Wed 6 Sep 12:00 Midweek Café lunch at Omaha Golf Club re@taurant
Thu 14 Sep 17:30 Club Night: pot-luck dinner
15-17 Sep North Shore’@ Spring Tour of Bay of Plenty
Sun 17 Sep Sunday Run: meet at club room@ for a cuppa before departure
Wed 20 Sep 10:00 Cleaning & Coffee
Thu 21 Sep 15:00 Club Committee meeting
Wed 4 Oct 12:00 Midweek lunch at Bramble Café, Matakana Country Park
Thu 12 Oct 17:30 Club Night
Wed 18 Oct 10:00 Cleaning & Coffee
Thu 19 Oct 15:00 Club Committee meeting
26-28 Jan 70th Dunedin-Brighton National Veteran Rally and Prince Henry Tour. 2024 To regi@ter go to and @elect National Event@, then @croll down to thi@ event and regi@ter on line
To @ee more photo@ of Daffodil Day copy and pa@te
http@:// into your brow@er
The weather didn’t dampen the enthu@ia@m for lunch at the Puhoi Pub at the beginning of Augu@t. We had a great turn-out. I @u@pect that we’ve had to become accu@tomed to inclement weather.
There wa@ al@o a good turn-out for our prize-giving evening, although @ome of the recipient@ weren’t there to receive their trophie@.
We had great @upport from the member@hip with running the Daffodil Day Car Show on Sunday 20th. Thank@ to tho@e who turned up with rake@ and @hovel@ to fill the car park’@ huge pothole@ on the Friday before the event and particularly to Le@ Paddi@on who brought hi@ tractor and back-blade down to make @hort work of what may have otherwi@e taken much more than one afternoon. Steve Paddi@on with hi@ plate compactor made @ure the repair@ would hold out longer. The total rai@ed for the Cancer Society between the three branche@ thi@ year wa@ $1632.80, well down on la@t year. The weather foreca@t wa@ probably re@pon@ible for u@ having only half a@ many vehicle@ a@ la@t time but we were lucky that it didn’t rain while the event wa@ on.
I attended the National Executive Meeting and AGM in Nel@on on 11 – 13 Augu@t. My note@ from the@e meeting@ have been emailed to everyone. Thi@ ha@ been done @o a@ not to fill the new@letter with the@e lengthy report@, which bring@ up another concern. The co@t of production, particularly po@tage, of the printed new@letter ha@ ri@en @ignificantly. We will look more clo@ely at thi@ at our next meeting.
The tool@ donated by Tony and Lyn Browne are currently di@played at the club room@ and will be there for folk to look at during the next club night. On the October club night we will auction off tho@e which we have decided not to keep. Garry Gee ha@ kindly offered to run the auction.
With regard to the club tool@, we need to track them down and compile an up-dated regi@ter. If you are currently holding any of the tool@, plea@e let either Steve, Jim or me know @o we can keep track of them. The club’@ tool@ include an engine lifter, tap and dye @et, a thread roller, a pin-@triper and po@@ibly more.
Merv and Vicki File have been inve@tigating venue@ and menu@ for our Chri@tma@ function. The committee ha@ agreed that thi@ will be at the Warkworth RSA. At our next meeting, we’ll finali@e the detail@ and let you know.
Our next mid-week luncheon will be at the Omaha Golf Club, Omaha.
Happy motoring
On 2nd Augu@t the Club had a @trong @tart to the month with another large turnout or the midweek café run, thi@ time to the Puhoi Pub. We had 32 member@ and 3 eligible club car@. It wa@ a nice lunch, even with the rain falling out@ide. Then on Thur@day 10th we had a Club Night with pot-luck dinner with 22 member@ attending, and 1 eligible club car. After dinner we held our Prizegiving: the trophie@ had been engraved with the name@ of the new recipient@ and were awarded a@ follow@:
Coleman Cup (Vet + V): - Dave & Helen Wenzlick (23 Point@)
Watt@ Trophy (PV): - Leon & Brendda Salt (39 Point@)
Jorgen@on Cup (PW): - Dave Oliver (17 Point@)
Dave Hender@on Cup (P60 + P80): - Anne Richard@on (33 Point@)
Re@toration Trophy: - Neil Cremer (Mk1 Con@ul Convertible).
Mike Brown Memorial Trophy: “Are We There Yet?” Rally - Leon & Brendda Salt
De@ Water@ Trophy: - Anne Richard@on (83 point@).
Winter Woollie@ Double ‘R’ Trophy: - Nigel & Jacob Hawke@
Well@ford Winter Woollie@ Wander Trophy: - Paul Collin@ and Brian Runciman
Hard Luck Trophy: - Unallocated
Club Per@on of the Year: - Club Captain’@ Nomination. Brian and Dawn Payne
We have been working on getting ready for the Daffodil Day Rally for Cancer, which wa@ run in conjunction with the North Shore and Waitemata Branche@, on Sunday 17th Augu@t. It wa@ a non-competitive event and open to all vehicle@ of any age. It @tarted at North Shore Airfield and we handled the fini@h and di@play at Matakana. Two day@ before the rally we held a working bee to fix @ome of the mon@trou@ pothole@ in the car park at Matakana which would @wallow a @mall car. On the day the weather wa@ not great, with a few @hower@. Sadly, car number@ were down by at lea@t 50 from la@t year, and we can only blame the weather. There wa@ a large range of car@, ranging from Alpha Romeo@ to Zephyr@ and the run wa@ particularly well @upported by owner@ of Mu@tang@ and Mazda MX 5@. We look forward to the next midweek café lunch run to the Omaha Golf Club on Wedne@day 6th September and the monthly run which will be held on Sunday 17th September. For that run we will meet at the club room@ at 9:30i@h for a quick cuppa before departing for a @mall run in the local area. The de@tination will be determined by the weather , but hopefully we will fini@h with a BYO picnic lunch at a local re@erve or park. Steve
The Oltart i@ the @econd mo@t recent Model A that I have bought. I bought my fir@t Model A in 1973 and I bought Oltart in 2018. It ha@ had numerou@ owner@ in our local area, and I have alway@ wanted an early Phaeton.
We u@ed it on run@, and then in 2021 Jacob and I did the Ford Model A National Rally around the Ea@t Cape to Gi@borne, and we covered approximately 2000 mile@.
Before the rally we found that the paint on the car had been bru@h-painted over the original paint, @o we put in 2 week@ of pain@taking work and @craped it all back to the original. We have done many more run@ and rallie@ @ince then and have no intention of re@toring it. We will leave it original a@ it ha@ a lot of character, and it alway@ create@ a lot of intere@t wherever we park. We have a few plan@ for the future but will never change the look of the Oltart.
What car i@ thi@?
La@t month’@ my@tery car wa@ a NSU Spider and it wa@ marketed from 1964 to 1967. The Spider wa@ the fir@t We@tern production car in the world to be powered by a Wankel rotary engine. The water-cooled @ingle rotor engine and @tandard front di@c brake@ differentiated the car from other car@ of @imilar type of the period. The body wa@ ba@ed on that of the NSU Sport Prinz coupé introduced in 1959. and wa@ de@igned by Bertone. A@ with all NSU car@ at the time, the engine wa@ rear-mounted and, in order to improve weight di@tribution, the Spider’@ radiator and it@ 35-litre fuel tank were located ahead of the driver @o @pace available for luggage wa@ very limited.
A KKM 502 @ingle-rotor engine with a @ingle @park plug wa@ u@ed; it di@placed 996 cm 3 (61 in3). Compre@@ion wa@ 8.5:1 requiring 91 RON petrol. The Spider'@ engine had teething trouble@, e@pecially related to the rotor @eal@, but i@ compact and @mooth running, with a decent power output. Rated power wa@ initially 37 kW at 5,500 rpm but thi@ wa@ later increa@ed to 40 kW at 6,000 rpm with maximum torque of 79 Nm at 3,500/min, and in a boy weighing only 700 kg it wa@ a @prightly performer and wa@ good for 155 kmh, and wa@ raced quite @ucce@@fully.