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May 2024

We welcome all Vintage and Classic Vehicles
Willie Wood (centre) Overall winner M/Cycle Rally. Dale of the Coffee Ladies. See inside.

Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ P O Box 726, Wanganui , Street Address—Patapu Street, Wanganui East

Patron: Alan Bates

Chairman: Andrew Dittmer 027 379 6969

Secretary: Frank James 06 344 2221

Treasurer: Neil Farrer 027 457 9634

Accounts Reviewer: Peter Powell

Club Captain:

Rob & Linda O’Keefe 027 433 2626

Rally Secretary/Trophies: Christine Savage 06 342 4755

Motorcycle Convenor: Bill James 027 353 2190

Committee :


Health & Safety:

Trophies Manager:

Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371

Sarah Howell 021 0885 3483

Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108

Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Sietse Zeilstra 027 345 6977

Pierre Zeilstra 027 345 6977

Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108

Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371

Mihi McDermid 06 347 6915

Branch Delegate: Neil Farrer 06 343 6248

Kitchen Manager: Vacant position

Hall Custodian/Bookings: Dale Whitaker 06 343 9089

Truck Custodians: Rob O’Keeffe 027 4332 626

Shane Hobman 06 344 5915

Librarian: Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Parts Custodians: Dave McDermid 027 555 4201

Chris White 06 348 7335

Graeme Purves 027 929 5026

Editor: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Beaded Wheels Reporter: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Archivist: Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Vehicle ID’s: Shane Hobman 06 344 5915

Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713

Rivet Distribution Co-Ordinator: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644

Frank James 021 349 074

Official VCC Website:

VCC Branch Mags: Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club:

VCC Codes for Discounts: Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR Interislander Cook Strait Ferry WH5465

From The Editor’s Desk

Greetings Members and welcome to the May Rivet.

I thoroughly enjoyed last month’s Annual Vintage Motorcycle Rally, once again superbly organised by our branch stalwarts, Heather and Bill James. Take a bow you two. I am impressed with the camaraderie shown by the biking fraternity around the country. And how cool that an 88 year old entrant, Willie Wood, was the overall Rally winner! We only have a handful of bikers belonging to the VCC so hopefully those local bikers who are not members of our organisation, can be persuaded to join our ranks. Vitally important to have a strong biking contingent in our midst, just as it is to have other motoring enthusiasts join us. Why else do you think, members, that I have been harping on about making our VCC more appealing to those with classic vehicles? We need a variety of vehicles and younger members. I am very pleased indeed that we now have four Military Vehicle Club Members also join our movement with their marque. I am working on more of our small group to come along to the VCC. Secretary Frank has supplied me with a list of new members who have recently joined us which is fantastic. These will be published in next month’s Rivet.

Our Branch was well represented at last month’s Wanganui Road Rodders Park-up. We actually won the prize for the most represented car club. What was even more pleasing that one of our own won the Presidents Choice for the Best in Show. This went to the 1906 Reo owned by Ian Chamberlain. Congratulations Ian, you did us proud. The oldest car at the park-up of over 500 vehicles on display. All proceeds went to the Cancer Society. When I called up to Ian’s place to take the photo opposite, he was still smiling. Great publicity for the VCC with such a variety of our Club cars on display. I really enjoy these park ups where so many different classes of vehicles and clubs are represented. Next month is our Annual Rally and 70th anniversary of our Branch. So get to it people and send your registrations in. Entries close on the 17th of this month. Next Club Night is also the AGM. Please get your thinking caps on to nominate people to stand for committee and officers to lead us for the next 12 months. Why not put your own name in the ring? You may actually enjoy the experience of serving your Branch. While I have accepted my nomination to go forward for another year, please don’t let this stop you putting someone else up for Editor’s position. I really do enjoy my current role, but it would be healthy to have someone else with different points of view and style of writing. I have attempted to bring articles about members and their vehicles and topics to create debate, as well as the more mundane but necessary stuff like the club calendars, rallies, runs and the like. I would assist a new person into the Editor’s role, just as my predecessor, Pete Hardy assisted me. I guess that this goes for most positions on the committee. I would hate to see a completely new grouping, but great if we could have a gradual movement of personnel. Your call people. Still waiting for someone to give me a prompt as to who should next appear in ‘Behind the Garage Doors” section. Don’t be shy, give me a call. That’s all from me for another month. Yours in cruising, Editor Ian.

Chairman's Report — May 2024

We managed to attend last month’s run organised by Dale. It was great to motor into areas we had never been before and then be hosted by the Cleveland’s at their Funeral home. Apart from the excellent refreshments, the sound advice we all received on Wills, Powers of Attorney and the necessary pre-funeral and funeral arrangements, was a sober reminder of things we all need to consider and act on.

If you read the last Beaded Wheels magazine very carefully on page 50, you will be aware that an important change is proposed to our management committee make-up. This is to have six branch representative positions with these coming as one from each of six geographical areas around the country. Our area will be from New Plymouth across to Napier and down to Wellington. The representative will be in contact with each of the local branch representatives, in our case Neil, with regular zoom meetings. The concerns and proposals of branches can then conveyed to the management committee in a timely manner. The present system can take up to 12 months for any real action and is very unfair in it’s voting rights. The branch representative for the King Country with 22 members has the same voting power as the Canterbury member representing several thousand members.

I was fortunate enough to meet the Motorcycle Rally members as they came in for lunch in Marton. What a great bunch of people. We can be very proud of Bill, Heather and their team of helpers who organised and ran this great event. From what I understand they had enough dampness to keep the dust down and their enthusiasm was strongly evident. I hope to be riding a bike in the rally next year.

If you feel you might need a little encouragement on your current restoration project then go and have a look at the latest ”Shed” magazine. It has a very well written article on a young man in Auckland working on his dream car. The passion and enthusiasm he exhibits is contagious. I know we have people doing similar projects and I applaud them. Although I enjoy driving our precious vehicles, I absolutely love bringing them back to life again. Finally, to test you...the photo above was taken in the South Island. Anyone know where? Let the Editor know please.

Club Captains Report May 2024

Another month has whizzed by and club members have been as busy as ever. We’ve had a huge variety of events to suit all members over the last month. There’s been a choice of sitting sedately at a park-up talking nonsense to driving over gravel roads testing yourself and vehicles. Peter Rennet spoke to us at the April club night on the correct use of the defibrillator, (pictured below) a very interesting and necessary talk. The meeting was well attended and I’m sure everyone went home a lot more comfortable about using the defibrillator if required. I wonder if it works on Model A’s?

Linda and I helped out as marshals for the Annual Motorcycle Run, there was a lot of very nice motorbikes and friendly competitors. We were invited to a lovely lunch at the Marton Bowling club. Helping out at a rally gives you a different perspective on the event and can be as enjoyable as competing. Bill and Heather James did a wonderful job organizing the motorcycle rally. It is one of the highlights of our club calendar. Thank you very much Bill and Heather.

Dale’s Sunday run was well supported and a very interesting afternoon at Craig and Laura Cleveland’s. Hayley Lewis spoke about Enduring Powers of Attorney. Thank you Dale for organizing this run and also Peter Rennet to talk to us at the April meeting. Sunday the 28th was the annual River City Rodders Park-up, this event raised money for the cancer society and our club represented itself very well with 25 vehicles attending. I’ve been told we won a number of prizes including the Best Display.

About 20 people from Wanganui attended the Highland Fling in Fielding on the weekend of the 28th( pictured below. ) The event was held over Saturday and Sunday in perfect weather. The rally route was very testing going over gravel roads and through farms with obstacles like rivers and mud holes to navigate along the way. Derek Haycock and his family spent over a year planning the rally. They did a fantastic job of organizing the whole weekend.

Next month is looking just as busy with our Annual Rally. This is the 70th anniversary of the Wanganui Branch of the VCC. Please enter the rally as soon as you can and support this event. The rally dinner will be a celebration of the anniversary and Neil is working on a booklet to commemorate the occasion.

Please remember to come along and help at the Working Bee. Frank told us he’s organized a slap up morning tea.

That’s all from me for this month. Happy motoring, Rob

41st Annual Autumn Motorcycle Rally

The VCC 41st Annual Autumn Motorcycle Rally with 33 competitors left the VCC clubrooms at 9.30 am on Saturday morning on their motorbikes ranging from a 1937 Royal Enfield G to a 2021 Royal Enfield Interceptor. They travelled South via back roads which included three timed sections, and onto Marton, where they were treated to a delicious lunch provided by the ladies of the Marton Bowling Club. After lunch they travelled back to the clubrooms with an option of a short or longer route to give some extra riding time.

The prize giving dinner was held on Saturday evening at the Clubrooms. As usual Eilidh and her very able team of helpers, Siobhan, Sue, Dale and Ann produced a wonderful meal which was really appreciated by all. This was followed by some fun, frivolity and finally prize-giving.

On Sunday morning they gathered at the clubrooms prior to a visit to Moto 74 at Fordell before travelling home. There was a little rain along the way but despite this the weekend was very much enjoyed by all.

Our grateful thanks to all Marshalls, helpers and to Craig Ryland (tail end Charlie) without whom there would be no rally at all.

The overall winner was Willie Wood from New Plymouth. He is 88 years young and has attended many of our rallies on his beautiful 1955 Matchless G3LS 350cc. Heather James.

Wanganui VCC Entrants

Left: Sam Wilson– 1960 AJS 650

Right: Jim Cambell-1982 BMW R65 LS

Left: Evan and David Forsyth1968 Triumph Trophy

Right: Aaron Kendrick-1979

Suzuki TF 185

41st Annual Autumn Motorcycle Rally




First: Norm Hill, 1938 Velocette from Lower Hutt

Second: Paul Switzer,1938 Royal Enfield from Lower Hutt

POST WAR – Kendrick Cup

First: Willie Wood, 1955 Matchless G3LS 350 from New Plymouth

Second: John Rapley, 1958 Royal Enfield Clipper from Paraparaumu

Third: Sam Wilson, 1960 AJS 650 from Wanganui


First: Robert, 1974 CZ 175 Sport from Fielding

Second: Barry Wells, 1973 BMW R50/5 from Upper Hutt

Third: Trevor Barnes, 1977 Honda CB 400F from Upper Hutt


First: Verdon Heath, 1988 MZ ETZ 250 from Levin

Second: Jim Campbell, BMW R65LS from Wanganui


First: Colin and Vicky Tate,1961 Norton Dominator from Wanganui

Second: Ray Charrington, 2021 Triumph T100 from Fielding

Third: Robert Cochrane and Pauline Larsen, 2021 Royal Enfield Interceptor from Wanganui


JOHN KENDRICK MEMORIAL TROPHY: (Most desirable British Single Cylinder)

Willie Wood

COLEMAN CUP: (Highest scoring local VCC member) - Sam Wilson

HARD LUCK TROPHY: Errol Gray riding a 1975 Norton Commando Mk 3 from Palmerston North – (Broken clutch cable, thankfully on his return to the clubrooms at the end of the run.)

Thanks to all the entrants who made this a special day.

Ladies Coffee Club

Something a little different this month. A few months ago, Dale Whitaker, talked to committee about her desire to have two monthly Coffee Meets for the ladies in our Branch. Brilliant idea was the consensus of opinion. One rule though that Dale insisted upon. NO MEN ALLOWED. I have cheekily implied that I may dress up in drag and tie a ladies scarf around my old grey head and see if I could gain entry. Well, as this is a VCC Branch magazine, and having no desire to shock readers, I cannot repeat where Dale told me she would shove my disguise and Frances’s best scarf if I attempted to join in. Rather than cause a scene and to risk injury to myself, I meekly withdrew my intention to attend. Bloody coward!

Seriously though, I commend Dale and her team to get this venture off the ground, and from all reports coming back, this Ladies Coffee Meet is a roaring success. Brilliant. Here are some reports from some of the founding members of this select group. I have concentrated on those who have a Club vehicle on their own account and with no male accomplices. Girls only!

Editor Ian

My name is Dale Whitaker and in July this year I will have been a member for 21 years. Ed Boyd encouraged me to join. Cars have always been of interest to me while growing up. My father Gordon Clemoes, made sure I knew the basics of owning a vehicle (oil, water, tires etc had to buy my own tyres (thanks Mike Green @ $5 per week). He also made the 3 of us kids get our motorbike licenses. Dad's friends also were interested in cars, trucks and motorbikes. One of his friends, George Clark, was a Founding Member of VCC. I followed Dad around race car events and we always went to the Cemetery Circuit Motorbikes. My first car was a 1952 Hilman cost me $150. I loved it. It had an engine change in a shed in Balance Street belonging to Foley & Thompson (then it became Loaders, all Dad's friends). I always made sure that I was included where the "petrolheads" were! As friends will tell you that "Short Stuff" was never far from the petrol fumes. Work mates Ray Walsh and Keith Turner took me to race tracks and to pubs (under age). Employer, Adrian Barnes, took me out to drive his stockcar (not my thing).

My first Classic Car was a 1960 Morris Minor which I restored and painted yellow and got it a personalised plate "Noddyz" but I wasn't allowed to give it a black roof like the real Noddy Car! I finally sold it after 13 years (the rust kept coming back). I finally found a Ford Escort 1980 Mk11 1.3 with a 1.6 motor, in a Palmerston North carpark building ( on front cover). Would have preferred a Mk1 but they had all been thrashed and bashed and cost too much. I learnt to drive in a Ford Escort Mk1 (thanks Ivan Kendal). Last year I decided, since I had retired, to have a go on the Committee. During my time on the Committee I have encouraged the Lady Members of the Club to join a Coffee Group. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month at Columbus Coffee at Mitre 10. We usually have about 12 Ladies come along. NO men. We talk about everything under the sun. We had a potato growing competition, we support each other, we laugh lots. Maybe a pumpkin competition as well next season! I have noticed that when we go on runs, the girls no longer feel left out when the men go off to chat.

I am very proud of our Coffee Group and I really enjoy it. Dale Whitaker.

My name is Ann Berntsen. Husband Charlie and I joined the VCC in December 2004. Charlie owned several old cars since I met him in 1987. He had a Valiant Hemi, a Charger, then a 1937 Dodge, which he sold to Mike Johnson. He then found a 1926 Essex Coupe for sale in Wellington, so this was our first ’real’ purchase of a restored car. Then he decided it wasn't big enough. He spotted a 1930 Model A Tudor at Lee Taylor’s workshop which was for sale. So we sold the Essex to Ted Mathews and bought the Model A. Being a 2 door and as Charlie was a big guy, he could get in and out of the car easily enough, plus there was room for family and the dog. A couple of years later he went to a swap meet in Levin with only $200 in his pocket….

Ladies Coffee Club

BUT when I arrived home, I saw a pair of skinny wheels underneath the garage door peering at me! Charlie had managed to spend $5000 out of the $200 he had in his pocket on a 1926 Clyno which was running but that’s about all!

After Charlie died, I was left with the Model A which had something majorly wrong with the motor. Knowing Charlie, I suspect he may have over revved it. Anyway, I eventually sold the Clyno and that paid for the Model A motor to be fully reconditioned by Bill James. Bill’s wife Heather helped and I am so grateful to them both for the amazing job done. I needed lessons how to drive it, so Bill very patiently taught me. I can now drive my Model A. Thanks Bill and Heather, and all the club members who helped. Love the Coffee Club. Ann Berntsen.

My name is Sue Voss. I was introduced to the VCC the day my father sent Stephen and I to Sanson, some time in the 1970’s, to drive back home a Model A Tourer which had spent some years used off road as duck shooting transport. We sat on boxes, got home and found the distributor had melted on the block. Father wasn't happy! The car bug took hold of us all. Stephen, Ester and I all ended up with vintage cars. Mine was an ex Gerry Weeks 1936 Morris 8 Roadster. My current car is a 1978 Leyland Marina (right) Love the Coffee Club.

My name is Lee Turner. (Left) I have been a VCC member for nearly 26 years. I bought a Mk 11 Ford Escort four years ago. Found it on Trade Me in Stratford and Bill James checked it out. He still looks after it. I have owned several cars including six Morris Minors. Love the Coffee Club!

My name is Linda Kendrick. Granddaughter of Branch Patron Alan Bates. I started going to the VCC with my family in 1971. I joined when husband John passed away in 2006. I own a 1952 AJS 500 18S (right) which John and I rallied all over NZ. Love the Coffee Club.

65th Burma Rally Pics

Top left: Les and Gail Coster , Kawerau, waiting in their 1974 Ford Capri.

Top right: Sporty 1977 MGB GT with Neil and Judy Herdson from New Plymouth.

Above left: Stuart Stubbs and Stephanie Barron from Plimmerton in their 1969 Rover P5B.

Above right: Morris Minor Ute with Janelle and Bella Andrews from Wanganui.

Below left: Matthew and Kayleee Andrews, Wanganui, in their big 1974 Chevelle Malibu.

Below right: Low 1962 Chevrolet Belair with Wanganui’s Karl and Rebecca Brown aboard.

65th Burma Rally Pics

Top left: Scott and Deb Bullock, Wanganui, in their tough 1946 Chev Half Tonne Pickup.

Top right: 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air belonging to Wanganui’s Shane and Noeline Hobman.

Above left: Graham and Esther Smith, Napier, in their 1960 Humber Super Snipe.

Above right: 1964 Vauxhall VX490 with Wanganui’s Hinemoa Ransom-Boyd and Siobhan Pitkethley aboard. I caught you with the camera just in time Hinemoa!

Below left: Russell Cameron and Chris Wilks, Wanganui, in the 1960 Rover 100.

Below right: 1960 Jaguar Mk2 with Alistar McCarthy and Angela Edgley from Lower Hutt.

Wanganui Branch Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Inc.

Annual Rally 2nd June 2024

Incorporating 70th Anniversary Rally

Sponsored by: Higgins Poultry Farm Ltd.

Entries close 17th May 2024

1. Veteran Class (pre 1920)


2. Vintage (1 Jan 1920 to 31 Dec 1931)

3. Post Vintage Cars ( 1 Jan 1932 to 31 Dec 1945)

4. Post War Cars (1 Jan 1946 to 31 Dec 1960)

Saturday 1st June

5. Motorcycles

6. Commercial Vehicles

7. Post 1960 Vehicles (P60V)

8. Post 1980 Vehicles (P80V)

9. Non-competitive


3-5.00pm You can collect your rally packs from the Clubrooms 25 Patapu St, Wanganui East.

Sunday 2nd June

Bring your own picnic lunch and tea/coffee gear including your thermos of hot water.

9.00am Assemble at the Cornmarket Reserve, Somme Parade, Wanganui.

9.15am Safety briefing, all drivers and navigators must attend.

9.30am First car away.

Dinner and prizegiving will be held in the Eulogy Lounge at the Racecourse, Purnell Street.

Period dress is encouraged but optional.

6.00pm Pre-dinner drinks.

6.30pm Dinner.

Entries close: 17th May 2024. Late entries accepted will be entered as non-competitive. Preferred method of entry is by online registration at the site If registering online you still need to make payment by bank deposit. Alternatively, by email, to or mail entry form and payment to c/- The Rally Secretary, Wanganui VCC, PO Box 726, Wanganui 4540

Bank Deposits: 03-0791-0210433-00

PARTICULARS: Your Name CODE: AR2024 REFERENCE Your Vehicle Reg

Rally Regulations

1. This rally is open to vehicles as defined in the rules of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.)

2. Eligible entrants must be current financial members of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.), or overseas residents who are members of a recognised Antique Motoring Club. The entrant must be either the driver, rider, navigator, or passenger of the vehicle entered. Invited guests are deemed Non-Competitive and should not interfere with the competitive section of the rally.

3. Actions that may bring The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) into disrepute will incur disqualification.

4. Any entrant found using any electronic navigation device may be disqualified.

5. Any vehicle changes made after the closing date will see the entry moved to the non-competitive class.

6. We prefer that you carry a fire extinguisher in your vehicle.

7. Safety briefing: Entrants must attend the pre-rally briefing at 9.15am on Sunday 2nd June 2024.

Please support our Sponsors

Mechanical Restorations Vintage & Classic Spares 1980 (Bruce Ardell)

Rally Organiser Rob 027 433 2626

Rally Secretary Christine 027 338 3321 Or 06 342 4755

Entry Form
AD READY $5 off your WOF
12noony: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–129 Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108
Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–12noon 19 Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108

VCC Wanganui - Receipts & Payments

Year ended 31 March 2024 2023 2024 Opening Balance 73371.08 59795.59 RECEPTS Advertising 1985.00 1120.00 Commission 1928.67 2056.28 Interest, including Term Deposits 1023.55 2751.44 Levies 8106.25 7972.00 Donations 295.00 250.00 Raffles 398.80 282.40 Rally Income 14970.90 19091.00 Motor Cycle Entries in Advance 1203.00 701.50 Sales of Parts 2052.00 2404.20 National Commercial Rally 0.00 14466.00 Room Hire 410.00 350.00 Sundries 60.00 137.00 Shiny Parts Auction 1431.00 1900.20 Kitchen Meals 0.00 0.00 VCC Subs & AGM 129.04 - 396.00 Total receipts 33993.21 53878.02 PAYMENTS Assets Purchased 0.00 0.00 Building Maintenance 18364.10 4234.81 Delegates Expenses net 2357.21 2113.33 Ground Rent & rates 2384.54 2235.33 Insurance 1625.41 2223.54 Cancer Run Fundraiser 298.00 73.50 National Commercial Rally 413.71 12624.35 Ground Maintenance 2072.25 2311.50 Newsletter rivet 3911.29 4075.10 PO Box rental 0.00 510.00 Power 0801.14 971.17 Rally Expenses 13529.23 17354.00 Cleaning Clubrooms 540.00 960.00
Receipts and Payments Truck MaintenanceChevrolet 384.68 266.17 Badges etc 539.85 105.24 Stationery etc 157.77 115.48 Kitchen provisions etc 189.52 114.81 Sundry Expenses 0.00 189.46 Transfer to Term Deposit 0.00 0.00 Total Payments 47568.70 50477.79 Net Gain + or Loss() for year (13575.49) 3400.23 NET POSITION 59795.59 63195.82 Represented by : Westpac Cheque account 15542.63 17964.80 Term Deposit No 12 5000.00 5000.00 Term Deposit No 13 8336.00 8336.00 Term Deposit No14 10000.00 10000.00 Term Deposit No 16 10696.96 11143.58 Term Deposit No 17 10220.00 10751.44 Total Term Deposits 44252.96 45231.02 Total funds 59795.59 63195.82
Financial Performance Items transferred to Balance Sheet Receipts Held Over – Motor Cycle Rally = $701.50 Accounts Receivable – Advertisers due 31 March 2024 $2135.00 Delegates Travel Costs – refunded in April $908.60 Accounts Payable – Invoices etc paid in April = $2951.46 Year Ended 31 March 2024 2023 2024 Income Advertising 1795.00 1880.00 Commission 1928.67 2056.28 Interest 1023.55 2751.44 Levies VCC Subs 8106.25 7972.00 Donations 295.00 250.00 Raffles 398.80 282.40 Rally Income 16115.90 20690.00 Sale of Spares 2052.00 2404.20 Room Hire 410.00 350.00 Sundry income general 60.00 137.00 Shiny Parts Auction 1431.00 1900.20 Kitchen Catering 0.00 0.00 VCC subs etc 129.04 0.00 National Commercial rally 0.00 14466.00 Total income 33745.21 55139.52 Less Expenses Building Maintenance 18137.55 4234.81 Delegates expenses 2357.21 1236.73 Depreciation 4595.65 4325.75 Ground rent & rates 2384.54 2235.33 Insurance 1625.41 2223.54 Ground maintenance 2149.25 2392.00 Newsletter 4004.29 4489.17 PO Box rental 0.00 510.00 Power & Gas 801.14 971.17 Rally expenses 13651.03 17996.34 Cleaning & Sundry 660.00 1040.00 Stationery & Postage 175.77 97.48 Truck maintenance - Chev 384.68 266.17 Cancer run (net) 298.00 73.50 Name Badges 539.85 105.24 Sundry 189.46 Kitchen expenses 189.52 114.81 National Commercial 13763.06 Total expenses 51953.89 56264.56 Net surplus (deficit) (18208.68) (1125.04)
VCC Wanganui Branch Inc – Statement of
VCC Wanganui Branch for year ended 31 March 2024 Balance sheet : Members Equity 2023 2024 Opening Accumulated funds 140745.78 122537.10 plus net surplus(deficit) (18208.68) (1125.04) Total Members equity 122537.10 121412.06 Represented by : Westpac Trust - Cheque account 15542.63 17964.80 Westpac Trust term deposits 44252.96 45231.02 59795.59 63195.82 National Commercial Rally 413.71 0.00 Accounts receivable 1375.00 Parts on hand 400.00 400.00 Delegates 908.60 Fixed assets per schedule 62751.35 58425.60 Total Assets 124735.65 125065.02 Less Current Liabilities Accounts Payable 995.55- 2951.46 Less Advance M/C Rally 1203.00- 701.50 122537.10 121412.06

65th Burma Rally Pics

Top left: 1971 Rover P6B with Bernie Quin, Naenae, at the controls.

Top right: Shaun and his Mum, Maureen Roberts, Wanganui, in their 1939 Chev Coupe. The late Trev would be pleased to see his pride and joy Chev back rallying!

Above left: 1964 Ford Falcon with Bill Laney and Denise Liddle, Otaki, aboard.

Above right: Last car away- Singer Vogue with Arthur Hague, Wanganui, at the controls. Finally folks this is the last of the entrants from the 65th Burma. Hope you enjoyed. Editor Ian

Dale’s Sunday Run

Club Member Dale Whitaker very kindly organised our last Club Run. The route took 20 VCC cars and 35 members through Wanganui East and up to Bastia Hill. From here we drove up Durie Hill then made our way back down and along Anzac Parade, over Cobham Bridge and through city streets ending up at Cleveland’s Funeral Home. No, not to drop anyone off!

Hayley Lewis from local law firm, Treadwell Gordon, presented to us a most informative talk on Wills, Power of Attorney, Enduring Power of Attorney and the absolute necessity for us to ‘ get our affairs’ in order while we are still alive and well and not to leave it for family, and/or the courts, to finalise matters on our behalf. A timely reminder as many of us are in an older age group. Craig Cleveland explained the duties he and his wife Laura undertake when that time of departure occurs for us all. Many relevant questions from the floor were expertly answered by our hosts.

Laura and Craig generously provided a scrumptious afternoon tea for us Thanks you very much for a most enjoyable and informative afternoon and to Dale for organising. Editor Ian.

Club Calendar

Club Runs meet at the Clubrooms at 1pm unless stated

May 9th & 23rd Ladies Coffee Meet Mitre 10. 11am.

12th Sietse and Pierre’s Sunday Run. Afternoon tea at Clubrooms. Please bring a plate.

18th Working Bee at Clubrooms. 9am-12 noon.

19th Toy Fair. Sietse and Pierre inviting participants to attend with their vehicles.

June 1st Pick up Rally Packs from the Clubrooms 3.00 to 5.00pm.

2nd Annual Rally. 70th Anniversary.

5th AGM Club Night.

13th & 27th Ladies Coffee Meet Mitre 10. 11am.

16th Sunday Run

Various other Rallies and events regularly emailed to Members

107 Rapanui Road Westmere

Farm shop opening hours:

Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5pm

Saturday 8am to 1-30 pm

Bates Watchmakers

130 Victoria Ave, Wanganui

Phone/Fax 06 345-2235


Watch Specialists for Whanganui

Sales & Repairs

Mainstreet’s Top Shop Award Winner


‘NZ’s Finest Automotive Platers’ 68 Wilson Street Wanganui

Acknowledged experts on all types of Vintage and Post Vintage Nickel and Chrome Plating.


Copper, Brass, Bronze, Antique Finishing and Metal Polishing Phone Dave on Wanganui 06 345 5042 or 021 057 6726 for prompt and efficient service.

Ed Boyd Parts Shed

We have an outstanding collection of engines, gearboxes, body parts, spares, new and used, from a vast range of manufacturers. These parts span from the early 1900’s to more modern production vehicles. If you are looking for anything, large or small, to keep your car on the road call us to see if we can assist. You will find our prices unbelievable. Please call or email us:

Dave 06 347 6915 027 555 4201

Chris 06 348 7335 027 443 1184

Graeme 06 3431324 027 929 5026

lf we don’t have it, we may know someone who does -

For Sale

For Sale: 1978 Triumph 2500S. Tidy condition. New Rego and WOF. Some spare parts. $2000 o.n.o. Phone Keith Bing 06 343 9076

Please fill out below, detach and email or hand in to the Secretary.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Wanganui VCC Branch AGM Nomination Form 2024 Position Member Nominated Nominator Signature of Nominated Person

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