Committee Members for 2024-2025
Chairman Owen Duthie 021-2942158
Vice Chairman Wayne Hullen 027-3726263
Secretary Barry Anderson 027-4852032
Treasurer Robert Todd 689-8103
Club Captain
Parts Department Keith Blackman 689-8278
Peter Bootsma 027-9310209
Bill Ryan 689-7063
Richard Terry 022-6375813
Club Room Convener Suzanne Anderson 027-2275406
Newsletter Barry Anderson 027-4852032
Coming Events
23rd TenPinBowling NorthOtago
26th Midweek Run Waimate
28-29 MotorMuster Geraldine
13th GarageRaid NorthOtago
25-28 NationalCommercialRally NOtago
Next Meeting : 20th June 2024 7.30pm clubrooms
Vice Chairman nominated Wayne Hullen to be confirmed
Secretary Barry Anderson Nominated Donald seconded
John carried
Treasurer Robert Todd nominated Brett seconded Richard carried
Parts Nomination forms received for Peter Bootsma , Bill Ryan, Keith Blackman, Richard Terry. Moved Peter seconded
Trevor carried
Hall Convenor Suzanne moved Peter seconded Bill carried
Club Captain no nominations' received
Bank Signatories for payments Barry Anderson
Steve Dyson
Robert Todd
Moved Owen Richardson Seconded Peter B carried
Other General Business
Donald and Maureen to Organise Daffodil Day and to be co -opted onto the committee for this.
Thanks from the Men's Shed for the use of the hall
Thanks to Maureen for Beaded Wheels contributions
Meeting closed at 9.30pm
Waimate Vintage Car Club Annual General Meeting
Dated 16th May 2024
Welcome Owen Duthie
Present 17 members as per attached
Apologies Robert,Robbie, Margaret,Jill, Sandra,Lorraine
Moved they be accepted Owen Seconded Steve carried
Minutes Minutes of the May 2023 AGM read out
moved Peter seconded Richard carried
Chairmans report (attached) moved Barry Seconded Donald
Hall Convenor report (attached) moved Bill seconded Steve
Parts report given
Treasurer Report (as attached) Moved Peter seconded Trevor
General Business
Storage fees to be same as last year moved Steve seconded Peter carried
Subs to remain the same moved Peter seconded Steve carried
Election of Officers:
Chairman Owen Duthie moved Barry seconded Peter carried
Hi to all members.
I didn't think I was going to be writing a report this year, but don't things change. Back in the seat for another year. What a great turn out for the AGM meeting and some good reports on our progress. Steve started off the year with a new mid week car run last Wednesday. A great day as I understand it. Looks like we are lining up for another busy year with our first Committee meeting on the 30th May. I would like to congratulate those members on there positions on the committee with some new members joining us. First up we will be attending to a new face lift for our club rooms. Some good idea's have been coming forward for club car runs and functions with other clubs. Please don't forget to let Barry or myself know numbers for the 10 pin bowling with Oamaru. It's important we start interacting with other clubs more. See you all at the next meeting on Thursday 20th June.
Cheers Owen
3 Passes 3 Gorges 2024
May the 11th once again was our 3 Passes/Gorges Rally.
This year I decided to run it from Waimate towards the McKenzie Pass lst. Not backwards as in the last newsletter. I probably could have done it but would not know if I was coming or going.
It was rather cool in the morning but I was quite warm in the 29 Desoto Coupe with Barry navigating. Margaret and Heather mean while froze in the 28 chev. Every one else was in modern 4wd so has a warmer smoother run.
We stopped briefly at Cave for a cup of brew and a fuel top up for me. I drove through the ford in the McKenzie pass don’t think anyone else did , it wasn't as deep as usual but the bottom was a little soft..
Next stop was at the McKenzie Memorial where it was discovered that Marg had a delaminated tyre on the chev, which had caused a hand size piece to disappear leaving the canvas exposed but not deflating.
Thanks to team work we very quickly had the tyre swapped out for the spare.(nascar had nothing on us)
Lunch was consumed at Cattle Creek and after a pleasant chat we headed for Meyers Pass. It had just Been shingled with extra chunky pit run and boulders, making a lot of fun on the uphill sections
Late afternoon we rolled into the Forks Hotel dusty and happy after a good days motoring.
I like to thank the people who turned up and for Barry for typing up and printing my scribbled Rally sheet Cheers Brett
Waimate Vintage Car Club Minutes
Dated 16th May 2024
Welcome Owen Duthie
Present As Per Attached
Apologies Robert,Robbie, Margaret,Jill, Sandra,Lorraine
Moved they be accepted: Steve Seconded Keith carried
Minutes Minutes of the April2024 meeting have been
Circulated taken as read and confirmed
moved John Seconded Suzanne
Inwards VIC Renewal Process Outwards: Nil
Moved Donald Seconded John carried
Club Rooms Convenor: Suzanne Nil
Financial: Robert Todd as per attached
Moved the report be adopted and accounts be paid Barry
Seconded Steve Carried
General Business
Report on 3 Passes 3 Gorges Run
Numbers needed for 10 Pin Bowling 23 June
Midweek run 22 May
Discussions on renovations to be held at next committee meeting 2 weeks time
Meeting Closed 8.00
Inaugural Mid week Run
hi everyone
The mid week run was a great success with about 8 cars and 15 people attending
The royal was a good starting point most people had a meal or a coffee and chips which was greatly received.
With a full tummy we headed off about 1 30 we had a little rain to start with but it soon cleared we headed off up Mill road and crossed over to hunter hills and followed them around to woolshed valley road then down to state highway one ,then back to the clubrooms via lower hook road for a cupper.
everyone seemed to enjoy the run and had a good day
I thank everyone for attending and we are looking forward to the next one
SO KEEP THE LAST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH FREE we hope to have a run every month
Thanks again
Yours in motoring
3 Passes Run stopping McKenzie Memorial 2024 Trans Alpine Scooter Safari
On the18th May Owen Duthie, Gordon Duthie (Owen's brother) Vern , Clay, and myself participated in the Cancer Society Fund raising rally from Christchurch to Hokitika on our 50cc Scooters the following page is a report from Gordon Duthie on the rally
Our Team Hills Haulers at end of Rally
Trans Alpine Scooter Safari 2024
My name is Hero Gizmo and this is a report on the Trans Alpine Scooter Safari that me and my rider went on, Sat 18 th May. It was all to do with raising funds for the Cancer Society.
The run went from Macleans Island (Christchurch) to Hokitika which was 250km away. This seemed a long way to me considering since I was made in 1997, I had only done 750km and I’m now expected to do 250 in one day!!?? I had been in the van which was warm but at the starting place it was frosty, never mind at least it wasn’t raining.
My rider went to the office and got all the guff etc. and got dressed up for the cold. He topped my fuel tank up and we rode over to the start line area where all the other bikes were parking up. There were 5 of us in our team called, “Hills Haulers” of which a big Hills Haulers sticker was placed on me.
Boy, I was feeling a bit nervous and excited all at the same time, but, I did notice that I was the only bike here with peddles. I figured that this may not be much of a problem because Wendy from across the road gave my rider a block of chocolate for energy and we had also raised a total of $2343.00 with a total of $5818.00 from the Hills Haulers team.
All this gave me hope and strength. I was a bit disappointed though that rider was saying that I was just a Gizmo at the start but would become a Hero when we get to Hokitika. 5 minutes to go and I was started up, I held my Handlebars high and with my tyres all pumped up, and a tight chain was ready to go. 250 or so other bikes got going with horns and hooters making a real racket, made my spokes tingle:
Nine o’clock and we were off out onto the West Coast Highway heading to our first stop at Sheffield. People were parked along the road and out at their gates waving and clapping us along the way. Many of the bikes and riders were all dressed up such as a snail, flintstones, courier van, world’s fastest Indian, nuns, teddy bears of all sorts, space suits, tassels and tails etc. and one with a home-made side car like a small bus with two small dogs in it.
As we travelled, I noticed that there were a lot of bikes with more than 49cc but I was not being intimidated by them. We were soon out of the frost and into a slight but warm head wind as we arrived at Sheffield. Note that I was doing all the work to here. Beryl in the back up van was already at Sheffield and met me with top up fuel. After they had a pie each, we were all off again. I did notice my rider chomping on chocolate so wondered if he was going to put in a bit of pedal effort on this stage to Lake Lyndon
The wind was getting up a bit and I was heading up and up but still going well as I travelled between the mountains. I was being passed, but I was passing others as well. I was now starting to huff and puff a bit and was wondering when chocolate powered rider was going to pump the peddles. I went around another corner and there was a bit of a tail wind, but this didn’t last as the next corner was into the head wind again, at last chocolate power was helping however up the hill a bit more my power was running out and chocolate was just holding on, then we came to a halt. I stopped next to two other bikes of which one was dead, well that’s what its rider said. We were on Porters Pass and there was near 200 meters to the top. More chocolate was consumed by rider. and some handed to the other riders in sympathy.
It needed teamwork from here to the top, rider walked beside me, and I sort of idled the way up the hill stopping every now and then for a rest. As we were getting to the top a backup truck with a large trailer was coming up the hill loaded with bikes, perhaps some of them had died as well. The man stopped and asked rider if I needed carried up to the top, No, he answered, the bikes fine and we’ll get to the top okay. O Boy, that made me feel good as I didn’t want to be put on the trailer with other dead bikes.
Over the top (939mtr above sea level) and down to Lake Lyndon arriving 5 minutes before back on the road again. While I was being refueled, I figured out that Porter Pass is an Alpine and I don’t want another one for a while. We were not last arriving or heading away with the next stop for a late lunch at Arthurs Pass. On the way a little pedal power was needed but it all seemed easier now the Alpine was behind me.
Up to now I we have been in the sun with a little cloud but at Arthurs Pass the cloud was low quite dark and damp and cool. It became very wet and foggy at the top and down the other side. All the hard work was done now as its mainly down hill to our next stop a Kumara. My wheels were really spinning now Weeeeee. Coming into Kumar was amazing people lined ether side of the road with signs and balloons and lights waving clapping etc. This continued all the way to Hokitika where the 5 of us travelled together. Coming into Hokitika we were directed around streets to go down the main street passed people holding their hands out high fiving as we go past. What an amazing feeling
We then continued to the end at the Boys Brigade Large Hall for the evening meal and function for the riders. A total of $368103.00 was raised.
I Made It with a bit of teamwork so rider said I’m a Big Hero. I must thank everyone for both donations and moral support. It started raining so rider loaded me into Beryl's backup van zzzzzzzzz. Words by Hero Gizmo,
Writer, Gordon Duthie
Hero Gizmo