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1 THE VOICE OF THE VINTAGE CAR—June 2024 A Newsletter from the Bay of Plenty Vintage Car Club for Classic Vehicle Enthusiasts. IN THIS EDITION — Last of the Summer Wine run CHARGER ADVENTURES, part 2 KEITH PERKINS LAST RODEO! (14 years in the saddle as Treasurer!) Good on you mate! BAY OF PLENTY VINTAGE CAR CLUB (INC) Editor—Bryce Strong. PLEASE -All emails to: WEB SITE: And both BOPVCC & NZVCC are on Facebook.


Hi All

This is my final chatter as your Chairman, and I would like to start by thanking Don White for putting his name forward to take on the role. With Don taking on the chairman's position at the next AGM it will make the whole transition much easier, as we are able to fill all positions.

Keith Perkins is stepping down after 14 years of impeccable service, and Jill is stepping up to take on the role . Big shoes to fill (but nothing ever defeats Jill!).

Bryce has agreed to continue as our editor but really would like someone to put their hand up to take over. Please give it some thought, as without volunteers there is no club.

The good news is that we have a full committee for the next 12 months.

However to make all this work we need your support-

• join in with the planned activities,

• offer to do a run,

• organize an event.

It's good fun and we really do have a great social time on our outings, and visit some interesting places. Our last run to North Shore being a great example. I have to give this run 10 out of 10, with great weather great company great food, and even great places we visited. In this Klaxon are Brian's photos and Jill's run report.

A big thankyou to all those who have volunteered over the last 12 months. Your efforts are appreciated by us all.

I will look forward to working with Don and the committee in a lesser role, and supporting Jill in her new role as Treasurer. I have started planning a run with the chairman of the BOP area of the NZ motor caravan association.

We will do a run and meet with them at their rally site . They will provide lunch for us and we can mix and mingle taking about cars and motor homing

So still plenty to do, see you at one of our events




Coming Events Calendar


MAY 31— Movie night - 6pm bring your dinner, followed by movie JUNE 8 – Waikato Branch – Double 50 Rally 10 – Annual General Meeting & Club Night 12 – Mid Month Run TBA 16 – Taupo Branch – Brass Monkey Rally 24 – Committee Meeting 25 – Nog & Natter – The Rain Bar - Papamoa 28—Movie night - 6pm bring your dinner, followed by movie 30 – End of Month Run—TBA UPCOMING EVENTS 9 - July – Winter Gold Car Morning Tea 9 – 11 August – NZ VCC Annual General Meeting – BOP VCC is the host branch Kaaren Smylie BOP VCC Club Captain


TheAnnual General Meeting of the Bay of Plenty Vintage Car Club (BOPVCC), a branch of VCCNZ will be held at the Clubrooms on, 29, cliff Road, Tauranga, on the 10th June, 2024, commencing at 7.30 pm.


Attendance Register circulated


Minutes of previousAGM


Chairman's Report

Treasurer's Report

Club Captain's Report

Election of Officers and confirmation of Appointees

General Business

To be followed by a brief monthly update, and supper.

Note :-All Elected Officer positions are open for nomination on the Nomination Forms supplied, and can be forwarded to the Secretary, by 3rd June :-

Michael Thorman, (

Keith Perkins completes 14 years as Club Treasurer!

Well done Keith, that is a terrific service to the BOP VCC.

Enjoy your upcoming trip!




The weekend weather wise was looking fantastic and John and I were really looking forward to this trip up to the NorthShore VCC ‘shared weekend’, so convertible tops down (and after meeting some of the other tourists at the club rooms) we left on a beautiful autumn day to head for Auckland

The first stop was at Ngatea for coffee break, everyone having arrived safe and sound After the coffee break members then headed North to meet at the North Shore VC club rooms for arrival time around 3pm. John and I stopped off at our accommodation and then up the motorway and arrived at the North Shore club rooms in time for afternoon tea.

A scrummy afternoon tea was provided during which we mixed and mingled, then off to look at the amazing facilities the NorthShore club has - 4 large sheds, with projects on the go that the members come in each week to work on! What a fantastic setup, very impressive, even from a women’s point of view. Their parts shed would be the envy of any bloke restoring vehicles, and is packed to the rafters with bits and pieces and precious parts that are probably unobtainable now.

After a good look around we were straight into happy hour or so which lead thru to dinner . The team in the kitchen put on a scrummy meal complete with dessert and feeling well feed and being all happy chappies we left for our accommodations.

The next day another glorious autumn day again, tops down again and within a short time we are out in the country between Albany and Riverhead - the trees I must say were absolutely stunning and driving out thru the countryside made for a beautiful morning drive. Our first stop was at a Mr Malcolm Turner’s collection of cars stored ready for their time to be restored - a couple motorbikes, most of the many cars were work in progress .

Then off again thru more glorious countryside to our next destination to Mr Mike Courtney who had a big collection of cars. Some had been restored and some under construction, and some waiting in the wings for their turn. Being female I am not up with all the makes and models but I was still suitable impressed . You will see the photos so they will speak volumes.

The final stop was at the Huapai Golf Club for lunch and sitting outside watching the golfers play while having lunch was a bonus. It was a lovely lunch , great company ,so an enjoyable leisurely interval was had by all. Then, alas, it was time to head for home.

I can say with confidence that all those who came on the run to the North Shore VCC had a great weekend and we met some more motoring friends along the way. These sorts of weekends away are a really great way to get to know your fellow members in a fun and relaxed way and so to those who came along for the weekend thank you so much for making it a fantastic time away.

And a big thank you to Kaaren for doing such an impeccable job organising it and to the North Shore VCC members for showing us such a good time. All these events take a lot of organising both for us the BOPVCC and the NSVCC members. Please think about joining in on the next weekend trip away you will enjoy yourselves and better get to know your fellow members. Photosfollowingpages.



DATE– 18–19 May 2024

DESTINATION – North Shore Branch of the Vintage Car Club

Photos courtesy of Brian Pratt

7 “EndoftheSummerDays2024Tour”
8 “EndoftheSummerDays2024Tour”
9 “EndoftheSummerDays2024Tour”
10 “EndoftheSummerDays2024Tour”

Sent in by Tony Fraser

I was in the ‘Six Item’ express lane at the store quietly fuming. Completely ignoring the sign, the woman ahead of me had slipped into the check-out line pushing a cart piled high with groceries.

Imagine my delight when the cashier beckoned the woman to come forward looked into the cart and asked sweetly, "So which six items would you like to buy?" Wouldn't it be great if that happened more often?

Three friends from the local congregation were asked, "When you're in your casket, and friends and congregation members are mourning over you, what would you like them to say?"

Joe said, "I would like them to say I was a wonderful husband, a fine spiritual leader, and a great family man."

Eugene commented, "I would like them to say I was a wonderful teacher and servant of God who made a huge difference in people's lives."

Al said, "I'd like them to say, 'Look, he's moving!'"

A man goes to see the Rabbi. '

"Rabbi, something terrible is happening and I have to talk to you about it."

The Rabbi asked, "What's wrong?"

The man replied, "My wife is going to poison me."

The Rabbi, very surprised by this, asks, "How can that be?"

The man then pleads, "I'm telling you, I'm certain she's going to poison me. What should I do?"

The Rabbi then offers, "Tell you what. Let me talk to her, I'll see what I can find out and I'll let you know."

A week later the Rabbi calls the man and says, "I spoke to your wife on the phone for three hours. You want my advice?

The man said, "Yes" and the Rabbi replied, "Take the poison."

John was on his deathbed and gasped pitifully, "Give me one last request, dear," he said.

"Of course, John," his wife said softly.

"Six months after I die," John said, "I want you to marry Bob."

"But I thought you hated Bob," she said..

With his last breath John said, "I do!"



The alarm had been set for 3am so Helen and I had a early night. I woke at 12.30am and realized that Helen was awake as well - so after a quick discussion we decided to get up and make an earlier start.

At 2am we noted the mileage on the car and hit the road. We pretty much had the road to ourselves, and steady progress was being made (at the speed limit of course!). It didn't seem long, and we were pulling into Waiouru to top up and grab a pie and a coffee to keep going.

Back on our way again and we hit some rain and as I had just fixed the wipers I confidently turned them on, but nothing no movement -nothing, Arrrrr the fuse has blown again. I informed Helen that as long as we're doing 100km/h the rain will blow over the windscreen, but fortunately the weather cleared and we pulled into the Interisland ferry terminal at 10am for a 1pm sailing.

We had a awesome crossing and departed Picton with Blenheim in our sights to top up again. To my surprise fuel was 2 cents a litre cheaper than in Tauranga. Next stop Kaikoura for tOea. It wasn't long and we had a seagull on our bonnet picking bugs of our windscreen and beadily eyeing us while we ate our dinner.,

With tea dusted we were gapping it for Rangioura. We pulled into the driveway and Helen jumps out to knock on the door - and I had realized we were at the wrong house! Our friends next door could hear the car but couldn't find us. After apologies we arrived next door at our friends at 9.30pm. We had travelled 490 miles in 19 hours.

We found the fault in the wipers was a loose earth on the switch, and fixed that. After that we had a day off traveling.

From Rangioura we headed for Omarama via the inland scenic route and stopping at Sheffield to have lunch with a friend and checking out his car collection. Our next stop was at Three Creeks for a quick photo and look around as it was 5 o'clock.

Through Burkes Pass and onto Omarama where we based ourselves at the Top Ten Motel. Friday afternoon we registered for the Twizel “Show and Shine” and caught up with friends as they arrived. One friends car suffered a major oil leak.

Saturday we went to the “Show and Shine” and spent the day looking at cars, and the odd bike.

Sunday we said farewell to our South Island friends. The rest of the time was spent sightseeing which included going to Mount Cook and Tekapo on Monday.



Tuesday it was through Benmore Dam to Waimate then up to Temuka as a base for the Caroline Bay “Rock and Hop” at Timaru.

Wednesday was a muck around day which included a visit to the Levels raceway.

On Thursday at Levels raceway we had booked three 15 minute sessions around the track, and it was the first day of the Timaru Rock and Hop. We left Levels (relieved that the car was still in one piece), and having made new friendships with a Holden Commodore owner and a Simca owner.

Friday was a cruise to Geraldine where we went through the Military Museum (Editors note –well worth a visit). Then at 5 o'clock it was the evening cruise through Timaru town and neighbouring suburbs, ending in Temuka. It was awesome seeing the locals supporting it. Unfortunately one person put his car into a tree and shoved the front of the car in quite nicely. Mr Police man appeared, taking notes, with an Ambulance in attendance as well. The cruise ended in Temuka with the main street full of cars.

Saturday was the “Show and Shine” with 1100 hundred cars to look at, and a heap of stallswhich got the moths out of the wallet.

It was a really well-run event raising money for the local hospice.

Sunday we headed back to Rangioura on the inland route traveling with a old work mate from Whakatane.

Monday was back at our friends in Rangioura.

Tuesday travelled back up to Picton, stopping at Kaikoura for lunch and we went through “Bernie’s dinner car museum”, highly recommended.

Wednesday was back on the Ferry and home at 9.30pm.

We travelled 2670 miles which converts to 4297 kilometres, used 590.3 litres of petrol, so for every 7.2 kilometres we used a litre of fuel. That equates to 13.7 litres for 100 kilometres.

For us old school fellows out there that's 20.6 mpg. ThankyouHelen&Graham!

14 1979 Mk 2 Ford Escort 1.3 l. Four door sedan 68,725 km. 2 owners in same family. $25,000 or near offers. Full history available. Car is in Papamoa. To view/drive car ph. Knud Nielsen 021 5956001934 Austin 18—Fully restored. Car is in Tauranga. Contact Ivan Allen 07 543 2629 NEWSFLASH! The VCC Bay of Plenty Branch IS HOSTING THE VCC Annual General Meeting—VENUE – Hotel Armitage 9 th – 11 th August 2024. CLASSIC TYRES OWNER-OPERATOR RETIRING All TYRES MUST GO—BUY ONE ...OR THE LOT LAST CHANCE BARGAINS CLAIMADISCOUNTBYQUOTINGTHISADVERT! PETER WOODEND Mobile 027 605 4040 Email:
15 Annual Report
BAY OF PLENTY VINTAGE CAR CLUB INC Contents of Financial Statements For the
31 March 2024 BAY OF PLENTY VINTAGE CAR CLUB INC Contents of Financial Statements 1 Compilation Report 2 Directory 3 Divisional Statements of Financial Performance 4 Combined Statement of Financial Performance 5 - 6 Statement of Movements in General Funds 7 Statement of Financial Position 8 Depreciation Schedule Notes to and forming part of the Financial Statements
For the Year Ended 31 March 2024
Year Ended

These insults are from an era before the English language got boiled down to 4-letter words. Insults then had some class!

1. "I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; Bring a friend, if you have one." - George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill.

"Cannot possibly attend first night, I will attend the second...If there is one."

- Winston Churchill, in response.

2. A member of Parliament to Disraeli: "Sir, you will either die on the gallows, or of some unspeakable disease."

· "That depends, Sir," said Disraeli, "whether I embrace your policies or your mistress."

3."Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I'll waste no time reading it."

- Moses Hadas

4. "He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends.."

- Oscar Wilde

5. "I feel so miserable without you; it's almost like having you here."

- Stephen Bishop

6."He is a self-made man and worships his creator."

- John Bright

7. "I've just learned about his illness. Let's hope it's nothing trivial."

- Irvin S. Cobb

8 "He is not only dull himself; he is the cause of dullness in others."

- Samuel Johnson

9 "In order to avoid being called a flirt, she always yielded easily."

- Charles, Count Talleyrand

10. "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go."

- Oscar Wilde

11. "I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it."

- Groucho Marx.

12."He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire."

- Winston Churchill


Will an EV benefit you? (updated April 2024) byVerneBurmester

Currently on my fourth EV over about four years, I may be able to bring a different perspective to EV ownership and aid your decision.

Rather than wait for the end, let us get the main questions and answers out of the way first after which you can decide whether to read more.

Would I purchase an EVknowing what I know now? Answer: No.

Why not? After four years I am tired of the negativity or over-zealousness I have had to deal with being an EV owner. Over-zealousness can be a bit wearing but you can largely avoid it. Negativity towards the cars is sort of OK but it becomes personal to the point over-zealousness is probably the main defence - I cannot bring myself to be an irrational enthusiast. People who you thought were/could be friends are no longer.

People who could/want to be friends are suspect cultists and better left alone.

Mere rambling section: I have a Polestar. Worked my way through a 2013 Nissan Leaf, 2017 Renault Zoe and 2018 Hyundai Ioniq Electric before splashing out some more serious money on a near new Polestar. All cars were 100% electric and not performance biased. All cars used existing petrol bodies so do not take advantage of gains that may be available with EV focussed designs.

Some of the bad:

• EV’s were/are heavily promoted using a mix of lies and misrepresentation. EV’s were/are attacked as a product using a mix of lies and misrepresentation.

• As an EV owner you have to interact with both “opinion cults”. There are less EV owners so be prepared to be a social minority with all that goes with that.

• EV’s struggle to fulfil the full range of expectations people say they want from the family car, then again neither can my SLK55 yet I get support for the limited use, noisy, V8, hard on tyres and thirstyish vehicle. Similar scenario for our vintage cars - which have recently been sold.

• EV’s are easy to attack as a product because people do not know, nor want to learn, about them.

Some of the good:

• EV’s in general feel like a refined drive - Quiet, smooth, good low speed power delivery, better then expected handling, reasonable heaters and air-conditioning.

• When charged at home EV’s are cheap to run.

• In theory maintenance is lower but may be offset with tyre costs.

• New Zealand is geographically a good place for EV’s.

• Can have a feel-good factor when driving as you recover energy when slowing – who cares if the next set of lights turn red just as you get up to speed, you get a bunch of energy back as you slow and stop.

• You learn new things so you can get a better EV ownership experience. At the start I was told “EV’s cause a lot of SMUG” and that is a fair comment.


Will an EV benefit you? (updated

Charging and Battery: My Polestar had the smallest battery and power of the range at the time. I am comfortable getting around 360k on a trip – I say “around” as heat, cold, or especially rain can impact say 10%.

400km is possible so 360km is a comfort zone range at most times. I never plan to go anywhere and arrive at an effectively Nil battery charge but the longer range means you can stress less if charging options fail on the way.

We regularly stop at around 200km distance, have a break and charge the car. If the option is there at 80km, take it.

Polestar battery warrantee is 8 years or 160,000 km. NO, this does not mean the battery is useless at that time Warrantee replaces the battery if its capacity is less than 70%. At 70% the car will still have a useful range, charging infrastructure will be much improved and who knows what other technological developments will have occurred at that time.

Is the battery inherently polluting, dangerous and non-recyclable? At this time, probably, but do not expect a fair debate on this.

Economics: Charging at home using a standard wall socket has been fine for me. Without looking for electricity deals the car costs around $4.50 per 100km for electricity and I get 10-12 km distance per hour of charge. I do have sockets available but, sssh, one lead uses an extension cord.

Road User Charges are now a cost. If you use charging stations expect the electricity cost to be 34 times what you pay to charge at home. There are free charging options scattered about, most not fast.

I do not know if the servicing cost of the EV will be less than an “ICE car”, it should be.

Yes, the EV has lost value quickly, as it should with a new technology item.

I do not know why, with EV’s involved in car crashes every day, we do not get a lot more EV fires.

I have my suspicions as to why replacement batteries are so unreasonably expensive. I recently heard in Australia it cost just under $10,000.00 to replace a Subaru windscreen due to a fingerprint, maybe a complete EV battery is fairly priced.

EV ownership has encouraged me to stretch my mind a bit on how to fit an EV into our lives. Yvonne defaults to the EV as our go-to car wherever possible. I used to, now not so much.

It has been an interesting journey and one we are stuck with for a time while I get value out of the Polestar.

Fortunately the Polestar is a pleasant drive and I am starting to enjoy my further withdrawal from society.

Thank you Verne. An interesting and informative article.

April 2024) byVerneBurmester

We extend a warm welcome to the following new Member

Bernard Duncker from Waikino. Email Phone 021 2388 229

Bernard has a 1937 Ford 78 Coupe under restoration and a 1956 Ford Customline Saloon which is original & roadworthy

IfyouwouldliketoobtainaBOPVCCnamebadge,pleasecontactour Secretary MichaelThormanon075444291


If your 25-year, 35-year, 50-year, or 60-yearlong service badge is coming due, please contact our Secretary Michael Thorman on 07 544 4291.

The processing of the badges takes time, so it would be appreciated if you would let Michael know sooner, rather than later.

PLEASE NOTE - To receive your badge, you must have had a continuous membership with the VCC.


Please note changes to the venues and day that our monthly Nog & Natter (N&N) will be held on for the rest of the year!

From April there will only be TWO VENUES that N&N will be held, Tauranga and Papamoa, alternating between:

1) Tauranga Citizens Club, and

2) Rain Bar & Restaurant, 3now0 Gravatt Road, Papamoa Beach.

Also, please note that N&N will be held on the LAST TUESDAY of every month.

It is with regret we advise we had to make the decision to cancel meeting in Katikati, due to the lack of the availability of a venue that is priced to suit our members.

Therefore, commencing in April, N&N will be at Papamoa, at the Rain Bar & Restaurant. Thereafter, on the 28 May we are at the Tauranga Citizens Club.

Any questions please contact Kaaren Smylie 021 66 43 41 or 07 576 4180


HUMOUR sent in by Peter Butler

If God wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates.

The problem with political jokes is they get elected.

We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.

Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river.

When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it.

Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnels.

Why pay money to have your family tree traced; go into politics and your opponents will do it for you.

Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first.

Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other.

I offer my opponents a bargain: if they will stop telling lies about us, I will stop telling the truth about them.

A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country.

Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks.

We'd all like to vote for the best man, but he's never a candidate.

A few extras:

I once dated a girl with a twin and people always asked me how I could tell them apart...It was simple, Alison painted her nails red, and Bob had a beard.

Pro Tip #22: Ring your doorbell on your way to bed. This will clear the dogs off the bed.

I went to an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting. Anonymous my ass. I knew everyone there!!

I just asked myself if I'm crazy, and 'We all said No!'

You can do a hundred things right and someone will always point out the ONE thing you did wrong.

Being a 'little older', I am very fortunate to have someone call and check on me every day. He is from India and he is very concerned about someone scamming me and hacking into my Computer/Banking details. He is always helpful and asks for my Password to fix my problem.

I told my wife she should 'embrace her mistakes'.....She gave me a big hug.



2024 Winter Woollies Wander

Saturday 6th July Rally & Dinner. Sunday 7th July BBQ Lunch

Entries close Mid Day on Thursday 27 th June 2024


Entry Fee $25.00 ____________

Medallion No.______ @$15.00 ____________

PRIZEGIVING DINNER: Adults No. _____ @ $35.00 ____________

(under l2yrs) Children No. _____ @ $20.00 ____________

RALLY LUNCH: No. _____ @ $15 ____________

TOTAL PAYABLE: $___________

SUNDAY: BBQ LUNCH Attending Yes/No Number attending________

Please make payment by direct credit to the branch bank account.

Account Name: Wellsford/Warkworth Vintage Car Club Inc Bank: BNZ

Account No: 02-0480-0047413-00 Please give your surname as the reference.

Email entry to:

Or post entry to: Rally Secretary Anne Richardson 7 Katene Place Snells Beach Warkworth 0920 021 277 9010


For full details, rules, entry and indemnity
contact Nick Harrison, 34 Cavell Street, Reefton 7830 03 7328819 027 541
June 2024 8.30am – 3pm(ish)

Mecon Limited Laser-Prep

Cleaning with out chemicals or abrasives, it is an eco friendly and cost effective way compared to other methods such as media blasting or paint stripping.

It can remove light rust off delicate car/engine parts. It will easily clean a metal head gasket previously impossible with conventional cleaning methods.

Benefits are - no harsh chemicals, no abrasives, no expensive set up cost (as with media blasting), no loud noises during the process, no hazards as with high pressure equipment, very precise cleaning and no clean up cost!

This cleaning can be done in your garage if required as it is plug and play! Cost is dependant on size of job and location (if it cannot be delivered to us)

For applications on Mould, Welds and pre-welds, Food manufacturing stainless steel, Delicate Machine parts etc.

ECO Friendly Laser Cleaning Non-Contact Surface Cleaning ContactOlaf van Toor 021 217 4428
FOR ALL YOUR GASKETING NEEDS CONTACT— DARYL & ANNETTE WAKEFIELD PH 07 574 8740 14/68 Tukorako Dr, Mt Maunganui 3116, Bay of Plenty




VIC Application forms

PLEASENOTE:The application form for a Vehicle Identity Card has changed from a 7 page application to 15 pages. The extra pages relate to explanations regarding whether you receive a “DOMAS” or a “VIC”, depending on the state of the Vehicle at the time of the application. Go to, and in the panel on the LHS is the option “RESOURCES/ DOWNLOAD” accessing that will show “VIC Application”. Print the required pages and note the requirements for the photos.

It is suggested that you complete all the pages and then contact either Alastair Jones 07 5761124 - or - Ivan Allen 07 5432629 beforesending the photos to Nat. Office Christchurch. This is to ensure the photos are as required and don’t get there before the paperwork, which in almost all cases has to be checked against the vehicle to make sure there aren’t any errors. Either of the VIC Officers are there to assist not hinder!

Contact—Julian Parbery Telephone—07 573 9109 Fax—07 5738915 259 Jellicoe Street, Te Puke, Bay of Plenty Email—


SAT 08 JUNE 9.00am

Come and join our annual Double Fifty Rally.

Starting at our clubrooms for breakfast, followed by a lovely run through the Waikato Countryside. Lunch will be at an interesting museum (entry included). Dinner and prizegiving in the evening back at the clubrooms - it’s a beach theme - decorate your sun hat, dig up your bucket and spade and let’s have a party!!

Your rally plotters - Bryan and Lorraine Cossey


SATURDAY 8th June 8.00am

Parts shed open. Branch Clubrooms, Maclean Street, Cambridge. Rally Packs available to collect 9:00am Breakfast and cuppa served to all entrants

10.00am First car away

12-1pm- Lunch stop at museum (entry included)

3-4pm Cars return to Clubrooms for afternoon tea

5.30pm Clubrooms open - bring along your drinks and snacks for a pre-dinner get-together

6.30pm- - Buffet dinner followed by prizegiving and surprise entertainment. The most innovative sun hat may win a prize.

For an entry form contact Rally Secretary: Gaynor Terrill Email:

32 SUMMIT TYRE SERVICES LTD Come to 200 Waihi Road next to the BP Summit Talk to TONCI BARCOT about tire's. We provide a fast friendly service at a very competitive price. We supply and provide Tires, new & old, Wheel Balancing, Wheel Alignment, WOF Repairs & Batteries Ph. 07 578 2381 or Mobile 027 2899484 Your connected accountants At Walton Railton we understand you have goals and we are passionate about using our knowledge to help you reach them 415 Cameron Road, Tauranga (Cnr Eighth Ave & Cameron Rd). 07 5786161
33 SteveandJanJones VINTAGE, CLASSIC OR MODERN CARS, MOTOR CYCLES, INDUSTRIAL SERVICE, SALES, REPAIRS FOR ANYTHING THAT NEEDS COOLING Call in for an obligation free quote 86B BIRCH AVENUE, TGA Ph: 07 5779883 Email: PANEL BEATERS Bob Hyslop Proprietor● QUALITY WORKMANSHIP ● ALL REPAIRS ● COMPETITIVE PRICES 74 Courtney Road, Tauranga Phone 07 578 2654 Birch Avenue Radiators










KAAREN SMYLIE (JIM) 07 576 418










KAAREN SMYLIE (JIM) 021 664341
















DEIDRE RENNIE (TONY) 021 665 875

BRIAN PRATT 07 5447952



FACEBOOK bay of plenty vintage car club (Public page) For Club enquiry's at anytime contact Kaaren Smylie 07 576 4180 or 021-66-43-41


BOP VCC—Operational Information

The Club Rooms are 29 Cliff Road. P O Box 660, Tauranga, 3144.

Key contacts are:

Acting Chairman– Donn White 0274 764465

Chairman– John Whitcombe 027 552 4203

Secretary– Michael Thorman 07 5444291

Club Captain Kaaren Smylie 07 576 4180

Monthly events—




Club night (except January) - 2nd Monday, start time 7.30pm

Mid week run

Wednesday following the club night

End of the month run Held on the last Sunday of the month.

Committee Meeting — Last Monday of the month

Noggin ‘n’ Natter

Last Tuesday of the month at 6pm

Coffee Mornings - Every Monday Morning Noggin ‘n’ Natter held last Tuesday of the month at 6pm and location alternates between-

1. Tauranga- Tauranga Citizens Club, Cameron Road.

Contact is Kaaren Smylie phone 021 664341 or 07 576 4180.

In 2024 at Citz Club in - May, July, Sept, November

2. Papamoa/TePuke– Rain Bar and Restaurant, 30 Gravatt Road, Papamoa

Contact is - Lynn Howard. Phone 020 4042 7624.

In 2024 at Rain Bar in April, June, August, October, December

If your birthday falls in this month please remember it is your turn to provide a plate for supper. Thanks to last months birthday people for their food.

Please remember to wear your name badges to all events. BADGES ARE FREE TO NEW MEMBERS if they need one.

LIBRARY HOURS— The library is open whenever the Club is open. Members wanting to search for or return books should ask a Committee member to open the library. We accept good clean car service manuals, or books that relate to automobile history or travel for our library

PARTS SHED Clean out your sheds and bring those surplus parts down. They may be just what someone else needs Parts shed open most Monday morning. Contacts are Jack 07 5766346 or Colin 027 2629161


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