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The Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand Po Box 2168, Kopeopeo, Whakatane 3159 Email: DRIVING OUR HISTORY VINTAGE and CLASSIC VEHICLES April 2024 Running Board
of the cars at the start of the March Club Run Club Night: Last Thursday of the Month (except December) at Whakatane Athletic Clubrooms, Short Street, Whakatane 7.00 pm Social get-together Branch Meeting starts at 7.30 pm Followed by Supper

Chairman’s Report:

March is nearly over, the mornings are getting cooler, and a quarter of the new year is already gone. How did that happen so quickly? With the warmer months behind us this is often the time of year that I start to think about winter projects and what can be done on the cars to make them even better for next summer when it eventually rolls around. I have a new engine in the works for the Holden wagon and maybe a new transmission with overdrive to improve open road performance on long trips away.

It has been another great month for car enthusiasts in the Eastern Bay of Plenty. The weather has played the game allowing us all to get out and about regularly and I am sure our members have been making the most of this. We had a very enjoyable club run organised by Barry Spry, visiting our local model aircraft club and a very nice collection of vehicles near Whakatane airport. It’s always amazing to see what is tucked away in private collections and a trip to Taupo to have a look at the rest of the collection may be on the agenda in the not-too-distant future.

Last weekend I headed off to Beach Hop with a full carload of people piled into the Valiant. It’s always fun filling up the bench seats and heading off on an adventure. It was good to see that other EBOP VCC members also made the trip to Whangamata to be a part of this amazing festival. Where else can you cruise all day and night, listen to live music on the main street of town and maybe even check the view from the driver’s seat of a vintage drag car.

Take care on the roads and be sure to enjoy what’s left of the warm weather.


These next three photos by Bevan at Whangamata Beach Hop

Rambler Marlin (formerly owned by Karen & Mark Spackman) doing the night rounds

Bevan, Elliot & Charlie and friends Below Elliot in this mean machine .3.

Pukehina Autorama Car Show Saturday 9th March

Simon & Annie Cherrington Jaguar XJ6 Lytle Hall & Grandson Holden

Steve & Joy Growden Cortina Noel & Lois Davies Falcon S/W

Trevor Marshall Sunbeam Les & Gail Costar Model A

Clive & Louise Wood Morris Minor Harry & Gay Sutcliffe Wolseley 1800

Bruce & Lorraine Seddon ’39 Pontiac John Lamont Modern

Bevan, Elliot & Charlie Lange and Grandparents Chrysler Valiant

Shady spot under the trees for lunch

Taupo Rally

(words and photos by Joy)

On Friday 15th John, Magz, Steve and I along with Shona and Pat from Rotorua went to Taupo for their rally. They had 27 entries which was good after it was cancelled last year due to lack of interest.

The rally started from their Clubrooms then down to the Lake front and around the Marina, then out and around Wairaka Thermal area, out around Broadlands then to Orakei Karako for lunch. This was the end of the competitive section. The afternoon was a drive back through some forestry country and ended with Afternoon tea and prize giving at the Clubrooms. John and Magz got 3rd in P60, Steve and I got 2nd in P80 with Shona and Pat 3rd

Lunch stop

John and Magz got 3rd .5.

Club Run Sunday 17th March organized by Barry Spry (words & photos by Les) 11 cars assembled at Bunnings car park for a run to the Model Aircraft Club at Soldiers Road, Otakiri.

It was a good “follow the leader” run until some “crazy Dick Head” decided to pass all of the cars who were all indicating a right turn into Soldiers Road, narrowly missing the rear of Bevan’s car and the front of ours as he pulled back into the left lane between the two of us

After this “excitement” we turned up the Aircraft Club’s long ‘two wheel track’ drive which put some of our cars in danger of dragging their undersides on the centre of the drive. However we all arrived safely to a great display of model aircraft, some were flying, some were having a few repairs with their owners happy to talk to us and explain and demonstrate their aircraft. There were a couple of mishaps but the owners got on and did the necessary repairs.

There must be a great skill in building and flying these Aircraft and we are thankful they were prepared to explain their hobby with us.


Then it was back down the drive and off to the Whakatane Airport where we met a guy with a small collection of Classic Cars, in particular a 1991 Ford Falcon with 200km on the clock and a Mustang with 400km on the clock, or was it the other way around, whatever they were great almost delivery mileage cars. The owner explained how he had acquired these cars, but not what he had paid for them or the value of them today, apparently he has a larger collection in Taupo. There were also a couple of helicopters, a Ferrari in the corner and a Mitzy rally car. It was a very nice collection and thanks to the owner for allowing us to view it.

We then had lunch on the grass in front of the hanger. It was a great day out, thanks to Barry and Marianne for arranging it.

Members who attended:

Barry & Marianne Spry Ford Coupe

Les & Gail Costar


Alan & Lorraine Stock Datsun 280ZX

Clive & Louise Wood Morris Minor

Bruce & Lorraine Seddon

Ford Thunderbird

Bevan Lange Valiant

Noel & Lois Davies Falcon S/W

Trevor Marshall Sunbeam

Phil & Margaret Leaming Model A

Harry & Gay Sutcliffe Wolseley

Matthew & Cassandra Goodfellow Holden VN Holden

Mark & Karen Spackman Modern


Beach Hop (words & photos by Les)

On Tuesday 19th March, Gail and I went off to the Beach Hop at Whangamata towing the caravan, it was a good quiet trip except through Katikati where it took about 45 minutes because of road works etc. We got to Whangamata about 4pm and the cars were starting their circuit of the main road.

Happy hour, we met with Graham and Thelma and David and Jill to plan for Wednesday at Waihi. We went with Graham and Thelma in their Capri, David and Jill went in their Mini.

We had never been to the park up at Waihi, what a spectacle with most of the roads closed and filled with Beach Hop cars.


A monster Willys

Thursday you could go where you pleased, so David and Jill in their Mini, Graham and Thelma in their Capri, Gail and I in our modern toured around Paunui

Paunui - Graham & Thelma’s grey Capri in the middle between David & Jill’s Mini and a blue Capri and then to Whitianga for fish and chips for lunch on the beach.

The registered cars had to have a photo in front of a shop they had bought something from to be in the draw for $5,000.

Friday was “pipes open thunder cruise” to Onemana, Gail and I and David and Jill watched from a great vantage point and brunch was cooked on David’s portable cooker, while Graham and Thelma enjoyed the cruise.


When it got dark we all went to look at the Vintage Caravans all lit up with lights blazing inside and outside, what a great spectacle.

Saturday was the Grand Parade where all of the registered vehicles take part and park in the main street.

They told me there were 2,000 or so vehicles registered, so it took a good two hours for them all to park. Then there was a shower of rain, so we went back to the caravan for lunch, then went back and looked at the Harley Davidson stand and the motorbikes and more of the cars.

At about 4.30 we went to Williamson Park for the entertainment and prize giving, we didn’t win the Mustang or the Harley Davidson, in fact we didn’t win anything, but we sure enjoyed ourselves.

Sunday morning we went back to Williamson Park to the final of the car show and top 10 vehicles shoot out and the markets, where the three girls went off and had a great time and buy up. We then went off for lunch at a café where we met Harry’s friend from Tauranga with a beautifully restored Wolseley 2200 (1800 shape). .13.

We came home on Monday, less traffic on the road, we had a great time at the Beach Hop, 6 days is much better than the 1 or 2 days we usually spend there.

Of all the thousands of people there, we only saw Phil with a knee brace and a stick, Bevan and the boys and Johnny and Sylvia Sisson, but in saying this I did see an orange Morris Minor with a green roof pass buy (assume it was the local dentist). We had a great time, thanks in part to David and Jill and Graham and Thelma, great company.

We have booked our campsite for next year, the 25th Anniversary of Beach Hop, should be great. Les.

Wolseley Rally 2024

(words by Harry & photos by Gay)

A quick rundown of our rally this last month. The Wolseley International.

We gathered at the “Com” Whakatane on Sun evening 24th Mar. to collect our rally packs, meet the other competitors and join them for dinner. Home about 9.30. No staying at a pub when we can drive home.

Back in the morning after b/fast and away by 8.45 on the day’s first run. Up the coast to Te Kaha for a great lunch at the school. We led the way at our speed as we were running in a new motor. Night meal at the Fishing club and home again. Have to do something lights. They are dull and pale.

Tues. morn and off to Waiotapu, interesting but they don’t take cash, only cards for drinks and food. Home again!! Are we saving money on accommodation? We also visited Bruce and Lorraine and his amazing collection. Also had time for Legacy and Extreme Boats.

Thurs to Gisborne and the Capt. Cook motel. We booked last year for a kitchen unit and got a truckie unit. Microwave but no bowls and toaster appeared like Aladin had been there. Not recommending Capt. Cook any more.

Made very welcome by Gisborne club and usual BBQ appeared. Interesting couple of days with wine tasting, sightseeing and visiting a back country garage with a great range of vehicles including a Riley Pathfinder for sale, Gay said no but I could not see why !!!

Prize giving followed a raw steak and roast vege dish. Some opted for fish but they lived further south.

Lots of certificates given out for the open bonnet competition and I was pretty disappointed we didn’t get one. We had spent a lot of money on the 18/85 The judges from Tauranga couldn’t see past the 6/110 of which there were 19 plus two 1500 and our 18/85. A full itinerary by Graeme is in the Beacon. He did a fabulous job of setting the Rally and keeping us all in line Kirsty kept him in line 111 .14.

Gay and I almost fell off our chairs in getting the Overall best Effort. It was either beginners luck (it was our 3rd rally with the Wolseley group) they felt sorry for us, or everyone had gone home before us or perhaps ‘WE JUST DONE GOOD.”

From Harry – Next Rally is in Australia 2025 then Christchurch 2026 – There we go.!!


2024 Eastern Bay of Plenty Rally. (by Raewyn Fenn BOP Branch) Suddenly, here we are in 2024 and because it is February, we were heading off to Whakatane for the Eastern Bay of Plenty Rally on the 3rd February. With the Waitangi Day holiday falling on Tuesday, it was a good excuse for many to make a long weekend and so the traffic was particularly heavy on Friday afternoon as we headed down through Tauranga and on to the Eastern Link Highway.

As an aside, the previous day both of us had an appointment in Omokoroa at 2.30p.m. and had heard on the radio that the traffic was shocking, even worse than normal! So we made a decision to leave Waihi Beach at 11.30a.m., thinking of a nice lunch at the other end. However our plans were very misguided as it took us one hour to get to Esdailes Road/Pahoia School and then a further hour to get across the "FLYING Mile" to the Omokoroa Turnoff! We were in a truck sandwich and felt so sorry for those guys trying to make a living as we sat on the bridge at the bottom for a good 15 minutes and then the trucks had to slowly, very slowly, make their way up the hill in temperatures of 28/29 degrees. Thank goodness for air conditioning and we were dreading the next day in our poor Graham Crusader!

We had a phone-call from the business we were going to, advising us to leave early and to come in when we got there as their appointments were all messed up with the traffic. Long story short, our 2.30 appointment happened at 1.45 and our return journey took us 50 minutes! Allow more time they say!!!

So, Friday we decided we would join the "Rat-run" at Wainui South Road, simply to place less pressure on the car - but no need! We were in TAURANGA in an hour! Dropped the Puppy off with our family for his first holiday without us and away we went.

Driving through Landing Road, we saw quite a few VCC cars so had hopes for a great day the next day. Staying at One88 on Commerce, as advised by other BOP members last year, was a real dream, quiet, large rooms with great air con made the stay fabulous, but by the time we went to dinner it was raining and when Helen and Les Duggan arrived around 8p.m. thanks to a false start from home, it was cold and wet.

Saturday morning we had an introduction to some horrible behaviour in the Main Street of Whakatane, when a local demanded money and on not receiving it, proceeded to storm off hurling abuse, kicking over signs, tables, chairs, anything he could find. Must have had a good night Friday night!

The gathering at Paroa Rugby Grounds was great. 41 cars, lots of old and new faces and some great cars. Lovely to see 5 cars from our branch in attendance. Nice to see James Turner & Ellen Sands, Marc and Rachael Williams, plus Helen and Les Duggan, Thelma and Graham Jack and ourselves there.

Briefing was brief, with a note that Silent Checks were only in areas noted on our instructions and there was no timing. The day was still very overcast with threatening rain and chilly to what we had been experiencing in recent days. We started in no particular order and enjoyed a run through the maize areas nearby. .16.

It took a while to get into the organisers thinking, but by the time we got into the Coastlands area, we were on to it and found the fish, the bird and the flower, but it was tricky seeing the seven fish set into the front of a set of stairs.

On into Whakatane, and more questions including: How many swans and 1....key?

Found the swans and continued on, then a sudden thought, a turn around and there was the DONkey sitting beside the swans! Well done organisers. Things like ..C,..B, ..A - being Flats 8C, 8B and 8A, had us nicely comfortable and then the tricky ones started!

After a nice look down at the coastal bar entrance which was really rough and then a wind up and over the hills, we viewed some amazing scenery at the top of the Kohi Point Lookout. The day was now sunny and clear, but the seas very rough. On down through Ohope and naming the Princes. There was Phillip, William, Harry and Charles, but then the dilemma, Phillip is now deceased and Charles in now King, so what did the plotters want, (that was quite a 'discussion')!

Now we headed out and around the Ohiwa Harbour, turning left towards Gisborne and Opotiki, then after passing through Kutarere, we turned left into Ruatuna Road, (never been out here), past the Pataua Island Scientific Reserve and onto Reeves Road, following this to the end of the road at Bryans Beach. What a really nice little area this was, lots of quirky little things like a whole lot of scarecrows in a veggie garden to see. We then retraced our steps back to Kutarere and continued on to the Nukuhou North Settlers Hall for lunch.

Our lunch stop has been used several times and the last time we were there, it rained. This time we had a thunder storm, with lightning and very heavy rain thrown in to the mix. However, everyone waited till it stopped, then off we went for the afternoon section, heading North again, through the Waimana Gorge with heaps of steam coming off the road after the rain, and were almost out of the Gorge when there were a number of vehicles pulled up on the side of the road. We slowed and there was poor James Turner doing the walk of shame, carrying a wheel off his 1973 Triumph GT6! Poor guy, but how lucky that it hadn't happened even 1 kilometre sooner or they may have found themselves in the Waimana River! We did not stop as it was on a corner and there were a number of vehicles, (moderns included), already there.

Into Taneatua, we had straight lining to do and what an interesting area to do it in. Some very interesting properties in the back there, including a big trucking yard and a very old truck rusting away under a tree. It was here that we spotted Marc and Rachael and told them about their friends.

Soon after this, we caught up to the person laying out the Silent Checks, so we agreed to stop all the traffic for 10 minutes so that he could get ahead and that turned out to be quite a nice little social time on the side of a nice quiet road. But by now it was almost 3pm, looking like rain and we were ready for a nice hot cuppa back at the Paroa Rugby Grounds. On the way back to our accommodation, a huge gust of wind blew a tree down just by the big bridge into Whakatane and just a few cars in front of us. .17.

No one was hurt, but a car was quite damaged and we were surprised that amongst all the locals that jumped out to help remove the tree, no-one had a chainsaw!

The evening meal, once again, was a spectacular success. Gosh those caterers are good. We dined on ham, oysters, chicken, prawns, lamb, salads and veggies and then that dessert table again!!

The prize giving was interesting and this years winners of the Vintage Class were a young couple from Gisborne with 2 very small boys sitting in car seats in the back of their 1930 Model A and waving to everyone with gusto. It was wonderful to see the smiles on all their faces, especially when they were announced as the Overall Winners!

Graeme and I won the Post Vintage Class, Les and Helen won the Post War Class and Graham and Thelma Jack were second in Post 60 and Second overall. Very successful for Bay of Plenty Club.

The Hard Luck Trophy was Awarded to James and Ellen, with a lot of questions about how they got on and how they were getting home, and we were assured that some of the locals were helping them out. Hope this was the case James and your car is on the road again now.

Interestingly, Pat Burr and Shona Wickham won the Post 80 prize again this year. There was only one place getter from Auckland, John Comer on a 1958 BMW R5 motorbike. Four motorcycles took part this year - how good is that.

Another successful Eastern BOP Rally done and we are already looking forward to next year. Thanks to Les and Gail Coster for a well thought out Rally which kept us interested and on our toes. Raewyn


1963 Wolseley 6/99

Has had a lot of work done. 2 new front tyres, radiator and water pump done, front suspension replaced, steering rebuild,(tie rods) all brakes redone, new callipers and rotors, brake cylinders, shoes etc and brake booster done, new clutch, starter recondition, generator reconditioned, gearbox seals renewed so no leaks, rear shocks serviced and rear springs with new leaf rebuilt, new electric fuel pump. Runs nicely at highway speed averaging 22/23 mpg on 95 grade petrol. Interior and roof lining worn but clean and tidy and 60 years old. Genuine reason for sale - Best offer over $10,000.

Contact: Harry Sutcliffe 021 0343 707 or 027 235 9986


Club Calendar of Events commencing April 2024


Sunday 7th

Wednesday 17th

Saturday 20th

Tuesday 23rd


Sunday 12th

Thursday 30th


Sunday 2nd

Date to be advised

Thursday 27th

Car Enthusiasts Breakfast (formerly Classic Car Breakfast) from 8.00am Thornton Bar Eatery, Thornton Road Cnr

Mid-Week Run Meet at Bunnings for 10am depart

Farming Like Grandad 10am – 4pm Te Teko Racecourse

Meet 9.45 Grieve Rd - Hogbin Rd cnr to drive in together

Club Night (Note change of night to Tuesday 23rd)

Athletic Clubrooms, Short Street, Whakatane

From 7.00pm with the Meeting starting at 7.30pm

Club Run – Awakeri Rail Trail - meet 11.30am at Awakeri Rail for a 12noon departure

Club Night and AGM

See the Secretary’s “Notice of Meeting”

Car Entusiasts Breakfast from 8.00am Thornton Bar Eatery

Night Owl Run

Club Night

If you don’t have a Vintage or Classic Vehicle, come along to events in your modern Further updates/additions to above will be emailed as they come to hand




Sunday 12th May

Meet at 11.30am at Awakeri Rail for a 12 noon departure

We have got a very good price for this adventure @ $60 per person

A very significant saving on the regular price for this snack run

So far we have 15 adults and 2 kids registered

And the maximum they can take is 25 people

If you are keen to come on this Rail Adventure

Contact: Les & Gail 027 271 7022 or 07 323 6406

Further out - dates to note:

VCC Daffodil Rally for Cancer Sunday 25th August

Mangakino Lake Hop - Saturday 21st September (month changed from July)

Te Aroha Cruise In – Saturday 5th October



Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc)

Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch

Annual General Meeting

To be held at the Athletic Clubrooms, Short Street, Whakatane

On Thursday 30th May 2024

At 8.00pm

Preceded by the Branch Meeting at 7.30 pm




Minutes of previous AGM

Matters Arising

Chairman’s Report

Treasurer’s Report

Election of Officers

General Business

All Welcome

Secretary: Karen Spackman

All positions are up for nomination and in particular your secretary is standing down this year so please give some thought as to whether you can help out.

Remember this is your Branch of the Vintage Car Club and your input is vital to the running of our Club.


I wish to propose……………………………………………………………………………………..

For the position of……………………………………………………………………………………

Name of Proposer…………………………………………………………………………………….

Signature of Proposer……………………………………………………………………………….

Name of Seconder

Signature of Seconder

Signature of Nominee…………………………………………………………………………………

Vintage Car Club of NZ, Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch (Inc). NOMINATION
Please support our East Coast Rally Sponsors REPCO Nicholson Autos Commerce Street Autos Whakatane Printers .21.

We’ve got a few more pages this month Thanks to those who contributed articles and or photo’s Raewyn Fenn (BOP Branch) Joy, Harry & Gay, Les, Bevan

We have got a couple of blank spots so here are some more photos

More model aircraft .22.

And from Beach Hop

The little distraction that has taken me a bit longer to produce this month’s magazine
THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF NZ Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch Postal Address: PO Box 2168, Kopeopeo, Whakatane 3159 Branch Officers: 2023/2024 Honorary Branch Member: Lorolei Pollard Chairman: Bevan Lange 027 460 3466 Vice Chairman: (position vacant) Past Chairman: Les Costar 07 323 6406 Secretary: Karen Spackman 07 315 8800 Treasurer: Joy Growden 07 304 9777 Club Captain: (position vacant) Committee: Steve Growden 07 304 9777 Lorraine Stock 07 307 1965 Alan Stock 07 307 1965 Mark Spackman 07 315 8800 John Burton 021 02501138
Sutcliffe 0272359986 Lytle Hall 027 703 4539 Trevor Marshall 07 308 7957 Running Board: Gail Costar 07 323 6406 Beaded Wheels Reporter: Bruce Seddon 07 322 2137 Almoner: Lorraine Stock 07 307 1965 Name Badge Sales: Karen Spackman 07 315 8800 VIC Collators: Bevan Lange 027 460 3466 Mark Spackman 07 315 8800 Parts Shed Supervisors: Phil Leaming 07 304 8415 Steve Growden 07 304 9777 John Burton 021 02501138 Branch Delegate: Bevan Lange 027 460 3466 Raffles: Lorraine Stock 07 307 1965 Supper Supervisor: Lorraine Stock Community Liaison: Lytle Hall 027 703 4539 Archivists: Les & Gail Costar 07 323 6406 Saleable Items: Barry Spry 07 312 4737 EBOP Cloth Jacket Badges $7.50 EBOP Cloth Jacket Patches $10.00 EBOP Car Window Stickers $1.00 EBOP Car Bumper Badges $20.00 EBOP Lapel Badges $6.00 EBOP VCC Windscreen Stickers $2.00 EBOP Cloth Caps $15.00 Rally Number Holders s/s $15.00 NZVCC Winged Lapel Badges $7.50 VCC Cloth Winged Badges $13.00 (these will be available at Club Nights) EBOP Name Badges $15.00 (to be ordered) Please wear your name badge to VCC functions. Club Night: Last Thursday of the month (except December) At: Whakatane Athletic Clubrooms, Short Street, Whakatane 7.00pm Social Get-together Branch Meeting starting at 7.30pm .24 .

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