b.r.anderson@outlook.co.nz WAIMATE BRANCH OF THE VINTAGE CAR
Coming Events
7th SwapMeet Waimate
21st HororataSwapMeet Hororata
25th MidweekRun Waimate
4th RotaryRaffleNewWorld
25-28 NationalCommercialRally NOtago
Next Meeting : 19th September 2024 7.30pm clubrooms
General Business
Daffodil Day
Report from Donald on Daffodil Day
Car Display Seddon Square Cancer Society to run BBQ
Quiz Nite help needed to set up hall at 4.00
Moved that $78.00 be spent on an Advert in the Trader for Daffodil Day Moved Owen Seconded
Peter carried Volunteers needed for Delivery of Daffodils on Monday the 26th.
Swap Meet
Report from Peter on the Swap meet
Help needed to set up on the Friday
Raffles to be help at the Supermarket in October and November
Thanks to Maureen for reports in Beaded Wheels
Working Bee 31 August
Next Midweek Run 28th and discussion on a possible run to the local Marae run cost $120 to be further investigated
Closed at 9.30 next meeting 19th August
Waimate Vintage Car Club Meeting
Dated 15th August 2024
Welcome Owen Duthie
Present 13 members as per attached
Apologies Suzanne, Maureen, Sandra, Jill, Lorraine R, Brian
Moved they be accepted Peter Seconded Donald carried
Minutes Minutes of the July 2024 meeting have been circulated taken as read and confirmed
moved Bill seconded Trevor carried Correspondence
Nil Reports
Financial : Robert Todd as attached
Moved the report be accepted and accounts paid Robert Todd seconded Keith Carried
Report On VCC AGM
A report on the VCC AGM held in Tauranga from Rebecca and Earnest George.
Discussion on the New Constitution For the VCC with feed back to the national President by end of October.
New Club Constitution to be adopted next AGM
New Constitutions to be reviewed by Committee and feed back to members
Hi guys.
Another good meeting last month. I must say it's great to have members come forward with their ideas for the club activities and to help at functions.
First of all a big thanks to Earnst and Rebecca from Oamaru who came along to our meeting to fill us in on information from the National AGM. Cheers guys.
Don't forget about our swap meet on Saturday 7th September. Need any information ? contact Peter Bland.
WOW. What a Successful
Daffodil weekend we have just had.
Thanks to the Cancer Society for cooking the BBQ at the market day in Waimate along with the helpers. Up to 25 cars turned up for the display. There were a lot of great comments.
Saturday night Quiz WOW I thought we were going to run out of room in the club rooms with up to 50 people turning up. Great fun any awesome supper was had. Thanks Steve for the Quiz questions Great Job. Also thanks to all helpers.
Sunday scooter run 7 bikes turned up a bit cool but with a cuppa and hot savouries for morning smoko we set off. About 75 km run throughly enjoyed by all. Unfortunately 1 bike had to be trailered back with a miner problem. Back to the club rooms for a BBQ lunch thanks to Trevor and helpers. Last but not least a huge thank you to Maureen and Donald for a well organized weekend and especially the advertising. Great success Guys. The amount advertised will be revealed at a later date.
Once again to all of those Helpers and those people who donated money to the cause and attended our functions. THANKS GUY'S. Signing off now.
Next meeting 19th September 7.30 pm
Daffodil Day 2024 Car Display Seddon Square
Bar-b-que Seddon Square
Rally Information
The North Otago Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand (Inc.) cordially welcomes all members of the VCC and affiliated overseas Clubs to participate in the 2024 National 7th Commercial Rally.
The Rally will be based in Oamaru, rally packs will be picked up on Friday, from 5.30pm to 8pm at the
North Otago Branch Clubrooms, Stoke St, Oamaru. Saturday and Sunday morning rally will start from the Park at the bottom of Wansbeck Street, in the Precinct, Oamaru. Saturday and Sunday evenings will be held at the Brydone Hotel, 115 Thames Street, Oamaru.
The Waitaki District has a rich history of farming grain and flour mills from the 1870s onwards. Sheep farming was also very productive and were the first district to successfully export frozen meat to Britain in 1882. Limestone is another outstanding feature of the Waitaki and remains a soughtafter building material throughout New Zealand. Outcrops throughout the area can be seen when motoring plus won- derful views from the mountains to the sea.
The town of Oamaru has a long history of remarkable buildings built from the Oamaru Stone that can still be seen today in all their glory. The early days were busy with commercial activity and a very busy port.
The Saturday run will be approximately 70 miles long and Sundays run will be approximately 45 miles long and including visits to the limestone quarry and Clarks Mill, one of the only flour mills still in a work- ing condition.
Hosted by North Otago Branch
Rally is based in Oamaru
25—28 October 2024
Entries Close 27th September
Daffodil Day Nifty 50 Scooter Run
Daffodil Quiz Nite
Bring along all that stuff lying around and turn it into cash.
For more information contact Peter 027 644 3824
Briggs and Stratton
Briggs and Stratton was started in 1908 by Stephen R Briggs and Harry Stratton.
Their first idea was to build a 6 cylinder 2 stroke automobile engine but this concept never actually left the workshop.
Their next notable effort was for a “Motor Wheel” an idea that first surfaced in England and was produced by B&S from 1919. The motorized wheel which was to be attached to a horse cart or a buggy to eliminate the horse . As the Motor Wheel sold for $225 and a Model T Ford could be brought at the time for $325 sales were probably slow.
How ever the small motors they developed were successful to the point that they had produced their 100,000,000 motor in 1976
On July 20, 2020, Briggs & Stratton filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. KPS Capital Partners purchased a majority of the company stake for $550 million. .
Briggs & Stratton builds over 9,000,000 engines in the USA each year. The company employs over 3,000 employees in six states.