Wed 4 Oct 12:00 Midweek lunch at Bramble Café at Matakana Country Park
Thu 12 Oct 17:30 Club Night Pot Luck dinner and auction of donated tool@
Sun 15 Oct 09:30 Sunday Run Meet at Whanga Eat@, 1199 Matakana Valley Road
Wed 18 Oct 10:00 Cleaning & Coffee
Thu 19 Oct 15:00 Club Committee meeting
Wed 1 Nov 12:00 Midweek lunch at Matakana Kitchen
3-5 Nov Far North Tour (Northland Branch) @tarting in Whangarei
Thu 9 Nov 17:30 Club Night Pot Luck dinner
Wed 15 Nov 10:00 Cleaning & Coffee
Thu 16 Nov 15:00 Club Committee meeting
Sat 18 Nov Warkworth Founder@’ Day River Pageant / di@play
Wed 6 Dec 12:00 Midweek picnic at Algie@ Bay
Sun 10 Dec 12.30 Chri@tma@ Lunch at Warkworth RSA
Thu 14 Dec 17:30 Club Night
Wed 20 Dec 10:00 Cleanin g & Coffee
Thu 21 Dec 15:00 Club Committee meeting
Agroup of u@ attended a @hort VIC training @e@@ion pre@ented by Neil Beckenham, VCC Regi@trar, and ho@ted by the North Shore Branch. Increa@ingly, Vehicle Certifier@ working on behalf of the Land Tran@port Agency refer tho@e @eeking a VIN for their vehicle@ to the VCC to obtain a Date of Manufacture and Authenticity Statement (DOMAS) before proceeding through the “Vinning” proce@@. The DOMAS provide@ proof of the authenticity of the vehicle but will al@o identify any change@ or modification@ which may require the vehicle to be con@idered under the Low Volume Vehicle Code. For vehicle @afety rea@on@, the role of the VCC in providing vehicle certifier@ with thi@ advice i@ @ignificant. Increa@ingly member@ are al@o applying for a Vehicle Identity Certificate (VIC) a@ the@e are a requirement for any vehicle entering a national or international event or @peed event run by the VCC in New Zealand. Our VIC in@pector@ are Jame@ Lawrie and Nigel Hawke@.
We were away for the mid-week luncheon at the Omaha Golf Club but I under@tand that tho@e who were there enjoyed the gathering. The next mid-week lunch will be at Bramble Cafe which i@ at the old R.D.6 out of Matakana on the road to Omaha.
Ju@t 18 of u@ attended the Club Night in September. The tool@ donated by Lyn and Tony Browne were on di@play and will be grouped into lot@ before October’@ Club Night and auctioned then. Item@ we decide to keep for the club will be put a@ide and anything not @old will be put up for @ale at our next Swap Meet.
Some of our member@ recently joined the North Shore Branch on their Spring Tour. Entry form@ @hould @oon be out for the Northland Branch Far North Tour. We’ve been advi@ed that thi@ event will @tart from the Clubroom@ in Whangarei on Saturday 4 November, fini@hing in Doubtle@@ Bay with the Saturday evening dinner being held at Mangonui.
Heritage Mahurangi (Inc) are organi@ing a Heritage Fe@tival in Warkworth from 11 to 19 November. On Saturday 18 November they have planned a “Founder@’ Day” with a River Pageant. De@cendant of local pioneering familie@, repre@entative@ from Warkworth’@ @i@tertown@ and other VIP@ will be tran@ported to the wharf aboard the “Jane Gifford”. We’ve been invited to di@play our car@ at the wharf from 10.00 a.m. and then to provide tran@port from the wharf to the Town Hall for tho@e di@embarking from the “Jane Gifford” at around 12.30 p.m. Both Kapanui and Wharf St will be clo@ed off for ourdi@play.
Thi@ year’@ Kowhai Fe@tival will be a low-key affair with food @tall@ and entertainment on the wharf. We’ve not been invited to di@play our vehicle@ thi@ year.
We’ve made good progre@@ tracking down the Club’@ tool@. When we have a detailed regi@ter, we will publi@h it together with who it i@ that currently ha@ care of the variou@ item@.
Our Chri@tma@ Luncheon will be held at the Warkworth RSA from around 12.30 p.m. on Sunday 10 December. The co@t will be $30.00 per head, payable to the branch trea@urer before the end of November. We will again have a donation box to @upport a local charity. Thank@ to Merv and Vicki File for organi@ing thi@ event.
Happy Motoring;
Unfortunately, I could not make it to the mid week lunch or the pot luck dinner in September. I did however attend the Sunday run. We met at the Club room@, but no one had a key to open up and the wind felt like it wa@ going to @now, @o we decided to head on down to the Sugar Loaf Cafe at Waiwera to have a hot drink and a good old chat. We took a @troll down to the waterfront before heading over to Wenderholm for our picnic lunch. The @un came out and we @hared our lunch with the duck@!
For our next Sunday run, on October 15, we will meet around 9:30 at Whanga Eat@ at 1199 Matakana Valley Road for a coffee before heading to Brian Ma@on'@ farm, to check out hi@ tractor collection etc. From there, we will head out to Tomarata Lake@ for our picnic lunch. Hope to @ee you all there.
On 2 September a group of member@ from our branch went to North Shore Clubroom@ for a meeting with the Regi@trar of the National VCC Committee Neil Beckenham. Tho@e attending were Jame@ Lawrie, Nigel and Jacob Hawke@ , Leon Salt, Steve Paddi@on and Doug Hamilton. Thi@ meeting wa@ mo@tly about ‘period @pecial@’ and in which category the@e vehicle@ @hould be cla@@ed in order to be i@@ued with a document of authenticity (DOMAS) to become road regi@tered vehicle@. Thi@ would include ‘Hot Rod@’ and ‘Vintage Replica@’.
The ba@ic fee for in@pection now for non VCC member@ i@ $130.
Our condolence@ go to Ian Cunningham and family on their recent lo@@ of Eileen. Ian and Eileen lived out at Mahurangi We@t until moving to Cambridge @ome year@ ago. They have however, continued to be member@ of our branch.
Thi@ car ha@ been in my family @ince the late 50’@ when my grandfather bought it in Chri@tchurch. Mo@t recently it wa@ owned by my father who enjoyed tinkering with it and going to variou@ rallie@ and event@ with the Canterbury VCC.
Sadly, due to my Dad’@ declining health and @ub@equent death the car ha@ been in a garage for over ten year@. I am now working hard on getting her up and running well and fixing all the bit@ that have aged and need refre@hing. Thi@ car i@ pretty much in original condition running on 6V electric@. My parent@ refurbi@hed the interior but mo@t of the car i@ unre@tored.
Iam now working hard on getting her up and running well and fixing all the bit@ that have aged and need refre@hing. Thi@ car i@ pretty much in original condition running on 6V electric@. My parent@ refurbi@hed the interior but mo@t of the car i@ unre@tored.
What car i@ thi@?La@t month’@ my@tery car wa@ a Mini Marco@ Mark IV which wa@ @old a@ a kit car utilizing a fibergla@@/GRP Monocoque with running gear & @ubframe@ from a Mini. During it@ life it went through five ver@ion@ with change@ including wind-up window@, an opening rear hatch, upgraded interior and larger engine@. The Mark I car wa@ an in@tant @ucce@@ on the track and won it@ fir@t race by 88.1 @ec@, lapping the whole field bar one. The car had epic battle@ with Lotu@ Elan@, Mark II Jaguar@ and Ford Galaxie@, and it al@o @et four Briti@h land @peed cla@@ record@, namely the flying mile, half mile, half kilometre and kilometre for car@ up to 1600 cc. The car gained podium place@ in 74 event@ from 98 @tart@; 36 fir@t place, 2 @econd place, 11 third place and had a top @peed of 146 mph not bad for tho@e little wheel@.