The Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand
Po Box 2168, Kopeopeo, Whakatane 3159
October 2024
Mark and Karen Spackman with their 1929 Hudson At Ohiwa Holiday Park November 2017 Club Night: Last Thursday of the Month (except December) at Whakatane Athletic Clubrooms, Short Street, Whakatane 7.00 pm Social get-together Branch Meeting starts at 7.30 pm Followed by Supper
Club Captain’s Report:
Sadly we lost Mark Spackman on Friday 30th August and his Funeral was held on Tuesday 3rd September.
We had 17 cars attend, some Modern and some Club and it was great to see so many Members attend.
Mark will be sadly missed by us all.
Wednesday 11th September Mid-week Run to see Rock Carvings in the Kaiangaroa Forest, it was a bit hard to find, only a couple of steps on the side of the road. Still we found the track that lead to the rock wall where the carvings were.
Then it was off to Rotorua to the “Trail Kitchen” Whakarewarewa for lunch.
We had 12 cars on the run.
Saturday 21st Mangakino Lake Hop, not a Club Event but I know of 6 of our cars were there.
Sunday 29th Phil and Margaret arranged a Club Run from Bunning’s car park around scenic country back roads to finish at the Club’s Parts Containers. There was a great line-up of 16 cars.
I know of a few Members who managed to find some parts to take home, well done, it is pointless having a parts shed if parts aren’t recycled to Members who can use them.
It was also good to see Garry Bryson (who owns the land the Parts Sheds sit on) come to the containers as many of our newer Members don’t know him. But our Club owes the Bryson family big time for allowing us to use their land at no cost to the Club.
Then it was off to Phil & Margaret’s to view Phil’s shed and Margaret’s garden.
Phil has a huge shed full of, well, everything that an enthusiastic collector should have. The photo’s that Clive took may tell the story.
Phil has a great memory and can tell the history of almost everything in his collection, and Margaret’s garden is a nicely set out country style garden which the ladies and some of the men enjoyed and thank you for the oranges Phil & Margaret.
It is a long time since we have enjoyed a Sunday afternoon as this.
Coming up in October
Te Aroha Cruise-in Saturday 5th
Classic Car Breakfast Sunday 6th
(no mid—week run this month)
Sunday 20th Club Run being organised by Noel and Lois
Club Night Thursday 31st
November: Inter-Branch Visit with Gisborne Branch details on Page 13 Les. .2.
September Events
Mid-week Run to Kaiangaroa Rock Carvings Wednesday 11th 22 Members attended
Clive & Louise Wood Morris Minor
Les & Gail Costar Austin 1800
Barry & Tessa Keene MGB Roadster
Noel & Lois Davies Ford Falcon
Trevor Marshall Modern
Doug Wheeler Modern
Simon & Annie Cherrington Jaguar XJ6
Trevor & Odell Sutton Triumph 2500
Steve & Lesley McCann Landrover
Steve & Joy Growden Ford Cortina
John & Sharon Burton Modern
Phil & Margaret Leaming Modern 19 Members travelled on to have lunch at the “Trail Kitchen” Whakarewarewa
The next 3 Photo’s at Lake Aniwhenua on the way to Kaiangaroa taken by Clive Woods
More photo’s of the Mid-week Run taken by Les
Pit stop at Lake Aniwhenua
At the Ancient Rock Carvings Kaiangaroa Forest
Mangakino Lake Hop Saturday 21st
Club Run Sunday 29th organised by Phil & Margaret Leaming ending at their home Members who attended
Margaret & Phil Leaming, Moderns
Trevor & Odell Sutton, Triumph 2500
Noel & Lois Davies, Ford Falcon S/W
Les & Gail Costar, Austin 1800
Trevor Marshall, Sunbeam Rapier
Steve & Joy Growden, Ford Cortina
Steve & Lesley McCann, Landrover
Bruce & Lorraine Seddon, ‘30 Chrysler
Simon & Annie Cherrington, ’39 Ford
John & Sharon Burton, Jowett Javelin
John & Jacqui Taggart, Cadillac Eldorado
Clive & Louise Wood, Morris Minor & Modern
John Lamont & Magz McNulty, Daimler
Sandy Wilson & Neville Allwright, Jensen Healy
Harry & Gay Sutcliffe, Wolseley 1800 Bevan Lange & Rachel, Toyota Levin
Arthur VanThiel couldn’t make the run but came to see us off in his Audi
At Bunnings carpark before setting off
New Member Sandy Wilson’s Jensen Healy on their first Club Run and Bevan’s Toyota Levin
Parked at the Club’s Parts Containers .8.
In Phil & Margaret’s paddock
Photo’s by Clive Woods of some of the interesting machinery in Phil’s shed .10.
Thanks to Clive for his 3 photo’s of the Mid-week Run and Phil’s Machinery photo’s
A warm welcome to new Member Sandy Wilson and his Jensen Healy
Our Annual East Coast Rally Saturday 1st February 2025
Please support our East Coast Rally Sponsors REPCO Nicholson Autos Commerce Street Autos Whakatane Printers
Chairmans report:
Just a quick message for everyone this month…….
The warmer weather has arrived, and everything is in full swing again. It seems there is an interesting event happening somewhere almost every weekend and the hardest thing is deciding which one to go to. The EBOP VCC has a full calendar or runs and trips away planned for the next few months so there will be plenty of opportunities get out on the road and have a good time. It’s great to see new club members getting involved with our regular runs and activities, brining with them some fantastic cars. For the first time in ages, I have all three club eligible cars on the road, and I am aiming to get all of them out for the various club activities we have coming up this summer (but not necessarily at the same time). Many of our club members have more than one vehicle in the shed and it’s always nice to see them all getting a little exercise at our regular club events. I’ll try my best to resist the temptation to pull one of mine apart again for no good reason.
Bevan. .11.
Club Calendar of Events commencing October 2024
Saturday 5th
Sunday 6th
Fri 11th – Sun 13th
Sunday 20th
Thursday 31st
Fri 1st – Sunday 3rd
Sunday 3rd
Sunday 17th
Wednesday 13th
Thursday 21st – Tuesday 26th
Thursday 28th
Sunday 1st
Saturday 14th
Sat 18th - Mon 20th
Sunday 26th
Thursday 30th
Saturday 1st
Te Aroha Cruise-in
Vintage & Classic Car Breakfast from 8.00am at Thornton Bay & Eatery, Thornton Road cnr
Taumaruni Rally
No Mid-week Run this month
Club Run being organised by Noel & Lois
Club Night, Athletic Clubrooms, Short St, Whakatane from 7.00pm with the Meeting starting at 7.30pm
For those Members wishing to have dinner prior to the meeting, we meet at the RSA from 5.00pm for pre-dinner drinks & dinner at 6.00pm
Northland Branch Far North Tour
BOP Branch - Car Boot Sale
Waikato Swap-meet
Mid-week Run?
Inter-branch visit to Gisborne & Mahia & for those that wish to go on to Napier Sunday night, over the Gentle Annie on Monday to stay at Ohakune, home Tuesday Club Night, Athletic Clubrooms, Short St, Whakatane from 7.00pm with the Meeting starting at 7.30pm
Classic Car Breakfast
Kawerau Christmas Parade No Club Night in December
Wanganui Burma Rally (Wellington Anniversary weekend) 12th Annual Rotorua Lakefront Car Show 10am – 2pm Club Night
Our Annual East Coast Rally along with our 50th Anniversary Celebrations & Service Badge Presentations
If you don’t have a Vintage or Classic Vehicle, come along to events in your modern .12.
Inter-Branch Visit - Weekend Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th November:
Gisborne Branch have organised a Campout this year at the Mahia Motor Camp for the Weekend of Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th November for our inter-branch visit with them.
They are leaving Gisborne Mid-morning on Friday 22nd travelling to Mahia via Tiniroto, Frasertown and Wairoa.
Saturday 23rd optional activity and a Gymkhana. Dinner at the local Mahia Pub
Sunday 24th a short Run to Tahaenui Fete which is a short distance south of Nuhaka
Options for our Branch:
1. Go to Gisborne on Thursday and stay the night or
2. Leave early Friday morning to be in Gisborne by 10am Options for the return trip:
1. Leave Nuhaka Sunday 24th and travel home. or
2. Travel on to Napier and stay the night there, then on Monday travel over the “Gentle Annie” to Taihape then on to Ohakune to stay the night, home Tuesday.
We have 14 of our Members (7 cars) that have committed to all or part of the trip so far.
And 2 cars from other Branches will be joining us on the trip along with Gisborne Branch.
If you are intending to come and haven’t already booked your accommodation at: Mahia Motel & Holiday Park Friday 22nd & Saturday 23rd
Go to their website:
Email: Phone: 06 837 5830
We have found it best to go to the website to see available accommodation and to book
Those Members who have already booked for Thursday 21st are staying at: Captain Cook Motor Lodge, 31 Awapuni Road, Gisborne Phone: 0800 227 826 Email:
Those going on to Napier and Taihape/Ohakune have booked and are staying at Kennedy Park Resort, 11 Storkey Street, Napier Sunday 24th Phone: 06 843 9126 Email:
The Hobbit Motor Lodge, 80 Goldfinch Street, Ohakune Monday 25th Phone: 06 385 8248 Email:
For more information: Ph: 027 271 7022 Email: .13.
Some of the Club Cars at Mark’s Funeral
Joe Webber – Gisborne Branch
Joe was an original Member of the Gisborne and Eastern Bay of Plenty Vintage Car Club’s interbranch camp outs.
Our Club Captain, Lou Emeny knew Ivan English and they talked about an inter-club camp out.
Joe and Merle were enthusiastic Members of the Gisborne Branch and assisted with the arrangements of the camp-out, driving their Austin Seven Top Hat and meeting at the Matawai Pub, then we all drove to the camp site up Te Wero Road to a shearing shed with bad water (so we had to drink beer) a dodgy toilet but it worked okay and a shower nobody would use. But we all had a great time.
This all started in 1986, the camp-outs phased out after about 3 years but we continued to meet up every November for our inter-branch event.
We would see Joe and Merle in the Austin Seven, then in the beautifully restored Austin 12/6
Joe was a keen Austin man and was a Member of the Vintage Austin Register.
Much later came the red MG, by this time Joe never ventured far, but whenever our branch visited, Joe always made us welcome and chatted about the old camp-outs and people that were there and what was happening in his world.
I remember on one visit, we were invited to drive around the stock car track. Joe led the procession in his Austin 12/6 Great memories.
We owe you Joe for what you and the others of both Branches started in 1986 and is still going strong today. Let’s hope we can keep up the enthusiasm that Joe and Members of both Branches started so many years ago.
Rest in Peace Joe.
Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch
Postal Address: PO Box 2168, Kopeopeo, Whakatane 3159
Branch Officers: 2024/2025
Honorary Branch Member: Lorolei Pollard
Chairman: Bevan Lange 027 460 3466
Vice Chairman: Clive Wood 027 276 9806
Secretary: Margaret Leaming 027 351 0432
Treasurer: Joy Growden 07 304 9777
Club Captain: Les Costar 07 323 6406
Committee: Steve Growden 07 304 9777
Lorraine Stock 07 307 1965
Alan Stock 07 307 1965
John Burton 021 02501138
Lytle Hall 027 703 4539
Trevor Marshall 07 308 7957
Running Board: Interim Editor Gail Costar 027 271 7022
Beaded Wheels Reporter: Bruce Seddon 07 322 2137
Almoner: Lorraine Stock 07 307 1965
Name Badge Sales: Margaret Leaming 027 351 0432
VIC Collators: Bevan Lange 027 460 3466 Bruce Seddon 07 322 2137
Parts Shed Supervisors: Phil Leaming 07 304 8415
Steve Growden 07 304 9777
John Burton 021 02501138
Branch Delegate: Bevan Lange 027 460 3466
Raffles: Lorraine Stock 07 307 1965
Supper Supervisor: Lorraine Stock
Community Liaison: Lytle Hall 027 703 4539
Archivists: Les & Gail Costar 07 323 6406
Saleable Items: Barry Spry 07 312 4737
EBOP Cloth Jacket Badges $7.50
EBOP Car Window Stickers $1.00
EBOP Lapel Badges $6.00
EBOP Cloth Jacket Patches $10.00
EBOP Car Bumper Badges $20.00
EBOP VCC Windscreen Stickers $2.00
EBOP Cloth Caps $15.00 Rally Number Holders s/s $15.00
NZVCC Winged Lapel Badges $7.50 VCC Cloth Winged Badges $13.00 (these will be available at Club Nights)
EBOP Name Badges $15.00 (to be ordered) Please wear your name badge to VCC functions.
Club Night: Last Thursday of the month (except December) At: Whakatane Athletic Clubrooms, Short Street, Whakatane 7.00pm Social Get-together Branch Meeting starting at 7.30pm .16.