was to be the 27th, as the 1976 run was cancelled due to lack of entries.

The first PV rallies were two day affairs – a gymkhana and concourse on Saturday with the run on the Sunday morning followed by a presentation lunch. There were no clubrooms in those days, 1970s, but the event was still centered around Cambridge with the prize giving held in the Cambridge Harriers’ premises in Vogel St. In later years the rally became a Sunday run only, then Saturday only, and now it’s back to Sunday.

Mike Quayle, the third club secretary, a position he held for several years from the late 1960s to the late 1970s, was a keen PV man and used to drive mostly PV MGs. He restored the 1937 MG tourer that Colin Storey bought off Alan Orr some years ago. Mike suggested to the club, back in the early ‘70s that we should hold an annual PV rally, so he organised the first four or five and donated the Quayle trophy to be awarded annually to the overall winner, who accumulated the most points from the gymkhana, concourse and road run.

This year’s rally was great. A full day’s activity - we didn’t get home until 5.30pm!!! Or was it 4.30pm. Daylight savings confusion.

The morning tea at clubrooms seemed more like breakfast due to daylight savings. The scenic run went through Tauwhare over the hill to Tahuroa, through Kiwitahi, Paratu Rd to Richmond Downs to Matai; then to Hinuera for a delicious lunch in the rugby clubrooms. A couple of the picturesque roads around Richmond Downs I don’t remember being over before so that was new countryside.

After lunch we headed towards Okoroire for a while but then swung back and ended up coming through Piarere and across the Waikato River, up the old Hora Hora hill climb, along the back of Karapiro Lake through Maungatautari and into Leamington. Then the fun really started!

There were cars coming and going in all directions around Cowley Ave housing estate. We did it three different ways and each time kept ending up at the same off course check. Or was it on-course? We got an over ruling set of instructions each time and every silent check on both sides of the roads. So we just went back to clubrooms and had a cup of tea and a lie down. We even got caught coming into clubrooms the wrong way – something about turn right and bear right.

After all this we still managed to get second place in our class so you other fellas must have got pretty lost. A great social time back at clubrooms chewing it over with everyone putting their theory in, including the plotter. A very good rally though.

Kathleen Quayle, Mike Quayle’s daughter, presented the overall trophy, the Quayle Plate. Everyone learnt something.

Transport supplied by the ‘Lincoln Zephyr Express’ aka Roy Rowe



Hi all - Have returned from our trip south of 2½ months, where we both (Lorraine included) did some volunteering work at the recent Wheels@Wanaka event which much to my surprise I received the best Pre War Truck Trophy for our Model T ‘C’ Cab truck as well as an award for best volunteer.

On my return I was very impressed to see in the workshop a wheel balancing and tyre removing machine. My special thanks must go out to Ian Patton who I believe through a connection managed to get these donated to the club. Thank you Ian. I would like to think these 2 machines will be a great asset to our club and will bring a lot of benefit to those members that wish to make use of them. At present we are sorting out room (running out of room – might have to extend…….) to put them as well as getting the air and power supply connected. Thank you also to Roy Rowe, for this work. I’m working on getting the cleaning bath and sand blaster up and running as there’s some parts off the Studebaker that need cleaning before painting.

I saw Les had his car on the hoist and also noted a Porsche (nothing serious I believe) was also on there on another occasion. It’s good to see its being used by various members, not just those regulars attending our Thursday get togethers.

Remember we have the Thursday opening hours from 9.30am to at least 2 -2.30pm and if anyone wishes to make use of the workshop in the weekend, give myself a call (0274 10 7772) or Graham Pate (021 280 1586)

Workshop Committee:- Jeremy Brook 021 1452 0922

Bryan Cossey 0274 10 7772

Graham Holmes (07) 827 7341 - Hoist Booking

Graham Pate 021 280 1586

(Andy Hammond has also made himself available for any hoist bookings. Ph 022 0415 356 or (07) 823 5712)

WANTED:- I’m still after some Part Boxes, prefer plastic but cardboard will still be

Out and about on the 50-50


Need a new WOF? Need new Wiper Blades, need new light Bulbs, Generators or Alternators - We have lots of new “Armatures” and parts to keep your car rolling. See the Parts guys– Clive, Don, Brent and Gordon.


Recent additions to the Shed include;

 New radiator/heater hoses

 Exterior rear view mirrors

 Good selection of hard to find small light bulbs

 New 12 volt horns

The Parts Shed is always open before each club night, so please come along and have a browse you might just find that elusive part you need.


Model ‘A’ Ford gear cluster in good condition. No repro gears please. Contact Les Pearson 027 2245 045 or


These are available to view and buy at Club Nights

Lapel or Cap Badges - enamelled $10.00 each

Car Bumper Badges - cast in brass $35.00 each

Windscreen Transfers $2.00 each

Windscreen Vinyl Stickers $2.00 each

Club Emblem Jacket Patches $5.00 each

Number Plate Surrounds $5.00 pair

Rally Number Holders $15.00 each





1952 Plymouth Carnbrook

Excellent all round condition

Power steering, high ratio diff, recent engine overhaul, Reg and WOF.

Price: $34,000 ono

Contact Don 07-8704115

Parts to fit Austin 7 Ruby; pair front mudguards excellent condition $75, bonnet with rad surround $15; new unused pair running board rubbers cost $180 asking $95. Ph Ron - 07 8848285 .

Single Post hoist for sale. Only used a few times (3 vehicles sneaked into our shed that were too heavy or not suitable, so hoist was replaced with a 4-poster) Would like around half of new price, but all offers/deals considered. Phone Terry - 0272726319

1993 Holden Commodore VP Calais, V6 3.8 Auto. Dark blue. 117,300km. Very good condition. No dents or rust. Has an issue with the right front door window winder. WOF has expired and registration is on hold.

$10,000 ono Any questions or to arrange to view contact Lesley on 021 943289 or email

The information in this newsletter and on the club’s web site, is supplied as a service to club members. Articles and other copy of interest are always welcome and encouraged. The opinions expressed in this newsletter and on the club’s website are those of the author alone. Neither the club nor any of its officers accepts responsibility for the accuracy of any statements or opinions.


We are getting non members ask about putting an advert in the For Sale or Wanted section of the Venture. After a discussion with the committee it has been decided that an advert from a non Waikato VCC member will incur a $15.00 charge. This will cover a three (3) month insertion. After the three (3) months it will be automatically withdrawn.


Veteran & Vintage Car Club (Waikato) Inc.

Branch Officers



Secretary: Editor:

22 POSTAL ADDRESS CLUB ROOMS ADDRESS PO Box 924, Hamilton, 3240 MacLean St, Cambridge Club Night 2nd Wednesday of month at 7.30pm Library and Parts Shed Hours 2nd Wednesday of month from 6.30pm over Summer, 7.00pm over Winter.
Hours Every Thursday 9.30am - 2pm
Email addresses: Chairman:
DATE FOR VENTURE COPY: 15th of each month Contributions should be emailed to Editor -
CHAIRMAN Graham Boswell * 021 2900985 CLUB CAPTAIN Graham Pate * 021 2801586 VICE CHAIRMAN Dave Nordell * 021 502390 SECRETARY Heather Boswell * 021 684938 TREASURER Jillian Hayton * 07 856 7238 027 4230608 VENTURE EDITOR Aaron Kearney * 021 147 2827 SOCIAL CONVENOR Lorraine Cossey * 07 827 7710 CUSTODIAN Les King * 021 1909506 CLUBROOMS BOOKINGS Heather Boswell 021 684938 LIBRARIAN Sue King 07 823 7948 COMMITTEE Brent Terrill * 021 445496 Jeremy Brook * 07 824 1641 021 1520922 Bob Hayton * 07 856 7238 027 4230610 Bryan Cossey * 07 827 7710 027 4107 772 PARTS COMMITTEE Les King * 021 1909506 Clive Plumtree 07 827 5973 Alan Sharp 021 02553853 Gordon White 07 872 1880 VIC Co-Ordinator Cars Dave Nordell 021 502390 VIC Co-Ordinator M/Cycles Peter Spiller 07 823 0944 027 4913387 VALUATIONS Paul Clark 021 324911 ARCHIVIST Kathryn Parsons 07 855 6774 022 0246820 PUBICITY OFFICER Elle Terrill * 027 3687957 MEMBERSHIP Heather Boswell 021 684938 FACEBOOK OFFICER Elle Terrill 027 3687957 MOTORCYCLE REP. Steve Walter 07 827 8484 0274 920095 SOLICITOR (HON) Paul Clark 021 324911 * Committee Positions
23 WBS Waikato Bonding Services 6 Belfast Place Hamilton For all your brake & clutch re-lining services. Specialising in re-bonding of all veteran, vintage and classic brake shoes, pads and drive lines. Steven Hunter - Manager Phone: 0800-BOND-007 0800-2663-007 For New Work and Repairs Domestic and Commercial F.B. HALL & Co. Ltd EST 1923 07-847 4780 Conveyancing, Commercial Wills, Estates, Trusts Immigration and Family 7a Princes Street, Hamilton Phone 07 838-3385 Fax 07 838-3381 15 Commerce St Frankton Hamilton Tel: 07 847 5500 Waikato Vintage Car Club Clubrooms For Hire Contact Secretary 021 684938
24 Open 7 days a week - 9am-4pm 11 Railside Place, Frankton Ph: 07 957 2230 We are here Automotive, Trailer & Tractor Spares, Accessories & Tools 3 EMPIRE ST. HAMILTON PH 07 847 8908 Shock absorbers. Suspension components. CV joints Aerials. Hand Tools. Trailer Components. Disc pads Water Pumps. Timing /Fan/Micro Belts. Gauges. SPEC AL S NG N PROPERT TRANSACT ONS Octagon House,1 Seddon Rd. Hamilton PH 07 8 9-1258 FA 07 8 9-1259 Clark and Brown PROPERT LAW ERS For all your legal Requirements

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