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West Coast branch of the VCC December 2023 newsletter

As this is the last newsletter for 2023 on behalf of the committee I take this opportunity to thank all of you for your

support during the year and to wish all of you and your families a Healthy, Safe, Contented and Joyful Christmas and 2024.

Contents Front cover - My Christmas wish for you all Until we meet again, Forth coming events Requests Thank you’s Wedding assistance, Facebook, Christmas parades Reports Trip to Warren Stratfords Museum 10 Dec 2023 pics and report Zoe Kick Start section – Positive Earth Rally report Zoe FairEs(sex) - Calendar offer and an “advert?” Committee Until we meet again 1st Thursday month – Committee meeting at Clubrooms at Shantytown to discuss Rally 18 th Jan 2024 7.30pm 3rd Tuesday month – Morning tea at Shantytown 19th Dec 23 at 10.00 am 4th Sunday month – Christmas Lunch 21st Jan 2024 Punakaiki Tavern - see below Don’t forget you are welcome to attend any of our events in your modern vehicle if you are unable to use your vintage one, it is just good to have your company. FORTH COMING EVENTS 21sth Jan 2024 Christmas Lunch, Punakaiki Tavern – to be sat at 12.30pm menu and details sent by email – replies to me by 13th January 2024 (Zoe or 03 7327060) 17th Feb 2024 Tour of Stockton Mine 9am (5-6hrs) So far only 25 VCC members have put their names forward to date so I now open it up to VCC family members/friends. Please remember the limit is 40 so its first in. I have the forms from Outwest tours BUT they are not individual forms, so I will have to contact you all individually to get details ie name, address, next of kin (sounds scary!) and signatures. Many of you I will grab at Christmas dinner others as and when even more scary when I take $20 off you!

23rd Mar 2024 weekend – Our Scenic Land rally 2024 – to be run in conjunction with 150 years celebration with Westland. More info will follow. Hey ideas needed for future runs - OPEN to offers for the months after March 2024 REQUESTS We are getting requests to show off our much loved vehicles so I have now started a separate Requests section. Fred the flag can have an airing! Feb 2024 from 22nd to 26th the NZMCA National Rally will be held in Reefton at the Racecourse and they are hoping to organise a joint car show on the Saturday, and would like us to participate with our vehicles. More info to follow as plans unfold. 2nd Mar 2024 11am – 2pm Rapahoe Classic Club are having a Gala Day and have invited us to show off our vehicles – contact Judy Hay 15th Mar 2024 11am- request from Friends of Waiuta to support their event the opening of Jos Davis Cottage with a few Classic/Vintage vehicles – more info later. 19th - 22nd Mar 2024 – Nelson Coast to Coast – Bruce (as Club Captain) was approached by Gordon Dacombe (Nelson Branch) to see if he would assist with the Westcoast end of his planned Coast to Coast Run. Although it is close to our rally some of you may be interested. He hopes this to be an annual event with the start alternating with Marlborough and the Westcoast. Flyer will be sent out to members next month. THANK YOU’s to Our loyal members and friends to all, Dave & June Campbell who came to the rescue of a bride the other day, who was to be married at Shanty Town. At at our coffee morning we were asked if any one could assist as her arranged vintage vehicle had a problem, Dave put his hand up. The next morning he along with Essie transported the very grateful bride Our thanks go to Dave, June and Essie for their assistance with a special day. Thank you. Marianna for bringing us into the world of Facebook, yes we now have a Facebook page, or will do when Google index it! This is Mariannas info Check us out on Facebook with our new Page, search for Vintage Car Club NZ - West Coast Branch" and I'm sure Facebook users will find it


See picture of the first Facebook designed by Mariana further on after Christmas Parades – Thank you for your skill and patience Mariana. Youth Group Greymouth – Judy passed on their thanks to all of you who gave up your time and vehicles to transport some of them to their Christmas Gala at at the Regent Theatre, Greymouth. Thank you

CHRISTMAS PARADES Our thanks go to those, once again, who gave their time and vehicles to entertain and support our local towns Christmas parades. Sadly I have no pictures to show except a couple from our Reefton Parade. Its a bit of a shame that not many of our vehicles were parading, mind you I have not heard from Westport so cannot comment on them but to those that were parading/supporting thank you. I know from comments the public (the children, in particular, love to see our old vehicles – especially if the horn is bigger than the car !) I have put in a few pictures from the Reefton Parade the theme was “Summer Santa”, you will see that Graham Martin took this on board with his great series 1 Landrover – can we join you? The McKay twins were there with their red Massey Ferguson tractor in full Santa kit towing a colourful crew on a trailer. Guy Stewart downsized and looked as though he was thoroughly enjoying his “new mode” of transport. Me, well I went unadorned with the bubble just made lots of noise shouting Merry Christmas out of the window and horn blowing! Graham showing his idea of a Summer Santa..

Stefan, Nigel and the Christmas revellers The photographer messed up you have it in 2 parts!

Guy on ?? answer me guy what were you both on? I can see they were mechanised! Love the Christmas wrapping just what is it hiding?

Reefton’s treasured Fire Engine

Modern version with H&S rules no throwing of sweets any more but the fire crew had a plan!

Federated mining with an original display

Blimey another year over?

Westcoast Branch Facebook page.

Kick Start Section 2 Dec 2023 Positive Earth rally 2nd December 2023 – Report and Pic Zoe The morning of the 2nd was dry but we were conscious that rain had been forecasted. B and I had loaded our modern Harley motorcycle on the trailer early (last minute prospective buyer from Nelson was going to view her at Murchison) in readiness for me to tow while B rode his 1954 Matchless G80. Whilst loading (few issues had been overcome) a motorcycle was heard and Warren appeared on his BSA 500. It was great to see a fellow kick starter as we had the feeling not many would join us. We had a very good run to the Riverside Park, Murchison little traffic and no rain. Positive Earth bikes were heard around the town creating a bit of interest from locals and visitors. On a personal note the sale of the Harley was a success and we took the motorcycle to the purchasers home in the Nelson area. When we returned Positive Earthers were meeting and greeting, our musical entertainment also arrived (Warren and his back up Mariana were 2 of them) and the meal for the night was being prepared). The evening developed as we sat in the main kitchen overlooking the Buller river fish could be seen jumping, the musos getting into the swing and making a great sound, no amplifiers just instruments and voices. Phil Russ brought a real Coaster dimension with his playing of the coal shovel! The AGM was held (this is the fastest AGM in the World), subscriptions and prizes paid and received, new members welcomed. The buffet meal was served and eaten, a brazier was lit beside the river and a night of dancing, singing, talking and enjoyment commenced. I have heard it ended in the early hours. Next morning, some shot off to other areas, many went to a breakfast in Murchison, B and I ended up in the Mangles Valley looking at more motorcycles. A great 10 th Positive Earth, our branch VCC kick start members who joined us were Warren Parker with his faithful backup and fellow muso Mariana (their first time), Colin Skeats (regular), Steve Prince 1977 Triumph Bonneville and us. It was also great to have VCC members from Marlborough and other branches join us, some for the first time. Sadly the only picture I took was of our own VCC members Warren and Mariana and their other band member Rick – and boy do they play some great music

WARREN STRATFORD’S JOHN DEERE TRACTOR MUSEUM - 10th DEC 2023 Report and pictures Zoe This museum is situated in a beautiful spot with amazing views overlooking Westport and belongs to Warren, who previously was a contractor. After purchasing his first John Deere bulldozer he developed a great respect for them which led him to start a collection. In his museum he not only has a large selection of John Deere machinery but all different kinds of memorabilia, every nook and cranny has something different to see from a Pianola (see picture of Trina tinkling the ivories) to T Towels. We were made extremely welcome with a BBQ at our disposal. After looking around, lunch, a demonstration and talk by Warren he showed us his 1949 Chevrolet 3100 pick up and invited us into his home for a coffee and a look at the amazing view. Sadly we were few in numbers, but those who came – Hokitika TC, Don & Mouse 1964 Triumph Herald Coupe, Frank 1972 Holden Monaro LS, Greymouth, June & David, Fred, John & Trina 1934 Austin 7 Special, Allan & Maria 1977 factory built Duzgo (these 2 vehicles were open top!), Westport Chris and pal Rob, Reefton Graham and Bruce and Zoe 1963 Standard Vanguard 6. A very informative, friendly visit and I think I can speak for us all in this, to wish Warren all the very best with the auction of his collection on 23 Feb 2024 and we were so pleased to have been able to experience it.

Here they come TC, Don & Mouse


John & Trina

Allan & Maria

Warren demonstrating one of the oldest of the oldest in his collection


What an array

Trina giving us a bit of “rag time music” on the pianola

Warrens 1949 Chevrolet 3100 pick up

Nice back end – wonder what they are discussing?-

View with Westport and the Tasman sea in the distance all from Warren’s front room - Wow

FAIR ES(sex) section CALENDARS – Reefton tech Services can produce personalised calendars at a very reasonable price (approx $7-$10). They are plastic ring binded and using 12 pictures and block days for each month A4 size. I did think it might be an idea to have a Westcoast branch one done using pictures that any of you may have from various runs done throughout past and present, giving the month, event, car and year. Or if you are interested in have a personal one done using your own subject pictures please let me know and I will let Mark know. He has shown me an example and they are very nicely presented, and I am sure if you wanted a different layout or size he would try to oblige. A rough copy of how the days are laid out, he does do a different style too.

Filling the gap musings from the editor...... Behind the hype, commercialism, over spending because....?. stress, fatigue and goodness knows what else ask yourself WHY all this for ONE DAY? When that one day should all be about Peace, Family, Forgiveness, Joy, Health, Contentment and Happiness (a few I can think of) and how much do they cost in monetary terms? Hey sing dance breathe smile cry tears of joys for all the good things you have around you that are free. My very best wishes to you all for a Blessed Peaceful time spent wherever you are the happiest, or GIVING true happiness to others you care for.


Tom Griffin


John Canning




Ted Beer




Marie Giles Judy Hay

7685771 7627832

Allan Kevin


Tom Griffin




Bruce Heyward




Fred Ruesink




Allan Giles



7327060 0284083208 7627830 7626538


7328819 0275419296



Tom Griffin John Fowler


Nick Harrison


Daphne Trina



Te Aroha Cook (TC)


Judy Hay



Kevin Hay


Mariana Manning


Warren Parker



Don Scot



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