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M A R C H 2 0 2 4 E D I T I O N
Remembrance Rally
3 Note from the Editor 4 Message from the Chair 7 Ford Model T poem 8 Cartoon Corner 9 Remembrance Day Rally 14 Art Deco Musings 15 Events 21 2023/24 Committee and Contacts 22 Club Room and Parts Department 23 Offers to Members 24 Marketplace CONTENTS 9 14 7

Editor’s Note

Happy Easter weekend to all!

This month’s Zenith is out bang on time as Jodie is away in Upper Hutt for a light and art event, HighLight: Carnival of Lights. Be sure to check it out if you’re looking for something to do with the grand-kiddies this Easter weekend. We’re also away end of April so contributions must be in by the 20th for inclusion.

Get cozy in your favourite spot with a cup of your choice, and dive into this month's Zenith.

Enjoy the read!

Front Cover

Snapped at our Remembrance Day Rally. See more from page 9.

Message from the Chair

Apologies for my absence in the February Zenith. The ribbon on the typewrite broke. “Yeah Right”.

The Coastal Run to Cape Palliser kick started the New Year. We gathered in the Martinborough Square, receiving our rally instructions and being flagged away by Hugh Hunter. There were a number of silent checks to look out for and a couple of question to answer. Seals and seagulls complemented the scenery. A magic day for taking pictures and having a picnic at the coast. Many thanks to Hugh and his crew for putting the run together.

February’s club night theme was straight-line navigation. We started the evening with a presentation covering general rally rules and an explanation about the straight-line diagrams and how to follow the run sheet. Members then car pooled and had the choice of two short runs to complete, which returned them back to the club rooms. Many thanks to Chris Giles for putting the runs together and helping with the presentation. There were smiles and laughter as they returned for a short debrief and cup of tea. The evening was a success, with everyone more confident in straight line navigation and looking forward to putting it into practice.

The next event for February was the Remembrance Rally which Pat Dutton had put her hand up to organise. Again, many thanks to Pat and her supporters for putting a wonderful day’s motoring together for everyone to enjoy. Gerard’s report gives a very good commentary, pictures of the day included. Many thanks Gerard.

The March club night’s theme was “Packard’s”. The focus of the evening was around Jim and Lynn Laird’s 1940 Packard Limousine, seven seater. It was originally part of the American Navy car fleet, being Admiral Chester W Nimitz’s staff car. An added bonus to the night was a 1933 two door five-seater Packard. The car had been part of the recent rally and Jim was looking after to it until he returned it to its owner in Hamilton later in the week. To complete the lineup, he also brought his 1938 Super Eight Coup along. The evening was completed with a video of the Packard history and the Wairarapa Rally which had been held a couple of weeks earlier. Our thanks go to Jim for his presentation, along with the photo albums, reference material and the Art Deco photography’s.

Next out of the blocks was the Grass Stretched Gymkhana, held at the Solway Showgrounds. Everyone embraced this event one hundred percent. The chatter and interaction between new and older members was infectious. The competitive banter topped the day off with a real fun day had by all. I think the addition of a motorcyclist to the line up brought discipline and a high level of professionalism to the event. Congratulations to Verdon Heath the overall winner. From all of us who participated, a big thankyou to Simon and his team for their time and commitment in making the event a very enjoyable success. We look forward to the challenge again next year.

As you will be aware, the annual Rex Porter Rally was cancelled due to a lack of numbers. This decision was not taken lightly. Simon and Sandie put a lot of personal time and energy into formulating rally routes and venues. On behalf of the club, thank you for the hard work.

The committee is formulating a short survey which we would like all club members to complete. From this information we hope to understand what you as members want in the way of a rally and the challengers that could be restricting you from participating in club events.

Due to Easter, the April Club night will move back to the 8th of April. It will be the last club night as “The Car is the Star” due to the evening daylight reducing as we move towards winter. Mike and Jane D’Alton’s Bentley will be the “Star”, so come along and find out what makes a Bentley tick and all about its history.

The April monthly run will be the Club Captains on the 21st of April. Hugh Hunter is putting this together, the start will be at the Fell Engine Museum in Lyon Street, Featherston at 10.00 am. It will take in South Wairarapa roads and conclude at a farming property in the South Wairarapa for a picnic lunch and some local history.

The RamRodders have invited us to attend a day at the Masterton Motor Plex on Sunday the 28th of April. This is a great opportunity for a day out with other likeminded petrol heads. Come along and help fly the flag.

Kevin Sullivan is co ordinating the Reliability Run, which is being held over the 18th and 19th of May. This has traditionally been a motorcycle event. He is asking if there are any car enthuses who would like to join the overnight outing. From the stories I have heard from previous outings it will be a very sociable and enjoyable time. If you are keen, please contact him and let him know so he can continue his planning.

Over the weekend of the 16th and 17th I represented your club at the Executive Meeting in Christchurch. I will put a full summary together and email out for you to read. One of the items on the agenda was the new constitution time frame. I will go into this in more detail with my summary. A vote was taken to put in place a change of the executive structure. The new proposed structure would be a twelve member National Board made up of

:-President, Secretary / Treasurer, Registrar, NI Club Captain, SI Club Captain, 3 x NI Representatives, 3 x SI Representatives, Beaded Wheels Editor.

Nine will have voting rights. ( President, NI Club Captain, SI Club Captain, 3 x NI Representatives, and 3 X SI Representatives.

Clubs have been placed into six geographical regions.

Our proposed region will contain :- Taranaki, Hawke’s Bay, Central Hawke’s Bay, Wanganui, Manawatu, Wairarapa, Horowhenua and Wellington. (Eight Branch’s with three representatives )

Workshops were held on the Sunday to develop a preferred formula as to how the representatives will engage with their clubs. E.g. face to face meeting expectations and the use of zoom meetings.

As mentioned, I will summarise the weekend and post you a copy to read.

A couple of events to look forward too.

Labour Weekend Commercial Rally hosted by North Otago on the 25th to the 28th of October.

2026 Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring – tentative dates are :13th to the 21st of March 2026 If you are interested, please go to their Facebook page and register your interest to help with their planning. – “Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring”

That’s a wrap from me.

Chair GrahamHodder
An old poem I found in the drawer.

A poem by my step mum Linda Webster about my dads 1915 Ford Model T, with before and after pictures.

This is my husband's Model T

Why he would buy it is a mystery to me

I’ve got wrinkles, sure enough

But the body on that thing is REALLY ROUGH.

It’s actually COMPLETELY shot, So what does it have that makes him love it a lot?

What makes a man pay a bucket of dough, For something that may never be able to go.

We could have had a new car, or a boat or a trip

Instead we have something you might find at the tip.

Cartoon Corner

This is one of my cartoons that I did based on a well known TV advertisement.

As I am also the owner of a MG PB midget car I can well feel the situation!

2024 Remembrance Day Rally

The Annual Remembrance Day Rally is an important fixture in the Branch Calendar – celebrating past members and marking their contributions to making the Club the wonderful centre of camaraderie and common interest that it is.

Sunday 18 February 2024 was no exception. The organiser, Pat Dutton, went to a great deal of trouble to map out an interesting and picturesque route showing the starkness of a hot and dry Wairarapa Summer from the foothills of Tararua Range out to the eastern coastal hills.

The route was pretty straightforward but its fair to say a few participants saw a little more of the countryside than some others.

To entertain there were challenges along the way. The first challenge was spotting six sets of initials and if you could identifying the former members they referred to. (The car I was in saw 3 – the rest must have been hidden but we were able to identify RH and WH).

The second challenge was recognising certain features along the way e.g a one lane bridge was the clue to the TVNZ programme “One Lane Bridge”.

There were three challenges in this set and I am pleased to say my car got all 3. Sadly this was not enough to win the trophy.

The participants were spread over 14 cars and one motorcycle gathered at the Clubrooms at 10.00 a.m. and after a cup of tea and briefing from Pat Dutton and the handing out of the rally instructions we set off at short intervals.

From the clubrooms we set off along Mangateretere Valley Road and by various roads, staying close to the foothills ended up on Matarawa Road, then to State Highway 2 for a very short distance and turned east down Waihakeke Road and then Riversdale Road to the farm of Frank Lipinski. There you could try your hand at slalom driving, albeit it at a slow speed, through 10 gates set up in one of Frank’s paddocks.

From Frank’s we went on past the Gladstone Country Inn and down to Te Wharau Road and up over the hill.The descent down to Wainuioru is surprisingly steep and long. One member told us at lunch that the last time he went that way in his vintage car, he lost his brakes and had a rather quick descent. As we went east the countryside got drier and drier and all the paddocks are really gold and in some areas getting that late Summer tinge of grey.

One member at this point headed off enthusiastically towards Flat Point and the East Coast but fortunately realised the error of his ways quite quickly. Nearer to Wainuioru there was a choice of a gravel section or staying on the seal. It was pretty hot and dusty so most stayed on the seal but a couple of hardy souls braved the gravel. Lunch:

We then headed to the MastertonCastlepoint Road and went East to the village of Tauweru (Taueru – there appears to be more than one spelling) where we had lunch. Tauweru has the magnificent 119 year old St Alban’s Anglican Church, which was consecrated in 1905. Interior and exterior pictures are shown below. It is open to the public and the trees of the Churchyard provided a welcome cool spot for lunch on what proved to be a very hot day.

We then headed to the MastertonCastlepoint Road and went East to the village of Tauweru (Taueru – there appears to be more than one spelling) where we had lunch. Tauweru has the magnificent 119 year old St Alban’s Anglican Church, which was consecrated in 1905. Interior and exterior pictures are shown. It is open to the public and the trees of the Churchyard provided a welcome cool spot for lunch on what proved to be a very hot day.

The Church is entirely lined with NZ native timbers and is in first class condition. The architect was Frederick de Jersey Clere (1856-1952), perhaps New Zealand’s foremost ecclesiastical architect. Wellingtonians will be familiar with some of his work including, Saint Mary of the Angels’ Church in Bouldcott Street, St Gerard’s Monastery and the Harbour Board Buildings. He designed dozens of metropolitan and country churches in New Zealand, so much so that his biographer dubbed him “the Architect of the Angels”.

The Church was an extremely interesting end to a very enjoyable rally. Thank you Pat and your helpers for a very enjoyable couple of hours with a great New Zealand history lesson and lunch at the end.

And finally and perhaps most importantly the winner of the 2024 Remembrance Rally was a 1958 Wolseley 1500 with striking grey and dark red finish piloted by Carolyn and Angeline Colquhoun. Congratulations to the winners seen below with their trophy.

2024 Remembrance Day Rally

Congratulations to Carolyn and Angeline for winning the Remembrance Day Rally, with the closest time of 1 hour 45 minutes.

Answers to questions:

1) One Lane Bridge

2) Horses

3) Deer Heads

4) B McLaren

Answers to past members:

1) Ruby Holmes

2) Les Poole

3) Peter Groves

4) Gary Lang

5) Gaye Pointon

6) Will Homes

Thank you goes to Frank Lipinski for the use of their paddock for the cone course and for taking the course of cones back to the clubrooms.

It was wonderful to have 15 vehicles (one was Kevin on his motorcycle) take part.

We finished the run at Tauheru, with the use of the hall. The Church was opened up for us to have a wander through and the row of trees near the Church made ideal parking and all enjoyed their picnic outside under the trees.

The raffle was won by Dave Patten, ticket number 41. The prize included a wooden chopping board which was made by Kevin Ball at the Men’s Shed which he kindly donated to the club.

2024 Remembrance Day Rally

Supplied by Kevin Ball

Jottings from Art Deco

At last Napier’s Art Deco festival, cancelled or much scaled back for the last three years, took place last weekend, with a marked presence from Wairarapa VCC members.

David and Gaye Stewart made the journey in their pristine 1936 Riley 12/4 Special. with the very special rego ‘LIFE OF’. Jim and Lyn Laird were herding a fleet of Packards prior to their rally in the Wairarapa, and Mike and Jane D’Alton pottered about in the Bentley 3 1/2.

Pride of place, however, went to Gary Wall. MG owners celebrate the centenary of their marque this year, and were given star billing, leading the parade. Gary supplied no less than six prewar MG’s, all in beautiful condition, including this lovely two tone green WA Tickford which he drove himself.


Gary and the Tickford bodied MG WA.

She of the MG’s lined up by the sound shell on the front.

Malcolm and Gina nicely attired for the occasion.

Traction engines giving rides along the esplanade.

David and Gaye Stewart and friends await the off in the Riley.

Postponed a Monday due to Easter. Car is the Star - Bentley.

FUTURE EVENTS 1 July Club Night 14 July Gravel Challenge 5 Aug Club Night 18 Aug Rally for Cancer Organised by Jim Laird. 2 Sept Club Night 15 Sept Groves Memorial Rally 7 Oct Club Night 12 Oct Rex Porter Rally 4 Nov Club Night 10 Nov Gold Medal Motorcycle Rally 24 Nov Mangatainoka Vintage Car Day 1 Dec Mauriceville Fair 2 Dec Club Night 15 Dec Club Christmas Function APRIL 7pm 8 Apr Club Nights
21 Apr Club Captains Run Details
28 Apr Clubs Drag Day
attend their Clubs Drag Day
the Masterton Motor Plex. MAY 6 May Club Night 18 & 19 May Motorcycle Reliability Run Organised by Kevin Sutton JUNE 9 Jun Club AGM 11 Jun New Committee Meeting 16 Jun Winter Wander
to come.
Ram Rodders have

Vintage Only Rally

Francis Pointon has asked me us mention a Vintage only rally he’s organising on Sunday 24th of this month.

Starting at Pointon Motors, it will use some back roads to finish at The Castlepoint Hotel for lunch.

Meet at 0900 for an 0930 departure. Contact Francis for further details on 06 378 6710.

Reliability Run

The club holds an annual Winter Reliability Run for motorcycles in May each year. This event is an overnight run to a different destination each year, usually a small rural destination that offers a variety of interesting roads for the run.

This year's event will be run on the weekend of May 18th/19th and the intended destination is Mangaweka.

The expected distance travelled to Mangaweka is 180kms.

Accommodation will be in cabins at the Awastone and Mangaweka camp grounds which are on either side of the Rangitikei River. Accommodation costs will be approximately $50 per person.

Camps sites are also available for those who wish to rough it in a tent.

The Awastone Camp Ground has a licensed cafe that offers cafe meals at reasonable prices.

This year we want to open up the run to car drivers. This is an opportunity to give your car a decent run on good roads and to enjoy a convivial evening with fellow enthusiasts.

To help us with planning for this event we want to gauge the interest from car owners.

If you are interested in entering this event please contact me by email at or by phone on 022 377 8443.

Please note that entry is restricted to club eligible vehicles only.

11 March 2024

The President

Wairarapa Vintage Car Club

Ram Rodders Wairarapa would like to extend an invitation to your club members to join us for a day of fun at the Masterton Motor Plex to be part of our Club’s Drags Day.

This is being held on Sunday 28th April from 10.00 am with gates opening from 9.00am..

B.Y.O Picnic however there will also be a Hot Food and Coffee Van available to purchase from.

If we could possibly have an indication of numbers attending that would be great for our vendors. We look forward to seeing you there for a great day.

If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Yours in rodding

National calendar of events

2024 National VCC South Island Easter Rally

29th March – 1st April, Nelson

This is just a friendly reminder to members to get their entry forms in for this Rally This event also celebrates the 60th Anniversary of the Nelson Branch

Also please note that the Golden Bay Tour, (2nd to 5th of April), is proving popular, and with the exciting program planned, will be well worth entering while in the Nelson area.

Please contact:

John Barker

email: driving baby7s@gmail com or cell 027 911 0763

Preliminary notice CHB VCC Afternoon/Twilight Rally | Waipukurau & Beyond

Saturday 6th April 2024


Neil & Pat Malcolm

Phone: 06 858 5099


A preliminary notice about the CHBVCC Twilight Rally to be held on 6th April so that you can mark it on your calendar.

Full details will be included in the next edition of The Bleat, Central Hawke’s Bay’s newsletter

2023/24 Committee and Office Holders

Chairperson: Graham Hodder (06) 308 9087 | 027 226 3738

Secretary: Mike D’Alton 021 137 2395

Committee Members:

Dave Patten (06) 306 9006

Frank Lipinski (06) 379 7167

Jim Laird 0274 412 659

Custodians: Dave Patten & Kevin Sullivan

Librarian: Pat Dutton

Motorcycle Liaison: Kevin Sullivan

Publications & Newsletter

Club Captain: Hugh Hunter (06) 306 9847

Treasurer: Kevin Sullivan 022 377 8443

Pat Dutton (06) 379 7918

Tina Goodin 020 4109 9552

Simon O'Hara 021 141 2332

Editor: Alec O'Hara 027 775 0417

Beaded Wheels Scribe: TBC


Frank Lipinski (06) 379 7167

Barry Wells (06) 377 1152

Jeff Percy (06) 377 4622

Vehicle Inspectors:

Francis Pointon (06) 378 6710 pointonmotors@xtra co nz

Graham Reidy (06) 372 7855

Hugh Hunter (06) 306 9847 -

Clubroom details


A&P Showgrounds, Chester Road, Clareville

Postal Address: PO Box 7, Masterton 5840 Branch


Club Night:

First Monday of the month (except January) and June (second Monday) at 7pm.


Committee meet: Second Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm


Join Frank, Barry and Jeff for yarn and a cuppa when the Parts Department is open. In this treasure trove, you might also happen to find any bits and pieces

Located at the clubrooms, the Parts

Each Tuesday morning following club

The 3rd Saturday of the month from

You can also contact Frank for an appointment outside standard opening 06) 379 7167

Offers to members


and Interislander Specials

Both Bluebridge and Interislander are offering special prices for VCC members. Details can be found on our website: Click Here

Classic Tyres

Hamilton based Tyreline can provide access to a full range of Michelin tyres

More information and catalogue on our website Click Here


Open Saturdays for WOF inspections on old cars, by appointment. Located in Featherston.

Contact Aaron Webster (Wairarapa Branch member)

Phone: 021 0853 0341


Pointon Motors open for WOF's and repairs Francis is open for WOF's and limited vintage repairs at reduced working hours. Contact Francis at (06) 378 6710


For Sale

1928 Model A 4 door Sedan.

USA Assembled - Fisher Body - Original condition.

New Tyres and Battery. New WOF and Registered. In very good overall condition

Email Roger or call 027 441 4427



Hi, my father, Neil Rook is a member (and parts person) of the Taranaki Branch of the Vintage Car Club and owns a 1929 Nash Std 6.

He needs one exhaust valve to complete repairs to the car. The local engine rebuilders have informed him that the valve that needs replacing is bent.

Measurements are:

Stem 8 mm

Head 37 mm

Length 135 mm (5 ¼ inch)

He would be most grateful for any assistance.

Neil can be contacted in New Plymouth – 06 758 6737 for text my mobile (Julie) 027 2768 395 or email me

We are aware that he can advertise in Beaded Wheels however thought this email may speed things up a bit – hopefully.

Thank you.



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