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July 2024

Chairman Andrew and Stuart Hylton talking rubbish. Sue and Andrew Dittmer and Fuzzy.

Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ P O Box 726, Wanganui , Street Address—Patapu Street, Wanganui East

Patron: Alan Bates

Chairman: Andrew Dittmer 027 379 6969

Secretary: Frank James 06 344 2221

Treasurer: Neil Farrer 027 457 9634

Accounts Reviewer: Peter Powell

Club Captain: Rob O’Keefe 027 433 2626

Rally Secretary/Trophies: Christine Savage 06 342 4755

Motorcycle Convenor: Bill James 027 353 2190

Committee :


Health & Safety:

Trophies Manager:

Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371

Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108

Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Sietse Zeilstra 027 345 6977

Pierre Zeilstra 027 345 6977

Jim Bilby 027 636 5529

Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108

Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371

Mihi McDermid 06 347 6915

Branch Delegate: Rob O’Keefe 027 433 2626

Kitchen Manager: Liz James 06 344 2221

Hall Custodian/Bookings: Dale Whitaker 06 343 9089

Truck Custodians: Rob O’Keeffe 027 4332 626

Shane Hobman 06 344 5915

Librarian: Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Parts Custodians: Dave McDermid 027 555 4201

Chris White 06 348 7335

Graeme Purves 027 929 5026

Editor: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Beaded Wheels Reporter: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Archivist: Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Vehicle ID’s: Shane Hobman 06 344 5915

Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713

Rivet Distribution Co-Ordinator: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644

Frank James 021 349 074

Official VCC Website:

VCC Branch Mags: Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club:

VCC Codes for Discounts: Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR Interislander Cook Strait Ferry WH5465

From The Editor’s Desk

Greetings members

Trust you are all bright eyed and bushy tailed and enjoy reading your July Rivet. I hope that you all enjoyed the last Club Night guest speaker’s presentation. I thought that it was a great idea of Club Captain Rob’s to invite Stuart Hylton from the Whanganui District Council to give a run down of the Council’s new kerbside recycling service. Stuart presented an excellent synopsis of the scheme. Council had no option other than to follow the Government mandate to implement kerbside recycling for all towns and cities throughout the country with a population exceeding, I believe, 10,000 people. Stuart took many questions from the floor, including from a quite irate individual who somewhat spoilt a most informative and pleasant evening. I do no know who this person was or even if he is a club member, but apparently he has caused disruptions at other such presentations. Fair enough to express an opinion, but please show some decorum and respect to both the speaker giving up their free time to address us, and also to members who do not want to listen to someone ranting and raving. Stuart did, however, handle the situation with aplomb and without the need for any further action being necessary.

VCC Club member, Craig Ryland, accompanied me to a recent Military Vehicle Club gymkhana at another VCC members property in Fordell, namely that of Philip and Gillian Avery. We entered my old Willys Jeep and had a ton of fun. Enough mud on the Avery’s farm to keep it interesting without turning the paddocks into a quagmire. Another of our VCC members, Colin Matthews, set up and organised this annual event. Thanks Colin and also to Philip and Gillian, for making their paddocks available for us to play in. Some others in the Military Club also belong to the VCC which is great.

Recently my youngest daughter and her man decided to get married in a rural setting north of Auckland. They asked for my old ‘56 Imperial to be the wedding car. I was only too pleased to titivate the old girl up ( the car I mean) and set forth to the City of Sails. The old car hasn't had much use the last few years, apart from a trip or two up to New Plymouth’s Americarna and the occasional VCC run. Engine Rebuilders here in Wanganui, reconditioned the V8 Hemi engine some time ago so I thought that it would do it good to give it a long run. I had overnight stops on the way up and back just to break the journey, and the old car went very well indeed. Thirst seemed to be the only issue as man oh man, she does know how to knock the fuel back, even though it is 100% stock standard. I think that I must be losing the plot a little, as on the way home I refuelled in Taupo and noticed that the fuel cap was still perched on a ledge by the rear tail lights when I previously refuelled in Auckland earlier that day! Ah well another senior moment! How the cap, which would be difficult to replace, managed to stay put without bouncing off the little ledge, defies belief. Navigating and parking the big Chrysler around Auckland was a bit of a challenge at times, but no mishaps or dings to keep the panel beaters busy. The wedding was great and I approve of my youngest daughter’s choice for a husband, so all ended well.

I am looking forward to the High Tea at the clubrooms later this month. Something different and following on from a Sunday run kindly organised by Noeline and Shane Hobman. So don’t forget to order your High Tea tickets from Eilidh. Details in the Calendar. Also the Daffodil Rally for Cancer, in August, is something not to miss. Great cause and a great run will be organised. That’s all from me this month. Yours in cruising, Editor Ian

Chairman's Report — July 2024

Greetings members

With all the excitement early on in June after our excellent rally it has then been a quiet time for most of us. However my shed received another project in the form of a Solex powered cycle. I have no history or previous involvement with such a bizarre machine and I figure it may be a very clever fitness device. I think all the energy expended getting this mobile will be greater than the effort saved using it as intended. If anyone has any knowledge of how one of these things works I would be very greatly appreciative.

We have been on the lookout for a vintage eligible car that will easily keep up with modern traffic. This is not easy. We do not want a large American type as it will not fit in our existing garages and they tend to be more than we want to spend. I notice that we now have Japanese cars coming on board. I really fancy the Subaru Brumby that Mike Marshall now has. It is different and extremely capable and from my experience quite reliable. I think we just may have to look at things quite differently.

Ian Ingram came around the other day on his Puch scooter. I noticed that the tail light was blinking as if it had poor connections. When Ian removed the bulb he found it was one of those LED replacement types. He replaced it with a normal filament bulb and the problem was solved. What I did see was that when he revved the motor up a little the illumination brightened. I suspect at low revs the voltage from his battery was insufficient to keep his LED bulb illuminated and it needed the extra power from his generator to keep it going. This is something to be mindful of when using LED lights and indicators.

One of the things we loved at this time of the year when living in the South Island was going and participating in the trials. This is not everyone’s idea of fun and it is definitely not a show and shine event but a very good test of your skills with your vehicle. The real enthusiasts build cars to compete but I can remember one in particular, a quite rough A7 Ruby called “Johnny one door” coming very regularly and doing rather well. I believe most of the fun is just participating and encouraging each other to give it your best shot.

Huge thanks to our Club Captain, Rob O’Keefe for volunteering to step into Neil’s shoes to fill the Club Delegate role.

Club Captain’s Report— July 2024

Greetings members

Thank you to everyone who helped organize and participate in the annual rally. The rally route was written to celebrate the first run the club organized 70 years ago. The day was very successful culminating with the prize giving and 70th anniversary celebrations. A number of our members put a lot of effort into organizing the day. Thank you to everyone who helped.

Coming up on the 21st of July is Shane and Noeline’s run. They always make up an enjoyable run so well worth coming along. After the run Eilidh Pitkethley is organizing a high tea, for afternoon tea, as a fundraiser for her daughter Siobhan to allow her to go to the World Skate Games representing New Zealand. It’s great to see a young person working towards a goal. The High Tea fundraiser is $15 per person with part of that money going to Siobhan’s travel costs. Eilidh will be selling tickets prior to the afternoon. You can text Eilidh on 021 147 2341 to organize a ticket. Please note that the High Tea will be served AFTER the run, and not necessarily at 2pm as was in the flyer which was emailed out to members. Sorry if this caused any confusion.

There will be an afternoon tea at the clubrooms for everyone who comes on the run if they don’t want to take part in the High Tea.

On the 25th of August we have one of the highlights of our club calendar. The Daffodil Sunday Run. Arrive at the clubrooms from 12.30pm. Register on the day, $15 per car. Briefing at 1.00pm, first car away at 1.15pm. Afternoon tea and prize giving in the clubrooms after the run. Please bring a plate if you can. This event is open to all cars, so if any friends are keen or always wanted to go on a rally now is there chance and in the name of a very good cause.

As usual, we’ve got a fair bit going on for the next couple of months, please keep supporting these events even if the weather is about 10 degrees cooler than we like it.

Thanks for your support, Cheers Rob

The Dittmer’s Story

This month I travelled to Marton to interview our Chairman, Andrew Dittmer, and his lovely wife Sue. These people live and breathe Austins, as evidenced by the Austin A10 Ute which is regularly seen on rallies and Sunday runs. Andrew’s working life was originally with the Air Force as a technician as he has detailed below. He is now an Austin man with a quite extraordinary looking 1929 Austin 7 plus a racing version in literally hundreds of pieces plus a couple of motor cycles in various stages of restoration. Model aeroplanes appear to hover above his busy workshop. Wife Sue is very quick to point out that their road going Austin Ute, nicknamed ‘Little John,’ is very much HER ride, while Andrew does get his chance behind the wheel. It is a busy little vehicle, also used as a rubbish truck to remove garden waste from their immaculately manicured property bordering Marton Rugby and Sports Club and a caravan park.

A quite delightful setting.

I was most impressed with the restoration being undertaken on their lovely villa, situated in a quiet Marton street, and practically all being done by themselves.

I really did enjoy my time with Andrew and Sue, as I do with all the members I manage to persuade to share their motoring stories for readers of the Rivet. Look out, I will soon be knocking on YOUR door.

Here is their story. Editor Ian

Most of my early working life I was an RNZAF Aircraft technician working on a diverse number of both new and old types. Although I was mostly an aeroengine tech, I also became proficient with structures and systems as well. My work took me from Qui Nhon to Invercargill and a lot of places in between. Sue and our daughter accompanied me when I was working in Singapore.

When my aircraft days had finished due to job restructuring, I worked at various places on all types of vehicles including motorbikes, cars, tractors and even grape harvesters. This led me to taking over the running of a large store dealing in grape sprayers, tractor parts and lubricants. The success of this venture led me into working for the grape sprayer manufacturer as their chief engineer and spares consultant.

On the vehicle front we have had a lot of “old” vehicles such as E93a Prefects and Morris Land Crabs, but the vintage car involvement started in earnest when we were living in Renwick in the Marlborough area. A couple of WW2 Italian campaign veterans lived very close by and both drove vintage Austins. At that stage we had a ’63 VW beetle which was vintage eligible so we joined up with them at the Marlborough VCC. Soon we had a ’34 Austin 7 special (now in Wanganui), an Austin 7 van (now at Wards Furniture in Marton), a ’51 Royal Enfield 125 and a ’52 Sunbeam Talbot S2A.

Around this time Sue had a major health hiccup. She had a brain tumour of around 50mm removed successfully in Wellington, but this led to issues stopping her from driving on the road for about 4 years. The only driving she could do was off road eventing such as trialing. Her first trial was at Balcain, where she did very well and thoroughly enjoyed herself. She developed really good skills at this type of motoring. When Sue was able to drive again, the Austin Special was her car of choice. We can say it has been raced and rallied but never rolled.

The ’37 Austin A10 Ute we drive used to belong to our friend from the Renwick days, John White. He was a keen vintage motorcyclist with mainly Douglas bikes. The A10 was converted from a derelict wreck into a utility to carry his bikes to events.

The Dittmer Story

We have under restoration now four vehicles. A ’29 Austin 7 utility (from a Carterton farm), an early A7 Gordon England racer replica, an early 1950’s BSA Bantam D1(Dittmer family history) and just arrived the remains of a Velo powered cycle.

We are finishing off the restoration of our home a 1908 Arts and Crafts style double brick villa in Marton and in any spare time I get I indulge in another passion, model aircraft. We are both members of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church which is only walking distance away.

We have been members of Marlborough Branch (was Club Captain), Waikato Branch, Wairarapa Branch ( Vice Chair) and now Wanganui (Chair). All these branches are great but we find the Wanganui Branch is by far the best we have found.

Above: ‘Little John’ the much loved wee Austin Ute which is a regular at VCC events. Just has to be the Editor’s pick as there is no way that I could even contemplate restoring the others in Andrew’s workshop.

Left: Part of a very busy workshop.

Left: Andrew’s new toy under restoration– a 1929 Austin 7 Utility. Love the shape of the cab.

Thank you Sue and Andrew for you hospitality and taking the time to share your VCC story with readers. Editor Ian

Annual Rally 2024 Pics

Top left: Bill James and Ann Berntsen, Whanganui, in Ann’s 1930 Ford Model A.

Top right: 1952 Vauxhall Velox with Bruce Thomas and Jacky Evans, Whanganui.

Above left: The Zeilstra brothers, Sietse and Pierre, Whanganui, in their 1965 MG MGB.

Above right: 1964 Saab with Verdon Heath and Viv Spiers from Levin.

Below left: Ted and Genny Matthews, Whanganui, in their Ford Model A.

Below right: 1976 Honda Civic entered by Tim Ross and Elizabeth Common, Lower Hutt.

Annual Rally 2024 Pics

Top left: Nicola and Richard Stevens, Whanganui, in their 1966 Sunbeam Alpine.

Top right: 1928 Ford Model A entered by Lee and Karen Taylor, Whanganui.

Above left: Peter and Olivia Hardy, Whanganui, in their 1968 Riley Elf.

Above right: 1929 Ford Model A with Peter and Ann Robinson, Palmerston North.

Below left: Len Haycock and Laura Morris, Bulls, in the 1929 Chevrolet AC.

Below right: 1956 Worsley 6/90 entered by Winton and Ruth Cleal, Waikanae.

Annual Rally 2024 Pics

Top left: Peter and Diane Wilton, Hunterville, in their 1929 Ford Model A.

Top right: Ford Model A owned by David and Mihi McDermid, Whanganui.

Above left: Andrew Dittmer and Ian Ingram, Marton, in the 1937 Austin 10.

Above right: 1954 Mk. 1 Zephyr with Ian Chamberlain and Felicity Lawrence, Whanganui.

Below left: 1967 Chrysler Valiant owned by Bruce and Jennifer Ardell, Whanganui.

Below right: Ian and Sarah Howell, Whanganui, in their 1986 Citroen 2CV.

Annual Rally 2024 Pics

Top left: Russell Cameron and Virginia Ashby, Feilding, in the 1960 Rover 100.

Top right: Joe Bruntlett and Carey-Ann Ward, Hamilton, entered the 1977 Jaguar XJ6.

Above left: 1991 Toyota Hilux with Graeme and Karen Langridge, Whanganui.

Above right: 1966 Hillman Super Minx driven by Bernie Quin, Lower Hutt.

Below left: Chris White and Geraldine Askew, Upper Hutt, in the 1968 Volkswagen Beetle.

Below right: 1985 Nissan Laurel entered by David and Jill Philps, Matamata.

70th Irishman Rally 2024

Photos and words by

On SH8 south of Lake Tekapo is Irishman Creek Station. Apart from it being a large sheep, beef and deer farm, typical of the McKenzie area, it is famous for its iconic gate house and being the birthplace of the first commercial water jet (early 1950s, Sir William Hamilton). It was the original destination chosen by the group of university students who are credited with forming the Vintage Car Club of NZ. The first rally entrants were from Canterbury and Dunedin. This year 218 veteran and vintage entrants came from throughout NZ and a Chrysler came from Australia. Irishman Creek is not always a destination so we were excited to find we would be going there for the 70th anniversary of the Irishman Rally.

Over 8 days (Tues 29th May - Tues 4th June) our little brown Buick (1924) covered over 1700 miles on a variety of sealed and unsealed roads, farm tracks, river crossings and everywhere else the rally instructions told us to go. We broke the trip down and back with stopovers in Kaikoura - to give the car and driver a break.

Friday rally start was in Rangiora. We travelled north and inland from Amberley into the Hurunui River Valley, through farm, alpine horse trekking, and forest tracks.

Saturday morning started in Sheffield. Instructions took us to Mayfield and said "do use the toilets”.... more importantly REFUEL as we have 4 hours of driving before the next fuel stop". We were going to Mesopotamia Station. This was an out and back road up the Rangitata River Valley. Erewhon Station, home of the DB Clydesdale horses, is on the opposite side of the river. The drive in was a challenge. Some vehicles turned around as it was very windy and wet. The weather cleared as we gathered at the station for lunch and talk by our host, Laurie Prouting. The afternoon drive to Fairlie was interesting as it was extremely windy. We were buffeted around and Rob commented that he was pleased we didn't have the canopy up.

On Sunday we gathered at 8am in the main street of Fairlie. Thankfully there wasn't much regular traffic as over 200 vehicles and probably 500 participants gathered for the briefing. As we drove a big loop behind Fairlie the sun broke through the fog. The scenery was spectacular. We came out at Burkes Pass and travelled through Tekapo to gather at Irishman Station gate house. At 10am the electric gates opened and we followed the driveway into the farmyard for lunch and visit to the museum and power station. It was all well set out and very interesting. But the best part of the day was driving the farm track through the deer paddocks and along the Tekapo Canal Road where the views back over the station were spectacular. It was a quick trip back to Fairlie for a regular feature of the rally, Pete's Patch Trials. Last year was a muddy blat for a few game speedsters.

70th Irishman Rally 2024

It was dry this year but not something our little Buick was keen on so we went back to our accommodation to prepare for the trip back home.

The entire trip was a memorable adventure- open, vintage car travel in a mix of frosty, foggy, windy, wet and sunny winter weather in our amazing countryside, has to be memorable. Quite often we were on our own, no other cars insight, and this was as enjoyable as travelling in a line of cars (dust excluded).

Often, for various reasons, a vehicle will sit in a shed for a long time until it goes to a new home and a new life. Two years ago the little brown Buick came to live with us and has participated in many club events, including one and a half Highland Flings and now two Irishman’s. I have learnt a lot in the last twelve years of owning vintage vehicles. The most important thing is that you need to understand and, if possible, eliminate the idiosyncrasies of each old treasure before embarking on any intrepid journey. These can take many hours of work to find and fix, but the end result is that you can have confidence that your treasure will take you anywhere the instructions of a rally tell you to go.

Thank you, Rob and little brown Buick ATV, for a great week of vintage motoring.

P.S. No chains were required this year.

And thank you Linda, for sharing your story with readers. Sounds like quite an adventure. Editor Ian

Annual Rally 2024 Pics

Top left: Gordon Craig and Deputy Mayor, Helen Craig, Whanganui, 1965 Sunbeam Tiger.

Top right: 1972 Jaguar XJ6, entered by David and Lyndsey Forsyth, Whanganui.

Above left: Sue Voss and Martin Everard, Whanganui, in Sue’s 1978 Leyland Marina.

Above right: 1933 Ford V8 Pickup with Tom Clouston and Chrissy Flanagin, Turakina.

Below left: Matt and Janelle Andrews, Whanganui, in their 1963 Ford Anglia.

Below right: Mike and Brenda Marshall, Feilding, in their 1989 Subaru Brumbie Ute.

Last few pics will appear in the August Rivet. Editor Ian

107 Rapanui Road Westmere

Farm shop opening hours:

Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5pm

Saturday 8am to 1-30 pm

Bates Watchmakers

130 Victoria Ave, Wanganui

Phone/Fax 06 345-2235


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Copper, Brass, Bronze, Antique Finishing and Metal Polishing Phone Dave on Wanganui 06 345 5042 or 021 057 6726 for prompt and efficient service.

Our Wanganui VCC Branch History

I recently compiled, with assistance from Hinemoa (H&A Print), a 70 year anniversary booklet. Many members have received a copy. There are a few spares still available.

However during my research I had a lot of difficulty in locating previous records of paper reports, Club and Rally Runs, or copies of rally instructions, plus photos and stories of previous events.

Ivan Kendall was a great help with discussing his memories of events over the time that he has been a member. Other Branch members also contributed ideas and memories.

Now many members will have saved paper reports from the Wanganui Chronicle, Wanganui Herald and River City Press, and may also have photos of rallies. I spent time with Hinemoa at H&A Print and downloaded a huge amount of material from their files. Much of the material I am unable to read on my computer, but there is still a lot of information that I am gathering up on a separate hard drive. E.g. photos and rally event registration forms.

Now here is my challenge to all members – if you have old reports, photos etc of club activities buried in box or somewhere, please dig them out and talk to me. I can create copies which can then be kept in the library for future research. Originals can be handed back to the owners.

I would like to create a history of the club to be available for our 75th or 100th year. But unless we create a source of the material it will be lost. E.g. did you know that the original parts store was originally a jail at Patea and was returned to the Patea museum when the Branch shifted from Ridgeway Street to Putiki? I have not located a photo of this yet but hopefully can get one from somewhere. Please dig out the old material you have and show me.

Question. Anyone know the make of the ambulance pictured below? Let me know. Neil


In an effort to foster more Inter-Branch events, the following events have been organised:

“MANAWATU MEANDER” - organised by Wellington Branch Phil & Coral Kidd

Friday 20th Sept - Monday 23rd Sept 2024

Three nights away, based in Dannevirke, and travelling around some back roads covering around 100 miles on the Saturday and Sunday, followed by “COMPULSORY Happy Hour”

Arrive Friday afternoon - Leave Monday morning.

Book at the Destinations Motel in Dannevirke (Ph 0800 172 777) -and mention the Vintage Car Club booking. Once you have done that, please email the Wellington Branch Secretary, Alistair McCarthy o confirm your entry (

“INTER-BRANCH CAMP OUT” - organised by Manawatu Branch

Glyn & Cathy Clements

Gymkhana organised by Rob & Linda O’Keefe Wanganui Branch

Labour Weekend - Saturday 26th Oct - Monday 28th Oct 2024 (2 nights)

Venue: Base Camp (north of Apiti)

Start with a pub lunch at the Cheltenham Hotel from midday on Saturday, followed by a backroads run for a couple of hours, arriving at Base Camp late afternoon.

Sunday morning Gymkhana (equipment supplied by Whanganui Branch), after lunch, a guided drive through the Apiti Forest Road network.

Home Monday. Go to the Base Camp website to check out the facilities - cabins, communal kitchen and lounge area plus outdoor BBQ areas.

It is BYO Everything! - food, drinks and bedding (cost per head for the complex is yet to be advised).

If you are interested, please email Glyn and Cathy to go on the mailing list for further updates.

We look forward to seeing you!

Glyn Clements

North Island Club Captain

Club Calendar

Club Runs meet at the Clubrooms at 1pm unless stated


11th & 25th Ladies Coffee Meet. Mitre 10 at 11am.

21st Sunday Run. This is a special event with Shane and Noeline Hobman organising a run around town followed by a fund raising High Tea for afternoon tea after the run. Phone Eilidh 0211472341 for ordering tickets. $15 per head for the High Tea. See Club Captains report.



7th Club Night starting 7.30pm.

8th & 22nd Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10 at 11am.

10th National VCC AGM at Tauranga.

25th Daffodil Day Run. Meet at clubrooms from 12.30pm. Register on the day-$15 per car. Briefing at 1pm. First car away at 1.15 pm. Afternoon tea and prizegiving follow at the clubrooms after the run.

4th Club Night starting at 7.30 pm. Shiny parts auction.

Advance notice from motor cycle convenor, Bill James: Annual Motor Cycle Rally 12th April 2025 Lock this date away


29th VCC National Motorcycle Rally 25th-27th January 2025

Hosted by Manawatu Branch VCC. Entries close 31st October 2024

Email for entry forms etc. Cathy Clements

Ed Boyd Parts Shed

We have an outstanding collection of engines, gearboxes, body parts, spares, new and used, from a vast range of manufacturers. These parts span from the early 1900’s to more modern production vehicles. If you are looking for anything, large or small, to keep your car on the road call us to see if we can assist. You will find our prices unbelievable. Please call or email us:

Dave 06 347 6915 027 555 4201

Chris 06 348 7335 027 443 1184

Graeme 06 3431324 027 929 5026

lf we don’t have it, we may know someone who does

Trading Post

Vehicles/Parts For Sale and Wanted to Buy

For Sale: 1978 Triumph 2500S. Tidy condition. New Rego and WOF. Some spare parts. $2000 o.n.o. Phone Keith Bing 06 343 9076

For Sale: have a Vauxhall Victor 1971 4 cylinder that I purchased a number of years ago . It is presently sitting in my drive way under a cover sheet. I have stood down the registration each year for a number of years and it was originally intended as a project but I am not physically able to be involved now. I acquired a number of parts including old doors, front end assembly , and various others and would like to receive offers. The vehicle is not currently mobile and would need to be removed on trailer or truck . It is intended the vehicle and all parts be removed as a whole. I can be contacted on 027 379 1056 or at Colin W Price.

For Sale: I am wondering if any members of your car club may be interested in a 1959 Morris Minor? (right) We are looking for any offers please. "As is where is" and buyer to collect. Russell Atkinson. Marton. Phone 0274525544

Unwell Members

Recently out of hospital and recuperating in their homes are Lyn Austin and John Miles. Get well soon. We are thinking of you. Editor Ian

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