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The Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch of The Vintage Car Club of New Zealand

Po Box 2168, Kopeopeo, Whakatane 3159


Steve & Joy Growden’s Cortina and Trevor & Odell Sutton’s Triumph at the Daffodil Rally Display

Club Night: Last Thursday of the Month (except December) at Whakatane Athletic Clubrooms, Short Street, Whakatane 7.00 pm Social get-together Branch Meeting starts at 7.30 pm Followed by Supper

Chairman’s Report:

At this time of year, I hope we are all reflecting on an enjoyable and successful Daffodil Rally. Every year this event gives our club an amazing opportunity to do some good in our community and generate a little publicity for the National Vintage Car Club and our Eastern Bay of Plenty branch. I strongly believe that sharing our interest in historic motoring with our local community is an important aspect of our clubs’ activities and allows a wide range of people the opportunity to celebrate New Zealand’s motoring history through the cars we own and enjoy.

This month I am happy to add another club vehicle to the fleet in the form of a 1993 Toyota Levin GT. My boys Elliot and Charlie are very excited about this as a Japanese sports car is certainly a very cool thing amongst this new generation of motoring enthusiasts. Interestingly, I mentioned this purchase at our recent national AGM during a discussion concerning the 30-year eligibility threshold for club vehicles and I found that my appreciation for classic Japanese cars was met with divided opinion. While some people applauded my comments others seemed far less positive about these cars.

In my view the Vintage Car Club is committed to preserving and celebrating New Zealand’s motoring history and that history has many chapters. The Japanese import boom of the 1990’s represents a significant chapter in New Zealand’s motoring history, and it has certainly left its mark on New Zealand’s automotive landscape. I believe that preserving cars from this era is every bit as important as preserving cars from any other point in time and I am happy that many likeminded club members recognise this. If we were to exclude or ignore any period of our motoring history, we not only exclude some interesting and exciting vehicles, but we also exclude the interesting people who have a passion for that period of motoring.

With this in mind, I was reflecting on how lucky we are in the Eastern Bay of Plenty to have such a wide range of vehicles representing so many different chapters in New Zealand motoring history. Within our active membership we have cars from the early 1920’s all the way through to the early 1990’s. On our regular club runs you are likely to see vehicles from many of our VVC categories and as a result we are all able to enjoy and appreciate the history of motoring in our little part of the world. Collectively we do a wonderful job of preserving and celebrating New Zealand’s motoring history.

Recognising and celebrating more recent chapters in our motoring story does not make the previous chapters any less significant. It simply adds to the colourful history that our club is committed to preserving. History never stops happening and I hope our club will always maintain a commitment to protecting the vehicles that mean so much to us personally and to our wider community of historic motoring enthusiasts.


AGM Report 2024

Earlier this month I attended the Vintage Car Club AGM in Tauranga including the executive meeting that followed on Saturday afternoon.

The early part of the AGM agenda progressed with great efficiency and most of the agenda items passed with little need for further discussion.

The process for submitting content for our beaded wheels magazine was discussed as some members feel there is room for improvement in this area. We all understand that not every article submitted can be published and I am sure the Beaded Wheels team have a hard job deciding what to print and of course what they must leave out. I hope the problems discussed at the AGM don’t discourage members from contributing to this wonderful publication.

As mentioned in my chairman’s report the 30-year eligibility rule was a topic of discussion. No conclusions were reached on this; however, I expect it may be a topic of ongoing discussion in the future. I personally have no desire to see our club eligibility criteria change as it ensures our hobby remains relevant and accessible to future generations and allows us to celebrate the ongoing story of our motoring history.

Presentations were given to promote upcoming national events and details of these events can be found in the national events calendar.

On Saturday afternoon, the executive meeting was focused on progressing the development of the new constitution for the national club and I feel this is the topic most important to our members. A focus was placed on defining the problems with the existing governance and management structure and this resulted in a productive discussion identifying opportunities to improve the way our club operates at a national level. This discussion was extremely well managed by the meeting chairman, and I was pleased with the outcomes.

This discussion was followed by a review of a draft of the proposed changes to our national constitution. The purpose of this discussion was simply to highlight the changes and identify sections of the document that are open to feedback from the membership.

A draft constitution has been forwarded to our branch secretary and I encourage our members to review this document. There will be an opportunity to provide feedback in our September branch meeting and all feedback gathered from branches will be given consideration as the constitution is further developed.


Club Captain’s Report:

August Events:

Sunday 4th Vintage and Classic Car Breakfast:

A good turn out with 11 of our Club Cars present. I am told there were 40 odd cars there, so we our Club represented about 25% of cars.

I know that some don’t have breakfast, some have a coffee and others bring their vehicle to display and view other vehicles and all have a chin wag while checking out the interesting vehicles.

Two days later on Tuesday 6th we had Nobby’s Nosh at the Cadera Restaurant at Ohope. We had 23 Members sit down for dinner to celebrate Nobby Clarke who founded this event almost 30 years ago.

Being a Mexican Restaurant I bought a Corona Beer to have with my meal as did some others, only to find that “Corona the great Mexican Beer is now brewed in China” what a let down.

Wednesday 14th Harry and Gay took us on a Mystery Run, we travelled to Matamata to have lunch at Swaps Cafe, an enjoyable day out, we had 18 Members with 10 cars on the run.

Sunday 25th Daffodil Day:

It turned out to be a nice fine day so there were heaps of vehicles on display at the Hub. Including a miniature steam traction engine puffing out clouds of smoke and steam, a great spectacle and the machine was beautifully made. Anyway I don’t know how many vehicles there were on display, but I do know there were 28 of our Club vehicles, a fantastic effort Members. I believe the Club raised along with the Cancer Society collectors $1,520.

Thanks to Bevan for his part in arranging Posters, Radio and Beacon advertising. Also to Steve and Joy manning the gazebo, welcoming participants, collecting the donations and handing out the required paper work.

Sadly, Founding Member of Gisborne Branch, Joe Webber has passed away aged 96. He was an original Member of our annual inter-branch campout 38 years ago. Joe’s Funeral will be held mid-September.

5 cars travelled over to the Rotorua “Sulphur City Rally” on Saturday 31st August

John & Jacqui Taggart - Cadillac Eldorado Simon & Annie Cherrington – Jaguar XJ6

Les & Gail Costar – Ford Capri John Lamont & Magz McNulty – Daimler

Steve & Joy Growden – Ford Cortina

Phil and Margaret Leaming have kindly offered to set a Club Run on Sunday 29th September, rain, hail or shine, mark the date on your calendar.

Sadly, Member and former Committee Member Mark Spackman passed away on Friday 30th August, his funeral was held on Tuesday 2nd September. Our Condolences go to Karen and family.

Les. .4.

Sadly we have lost Mark, he will leave a big hole in our Club and we will be the poorer for it. With his trade mark hats and big grin, he will be sadly missed at our Events.

Mark and Karen just turned up at one of our Vintage Car Sunday Runs and never really left. Mark said he was a Member of the Bay of Plenty Branch of the Vintage Car Club, but now lived in Opotiki and would transfer to our Branch.

Mark went on to be a Committee Member and a Vehicle Identification Certificate Signatory and Karen the Branch Secretary for many years.

Mark had a great sense of humour and pretty much always had a grin on his face.

He was a dedicated Hudson enthusiast and he and Karen rallied and toured the country in their 1929 Hudson and 1965 Rambler Marlin and later a Renault Fuego.

Mark made up steel frames for the parts shelves in the Clubs Parts Shed and steel framing for the roof between the sheds, he made them up at home and delivered to the Parts Shed.

A very enthusiastic Club Member.

Mark and Karen arranged numerous Club Events and Runs and took us to and showed us things and places we would never have been able to go to without his contacts.

I never saw Mark grumpy, even with a hole in the Rambler petrol tank on a Rally, he tried to fix it with a screw. The hole got bigger “need more screws” still with a smile “I think I need another tank”.

With his Hudson contacts he found one locally, fitted it and home they came still smiling.

TV “What now” production phoned me asking for a Vintage Car for the presenters to be seen driving away in, this was to happen in Opotiki. Mark was up to it in the 1929 Hudson.

He spent all morning waiting his turn to drive the presenters away for his 2 minutes of fame.

At least the car and Mark got to be shown on TV

Marks last couple of Club Runs were to the Whakatane Airport with us, to view some Classic Cars and Helicopters and lunch with the group. I remember there was a ramp into the building, but with his determination and a little help, he made it.

Then a week or so later he and Karen joined us for lunch at Te Puke.

In July, eight Members visited Mark in Thornton Park, we crowded around his bed. We all had a great interaction with him, still smiling and joking, he hadn’t lost his sense of humour, even with his terrible illness.

This was the last time we saw our Club Mate Mark. I hope he has found a Hudson in the sky.

Rest in Peace Mark.

Les. .5.

Inter-Branch Visit - Weekend Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th November:

Gisborne Branch have organised a Campout this year at the Mahia Motor Camp for the Weekend of Friday 22nd – Sunday 24th November for our inter-branch visit with them.

They are leaving Gisborne Mid-morning on Friday 22nd travelling to Mahia via Tiniroto, Frasertown and Wairoa.

Saturday 23rd optional activity and a Gymkhana Dinner at the local Mahia Pub

Sunday 24th a short Run to Tahaenui Fete which is a short distance south of Nuhaka

Options for our Branch:

Go to Gisborne on Thursday and stay the night.


Leave early Friday morning to be in Gisborne by 10am

Options for the return trip:

Leave Nuhaka Sunday 24th and travel home.


Travel on to Napier and stay the night there, then on Monday travel over the “Gentle Annie” to Taihape and stay the night there, then home Tuesday.

We have 12 Members (6 cars) that have committed to the trip so far.

If you are intending to come and haven’t already booked your accommodation at Mahia Motel & Holiday Park

Go to their website:


Phone: 06 837 5830

We have found it best to go to the website to see available accommodation and to book

Those Members who have already booked for the Thursday Night are staying at:

Captain Cook Motor Lodge, 31 Awapuni Road, Gisborne Phone: 0800 227 826 Email:

For more information contact me Mobile: 027 271 7022 Email: Les.

Members who attended our August Events

Vintage & Classic Car Breakfast Sunday 4th

Barry Spry ’48 Ford Coupe Simon Cherrington ’39 Ford Sedan

Clive & Louise Wood Morris Minor Trevor Sutton Triumph 2500

John & Jacqui Taggart & family Cadillac Eldorado Noel & Lois Davies Ford Falcon

Bevan Lange & Rachel, Elliot, Charlie & Emily Chrysler Valiant

Steve & Lesley McCann Ford Zephyr

Barry Keene MGB Roadster

Les & Gail Costar Ford Capri

Arthur VanThiel Buick

Nobby’s Nosh Tuesday 6th

Harry & Gay Sutcliffe, Ben & Marion Vermeulen, John & Jacqui Taggart, Barry & Marianne Spry, Bevan, Elliot & Charlie Lange, Trevor Marshall,

John & Sharon Burton, John Lamont & Magz McNulty, Steve & Joy Growden, Les & Gail Costar, Noel & Lois Davies, Alan & Lorraine Stock

Mid-week Run to Matamata Wednesday 14th

Harry & Gay Sutcliffe Wolseley 1800 Ben & Marion Vermeulen Wolseley 6/99

Simon & Annie Cherrington Jaguar XJ6

John Lamont & Magz McNulty Daimler

Steve & Joy Growden Ford Cortina

Steve & Lesley McCann Triumph Spitfire

Trevor & Odell Sutton Triumph 2500

John Taggart Cadillac Eldorado

Les & Gail Costar Ford Capri

Trevor Marshall Mitsubishi

Daffodil Rally for Cancer Sunday 25th August 28 Club Vehicles on Display

Neville Allwright Essex Coupe Steve & Joy Growden Ford Cortina

Simon & Annie Cherrington ’39 Ford Sedan Ian Henderson Morris Minor

Trevor & Odell Sutton Triumph 2500 Neil Barnard Vincent Motorcycle

Clive & Louise Wood Morris Minor John & Sharon Burton Jowett Javelin

John & Jacqui Taggart Cadillac Eldorado Arthur VanThiel Audi

Peter Hadley Ford Model A Les & Gail Costar Ford Model A & Ford Capri

Steve & Lesley McCann Triumph Spitfire & Landrover John MacKintosh Alfa Romeo

Barry & Tessa Keene ’26 Willys Knight

Bruce & Lorraine Seddon ’39 Pontiac

Les Knowles Morris 8

Bruce Belcher Alfa Romeo

Bevan Lange & Rachel Chrysler Valiant & Toyota Levin Trevor Marshall Mitsubishi

John Lamont & Magz McNulty Daimler

Harry & Gay Sutcliffe Wolseley 1800

Wayne & Sharon Taylor ’34 Cadillac Ben & Marion Vermeulen Talbot Camper

Cassandra & Matthew Goodfellow Holden

Vintage & Classic Car Breakfast - Sunday 4th August

Neil Surtees creations - Ford Anglia & VW Beetle
Nobby’s Nosh - Tuesday 6th August

Mid-week Run to

- Wednesday 14th August


Line-up of cars ready to set off to Matamata

Daffodil Rally for Cancer Sunday 25th August

Photo’s by Clive Woods .10.
More Daffodil Rally Photo’s by Les .13.
Barry & Tessa Keene’s Willys Knight leading the parade through Whakatane with Clive & Louise Wood’s Morris Minor next in line .16.

Rotorua Sulphur City Rally Saturday 31st August

John & Jacqui’s Cadillac Eldorado
Steve & Joy’s Cortina
Simon & Annie’s Jaguar XJ6 and Les & Gail’s Capri
John & Magz’ Daimler .17.


Club Calendar of Events commencing September 2024

Wednesday 11th

Saturday 21st

Thursday 26th

Sunday 29th


Saturday 5th

Sunday 6th

Fri 11th – Sun 13th

Wednesday 16th

Sunday 20th

Thursday 31st


Fri 1st – Sunday 3rd

Sunday 17th

Thursday 21st – Tuesday 26th

Mid-week Run Details to come

Mangakino Lake Hop

Club Night, Athletic Clubrooms, Short St, Whakatane from 7.00pm with the Meeting starting at 7.30pm

Club Run being arranged by Phil & Margaret

Te Aroha Cruise-in

Vintage & Classic Car Breakfast

Taumaruni Rally Entry Forms available if you want one

Mid-week Run

Club Run

Club Night, Athletic Clubrooms, Short St, Whakatane from 7.00pm with the Meeting starting at 7.30pm

Northland Branch Far North Tour

Waikato Swap-meet

Inter-branch visit to Gisborne & Mahia & for those that wish to go on to Napier Sunday night, over the Gentle Annie on Monday to stay at Taihape then home Tuesday

If you don’t have a Vintage or Classic Vehicle, come along to events in your modern

Further out - dates to note: Our Annual East Coast Rally Saturday 1st February 2025

Please support our East Coast Rally Sponsors

REPCO Nicholson Autos

Commerce Street Autos Whakatane Printers

Several years ago the Branch Photo Album couldn’t be found

This is an important record of our Branch History Has anyone seen it in recent years or know of its whereabouts It would be great to get it back for our 50th Anniversary coming up We have been told it was last seen at a presentation about 2006



Eastern Bay of Plenty Branch

Postal Address: PO Box 2168, Kopeopeo, Whakatane 3159

Branch Officers: 2024/2025


Honorary Branch Member: Lorolei Pollard

Bevan Lange 027 460 3466

Vice Chairman: Clive Wood 027 276 9806

Secretary: Margaret Leaming 027 351 0432

Treasurer: Joy Growden 07 304 9777

Club Captain: Les Costar 027 271 7022

Committee: Steve Growden 07 304 9777

Lorraine Stock 07 307 1965

Alan Stock 07 307 1965

John Burton 021 02501138

Lytle Hall 027 703 4539

Trevor Marshall 07 308 7957

Running Board: Interim Editor Gail Costar 027 271 7022

Beaded Wheels Reporter: Bruce Seddon 07 322 2137

Almoner: Lorraine Stock 07 307 1965

Name Badge Sales: Margaret Leaming 027 351 0432

VIC Collators: Bevan Lange 027 460 3466 Bruce Seddon 07 322 2137

Parts Shed Supervisors: Phil Leaming 07 304 8415

Steve Growden 07 304 9777

John Burton 021 02501138

Branch Delegate: Bevan Lange 027 460 3466

Raffles: Lorraine Stock 07 307 1965

Supper Supervisor: Lorraine Stock

Community Liaison: Lytle Hall 027 703 4539

Archivists: Les & Gail Costar 027 271 7022

Saleable Items: Barry Spry 07 312 4737

EBOP Cloth Jacket Badges $7.50

EBOP Car Window Stickers $1.00

EBOP Lapel Badges $6.00

EBOP Cloth Jacket Patches $10.00

EBOP Car Bumper Badges $20.00

EBOP VCC Windscreen Stickers $2.00

EBOP Cloth Caps $15.00 Rally Number Holders s/s $15.00

NZVCC Winged Lapel Badges $7.50 VCC Cloth Winged Badges $13.00 (these will be available at Club Nights)

EBOP Name Badges $15.00 (to be ordered) Please wear your name badge to VCC functions. Club Night: Last Thursday of the month (except December) At: Whakatane Athletic Clubrooms, Short Street, Whakatane 7.00pm Social Get-together Branch Meeting starting at 7.30pm .19.

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