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The Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

Po Box 2168, Kopeopeo, Whakatane 3159




May Mid-week Run Phil & Lesley Watts Holden arriving at the Tihiotonga Park Entrance in the mist

Club Night: Last Thursday of the Month (except December) at Whakatane Athletic Clubrooms, Short Street, Whakatane 7.00 pm Social get-together Branch Meeting starts at 7.30 pm Followed by Supper

Running Board

Eastern Bay of Plenty VCC AGM

Chairmans Report:

Welcome to the Eastern Bay of Plenty Vintage Car Club AGM. I am happy to report that it has been an active year for our club, and I am sure our members have enjoyed the many opportunities we have had to get on the road and share our interest in vintage motoring. It has been a pleasure to welcome new members to the club and it is very pleasing to see new members getting involved with our monthly activities. New members of course bring with them interesting and often unique vehicles that add variety to our club, and this is something that is always welcome.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our branch secretary Karen who will be stepping down from her position this year. Karen has done a wonderful job of keeping me up to date with all the info from head office and keeping on top of the club administration for all of us. I would also like to thank Gail who has produced our monthly running board newsletter and I hope someone will be inspired to step up and fill this role for the coming year. Also stepping down this year is one of our VIC officers, Mark whose contribution is also greatly appreciated.

There have been many highlights from the last 12 months, and I would like to thank branch members that have contributed by arranging club runs and helping at our monthly club nights. If we all share the load and do a little the result is an active club for everyone to enjoy.

Our East Coast Rally was very successful attracting a strong entry list. This was a well organised and very enjoyable event, and I am sure all our rally entrants had as much fun as I did on the day. Our biennial camp out at Ohiwa with Gisborne branch was also well attended continuing a long tradition that I hope will last for many years to come. VCC national day and our annual daffodil rally for cancer produced good publicity for our club through local new media. Unfortunately, it would be fair to say that the weather on the day could hardly have been less ideal. Despite the weather local car enthusiasts supported our club and the cancer society and we had a surprisingly good turnout of hardy people who didn’t mind getting their cars a little wet for a good cause.

At national level our club is undergoing significant change and while this may be unsettling for some, I see this as a very positive thing. I believe the Vintage Car Club requires a national committee that looks forward and effectively makes future focused decisions. It is clear to me that changes to our committee structure are essential if we are to achieve this. The Vintage Car Club must operate in a modern and rapidly changing world, and I see the new incorporated societies act the perfect catalyst for action. While there is still a lot of work to do I feel the club at national level is making good progress in the right direction and the outcomes will be of benefit to all members.

With continued active participation from our keen membership the future is looking bright for our branch, and I am looking forward to the year ahead. Further to this I hope some our keen members will take the opportunity to fill important positions that are required to maintain the operation of our club and keep things moving along.

Happy motoring everyone.

Bevan .2.

Election of Officers and Ancillary Positions as at the Branch AGM 30th May 2024 THE VINTAGE CAR CLUB OF NZ

Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch

Postal Address: PO Box 2168, Kopeopeo, Whakatane 3159

Branch Officers: 2024/2025

Honorary Branch Member: Lorolei Pollard

Chairman: Bevan Lange 027 460 3466

Vice Chairman: Clive Wood 027 276 9806

Secretary: position vacant

Treasurer: Joy Growden 07 304 9777

Club Captain: position vacant


Steve Growden 07 304 9777

Lorraine Stock 07 307 1965

Alan Stock 07 307 1965

John Burton 021 02501138

Lytle Hall 027 703 4539

Trevor Marshall 07 308 7957

Running Board: position vacant

Interim Editor Gail Costar 027 271 7022

Beaded Wheels Reporter: Bruce Seddon 07 322 2137

Almoner: Lorraine Stock 07 307 1965

Name Badge Sales: position vacant

VIC Collators: Bevan Lange 027 460 3466 Bruce Seddon 07 322 2137

Parts Shed Supervisors: Phil Leaming 07 304 8415

Steve Growden 07 304 9777

John Burton 021 02501138

Branch Delegate: Bevan Lange 027 460 3466

Raffles: Lorraine Stock 07 307 1965

Supper Supervisor: Lorraine Stock

Community Liaison: Lytle Hall 027 703 4539

Archivists: Les & Gail Costar 07 323 6406

Saleable Items: Barry Spry 07 312 4737

EBOP Cloth Jacket Badges $7.50

EBOP Car Window Stickers $1.00

EBOP Lapel Badges $6.00

EBOP Cloth Jacket Patches $10.00

EBOP Car Bumper Badges $20.00

EBOP VCC Windscreen Stickers $2.00

EBOP Cloth Caps $15.00 Rally Number Holders s/s $15.00

NZVCC Winged Lapel Badges $7.50 VCC Cloth Winged Badges $13.00 (these will be available at Club Nights)

EBOP Name Badges $15.00 (to be ordered) Please wear your name badge to VCC functions.

Club Night: Last Thursday of the month (except December) At: Whakatane Athletic Clubrooms, Short Street, Whakatane 7.00pm Social Get-together Branch Meeting starting at 7.30pm .3.

May Club Run

Words and Photo’s by Les On Sunday 12th May, 24 Members packed the Rail Carts full, for a trip to the end of the line of the Awakeri Rail Adventures.

Starting with a safety briefing on what and what not to do, just keep your distance from the cart in front and don’t use the foot brake.

Off we went cruising through the country side to our first stop to feed the chickens. Lots of chooks waiting by the railway to be fed.

Then it was off to White Pine Bush Reserve for a tour and a talk on the history of the Reserve and how it is only a small parcel of forest left that once spread right up the valley and I think it took 20 years to fell and mill the native trees.

We walked to the ‘roadside entry’ to the reserve where the fences are covered in gumboots with a slogan of some sort painted on each. One was from a western movie and the rail adventure operator would give $20 to the person that could name the actor and the movie, in one minute, Lesley McCaan was the lucky winner with “Clint Eastwood” and “A Fist Full of Dollars” being the answer.

Then we were off to the BBQ further up the line, a great place with a bit of shelter in the bush with a BBQ , water, tables and chairs, all a bit rustic, but all you need. The ladies had a toilet with a door and a water tap on the outside, the men had a variety of trees in the other direction.

Then came the entertainment, one of the ladies went to use the toilet, opened the door and there was a man sitting there! The operator rushed to help and brought out Vladimir PuTin a mannequin with a very good likeness to the real Putin. Then he went through a very well choreographed performance with PuTin embarrassing a few ladies as he went. Great entertainment. We then had a sausage sizzle with bread and onions etc with a cuppa and a biscuit.

Back on board the carts to the last station where the carts were turned around on a turntable with the help of some enthusiastic Club Members, then it was back to Awakeri at full speed to end what was a great day out.

Ask the “driver”of Simon and Annie and Barry and Marianne’s cart “why not to use the foot brake”, “the brake wasn’t connected and doesn’t work”, just as well the carts have big rubber bumpers for people that don’t listen at safety briefings.

Members on the Rail Run

Barry & Marianne Spry, Simon & Annie Cherrington, Clive & Louise Wood, Les & Gail Costar, Bruce & Lorraine Seddon, Steve & Lesley McCann, Bevan Lange, John & Sharon Burton, Lytle, Marlene & Ruby Hall, Noel & Lois Davies, Steve & Joy Growden, John Lamont & Magz


Club Run Sunday 12th May – Awakeri Rail Carts

Magz & Lois & PuTin


Sunday 2nd

Club Calendar of Events commencing June 2024

Wednesday 12th ?

Saturday 22nd

Thursday 27th


Sat 6th – Sunday 7th Sunday 14th



Thursday 25th

August Sunday 4th

Saturday 10th

Tuesday ?

Wednesday ?

Sunday 25th

Thursday 29th

Sunday 31st

Car Entusiasts Breakfast (already been & gone)

Mid-week Run – Date and details to be confirmed

Night Owl Run followed by Pizza Dinner

Starting at 5pm at the Athletic Clubrooms Numbers will be required for catering

Club Night Athletic Clubrooms, Short St, Whakatane From 7.00pm with the Meeting starting at 7.30pm

Wellsford/Warkworth Winter Woolies Wander Rotorua Swap Meet

Mid-week Run date and details to be announced

Sunday Club Run date and details to be arranged

Club Night Athletic Clubrooms, Short St, Whakatane From 7.00pm with the Meeting starting at 7.30pm

Car Enthusiasts Breakfast (Classic Car Breakfast)

From 8.00am Thornton Bar Eatery, Thornton Road Cnr

National AGM at the Armitage Hotel, 9 Willow St, Tauranga 9.00am start

Nobby’s Nosh details to be arranged

Mid-week Run TBA

Daffodil Rally for Cancer details closer to time Club Night

Rotorua Sulphur City Rally

If you don’t have a Vintage or Classic Vehicle, come along to events in your modern Further updates/additions to above will be emailed as they come to hand

Further out – dates to note:

Mangakino Lake Hop – Saturday 21st September (month changed from July) Te Aroha Cruise In – Saturday 5th October 9.

Harry and Gay’s Mid-Week Run – Lakes and Trees Thursday 16th May

Words and Photo’s by Les

We left the Shingle Pit at 10.15am, a bit mirky with light rain. First stop Lake Rotoma to check out the damage along the water front track and picnic areas that had occurred when the water in the lake rose to cover all of this and also flooded the lagoon to the right of the track, which has left many trees drowned and now dead.

Then off to the Soda Springs which is mostly the same and not usable at this time, but maybe it will be rebuilt.

Over the hill to Lake Okataina, couldn’t see much here, it was raining cats and dogs, never mind it is a great drive.

Back on the main road, stop for everyone to catch up, then on to Rotorua, the rain is easing. Follow the Taupo Road and at the new big roundabout, follow the road behind the Technical Institute to the Tihiotonga Centennial Park, a great display of red Acers at the entry and a grand display of yellow Genko trees up the drive to the Reserve, time for a toilet stop and a photo shoot, then it was off to Okere Falls Cafe for lunch.

A great run Harry and Gay, what can be done with a day that was gloomy at the start, but beautiful in the end.

Members on the Lakes & Trees Run

Harry & Gay Sutcliffe Wolseley 1885

Phil & Lesley Watts Holden HJ

Les & Gail Costar Ford Capri

Ben & Marion Vermeulen Wolseley 6/99

Steve & Lesley McCann Landrover

Simon & Annie Cherrington Jaguar XJ6

John Lamont & Trevor Marshall Daimler XJ6

Prospective new Members: Trevor & Odell Sutton Triumph 2500S

Lake Okataina in the rain Re-group at Lake Rotoiti
Tihiotonga Memorial Park

Afternoon section over Turakina Valley Road .13.

Lunch at the Okere Cafe Palmerston North Rally Photo’s and captions by Joy Line up before Rally at Palmerston North

Car Enthusiasts Breakfast Sunday 2nd June Photo’s by Les

More cars on the grassed area .14.

Bruce Belcher’s Red ’93 Alfa Romeo in this line-up And Simon Cherrington’s ‘39 Ford V8 Sedan A couple of Rod’s Marie’s cool restored Morris Pick-up .15.

Mark & Karen’s former car brought to the Breakfast by new owners Mathew & Teresa

Members at the Breakfast this month

Bruce Belcher ’93 Alfa Romeo Simon Cherrington ’39 Ford V8 Sedan

Les & Gail Costar Ford Capri

John MacKintosh BMW

Prospective new Members:

Harry & Gay Sutcliffe Wolseley 6/99

Bevan, Elliott & Charlie Lange Valiant

John & Jackie Taggart ’93 Cadillac Eldorado

Mathew & Teresa Templeton & family ’65 Rambler Marlin

This is what happens when you use a 12 volt jumper pack to start a car With 6 volt system and leave running less than 2 minutes “OUCH”

Simon .16.


1963 Wolseley 6/99

Has had a lot of work done. 2 new front tyres, radiator and water pump done, front suspension replaced, steering rebuild,(tie rods) all brakes redone, new callipers and rotors, brake cylinders, shoes etc and brake booster done, new clutch, starter recondition, generator reconditioned, gearbox seals renewed so no leaks, rear shocks serviced and rear springs with new leaf rebuilt, new electric fuel pump. Runs nicely at highway speed averaging 22/23 mpg on 95 grade petrol. Interior and roof lining worn but clean and tidy and 60 years old. Genuine reason for sale $10,000. Contact: Harry Sutcliffe 021 0343 707 or 027 235 9986 Email:

Auckland Harbour Bridge – June 1959 .17.

Please support our East Coast Rally Sponsors

REPCO Nicholson Autos

Commerce Street Autos Whakatane Printers



On Sunday 25 August the Daffodil Rally for Cancer is happening. From Kaitaia, to Bluff, the yellow flower we are so familiar with will be on display far and wide. This is the one day of the year our members get the opportunity to join simultaneously and showcase to the public our awesome VCC organisation, and at the same time fundraise for our chosen charity, the NZ Cancer Society.


I personally have a few goals. One is to light up the Sky Tower in Auckland, secondly to have most of our branches participate as we did in 2023, and three, to raise $100k!

The monies we have raised over the years from our annual campaigns have increased every year exponentially. So, folks this year, let’s go for gold.


If you haven’t already received an email from Karen Proctor at National Office, it’s on the way. Karen will be requesting from you the following information.

1) Who your coordinator is, and their contact details for this year’s campaign, and

2) What you are planning to do this year

This invaluable information will be collated into the VCC generic poster with your own branch personalised details.


I am thrilled to say that I have the support of two very capable ladies with this campaign. Karen from National Office, and Rebecca George from the Management Team!

Both these ladies are there to assist you


What makes our annual campaign a little unique is that our fundraising styles will differ from branch to branch across the country; however, our one common thread is, the assembly of historic vehicles, their owners, and their passengers.

One of the added advantages is, this is not a member only event, and the more legs we can get on the ground to be involved is to our advantage, with a larger amount of money being raised.

The participation and involvement from our branches, the one-make clubs, and the public, is invaluable to a successful campaign. And the highlight is, whether someone drives a 1911 Model ‘T’ or 2022 Kia Sorento, all are invited to participate.

Many of our branches reported that after the last campaign they received numerous new applications to join their branch – this is precisely our intention, and why we all make a big effort towards this annual campaign.


Please don’t forget to get your phones out folks, and click away. The team at Beaded Wheels will be eagerly waiting to receive your fab ‘snappy’ photos.


The girls and boys at the Cancer Society once again are all on board for the Daffodil Day Rally for Cancer.

PLEASE NOTE – If you would like extra hands to assist you on the day of your specific event, and if you haven’t already contacted your local Cancer Society, I ask you please to do so. They have personnel willing to assist you, and get involved.



The advertising of the 2024 Daffodil Rally for Cancer has been booked with the various publications Petrolhead, Classic Car, The Shed, Classic Driver, Beaded Wheels, and social media, all excellent platforms to spread the word to the masses about this grand event. .19.


As in previous years a $300 contribution will be made available again for each branch to put towards any community advertising they do of their event.

A Reminder - How it works.

1) Branch Coordinators are to organise with their local newspapers their own advertising of their event.

2) Branch Coordinators/Branches make payment of the invoice directly to their respective advertiser.

3) IMPORTANT – to receive the VCC adverting reimbursement, coordinators must forward their advertising receipts to the National Office so they can be processed for reimbursement.


You will receive from me shortly a special non-members entry form, along with a letter explaining the significance of non-members filling out this form. Whether it is a Run, or a Static Display you are planning, this form is required to be used so that any non-members that are involved, are covered under the Club’s Public Liability policy in case something untoward should happen, which could make the Club liable.


Please remember, unlike so many other charities funds that are raised nationally, go into one big pool. Our point of difference with this campaign is, monies raised by your branch, I can assure you will remain in your district for the benefit of your local Cancer Society.


From now until Sunday 25 August, you will be receiving regular updates from me to keep you informed and updated on everyone’s progress with the VCC Annual National Day.


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