Committee Members for 2023-2024 Chairman
Owen Duthie
Vice Chairman
Steve Dyson
Barry Anderson
Robert Todd
Club Captain Parts Department Keith Blackman
Peter Bootsma
Bill Ryan Richard Terry
689-7063 022-6375813
Club Room Convener Suzanne Anderson
Barry Anderson
Coming Events Parts
New Battery Charger locked up in parts shed
Steve Donating Ford 10 Parts
Wallaby Rally
Scooter Run
March 10th May
Motorbike Rally 3 Passes/Gorges
South Canterbury Waimate
Next Meeting : 15th February 2024 7.30pm clubrooms
Club Captain Nil .
GENERAL BUSINESS: Steve Dyson volunteered to be Delegate for Executive meeting Moved that our Delegate Support the Wellington Motion regarding VCC structure Peter Seconded Peter B Carried Motorbike Rally 23 entries received to date Bill to be backup Wallaby Rally Organised but entries numbers are way down at present, Volunteers required for field tests. Scooter run to be Held 24th February Mens Shed have expressed in interest getting dozer going Teapot Rally in October Peter to Organise Garage Raid August maybe out turn to Organise to confirm
Meeting closed 8.30
Next Meeting 15th February
Waimate Vintage Car Club Minutes Dated 18th January 2024
Unfinancial Members as 12/01/2024
Back to pen and paper again. Well we are in another new year. Hope everybody had a great Xmas and are going to have a prosperous New Year. We are off to a good start with the kickstart Rally being very successful with 30 riders attending on a brilliant day. Thanks to Peter and Barry for organising it and the member who put on morning and afternoon tea and of course Bill for being our back up vehicle. What a great lunch at the Glenavy hotel. Next the Wallaby rally on the 10th of February not very far away Barry has been busy organising it Thanks Barry. Shortly after it's the Nifty 50 run on the 24th of February. The clearlight for the parts shed has been purchased thanks to Richard for doing a deal for the club.. Thanks also to Peter for donating some lights for our meeting room it's going to be alot brighter. t's great that if anything is needed somebody does step up so we can achieve the task ahead. Cheers team. The new trophy has been handed on by Steve Congratulated Bill for the work he has done in the past. Good on ya Bill.. Last but not least Sthanks to Steve who will be representing Waimate VCC club at the next National meeting in Chch. Steve also will be Chairing the next meeting, Barry and I will be cruising on our Motorbikes.
Entry Forms for Various Rallies
Next Meeting February 15 at 7.30 Cheers Owen
Owen Duthie
As Per Attached
Apologies Jill, ,Jonathan, Robert Owen R, Robbie
Moved they be accepted: Peter Seconded Steve carried Minutes
Minutes of the November 2023 meeting have been
Circulated taken as read and confirmed moved Peter Seconded Trevor Carried Correspondence Inwards Registration for Executive Meeting Minutes Management October 23
Outwards: Nil
Club Rooms Convenor: Suzanne Lights in Meeting Room Peter to donate LED Lights Wiring to be sorted out for them Financial: Robert Todd as per attached Dec and Jan Moved the report be adopted and accounts be paid Steve Seconded Trevor Carried
Well we are into the 2024 year now, how last year has flown by.
Towed a load out could not get reverse , emptied the trailer did another load investigated and found a axle sheared at the best angle to drive forward but not reverse .
In November the Waimate and Oamaru members held their annual Tea Pot rally. This trophy is sort after annually by Waimate and Oamaru members. Members met between the Kurow bridges in the Waitaki valley.
Its been in water 1/2 way up the doors and got though but I spent a few weeks cleaning it out , amazing amount of silt .
The day was not the best but we enjoyed a picnic lunch before starting an enjoyable run down the valley through the back roads towards Oamaru.
Yes as per note on the windows . WANTED FREE RANGE CHICKS FOT THIS COUPE
The Tea Pot was won by an Oamaru member this year after it was handed over from the last winner from Waimate.
All running gear is standard , it sucks fuel like a V8 but what the hell they are still making it (so far).
The Origin of the Species A few people have wondered about my Desoto Coupe special. It started like this , my father (whom some have meet) and I decided over a few or more bourbons to turn parts car (4 door sedan) into an Irishman’s special We had previously have been using my sedan or Dads’ 26 Chev. It was going to be a truck but as my kids were young we decided to make it a double cab. So over the next 6 months we took out the back doors moved everything forward made new wheels arches and basically rebuilt a rusted wreck into a usable car. We built it tough with extra wood + braces, telescopic shocks on the front , air shocks on rear, tow bar , radio , 12volts system, decent lights in the original shells . The seat folds down into a bed. It had to be certified but this was no drama.
In December members meet at Riverstone near Oamaru for a great Christmas lunch catered for by them. We started with members meeting at the Waimate club rooms and we ambled our way to Riverstone via a mystery run, with bits to do and find on the way. The mystery run winner had their lunch paid for. Congratulations to Peter Bland for getting the closest travel time and for thinking up a great way to complete the run directions by taking a photo of a poster along the way (a photo requirement of partner on a swing) as he was travelling alone. Well done Peter. Lunch was enjoyed by the 20 plus members who attended.
It certainly proved its worth, I have been truly struck only twice and need a little help, both times in mud with wheels not touching ground.
We used it to tow a 15ft Caravan so it became every ones nightmare a vintage car and a caravan flat out at 45mph in ideal conditions. The poor old thing has been used as a farm tractor, my holden could not tow a trailer into a paddock but the Desoto could pull it out fully loaded. Broke an axle before Irishmans Rally .
Peter about to enjoy his prize
Members enjoying a very nice lunch
Safe and happy travels for 2024 everyone. Maureen Chamberlain Club
For Waimate Vintage Car
2024 Kickstart Motorbike Rally
Lunch Stop Glenavy Hotel
Assembling for the run
Arriving back at clubrooms after the Run Winners Publicans Choice was Stuart Gutsell on a 1926 Indian Chief King of the Rally was Andrew Roxburgh on a 1979 Silk