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July 2023

We farewell Trevor Roberts Stephen and Claudia Anne Voss Austin collection










Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ

P O Box 726, Wanganui , Street Address—Patapu Street, Wanganui East




Official VCC Website:

VCC Branch Mags: Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club:

VCC Codes for Discounts: Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR Interislander Cook Strait Ferry WH5465

Alan Bates
Andrew Dittmer 027 379 6969
Frank James 06 344 2221
Neil Farrer 027 457 9634
Reviewer: Peter Powell
Captain: Rob & Linda O’Keefe 027 433 2626
Secretary/Trophies: Christine Savage 06 342 4755
Convenor: Bill James 027 353 2190
: Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371
Howell 021 0885 3483
Gedye 027 244 7108
Higgins 027 201 2706
Zeilstra 027 345 6977 Pierre Zeilstra 027 345 6977
Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108 Health & Safety: Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371 Trophies Manager: Mihi McDermid 06 347 6915 Branch Delegate: Neil Farrer 06 343 6248 Kitchen Manager: Vacant position Hall Custodian/Bookings: Dale Whitaker 06 343 9089 Truck Custodians: Rob O’Keeffe 027 4332 626 Shane Hobman 06 344 5915 Librarian: Dave Austin 06 344 7513 Parts Custodians: Dave McDermid 027 555 4201 Chris White 06 348 7335 Graeme Purves 027 929 5026 Editor: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706
Wheels Reporter: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706 Archivist: Dave Austin 06 344 7513 Vehicle ID’s: Shane Hobman 06 344 5915 Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713 Rivet Distribution Co-Ordinator: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644 Frank James 021 349 074

From The Editor’s Desk

Greetings Members.

Welcome to the July Rivet. Hope that the cold weather is not making you or your prized vehicles miserable.

Sadness reigned over our Branch last month with the untimely passing of a real icon, Trevor Roberts. Thoughts and prayers to the family. Bill James has submitted a tribute to Trev in this edition. Also very saddened to hear about the passing of a former Club Member, Lesley Keats. Lesley used to be Editor of the Rivet. She had not been well for some time as those of you who knew Vince and Lesley would know. They were both residing at Jane Winstone Hospital. Vince is still there in the Dementia Unit. Very sad indeed. Thoughts and prayers to the family.

By now most of you have probably heard through the grapevine that the Club Captain’s role has been filled, thanks to Rob and Linda O’Keefe for volunteering their services. Great news! Also good to hear that our valued Treasurer, Neil Farrer, who has been unwell of late, is up and around once again. Awesome!

Most of us are clocking up the years now and we do need some younger blood coming into our Club. What I am about to mention may raise the ire of some but so be it. Many younger or middle age people with classic vehicles outside of the VCC, look upon our movement as one for those of retirement age plus, along with their vehicles. How can we lure these people into our clutches? Case in point was recently at a Military Vehicle Club gymkhana, where a young man told me that some time ago he was chastised by some members of our Branch for joining in VCC runs with a modified classic car. I tried to talk him around to rejoin us, but in vain.

Very pleasing to see a rise in the Post 1960 vehicle numbers at our recent rallies, but how do we get the message across to the younger brigade who believe we are old fossils and not a club for them, who by and large find that higher powered classic cars, modified or not, have greater appeal? I was very pleased indeed that an obviously modified Chev Belair won our Annual Rally. Also, driving old dinosaurs can be a bit of a pain in the arse. However I do enjoy viewing all vehicles in our Club, and admire the skills of those who resurrect old vehicles from the ashes into stunning Veteran and Vintage masterpieces.

I believe that we should cater for all tastes in vehicles. I applaud the Hawkes Bay VCC for incorporating the word “Classic” into their name. Talking to a good friend of mine over there who informed me that there are now more of the younger brigade joining up with classic vehicles. I believe that the image we should portray to the community starts first of all with a name change. I realise that this has been debated at national level and it is unlikely that those currently charged with running our organisation at the top will formerly change our name to the Vintage and Classic Car Club. Nothing whatsoever to prevent us from incorporating the word “Classic” into our local branch name like the Bay has done. What do you think? Do you want to encourage new blood to join our ranks? I believe that we should brand ourselves a little smarter by starting off with a name change in our branch, similar to the Bay. How about voicing your opinion in Letters to the Editor or at Club Night in general business? I stress that these words are my opinion only and not necessarily those of any other member.

Finally please note that the closing date for any items to appear in the Rivet to be no later than the 25th of the preceding month. That’s all from me. Yours in cruising, Old Fossil Editor Ian.

Greetings Members

Neil and I have received a report and revised annual budget from the VCC Management Committee. The Club will be facing a shortfall in the current financial year with a worsening situation next year. It will be discussed at the next Executive meeting prior to the AGM in August with a proposal to increase our subscriptions. There are two options available–either to increase $18 or $25. Part of the discussion will be that our subs contribute $18 towards Beaded Wheels - but this year it is estimated that beaded wheels will cost $35 per member. Cost of production and postage has gone up tremendously. Something that our Branch also faces with RIVET production. Another option is to reduce the number of Beaded Wheels produced during the year from 6 to 4. Our Committee will discuss the motion to increase subs and there will be an opportunity for Members to also discuss this at our August Meeting before we go to Nelson for the AGM.

This month has been very quiet after the Rally but a lot has being going on behind the scenes. The Commercial Rally team has had a great response and I know of several Members trying to get their vehicles ready in time. There is nothing like a deadline to sharpen up one’s efforts.

For those of us who hold Historic Racing Licences please be aware that there are a number of changes to do with vehicle preparation, clothing, helmets and flag identification.

One of our friends in the Hawkes Bay asked me for any information I had on servicing and repairing Vincent Motorcycles. I gave my friend the information that I had as he was asked to work on a bike that had been flooded in the cyclone. When he was working on the bike he mentioned that he thought that there would be very few of these around. He was told that the family had nine Vincent’s but only one was flooded. How lucky can you be?

I have completed the Survey requested by the FoMC (Federation of Motoring Clubs). In my case it took around twenty minutes and I know that when the overall worth of our interests and abilities are taken into consideration then the FoMC has a huge amount of leverage to influence the decision makers to be more considerate to us.

Most of the new committee members were present at our meeting on the 3rd. These folk have already shown that they have skills and talents that enhance our Club. I am looking forward to hearing what Rob and Linda have organised for us when they return from their holiday. I am excited for what our new motoring year has for us.

Three new committee members:

From left: Sarah Howell, Dale Whitaker and Wayne Gedye. Great to have you aboard. Rob and Linda O’Keefe were away when our last committee meeting was held.

Chairman's Report — July 2023

VCC National Day for Cancer Daffodil Sunday Drive on Sunday 20 August 2023.Register at the Wanganui VCC Clubrooms in Patapu Street, Whanganui East from12:30 pm with a short safety briefing at 1:20 pm with first cars away at 1:30 pm. Drive will end at VCC Clubrooms with a brief prize-giving to follow with the Presentation of the Daffodil Rally Shield. $10 per car entry with all proceeds to Whanganui Branch of the Cancer Society.

Enquiries – Frank James at e-mail –

The Voss Collection

This month I am thrilled to bring Stephen and Claudia Anne Voss to these pages to get an insight into the Voss VCC dynasty. They certainly have a rich family history in our Branch. There would be very few family groups, in fact none that I can recall, that have had so many individual Members, both past and present, as the Voss clan can claim. Must be in their DNA, and I for one am certainly pleased about that. Stephen lives and breathes Austins, particularly Austin 7s, although there is their much rallied Austin Cambridge. Sister Sue seldom misses Club Nights, Runs and Rallies. I enjoyed my time at their lovely seaside home when I called in to interview them and photograph the treasured Austins. Below is their story. Editor Ian

It all started in the late 60s when we had just finished restoring Dad’s, the late Albert Voss’s, Model A . I enjoyed helping so I thought that I would like to restore one myself, something with a lot of class, and as my first car was a Austin 7, an Austin 7 it was. In those days there were plenty of cars around to choose from . I found a nice 1930 Seven which I still own. So with my trusty Pitman Book, which my mother called my Bible, I got to work. One is spoilt now with all the books and parts available. Some of the car parts I used were new, but in the main mostly second hand parts were procured. As I was only on apprentice wages, my choices were limited. Chroming was expensive. My next car was a 1937 Opal. I had a great run in it, travelling to the top and bottom of NZ three or four times and coast to coast. Couple of years ago I was approached by someone who used to own a 1937 Opal. Ironically it turned out that my Opal was this same one and it was his very first car. He caught me at a weak moment, a deal was struck, and my old Opal was once again in this excited gentleman’s ownership. Next car I restored was a 1936 Ascot 16/6. For some time I also owned my father’s 1928 Dodge. In all I have restored eight cars and still own three of them. Dad joined the Club in the mid 60s and owned six cars. My sisters also have the “car bug” with Sue owning six cars over the years and Esther and her husband Ian three. My cousins, Robin and Sylvia Voss owned several VCC eligible vehicles-in fact it was their persuasion that triggered me to join the Club. I have always liked the Austin 7s as they have a charm all of their own-maybe it is their lack of size that appeals. Even my father, a Ford man, said when we had just come over the Molesworth, that he had always regarded the Austin 7 as a toy, but had now changed his mind.

While in the club I’ve met some wonderful people and made a great number of friends, even met my wife, Claudia Anne, whose late Father, Wattie Watkinson, was a VCC member with two vehicles. Claudia Anne also owned two VCC cars. She has been active on our Branch committee, being Treasurer, Secretary, Rally Secretary, and running the kitchen in past years. I was on the committee over many years and Vice Chairman then Chairman, and this was during our fifty year celebrations and our big rally. My late Father started up the Voss Upholstery business. I followed suit and was lucky to have Dad as such a good teacher to follow in his footsteps. He trimmed cars from all around the country, as I have done, even obtaining clients from overseas. I have since sold the business in Wilson Street and retired to look after my Austins with Claudia Anne by my side.

Thank you Steven and Claudia Anne for opening up your garage doors and an insight into your VCC lives. Editor Ian

The Voss Collection

July Guest Speaker

At our July meeting guest speaker was Scott Morris, who is currently responsible for development and maintaining the St John Ambulance fleet. He spoke about the period from 1898, the first Horse drawn Ambulances, to present day new ones coming into the country. Many photos were shown of Ambulances used over the years. There is a storage facility in Christchurch housing many examples of ones used from the 1940's to those more modern.

New ambulances come from Europe and are made principally by a firm specializing in the production of Ambulances. They arrive fully kitted out apart from radios. Cost is over $300,000 each. So enjoy your ride if you have the chance. The St John stats show that every time an ambulance drives out the cost is $700 - an expensive ride to hospital. Patients are asked to pay around $100, but if you have St John membership there is no charge. The two staff manning each ambulance are fully trained for all emergencies, including driving, and they are in radio contact to experts anywhere in NZ, calling up helicopters etc as required.

A most interesting and informative talk - Thank you Scottie

And thank you Neil for arranging this speaker. I believe that he is your neighbour. Great guy to have next door! Editor Ian

Photo opposite page: 1930 Austin 7 named “Gingernut” First Austin Stephen restored. Above left: Oldest in the collection-1924 Austin 7 Roadster. My favourite of their cars. Above right: Much rallied 1962 Austin A55 Cambridge.

Annual Rally 2023 Car Pics

Top left: Mike Green piloting his 1964 Hillman Series 5 receiving last minute instructions.

Top right: 1929 Ford Model A with Greg Oliver at the wheel patiently waiting.

Above left: Here we have the 1935 Packard 120 driven by Graeme Langridge set to launch.

Above right: Elvery Hunt has his 1969 Ford Zephyr Mk 4 on the grid.

Below left: 1969 Jaguar 240 Mk 11 piloted by Ian Rowden ready to blast off.

Below right: Grand old 1926 Ford T Truck driven by Allan Muir waiting to set forth.

Annual Rally 2023 Car Pics

Top left: Bruce Pullan driving his 1963 Humber 90 chatting to starter Christine Savage.

Top right: 1968 Pontiac Parisienne looks fast even when not moving. Glen Loveridge driver.

Above left: Jim O’Neill full of smiles in his 1929 Dodge DA. Look to the front Jim!

Above right: 1967 Chrysler Valiant with Bruce Ardell at the wheel all set to go.

Below left: Win Bishop has his 1980 Ford Cortina ready for the starter’s call to go.

Below right: 1983 Holden Commodore piloted by Owen Duncan patiently waiting.

Obituary Trevor Roberts

To Maureen, Joanne and Steve, Shaun and Stephanie, Carolyn and Revel, all the grand-children and extended family, I offer condolences on behalf of the Wanganui Vintage Car Club and Grumpy Old Men Enterprises.

Trevor was a great husband father, father-in-law, grandfather brother and friend as evidenced by the great turn out today.

I first knew Trevor when I started working for him in the 1970’s. He was a great boss and wonderful teacher. He developed a passion for lathes and other workshop machinery at Wanganui Technical College and was an amazing A-grade mechanic and machinist, always being happy to pass his knowledge on.

Trevor taught me lots about cars and especially about early model Minis. He tuned them for many young men and women and appreciated many a hug from the young women owners. He raced a red Mini in his younger days and it is great to see this car still being paraded and rallied today in the Wanganui Vintage Car Club where he has been a valued member for many years. In his role as parts custodian Trevor helped many vintage car enthusiasts when sourcing parts for their treasured vehicles and if these could not be be found he would make them. He was a great help to me when getting Ann Berntsen’s Model A back on the road.

Trevor helped to clean out garage workshops where he found many vintage cars and car parts which he scored for the Vintage Car Club. His help and knowledge of parts in the Ed Boyd Parts Shed was phenomenal and he has left huge shoes to fill. Often in recent times if one wanted to see Trevor, one almost needed to make an appointment as he had invariably arranged to meet someone from out of town at the parts shed, who was looking for a particular part. Among other things for the Vintage Car Club, he has been on the committee, parts custodian for many years, mowed the lawns at the clubrooms, fitted the gates and was always active at the regular working bees.

He will be greatly missed by Members of the Wanganui VCC.

Eight years ago Trevor was one of the founding members of Grumpy Old Men Enterprises which collects and sorts scrap metal, selling it and giving the proceeds back to charities for children in our local community. He enjoyed this and often spotted vintage parts that were rescued from the scrap.

He will be sadly missed by his colleagues at Grumpy Old Men both in the workshop and at the Sunday smoko.

Trevor was never one to sit around and do nothing. He was always up for a job that no-one else wanted to touch. I remember an S Bedford Diesel, belonging to Neil Mayo. It had some broken studs in the engine block. Trevor took on the challenge. He drilled out the broken studs and cleaned out the threads. He turned up some new studs and fitted them in place with the engine in the cab. A lot of you will have memories of the position of the S Bedford engine. This was more or less a love job.

Trevor was a member of the Model Engineering Club and used his skill on the lathe and milling machine to build models. He used his talents to build a model train and track which used to run around his section much to the delight of the family.

Obituary Trevor Roberts

Trevor rebuilt and restored vintage water pumps and steam engines making lots of parts in his workshop at home. He has also made a brilliant job of restoring many cars and tractors including the Oakland, the Chev and the Mini all of which are here today. Trevor believed in using his vehicles regularly rather than them being bright and shiny museum pieces. His most well used vehicle was the Toyota Ute which he is being carried on today. He also helped with the tuning of many speedway competitor’s cars.

Trevor and his willingness to help will be hugely missed by all who knew him.

Rest In Peace Trevor.

Thank you Bill. I asked Trevor at a recent Cub Night if he would be willing to showcase his vehicles and provide a synopsis of his involvement with the VCC to appear in the August Rivet. Sadly not to be. His beloved vehicles are below. Editor Ian

Above left: Trev’s beloved and trusty Ute. Fittingly used as the Hearse.

Above right: Testimony for Trev’s restoration skills– the Overland outside the farewell service.

Below left: Another favoured vehicle– Trev’s Mini Cooper waiting outside.

Below right: Much rallied VCC car– Trev’s Chev Coupe bidding farewell to it’s owner.

6th National Commercial Rally

Wanganui 20th - 23rd October 2023

Entries close Friday 15th September 2023 Limited to 120



Friday 20th October:

5:00pm The Barracks, 170 St Hill Street for registration, welcome and social time.

Complimentary snacks, tea and coffee. Other drinks, restaurant or bar meals are own care.

6:00pm Official rally opening.

Saturday 21st October:

9:30am Optional long or short morning run, or enjoy your morning visiting the Riverside Market and other local attractions.

12:30pm Park up at the Cornmarket Reserve for public display and judging.

Volvo Bus Trophy - Concours d’elegance, open to Classification A vehicles.

Volvo Truck Trophy - Most original truck.

3:00pm Afternoon tea at Clubrooms, Parts Shed open.

5:30pm onwards: The Barracks for socialising and own care dinner.

Sunday 22nd October - Competitive Rally Day

8:30am Assemble at Cornmarket Reserve.

8:45am Rally briefing. All drivers and navigators must attend.

9:00am Rally start. Complimentary lunch and hot drinks available for rally entrants prior to afternoon field trials.

Dinner and prize giving will be held in the Wanganui Room at the Race Course, Purnell Street.

6:00pm Pre dinner drinks, cash bar open.

6:30pm Dinner and Prize Giving.

Monday 23rd, October:

8:30am Buffet breakfast at The Boat Shed, Somme Parade. Approx cost $18pp, own care.

9:30am Rally close followed by Bruce’s optional short run to place of interest. Disperse from there, late morning.

Rally Regulations

1. This rally is open only to Commercial Vehicles as defined in the rules of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc).

2. Eligible entrants must be current financial members of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc), or overseas residents who are members of a recognised Antique Motoring Club.

3. The entrant must either be the driver/rider, navigator or passenger of the vehicle entered.

4. All vehicles must display current WOF, Registration and Vehicle Identity Certificates OR Statement of Authenticity.

5. Actions that may bring The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) into disrepute will incur disqualification.

6. Entries close Friday, 15th September, 2023.

7. Drivers and navigators must attend the pre rally briefing at 8:45 on Sunday 22nd October.

Contacts For This Rally

Branch Contact Details: PO Box 726, Wanganui 4540 Branch Site Address: Patapu Street, Wanganui East

Bank Account Details: 03 0791 0210433 00

Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713 Neil Farrer, Treasurer 027 457 9634 Rob O’Keeffe 027 433 2626 Linda O’Keeffe, Rally Secretary
027 473 3767

Entry Form 2023 Commercial Rally

Entries close 15th September, 2023

Entrant: …………………………………………… Branch.………………………………………………….

Postal Address : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Phone: ………………………………………………. VCC of NZ Membership No:……………………….

Email: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Navigator: ….………..………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Passengers: ………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Vehicle Registration No: …………………………

Vehicle Make: …………………………………………

Vehicle Year: ………………………………………….

Model: ………………………………………………..

Vehicle Identity Card No:………………………….. Classification Type (as on VIC) ………………

Entry Fee per vehicle (includes one plaque) $60

Extra Plaque Number .……. $20.00 each $ …………….

Sunday Presentation Dinner Number attending ..……. $45 each $……………..

TOTAL $...............

To help with organisation please indicate if you will be attending

Saturday evening at The Barracks, own care Number attending ………………….

Monday breakfast at The Boat Shed, own care Number attending …………………..

Register online at or Email to or Post to Wanganui VCC, PO Box 726, Wanganui 4540

Remember to pay by direct credit to 03 0791 0210433 00

PARTICULARS: Your name CODE: Nat Code REFERENCE : Vehicle Reg

Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–12noon

Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108

ATVTNZWANGA- NUI 12noony: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–129 Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108
off your WOF

NZFoMC-NZ Historic and Classic Vehicle Survey

To VCC Club Members

Our Club is involved in the NZ Historic and Classic Vehicle Survey project, which has been initiated by the NZ Federation of Motoring Clubs of which we are a member. So that members have some idea what this project is about, we have set out below a brief description:

The NZ Federation of Motoring Clubs (FoMC) is embarking on a major, first-time ever, national survey to determine the economic and social footprint of the veteran, vintage, classic and recreational vehicle sectors in New Zealand. This includes cars, trucks, vans, motorhomes and caravans, motorcycles, farm machinery and historic military vehicles throughout NZ across all FoMC clubs and associated activities. The Federation will use the results and conclusions from this Survey to strengthen the public profile and standing for all owners and enthusiasts, to help protect our future interests.

For you as an individual member, we would like you to complete the Club Members Survey Questionnaire and as it is an online survey please use the following link https:// to access it. We suggest you settle down with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, as it is quite detailed. We, however cannot stress enough, how important this survey is for our collective futures, so please take your time to complete it.

Because of the timelines involved please note we must have them all completed no later than Thursday 20th July 2023.

Good Luck and thanks for your input.

Thank You

The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Incorporated The Historic Vehicle Authority of New Zealand

Annual Rally 2003 Car Pics

Club Calendar

All runs meet at the Clubrooms at 1pm unless otherwise stated


13th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am

16th Sunday Run

27th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am


2nd Club Night

2nd Daffodil Business Deliveries. Contact Frank James 021 349 074

10th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am

16th Daffodil Business Deliveries. Contact Frank James 021 349 074

20th VCC National Day for Cancer

Daffodil Sunday Drive. See page 5 in Rivet.

24th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am

Sept 6th Club Night-Shiny Parts Auction

17th Sunday Run to Hawera. Details to follow


4th Club Night

20th-23rd Commercial Rally. Details in Rivet

Above left: Another Ford Mode A . This 1931 one driven by Don McLaren. Above right: Peter Wilton piloting his 1937 Ford Pickup V8.

Ed Boyd Parts Shed

We have an outstanding collection of engines, gearboxes, body parts, spares, new and used, from a vast range of manufacturers. These parts span from the early 1900’s to more modern production vehicles. If you are looking for anything, large or small, to keep your car on the road call us to see if we can assist. You will find our prices unbelievable. Please call or email us:

Dave 06 347 6915 027 555 4201

Chris 06 348 7335 027 443 1184

Graeme 06 3431324 027 929 5026

lf we don’t have it, we may know someone who does!

For Sale/Wanted To Buy

For Sale: 1965 Riley Elf Mk2. 81000 miles. Current owner 30 years. Reg & WOF. Excellent runner. Very original English classic. Reluctant sale $8800 ono. Phone Bryan 027 443 4403

For Sale: 1937 Plymouth motor and gearbox. Complete. Front and rear axles, diff, driveshaft, leaf springs etc plus steering box. Complete. All in great working condition. $2000 the lot. Phone Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Wanted to Buy: NZ number plate with AZ prefix. Phone Evan Forsyth 021 335 003

For Sale: Morris Minor 1000 gearbox. Good condition. Put straight in. $350. Sam 027 235 5657

For Sale: 1938 DX Vauxhall. Reg & WOF from 2013 & garaged & driven by owner since then. In good condition with current Odo 41,800 miles. Phone Vernon Balance 06 348 4773

Annual Rally 2023 Car Pics



Right: 1972 Fiat 125 Special driven by Kaye Smith left: Andrew Toy in his 1963 Rover. right: Grant Ferguson piloting his 1947 Austin.

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Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5pm Saturday 8am to 1-30 pm

Bates Watchmakers

130 Victoria Ave, Wanganui

Phone/Fax 06 345-2235


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107 Rapanui Road Westmere

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