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September 2024

Robert Baines receives award from VCC
National President George Kear.
Wayne Gedye’s story inside.

Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ P O Box 726, Wanganui , Street Address—Patapu Street, Wanganui East


Chairman: Andrew Dittmer 027 379 6969

Secretary: Frank James 06 344 2221

Treasurer: Neil Farrer 027 457 9634

Accounts Reviewer: Peter Powell

Club Captain: Rob O’Keefe 027 433 2626

Rally Secretary/Trophies: Christine Savage 06 342 4755

Motorcycle Convenor: Bill James 027 353 2190

Committee : Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371

Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108

Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Sietse Zeilstra 027 345 6977

Pierre Zeilstra 027 345 6977

Jim Bilby 027 636 5529


Health & Safety:

Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108

Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371

Trophies Manager: Mihi McDermid 06 347 6915

Branch Delegate: Rob O’Keefe 027 433 2626

Kitchen Manager: Liz James 06 344 2221

Hall Custodian/Bookings: Dale Whitaker 06 343 9089

Truck Custodians: Rob O’Keeffe 027 4332 626

Shane Hobman 06 344 5915

Librarian: Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Parts Custodians: Dave McDermid 027 555 4201

Chris White 06 348 7335

Graeme Purves 027 929 5026

Editor: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Beaded Wheels Reporter: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706


Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Vehicle ID’s: Shane Hobman 06 344 5915

Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713

Rivet Distribution Co-Ordinator: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644

Frank James 021 349 074

Official VCC Website:

VCC Branch Mags: Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club:

VCC Codes for Discounts: Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR Interislander Cook Strait Ferry WH5465

From The Editor’s Desk

Greetings members

Welcome to Spring...there is always some debate as to the actual date Spring begins, albeit early or later in the month, but lets just say sometime this month. And a reminder that daylight saving begins on the 29th, so put your clocks forward before you go to bed the night before.

I really enjoyed the Daffodil Rally which Frank has reported on in this month’s edition of the Rivet. On the following Wednesday the 28th of last month, a group of our branch members gathered at the Cancer Society to deliver pre-ordered daffodils and other goodies around town to various businesses and rest homes. Just over $5000 was collected for the Society to help boost their funds. Fantastic. Rachel Pedley, Wanganui Cancer Society office administrator, passes on her grateful thanks on behalf of the Society, to members for donating their time and vehicles to deliver around town. It was not only all work and no play for our members, as there is always a social gathering of the troops along with a lovely morning tea provided by the local Cancer Society staff.

I join with others to offer my congratulations to Robert Baines, the ‘Taihape Man,’ for being awarded the John L Goddard trophy at the recent National VCC AGM held in Tauranga. This is the highest national VCC award presented to acknowledge service and commitment to our movement over many years. Well done and well deserved Robert. You will see a picture on the front page of this month’s Rivet of the man himself receiving the award from National VCC President, George Kear, plus there is a write up in these pages.

Now enough of the pleasantries and time for a gripe and to let off steam! Scumbags! I am over unwanted visitors paying middle of the night calls to our farm and business premises. Seemingly they appear to think that we have free fuel and vans with which they can use to ply their unwanted trade around the district. Police informed us that the spate of local burglaries have reached an all time high of late. Thankfully owing to on site cameras, both here and around the city and district, the first wave of these people are now guests of His Majesty, and one youthful offender in hospital after a crash somewhere in another stolen vehicle. A van of ours has been recovered which is currently under repair. I believe that more recent suspects are ‘assisting Police with their enquiries.’ Thanks to our often maligned Police. Their response and advice has been of the highest standard, for which we are extremely grateful.

Vehicles entering the property were invariably stolen or with blackened out and stolen plates, but our boys in blue had other means of identification. Security on our premises has been increased even further with extra cameras, beams and alarms all over the place and patrols throughout the night. Expensive but necessary. Trouble is that we have been undertaking extensive on site building at the front of the property and until now, only temporary fencing erected. Pity that one has to go to these lengths to keep premises safe. Just a word to everyone and the reason why I am putting this into print, is to please beef up your security. I would hate to see any members having unwanted callers! Remember that our clubrooms have also had gas bottles stolen. These thieves are bloody cunning.

On a slightly lighter note...I relayed my frustrations and anger over these scumbags to someone at the Sally Army the other day. “Ian” I was told, “learn to love your enemies.” My reply was, “Bit bloody hard to do that mate. Only ones I would love would be the dead ones.”

That’s all from me this month. Love your enemies? Yeah right! Yours in cruising, Editor Ian.

Chairman's Report — September 2024

Greetings members

After we suffer a loss like our late Patron Alan Bates passing we often take time to reflect on where we fit into this great jigsaw that is our life and passions. Our common passion is our love and commitment to our wonderful old vehicles and those who have a similar passion. To me it matters greatly that we enjoy these treasures we have and share that passion with others.

I was so excited to hear that Robert Baines has been awarded the Goddard Trophy by the VCC at the National AGM. Robert is one of those people who is physically unable to drive all of his old vehicles but that does not stop him working on them. He also runs the Gumboot Rally every New Year’s day. If you have never participated in this iconic event, then I really think you should put right up on the top of your bucket list. Robert is so humble that his service should be recognised.

Bill James was our auctioneer for a great fun night with the Shiny Parts auction. $1200 was raised for our branch coffers. Auctioneer Bill worked really hard to extract as many dollars as possible from members. North Island VCC Club Captain Glyn Clements and his wife Cathy joined us, with Glyn outlining upcoming events throughout the lower North Island area. We are spoiled for activities not only in our Branch but also our neighbouring Branches.

Chairman Andrew.

Above: Bid, bid, bid...Auctioneer Bill in full flight.

Left: Chris White on the left and Wayne Gedye, both assisting Auctioneer Bill.

Club Captain’s Report— September 2024

Greetings everyone

Daylight Saving starts on the 29th of this month, where has the year gone. August club night was an enjoyable evening.

The meeting started with a tribute to Alan Bates led by Bruce Ardell, thank you Bruce for a job well done, Alan would have enjoyed hearing your heartfelt words.

Linda showed photos and spoke on our trip in the ’24 Buick to this years Irishman’s Rally, a great talk by Linda. This was followed by Andrew Johnson setting up the projector and showing us a video about this year’s Highland Fling. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the meeting.

It is great to hear what members are doing either as club members or as another part of your lives. Please don’t hesitate to come forward and offer to talk at a meeting.

We celebrated Alan Bates life with his family at his funeral on 10th of August. A lovely service was held for Alan with a nice array of vintage cars lined up in front of Cleveland’s Funeral Home. A highlight of the service was the slideshow Alan had made of the restoration of his Studebaker. Another part of the service that caught people’s eye was the wreath on Alan’s casket made with vegetables, something a little bit different.

Congratulations to Liz, Frank and everyone who helped organize the Cancer Society’s Daffodil Day run. There was a huge turnout with over 80 cars entering, we raised over $1,800.00 all of which will go to the Cancer Society. Thank you also to the people that helped with Daffodil deliveries. Everyone who came along had a great time and a very nice afternoon tea.

On the 15th of this month, we have a Sunday run. Meet at the clubrooms at 1.00pm with cars away from 1.30pm. First of all we visit Eastown Timber, which I am certain that you will be amazed at what this local business has to offer. Then we are off to the Somerset Retirement Village to help the residents celebrate the International Day of The Older Person and for afternoon tea. Please bring along your club eligible cars to display for the residents and perhaps offer them a ride.

Should be a great day out so looking forward to see you there.

That’s it from me, enjoy your motoring, Rob

Introducing…. Wayne Gedye

This month fellow committee man, Wayne Gedye, is gracing these pages and talking about his involvement with the VCC and highlighting his vehicles. Wayne is a very much valued member and his knowledge of heat pumps is proving invaluable with him being in the industry. As you no doubt will all be aware, we are investigating installing these pumps in the clubrooms. Wayne also assists Club Captain Rob with running of some of the rallies, plus he and his father are very willing and able workers assisting to maintain the premises and grounds.

Once again, I really enjoyed chatting one on one with Wayne about his vehicles. He is a great guy. I have always admired his beautiful DeSoto and could imagine such a car locked away in my shed! This is one vehicle I would definitely not be tempted to ‘customise’. That would be sacrilege! Truly a beautiful old machine. I had no idea, until recently, that Wayne has another project on the go...a 1948 Bedford OLB. I always loved these tough old workhorses and recall them being seen all over the country hauling huge loads of every conceivable product.

Here is Wayne’s story submitted by the man himself.

Editor Ian

I have always liked cars and as soon as I could I got my driving licenses. My first car was a ‘82 Daihatsu Charade then a ‘83 Datsun Ute. I have always liked the older vehicles so when I got a call from my dad asking if I was interested in going with him in Glenn Wadsworth's Model A Ute on a Burma Rally, I jumped at the chance. After the rally I really wanted to get a car of my own and join the club. We were looking everywhere for something which both Dad and myself liked. I found the DeSoto in the Beaded Wheels, and being in New Plymouth, I decided to go up for a day trip and look at it. It was just we wanted and at a good price. I have been enjoying driving and showing it off ever since.

I recently purchased at an auction a 1948 Bedford OLB truck from an estate sale, which I have slowly started restoring with a lot of help from Dad and members of the club. I now have got the motor running the way it should, so now will start looking at all the panel work. I am hoping to get it back on the road in the next year or two with any luck.

I became a branch committee member last year and have been working on getting heat pumps for the club rooms to make a more comfortable temperature year round. I would like to see more younger members come along and enjoy club nights and the Sunday runs but don’t have any ideas how to encourage this.

Thank you Wayne for sharing your story with readers. I share your sentiments about enticing younger members to our fold.

Editor Ian

Daffodil Rally for Cancer

The Vintage Car Club’s National Day for Cancer was set down for Sunday 25 August 2024 and the Wanganui Branch organised a Daffodil Rally with entrants meeting at the Clubrooms in Wanganui East at 12:30 pm.

The first of the 82 vehicles entered set out at 1:15 pm – two routes were used with every second vehicle going in the reverse direction to the first. Everyone travelled the same roads at some stage of the drive and all answered ten questions. The day was fine and sunny apart from a few ‘spits of rain’ prior to departing on the drive.

Members of the Vintage Car Club in either their Club Cars or modern vehicles were joined by members from the Wanganui Road Rodders Club, Wanganui Car Club, Jaguar Club of Palmerston North as well as some other out of town visitors. There was a great variety of makes and models of vehicles on the drive.

The drive took people out through Brunswick, Kai Iwi, Tayforth and back through Wanganui City bypass to Putiki then out through Okoia before ending up back at the VCC Clubrooms for afternoon tea and prize giving. The Clubrooms was a great sight overflowing with plenty of happy smiling faces. After drawing the raffles and giving away a good number of spot prizes the winner of the Daffodil Rally was announced – Owen Patching of Wanganui ( on the left ) driving his 1986 Chev Corvette.( pictured below) Owen has only lived in Wanganui for a bit over a year and we hope to see him at other events in the future.

A number of local businesses helped us with the day by providing ‘goodies’ for prizes and these included Wanganui Motors, The Toolshed, The Wanganui Garden Centre in Gonville and Pak n Save Wanganui. Thank you all.

The reason for the day was to raise funds for the Cancer Society and some $1850.00 will be presented to the Wanganui Branch of the Society from the day’s event for their on going work. A number of buckets of cut daffodil flowers donated by a local landowner, added great colour to the day and people all took some flowers home with them.

Congratulations to everyone who came along to the Rally and contributed so generously to the cause. Special thanks to our VCC Members who helped in some way to make the day a successful and thoroughly enjoyable occasion.

And thank you Frank for organising this day and your report. Editor Ian

We remember our Patron...Alan Bates

Alan was born in Ohakune on 2nd of September 1924. He lived in Rangataua and then moved to live in Patea and attended Patea Primary School where his father was the headmaster.

Alan then moved onto secondary schooling at Hawera High School, travelling each day for three years by slow train at 7:20am and sometimes arriving from anytime up to midday! Males travelled in one carriage at the end and females in the rest of the train. It was a long journey each day for 3 years. During six years living in Patea, Alan kept himself occupied by going white baiting at Whenuakura River, playing golf at Patea Golf Club and trolly derbying down the hill to the Patea bridge. Patea was buzzing at this time with the very busy activities of the railway station, freezing works and the cranes loading up boats to ship dairy products to Wellington.

Later, Alan’s family transferred to Wanganui where he lived in Guyton Street by the river end, handy to Queens Park School where his father was the headmaster. This is when he started his apprenticeship at Linwood Motors in Guyton Street. During this time pig hunting took up some weekends in the back blocks of Waitotara, Paraparas and Mangaweka sometimes staying out in huts along with hunting friends and of course the dogs. In the evenings he attended night school 2 nights a week and manufactured a complete bedroom suite, which has lasted for many years. During his mechanical apprenticeship he was called up three times to The Armed Forces, ending up in the New Zealand Airforce but stayed within New Zealand. After his time with the Airforce, he returned to Linwood Motors where he worked as a service manager and began tutoring mechanical apprentices at Wanganui Boys College night school classes. Visits to participate at the small-bore rifle club became a regular event along with joining the Wanganui camera club with brother Arthur Bates and sister Edna Bates.

The local YMCA dances were a favourite spot as this is where he met his future wife, Leonie. Alan and Leonie married on the 18th of February 1950 at St Laurence’s Anglican Church in Wanganui. During their many happy years together they formed many friendships, went on overseas trips, participated in various VCC rallies creating a wonderful lifetime of memories and experiences together. Their three children Janet, Neil and Linda arrived and attended Gonville Primary School, which was close by to where they lived. A change in direction and pace led to Alan becoming the owner of his own milk run for 8 years in which he operated in all weathers starting at 12.30am and ended around 6.30am 7 days a week. The fitness he gained there stood Alan well through his almost 100 years. On the odd occasion he received help from his 3 children hence enabling him to begin his journey in vintage restorations when not working. After 8 years of the milk run, he then went to work at the Automobile Association as a Technical Officer and driving instructor. He always volunteered to be the AA representative for the VCC and follow the rallies for the club with his family on board. Later he ran the first driver training for the AA.

Alan then went to the Ministry of Works to continue using his mechanical knowledge fitting CNG gas amongst other mechanical projects, then following on to his retirement at 60 years of age. During Alan’s retirement years, he volunteered at Cooks Gardens working on many projects including landscaping, gardening, planting and general maintenance. On the odd occasion in the school holidays he took along his 6 grandchildren, Rachel, Megan, Tara, Rebecca, Aaron, and Emma. Indoor bowls at St Peters Church with Leonie was a weekly event at this time, and one of which continued for a few decades where he became the Patron of the club.


We remember our Patron...Alan Bates

Alan’s passion for automobiles continued as he joined the VCC in October 1971. He held the position of Clubrooms Caretaker (initially behind the old VTNZ on Ridgway St) where he spent many a lunch hour cleaning up after club nights and functions. He also did up the motor on the Wanganui Branch’s 1927 Chevrolet truck.

He restored his 1928 Studebaker Dictator to immaculate condition, which took pride of place in the garage. The first VCC run in the car was June 1974, and he later won 3rd place in the Vintage category in the 1980 Rotorua International Rally, with help from Leonie and son Neil who always navigated with his time keeping expertise.

Alan immaculately restored a 1951 Austin A40 Sports car with aluminum body to another high standard and entered the 1986 Pan Pacific Rally in Christchurch, where they took home more silverware for the highest score in time trials over the rally days.

A 1913 Royal Ruby Motorcycle project was the next restoration, winning branch restoration of the year in 1995.

As the years went on, the family participated in many VCC events. Ongoing success was enjoyed at Wanganui Branch’s Burma and Annual rallies, while entering 14 VCC Club Captain’s Tours in both North and South Islands became frequent and Alan enjoyed the lifelong memories and friendships made along the way.

Alan has held many positions on the Wanganui branch committee, including caretaker, committee member, Beaded Wheels scribe, and Club Captain (including a stint when his son-in-law’s father, Mike Kendrick was Chairman). He has participated in working bees and with marshaling, and elected the branch Patron.

Alan’s dedication to the Wanganui VCC branch and to the club is an example of a tireless effort over more than 50 years. His competitive rallying, successful high-quality restorations, commitment and contribution to the club is something to be proud of.

"The Gomes Trust" occupied a more recent involvement in the past few years providing fellowship and community support to many organisations.

Alan was still very much an active part of the VCC and with his 53 years of membership both he and Leonie made a lot of wonderful memories and friendships along their journey. Alan lived a long, active and fulfilling life to enjoy the company of his friends, family, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. What a wonderful journey!

The family would like to thank all the members who participated in the farewell for Alan. Much appreciated by us all. Thank you.

Thank you Linda for sharing this with readers. A wonderful man. Editor Ian.



Forty years ago, Robert Baines and his mate, the late Graeme Sutherland, started an event that has become legendary in the North Island“The Gumboot Rally”

Originally based at the ABBA Motor Camp on the northern outskirts of Taihape, the rally is held on New Year’s Day with entrants from all over the North Island - from Wellington to Whangarei and most places in-between. Cabins or tenting was the order of the day with “Happy Hour” and the trusty BBQ being the norm.

After the ABBA Motor Camp closed down (now a headquarters for a Shearing Contractor), the event moved into town with accommodation at the local motels being a little bit more comfortable for the ageing entrants (the people, not the vehicles!). An eclectic mix of cars from Model A’s to Morgans, Morries to MX5s, all club eligible vehicles are welcome.

The tried and true formula is perfect - arrive in Taihape on New Year’s Eve, take over a local Chinese Restaurant (which keeps bringing food out until we ask them to stop!), and a few drinks with other entrants from around the North Island. Whangarei had a regular contingent for many years as did Hawkes Bay and now, Central Hawkes Bay has 7 or 8 regulars attending, such is the popularity of this event.

New Year’s Day starts at the Taihape Domain with the purchase of a $10 raffle ticket (per person). This is your entry fee and for that you get a terrific BBQ at the end of the day put on by Robert and his helpers from the Wanganui Branch.

The Rally itself is in the form of a Poker Run with yellow ammo boxes strategically placed around the course - and what a course! - with winding dusty gravel roads, down through river valleys and then climbing over mountain ranges (anyone who has done the Highland Fling Rallies will know the area). There is a twist with the Poker Run in that there is no point rummaging through to find all the Aces as the cards are not worth their face value! Robert has some secret formula to what each card is worth and then to make the whole thing more of a chance, a coin is tossed to see whether the best hand or the worst is the Rally winner!

Then everyone, yes everyone gets a prize - just like a school 6 year-olds sports event!

Robert Baines

John L Goddard Trophy

Robert always has tremendous support from many sponsors with worthwhile prizes from hampers to chilly bins, screwdriver sets, oil, glasses, hats, brollies - the list goes on! Plus the raffle is drawn - usually a huge hamper. Not bad for your $10 entry fee! In recent years this “prize giving” has been held in Robert’s business premises - TMS Motors in Taihape. Robert is a diesel mechanic and has his workshop looking spic and span for New Year’s Day with tables and chairs spread out and one of the vehicle hoists up about a metre with all the prizes laid out.

Besides running this event for the last 40 years and his business for 36 years, Robert has still managed to restore a few vehicles, ‘38 Morris, ‘42 Willys Jeep, ‘25 Willys Knight Tourer, plus maintain his Fordson Truck (new to the local Ford Agent), a 1928 Dennis Fire Engine and a 1966 Commer Fire Engine. Under restoration are 3 x 1928 Willys Knights, a Sedan, a Coach and a Roadster plus a 1956 Ford Thunderbird which is being fitted with hand controls.

The reason for the hand controls?

As can be seen in the above words, Robert is a very busy and committed man, but what cannot be seen in these words is the fact that he has accomplished all this while being in a wheelchair for 28 years. While re-positioning a huge lathe in his workshop, it toppled over and pinned him underneath. He lay there all night and it wasn’t until the following morning he was found. At this time, he was Wanganui Branch Club Captain and organised the branch Burma Rally from his bed at Burwood Spinal Unit with help from some Whanganui stalwarts. Now that's Commitment!

Robert continued as Club Captain for four years, was Rally Secretary for two years and also served as a Committee Member for a number of years. The 1½ hr trip each way from Taihape to Whanganui return was a regular undertaking in all weathers.

The achievements of Robert, his humility, his positivity and his 40 year commitment to the “Gumboot Rally” are truly inspirational.

Robert is a most worthy recipient of the New Zealand Vintage Car Club’s highest honourThe JOHN L GODDARD TROPHY

Glyn Clements

NI VCC Club Captain

The award was presented to Robert at the VCC AGM dinner. The above words were read out and the trophy presented to him. On behalf of our branch Robert, our warmest congratulations. You certainly deserve this recognition.

Editor Ian


In an effort to foster more Inter-Branch events, the following events have been organised:

“MANAWATU MEANDER” - organised by Wellington Branch Phil & Coral Kidd

Friday 20th Sept - Monday 23rd Sept 2024

Three nights away, based in Dannevirke, and travelling around some back roads covering around 100 miles on the Saturday and Sunday, followed by “COMPULSORY Happy Hour”

Arrive Friday afternoon - Leave Monday morning.

Book at the Destinations Motel in Dannevirke (Ph 0800 172 777) -and mention the Vintage Car Club booking. Once you have done that, please email the Wellington Branch Secretary, Alistair McCarthy to confirm your entry (

“INTER-BRANCH CAMP OUT” - organised by Manawatu Branch

Glyn & Cathy Clements

Gymkhana organised by Rob & Linda O’Keefe Wanganui Branch

Labour Weekend - Saturday 26th Oct - Monday 28th Oct 2024 (2 nights)

Venue: Base Camp (north of Apiti)

Start with a pub lunch at the Cheltenham Hotel from midday on Saturday, followed by a backroads run for a couple of hours, arriving at Base Camp late afternoon.

Sunday morning Gymkhana (equipment supplied by Whanganui Branch), after lunch, a guided drive through the Apiti Forest Road network.

Home Monday. Go to the Base Camp website to check out the facilities - cabins, communal kitchen and lounge area plus outdoor BBQ areas.

It is BYO Everything! - food, drinks and bedding (cost per head for the complex is yet to be advised).

If you are interested, please email Glyn and Cathy to go on the mailing list for further updates.

We look forward to seeing you!

Glyn Clements

North Island Club Captain

Club Calendar

Club Runs meet at the Clubrooms at 1pm unless stated


12th& 26th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am

15th Sunday Run. Meet as usual at the clubrooms. A visit to Eastown Timber then to Somerset Retirement Village for afternoon tea and to show residents our club cars.



2nd Club Night at 7.30pm

5th Manawatu VCC Swap meet at Manfield 8am

10th & 24th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am

20th Sunday Run

26th Wanganui City Centennial Parade. Details to follow.

6th Club Night at 7.30pm. Night Trial. 14th Ladies Coffee Meet at Mitre 10. 11am

17th Sunday Run

29th VCC National Motorcycle Rally 25th-27th January 2025 Hosted by Manawatu Branch VCC. Entries close 31st October 2024. Email for entry forms etc. Cathy Clements.

47th Annual Rubber Duckie Motorcycle Rally New Plymouth 21st September. Further information phone Sue on 06 753 9100. Entries close 13th September.

King Country VCC Rally 12th October. Contact Rally Secretary Jacki 027 779 1166

107 Rapanui Road Westmere

Farm shop opening hours:

Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5pm

Saturday 8am to 1-30 pm

Bates Watchmakers

130 Victoria Ave, Wanganui

Phone/Fax 06 345-2235


Watch Specialists for Whanganui

Sales & Repairs

Mainstreet’s Top Shop Award Winner


‘NZ’s Finest Automotive Platers’ 68 Wilson Street Wanganui

Acknowledged experts on all types of Vintage and Post Vintage Nickel and Chrome Plating.


Copper, Brass, Bronze, Antique Finishing and Metal Polishing Phone Dave on Wanganui 06 345 5042 or 021 057 6726 for prompt and efficient service.

Ed Boyd Parts Shed

We have an outstanding collection of engines, gearboxes, body parts, spares, new and used, from a vast range of manufacturers. These parts span from the early 1900’s to more modern production vehicles. If you are looking for anything, large or small, to keep your car on the road call us to see if we can assist. You will find our prices unbelievable. Please call or email us:

Dave 06 347 6915 027 555 4201

Chris 06 348 7335 027 443 1184

Graeme 06 3431324 027 929 5026

lf we don’t have it, we may know someone who does

Vehicles/Parts For Sale and Wanted to Buy

For Sale: 1978 Triumph 2500S. Tidy condition. New Rego and WOF. Some spare parts. $2000 o.n.o. Phone Keith Bing 06 343 9076

For Sale: 1920’s Studebaker, 1920’s Dodge and a Yamaha motorcycle.(pics below) Includes numerous parts for the cars. Suitable restoration or parts. Phone Maggie 027 450 0590

For Sale: Leyland Marina HDL 1978 ( left) $8750 or near offer. Phone Sue Voss 021 296 6210

For Sale: 1955 Hillman Californian (right) suit restoration / parts and also comes with some spares. Open to reasonable offers. Phone Carole 027 447 7216

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