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We are now past the shortest day, so summer is on its way. I am not really a winter person; I like the warmth and sunshine of summer. Nothing better than going for a cruise in the Triumph with the top down and the wind blowing the cobwebs away. But before we move into summer, we must enjoy the delights of spring. All the buds and blossoms appearing, the time of new growth and of course the Daffodils are starting to appear.

That brings us to our Daffodil rally for CANCER. The Vintage Car Club’s National day is being held on Sunday 25th August and again the Cancer Society is the very worthy charity that is being supported by our events. Again, this year we are holding five hub rallies starting from Te Awamutu, Cambridge, Morrinsville, Matamata, and Hamilton. All these rallies will finish in the clubrooms for an open day for all the visitors. Everything at the club will be open and food will be available. The entry fee is only $10 per car, so we hope that most of our members will come and support this great cause, and spread the word to their friends, family, and work mates. All the money that we raise in our area stays in our area to assist the Waikato Cancer Society, which is great. I very much doubt that there are any of our members who have not been affected by cancer, either directly or indirectly, so please come and support this very important day.

In September we have our Ladies rally organized by Hugh McInally. This year is going to be different, men are invited, but only in a supporting role. Males can be a Chauffer, a Ladies Maid, or a crossdresser, take your pick. If you do not like driving your club eligible car you can get your man friend to take on one of these supporting roles. There is also a baking competition for the men, so guys get those aprons on and start practice baking.

The club’s national AGM is being held in Tauranga this year on the 9th August at the Armitage Hotel. You should have received the 2023-2024 annual report, giving you the agenda, President’s report, club office bearers, and the financial reports. I believe that the management committee have done an excellent job in managing the club to stay within the budget in these times of rising costs. The change in management structure has been well discussed and debated over the past two years and it is time finally to put the matter to rest. (continued page 6)


The group from the Workshop on Thurs 18th of July putting the world to rights. Photo taken by Cossey his regular report is on page 10.

$10 per car


Thank you to a couple of members who have offered to make soup/slice/sausage roll after reading my report in the July Venture. To all of our members, lets support the Waikato Branch Cancer Daffodil Day and join where the starting point is closest to your hometown. Wouldn’t it be great to hit an amount of $5000 to donate to Cancer Society. Let us do it as a Club.

Movie night was a success with an ice cream slice at half time. Thanks to Aaron our editor for the DVD and Hugh for bringing his laptop along and setting up the projector. Bronya making ice cream slices, Cossey and Scott serving cuppa on completion of the movie. I think Lorraine was overseeing the men.

Erin is looking after the raffles on club night, if you have any ideas or want to donate anything please bring along to club night and see Erin. Erin has been keeping the gardens weeded, big thank you.

Thank you to Mike H and Athanasius S coming along to meet members and receive their name badges.

I am sure our new members who have joined over the last 18 months came along to the Club Rooms on the 21st July and met other members who have a lot of different knowledge that could help them especially if restoring a vehicle, Workshop, Parts Shed and Library.

Your club has a lot happening in the next few months. Keep dates noted on your calendars, lets support the branch make life easier and as Cossey would say “Share the load”.

That is all from me this month.






(H) 07 888 0009, (M) 021 280 1586

Chairman’s Report continued...

Ever since I started attending executive meetings, I have believed that the executive committee is too large and bulky, having 46 members to govern a club of just over 8,000 members is cumbersome and inefficient. From my observations over the years, about half the executive say nothing and do nothing except eat their lunch. It is time for a change, to be able to make quick and efficient decisions. So, let us all go along to the AGM and have a say.

The position of club captain is still vacant, TWO members could take the job on and halve the workload! All assistance will be given to show you the ropes.

Your committee needs ideas for runs, places to visit, and ideas for club nights. Let us all have fun together.

Graham Pate.


It was a cold ride to the start at Ngaruawahia. One of the advantages of an old air cooled bike is that you can warm your hands on the engine while riding! The left hand is easy but for the right hand you can accelerate then get your hand on the engine for about 5 seconds at a time while slowing down and when your fingers are so cold you are thinking about frostbite this really does help. Just don’t touch the sparkplug, especially in the rain!

9 bikes and 2 cars left Ngaruawahia for a fun ride on damp back roads. There seems to be more green moss on the back roads this season possibly because it has been relatively warm. My theory is that the moss is in the low spots between the stones and your tyres are touching the tops of the stones so it’s not as bad as it looks! Mercer Landing Kitchen was a good place for lunch where we were joined by 4 more bikes and 2 cars. 20 people in all. Oldest bike, 1948 Vincent Rapide. I plan to mention the oldest bike on each ride (and maybe award a chocolate fish) to perhaps encourage some oldies.

Straight up the expressway to Karaka and trying to keep the group together as, although there were printed directions, they are difficult to read on a bike and many like to follow the leader. We visited Graham Viall who is a great host and entertained us explaining about the bikes in his impressive collection, Japanese and British and some Italian. He has Graham Crosby’s Yoshimura Suzuki XR69 on which he won the 1981 TT F1 world championship (forerunner to the World Superbike series) and some tasty BSAs. Graham Viall also organises the Motorcycle show in Auckland, the next one is on 5-6 October, Auckland showgrounds. Which incidentally is when our next ride is scheduled.

I again encourage bikes to participate in the Daffodil Rally, Sunday August 25th with 5 different starting points. Last year it rained all day and only 1 bike was there. This is less of a rally and more of a way to share our passion. Or alternatively, like me, you could go to the Classic M/ C racing at Hampton Downs.


So, thank you to Waotu School for not only such a delicious lunch but how these were presented, oh yeah and don’t forget there was a hot cup of tea of coffee with that too. We then had the pleasure of being able to go and look in and around the many buildings that the museum had to offer, the last time I was here I was a child on another car rally with Mum and Dad, it was great to see it all again. If you haven’t been and you like history it’s definitely a place to go and see.

Without someone first taking an interest in keeping things from the past these would be lost to the past, (just like the vintage cars we drive), we would never be able to see how it was for them in the past and how far we have come today. We were to leave the Museum by 2pm to start the afternoon section of the rally which included straight line, and upon completing this it took us over the Arapuni Dam.

We still had not come across Stokes Road and Weld Street, so we were on the lookout for those and low in behold we found Stokes Road, so as the prelim instructions had said we used it. Now to be honest part way down the road to the left was Head Road and Stokes Road continued to our right, so we continued down Stokes Road to realise that the road ended into a Private Property. Now we thought what have we done, so turned around and headed back to where Head Road was to find out that there was a small no exit sign for the part of Stokes Road we had just been on.

Clearly it said that No exit roads do not exist in the afternoon, so we totally owned our mistake as we made it not seeing the No Exit sign. Anyway, back on track we were now heading for Cambridge and there was 2 more decisions/discussions to ponder over. The first one being do we go down Lamb Street as it was least line of deviation or stay on the road we were on where we found the silent check ROVER, and 2nd the final instruction Next right to Marshal.

After looking at Lamb Street and going for an extra drive, we decided not to go down it and I said no to turning into the clubrooms as it is a No Exit and they do not exist, we ended up with 1 of the 2 correct. Lamb Street turned out was correct and we should have used it and not got ROVER and not turning into the clubrooms was correct as it was a No Exit so you should have gone to see Bryan.

It was at prize giving later that the decision was made that Lamb Street and ROVER were removed from the marking sheet as a street sign had gone missing at the end of Lamb Street which is where the next instruction was turn right into Shakespeare Street. (So not everyone would have known this was Shakespeare Street). This was a very humble thing for Bryan to do, as this is something out of his control and by no means his fault if someone stole the road sign. Plotting a rally especially one as big as the Double 50 is no small task, we know and so does Dad as we have been there done it before so we all know all too well the hurt experienced if things don’t quite go to plan and then to start hearing negative comments is not nice.

All I want to say is first we are all human and even a little bit of praise and kindness goes a long way. Mistakes happen some our fault, some not so take a step back and step into the shoes of the plotters and ask yourself, have I potted a rally before? Do I understand what they are going through and the stress they are under? If your answer is not then who are we to judge and really if you don’t agree with a decision then that’s ok, as individuals we all see and think of things differently it’s how we act later on that matters.

It is already hard enough to find members who will step up to plot rallies, and when you have taken on the role to plot the Double 50 it’s not taken lightly. And negative comments take their toll to where it may come to where they would not want to plot another one again and that is not where the club should be headed, but I 100% understand. I have nothing but praise and admiration for Bryan and Lorraine for all their hard work, all the time taken, the planning, the driving around to plot the rally and everything else involved. Speaking on behalf of Wayne, Dad, Carey-Ann and myself we had the greatest day, the rally was amazing and any mistakes made, were made by us as an entrant NOT the plotters.

Before dinner started the raffles were drawn with dad being the lucky winner of 1, he won an amazing basket of food. Dinner and prize giving was at the Clubrooms with this year’s theme being BEACH. The tables were beautifully decorated with black tablecloths, white sand down the middle, with sea creatures and a jar with coastal real live plants, it looked so cool, so Thank You to Jenny Patton and her helpers for that.

We as a family love to dress up not only ourselves, but also Ernie Junior (my large teddy bear), he had his togs on with his boogie board, and we include the cars into that as well. Ernie had Wayne’s surfboard on his roof and his Jet Ski being towed. Dad’s Plymouth had his Kaimera board on the roof with his fishing rod with his latest catch, which at dinner was claimed it was under sized. (For those of you who weren’t there it was a cat toy and no live fish were harmed in the making.) With our clothes all sorted it was onto making our beach themed hats. With each hat being personal to that person to what the beach means to them. It was great to see others had taken the time to decorate hats and dress to the theme also.

I was very humbled at how many people admired our hats and mentioned how awesome they were, and then we were awarded one of the Best Dressed Awards as a family. Once again the dinner was really nice with Chicken legs and cooked ham, selection of roasted vegetables, peas, carrots, lettuce salads and rice salad. Followed by Apple Crumble, Ice Cream, Hot Custard and fresh fruit salad, there was plenty of food for all. Throughout the day and evening we had 2 very special guests join us, Bill Hohepa and his lovely wife Linda. They filmed us at parts along the rally and enjoyed tea with us filming prize giving.

We as a family would once again like to thank Bryan and Lorraine and all their helpers and sponsors for putting on a great day followed by a great evening.

Photos by Wayne Hayward


Hi again

It’s been good the last month to see various vehicles up on the hoist. I think every Thursday it’s been used, not only for oil changes but even a CV joint got replaced the other week.

Seems like the chefs & kitchen staff on Thursdays are doing an amazing job as word gets around and numbers are gaining in momentum. (might have to put the donation hat out to cover their costs). Many thanks to those bringing a plate, much appreciated.

We have been sorting out what needs hanging on the walls and what can stay in the tool trays which shall make it easier to find what’s required. Also the spanners have been getting sorted into various categories and sizes which will make them more accessible.

The petrol bowsers have been stripped thanks to Garry Taylor and now the restoration begins.

Don’t forget if you wish to use the hoist give Graham Holmes or Andy Hammond a call whether it be for a Thursday or any day of the week or even in the weekend. I’m sure we can arrange a ‘Person in Charge’ to open up. Just remember to take the used oil container back with you as we don’t have facilities for removal.

To book the hoist contact either:-

Graham Holmes (07) 827 7341

Andy Hammond (07) 823 5712 or 022 0415 356 Thursday opening hours are from 9.30am to at least 2pm - 2.30pm or weekends by arrangement. Everyone’s welcome and I’m sure we can find something for you to do so boredom doesn’t set in while waiting for the cuppa. Just wear suitable footwear.

Also don’t forget when you are having a clean out, I’m still looking for any memorabilia, flags, signs, placards, posters etc. Cossey


The Top Pub proved the perfect meeting spot for a large number of members on a damp Waikato day. After an enjoyable lunch, it was off on a backroad Wander in search of Terry Pidduck’s newly acquired treasure, (sorry, no photo, it’s secret). On arrival at Terry’s, we were greeted by hot drinks and jam and cream scones. What an amazing collection of various transport modes from yesteryear, being a little one eyed to the two wheeled variety, the diesel Enfield was of interest, but the 34 Terraplane Coupe is a stylish vehicle, just wow. I’m sure everyone in attendance enjoyed the visit, Thanks for the invite and hospitality Terry.


We hope that you will enjoy the club and it’s many activities

If you have any queries either big or small please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee and they will be more than willing to assist you in any way possible.

Wayne Griffiths: Austin 1936 Sedan

Scott Lawrence: VW Kombi Under Restoration

Grant Paterson: Dodge 1935

Athanasius Santamaria: Austin 1930 EA Sports undergoing restoration

Once again, welcome to the club. We hope to see you at the club night on the second Wednesday of each month.

Workshop open every Thursday at 9.30am

Wed 14 Club Night

Wed 21 Wednesday Wander Sun 25 Daffodil Day

Sun 8 Ladies Rally

Wed 11 Club Night

Wed 18 Wednesday Wander

Sun 22 Club Run

Sat 5 Motorcycle Run

Wed 9 Club Night

Wed 16 Wednesday Wander

Sun 20 Luncheon—presentaion of 25 and 35 year award badges

Sat 31

Entries close 13th Sept Aug Sept

Sat 21

Rotorua Sulphur City Rally

Entries close 28th Aug

Taranaki Rubber Duckie MC Rally


Introducing Erin Wilson, our new committee member. Joined Waikato branch October 2022 with husband Scott.

Scott and I live in Matamata after spending 22 years on lifestyle blocks. We own a 1936 Ford Sedan, although this was Scott’s pride and joy for some years before he met me! We have been married almost 31 years.

I worked as a laboratory analyst (chemistry), then “retired” to strip wallpaper, sand floorboards, garden and look after our many animals. We were pretty much self-sufficient, and truly did live the “good life”. Over the years when I felt the need for a change, I worked as a teacher aide, health support worker, & a cook. I was also involved with voluntary work, teaching English to immigrants for ten years & preparing meals for the homeless.

Loving the outdoors I have tramped around Lake Waikaremoana, climbed Mt Pirongia, Maungatautari and can regularly be seen out walking the streets of Matamata. I have travelled to Ireland, much of Asia and the Baltic countries in Europe. My current torment is learning the Irish language – connecting to my roots. I am a big animal lover, that’s pretty much my life in a nutshell. Club members have been so welcoming and kind, allowing me to truly feel a part of the club, so a big thank you.



Wednesday 14th August

A speaker from the Cambridge Police, Senior Sergeant David Hall. Snr Sgt Hall has spent his 31 year career in the Waikato and will be speaking about a range of topics.

Wednesday 11th September

(See ad on page 14 in this issue!)


A good turnout of keen motorcyclists met at the Breaking Bread cafe in Ngaruawahia followed by a few cars headed for Karaka via some scenic back roads and Mercer Landing Hotel for lunch. Greeted by Graham Viall and his son into his garage full of interesting bikes and history of his biking exploits (that’s Graham on the right with the hat on) He is also responsible for putting on the National Motorcycle show later this year. A quick catchup at the Rangiriri pub topped off a great day, Thanks to Steve Walter for organising . Terry O’Hanlon


There have been a few books donated to the library, mostly about motorcycles. All have been put into the system and put on shelves so come on in and have a look, you may find something that interests you.

A few books have been signed out of the library and returned in a timely manner, but there is plenty of scope for more members to take books out. Don’t be shy come on in and have a look.

See you in the library.


The day dawned beautiful, sunny, and ideal to give the car an airing, so at 9am we headed off to the clubrooms in Cambridge which is only about ½ an hour away from home, to meet up with whoever had decided to have a day out. On our arrival we found the carpark choca-block and people milling around with coffee in hand and waiting for the whistle to blow for the gathering that would give us the instructions for our drive. Soon it was into the clubrooms and my-o- my what a large crowd, the most I have ever seen on a normal club run.

Then it was time to get introduced to our hosts to be who were Shirley and Chris Hawkings from Ohaupo. After a chat from Chris and instructions about parking etc. at his property and the usual instruction sheet handout, which I might add were very good and easy to follow - with added “no dirt roads on this run”, it was time for people to get in their cars and enjoy the country drive with very little traffic. Out in the country, we did come across a bicycle race in progress (which in our case had us following them at a very sedate pace).

We finally arrived at the property with many people around to indicate where to park. Well – sheds, sheds, and more sheds – I said to Gaye “blimey I wonder if these are all full of cars.” So, after finding a nice shady place under a huge canvas cover between a container and a building, we met up with all the cars as they entered the property and like us most were amazed at all the buildings. People started milling around and walking around buildings and then “ok there is a big roller door open guess this must be the first lot of cars.” Yes, there was a very nice Chev Impala with bonnet open and nice clean shiny V8 to impress, and so much to look at, tables on the left with food being prepared by many hands, huge TV screen on the wall and all sorts of memorabilia, chairs and sofas for all those who needed to sit down.

Behind the impala was a chassis with another V8 and gearbox all shiny and in pristine condition, the chassis was impressive all painted up with shiny mag wheels and brand-new exhaust system. I do not know if Chris did all the work, but one had to be impressed with the workmanship. I did not have the opportunity to talk to Chris on his own as so many people wanted his attention, but he was a person with many talents. All the car projects under way or in some cases waiting their turn included a hot rod with another V8 and blower on it with a tray on the back and wide wheels and tidy as; next to it a 30’s Vauxhall needed to be restored but engine ran; then a tidy Corvette road legal and next to that another car waiting its turn.

Then into another huge shed where an Impala body, by the look of it, on a stand with no mechanicals just the body going through the restoration process which was destined for the chassis in the “man/woman-cave” shed. This second building is the part where the work took place, lathes, drill-mill machine and all sorts of gear, some parts, and a lot of interesting workshop gear. I enjoyed this environment, and it bought back lots of memories of my work life.

So it was then back to the first shed and Chris called out that he was going to open up another shed of interest and so, like sheep, we all followed and one could hear “wonder what he’s got in here” and this huge shed was where they make water tanks and dog kennels. This was a very interesting part of his world, and you could see he is very passionate about what they were doing. It sounded like the dog kennels happened by mere chance. The company happened to be at a field day show and after setting up the huge space they were given they didn’t fill all the area so Chris drove back home and filled his vehicle up with more products to display. A dog kennel was part of the stuff he brought back and during the show –which was on a very hot day – a black dog walks onto the display and made his way to the kennel. The dog made himself at home and people started noticing the dog and the kennel and asked if Chris owned the dog –“no” came the answer, he just walked in here and got into the kennel and that is where he has stayed. As people noticed the dog and started asking about the kennel, that was when they started taking orders for the kennel, and they have not looked back since. Kennels are still being made and sold through various outlets, as well as their water tanks.

So, after many questions from the group of us and looking around some of their equipment, we all ambled back to the first shed for lunch. Well, I was impressed with what the ladies had prepared –big plate of sliced ham with mustard, coleslaw, bread rolls and sliced bread, tea, and coffee as well as ginger kisses cakes – talk about a delicious lunch. Well done to all involved. So, with more talk and catching up Gaye and I then departed for home.

Great day – so thanks to Graham and our hosts Chris and Shirley for a splendid time.

Derek Dixon.

ABOVE: Our dear Mr Jeremy Brook finding himself in a spot of bother at the recent Wednesday Wander. Stan was overheard telling him he shouldn’t have parked there...

Open one hour before club nights

Now open Thursday mornings 10am—12pm

Lots of parts including:

wiper blades steering columns

lights gauges generators carburetors

light bulbs wheel rims

gaskets bumpers

armatures alternators

axles distributor caps

Recent additions:

Vauxhaull Viva tailpipe and muffler new

Wolseley 4/44 engine

Austin Healey diff with wire wheel hubs

Parts Shed Committee

Alan Sharp

Les King

021 02553853

021 1909506

Clive Plumtree 07 8275973

Terry Pidduck 027 2726319

Graham Holmes 027 6277341


These are available to view and buy at Club Nights

Lapel or Cap Badges - enamelled $10.00 each

Car Bumper Badges - cast in brass $35.00 each

Windscreen Transfers $2.00 each

Windscreen Vinyl Stickers


Club Emblem Jacket Patches $5.00 each

Number Plate Surrounds $5.00 pair

Rally Number Holders $15.00 each


Two Triumph Herald wheels and tyres, 4 stud, Kumho steel belt radials, 175/70 R13 82T, very good tread. $50.00.

Two Singer Junior disc wheels, 4 stud, with tyres in poor condition, 3.5/4.0 x 19 $50.00

Contact Graham Pate 078880009 or 0212801586

1924 Ford Model T tourer, runs and drives well. Reg and Wof. Has Ruckstell diff, 12V with electric start. Full set of side curtains and tourneau cover. Well used club car, older restoration but looks good. Lots of spare parts. would do a trade on a Model A or similar vintage car. $23,000.00ono. Contact Graham on C0212801586, H078880009.

Personalized number plate for sale - CHVY47- $1200.00

Contact Heather Boswell, 021 684 938,

1967 VW Beetle. 1,200cc. 12 volt. Australian built. Colour bright blue. 52,168 miles although uncertain of exact mileage. WOF and registered. Reliable and drives extremely well. There are a few small bubbles of surface rust. $16,000 ono.

Call Trina 021987949 or email

The information in this newsletter and on the club’s web site, is supplied as a service to club members. Articles and other copy of interest are always welcome and encouraged. The opinions expressed in this newsletter and on the club’s website are those of the author alone. Neither the club nor any of its officers accepts responsibility for the accuracy of any statements or opinions.


We are getting non members ask about putting an advert in the For Sale or Wanted section of the Venture. After a discussion with the committee it has been decided that an advert from a non Waikato VCC member will incur a $15.00 charge. This will cover a three (3) month insertion. After the three (3) months it will be automatically withdrawn.

Veteran & Vintage Car Club (Waikato) Inc.

Branch Officers 2023/2024

CHAIRMAN Graham Pate



SECRETARY Heather Boswell

TREASURER Jillian Hayton

021 2801586

021 1909506

021 684938

07 856 7238 027 4230608

VENTURE EDITOR Aaron Kearney 021 1472827




021 1909506

Heather Boswell 021 684938

LIBRARIAN Sue King 021 449686


Dave Nordell

Jeremy Brook

021 502390

07 824 1641 021 1520922 Erin Wilson

027 8718682 Bryan Cossey


07 827 7710 027 4107772

021 02553853

VIC Co-Ordinator Cars Dave Nordell 021 502390

VIC Co-Ordinator M/Cycles Peter Spiller 07 823 0944 027 4913387 VALUATIONS Paul Clark 021 324911


Kathryn Parsons 07 855 6774 022 0246820






* Committee Positions

027 4362875

Heather Boswell 021 684938

Heather Boswell 021 684938

Steve Walter 07 827 8484 0274 920095

Paul Clark 021 324911


PO Box 924, Hamilton, 3240 MacLean St, Cambridge

Club Night

2nd Wednesday of month at 7.30pm

Library and Parts Shed Hours 2nd Wednesday of month from 6.30pm over Summer, 7.00pm over Winter.

Workshop Hours Every Thursday 9.30am - 2pm


Email addresses: Chairman:



CLOSING DATE FOR VENTURE COPY: 20th of each month Contributions should be emailed to Editor -

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