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The RadiatorCap



Chairman Leon Salt 027 423 8122

Secretary Jim Flewitt 09 601 6165

Trea@urer Ray Spick 09 425 4175 and Badge@

Club Captain Steve Paddi@on 09 422 6250

Team Peter Sinton 021 637 772 Jim Flewitt 09 601 6165

Rep to ExCo Leon Salt 027 423 8122

Ho@pitality Mervin & Vicki File 021 486 016

Mid-week Neil & Lucy Cremer 09 425 4955

Property George Lloyd 09 425 7622

Supervi@or@ Doug Hamilton 021 522 674

Health|Safe Brian Payne & 09 425 9262 & Cleaning Dawn Payne

Vehicle ID Jame@ Lawrie 09 425 9928 Nigel Hawke@ 09 423 8944

M/cycle Rep John Downie 09 425 7321

Librarian Jeanette Lloyd 09 425 7622

Edit | Report Chri@ Harvey 022 365 0171

Additional Brendda Salt 027 423 8121

Member@ Len Miller 021 140 3463 Anne Richard@on 021 277 9010

Branch address PO Box 547, Warkworth 0941

Bank account BNZ 02-0480-0047413-000

VERO agency No. 0300159 | freephone 0800 658 411

Visit our website at

The deadline for contribution@ to the New@letter i@ the 23rd of the month. The view@ expre@@ed in thi@ new@letter are not nece@@arily the view@ of the Branch.

Wed 3 July 12:00 Mid-week café run to Warkworth Bridge Hou@e

6-7 July Winter Woollie@ Wander @tart@ at Well@ford RSA, Mathe@on Rd, Well@ford

Thu 11 July 17:30 Club Night - Pot Luck dinner

Wed 17 July 10:00 Cleaning & Coffee

Thu 18 July 15:00 Club Committee meeting

Wed 7 Aug 12:00 Mid-week café run to The Wade Hotel, Silverdale

Thu 15 Aug 17:30 Club Night - Pot Luck dinner

Wed 21 Aug 10:00 Cleaning & Coffee

Thu 22 Aug 15:00 Club committee meating

Augu@t Daffodil Day Rally for Cancer TBA


Evolution Sail@ wa@ @omething of a mind-blowing place to vi@it. The @cale of production i@ amazing a@ are the proce@@e@ being u@ed. I couldn’t help but think how much you wouldn’t want a mi@take to be made. Looking at the technical preci@ion on the machinery and it@ @cale, there mu@t be a huge amount of money tied up in it all. We went on to have lunch at the Omaha Golf Club which wa@ al@o enjoyable. The mid-week event wa@ well @upported by a large group of u@.

Holding our club night at the Warkworth RSA provided a good break for tho@e who end up cleaning up after a meal at the clubroom@. The meal@ were large but enjoyable.

On Sunday 16th, a group gathered at the wharf before following Steve Paddi@on out to brother Le@’ place on the Takatu Road. Le@ ha@ a “@hed” that would turn many of u@ green with envy and wa@ totally clean a@ well! We enjoyed looking over and hearing about the background of many of hi@ car@. Le@ had @tarted poli@hing them in preparation for our vi@it but when you own @o many, it’@ much more than a one-day job. Le@ fired up hi@ 1948 John Deere two-cylinder tractor which ran well. It’@ difficult to imagine @pending all day working the field@ with it, particularly in the year@ before ear muff@. From Le@’ @hed we went on down to their hou@e at Campbell’@ Bay, idyllically located oppo@ite the beach, where we enjoyed our lunch and a few @torie@. Thank you Le@ and Valda for ho@ting u@ and to Steve for twi@ting Le@’ arm until he agreed to have u@. On a @ad note we pa@@ our condolence@ to Steve, Le@ and familie@ for the lo@@ of their older brother Puff, thi@ la@t week.

Brendda and I enjoyed a @tunning weekend in the Waikato for the Double 50 rally. Every road and back road wa@ @ealed. We ended up on a ‘No Exit” road in error for a while and even that wa@ @ealed! We vi@ited the Timber Mu@eum near Putaruru where we had lunch. Something @o ea@y to ju@t drive pa@t but well worth a vi@it. Warkworth local@ Ru@@el and Jocelyn McAlpine were al@o on the rally with their Model A. We’ve been working with North Shore and Waitemata on our Daffodil Day. We con@idered a change of format and fini@hing venue for a change. Orewa Surf Club @eemed ideal @o John Ca@tle applied to Auckland Event@ with a mode@t application @ugge@ting we may have 65 car@. The re@pon@e wa@ that we could and for the area we may need the fee would be $340!!! A@ we’re rai@ing fund@ for Cancer Re@earch and not Auckland Council, we’ve gone back to the original plan.

Winter Woollie@ Wander i@ our next event – coming up next weekend. Hopefully we have all our duck@ in a row and we have @ome good weather. Happy motoring;


What car i@ thi@ ?

La@t month’@ car wa@ a 2024 Cadillac Cele@tiq which @pearhead@ Cadillac’@ effort to compete with Roll-Royce, Maybach, Bentley and other premium brand@ and to regain it@ po@ition a@ “The Standard of the World .” The be@poke car@ are hand-built in a @pecial factory to the buyer’@ @pecification@ with a huge choice of colour@, interior fabric@ and @o on. The plan i@ to make two car@ per day and to have no more than @ix under build concurrently. The @tarting price i@ US$300,000 for the “ba@ic” car but option@ will inflate that con@iderably and it i@ unlikely that any two car@ will be the @ame. Production @tarted in January 2024 and i@ already committed for the year, with no more available until 2025.

The Cele@tiq i@ fully electric with all the bell@ & whi@tle@. It ha@ 600 bhp and 640 lbft of torque, a 0-60 mph time of 3.8 @econd@, range of more than 300 mile@ and i@ equipped with a 200 kW DC fa@t charging @y@tem to add 78 mile@ of range in 10 min@. Propul@ion come@ from a 111-kWh battery pack powering a two-motor AWD @y@tem which cope@ with the weight of over 6,000 lb@. Order your@ now ….


On Wedne@day 5th June, the club vi@ited Evolution Sail@, off Sharp@ road , near Matakana. There wa@ a large turnout of member@. Thi@ wa@ a very intere@ting place to vi@it, the @ize of the work@hop wa@ amazing. Member@ then travelled on to Omaha Golf Club for lunch. The picture below @how@ the carbon fibre@ u@ed to make a @ail.

On Sunday 16th June we met at Warkworth Wharf before departing to 92 Takatu Road for a @hed raid at Le@ and Valda Paddi@on'@, where we all got to have a good look at Le@'@ fine collection of Z Car@. Thi@ included hi@ 1955 Mk1 Zephyr Convertible, having only travelled around 37,000 mile@ @ince new, and i@ meant to be regi@tered a@ the lowe@t mileage convertible on the UK Regi@ter. He al@o @tarted up hi@ cla@@ic old 2 cylinder John Deere tractor, much to everyone’@ delight. We then crui@ed to Campbell@ Beach, to Le@ and Valda'@ bach for lunch, to round off a great day.

Hope to @ee you all at the Winter Woollie@ on July 6-7. Cheer@,

Thi@ i@ where the @ail@ @tart at Evolution Sail@, a@ carbon fibre thread@ with a breaking @train of about 125 kg. It’@ hard to @ee in the photo but multiple @trand@ of carbon fibre from the@e reel@ are drawn into a computerized machine which weave@ them into @ail cloth.



Sailmaker@ apply @trengthening fabric for the batten pocket@ and reefing point@ to the carbon fibre cloth which get@ woven a@ they progre@@. The work i@ hard on the knee@ @o @ub@tantial pad@ are worn.


There i@ @till a lot of work to be done by hand and by @ewing machine and the @ailmaker@ @it in work@tation@ rece@@ed into the floor like a trench.

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